A message from a veteran Los Angeles Scientologist who was recently “declared” resulting in her children disconnecting from her. She is speaking out in the hope that it opens the eyes of others and helps bring the abuses of the RCS to an end.
“It is necessary to happiness of man, that he be mentally faithful to himself. Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists of professing to believe what he does not believe.” Thomas Paine
I have been under the radar for too long now. I will not compromise my integrity any longer. It is important for Independent Scns to stand up and be counted so that this suppressive reign can end and lives can be saved.
My name is Cindy Temps and I have been a Scientologist for over 30 years. I am a Permanent Class IV auditor, also a NED auditor, Sr. Sec Checker and FPRD Auditor and have done part of the BC (twice). I am mid OT VII and a Patron of the IAS. I am declaring my independence from the Corporate Church of Scientology and its leader, David Miscavige. I was not in the SO at Int, so I cannot speak of the beatings and lockdowns and inhumane treatment there, except to say that where there is smoke there is fire, and there have been far too many who came out of Int with similar stories of Miscavige’s brutality to staff for there not to be some truth to it.
I noticed outpoints in the church in the 80’s when on the BC at ASHO. A SO Msn came through and kicked people off the BC if they couldn’t do a full time schedule. The busy and teeming BC emptied out overnight and was a ghost town as a result. I thought that anything that would empty out a place where auditors are made must be the result of a suppressive order from on high. And then later came GAT I which emptied the BC out yet again. LRH says in the PTS/SP Course that the first place an SP will attack is the tech area of auditing and training, and sure enough, that is what occurred.
Fast forward to the 2000’s at the IAS office, I was being leaned on to donate (again). During a gloom and doom speech, I thought, “Wow, if there were no more dangerous environment, the IAS would be out of business immediately.” The minute I had that thought, I stopped it and chastised myself, just like the thought stopping described in the novel, “1984” by George Orwell.
A blinding cognition regarding the church occurred for me in 2011, when at Flag for auditing. The Sr HCO person showed me Hy Levy’s goldenrod. Hy had been my registrar and I respected and loved him. A more competent person you couldn’t find. He saved my ass when the Flag Cashier illegally took money off my account to buy the latest and greatest release. Hy noticed it and said someone had broken up my auditing package.. We traced it to the cashier, and Hy went to bat for me and handled it so that my money got put back on account. The cashier glared at me every time he saw me after that.
I wasn’t buying the hatchet job of Hy in the Declare, so the Sr HCO man started making up verbal stories about Hy that got wilder and wilder. They were not in the written Declare. I thought, “Wow, the fact that he is going to such lengths to make up outrageous lies about Hy as he goes along means they must really hate Hy and he must really be a threat to them.” That was when I realized that the HCO Dept at Flag was corrupt.
I came home and called Hy and asked was it true? He told me his side of it and I saw an incredibly brave whistle blower who kept his integrity in and was a loyal and excellent veteran staff member who regged millions of dollars for Flag. Then I learned that Hy had appeared on the TV expose of Scn, “The Truth Rundown.” Hy Levy Video Interview
Now it made sense why Flag was so rabid about Hy… he had blown the whistle on David Miscavige and Flag and the IAS by going to the media about the financial scams perpetrated by David Miscavige. If HCO hadn’t shown me that bogus goldenrod on Hy, and then frantically embellished it verbally, I never would have called him and learned the truth and then gone looking for the Truth Rundown videos. Flag made its own enemy then. I also am a poet and I wrote a poem about Hy shortly before he died, which you can read in the comments section if you like.
To Tommy Davis, Karin Pouw and Kirstie Alley: Disconnection is alive and well in the church of Scientology under David Miscavige, in spite of your lies to the contrary, even though LRH cancelled the Disconnection and Fair Game policies in HCOPL 15 Nov 1968 and also in RJ 68. More later.
