These $500 unreadable leatherbounds supposedly fund the promotion campaigns for Ideal Orgs.
But despite the collections over the years I have yet to see ANYTHING that is accomplished as a result (other than more books stuffed in the corner of the garage of the sucker that buys them).
And just how many people in the US would actually WANT a copy of DMSMH in Taiwanese?
And don’t you find the tag line just a LITTLE pretentious? “Bringing freedom to the Chinese speaking world” There isnt even an org in Taiwan yet, and there is NOTHING in mainland China. There are more than a billion Chinese speaking people in the world. And more than a billion that cannot even BUY a copy of DMSMH in ANY language. More delusion. If Bridge was selling 100,000 copies of DMSMH a WEEK (the total Bridge sales of all books everywhere is in the single digit thousands per week) it would still take 192 YEARS to sell a billion books. They are like the flea climbing up the back leg of an elephant shouting “Surrender, you’re surrounded.”
The real motto of Bridge (and the entire RCS) is Give Us Your Money, All Of It. Or perhaps “Boy, have I got a deal for you!”
Date: | Wed, 4 Sep 2013 22:28:32 -0600 |
From: | Patrick Howson <[email protected]> |
Subject: | New Release: Ideal Org Leatherbound |
Books have been printed in China for about 6,000 years.
I have books purchased in China. Leather bindings are strictly European,
Chinese culture knows all about money. So basically this Leather bound Dianetic’s is seen
as a scam. It’s a product developed to get money from Westerners who are ignorant, that’s all.
Maybe think of the books as little individual Ideal Orgs. Same scam only portable.
First of all, DMSMH was not actually TRANSLATED into Chinese. No way the CoS was gonna spend that kind of money and time on a book no one was gonaa read at all. Here’s the inside story: Last year, the NY Org sent John Carmichael down to Chinatown for a couple of days so that he could get a copy of every take out menu available in the city. When he came back (he spent the night at the Port Authority), the menus were cut up and the sympbols were just randomly typeset into this new edition. This is why the first chapter actually is titled “Kung Pao Chicken” and auditing technique is referred to as “Moo Shoo Pork.’ As a note, one reason it was done this way, was that it was discovered through surveys that in reality, outside of checksheeted courses in the CoS, NO ONE HAS READ DMSMH IN ENGLISH IN THE PAST FORTY YEARS! And that the last attempted auditing per DMSMH was done in Topeka, Kansas in July of 1951 (and it didn’t go so well – the two librarians who tried it got completely confused and are still repeating to each other 62 years later “return the book, return the book…..”). I’m not getting this new one though. I’m holding out for the Heber signed edition, which I hear will quickly be followed by the Yager and Guilliame autographed “hole copies”. “COLLECT THEM ALL! THEY ARE HISTORIC!!!!!!!!!!”
“Chinese Leatherbound for your……….” — desperation evident —in this renewed “bottom of the barrel” scraping, —–to come up with what must be approaching the now empty “coughers.” (sheeple.)
No doubt, the episodes of catastrophic kicking, punching, throttling, spitting, ramming against walls & filing cabinets, not to mention screaming, obscenities, musical chairs, lockdowns, and even more depraved punishments have reached stats exceeding 20 x straight up & vertical! …. Ho – hum… the bubbles of delusion in the Golden Spa Bath have now morphed into one HUGE shimmering bubble! …………Anyone for a nice sharp pin?
DMSMH is not valuable because it’s contents can improve one’s life, but because it’s made of special material and “funds” pretty MEST. That itself is a sleazy sort of technical degrade.
Maybe I need to revise my purposes & priorities with Corporate Scientology as well, and move up the bridge in order to financially support something else.
If there ever has been a crystal-clear statement the focus of current Scientology is all about money & assets … THIS IS IT.
Astute Formost. Even their sleazy technical degrade is 1.1.
I hear you, Foremost. Who cares anymore about the message, the content? Lately in the RCS its all about the appearance, the trappings, the context. Literate people who read a lot, who love to read, are into content but the RCS is not interested, apparently, in literate people who read a lot.
The Chinese printed in Taiwan is the old-style “Traditional” Chinese lettering. The Chinese printed on the mainland is “Simplified” Chinese. There is a difference. So, basically, the billion people on the mainland who read Simplified Chinese can’t read these Dianetics books written in a character set they’re not familiar with. Watch for the special promotion soon where Little Napoleon will be begging for money to translate Dianetics into Simplified Chinese!
