Some have been incredulous when told that young children participate in scientology auditing and training.
And that it is PAID FOR.
Well, here is a new promo piece from the “ideal” org in Pasadena, right under the nose of Church of Scientology International.
They are promoting to bring in your children 3 MONTHS AND UP for “group processing.”
Yes, 3 MONTHS.
I have never seen this before. It is really desperate when an org is promoting to service 3 month old infants.
This is not something sent out on April Fool’s Day….
Here are a couple of other images…
This is so sad…
Plainly and simply; very very disturbing.
Purely disgusting. The course of “Learning how to learn”, really stands out to me. It smacks of absolute thought control and pure indoctrination. Like we’ll teach you how and when to think, and exactly how to process all the information you gather from the world and its teachings.
This really bothered me all night. I keep going back to a word I can’t think applies easily, or rightly to many things, but evil just seems to fit this cult. Number one over all the other hideous things they do is when they use children, abuse children, treat them like experiments with no regard to anything even resembling moral. Really, this cult can’t be taken down soon enough. Any cult member who would participate in child abuse – whatever happens to them can’t be bad enough. I have no sympathy. If they have become so damaged, so corrupt, so brainwashed, that they think this is the right thing so do they don’t deserve any sympathy.
It’s ironic that scientology accuses psychiatry of drugging children and here they are dosing kids with vitamins and minerals far beyond their therapeutic levels. We can’t do anything about people who welcome abuse for themselves but there is no First Amendment protection for abusing a child.
It’s such a shame that young children are doing the purification rundown.
There is something deeply disturbing about the photo of the child being audited. Shame on his parents but I can only submise his parents are heavily indoctrinated and think this is of some benefit to thier child. More proof that scientology has no moral compass and doesn’t care about the individual. To them.. Auditing a child now…means a ‘guaranteed’ member in later life. All of the people on aftermath who experienced scientology as children were all screwed up in some way after leaving. Unfortunately this little guy holding cans will be no different. Disgusting.
I would think it guarantees a former member in later life. This is so wrong and pathetic.
Speechless. When i did the purif, mostly to stay in the good books with my daughter so i could stay connected to her and my grandaughter, the amount of vitamins i had to take along with the calmag was crazy. After 2 weeks of this, i was passing blood and got really worried but was too scared to say anything to the person in charge for fear of him just make me ‘push through’. I finally built up the courage to tell him i was done and managed to get a floating needle and i got the hell out of there. There was also another person doing the purif at the same time who was also very sick from having to take all the vitamins and calmag, poor thing she was already so thin. They don’t care if you feel sick, they believe its something that has ‘turned on’ and if you keep going it will ‘turn off’. These poor innocent children what a shocking experience for them, let alone the damage that it may cause their delicate internal organs. The doctors that sign the papers before a person does the purif needs to be fully aware of the amount and type of vitamins that the person is forced to take. Imagine being a child feeling sick from the vitamins and calmag and telling your parents only to be told to go back in and keep going. Child protection services need to look into this.
Totally agree on the Dr and Child Protectice Services front! The scarier part is that you were an adult fully cognizant of what you were choosing – yet it was still so hard on you! Those little ones aren’t even given a choice. Ugh makes me sad and so angry at the same time!
I hate to point this out but there are a number of people reading and posting on this blog who were once highly trained Scientology auditors whose children were very likely audited, by the parents themselves, or someone, from infancy.
This was done by these parents with the best of intentions. They believed they were doing the right thing, the best thing for their kids.
A number of these parents are now OUT of the cult and their kids disconnected from them.
I understand that you’re outraged, that’s understandable, but if/when you fling out “Shame on you” as a reaction to what Mike wrote, you also might want to know who you’re talking to.
Its not only the Still Ins.
Its also plenty of Former Ins whose kids were steeped in Scientology auditing and Scientology training, from infancy.
And, this, it bears repeating: with the very best of intentions.
Like it or not, some parents will continue to raise their children in their own chosen religion and it’s part of a free society.
That’s true. Parents everywhere are filling their kids minds with woo every minute. Mostly though, its not the kind of woo that sets the kids up to one day tell Mom or Dad or a loved one to take a long walk on a short pier for exercising their OWN power of choice about what to believe.
Parents are people too, you know! They have every right to believe what they choose AND to change their minds about what believe and practice, just as their children do.
Oooh, sometimes I really hate these stone-hearted, still in Scientology brats. . Seriously. Like right now. But no worries, this comes over me sometimes but quickly passes.
Well said….noone does this with bad intentions. Just the people at the top.
