Learn the enormous benefits of scientology training from this man.
It will slow the world down.
You can change a person. Change human beings. Change lives. Change people. Lots of change!
It’s one of the weirder things I have seen — his pitch is odd. There is something “off” about this guy…
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Your comment with regards to the “Chicago Training For Life” piece being?
The e-meter looks dizzying
He’s the Ron Popeil of the E-Meter
Instead of sitting in the building telling people to come on down and give me your money,(that is basically what he is saying without actually saying it) he should be out in the streets helping people who need the help. You know, avoiding gang violence, being a part of gang violence, getting off of drugs, what ever help they need.
BTW, no canned “Church” program will help them with it.
He seems like an earnest guy who’s trying to do what poet Mary Oliver calls “make of yourself a light in this world.” I’m sorry he hasn’t found something more useful or ethical than scientology, yet I have to hand it to him that he’s trying to do some good in the world. And the entire world would be better off if all the people who drank the q water got into Scientology instead, to be perfectly honest.
BSO/HFA is NOI, w/ARC w/o KRC. OK?
Whatever those alphabet-soups abbreviations were: That may be the single worst promo for anything I’ve ever seen.
Ah I see you have some MUs; here’s a routing form. Your first terminal is the Fdn Word Clearer, she’s GAT II Flag trained. You’ll go in session with her for Method 1 until you’re F/Ning and have VGIs. ML
Several comments, saying how bad this guy’s presentation is, reference scientology standards against which it doesn’t measure up (no marketing policy adherence, no Issue Authority, directed toward “Anaten” people, e.g.).
I thought it seemed like a fairly ordinary, probably sincere internet pitch, by someone not adept at ordinary (i.e., “wog”) psychological selling techniques. It didn’t seem weird or off to me. Actual scientology marketing has always seemed weird and off to me. This guy is probably doing something very wrong by scientology standards, and, as one commenter pointed out, he’ll probably be in severe trouble about now. If scientology just used ordinary marketing and knocked off the worst abuses, they could probably make money even without a real product. Tons of scams do.
This leads me to think that, while Miscavige is undoubtedly a fan of money and power, he’s more in love with the system, and he won’t abandon the system and structure no matter the temptations or practicalities.
Did I hear the last sentence in this video correctly?
Did he actually say something like, “With these tools and with this training … long pause … You can actually fly!
If he is telling people they can actually fly by taking this training, I hope his office is not above ground level.
I also think that he said something like “All the tools are here. All you have to do is to come down here. Everything is prepared for you. I will do all the rest. All you have to do is come and see me.
But nowhere does he say just where he is or how we can come to see him. Does anyone know what the source might be for this video? Was it found in some Youtube video? If not, from where does it originate?
It sounds to me like this fellow has been drinking or drugging. Or maybe he is just mentally defective? Is he really trying to sell “Flying” as a super power? All we have to do is just show up and he will teach us to fly? My oh My oh My! How many people are dumb enough to show up? How many will be forced into some kind of sex trafficking ring? This is downright scary!
One other statement he made is definetly deceptive. It was “All you have to do is show up here. I will do everything else. If you will just show up, we will clear the planet. You do not need to do anything more than just show up.
I wonder what would happen if someone showed up and was not willing to give them any money. How would they react if I told them, $20,000? Are you kidding? The video said that all I had to do is show up. But now you expect me to pay you $20,000? Isn’t that false advertising?
Change people into what ? He doesn’t say because he doesn’t really know
But for the most part we know that Scientology will change people into a much worse version of themselves .
He means to change people into “Automatic Cash Dispenser”. He wants people to send their money to the church to enable it to buy more property and convert more buildings into Ideal Orgs.
If you have any spare change, the church would very much appreciate if you could send them a few dollars so they could buy a new building and convert it into an Ideal Org.
Haven’t you been keeping up with the Church doctrine? This is what the church really needs now. It needs more money to help defend itself against all the attacks made by nasty Wogs.
I get the idea that this was entirely off the top of his head, no preparation or even an idea of what he wanted to accomplish or express, ultimately.
How many ways can we say “BORING!” and “ineffective”?
I’ll bet that fifteen seconds after he stopped recording, he thought of a few other things he SHOULD have said, or ways he COULD have said it better.
“Baa, baa, take my maahney. Baa, baa, remove my braaiinn. Baa, baa…”?
In the good old days the dude would have gotten into ethics and become a piece of HCO’s furniture.
First of all, there doesn’t seem to be any approved issue authority (I/A) that allows him to say and show certain things.
Then there is the violation of any basics related to marketing (no survey, just talk nonsense, no specific type of audience to refer to, etc, etc).
But on the end this shows us how management is non-existent as a guide for the orgs, and people are desperately trying to do ‘something about it’.
But, But, BUT, he was following COMMAND INTENTION™, putting theta out to combat the entheta (a/k/a “truth”) being spread about scientology all over the ‘Net in places like this.
I bet you he is a good guy and earnest. Nearly everyone I knew in the organizations were good people. We all often come up with unusual solutions when, under stress, we attempt to get things done, and too often someone is treated poorly as a consequence. Sarah Wells, the uploader of this video, was one of the nicest people I know. I don’t know this guy, but he wants to have a kind influence on the world. I wish the message was more to all of us, “we can change ourselves”, rather than “others”, as that’s really the only realistic view and opportunity for Scientology or any philosophy.
I have heard someone say that there are basically two big categories of philosophy. One is that “the world will get better if I get better” and the other is “the world will get better when other people get better”. Efforts to forward the former have a chance; efforts to forward the latter fail. I believe this is generally true.
Hi Dan!
