One of the “big names” in scientology — Jeanie Sonenfild/Bogvad/Franks/Danilovich — has a pending bankruptcy proceeding.
What makes this of interest?
Jeanie was promoted as one of the most successful Class V org ED’s.
Here she is below, winning the birthday game as the ED of Cincinnati Org (she was ED of LA Org before this).
She has a long history in the Sea Org — was formerly married to Bill Franks who was at one point the Executive Director International of scientology. Then to Jens Bogvad, the former ED of Munich Org when it was the biggest org on the planet and then one of a handful of selected “CMO Int Missionaires” who worked exclusively for David Miscavige. After Jens she married Dave Sonenfild who was a registrar at AOLA.
When Jeanie got pregnant, they were sent to a “small and failing org” — Cincinnati.
Jeanie became ED and he became a Registrar or Dissem Sec.
Jeanie and Dave spearheaded the fundraising for the Cincinnati “ideal” org building.
Ironically, she was also one of the “seminar circuit” who taught everyone the “secret to prosperity”…
I guess she, like many of the others who have touted themselves as experts on prosperity, couldn’t follow her own advice.
It is also some sort of karma that she and her husband were the source of a lot of the criminal registration tactics that have been used throughout the scientology world. Reportedly, they were so outrageous that even scientology couldn’t tolerate their crush reg techniques and Jeanie and Dave were brought back to Los Angeles for ethics and justice handling. I heard she was on the RPF, but this is not confirmed…
Like the poster child for Super Power, Matt Feschbach, another of scientology’s “stars” has been snuffed out by the harsh realities of life in the REAL world where financial criminality has real world consequences.
A commenter provided the following information from the court documents concerning her creditors (she owed well over $100k to credit card institutions):
Further research shows how much Jeanie’s creditors claim she owes them. Some creditors are listed twice on the court documents:
American Express: $3,349.85
American Express: $22,998.98
BB&T: $10,129.11
BB&T: $9,697.36
Capital One: $508.68
Discover Bank: $891.41
Fifth Third Bank: $9,431.00
First Tech FCU: $12,581.53
Huntington National Bank: $1,401.79
Huntington National Bank: $669.71
Jefferson Capital Systems LLC: $4,527.00
LVNV Funding LLC: $13,878.33
Navy FCU: $13,254.47
Navy FCU: $70.24
Michael Plummer: $2,815.00
Portfolio Recovery Associates: $7,954.11
Republic Bank and Trust: $9,501.53
According to the bankruptcy trustee, the above-listed creditors can only expect to get 21% of their claims.
How does Jeanie plan to pay off all this debt? According to her Chapter 13 Plan filed with the court, she’ll make payments of $500 per month for two months, followed by $100 per month for 58 months, along with an additional $27,000 to be paid by the 55th month. That winds up as $33,800 she’ll have to pay off.
Hubtard said, “Scamology is the only game where everyone loses, except me.”
Many of us wanted a lot more money and thought Scientology would solve that. The fully indoctrinated Scientologists I knew were simply horrible at money and would hold forth on preposterous notions about “flow” or “it’s only an idea backed by confidence” or “making money is just a very small, extremely small consideration”. The truth was, if you were in Scientology, you were in a casino and all the games were rigged for the house to win and you lose. Always. You will leave brokeass broke.
Jeanne was a Class XII, and I’m pretty sure was an OEC FEBC grad and certainly a Scientology celebrity, darn good looking and likeable. 50 years of experience at the highest levels. Looking at that list of creditors should be a major shock to anyone remotely hoping Scientology will make you rich. Criminal. How did she expect to pay it back? And … it’s not that much money for someone who is at retirement age. I don’t think she’s going to get much Social Security based on SO pay.
This is very sad.
A common EP of CoS membership.
I can’t imagine what 20+ years of auditing BTs does to a person.
To then be told that her whole track identity wasn’t necessarily hers afterall.