The road to Hell was paved with good intentions.
moving forward,
That is just insane. There has to be a law against that somewhere on the books- forcing someone to ingest substances then keeping them in a sauna for hours is extremely dangerous. Unfortunately, I know that the ones still in would claim it was voluntary and they were willing participants. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it in this instance- because it is reportable) children cant give consent for this. They are truly crazy if they think they can do this without some blowback.
“After 2 weeks of this I was passing blood…”
Moving Forward,
UNLESS a pre-existing condition – a symptom of which is blood passed in urine or stool – was not communicated to him or her, what Shit For Brains doctor would sign off on this person being permitted to do the Purification Rundown?
With its weeks-long intense sauna, high niacin and other vitamin intake, running, etc., its insane that you were allowed to do it.
Any doctor being informed by a person of such a pre-existing condition. who nevertheless ignored it, and signed off on that person being allowed to do Purification Rundown was negligent, I’d say. Grossly negligent.
Don’t know what to say really… my disgust level hits a new low every time I see kids, especially little kids being forcibly involved with Scientology. The marketing to them via their parents is a low life betrayal created by the intentional life altering indoctrination of children into a ruthless cult. If this sort of mental brutality foisted off on & to be used to prey on the innocence of youth doesn’t offend, maybe a piece of 2 x 4 smartly delivered will. How does one put this atrocity into words?
“maybe a piece of 2 x 4 smartly delivered will. How does one put this atrocity into words?”
MIGHT I SUGGEST we don’t mention the use of force against others at times like this? I feel much the same, but don’t want scn to have ANY chance to play the “Poor martyr threatened church” cared. Remember, sociopaths want most to be pitied so their crimes go unexamined. or are”forgiven” as appropriate actions considering the threats launched at them, or some such garbage. I feel those kids are at risk of abuses they should not have to experience, and consenting Parents should be held accountable by a neutral third party with appropriate executive/legislative powers. So far, CPS seems to be a reasonable authority to try to light a fire under CPS with specific actionable reports what that entails, I don’t rightly knows I’ve no experience r training in the subject. We can use our words effectively to protect the children. I believe threatened violence is hardly ever effective and often creates unintended consequences. Free speech is all well and good, but there are limits when it involves others’ rights and our responsibilities.
Meanwhile, that kid in the red and white looks too young to be on the cans, and looks totally out of session at that moment. [Please forgive my DM evaluating tapes moment, there.]
“maybe a piece of 2 x 4 smartly delivered will. How does one put this atrocity into words?”
MIGHT I SUGGEST we don’t mention the use of force against others at times like this? I may feel much the same, but don’t want scn to have ANY chance to play the “Poor martyr threatened church” ‘card’. Remember, sociopaths want most to be PITIED so their crimes go unexamined. or are”forgiven” as appropriate actions considering the threats launched at them, or some such garbage. I feel those kids are at risk of abuses they should not have to experience, and consenting Parents should be held accountable by a neutral third party with appropriate executive/legislative powers. So far, CPS seems to be a reasonable authority to try to light a fire under CPS with specific actionable reports what that entails, I don’t rightly knows I’ve no experience or training in the subject. We can use our words effectively to protect the children. I believe threatened violence is hardly ever effective and often creates unintended consequences. Free speech is all well and good, but there are limits when it involves others’ rights and our responsibilities.
BTW, I believe that second kid, holding the purif cert which says Konstantin Savchenko, if my eyes aren’t deceiving me. Maybe might be the kid and name don’t align, but maybe they will and this big screen will get us somewhere
Meanwhile, that kid in the red and white looks too young to be on the cans, and looks totally out of session at that moment. [Please forgive my “DM evaluating tapes”moment, there.] And that chair doesn’t look very comfortable, either.
And HOW OLD is that kid with the Purif cert? He doesn’t have any mass, so most of the vitamins in the “regime” will be at overdose- level for that little body. COULD CAUSE MAJOR ORGAN DAMAGE, kidney or liver, as the body works to strain the excess out and eliminate it (but almost none through sweat, as Hubbard asserted without evidence. AND AGAIN, WHAT drugs or environmental poisoning could that young body have absorbed. If his parents are normal scientologists, he won’t even have NSAIDs to get rid of. Sure doesn’t look like a wrung-out druggie to me….
You can suggest anything you like.
I sincerely wonder if these morons are pushing the kids to do 5,000 mg of niacin before they finish.
I also sincerely wonder if these retarded parents and the money grubbing church staff could be charged with child endangerment.
Every time I see crap like this, I thank God we never got any of our kids trapped in there. At some point a lot of these parents are going to regret enforcing services and the incessant thought-stopping on their children. Yes, Virginia, they will turn on YOU.
