Just a bit of lighthearted amusement among the real news being generated by Corporate Scientology, but it illustrates an important point about the state of Scientology.
This email is being sent out by Boston Org with no message, just the subject heading “Freedom Alliance Mystery Magnet.”
Not much apparently.
Not even a Paypal button like Austin to give them $25,000?
But then again, I guess it makes about as much sense as the other garbage that is sent out to convince local org public to give money to other orgs for their “Ideal Buildings” when their own org doesnt even have one.
The whole thing is becoming weirder and weirder.
The Church of Scientology is no longer ridiculed because of its “weird beliefs” — it is laughed at for its utterly bizarre displays of idiocy in public:
Its spokespuppets outbursts and statements that everyone is a liar and the media are missing the real story of Scientology because they are not reporting on the massive international expansion evidenced by new empty buildings opened;
An utter refusal by the masters of communication skill to talk to any media at all;
Secretive “public” events for the “local community” where no local community are allowed in, and there is a hired cop or PI for every 10 attendees;
Bizarre exaggerations of numbers that everyone knows are just plucked out of thin air (sometimes accompanied with photoshopped “proof”);
“Freedom” magazine and its clown reporter Jim Lynch;
The endless stream of goofy “promo” and corny events in ever more desperate efforts to raise money;
And this is not even a complete list.
The problem is that the behavior of the Corporate Cultists gives good grounds for the perception that they must really believe some crazy stuff.
If I didnt know better, I would look upon the antics of the RCS as being a result of their beliefs (especially as they seem to find some LRH quote to justify everything they do….) and could only conclude that those beliefs must be absolutely wack.
And if not that, then I would at least conclude that they are so crazy that whatever they believe in must be as crazy as they are.
I love light-hearted amusement. Jim Flynch, crack journalist, weaseling his way through an ‘interview’ really is quite the performance.
Between you and Mike i got inspired to a little poem.
I hope EVERYONE enjoys it 😉
We love you Flynch
You make us cringe
Take heart, you mighty warrior
You show us truth for sure-ior!
Weasel in and weasel out
Mike Rinder will be ’bout
In awe we stand when you confront
Your courage and your wit abund’
We love you Flynch!
“The beingness of a Scientologist should be that of a professional auditor, that ought be the most respected role model.”
It was too late for me before I started H.Q.S.. My beingness was already fully cooked. I was comfortable with it though. I did not feel any need to trash it to become someone else’s idea of a V.I.P..I mean, this is shopping preference is it not?
I guess some folk coming in are shopping for beingness. Some are shopping for secrets. Some are shopping for knowledge. Some are shopping for company, some are shopping for a family, some are shopping for applause, some are shopping for pussy. or husbands, some are shopping for power (we know who those were) The truth about me is, I came in shopping for INDEPENDENCE. Yeah, because I was two weeks past 16 and my mother refused to sign emancipation papers until I finished HQS. So, I came in shopping for independence. And damn if that isn’t exactly what I have gotten from my efforts in Scientology. You look at everyone in this arena and where they are sitting and how, and right there you will know what people were shopping for when they got involved with Scientology. It is all in their shopping bag.
Very strange. If it’s not some kind of joke (is that possible?) then it’s very strange indeed. It seems like the church’s publicity is becoming sloppy. One would think this would be the time to be extra careful, with all the negative stories lately. I wonder if things are becoming too difficult to keep up with.
The reason I took notice of these situations in the church is not because I’ve been involved in Scientology (I haven’t) but because I was raised in an abusive home by a psychopath (likely the type of person L Ron Hubbard was describing when he wrote of “suppressive persons”) . It’s been frightening to see how many ways ex-members experience jibes with my own upbringing , even in small details, even down to the authority cruelly using people’s good intentions against them. The thought that a large organization could be run this way chills me to the bone.
If my thinking about the similarity holds, then I can say this: when the person or people abusing their authority feel their control (or their ego) is threatened, they can become delusional, desperate, increasingly incomprehensible and bizarre. I saw this in my family plenty of times, and if that’s happening here then it’s worrying. If the church is beginning to reach a breaking point, I worry for the people inside such a punishing system.