To be under so much pressure to perform that she abused those who looked up to her.
I hope she’s okay and takes some time out to reflect.
And has the courage to know and say what she has observed.
More proof Scientology not only doesn’t work but harms and ruins people’s lives.
This is really in your face evidence that can not be ignored or rationalised, even by the most ardent followers.
They hide this from the flock. They all know deep down it’s a scam.
After all that time, work, auditing, sec checks etc she’s supposed to be a super being in control of matter, energy, time and space!
What an absolute joke Scientology is.
Hopefully she speaks out.
Jeanie audited her Body Thetans for at least 20+ years. She faithfully reported to Flag for 6 month sec checks. Then she said she could not continue due to cost $$$. But the CULT and DM wanted to know what she was up to so her 6 month sec checks became free (after 20 years of paying for these sec checks.)
She then got approved for OT 8 and did her OT 8.
Then, after OT 8, Jeanie had her Cincinnati staff into take out multiple credit cards to FUND the Bridge costs of Public !
Staff could not keep up with payments and it all blew up sky high.
A mission arrived and removed her and her son was was HCO Area Sec and a REG. They were doing hard manual labor in Los Angeles while her husband suffered his cancer alone in their home in Kentucky.
Karen, So was Jeannie Bogvad / Sonnengrad out of the SO when this took place? Was she just public by that time, or Class 5 Org staff?
Did David survive his cancer?
Thanks Cindy.
Jeanie did not leave the Sea org when she was shipped out of Los Angeles to Cincinnati due to pregnancy.
She could be recalled and RPFd at any time under Sea Org contract.
She was under what is called “Garrison Mission” (long duration mission out of the SO brick and mortar real estate.
David still has his cancer.
Note that the spelling is Jeanie SONNENFILD.
Thanks. I don’t know how I got that last name wrong when I knew her husband etc. Thanks for the correct spelling.
Hi, it may be too late for you to see this but why would staff take out credit cards to pay for the Public’s bridge? Were the public supposed to pay the staff members back?
I had a similar situation when I was young and poor, Steve Drabin at Big Blue was trying to get me to pay for some services and he was trying to get it done before Thursday at 2:00. So he had another public put it on his credit card and then I paid the person back.
Just curious
She is pulling a classic Trump financial escape.
Sorry to the Trump fans, but that is exactly what she is doing. I wonder if this is the new Financial Plan for the Whales of Scientology
Shawn, Tony has a different blog for political discourse. That’s where comments about Trump or Biden or anything political belong.
Wasn’t she also Jeannie Hare? I guess she never got 2D counseling or got her OWs off.
Anyway, she had quite a run, didn’t she? Fifty freaking years.
Sonnenfild sounds like a COMPLETE asshole.
Cycle of Action, Start Change Stop. The Jeannie crime wave comes to its probable end as she no longer is queen of the Church of Scientology of Northern Kentucky.
This case was filed in 2019. This means she should be 3 years into the plan at this point. This is one of those times when I am sad that I have retired and don’t have access to pacer files any more. I’d love to see the case history and see if she even got the plan approved, and if so, if she is making the payments. Trustees are not fond of balloon payments in Chapter 13s.
Thank you Michael for this great case history.
Here is an example of a SCN devotee.
50 years in the cult and ending up either RPFd or declared, but any rate
bankrupt and removed from the Org she worked in, in the last 25 years.
I was told something by a Cincinnati insider.
Jeanie’s husband David Sonenfeld has had advanced cancer for many years.
He refused to return to the Org and somehow managed to live off base while
Jeanie continued as Executive Director.
For some years Jeanie billed Cincinnati Org for his medical. Every week.
She got it into the Financial Planning (FP)
Org (She was in charge of Financial Planning as the executive director)
This was during the years he would not participate.
If she decided to leave and cross over, I have a hunch that Aftermath Foundation
would help.
They help sincere requests no matter what.
Portfolio Recovery and Jefferson Capital are collection agencies, so that’s two more credit cards, I guess.