(I can see a good RB script in here)
I cant see then deviating from policy even though these are children- they do not see them as children. The really sad thing is that PARENTS are taking their kids to be tortured- all in the name of scientology.
When/If the parents ever wake up and leave…they will lose thier kids because the kids wont leave with them and the blame lies with the parents for setting up the mindset in the first place.
“Yes, Virginia, they will turn on YOU.”
True, as attested to by a number of Former-Ins right on this blog whose children turned their backs on them, and refuse to have anything to do with them.
Beyond scarcity.
And definitely out KSW! Per HCO B on Purif you have the person to do an OCA. If this one has some traits down AND the person has consumed heavy drugs and lots of medicines, you proceed with the Purif.
But, because the main concern of this cult, as lead by miscabage, only wants money…well, then anybody HAS to do the Purif, independently if you need it or not.
Re the kid above, graduated from the purif, I doubt he has has hardly any medicine. Scam and greed is what leads the services of this si called church.
Mike, I was shocked by today’s article. It just sickened me to see they’re going after kids as young as 3 months old. And having a young kid do the Purif with the enforced running and enforced large dosages of vitamins and Niacin… that alone could constitute child endangerment or child abuse. That may be the way in to get the church. Maybe it was taxes for Al Capone and purif on young kids for Scn.
And Silvia thank you for your post. By that definition I never needed the Purif, and indeed, I protested doing it every step of the way. The only reason I caved and did it was they said I could not move up the Bridge until I did that step.
But again, Silvia hit the nail on the head: it is all about the money. The missions and lower orgs have to resort to signing up little kids cuz Flag has plundered all their public and Flag is now doing intro services when they are supposed to ONLY do OT Levels and upper services.
The fact that they are promoting for services for such young kids tells me just how desperate Scn is for “bodies in the shop” and for money. So pathetic. But if child protective services hear about forcing them to take lots of niacin etc, it could be their undoing.
The y are desperate for bodies and $$$. DM doesn’t ca re bout policy, He changes whatever e he feels like .
Dear Mike…..
I have a question for you that I have NOT seen spoken about. Can YOU from your OWN personal experience as a father…give us some feedback on how YOU felt once you were OUT & had a chance to raise your own children outside of COS?
What was your first THOUGHT upon seeing your OWN newborn & knowing HE was going to be ALL yours (& Christie’s)…that as former Staff on the inside did NOT have to turn child care over to anyone or have him brainwashed & held “captive” within the realm of COS. YOU got him from birth now & forever to love & raise as you see fit….no doubt with a heartful of love & joy.
Anyone else I would love to hear your feelings on this as well. I have NOT seen this addressed really in depth as to how your heart must have SUNG with delight1
Well, I dont have time to lay this out here, but I will cover it at some point. Bringing a child into the world and nurturing and teaching him is the greatest joy there is in life. Bar none. And it saddens me when I think about how my first two children did not get this. At all.
Watching Jack grow and learn and become his own person, each day more independent and able to make more and more decisions for himself is a wonderful thing.
Well, your kids (in the cult) are missing out on a great dad! But, that’s their problem. And I have no doubt you’re a great Dad!
Thank you Mike! Your statement said it all…..” it saddens me when I think about how my first two children did not get this. At all.” And “Watching Jack grow and learn and become his own person, each day more independent and able to make more and more decisions for himself is a wonderful thing”….
For sure….when the blinding haze of COS clears & the rose colored glasses can be removed & Kool Aid glass tossed….LIFE IS GRAND. I am beyond happy for you & your gorgeous wife Christie that you’ve found the JOY in Life watching the boys grow & learn that they ARE LOVED beyond anything else in life!
I can only imagine how difficult it was to adjust to life on the outside of “the bubble”….to finally realize that you are free to live the life YOU CHOOSE to live. To bring your children into a home filled with love, joy & hope & know they’ll get a good education & will never have to fear “the E Meter” or being placed in the hole!……LIFE IS GOOD…hugs Mike & Christie & those delightfully adorable boys! xoxoxo
Hugs always!
Such a good question BL and I too love his answer! Having had 2 children in my 20’s but in an unhealthy situation (though nothing like co$) then doing it again in my 40’s amidst a healthy, happy marriage it’s bittersweet. Super exciting and incalculable joy at the freedom to do things the way we feel is right & just enjoy it, but also sad wishing my older boys got this version of me… but they’ve been a huge part of the little one’s lives and are such amazing young men… I digress…
But I can only guess that what I’ve felt is a fraction of the dichotomy between having a child in the SO vs now and made me tear up thinking about it just reading your initial question !
