Bomb is loaded. Until it hits the ground, here is a little something to go on with….The latest angle on “PR by redefinition of words”.
What you get is not an ORG, it is wood floors and a reception desk. With a completely disrelated quote that gives the gloss of “On Sourcyness”.
Funny, it IS “what your donations buy” — MEST. And its even degenerating into PICTURES of MEST. But not even REAL pictures. It is mock ups of MEST generated by computers.
And that pretty much says it all about the Church of Scientology today: Creating mock ups of MEST.
Perhaps they should get their PR campaign into high gear and rename themselves “MEST Mock Ups R Us” or the “Church of Computer Generated Imagery”
Asthmatic Dwarf says
Luis Garcia
“And one person at a time, much like the drop becomes the trickle, and the trickle becomes the stream, and the stream becomes the river… you shall one day find yourself alone, no one to listen to you, no one to follow you. Alone with your wondrous empty buildings.
“And, you know? Eternity is a very long time and it is ahead of us. You may destroy the Church, but you will not destroy Scientology.
“I am confronting you today, but you will have to confront me some day and pay for your crimes. And pay you will.”
Asthmatic Dwarf says
This is how expansion was going to occur, back in the day when the Commodore was running things. It could be said of Davey that he has dropped the ball in his handling of leadership change in CoS.
[exact facsimile]
International Management, Flag Command Bureaux, Continental Liaison Offices
–This booklet is part of every staff member’s Full Hat checksheet.
–Hubbard Communications Office
–Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
HCO Policy Letter of 18 August 1982R
Revised and Reissued 28 February 1984
Admin Know-How Series 42R.
[In relation to the introduction of the computer into administration and operations, L.Ron Hubbard, Founder wrote:]
“… targets or line jams or staff overloads will be detected sooner and remedied, resulting in more income, more service and more pay.
But all this will depend on three things:
1. The existence and soundness of the strategic planning and evaluation. (This has never much been in doubt.)
2. The clarity with which planning can be programmed. (This is currently not good at all.)
3.The execution of targets called for at various echelons and staff level. (This depends, to a large measure, on 2 above.)
So it is very important, whether one is writing major, minor or mini programs, that they be written absolutely on-policy from here on out.
This starts now, not waiting for computers, as it is valid in its own right and Programs Ops are on the line. With computers there will still be Programs Ops to run them but the precision and speed will increase amazingly.
The organizations in the world are getting bigger. They have to be more efficient to also pay well. And this all comes down to the 1, 2, 3 above.
It is a miserable thing to be hit with a lot of confused, undoable orders. And dangerous to one at staff level for one can be charged with noncompliance when there was really nothing precise to comply with!
So the ability to coordinate programs and write excellent target-policy targets is vital to the ability of all to work.
And when computers get on the job, electronic sparks will be flying all over the place if target and policy is not adhered to carefully and precisely.
So this policy is vital, computers or no computers.
OPERATING TARGETS MUST HEREAFTER BE WRITTEN IN SUCH A WAY THAT THEY ARE FINITE AND NOT A GENERALITY SO THEY ARE PRECISELY DOABLE. Targets like “Keep stats rising” or “Be nice to Joe” are not doable targets from a computer’s viewpoint or anybody else’s.
But, computers aside, the one that does the target is NOT a computer and with target clarity can do it far more easily.
Hear me, the 1, 2, 3 above are the make-break point of expand or not expand.
So heed it.
Adopted as official
Church policy by
Sidney18511 says
It looks like an Ikea ad.
Leslie Stipe says
On this poster slightly askew to the letters DK is a quote from $cientology’s Founder which ends with the word “honestly” and obviously comes from the word honest. Ironic being none of their lawyers are.
ThetaPotata says
The new image of Scientology around the world “empty upstat looking space.” Perhaps someday robots that look like DM can replace staff. Donate for the new new Ideal Org, no staff or public required.
Mike Eldredge says
You mean the Captain is only mocking it up? Its like Deja vu all over again
Carcha says
Totally off the wall, but the metal there in the center front of the reception reminds me of my dishwasher
Hallie Jane says
LOL! Maybe that’ll show up as a new stat…..# of dishes washed. Spoons and forks count on the stat!