As for those listed twice, they would be two different accounts. So, two Amex cards, two Navy Federal Credit Union cards, etc. Navy Fed is known among credit card points people for giving unusually large credit limits.
This is such a typical story for clams: Running up debt while expecting their new “abilities gained” to magically enable them to pay off the bills. That’s what the reg says, anyway. Then reality bites them in the ass.
I liked Jeanie when she took over when then spouse Bill Franks moved into ED Int. Her years at Int Training Org were decent. No public regging (arm twistings sales for the Scientology fixed donations that).
Stat pushing, crim regging, she succumbed to the Hubbard “hard sell” extremes allowed and demanded.
The Hubbard full ship of rules for staffs unchecked, cause recurring stat pushing, crim regging.
It’s all fundamentally following Hubbard’s fool horrible demanded core “hard sell” atitude for the quackery sales.
Were OT supernatural soul powers attainable and demonstratable, there’d never be any complaints.
Quackery fails everyone, up and done the chain of command.
Dead Hubbard’s boat’s cult rules ruin all.
Xenu’s “body-thetans” on all of the fools.
Jeannie’s a two or three time Saint Hill size org team leader.
Scientology is a losing propostion, even the “best” and well liked dynamo leaders come to grief and ruinous debris trail.
Jeannie was a premiere level hands on and on the ground real leader and role model in the Hubbard quackery cult debris trail team. She really do the “right” (wrong) things to make an org “stable” (stably bilk an area and deliver the quackery).
In the FEBC tapes Hubbard calls them “stable terminals” who can put other “stable terminals” there, to make the quackery islands prosper and function.
The Business of Orgs, policy by Hubbard. Jeannie could do that job, for decades.
Crim regging, and GIEI if the post existed, must have been declared SP and RPFed or booted out of Sea Org when this recent years crim regging trend caused Miscavige to remove all regges all orgs, off post.
This is Scientology, this is Hubbard caused.
People holding the Hubbard bag need to quit and stop leaving the debris trail for the Hubbard quackery sales outfit.
I thought the money could be given back, but the only postive (negative) is Scientologists become experts at bankruptsy. They cause so much, they share their secrets between themselves how to recover from it.
I suppose in their minds they still think the good of humanity is still being bettered, even with all this money ruination and lives destroyed.
Quit like Hubbard ought be told to those still in the cult.
“. . . to make the quackery islands prosper and function.”
“quackery islands” laughter!
Yet another useful metaphor. Good job, Chuck. Lol
I should have included “the Hubbard quackery sales outfit” and “the Hubbard quackery cult debris trail team” which might be new additions to your ever expanding Hubbard/Scientology Quackery List.
There ought to be a “Quackery Cult Repair List”. for ex quackery cult members.
“Retired TeamXenu 75to03”
Like so many other Scientologists, Jeannie Sonenfild needed to use wog credit card companies to pay for her for existence as a Scientologist. Then she stiffed the credit card companies and filed bankruptcy. Looks like Staff pay was nonexistent.
That is one of Scientology’s dirty secrets: Have Scientologists take money from banks and credit card companies and donate the money to the Church. And if they can’t pay back the banks and credit card companies, why then file for bankruptcy. Wogs don’t need to be repaid.
What does Dr. Hubbard say about this? “First consider a group which takes in money but does not deliver anything in exchange. This is called rip-off. It is the “exchange” condition of robbers, tax men, governments and other criminal elements. — L. Ron Hubbard – HCO PL 10 Sep 82”
I posted the David Sonenfild Regging Hat Pack over on my blog:
David Sonenfild emphasizes getting a person’s money into the Org as quickly as possible with no added time. Time pressure is the essence of most con jobs: Planetary Urgency! We’ve got to get you up your Bridge now! We need you to help the IAS destroy Psychiatry! We must flow power to COB for his 4D salvage campaigns, Ideal Orgs, and his other vital planetary programs. Today! Now, now, now!