It waz ze evil SP’s
The irresponsibility of Scientologists is mind boggling – FIND OUT WHAT YOU ARE SUPPORTING, PEOPLE!
Real churches do good things for unfortunate people. They HELP. They build hospitals. They feed the homeless. Not fleece members and spread propaganda. Certainly NOT spend millions on private investigators and harassment lawsuits. Real churches don’t plan murders – I’m talking about Paulette Cooper.
Real churches are not involved in lawsuits that the congregation are forbidden to know about. Real churches don’t hide what they do with the money. Real churches don’t hid who is running them. Real churches don’t forbid the congregation from reading the news about them.
Real churches are places of peace, comfort and respite from the world. Healthy religion is a source of comfort and strength, not intimidation, humiliation, disappointment and financial exploitation.
At a real church, if you give them a lot of money, they’ll name the new wing after you, and never forget to show you kindness and gratitude.
Normal, mainstream churches don’t excommunicate. WHY??? No need. People go to a church if they like it, leave if they don’t. Extremist, isolated groups like the polygamist Mormons, Scientology and Amish have to kick people out because the their religions are absurdly demanding.The disaffected might try to reform them, so must be gotten rid of.
Real churches don’t turn people against family, friends and themselves.
Bravo, Madora. That is one of the most spot-on posts I’ve seen on this, or any other Scn-related site. Brilliant observation.
Here, here!
Brilliant, Madora. You said it perfectly.
This is off-topic but I’m so jazzed: The latest from Tony O is that David Miscavige has been served with a subpoena! Many are saying he won’t show, but I think its a major stable win that he was even served! Go Monique! Marty’s affidavit was a killer, and I am so loving this! (Have to restrain myself from doing multiple exclams.)
+ ! ! ! ! !
The latest from Tony O is that David Miscavige has been served with a subpoena!
I think the subpoena, per Tony O’s source, was physically served to a member of Dave’s staff, not Dear Leader himself.
I don’t know much about the legalities here, but I’m sure that Dave’s failure to appear — whether he’s technically obliged to or not — will be duly noted by the judge.
Helen Chen took most/all of the Taiwanese students at ASHO to her own academy.
Thats roughly half the students from LA. She also has orgs in Taiwan.
Here is a video of her LA org and she talks of wins on L’s in the Freezone.
The ” Ideal Org logo” should read “The ideal rip off scheme”…so history will be made…
They ran out of cliches I guess.
I read this around the time Jack Reacher in the theaters –
“He Chien-hua, the director of CBRE Taiwan’s project management division, says the building was completed last October and is presently being fine tuned ahead of its official opening scheduled for the first half of 2013.”
So, there is no Taiwan Ideal Org or it just hasn’t been ‘officiated’? (if that is the right term)
Calling PETA….
Deforestation and cruelty to animals. Yeah, I’ll pay $500 for that. What a waste. The cult will never survive because it will never move into the 21st century and beyond. They are wasteful consumers, the least green organization ever — they don’t even try.
Here is a video that really illustrates where Scientology is, in terms of management (or lack thereof) and why they will never succeed and will go the way of the dinosaur.
Got it on what you said.
Deforestation (refusal to go digital, wasting trees). Check.
Cruelty to Animals (leatherbound editions, probably tons of them). Check.
Child Abuse (recruiting minors into the SO for a billion years of slave labor). Check.
Abuse of Women (forced, high pressured abortions). Check
Green Organization? Huh? Oh, yeah GREEN=MONEY
A criminal is a criminal is a criminal. Such folks never take responsibiliy for anything other than enriching themselves. Bleahhhh!
If you look up Hy Levy from Truth Rundown Series done, (Marty has it on his site if you word search it), you can hear Hy Levy, former Flag registrar, telling how the suppressive targets given to the Flag staff on these Basic Books sales were so outrageously big and unreachable, and the penalties for not selling them were huge (try no sleep till you meet your quota for one), that Flag staff turned criminal. They started debiting money off parishoners’ accounts without permission and without knowledge (that happened to me), and they started selling books to dead parishoners who still had money on account, and all sorts of criminal things were done. They broke up auditing packages with unauthorized debits from their accounts. There was lots of criminal action going on. One Indie went to the media about the criminal stealing of money from her account for unauthorized basics, to the tune of $100K to $300K.. Carisa Marion had a video talking about this if you word search her. She finally got some of that money put back when she hired a lawyer and had the lawyer write to them. Seems the only thing DM and the church listens to are lawyers and lawsuits or threat of lawsuit.
