Everything is “GO” in Chicago. Not.
They send out the weirdest messages…
Last week they were telling everyone they had to go to LA for the New Year’s event — so they can cheer and wave banners when Miscavige, for the second year running, announces Chicago ideal org is “going to open.”
Now they are demanding everyone attend this briefing to hear someone “direct from Dominica.” Is this like “Straight Outa Compton”?
AND 2 “incredible speakers” who shall remain anonymous because they are just not known by anyone’s at all.
Then there are the “fly in prospects” because they don’t have any “prospects” in Chicago to many the Chicago org. Over the years this has become the norm. “Ideal orgs” are manned by imports because there just isn’t anyone to recruit locally. They are enticed with promises of pay and a wonderful life. Most who sign up last a month and then they head back to where they came from. But there are warm bodies there for the “Grand Opening” and video.
Then the threat “If you want our org open, YOU must be at this event.” Why? So these out of town prospects see that public, the Chicago people who will NOT join staff, are on board to support them doing what they refuse to do.
And the final “carrot” — there is a “secret briefing” at noon. Why do they need 4 hours? They’ve got that many secrets?
A word to the local scientologists in Chicago. I 100% guarantee that this will NOT be the last recruitment event. If you miss this one, there will be another one shortly, and then another.
This is scientology business as usual.
What is so interesting about all of this is that they sure pour the PR stuff on thick. I mean they seem to be either completely blind or brainless (probably both in equal measure) that they think they really can fool people with this sensationalized steroids infused tripe. But then again they aren’t well-known for being truthful in their yammerings.
There is no real Scientology movement in the United States anymore (or actually anywhere in the West). Yes, there are still some Scientologists in LA and Clearwater (and a few in the Bay Area), but that’s really it. There are only two or three hundred (and more often less) in any other major city with an org. And these are usually peiple in their 70s and a handful of grandkids. Chicago? Say what? (flying in prospects????😄😄😄😄)
There it is again. That shopworn stratagem – the “secret” briefing, the “closed-door” briefing – the cult’s go-to PR gimmick guaranteed to rouse us out of our apathy and make us so gosh darn CURIOUS that we just HAVE to attend!
The cult’s never-fail PR ploy. It ALWAYS works. Not.
” Pssst!!….come and find out what only aVERY few select upstat Scientologists are being told!”
QUELLE bullshit.
And the big LA event is this weekend!
I should say something.
Something. There, that saves you having to say it.
Pure and unadulterated PANIC and DESPERATION from a living corpse farting out the last of the gases as it deflates.
OMG, totally gruesome and hilarious all at once!
I love your excellent translations of COS obfuscation promos. Hilarious, and spot on!
All scn promo should end with the same closing statement:
“And this time, we mean it!”
On a good year Flag Crew would get 20 recruits. 90% of them left the first year when they realized they were simply slave labor. Working in the kitchens or cleaning rooms 80 hours a week for little to no pay. In recent years Flag Crew has been recruiting from Russia and the Ukraine for those trying to escape the war. I wouldn’t be surprised if the 20 potential staff being flown in to Chicago are coming from those countries. I recently talked with one of the Ukraine staff at Flag and he said the Orlando Org was mainly staffed by people who had fled Ukraine.
Well, have to say, anything is better for them than being in Ukraine right now. Hopefully they’ll soon flee the SO as well.
“Chicago has a 2023 population of 2,608,425.”
“In 2022, the population of the Chicago-Naperville-Elgin metropolitan area in the United States was about 9.44 million people.” They call the area Chicagoland.
Whether the local base is 2.6 million or 9.4 million, even an obscure sect should not need 20 “fly-in” prospects just to open one facility.
With every recruiting push Scientology proves it is not just dying, it is dead, dead, dead.
If there are any Scientologists in Chicago without a support system who are looking to blow, please feel free to DM me on Instagram. I’ll do my best to help you find affordable housing and transition in an emotionally safe space.
“Potemkin Village” ring a bell? Look it up. Active Scientologists won’t.
This!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^