An Excerpt from David Sonenfild’s Hat Pack:
“When you have people who cannot control people on PE and Registration posts, your income falls or vanishes.
“This comes about from the state of ··self-determinism the society today. What with advertising and stepped-up political and economic controls, the “self-determinism” of the general public is only reactivism.
“As any control we exert upon the public brings about a better society. we are entirely justified in using control.
“The best control, for PE and Registration purposes, includes the greater good of the applicant. Therefore. KNOWINGNESS must be included with control. One must discover what is best for the applicant and then control him into obtaining It. Leaving It up to his “self-determinism” Is really leaving up to his reactive mind.
“Definition of Control – when we say control we simply mean willingness to start, stop and
change. From Dn’s 55.
“This is your key key key key key key datum which you should be weaving through all registration cycles and their accompanying logistics, so to effect getting the person’s money into the org with no added unnecessary time. If you grasp what this means fully you will be successful. If you don’t you will have losses after losses and be the effect of others.
“Good control is very theta if done well, and your prospect and his bankers etc will respond to it well; and they won’t object to it either, as it is a rare commodity on this planet, and a piece of Standard LRH Tech.”
Thanks Jeffery, good information and points.
Thank you for this info Jeffery. Besides encouraging their public and staff to declare bankruptcy, thus stiffing their creditors, they also encouraged you doing negotiating to where you paid a lump sum to the creditor in the form of a small percentage on the balance and in return they wrote the rest off. There are some big time OT VIII’s who are famous and rich from their internet site that they made, made tons of money on, and then got really rich by selling it. They did this at least once and possible more times too. It was their dirty little secret until they told me.
Start change stop
Create Survive Destroy
In these Hubbard “cycles of action” principles, is a heartless pursuit of money, when it comes to the salesman job.
I mean, what other religions have salesmen people soaking donations?
Hubbard codified this salesman/fundraiser, for every single “spiritual service” to be allowed given to the parishioner/quackery-dupe target.
The administrative setup is heavily over staffed, to pressure each other and pressure and praise and heap bonuses on these Scientology cult fundraisers/registrars(salespeople) who bring in the “fixed donations” weekly.
The Hubbard staff team for Scientology is an ominous presence to the Scientology “churches”.
Staff administrative staff add up to the bilking gauntlet part that keeps the quackery “churches” of Scientology operating.
Scientology “field groups” of members just reading and doing the quackery on each other, for free, since they can “co-audit” (co deliver the spiritual quackery to one another) is the likely only legit level of this Scientology operation.
But it’s quackery, so even the “field group” level of co-delivering-the-quackery-to-each-other-in-pairs, is quackery, so why even do that?
Naw, bottom to top options, how to even deliver the Hubbard pseudo-therapy and exorcism, really, even if you did it for free, and you could, I know I could scour the internet, find everything I need, and do it with another person today; but why?
The “What Is Scientology” layout book that Scientology does, when you discard everything Scientology hype falsely claims that Scientology will do; and you instead just gather up ALL of the Hubbard “tech” (quackery theory and the actual “processes” and training theory to study how to deliver the quacery) and you do it all.
You do not achieve soul flying, nor ESP abilities, nor anything supernatural, as is promised.
The supernatural results are simply not there, never have been there, and have been false promises from the moment Hubbard began spouting Scientology’s false promises.
Scientology is one subject it is best to quit before you start.
And if you have started it, then follow the Hubbard Keeping Scientology Working challenge, where Hubbard wrote:
“…..and if they are going to quit let them quit fast…..” – Hubbard
(most Scientologists never ever thought of doing this, not until they get reminded of this, and even then, it’s “taboo” to quit like that, but in fact, all should quit fast!)
If you started, best to quit as fast as possible.