What a horrible scene. A friend of mine who was getting L’s at Flag shared how he/she was buttonholed for the Basics everywhere at Flag, beginning with the parking lot attendant.
+1 Bleahhhhhh!
Thomas Tobin, Joe Childs and Maurice Rivenbark did a very excellent expose of predatory regging
And “church”s greed and rape of their public’s money. Even though time has marched on, they are still doing it !
In 2008 a re-hash of old books were released at the cost of $3000 and $5000 with such DVDs. David Miscavige bragged he made the Church $10 million dollars in one day. The fall out on staff was pretty horrific. Sleep deprivation was enforced on those that did not make their quotes. All staff, including Security Guards, OSA INT, canteen workers, you name it, EVERY staff member had to SELL for 2 1/2 hours a day in their so called “study time.” Money extraction was THE prime target.
The public were scammed. Duped into high pressure from desperate andsleep deprived Sea Org Members, the public believed they were buying copies for *every* Library in the USA, then for each country in the world.
Because of limited shelf space, all libraries handle unsolicited donations the same way. They throw the unasked for books in the dollar bin, or they give them to someone, or they just throw them away or “Return to Sender.” While Bridge Publications, knew these bundles of books were being returned by the truckload, none of the scammed money was returned to the Public and US libraries have a fraction of the “Basics” that Scientology Inc pretends.
Worse than that staff members charged unauthorized purchases of these Basics on credit cards, stealing $$$ and used up advance payments on account. The theft and criminality inside the Sea org took on a new level.
Ain’t no lie, Karen.
I have seen an MAA nearly come to tears because I would not give a large donation to a book campaign. This MAA was obviously under a LOT of personal pressure to make that sale.
I have also had a whole basics package delivered to me with someone else’s name on it and my address !
And then they didn’t want to take it back! I have no idea who paid for it. It was, as you say, criminal.
A staff member at Flag discovered that I didn’t have the companion CD lectures for the basic books, and the next thing I know, some lady I’ve never met was sending me a set. I tried my best to refuse them, as I didn’t have the money to pay for them, and didn’t know when I would. They just kept insisting that I take them, and find a way to pay her back later.
It wasn’t until I’d opened my eyes and began informing myself about the abuses in the church, that I finally figured out what happened there. I now realize that it was an extortion cycle.
Wow Mr. Bell…
We were told, during the same conversation where we were informed that all “arbitraries” had been removed from my wife’s attempt at getting onto to OT VII, that we HAD to buy a full set of Basics and Basic Lectures, or she wouldn’t get on the level. Straight faced, with no concept of the level of creepy BS that was wafting through the fiber-optic lines, that they had just extorted us.
Every action, every intention becomes Okay, if it’s for the right purpose or cause. History and all the examples of this NEVER WORKING be damned. Got to get those stats up.
Thanks Ronnie
So true Espiritu. And a friend of mine had something similar happen. Basics were delivered to his house with someone else’s name on them. He called to straighten it out and was told that the other person would sell them to others so that his garage could be emptied of the unwanted boxes and boxes of them. The person never sold them and years later the Basics are still there. Then the church told him that they would “help” him sell them. That never happened either despite many complaints by him. Unfortunately this person is still drinking Kool Aid in spite of what was done to him.
So degrading for the staff who didn’t sign up for this shit.
What I have found in the FreeZone is that no one really needs to be sold Scientology. So far since being in it I’ve completed ARC SW and Grades 0-1. I’m currently on Grade 2 and Level 0. No one ever tried selling me on anything. They didn’t have to. Their prices are so reasonable that I immediately recognized it as a valuable resource that I could choose to have if I wanted it.
I don’t think all the sales policies that Ron wrote make any sense. Militant organizations will never be able to recognize “crush sales” from good communication. I think Ron wrote the policies about tough selling because he felt anxious about how fast Scientology was expanding. But he was wrong. Spiritual things should be sold with openness and the patience of the Eastern world. Not with the “NOW” mentality of the Western world
Also, I don’t think DM is so concerned with sales because he is concerned with how fast Scientology is (not) expanding. I think we all know what his motivations are. lol
I agree Brian. It’s so vital that these religious practices be done, on the person’s own self determinism. To consciously decide to do a spiritual action, is a very important subproduct, to being fully engaged and invested in the work that produces gains. It’s important! And then when people do reach, it’s important to listen to them and what indicates to them. as the right thing to do. When you’re getting the support you need, it’s possible to make fabulous gains even though, it’s hard work. We need to treat each other with dignity and respect on our journeys and not expect that what worked for one ,will be right for another. We have our own points of view, track and priorities. Great job on your progress!
