You have to wonder “Why?”
The Way to Happiness is about as simplistically written as anything could be. It’s been dumbed down ever dumber to attract the under 6 year olds?
And it has “colorful cartoons” drawn by the same person who draws the anti-psych cartoons for CCHR it seems…
So, I tried to go to the website listed on the promo piece and the address does not exist.
I check on Amazon and another children’s book called Making Good Choices is all that shows up:
I did eventually find this version. I checked a few pages. They HAVE dumbed it down, though the concepts are the same.
Though advertised as “free” I added a couple of booklets to my cart.
The free booklets cost $6.70 to mail (costs less than $1 to mail 2 booklets). It’s the old trick, offering things for “free” (you only pay shipping and handling):
If I added a 12 pack to the order, the mailing cost soars to $27.50!
You have to accept responsibility for your own life. No one can live your life for you.
I am soooo sorry…..I just can’ t stop laughing at the title of some of there chapters & I Am a Never In!
Help Children………………….. (learn to NOT Tell when they are molested!
Love & Help Your Parents…….. (when & IF you ever get to see them)
Be Truthful …………………………..(.as in “Yes we are continuing to grow and grow)
Do Not Murder……………………(Lisa McPherson was sick anyway)
Don’t do Anything against the law…(There are no prisoners in the hole & NO we do NOT prevent people from leaving & there is NO disconnection policy)
Do Not Steal…………………………(we are only BORROWING your credit card & applying for more)
Just a few highlights I’ve chosen……and I am a Never In……wow…powder keg with a fuse…BOOM.
Ballet Lady. What about:
“Try not to do things to others that you would not like them to do to you”
By the way the word “try” leaves many open doors.
LmR, weasel words like that are part of scientology’s necessary foundation of essential lies. “Well, we DID say ‘try’.” That allows them to continually fail to achieve those aspirations without consequence ( so they THINK.)
Balletlady, as a never-in, you have a true understanding of the international criminal enterprise that those still in can’t allow themselves to glimpse.
Here is another awful awful TWTH children’s book I lovingly restored: SAGE –
Scientology applied for and received PPP loans from the U.S. Goverment, admitting that they are a buisiness, and not a religion….
Take Em Down. I am in Italy so I had to clarify a few of things before. But this is what I found:
“Churches (including temples, mosques, synagogues, and other houses of worship), integrated auxiliaries of churches, and conventions or associations of churches qualify for PPP and EIDL loans as long as they meet the requirements of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and all other PPP and EIDL requirements.3 apr 2020”
Hello LMR.
Everytime I read one of your posts, I feel more strongly about making a suggestion to you. But I really cannot find a way to make this suggestion without appearing to be somewhat ridiculous.
I just would like to suggest that if this cult ever goes out with a BANG! (meaning that law enforcement finally arrests the exectutives and the lawyers for all the victims get together and seize all their buildings and sell them to get some money to compensate the victims),
I would really like to explore the possibility of having a party where we could all celebrate.
Unfortunately, there is a very high likelihood this cult will never go out with a BANG. But it will just slither away slowly and the membership will just continue to dwindle down until people just forget there ever was such a horrible monstrosity.
But I have never been to Italy and it has always been one of my lifelong desires to go to Italy and sample all the fabulous food there. I understand the food in Italy is very likely the best in the world and before this pandemic, I had always thought I would save up some money and go to Italy for a week or two and see the sights and delight my taste buds.
But unfortunately, it doesn’t look very promising now. So I’m hoping maybe the death of this scam may afford us all the opportunity to have some kind of get together – whether real or just virtual and cook up a bunch of food – most definitely real. Virtual food does not taste very good, you know.
Anyway, it is just a kind of dream of mine for now. But as this cult gets closer and closer to its death, I’m hoping we all can find a way to meet and eat and celebrate the end of this filthy scourge.
Thank you Skyler…….… in My post…..
“Just a few highlights I’ve chosen……and I am a Never In……wow…powder keg with a fuse…BOOM!!!!!!”