Chuck Beatty
PS: x members need to bone up on the Xenu theory, so that when Scientologists come to threaten or cajole, or persuade, or shame ex members about “Coming back” and making things right, etc, etc; best is just talk Xenu and “body-thetans” theory simply to Scientologists, and make them shrivel from the dire supposedly “case” damage they are suffering hearing the Xenu “body-thetans” secret theory.
Hubbard’s biggest stupidest idiocy was give Xenu and “body-thetans” theory such powerful backlash and penalty for the followers.
Hubbard handed outsiders a free verbal Achilles Heal to employ against Scientologists, by the Xenu and “body-thetans” words and theory.
XENU CAUSED THE WALL OF FIRE. That’s just an unforgettable definition of Xenu anyone can say to a Scientologist, and it defines Xenu. Defining Xenu is taboo, but just saying that little XENU CAUSED THE WALL OF FIRE. sentence is the stepping stone to tell Scientologists their taboo secret theory. XENU caused the “body-thetan” problem for which todays OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 five exorcism levels of upper secret Scientology biggest taboo info of all time, for Scientologists, is supposedly done.
That’s what all the TeamXenu cult of Scientology is heading towards. A whole lot of exorcism on OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, all because of Xenu and the 4th Dynamic Engram. Not likely.
The brutality of Church of Scientology registration and fundraising tactics, here like dark, venomous birds, they return home at 21 percent strength to roost—with one individual at least. Magnificent.
I am outraged after carefully reading this woman’s bankruptcy filing. She was in reality a small time punk. With so many credit cards, she could just keep taking a small amount at a time from each. She obviously produced nothing of value to return income, Financial expectations today are beyond anything anyone could have imagined twenty years ago. Yet she failed using Hubbard’s methods. Get serious Scientology. You do not have any secrets. Thank God I got out in the 1980’s.
Cincinnati being my hometown I am so glad to see this. Note the org is actually in KY near the airport which is why it is in KY court. What is an ED? “Expert in Dianetics?”
ED is Executive Director, sort of like a CEO. In the Sea Org it would be CO, Commanding Officer.
Oh okay I get it! Jargon is one way cults bubbleize themselves. I used to work as a temp at Procter and Gamble in Cincinnati. They had all those jargon acronyms too without resorting to scientologism made up words.
For example the P&G computer information system help desk had a gigantic acronym everybody knew because it was a corporate bubble world. P&G MSD MIS blah blah …
I went drove from Pittsburgh over to Cinncy (Florence) to visit the Cinncy Org, before Jeannie was busted, some years back.
I knew her, I always like her, I’d been her subordinate and she was a good “leader” in the cult bureaucracy section I worked in.
But, I couldn’t bring myself to go inside and say hi to her. She was a little dynamo of a woman encouraging, and pushy in a nice way.
In the cult history though, everyone who’s been around a couple decades, witnesses how the sales people (and what a racket a “church” is if they have “sales” people arm twisting donations out of the “parishioners” but that is how the Scientology cult bureaucracy is set up.)
The cult bureaucracy is heavy on staffs. When you protested in LA all your years now, you run into the cult bureaucrats, almost 100 percent of the time. All you see are the cult bureaucrats. The TeamXenu staffers.
Pope, to spice up things and throw in some change in your talking to them, I suggest a little Xenu phrasing.
“Hey, you guys don’t even know who Xenu is. Are you guys not even allowed to define Xenu in your class rooms? Have you even wondered who Xenu was? Xenu is the bad space leader of 75 million years ago, and Xenu is the person who caused the Wall of Fire on the Ron’s Journal 67 tape.”
Just understanding this paragraph and adding it to a conversation where you’ve got the attention of one of the TeamXenu/cult-bureaucrats before you, you can deliver to them an unforgettable piece of info, that will sit in their brains for years and years.
It’s so hard to get this across to never in Scientology people. Just how major of a taboo it is to define Xenu in words they understand, and once they “get” the definition of Xenu being the guy who caused the Wall of Fire incident in the Ron’s Journal 67 tape, that is just something they will have stuck in their heads, til they quit, as most do quit, even before Scientology teaches them the truth.