Mike, I hear you, but its also true that at some point each of us has to take responsibility for his or her own life and stop blaming or assigning responsibility to parents.
Whether this realization and life change comes sooner or later, whether from some great shock or if it just evolves from one’s own awareness and observation over time, it has to come.
At some point, no matter how painful it is, how difficult, life changing, etc., at some point, each of us has to experience this realization. Its called growing up.
The following is just my opinion, Mike, but I believe it strongly.
Your older kids are extremely unhappy. And conflicted and confused. Never mind their facade of certainly. This is a synthetic beingness they’ve allowed to have been superimposed on them. They’re not certain, and they’re not at all happy. They see and have seen plenty in the cult that they consider WRONG. That they KNOW to be wrong.
If had a lot of money – and I don’t, but if I did – I’d put every cent on them longing to be able to leave the Sea Org and Scientology. This is not something they’d ever admit to you or to anyone, and not even to themselves, but in their heart of hearts they’d like to leave, as you did, and their heart of hearts, they know you’re OK.
Time to call child protective services on scamology child abuse?
I did, but more reports could be useful!!
Kat:”I did, but more reports could be useful!!
If there are enough credible reports to CPS, something can get done. Sadly, the COS’s eternal “It never happened.”, I never saw anything like that.” and similar legalistically-composed responses can stave off a proper investigation for awhile, and OSA’s “kill the messenger who brings bad news.” technique can scare the CPS agents properly doing their jobs.
I also sent the pictures and the poster to child protective services. They cant deny that.
I love your activism! I too checked the purif child’s name and was SO happy when I saw Jere Lull’s suggestion to do so!
These poor children – just want to hug them and tell them they’re amazing just as they are, to go play and be kids and remind them how precious and loved they are!
It’s child abuse. Pure & simple. Sticking a child in a sauna serves no one. What the fuck were they thinking!
They don’t “think” Dude, they follow the ridiculous play book devised by Hubbard based on his personal bs that ‘we have the only tech that works’ – all of Scientology’s lies are based upon it. The ‘working’ bit refers to money and/or personnel acquisition only. There is no lie too big or too small, anything to get parishioners to part with their money or to sign up is a legitimate process for them. The more money or people it gets , the more it is admired and if really good it is given god like hero worship. Status level checks anyone?
Here’s what I don’t get: In order to do the Purif, a doctor’s OK is mandated. The cult refers the PC to one of their cult-friendly doctors, there’s an examination, an EKG, some other stuff. I did the Purif twice, about 12 years apart; twice I needed a doctor’s sign off on something the cult gave me to give them. Are there now cult friendly pediatricians willing to examine and give their OKs for these very young children and infants to do the Purif? If so, THEY’RE the ones to go after, to stop the cult from doing this. Without the exam and the doc signing off on it the cult can be sued -amIright, Mike, or someone?
I doubt they are using a pediatrician. Any ‘doctor’ would likely do,and they have several chiros out there that could get by on a technicality. It takes less than three years to get a doctor of chiropractic…
Kat, no, a medical doctor has (had?) to sign off on the PC being healthy enough to do the Purif. I can remember getting an EKG and my blood pressure being taken…some other things.
No blood work done, I would recall that. No needles. Reflexes tested, I think. The first was in the early 80s and my second purif was in the mid-90s. .
Anyone here on this blog who did the Purif or was on staff in an org delivering it knows that a doctor’s signing off on some form is (was? ) for many years mandatory before anyone could start the Purif. Perhaps Miscavige has since dispensed with it. Wouldn’t surprise me.
Once more, I repeat my question:
WHO are the MEDICAL DOCTORS signing off on these children being able to do the Purif?
THEY are the ones LIABLE, from a LEGAL standpoint.
Jeopardizing the health of a minor child by a medical doctor is, I believe ACTIONABLE under law, actionable as in you can sue him or her for malpractice, correct?
What TESTS are the doctors doing on these children and children to determine if they’re physically fit to do the Purif?
Are the tests they’re doing on the KIDS the SAME tests that are done on prospective ADULT Purif PC’s? Or, are they DIFFERENT tests. Possibly MORE tests?
In order to not be TOTALLY mired in mostly speculation as well as opinions based on data that is, in fact, mostly speculation, we need ANSWERS to these questions – would you agree?
And last but not least, has DM DONE AWAY with the necessity for a medical doctor’s OK to do the Purif?
Ok, I’m done.
This is aggressive recruitment and indoctrination.
