Thanks to Karen De LaCarriere and Steve Hall for bringing this to my attention. And kudos to DeathHamster for the good work in documenting the facts for the world to see.
Please read this new posting on Steve Hall’s site exposing the activities of the Church in putting up hate sites about anyone who dares speak about the RCS or its associated entities….
All those who have been honored with one or more of these sites knows where they come from. But their source is masked because they are so filled with lies and vitriol the church doesnt want to be associated with them. And perhaps is even afraid of being sued for libel or other causes of action. So, like the cowards they are, they put up lies and mask their identities. Luke Catton didnt mask his identity or take pot-shots from the shadows. Neither have any of the others subjected to these smears.
Why are the “experts on communication” and “providers of truth” in the “most honest and ethical organization on earth” afraid of putting their name on their own utterances? Because it’s such an admission of guilt and that their self-proclaimed virtuousness is dishonest hype.
Kind of like the Squirrelblusterers that claimed they had “nothing to do with” the harassment of Marty and Mosey Rathbun – UNTIL Bert Leahy stepped forward and exposed the real truth (See Scn Espionage Exposes — Meet Bert Leahy and subsequent video interviews and articles on Marty’s blog).
Or Tommy Davis testifying under oath that he and 25 other people flew to Corpus Christie to try to press gang JB into returning to a life in the Hole and that this was “his own decision because JB was a “friend” and nobody had directed him to go and he paid his own way (on a private jet)” UNTIL the disclosure of the Sheriff’s complaint made by Warren McShane falsely claiming JB stole some computer disk from the church and that HE had sent Tommy and others to try to “recover him.” (See Miscavige’s People Can’t Lie Straight In Bed on Marty’s blog).
There are dozens of these anonymous hate sites. They literally put them up when there is anyone they want to black PR – either because they are exposing uncomfortable truths or they are supporting those who are doing so (for example, my friend Robert Almblad, only because he had the temerity to hire me).
Thanks to the vigilance of anonymous this subterfuge was exposed and the evidence preserved.
Mike Rinder
I have never had anything to do with Scientology until I began watching Leah and your show nor do I have any desire to check them out unless it will help your cause. I have been so moved by the reporting of the incidents in Scientology and the interviews and testimony’s you have presented. There have been several times that you have said how you think if Scientology lost its status as a church that they may not fold up completely but it would diminish there following or something of that nature. I have heard you both call it a church which legally may be true but every time you call it that it doesn’t go with what else you’re saying. I realize it may just be habit for you and Leah but in several of the episodes both you and Leah refer to them as a church. It has also been referred to as a cult which with what I have learned through what little research I have been able to do is an apropos term. There have even been incidences where it has been called both a church and a cult in the same sentence. The testimony’s I have heard I take to heart the most. Like an ex-drug addict talking about drugs I take to heart more strongly what they say. Could you please send me links or internet addresses so I could learn more from those people.
Thank you, Charles
Also… Notwithstanding your apparent misunderstanding of the benefits of economies of expression … (Why must Scientologists be so damned wordy and use one full paragraph that can be expressed in a simple sentence?) … Nonetheless, Rinder, I – a bystander – think you’re awesome. [no need to post this. I just didnt know how to get you a msg directly.] Cheers, Rusty
I feel sorry for the poor schmuck made the mistake and didn’t redirect the website thus exposing the attack on Catton as from originating from the C of S. I think I can hear Miscavige now… “Off with his head!”
Along that vein I found a great Alice in Wonderland quote that Miscavige will never be bright enough to duplicate.
“If you drink much from a bottle marked ‘poison’ it is certain to disagree with you sooner or later.”
― Lewis Carroll
Thanks, Mike! These guys are crazy. The site has complete lies on the home page, plus proves the Narconon/CoS connection by displaying the videos and confidential information. Those videos were taken at Flag by Gold in 2009. I was asked to come and encourage other church members to be FSMs for Narconon. I have just a tiny bit more understanding on how much you and others have endured for taking a stand.
Thanks, Mike! I’m playing catch up on my reading. Great info!
Mr. Rinder:
Your blog is now officially my new favorite scientolgy news- breaking site! Well, and
Tony Ortega’s. PLEASE keep posting daily – love it and very informative.
Thanks Mike! as many have said, the Co$ is dead. But you always seem to find a way to Hammer another Nails in The Coffin. Maybe one day soon, the kool-aiders will realize the funeral is over, and leave miscavige with his corps. It really is getting far too stinky.