The truth is Xenu did cause the Wall of Fire.
Anyways, again, eternal thanks for your years of protesting, and being willing to see them and talk to them.
Chuck Beatty
don’t forget
(Don’t underestimate the power of simply defining this key misunderstood word to the majority of the Scientologists you encounter, almost 95 percent of them do not know XENU CAUSED THE WALL OF FIRE and this is factually a public service to help them put two and two together.)
Thanks so much for the insight and the kind words. But you keep saying that and I keep telling you the same thing. It is not about Xenu it is about imprisoning Mike Rinder. I’m not going to change stop telling me to talk about Xenu for 12 years. Move on.
Unfortunately talking about religious beliefs is like ignoring the Catholic Church child rape accusations because we are talking about if Jesus’s mom was a virgin or not. Dogma is not important when whistleblowers like Mike Rinder were abused as children just as so many of my Vatican supervised brethren were exploited.
Absolutely nothing, NOTHING, snaps people to attention like the litany of missing persons: Shelly Miscavige, Guillume Luseveraerasdflas I can’t spell his name. They all have crazy names! Heber Jentzsch. Try teaching the NYT to spell that!
Dontalla Kevenaar. It makes Schwarzenegger just roll of the tonge as in being easy to spell! Es ist nicht gut!
With all due respect, stop suggesting I do anything and just watch. I’ve stopped listening to you unless you become a patron.
Fair enough, and really even more so. Thanks for your participation.
On the Xenu, just realize to us who were there, for decades in most cases of the long term people you even bump into, we did not have the luxury of knowiong Xenu and knowing that Xenu is theoretically even the reason behind “our” “upper levels” OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, so my motive is also from decades of my NOT knowing even what our “religion” was about.
it’s more than just beliefs criticism, it is more fundamental to Scientologists, they are not allowed to know, for sometimes their whole careers on staff, what their upper beliefs are.
And their upper beliefs truly tie it all together in so many ways, not merely to outsiders who think it is making fun of them.
No, it’s beyond that, it’s like the famous Robert Jay Lifton lists out as what are at rock bottom what defines a totalistic self abusing groups.
The troublesome totalistic groups force “information control” to an extreme.
Not knowing what your “religion” is about, and working your staff life for that “religion” and not knowing, that is staggering to some of us personally, to me it was.
So even defining key concepts of upper Scientology is pivotal in the broader sense of outsiders cannot and have not gotten their wits around the beliefs.
So, also, even with these seeming weird beliefs, to me, I could defend them today, were I still a believer in the “soul” which is a fundamental concept in Scientology.
The discussion of any group’s beliefs are truly rock bottom. I can defend Scientology better than Scientologists, and when the moment comes, I can prove that in discusions.
ALL of the negatives, all of the felony abuses which you protest, truly, I applaud you for that, and that is your focus, and ties into what your participation with your decades of protesting, truly thankyou and that’s more than enough.
The above though, re Xenu, would be more for a private discussion, and the Robert Jay Lifton criteria for totalistic groups which abuse their members, and having lived that abuse in the information control point of the Lifton criteria, I can tell you that truly, not knowing the “religion” one lived for 27 years and I’d have gone on working Sea Org had not the abuse internally been so bad. The Hubbard system chews up the staffs, all are blamed. And truly, why I stayed is the delusional hope that the upper levels of Scientology were resulting in spiritual high high abilities. The abuse internally vs the lack of achieving the goals, is what ultimate balanced things for me to get out.
Members can remain unaware of the criticisms that outrage the public, like which you focus on.
In our heads though, were someone to tell us information controlled members about our own “religion” theory which we presumed was noble, but which we had no idea what the spiritual nuts and bolts of our upper religion’s concepts were, might not even jog one to quit. That isn’t even the motive. It’s just the control factor. The information might not even have caused me to quit. In fact even after quitting, learning it, it doesn’t make me game to quit. It’s just not knowing what we all were shooting for. Someone pointing up this defect of information control, would have more jogged me.