Seeing the pictures and reading the brochure makes me want to scream. I keep thinking about the Aftermath episodes about the abuses in Cadet Org and at the Mace Kingsley ranches. This is just more of the same. The fact that “parental supervision is required” for children 8 and younger isn’t necessarily a failsafe to protect ‘thetans in young bodies.’ Those poor children. WTF!!!!
notice there is no parent to be seen in the pic with the little boy getting audited….
Is that SOP (Standered Operating Procedure)?
Excellent point! And he’s DEF <8!
That’s not true, Wynski. It is illegal to abuse children, and claiming that the abuse is being done because of religion doesn’t make the abuse legal. If child protection services decide that there is abuse here, religion shouldn’t be a factor…however it would have to be proven that there was abuse taking place. It’s more difficult to prove psychological abuse than physical abuse.
This really needs to be reported to child protective services. I will get on that ASAP. its got to be against the law to force children to do some of these things. Its just sickening and goes to show just how far this disgusting cult is willing to go. I’m speechless…..and ya’ll know i’m rarely speechless
CPS might want to see Hubbard’s written directives and such about the Purif, about attacking enemies, about non-cooperation with authorities, and about ‘acceptable truth’ aka lying as a directed behavior.
Even if CPS decides, after being lied to by COS, that there is no case, the simple fact that a child on the Purif drew attention from authorities might be enough to put a stop to it all over the COS world.
If a good CPS office sinks their teeth into this, it could lead much farther afield than just this one case.
No kat, it isn’t illegal for parents to have their kids do stuff in their religion. See 1st Amendment for more info.
Its not illegal as long as it doesn’t endanger a child. This definitely endangers children. There is a very clear line as to what they can do in the name of religion….But I will also send the same to the TV and media outlets today.
Sorry Kat but that is incorrect. The SCotUS has already ruled on children involved in religious rites that are of this type and NOT approved by medical exam. But, make reports anyway.
I will- it needs to be reported somewhere so that the abuse is documented. Even if they cannot stop it, if it is documented they will have a hard time backing away if something else happens. I am also going to make several reports to the press- even if the law cannot help, public evisceration is enough to dry up donations and shine a light on the practices. Hopefully that will stop them from doing this to more children- and that’s what is important here!
You’re right on all except this, Wynski: it IS mandated that any PC get a doctor’s OK to do the Purif. Now, possibly Miscavige has dispensed with that policy but when I was in I was given something to give to the doctor and told that I could not do the Purif without a doctor’s OK. I considered this a waste of time and money as I was in excellent shape, cardiovascular and otherwise. I never got sick, so I didn’t want to bother but I had to go and be examined and get that piece of paper with the doc’s signature on it.
I already posted this but what kind of a nutjob pediatrician is going to OK an infant, a toddler or a very young child for hours of sauna and running, the oil, the high niacin dosage causing extreme flushing…something, some data is missing, somewhere.
I’m not defending the cult; I’m defending our policy of only attacking the cult when we have the complete, correct story.
Just because THEY attack based on their own fabrications, or truths from someone’s folder that they’ve perverted by leaving out important information) just because THEY do this is no reason that WE should.
Sorry, this post of mine above is off-thread; it pertains to the article about little kids on the Purif.
I get what you are saying. While we do not have the entire picture, we will likely never get it if its not investigated, which none of us can personally do. There are credible stories about the treatment of children in this group, and plenty to make it imperative that action be taken if children are at risk. I would rather err on the side of safety than let children die while waiting for more info. I’m a mandated reporter, although I didn’t use the official routes in this instance because I cannot show that I have personal knowledge of abuse. I would still need to report an incident for investigation if there is a reasonable suspicion that abuse is taking place- we HAVE to assume the worst and report rather than give an adult the benefit of the doubt. If it were simply adults being stupid or endangering their own lives, the bar would be much higher, but children rarely have the ability to report on their own, so its a different standard.
Kat, I hear you on everything. I love that you care, how much you care, how much you DO and how much you want to help. My ONLY point is that, without certain facts, any “reporting” of child abuse to the authorities could very likely end up as a WIN for the cult, IF it turns out to be untrue. Do you see? Just like a good attorney, in court, NEVER asks a question he or she doesn’t ALREADY know the answer to, we cannot act against the cult in any way without the FACTS. Doing so will only make us APPEAR to be the “bitter, angry apostates” blowhard liars that the cult says we are. Its important that we know what we’re talking about BEFORE we accuse. Our ENTIRE justice system is set up that way and that’s how police and human rights agencies and congressmen and senators (who are mostly all attorneys) THINK. It cannot be overstressed that we NEED the facts. Child abuse is a serious accusation. Let’s be prepared, always. What you’re doing is SO valuable, Kat. I wouldn’t want you to come off to legal people and legislators and human rights agencies, etc. as being PURELY emotion-driven. Emotion is FINE, by the way. Passionate feelings against injustice are FINE, PROVIDED that the CONTENT of the communication is FACTUAL, or, FACTUAL ENOUGH to warrant an investigation. fACTS are what motivate those people in authority who can do something about this. We have to work WITH the system which is, in our country, “innocent until PROVEN guilty.”