Looks like Scientology is allowing freedom of creative dissemination patters for the staffs of Class 5 orgs, but not freedom to discuss their spiritual practice.
Regs and crim regs are okay to emulate, but there’s no strategic push for he beingness which should predominate and should be the valance that even top managers ought know in their bones, the beingness of an auditor.
LRH said in Flag Ship Order to the Sea Org crew aboard the Apollo, that at some distant time in a Sea Org crew member’s life, it was expected they become a Class 8 and OEC trained.
The beingness of a Scientologist should be that of a professional auditor, that ought be the most respected role model.
Dissemination gimmick role models, is off the role model that is the most important role model of the subject. Technically, per the Ethics policy fundamental principles, it’s even out ethics to be promoting these other role models of the regs and crim regs and these oddball disseminator role models.
Nobody’s gonna reach OT 8 unless enough Scientologists become auditors.
One thing I’ve noticed reading freezone writings by splinter Scientologists, is they go through LRH’s learning curve in discarding the unnecessary frivolous gimmicks, eventually.
And the ex great auditors and C/Ses, they mostly just carry on delivering auditing, since that’s about the most core part there is, of the subject.
Forgive please what is very possibly my naivte, but I have a sincere question, which is:
What good, really, is the Dwrarf getting out of all of this money-grabbing and extreme fundraising and crush-IAS regging? ( And, by “what good” I mean, what logic lies behind this, as, is it not true that the RCS /Dwarf already has VAST wealth, possibly in the billions?
Is this money necessary for some vital target of his that he has set, some amount that he needs/wants for something he has planned, i.e. an escape, some specific, if secret purpose? For something that is assuredly not the official publicized reason for it?
Or, am I barking up the wrong tree trying to make something logical (meaning “logical” from the viewpoint of a criminal) out of all these frequent, frantic money grabs? In other words, in your opinion, is all this money grabbing just a manifestation of his insanity, and there’s no real logical (if criminal) end game, but its just what he DOES, over and over.
I’m trying to puzzle out if he actually has a PLAN, his own plan, not the RCS PR plan that is being trumpeted, as he must know this has not worked and is in fact killing the church – he has to know this.
I think you have it pretty well nailed.
just a manifestation of his insanity, and there’s no real logical (if criminal) end game, but its just what he DOES, over and over.
It’s also part of “you get what you push.” He pushes hard to get Ideal Orgs as he uses them as props to prop up his image as “creating international expansion as never before witnessed in the history of the church” and he pushes on IAS as it is a PR tool to demonstrate all the great works he is overseeing around the world. He knows his position/power is based on the belief of the public and staff that he is truly leading them toward planetary domination (clearing, sort of, though not much of that takes place these days).
And now, ingrained so hard is compliance to “Command Intention” that you see nuttiness happening downstream as people try to “comply” with “command intention” and the aberration is contagious about how to go about doing so.
It’s become a nuthouse.
Thank you for your response. I get it now. I can think with this. The concept of IAS fundraising and Ideal Org fundraising as “props” to sustain his (false) image of a strong leader spearheading rapid expansion. These are his “Special Effects” to communicate an Affluence Condition! Oh, my God, what a con! And he has actually trapped himself very thoroughly, there’s no way out for him.
The Dwarf is a 21st century real, live dramatization of the Wizard of Oz and his cuthroat programs are his special effects. But remember how at the end of the film the little dog trots behind the curtain and exposes the Wizard as a total phony? Well, I can’t wait to find out who DM’s “Toto” will be.
(This post should go below what I just wrote.)
Actually, you, Marty, Thoughtful and a number of others are all DM’s “Toto” so this is a process. I get it!
Translated: We just paid Brian Culkin all of his money back. It costs us $350,000. We really like money – so we would like you degraded beings to band together and pay this tab! We will say anything for money – we lie, we make things up – we are the IAS! We are Scientology!
Thanks for the translation, BSP. I have now been magnetized, and my check is in the mail.
“Freedom Alliance Mystery Magnet “.
Say what?
See, if I could only get sent this rubbish… I could have such fun.
But I don’t. They know better 🙂
That is disturbing and disturbed on so many levels.