Mike, this is such a great blog! When I finally left the church after 30+ years I was given links to sites such as the Freedom Mag in hopes that those sites would change my mind. When I first laid eyes on it, I was horrified at how entheta, how enturbulating it was to read nothing but attacks on former members. The site itself was re-stimulating, just looking at it. Kudos to you for bringing all of these gross outpoints to light. I am amazed that with all of this information, there are those that still do not see. But I understand. After all, it took me 30 years!
Well done, Mike and thank you.
Well, just goes to show that in the midst of this wacko’s dramatizations, those of his minions who retain some awareness of themselves, leave trails to their complicitness in his crimes.
Not only do I have my own OSA webpage, lately, the rumor is that I’m in fact OSA operated. Putting this together for myself, trying to rise above my programming, I realized that I put the OSA site on me up, then, cleverly, used that as cover so I could cover the cover that I’m indeed working FOR OSA, and Mike Rinder, as former head of OSA is in reality my Operations Officer, unknown to HIM, or me for that matter, such is the diabolicallitiness of the mind of Dave Miscavige.
Dave, I’m not sure that the Oh Save my Ass guys are working for you. They seem to want to be free of your turmoil and so leave clues. Yikes!!! That doesn’t include me though, as I appreciate the yearly stipend, and won’t ever complain. As directed, I’m writing this reply to cover my cover undercover and O(h) S(aving) your A(ss).
Yes Mike.
Joel Phillips is pure cover.
He is using his name and company as a diversion.
Apparently he is SUCH a dummy that he does not even KNOW what they are doing, no INSIDER information, just a dummy stooge… what a bozo.
Jim Logan ~~~ Rolling on the floor laughing at your posting an OSA hate website on yourself ! LOLOLOL
Just when you think it can’t get anymore insane,…
And Jim, That about wraps it up!
I could have said it worse if I didn’t try. LOL
Radical Official Scientology may well be the ONLY *Religion* that posts hate websites on departed members.
Can you imagine the Catholic Church, the Mormon Church, the Church of LDS posting gate websites containing bits and pieces of confessional information mingled in with manufactured LIES ?
It is possible this Joel Phillips wants to please Miscavige and perhaps his audience for such unbalanced (lunatic) blather is to please the Fuhrer. Perhaps he does it for his *ELLIGIBILITY* for his eternal spiritual freedom !
I have some snips on their hate on Anderson Cooper and Larry Wright here ~~
How to win friends and influence someone !
Great point K#1.
Joel Phillips is sockpuppet like Karin Pouw. Just a NAME to put on things as Miscavige is afraid to use his own.
A liar is a coward, and a coward is a liar. The personal motto of David Miscavige.
I posted an anomaly about this web site on Sinar’s FB a couple days ago. Are you still involved with the ice machine Mike? Curious how that worked out.
And yet, they think they are being so clever and smart.
Another indicator of the arrogance and disdain they have for people… thinking that others are actually so ignorant as to buy their BS!
Thanks for posting this Mike.
I’m not sure but I don’t think RCS wants anyone other than the victims to find the majority of these sites. They don’t search well for me, in fact I can’t get Claudio’s or Karen’s up and if Karen had not have said I wouldn’t even know they exist. I think they’re put up to simply introvert. Otherwise they’d be more broadly promoted. I think it’s just a symptom of Dave’s bunker mentality. He’s a man who’s not going to be famous later for bravery, leadership, integrity or, ….well anything that a person might want to be remembered for.
Speaking of Bert Leahy, he’s become a full fledged CoS critic and picketer. It’s like Tory says, they make their own enemies.
I have a very nice “hate” site too!
Is someone that “pretends” to be an ex supplier of mine disgusted by the fact that he saw me on TV and bla bla bla, tons of defamation, lies, border line legal.
NO NAME, of course.
They are such coward.
Guess is a nice trophy….to have such a site.
Claudio — yes, Congratulations. It is a badge of honor to be so highly regarded as such a powerful SP!
OMG, is this the same Claudio that posted anonymously and without a real name on Marty’s blog? Just sayin’
FACT: “Religious Freedom Watch” …$cientology’s HATE PAGE is run out of OSA, of course. However, some years ago while picketing a public businessman, Joel Phillips, Announced that HE ran RFW. See 14:00 to see Joel SAY RFW is his site: Andreas is great in this picket…well worth listening to, imnsho.
Thanks for posting that Tory. I had seen it a long time ago, but loved rewatching Andreas again own this dude …
When Anonymous started their DDoS campaign in 2008, RFW was quickly moved under the same expensive protection as the rest of the CoS main sites. That couldn’t be done without control of the RFW domain account. Joel Phillips is just a pathetic cutout.