Espiando says
So, What Your Donations Buy consists of inappropriately-used brushed metal, faux blond wood paneling, and chairs that were close-outs at Office Depot? Roger’s right. They popped over the Oresund Bridge and bought whatever was on sale at Ikea.
This is the reception area of a company that’s going broke. Pathetic.
Jonathan says
The Bomb reference was to the beginning of Mike’s article which I just attempted to clarify on Tony O’s site. Not the Mike needs me he can very well take care of himself much better than I can.
However if Scientology is taking funds then creating CGI Orgs I think they may have some problems and I do not doubt what Mike has written.
In case anyone might be interested Brian Culkin dropped a legal bombshell (figuratively) today. So I think He has not had a good day in His travels’ across Clearwater.
Rod Keller says
SadStateOfAffairs says
Think I just saw the BOMB on Tony O’s blog site.
jan says
More madness from DK:
R Lloyd Roberts says
What was that????
Rod Keller says
It’s not a bad image, probably from the architects. The plants are a little odd. But it’s not supposed to be a photograph, right? I think it’s intended as a preview of what will be – a desk, a couple books, and some white tulips. Not very exciting. Not like the SP building.
jan says
Latest madness from DK Idle Org fundraising db´s:
justpassingby says
This is so sad. Nothing spells “fake enthusiasm” like funny hats and Hawaiian leis.
R Lloyd Roberts says
Oh puke.
Roy Macgregor says
Holy Shit- I think this might be the bomb:
Jose chung says
Holy smokes, So let me this straight there is computer generated MEST being sold to computer generated people ( Portland Ideal Org Shoop of people that were’nt there) Computer Generated stats of Empty Ideal Orgs simulating computer generated expansion . The only real thing is money taken from public who cannot see reality from fantasy that’s in real offshore Bank accounts controlled by David Miscavige.
Answer anyone ?, anyone ?
TrevAnon says
I like your nick!
Roger From Switzerland Thought says
A job by Ikea ?
R Lloyd Roberts says
That was my thought. This is really an ikea ad photoshopped.
Roy Macgregor says
Whoa- hold the phone. Is that a picture of a completely empty org?? With a sign saying “what do you get?”
They are advertising that if you really get involved in David Miscagive’s Scientology and sell your soul (and your house and car and the clothes off your back) you will get, wait for it….drum roll…. a completely empty org – with a wooden floor!!!
Yea! I bet all the David Miscavige Boot Lickers are loving it!! Empty orgs with nice furniture! Yea! I got my goal in life – Scientology in the toilet- but the toilet is made out of marble!!!
Chris Mann says
Why dont they “CGI” some staff and public in there? Would that offend Miscavige?
Indie8Million says
They’d have to CGI people in there, Chris. Miscavige wouldn’t want to “Promote” anyone that might leave by next week. Just like Michael Fairman, they’ll have to do all of the pictures over again! lol Did you know that they were talking about suing Michael for the costs of re-shooting all of those commercials and tech films he was in? I don’t know why they would remake them. Nothing is being spent on promotion these days anyway.
Quiet Guy says
Here’s a new slogan for CoS, “Scientology: It looks so real.”
Jefferson Hawkins says
“Ideal Scientology” = no people.
Chris says
Jeff… You naughty boy… Did you sneak that little gem into your hat write up before you left?
Seriously though… Who exactly is this for? It’s like an anon shoop… But they think it’s a good way to promote themselves?
If Forest Gump is right then there is some serious orders of magnitude stupid in His fiefdom.
Carry on Dave…
Hallie Jane says
Yeah Jeff…..those damn people are so annoying!……especially the ones that talk!
Silvia says
You are right Mike…it is solid-there is no life, no real people, auditor completed or pcs wining.
Maybe that is why they do this bare MEST posters, as there are no real products of an Org to promote.
gato rojo says
Another reason is because if they use real staff and parishioners they’ll be in trouble when those people escape. Then they’ll have to RE-photoshop those people out of their wonderful promo shots. So better to start off with no people at all I guess. Why have new people come in when they will only be declared SPs in a couple weeks anyway…?? Jeez they are sooooo stupid and closed the door on any possibility of getting any tech applied at all. Except outside of the C of $.
stateofcircle says
Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!! Out with the bombshell already!!!! The anticipation is killing me!!
Sinar says
tampabayjack says
Old fashion “Smoke and Mirrors”