No use of marketing tech. No use of any tech. Just a money grab.
Just spoke to someone today who has set up delivery capacity and has 40 under-the-radar clients for a variety of services. Very cool.
Keep the information coming Mike. It is making a huge impact. I know it is sometimes disheartening to see this crap and not feel the pain. I say this somewhat in jest as I know you know of course.
I see this odd promo and think how nice it is for those looking. It helps them to move a notch further.
Hey Mike.
Maybe they are setting us up for “Sting”.
Now that is a mystery. Who would think of sending total confused garbage as an email. Oh… hold on.
The glaringly obvious failure these days is on the PR front.
In the past, there was always a decent spinmeister available to present a public face and presumably a competent rapid-response team behind the scenes working to neutralize any unflattering news and head off any flaps as they arose.
It wasn’t too long ago that news organizations had someone available that they could sit down with and talk to any time. Now they’re lucky to even get an email.
Have things now devolved into a paranoid bunker mentality, or is it more like a case of not having any competent PR people left anymore?
That’s true, frog, although arguably the absence of any PR spokespeople is an improvement on the number of footbullets they used to provide by their media appearances. They’ve perhaps had advice to the effect that silence means at least they aren’t giving oxygen to critics.
With this goofball image, the Church of Scientology has again shown its contempt for the law by using in an unauthorized fashion the legally protected images of Paul Newman and Robert Redford in service to their slimy goals. See “Paul Newman Continues to Control Image From the Grave” at http://www.abajournal.com/news/article/paul_newman_continues_to_control_image_from_the_grave/.
If anyone wants to alert the Newman estate’s intellectual property counsel at the law firm of Cohen & Wolf in Westport, Connecticut, you’ll be doing Paul Newman and his family a true favor. 🙂
Please note that a close reading of the ABA Journal article quotes an attorney from Cohen & Wolf, but that attorney does not represent that her firm is representing Newman’s estate. I think more information is necessary to determine who represents Newman’s interests in the matter, if you are thinking of sending a note about the Church of Scientology misusing his image.
And this, Mike, is why we never-in critics have friction with Indies on occasion. How can there be merit in the Tech when it produces people this utterly incapable of dealing with reality? Isn’t the goal of Scientology to make the able more able? So how is it that application of the Tech seems to create people who are, by all measurements, less able?
Let’s face it, when the most visible results of the Tech are like the people in RCS, you’re not going to have the best image of the Tech. A long time ago, I used to use an avatar on some sites of Obelix saying, “These Scilons are crazy.” If I saw an e-mail like this, with seemingly random references and two guys trying their damndest to look like Robert Redford and Paul Newman…oh, wait, didn’t those two star in a pair of movies together? And didn’t they play amiable, charismatic criminals in both of those movies? Is that really the kind of image that you want to portray to the world? “We’re the Church of Scientology. We’re here to rob you and con you out of your money.”
Espi, they are not using the tech.
The tech is not used, it is merely named and quoted to deceive Scientologists into coughing up money. What is going on has nothing to do with LRH’s tech.
The whole charade is falling apart; you can not pretend reality where there is none and, as you noted, is weirder and weirder and there is no sign of direction as activities are all spread out; simply there is no foundation for such a pretended charade…it will fall apart and the sooner the better.
A.D.D. = Attention deficit disorder
Photos of actors famous for playing outlaw bandits in front of a giant (empty) wallet. Is that a message?
Of all the weird stuff emanating from the Church these days, this one takes the case. It is absolutely incomprehensible and has no message whatsoever, other than “here is some incomprehensible drivel for you.” Maybe the person that put this one together was covertly lampooning all the other bizarre Ideal Org communications and promotions emanating from various orgs. The Miscavige regime has perverted Scientology an Scientologists into complete jokes which would be laughable if not sad and pathetic.
Sad state of affairs to see our fellow man in: hallucination is from disturbed sensory perceptions; delusion is from disturbed thinking, an illusion is an image or conception of something actual or real that presents itself to the mind in an abnormal or distorted manner; a delusion is a false belief about oneself or other people that persists despite its being at variance with the facts.
” Mystery magnets ” ? Wow..Division 6 is really phoning it in these days I guess.