What a great suggestion! To celebrate when the cult goes out with a bang or a whimper. We can go to Italy or go to Old Surfer Dude’s house in CA. Either way, yes, a celebration will be in order. It will be good to meet people in the flesh after all this time.
Skyler suggested:
“I would really like to explore the possibility of having a party where we could all celebrate.”
Isn’t that a purpose of Howdycon?
For sure…..Our local Catholic church built a large NEW UPDATED CHURCH. There was NOTHING WRONG with the old one built in the late 1960’s other than they needed a few repairs & they could have EASILY Added ANOTHER WING as an addition for parishioners.
The “old church” has beautiful stained glass windows that were DONATED BY PARISHIONERS in Memory of a deceased LOVED ONE…with that person’s name on it. Where are THEY….we had heard they were “OFFERED BACK TO THE FAMILIES”….WT??? What is one to DO with a good sized stained glass window with a loved one’s name emblazoned on it? Imagine how THOSE people felt…and for those who HAD no remaining family…who KNOWS where they went when removed.
Needless to say the church took out a HUGE DEBT LOAN to build this “new mega updated monstrosity”….owing MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. THEY actually had the NERVE to send their Parishioners AFTER the Church was BUILT…a letter REQUESTING (I.E. DEMANDING) we sign a “contract” stating we would for FIVE YEARS ADD “X” AMOUNT OF EXTRA DOLLARS IN OUR WEEKLY TITHE TO PAY OFF THE CHURCH’S DEBT”.
BTW…the Dioses has a “warehouse” filled to the BRIM of OLD Stained Glass Windows, Alters, Baptismal Fonts, Candle stands etc….from OTHER CHURCHES that were DEMOLISHED due to a big drop in PARISHIONERS.
Luckily they managed to acquire FOUR stained glass windows, a baptismal font (marble) and an Alter (marble)….a few candle stands & holders etc…..that save some bucks.
Saddest of all is that at NIGHT the Church is DARK…you can’t even SEE the Beauty of those Stained Glass Windows….only when you are inside & the sun is shining brightly can you even SEE what they’re about.
With Covid 19….no one could attend church & they LOST weekly $$$$…They also lost $$$ from their “International Festival” AND from their “Yearly Picnic”…both cancelled due to Covid 19…..huge money LOST.
Yet….they are in HUGE DEBT for something THEY chose to build. BTW the “new church” is only about 1/2 to 34/ the size they PLANNED…they had NO MONEY to make it even larger.
That is some story, Balletlady! Mildly comforting to know that other religions are obsessed with buildings besides Co$.
Now, if I had a stained glass window emblazoned with a cherished and much missed loved one’s name, I’d put it right up on my living room wall. Seriously. Right over my couch. Very cool.
But then, I’m not normal
These stained glass windows were beautiful, depicting the life of Jesus…….they were quite large & heavy set into a concrete block wall…light tanish colored brick on the outside of the church. They’d surely take down a plaster wall or sheet rocked wall!
At the very bottom of each stained glass pieces were “donated in memory of”…some had the name of the donator as in “smith family”
There were quite a few of them…the church was in an “L” configuration with the same type windows in the “candle stand area”…the “narthex” etc….. It was sad to see the former building totally demolished. I stopped by and got one brick from the demolition crew before they were all hauled away.
IF someone had a place to put in a window of this nature…that would be nice…but when they sold & moved…hmmm…who’d want a window with someone else’s name of it!
The PPP loans weren’t limited to for-profit enterprises. A few thousand Catholic churches applied to and received PPP loans to cover their payrolls, for example. If anything, this is the CoS unnecessarily taking advantage of emergency funds when they’re sitting on billions of dollars in their real estate fund yet paying their staff a few dollars a week.
Wow, this is beyond degraded and disgusting, that the cult would grub government Covid relief money. Just beyond…everything. I have no words.
Hubtard did worse Aqua. H ordered all non-SO org staff to steal tax payer money by going on welfare rather than get real jobs to support themselves.