Thank you, Hallie.
The stops to my reach disappeared with the CoS. I spent 15 years being near the CoS and because of constant stops for silly reasons I never did anything beyond Scn DRD. Usually because of $$$.
Moving and achieving my goals out here was the biggest gift of freedom I ever gave myself. I just had to decide I was allowed to. Silly, I know. But without regret, I’m now able to travel my path in freedom. It makes me VERY happy!
Brian Cox, you have so hit the nail on the head here. Spiritual enlightenment cannot be forced upon people. It has to in on the person’s own sell-determined gradient or else the person is simply being implanted, not enlightened.
Point well said Brian.
I was on staff as an Exec, when Big League Sales first came on SCN lines. I recall having a CMC as I read the initial Policies involved. That would be a Momentary Cerebral Malfunction.
I thought: Church – Religion – Philosophy – Compassion – Clearing – Spiritual – Eight Dynamic – Sales – Selling – Used Car Salesmen and so on. I couldn’t make it work. It didn’t make sense.
LRH was a compassionate genius. A tenth-level black-belt of a spiritual visionary. He was also the man who would install cup-holders on the passenger side of the car only, so the driver could sit there scratching his head, wondering how he could retrieve his coffee, without crashing the car. Some details simply weren’t on his radar – at all.
He was hyper-focused on expanding SCN and saving the planet, against an arbitrary timeline of a scant few years, to get it all done. This created mass PTSness amongst all staff, including him. This meant “extreme measures” had to be applied to get the job done in time. Only, what did “in time” really mean? Ten years? 50 years? Christianity has been at it for 2000 years; Mormons 150, Buddists 2500+. Why couldn’t we have 100 years to do it right?
Making Stats a primary focus of all SCN executives and staff, was tantamount to putting in a Chevy 434 horsepower engine on a golf cart and looking away from the carnage created on the golf course, day in, day out, as idiots with delusions of being a Grand Prix driver, co-opted the entire purpose of a SCN organization. The products, purpose and other spiritual aspects of the Church were diametrically opposed to the Business at All Costs mentality that took over.
You CANNOT run a Church like a Steel Mill or a Car Dealership. You Can’t. My opinion, I know but I’m sticking with it. They are at cross-purposes to one another. Creating Clears and Auditors take time. You CAN’T produce a Ten-year single malt whiskey in 9 months. Yet, that is exactly what we tried to do. The overt of smashing these conflicting concepts together – like some mad Physics experiment – created a cascading effect of stat pushing and quickied products. Stats became the new Product. We lost sight of the Mountain and went after a CGI version of it.
But in the Indie field, we have a second chance at getting it right and I am confident, we will do so.
Wow–when did we do the whole Taiwan Org New Building Ideal Org Video and Big Release to All Scn Public? 2003? 2004? What a fiasco. What a bunch of work and effort and sleepless nights of crew in all kinds of departments towards the result of this org not ever happening. Hmmmm…let’s see….if everyone else went for days and days and weeks and weeks working on this, pray tell WHO was it who didn’t/couldn’t/wouldn’t pull it off? Yep, I just wised up—Mr. DM himself, playing in the ocean or the snow with Cruise, or doing “inspections” so he can get everyone to run scared and kiss his ass, instead of helping this org actually open. And at every turn made it everyone else’s fault. Oh no, he’s not in charge of the church…he’s just on the Board…arm’s length…. What a bunch of crap. The number of his failures, while actually at the helm, just amazes me.
I hope Theodore Babbitt is keeping track of all this FRAUD! Lie after lie – the Co$ does not know when to quit! “Freeing China” when everyone here in the US that is STILL IN SCIENTOLOGY IS A SLAVE and broke! Other countries are enslaved as well if there is anyone left.
The only thing Scientology frees – is money from your bank accounts, IRA’s, Stock Portfolio’s, Equity in your home and any cash in your pocket. Is there no end to the endless propaganda from the “church” of $cientology? I am so sick of this hype – buy now – free China – stop the crime rate in Columbia by passing out the Way to Happiness etc. I HAD tons of that stuff in my basement and it did not free me or anyone else.
You may not know this but every $cientologist has so much stuff in their basements from these hyped sales pitches. When they lose their house to foreclosure – the bank has it all thrown into the dumpster.
Keep up the good work Mike!! Love your blog!
Oh, right, my bad. These must be sold so this org can do their NON-E. Just like Buffalo Org, right? Having to have before you can do is so very workable! People, people, wake up pleeez.