More to the Xenu “body-thetans” point is these exorcism techniques don’t produce the “OT” people. Scientology not working , meaning the exorcism not producing “OT” super people, is more the big letdown of wasitng one’s life.
The abuses could be sliced out. In fact many ex high up Scientologist “tech” (auditor quackery and exorcism quackery experts) left and continued, practicing, among themselves, and to other kicked out or quitter public Scientologists, and they carry on non abusively, in just small tiny groups.
The big official movement churns out the big abuses. Smaller groups of quitters who sometimes do talk the full theory of Hubbard’s meaning all the confidential “upper levels” which mostly means the exorcism of “body-thetans” OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 levels of Scientology are at least free to discuss the theory of the subject.
Those people I even sought out to have discussions with, because that is the normal theoretical free discussion of “one’s own religion” that ought be allowed by any “religion” in the first place.
So my gripe, on the Xenu and “body-thetans” is just that. Freedom to discuss it.
So enough on this. Thanks for all you do and did.
Maybe then a modified gripe of mine, would be to know that some of us or most of us quitters, one of the first things we do, is look. up on the internet what our former “religion’s” beliefs were, we go learn about Xenu and find out the secret that Xenu dumped the “body-thetans” onto earth and that upper levels OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are the exorcism levels. I’m just voicing the information control gripe.
Great reporting, Mike, This type of insane woman is often Found in Scientology. I knew her husband Bill Franks when he ruled Flag. She is a sicko with multiple divorces and criminal tendencies. She is also an extreme financial moron. The profit opportunities are so much greater today than twenty years ago.
She is now an old fool having lost all beauty.
“I guess she, like many of the others who have touted themselves as experts on prosperity, couldn’t follow her own advice”. Or possibly did follow her own advice; and it was crap advice?
I’d vote for the latter.
I’ve done the math and giving away all of your assets and savings and then digging the largest debt hole that the lowest of the lowly creditors will fund is not a recipe for ‘prosperity’ by any definition of the word.
The eventual cognition will be like that twist at the end of the Twilight Zone episode – you did all that for someone else’s prosperity.
The U.S. federal court system keeps court documents and filings behind a paywall. But I happen to have access. I checked Jeanie’s list of creditors, and it reads like a who’s who of credit card companies and banks:
— American Express National Bank
— Barclays Bank Delaware
— BB&T
— Capital One Bank
— Citicards
— Commerce Card Bank Center
— Discover
— Fifth Third Bank
— First Tech FCU
— Huntington National Bank
— Jefferson Capital Systems LLC
— LVNV Funding LLC
— Navy FCU
— Portfolio Recovery Associates
— Republic Bank
— SYNCB/Care Credit
— Synchrony Bank
Navy FCU (Federal Credit Union) is interesting to note, as Tony Ortega has reported Navy FCU was part of the “Chase wave” that Scientology registrars used to make money:
Three individuals are also listed in the creditors’ list:
— David Sonenfild (her husband)
— Michael Plummer (I believe this is her attorney)
— Beverly Burden (not sure who she is)
Further research shows how much Jeanie’s creditors claim she owes them. Some creditors are listed twice on the court documents:
American Express: $3,349.85
American Express: $22,998.98
BB&T: $10,129.11
BB&T: $9,697.36
Capital One: $508.68
Discover Bank: $891.41
Fifth Third Bank: $9,431.00
First Tech FCU: $12,581.53
Huntington National Bank: $1,401.79
Huntington National Bank: $669.71
Jefferson Capital Systems LLC: $4,527.00
LVNV Funding LLC: $13,878.33
Navy FCU: $13,254.47
Navy FCU: $70.24
Michael Plummer: $2,815.00
Portfolio Recovery Associates: $7,954.11
Republic Bank and Trust: $9,501.53
According to the bankruptcy trustee, the above-listed creditors can only expect to get 21% of their claims.