Wow…wow. I’d love to get my hands on some of those “Advices” or FOs or whatever they were called. Hubbard ordering Cl V staff and mission staff to go on welfare…wow. I thought I was shockproof.
Ya, most of the blatant insanity was only issued to SO higher staff. GO also. Wait a minute. I think the welfare for Class IV org staff was actually in PL form in one of the Green Vols of antiquity. He of course justified it because greatest good for greatest number of Hubbard’s bank accounts, etc.
From now on …
Nothing they do should ever surprise us. You can imagine the most despicable facts in the world and they will not think twice about stepping up.
Lessseee …. How about Halloween? When some kids are out collecting for UNICEF to help feed starving children …. perfect fact scenario for these idiots.
We should never put it past them to print their own counterfeit UNICEF boxes and collect money on Halloween for the benefit of “the starving children”. But what will they do with that money? One or two might well use it to spend on food in lieu of starvation. Can’t find too much fault there.
But others will just step right up and give the money to the little rat so he can buy more expensive Scotch whiskey and guzzle it down his gullet. The height of low life?
We must never put that beyond them. We must never put anything beyond them. Nothing is too scurrilous for these filthy monsters.
Right, JJ:
scientology enterprises can run for a year or more on the government PPP “loans”. Then they’ll blithely skip out on paying those *loans* back, considering them just and right “donations” from the government in exchange for all the “good” scientology does. All that, AND they pay no taxes by asserting they are “churches”.
Talk about low-toned DB freeloaders! ,,,, but they’ll never change, of course.
We are helping to grow two fantastic and really happy granddaughters (perhaps a bit too much happy time to time. Lol!).
It IS the family environment that makes them HAPPY.
The WTH is a bunch of crap to make pr and gain acknowledgement as it repeats or says things that are just common sense.
If family isn’t family it becomes the Way to Hopeless.
Are they starting to target and book the new generations for cult brainwashing? They need new blood to keep the vessel still going?
Loosing- You’re absolutely right! My little ones (I have 2 adult sons as well… was a single mom for 14yrs and met my amazing husband who wrote vows to my boys for our wedding for before I got out there – I had NO idea! Then of course an amazing Dad to our little ones aged 7-11mos) KNOW they’re loved, have amazing Grandparents and as such, they’re very happy and typical kids without worry. I grew up too fast so nothing matters more to me than my kids get to just be kids! Environment is everything!
Note: My 7 & 4yo have wanted ABCMouse, especially since lockdown. I tried my best to explain why (people who own it support things we don’t… she asked who and what, we tried to answer honestly but age appropriately as well.
A new neighbor came by our front yard while we were out there playing to introduce herself and her son. Kids start talking about what “school apps” they use… neighbor kid says, “ABC Mouse” and my 7yo daughter goes, “OOOH NO! You can’t support those guys or give them ANY money – the bosses are evil scientists!!!”
We tried to re-explain that the individual people aren’t evil and they’re definitely NOT scientists…
Jenyfurrr. Laughing. It is a continuous challenge that one has to take as a duty and not seek for any answers. These two granddaughters one has 3 and the other 6 yo, are two war machines. The time I dare to stop asking myself stupid questions the disaster is done.
I learned to get rid of my ego and be just there when girls are around. Full attention and presence.
Here are born only women. Females with a strong personality grown with the sense of nature.
The WTH could be useful like a bucket full of holes.
Do great Jenny, you and your family.
So glad to hear that you are doing well Jen, the children are beautiful & no doubt lucky to have you & your husband…AND to have NO PART of COS.
FULL attention & presence is exactly what children, even ADULT children need. I am so proud of you!
Hey Mike, if you can will you PLEASE give Jen my personal Email address!
LmR observed:
“If family isn’t family it becomes the Way to Hopeless.”
Fantastic way to put it.
Scientology money grubbers are at it. If at first you don’t succeed, deceive. Wait, that’s apparently all they do, deceive and destroy…..
So how many books did you buy? I can see the sales person taking the order now.
Sales Person: Hello you want 10 Making Good Choices books?