Leather Bound Dianetics: just what everyone needs. I got into Scientology because I read a paperback Dianetics that cost me $3.50. This obsession with MEST, its just so dead, so degraded. Where is the theta?
Theta? In order to deliver theta, you are required to HAVE some theta.
True, that.
And where are the super duper new emeters they’ve been warehousing for 10 years?
I saw some promo for tapes not long ago. Can they dust them off any time soon? Or maybe offer some special Code of Honor plague (sorry plaque) in German, Portuguese or something? I would really like to own a rare piece of Scientology history. What else do they have in storage for us?
Don’t ask!
Acutally, for the 60 boxes of books presently stored in my garage and attic, I would love to reverse the flow on Bridge and start sending them a monthly invoice for “Storage Facility Fees”.
Pepper, do you have the Red Vols?
But of course I have the Red Vols!
I calculated the amount of money Bridge owes me for Storage Facility Fees (say $100 a month) since the Basics crush in 2007. It comes to $6,900 to date. Plus, compensation for all the times I had to move all that heavy shit around, breaking my back. Bridge owes me. They are out-exchange freeloaders; using my home to warehouse their books!
By the way, those 60 boxes of books weren’t even supposed to be delivered to my home. They were all “donations” and were supposed to go to Libraries, Embassies, whatever was the “theta lie” of the day.
Got it on everything, Pepper. Jesus – 60 boxes of books delivered to your home instead of their intended destinations – no wonder you’re upset. I’d be furious. Well, let me not beat around the bush: would you consider selling your Red Vols, and if so, for how much? (Hey Mike, if Pepper and I make a deal here on your blog, you get 10% 🙂 )
Good God, Pepper. Fire sale time!
Aqua and Jane,
Sorry guys, Red Vols are not for sale. Got some Basics, though…..
Yes Pepper, good one!
Yes, and since you mention it, Aquamarine, I’m in the market for the red vols too. Anyone want to make a deal. Mike you get 10% if it sells on your blog.
Very cool, Jane Doe. Funny that you’re looking for them too. I wish we could meet. Do you have a secure e-mail – hushmail, or something like that?
Thanks Aquamarine. Send me your email address and we’ll get it touch. I’d like to meet you too.
Aquamarine, I hesitate to put my email on public forum like this. Send Mike an email asking for my email address and we can hook up that way in the beginning. I like your posts.
Totally understood, Jane. Will do. Like your posts too. I’ll give Mike a little time while he’s doing his civic duty 🙂
Hi Mike,
One change to your proposed motto for Bridge and RCS. Should be: Give Us Your Money, All Of It, and Anyone Else’s Money That You Can Get Your Hands On
Leatherbacks-to-support-dissemination projects would be laudable if…and only if…they resulted in local dissemination campaigns that actually got people in and started on services in an org or mission. As Phoenix and Cleveland now know, a guarantee from the Church of Scientology Inc that “if you raise the money for a dissemination campaign you’ll get floods of people in the org” is a guarantee of NOTHING.
In the meantime, those people who talk to a materials reg about Chinese leatherbounds are being told “me make you read long time”,
This special, unique edition is really for book collectors. Of course, buying any Scientology/Dianetics books will be altered in the future and be repackaged for sale. So no matter how precious any book appears to be, it won’t be “fully on source” anyway. Then you’ll have to buy it again (and again).
I wonder how many boxes of books are sitting in people’s garages or attics, worldwide? I personally have about 60!
You can always use them for heating your home when the fuel shortages begin! If you rub them together you will get even more heat value!
The Marketing of leather bound DMSMH in Chinese is beyond insanity.
For 6 Leather bound Dianetic’s and change you can purchase a new car in China
Go to China and look around see anyone with leather books walking around ?
Take some pictures, how many cars ?
I’ve been to China – its one of the most amazingly prosperous countries in the world.
They have the 2nd largest economy in the world and it will most likely surpass the size of the U.S. economy within less than ten years (some say five years.)
And for the record, more cars are sold in China each year than any other country in the world.
None of the above means that a leatherbound DMSMH is a relevant item for marketing in China, but let’s at least be accurate in our estimation of the potential.
Remote Observer :
China is a hungry market, perhaps insatiable is a better word at this stage. They are emerging from decades of economic suppression and are creating a middle class that has outstripped what was created in the USA over the past 100 years. However…. what the RCS is doing is positioning their book, their so called Intention to expand SCN into this sector of the world, with an organic process that is ongoing in that part of the world, and which they have had little or nothing to do in its creation. This is 1.1 because there is no truth to it. It’s making a connection that does not exist. This “promotional action” has become common place and is the height of Bullshit.