How does Jeanie plan to pay off all this debt? According to her Chapter 13 Plan filed with the court, she’ll make payments of $500 per month for two months, followed by $100 per month for 58 months, along with an additional $27,000 to be paid by the 55th month. That winds up as $33,800 she’ll have to pay off.
Looks like her success in Scientology didn’t translate to the real world.
Thanks for your research. I added some of this information to the posting for the sake of completeness…
You’re welcome. Glad I could help!
— Synchrony Bank is the institution that handles Amazon money. Don’t piss off Jeff bezos,, he’ll drop a rocket on you.
Did you see how she listed her husband, Dave Sonnenfild as a creditor? That is a sneaky, underhanded way of paying herself money so that the bankruptcy doesn’t take it all.
TDN, thanks for the data. Now I’m hoping that some insiders from Cincinnati will give us the scoop on what went down there in the last couple of years, including what’s up with all the Sea Org members apparently stationed there as some sort of experiment (or desperation move, also done not long after in Kansas City).
Well good for her.
Too bad though for all the people she helped bankrupt.
Like under cooked spaghetti, Jennie’s ‘postulates’ did not stick to the wall. I wonder how many credit card companies got stuck with her bills?
Interesting the the Birthday Game photo lists the orgs and not the people in the photo. Staff are rarely acknowledged and in the SO staff create stellar products and they never get credit for it.
I was thinking the same thing. Blood, sweat and tears from individuals who can rarely hope to receive recognition unless they are also in a position to donate vast sums to the IAS. Scientology proves itself, as always, to undervalue human endeavour whilst elevating those with deep pockets to God-like status. It’s upside down and inside out.
Andrea, as a musician that always bothered me that they never got personal credit. We saw photos of them, not their names. Or if a piece of music was written heard at events. Who wrote the piece.
Nails in the coffin. Her bankruptcy wouldn’t mean as much if they hadn’t touted her as a super powered, Make it go Right, opinion leader.
Karma is a bitch.
I hope David Sonnenfeld was RPFed. He was an asshole who bullied people into giving money. He tried to bully me and got all over me yelling etc,. I stood up to him and told him to back off and wrote him up.
Good for you standing up to him and writing him up.
I remember resorting to crying. The sobbing, hiccuping, snot flowing kind. I just couldn’t be talked to and they would have to hustle me back to my Scientology hotel room. While trying to hide that they had a super upset public person on their hands.
I think it was a 3 person mission to get me back to my room. One person to clear 1 side of the hall, 1 person to clear the other side of the hall, another person to have their arms in a sea position manhandling me in the direction they were taking with the least possible people that could see me.
Back in my room, I’d wipe my nose and wash my face and pick up my book and disappear into another world. The better world of fiction.
If what stuns me is that I didn’t want to leave Scientology after this horrible crush regging.
Good for you.
Clearly Not Clear, you’re not alone. I had my share of snot flowing sobbing kinds of jags too. At Flag a particularly bad horrible IAS reg who was over the IAS, so pretty high up on the org board just totally shredded me with no ARC and plenty of disgust and hob nailed Nazi boot type of threat, force and telling me I”m a piece of shit. She took my last dime. I got out of there and was in tears at the elevator. The junior of the IAS lady followed me out and I gave her an earful of ow they would never see another dime from me because that person totally annihilated me, stepped on me and ground me in to the concrete like a cigarette stub. So when the bitch IAS found out about this she hurried and wrote an untrue KR on me so that no one would believe the KR that junior had to write about me and the reg cycle. I found out that is how they cover heir butts in the SO. They KR you before you KR them so that when you KR them, they have done their own pre-emptive strike.
Wow, that right there is a story that illustrates the cold, abattoir-like verbal butchery of a drilled-to-unsympathetic perfection, Hard Sell-competence in the Scientology universe.
I should leave a comment here.