You and I both know that there is a lot of beneficial self improvement to be had from the lower levels of Scientology.
And I agree with your take that he is probably a good and sincere guy.
He is talking …but no one will be listening thanks to the public relations genius of Misanthropic Dave and his brainwashed enslaved agents.
Hello Karl! I want to imagine you are the Karl I knew and was so fond of talking with years ago. I’d love to talk with you. I guess it may not be a good idea to leave contact data here. Hmmm… ideas?
Great post, Dan Locke. Agreed on all points especially the one in your last paragraph. It was Ghandi who said we should each “BE the change you want to see in the world.” (Emphasis mine.)
Hi aqua marine!
Hey Dan 🙂
I live in Chicago and pass by the org all the time. Its a tumbledown shitpit on Lincoln. And the sign about a new org building has been out there for ages. No wonder no one comes with this presentation as the sales pitch.
Maybe he’s a Nation of Islam member. That would explain a lot.
Do you suspect he is a member of the Nation of Islam because of his race?
Would that not fly in the face of the tenets of this church or any other church?
It seems to me to be a highly objectionable query. I suggest you might want to change what you said or else maybe the NOI people might rise up and dispute what you have said.
His appeal is to a high school type of mentality. That’s why he uses so many unclear promises. It is folksy to try and ingratiate himself into that type of high school mentality where they don’t have critical thinking skills yet. He wants you to just buy into his personality and promises. Critical thinking is too much for any Scino. They cannot withstand scrutiny so they try to get you focused on dreaming generalizations about life instead of asking pertinent questions. I know because I was exactly there many lifetimes ago this lifetime. Lol.
Agreeing Absolutely. The logic of his pitch indicates an IQ in the range of 80 to 90. If you listen to this pitch two or three times, I think it is obvious he is mentally defective.
The man has faith in the domino theory, that he can train one person, who will then domino effect others.
A one man pyramid scheme, domino effect, wishful thinking, dissemination plea.
Yes. But, his pyramid seems to be upside down.
It’s obviously better to get trained in a trade or college.
Scientology’s pseudo-therapy and exorcism practices are not proven beneficial any greater than crackpot placebo beneficial practices. (Unwary newbies to Scientology need to look up “placebo” practices vs actually beneficial practices in life.).
Skip the quack crackpot pseudo-therapy/exorcism training in Scientology. Don’t waste your time money or life in Scientology.
And if that warning is not enough, then at least read the final pages of “Gong Clear….” book by Lawrence Wright, and read how dismal L. Ron Hubbard’s final thoughts were. Hubbard abandoned his movement, and stated he planned to go do the “OT running program” of circling a distant star and “rehab” himself, but he didn’t plan coming back, against his earlier promises to come back after he’d died and help continue “Clearing” earth.
He’s not back. Thus, either it’s all BS, which I think it is, or, he’s kept his word and isn’t coming back.
Chuck: Potential recruits need only look up scientology to discover the plethora of overts the organizations have committed over the years, not to mention Davey’s™ new scams of donations ONLY obtaining fake statuses and perhaps a piece of paper congratulating you on your blindness to the actual situation of things.
The man’s salesmanship is not on display. His pauses in his talk make the whole pitch somewhat disjointed. His come on seems to geared to ‘help others’, ‘affecting others’ and so on and so forth. I think he is looking for some internal loving and perhaps some FSM money.
Doubtless his ‘friends’ within the bubble will love-bomb him for such a strong blow against scientology’s detractors even though I see it as a confirmation of what’s been said against the current ‘organization’. It’s *slightly* better than the POW “confessions” which is scn’s general fare.
All you have to do is come down to the org, let me train you and a domino effect will roll out and a cleared planet will result. OMG! Puke! The truth is that coming into the org will only result in a loss of one’s money and a complete waste of one’s time for many years. Puke!
Regarding anything to do with L Ron Hubbard Scientologists are prone to magical thinking. His powers are all-encompassing, ever-present, and eternal.
I suppose they have to believe that Scientology is magic in order to remain “in good standing”.
There is one exception I can think of, though and that would be when a donation is needed by Thursday at 2PM.
That’s when pragmatism rears its head and its “Will that be cash, check, credit or debit card and let’s make it snappy, please!”.
But never fear, as soon as the money is extracted, magical thinking reigns supreme again. “You’re going to pull in so much business because of this!”
Awful people often present themselves as good people.
Awful people often think they’re GOOD people, the BEST, helping save humanity from itself.
And saving humanity *despite* itself, even worse.
I like that I can see his face, and wearing a sweater instead of the usual silly uniform. He is surrounded by books and lectures and course packs, all superfluous.
The books and course packs could be free PDFs, the lectures free audio files, the checksheet print a few pages. The meter you can sell for less than $100. If this place were a church, people would simply give what they felt they could and should, just like other churches.
This good man’s folksy presentation gives the impression that anyone can come in and do training. Maybe they could if it were free, but still, time is money.
Sadly, even free scientology isn’t crash hot, as we see from the indy movement. It doesn’t make people better in the long run.
In a word, BORING!
“There is something “off” about this guy…”. The black sweater he’s wearing for one thing. Hey, he used the word ‘plethora’ so I give him one point for that.
But I’m thinking: if there wasn’t something “off” about this guy, he wouldn’t be doing what he’s doing in the first place.
What a bad presentation.
He wouldn’t be able to sell a single damn thing.
In the first 30 seconds his speech had already burned out. Too many “imagine …” and promises.
This is stuff for a heavy ‘anaten’ (analytical attenuation).
It was all I could to keep my eyes open.
That was a lot of WORK!
I’m ready for my afternoon nap, now.