You made a valid point – no questioning of that at all. Just adding my 2 cents to the mix, because this is what the RCS constantly does. It’s tantamount to moving quickly behind a celebrity photo shoot, so that your face is in the photo with Spielberg, Lucas, Hanks, Day-Lewis and others and you then send it to your mailing list, falsely touting your connections with all the bigwigs.
The key is, it’s a Falsehood, an Incorrectly included datum.
I hate this stuff. Sorry, I loath despise and abhor it. So there.
Your right. Adding that the US now exists as an advanced third-world country with approx. half its people in or near poverty (Census Bureau). Corrupt corps act without impunity in this country; legal defers criminal action and imposes insignificant fines. The US economic landscape has radically changed. China as a communist-run country does not tolerate competing ideologies, such as the Falun Gong, I predict DMSMH will get banned by the Central Propaganda Department. Officially the ruling appartchiks have stated science over superstition and anything that resembles religion constitutes a fraud. I don’t know about Taiwan.
What a joke. A total joke. I just can’t believe the Scilons don’t realize they’re the punchline. Over and over and over again. Ironically, the “Non-Ex” campaigns that these leatherbounds supposedly fund are probably one of the most accurately named “services” in all of the Cof$. They really do help to get these new Ideal Orgs further and further into “non-existence” with their field.
Some of us consider that word to be a religious slur. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t use it here.
I agree with Ronnie, iHateDuplicity.
“Scilon” is a derogatory term for a Scientologist which lumps all Scientologists in one category.
Indie Scientologists make a differentiation between ourselves and Scientologists who are affiliated with the Church of Scientology.
Indie Scientologists make a differentiation between the SUBJECT, the religious philosophy or the religion of Scientology, and the Church of Scientology which is an organization.
So there is a difference.
Indie Scientologists don’t buy these scams and have nothing to do with them.
Again … hear, hear.
I want to defend iHateDuplicity: how is his use of the word Scilon any different from Scientology using terms like WOG, one one (1.1) and SP? Even if you are an indie you are still representing this religion that uses these terms. A religion that opposes discrimination should not practice it itself.
Do you want to hear some LRH on… you don’t
Johnny, the term, ‘wog’ isn’t targeted at one specific group, unless you want to call the nearly 7 billion people of Earth’s population a ‘specific’ group. In common Scientology parlance, it simply refers to those who are non-Scientologists. It’s not a slur, and Scientologists don’t use it that way. In fact, most Scientologists use the term, ‘non-Scientologist’ more frequently than the term ‘wog’ anyway.
On the other hand, the term, ‘Scilon’ is most definitely a term that targets a small, well identified minority. It’s no different than calling a Jew a ‘Hymie’, or a Christian a ‘bible thumper’. Both terms are meant to degrade and demean the people of those religious faiths.
Why not just call us what we call ourselves – Scientologists?
If you look up the definition of “wog” in the tech dictionary, it says “worthy oriental gentleman” and a little more on it. It is not exactly meant as a compliment.
I’m for freedom of speech. I’ve never used Scilon but because it has a sci fi feel, I took it to mean robotic Scngts like those still in the RCS. I think sheeple is worse and I don’t like that, because I feel it’s a degrading generality so I don’t use it. But I understand what people are trying to communicate by using these terms and the frustration that goes along with the robots and the sheep. They are, after all, perpetuating the gross criminality of the RCS. I think there are specific people who are sheep and ones who are robots and some, who are just plain morons. A spade is a spade. So I leave it to each individual to express themselves as they wish and choose to take no offense. Ronnie also has the freedom to make his request which he did in very good manners.
ihateduplicity, person, I too take your use of that word to be offensive.
Are we to understand that you know little or nothing of real Scientology
or of the present situation ?
Mr Bell you have my full support at all times even though we have not met
since about 1988 at ‘The Hill’.
Indie Scientologists make a clear distinction between Scientology the subject and Scientology the corrupt, corporate church, but IMO, from what I read elsewhere, those who use the term “Scilons” do not make this distinction and hold both Indies and those still in Miscavige’s church in pretty much the same contempt, the only difference being that being Indie is considered a kind of way station or resting place on the way to complete rejection of Scientology altogether.
Cheers, SW. If you ever make it to Dallas, mi casa es su casa.
muchas gracias señor
0dd, as far as I know the front of the book in China is our back cover. As in China they read the book from the other side.