Desperate times call for desperate measures.Hippocates.
Next event: Body thetan reunion seminar. Please come back!
Location moved from Jack Parson’s house to the Ideal Dungeon under Pasadena Org.
LOL! “Body thetan reunion seminar.” It’ll be pot luck though. Each BT’s gonna have to bring a favorite dish. This is a Scientology Event, after all.
How awful. About all I can say at the moment. Three months? Not even Hitler or Stalin started the indoctrination at this this age, and I doubt that even North Korea does it. Those poor children!
Oh my gosh bixntram , Nothing says evil despicable soulless cult like child abuse and this is abuse and any parent who agrees to participate is just as bad. This is just as sick as it can get.
As far as North Korea goes, I think they are smart enough to realize their future is intertwined with the children. So they would never do anything as self-destructive as to ruin their children.
As far as THE SCAM goes, my guess is they understand they have no future and so maybe this is just part of their “last gasp” desperation fund raising. If I’m correct about that, The Monster will quietly board some private jet in the next day or two flown by his real good buddy TC and the two best buddies will fly off together to some tropical paradise never to be heard from again – until the FBI slaps on the handcuffs and brings him back to the USA to face charges.
Of course he would have run all this by his lawyers before he will leave and he left several million in their bank accounts to pay for the extradition battle. So, it may take quite some time before the FBI can bring him back. I just hope it doesn’t take forever.
Skyler, I wouldn’t assume that about North Korea. Apparently the regime there keeps on a tradition of punishing families for 3 generations for what someone does, so they are keeping kids in prison camps for what their grandparents did. They are also apparently raising a whole generation of malnourished, stunted children because of the leadership’s willingness to sacrifice their people for ideological and strategic goals.
OMG! That young child did the purification rundown??!!???? First, that can’t be safe, and second, he most likely has no impurities at that age to rundown!!!!??????. Safety be damned, just give us your money. If there aren’t any adults, we’ll rundown the children. Next, it will be children in utero.
Oh, the shame! Oh, the humiliation!
This thing is getting to be just too much. Much too much! Isn’t it time we held a few marches? Striking at children? This thing is getting to be just too much to bear now.
Didn’t Kat say she was going to DC this week?
The courage that lady has … I wouldn’t be surprised to read about her holding a march all by herself – or maybe chaining herself to the Congress buiding (the Capitol Building). I sure do wish we all lived close to DC so that we all could go and march with her. Isn’t it time that we all march on? Just like the Civil Rights movement did back in the 60s? Isn’t it time for that now?
Im not planning on marching or chaining myself to anything. I have a couple of appointments to ‘discuss’ the situation- but no promises!! wish me luck and thanks for the support! (and Im going to distribute aftermath cards)
You can chain yourself to me if you like.
Watch it! I may take you up on that!! LOL
You mean you haven’t already? Chain me up, Kat!
We could go in as a “chain gang”…… Even swarming the Dept of Social Services Office….Hey, WAIT A MINUTE…… I’ve seen it happen when I worked there & it AIN’T PRETTY.
Maybe we can sing “We Shall Overcome”….this dastardly cult!
Best of luck to you Kat. It would be a real miracle if you were able to cause some crime fighting agency to step in and make some arrests.
I’m sure everyone here wishes you the best of luck.
Indeed we do. Your enthusiasm is infectious, Kat!
I have several appointments in the next few days in between my conference duties. I doubt that it will cause any immediate effect, but I am hoping that it will start a small investigation into several areas. Im also squeezing in an appointment at the DOJ (I have a friend who has a friend)- I want to see if they will look into possible police corruption in the LAPD and the investigations into the Danny Masterson and Shelly Miscavige matters. It probably wont do anything, but Im trying to plant some ideas and small seeds that may start some questions….
When you feel that you are up against an opponent who has all the advantages and you cannot possibly win, I have found one technique that often will unseat them – by which I mean it will cause them to become somewhat unglued. If you can arrange to just take up their time. If they have to sit and listen to you – no matter what you may say – eventually, they will become annoyed because they have other things to do.