Mike: Yes, how much is the postage?
SP: Just $23,99.
Mike: That’s ridiculous, I won’t pay it.
SP: Ok, how about you work it off in Central Files? Or by taking phone orders? I can’t quit until I replace myself.
Donations are made to a charity called The Global Pioneers Inc., wonder what that is…
Global Pioneers is a scam run by Cary Ghoulston that gets photo Ops in 3rd world countries by handing out Way to Happiness..
Here’s a link to their website, particularly where it discloses it’s direct connection to Scientology. .
Choice #1:
“Should I spend 27.00 to obtain 12 ‘free’ paper booklets that are about making good choices?”
“The Way to Happiness is about as simplistically written as anything could be. It’s been dumbed down ever dumber to attract the under 6 year olds?”
Sad news. I know a person who was in charge of producing Army vehicle field manuals. ~20-25 years ago they started switching to picture book style with alomost no words because the average H.S. grad they get into boot camp no longer has the reading comp. level of what we had by age 7.
here’s a website:
You can also scare yourself by googling : Curriculum K1-12 for whatever state you live in.
And now you know the rest of the story why we be dumbed down.
Scary jim. In 7th grade I had the following classes during the first semester (12 yrs old). Drafting. Algebra, Basic physics, Spanish, English Lit. & Sociology. The two electives were Spanish & Drafting (which was a perquisite for wood shop the next semester).
That graphic appears intended to appeal to the MAGA crowd that seems to make up much of Scientology these days – and like much such thinking, it fails to take into account that there is actually a wide world out there (even in Scientology) with about 200 other countries, so its focus with the colorized US flag is uniquely American. It’s also subtly anti-Semitic, depicting a malevolent “psych” with a stereotypical big crooked nose and beard, and other features.
I notice that the chapters follow Hubbard’s weasel-wording, cynical situational ethics of the original, like using the qualifier “try” in front of guidance on how to treating others. Such use with children may even highlight the insidious moral relativity of Hubbard and Scientology – can you imagine a parent saying “try not to push your sibling down the stairs when you’re angry”?
And interestingly, the graphics on the book cover and the website associated with the book depict very multi-ethnic groupings of children – completely in contrast to the almost purely white demographic that Scientology actually attracts.
I have a comment I’m going to refrain from.
I found that true with The Communication Course I did in 1973. This shy 23-year old introvert loved that course. Very simple. I found it helped me quite a bit to come out of my shell.
Fast forward to circa 2008, I did the Success Through Communication which was a “dumbed-down” version of the course I did in 1973 and it is a dog’s breakfast. Horrible course. I was wondering at the time who was behind this atrocity. These things are easily discovered once one gets out of IT.
Scientology copied the unique style of my artist Suzanne LeGreeze who I used for “Lucifer’s Bridge”. She has a unique artistic style called “comic sarcasm”. I wonder if I can sue Miscavige on this one.?
Seriously? I mean “stay faithful” for children under the age of 6? Stay drug-free? It’s so stupid… and obviously they are earning on the shipping… probably calling all the Public they know and having them order boxes full to give away…
Oh it cannot be a day too soon when the whole of Scientology comes Down…
Agreed! And Cap’n Obvious here… the person who’d actually look for and purchase something like this for their child, grandchildren, etc… obviously cares about their character, so they’ve likely already learned the incredibly (NOT) profound lessons that are actually age appropriate.
Oh and if you want to raise children that are faithful spouses and don’t cheat in life?… model it for them you tossers!!! (Not YOU Princess Leila! Directed at the authors, imbeciles who sell these and most importantly King Con himself… lrh)
Princess Leila, I agree with you about their pathetic nonsense.
The sad “funny” side of it (whkch I hope someone has observed) is that all this crap is driven by the Sea org, people whom won’t wish to have kids and are forbidden even to think about. Where kids are seen as genetic entities dramas. Where abortions are approved to be the solution if one want to stay in.
Honestly, they stand to children like fascism/nazism stand to freedom.