You can then explain to them that if they allow certain things to go on, they will then have to spend time listening to people like you – even though they have better things to do.
In my experience, eventually, they will try to either appease you in some way or they will behave in a nasty way that is out of character for them. In either case, it then becomes much easier for you to force their hands and maybe get some concession(s) from them.
Best of luck to you Kat and I will be very pleased if you can use this tactic and it turns out to provide you with some good results. Please do let us know what happens – in any case – and also, I hope you find some time to enjoy yourself.
I just reported it to child protective services. Not sure if it will do any good- the track record of the government being able to do anything to the cult is abysmal. The idea of a ‘church’ being able to practice their ‘doctrine’ is sacrosanct to the government. The one bright side is that it hasn’t stopped child protective services in other cases of cult activity- just look at the FLDS.
Oh well, I can hope. (and I hope Mike doesn’t mind that I sent copies of the pictures along with the complaint). I did not use the mandated reporter card because I didn’t personally witness any abuse or have direct knowledge that the abuse is occurring (other than a picture of a child holding a certificate) so I had to report as a private citizen.
Thank you Kat. The picture of the child in the auditing room and the 2 completions framed on the wall to reinforce how wonderful it is to get a certificate like those happy healthy person’s.
When a person is young these goals get formed. When I was young, I wanted to be a nun and help the world and live in Hollywood. I ended up in Hollywood signing a billion year Sea Org Contract.
It’s not ok to indoctrinate children but most of US society is indoctrinated daily by Billboards, Newspapers, radio, music and TV – and yes – their parents. It’s not illegal.
Education seems to be the answer.
I really appreciate what you are doing to help. Our society is going through many changes for the better. Yale is offering a free on-line class called The Science of Well-Being which educates and helps repair earlier damage. Hopefully it ends up in our schools. Action for Happiness is touring the world and getting similar education in schools. Thanks for what you do.
Little Konstantin’s ancient ancestors were drugged, tortured and brainwashed by various galactic slavers. Their souls cling to him in a bewildered stupor. Their collective anguish influences Konstantin, inhibiting his greatness. By taking copious amounts of vitamins and sitting in a sauna for three weeks, little Konstantin is helping his ancestors wake up from their drugged state. Thus Konstantin won’t feel so inexplicably lethargic or befuddled when finger painting or playing Fortnite. Konstantin doesn’t know this, of course. But he will once he gets to OT IV…
IMO, though kids can’t have THAT MUCH contamination, I suspect some of what they THINK the Purif’s washing out was “ingested” in utero , perhaps the “odd” douches intended to attempt to abort a fetus. The one chemical I vaguely recall remember his having mentioned an agent or chemical which struck me at the time that THAT would have been EXCRUCIATINGLY painful to Mom, if it WAS a real event, and wasn’t just another ‘example’ Tubby pulled out of his ample posterior, pure fantasy generated out of his wicked, wicked, evil, anti-lustful mind(s). Guy had a brilliantly gross and disgusting imagination, evidently “just right” for OTO/Thelema and the would-be Lucifer/Antichrist. What an arrogant ego he was. (or is that being redundant: arrogant ego??) Might be, when discussing ol’ Tubby.
IRL, Clinical trials not directly related to the Purif (but I noticed in passing indicated that no significant toxins are sweated out in the sauna, that drugs don’t get stored in fat cells (which DO exist, and that you don’t break Fat down by sweating, but by LOSING WEIGHT, which He certainly needed to do and the original sweat program MIGHT have accidently accomplished, since, IIRC, it involved running around in rubber suits, not sitting in a sauna. I can’t believe he could have differentiated between the mechanism he hypothesized for flashbacks and his then-extant drug usage. Guy wasn’t that self-aware, AFAICT, and preached ignoring the body to do as he willst.
The standard age old comment about “Get ’em while they’re young” resounds completely here. IF this crapola is the ONLY thing you are going to be spoon fed from the get go (from infancy) & you are forbidden to see, hear, or read anything else….Of course you are going to believe it.
After all, the parents who LOVE you wouldn’t ever agree to allow someone ELSE to do harm to you, would they?
Your own parents wouldn’t put you in danger or LIE to you,…would they?
Your parents would want to make sure you feel loved, that you’re getting a good education, that they are doing what’s best for you, right?
So there is this 3 month old infant, still bottle or breastfeeding, who is going to be yanked into a program before he/she cuts his first tooth. “Group Processing for a bunch of infants into a program NOT suited for a child so young, a group of infants who will either be sleeping or screaming their heads off & have no concept as to what the Hell is going on. An infant who should be doing what infants do best, being loved & cared for, getting a lot of sleep & not being subjected to WTF???….”Group Processing” whatever the HELL that is.
I am quaking in my shoes just hearing that word….GROUP PROCESSING!! Well, if the truth must be told…the ONLY way for “Scientology to KEEP growing is to GRAB THEM & SUCK THEM IN AS INFANTS….that way they will have NO ACCESS to anything else outside of the realm of the bubble of Scientology & that alone will keep them from ever achieving CRITICAL THINKING….they’ll never have a chance to see anything else so of course they’ll fully support COS……or ELSE.
Well, now that my head is spinning & I am beginning to wonder…what IF “the infant” REJECTS learning & living the ” bubble life”….OMG……WILL there be a “NURSERY HOLE for INFANTS”…..Excuse me my head is about to explode!
I suspect the “group processing” will be on the order of “Look at this bright and sparkly thing,OK, Look at THAT shiny thing.OK. though they might as well swing for the bleachers and just say “look at this bright thing going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, ….. and so on. Might put some of the tykes to sleep; A GOOD thing, is it not?
STILL, I’d shudder at the thought of a tyke I even LIKED was subjected to what that could turn into. My wife and I have gotten QUITE close to some of our friends’ children though I still am too chicken to do diapers. They’re so TINY, and look too adorably fragile to touch.
This may also be an underhanded ploy to stop people from leaving the cult. No telling what they have to sign to have their children tortured, but if the cult follows form, I wouldn’t be surprised if they get them to sign something that will keep them in if they want to keep their children!!! it wouldn’t be legal, but it could be used as leverage if needed. I wouldn’t put it past them!
Of course Kat minors cannot sign legitimate contracts. To think that the human brain isn’t fully develop until we are in our mid 20’s AND they are “sucking in” 3 month old babies! I am sick to my stomach over this with the threats of “you’ve signed the billion year contract on behalf of your baby & YOUR baby has a freeloader bill for “GROUP”…..holy crap!
All we can do is forward to this CPS…but then, WHAT will THEY do….we didn’t witness any “wrong doing ourselves”…but as citizens we CAN report it. IF a report is done in “good faith” it’s legit… much for what religions & what their doctrine is. There are many people who feel that a 6/7/8 year old Catholic Child should NOT be receiving “Holy Communion” because they are too young to understand what it TRULY means….yet it’s been part of the Catholic Church Doctrine for eons.
Religions get away with this crap a lot. Remember the Warren Jeffs FLDS “invasion” by the powers that be. Women & children forcibly removed from their homes….then it went downhill fast…the women demanded to be returned home with their children & there was no CONCRETE evidence to KEEP the LARGER percentage of women & children OUT of FLDS compound & end this fiasco of multiple wives & children to one husband, with the wives collecting welfare benefits for the husband who’s fathered 30/40/50/60 maybe 150 kids as in the Kingston family FLDS branch..
Yes several men including PERVERT Warren Jeffs were arrested & he is cooling his heels in prison BUT…Jeffs is STILL running the show by telephone & by “visits from his counterparts who DO his bidding. THEY still worship & adore him as much as those in the bubble still adore & follow the Lron doctrine & David Miscavige as “supreme leader”.
The IRS is too damned SCARED of COS to do anything about it…..they don’t want to have their OWN can of worms opened up and reviewed. Can you imagine what the Hell would happen if COS began to “sic it’s hounds of Private Investigators & Legal Team on the IRS to bring to the light all the DIRT & misdeeds that IRS employees have done, or are still getting away with & WHO is getting ……well, $$$$ for “something”….
Many churches, daycares, y’s and other places with youth facilities vie for the working parents spring break bucks. Kids may as well get ____________ instead of spending all their time on the tv, gaming or computer screens.
Unfortunately, this is worse than most other alternatives. Especially the purif.
“Unfortunately, this is worse than most other alternatives. Especially the purif.”
Agree. No way should a non-verbal baby do the sauna. What little safety there is comes from hearing and understanding Sauna Dos and Don’ts, and being able to say:”I’m uncomfortable. What should I do?”
Then again, the whole Purif is bogus “science” based in pure fantasy.
Infuriating is what I call it. Scientology is a mind-f*k just for adults, but the damage done to children is unforgivable. May they find their way out quickly and recover their emotions, minds, and free will.
What on Earth??? Screams desperate most certainly. I find it sickening. Why is it so difficult for certain people to what Scientology is engaging in. Ex: IRS, Police, FBI, etc etc. I’m just shocked. Thank you for the good read.
Is that second kid part of that family that was featured in one of their mags recently? Very sad indeed.