On another refresher at Flag I noticed long lines at the examiner’s, and much more red tags than usual. After one such exam, the examiner said, “Don’t worry; it takes longer now that they are using the new definition of an F/N.” “NEW definition???” I thought there should be nothing new since LRH passed on. Isn’t that what KSW was all about? I later found out that LRH references such as the Definition of an FN had been altered. And PDC Tape 20 was another huge example of altered tech. I verified this myself by listening to the original cassette tape of it and then the reissued, altered CD of PDC Tape 20. It was about how to spot an SP in an org. The Friends of LRH web site has many more examples of how DM and RTC have altered the tech of LRH. http://friendsoflrh.org
I saw HCO decimated in my time on Solo Nots. Instead of the veteran MAA’s I’d come to know over the years, my next trip saw not even one familiar face; instead all were very young 20 something’s, many from Eastern Europe still struggling with the language. The young kids have no time track with Scn to know how it was booming in the earlier years. They accept what is espoused as, “command intention,” not knowing that it is NOT “LRH’s intention.” On my last trip to Flag in 2011, the Flag HGC was empty and I was my auditor’s only pc. I was sent to the D of P, the MAA and Qual, one after another over and over so they could reg me to spend money on more intensives of auditing. They even put me on the meter and used it as a lie detector to ask if I had sold a property and what did I do with the money. This went on for days after my actual auditing was completed, and I missed 2 flights out of there by being detained to reg me nonstop. I came home and wrote reports on all the out tech on that trip as well as the individual SO members who had been out tech. All that got me was two MAA’s at my door unannounced, unwelcomed, to “handle me on my KR.”
At first I wasn’t too concerned about the padded stats DM gave at the events. I was willing to chalk it up to his ego and indulge him, all in order to get on with my Bridge and route to total spiritual freedom. But I came to realize it is more than just a big ego padding the stats. It is DM’s way of keeping the flock believing that things are all OK and that the church is expanding, when in reality it is rapidly shrinking. But don’t take my word for it; do what I did and go visit many orgs and missions in person and “ LOOK, DON’T LISTEN” per LRH. I saw beautiful buildings but very little and sometimes no people in the course rooms and no auditing or very little auditing taking place. And making auditors? That was abysmal. No auditors graduating or being made. One exception was an auditor made in SLC, UT, but that took over ten years to make.
But if David Miscavige could keep the rich “whales” engaged, he could continue to reg them for money and keep his pipeline full. That is why it was so important for him to build new buildings and say that a building equaled expansion. Buying buildings and making them pretty doesn’t mean the actual numbers of people in the church are expanding or that auditors and Clears and OTs are being made. But now the buildings are part of DM’s real estate portfolio should he ever need money, even if the public in the area paid for the buildings themselves. Here is what LRH says about buildings:
“We own a tremendous amount of property. We own a tremendous amount of material, and so forth. And it keeps growing. But that’s not important. When buildings get important to us, for God’s sake, some of you born revolutionists, will you please blow up central headquarters. If someone had put some H.E. [high explosives] under the Vatican long ago, Catholicism might still be going. Don’t get interested in real estate. Don’t get interested in the masses of buildings, because that’s not important.” Tape: The Genus of Scientology — Anatomy of the Human Mind Congress 31 December 1960
Ideal Orgs (buildings) are not LRH intention at all. He also specifically wrote policy saying to NOT resort to fundraising.
Then, on New Year’s Eve, 2011 came Debbie Cook’s email to me and many others. She was my OL because she was the Captain of Flag, and was a veteran SO Exec in good standing. Her letter was an eye opener! It didn’t natter. It just stated her concerns for our church and the leadership of it. It read like an excellent cram: outpoint, reference it violates, etc. I read each of the LRH references and they made sense. I had lived this and seen it myself. I’d been at Flag when every staff member right down to the waitress in the Sandcastle dining room was taken off post to reg the public for money and pounce on them the minute they came in the door. Debbie Cook’s Email . Thank you Debbie, for your letter which started me looking,
When I decided to look on line I thought I might go PTS and have a heart attack and die after reading “squirrel stuff.” (That’s how indoctrinated I was then.) “LETTER FROM GARCIA” was the first I read. He was OT VIII and I wanted to know what an OT VIII had to say. Instead of any bad PTS reaction, quite the opposite happened. I went exterior and felt like my TA was floating. It was such a release that I knew it must be truth. I felt great! His letter said what I’d been feeling and provided the LRH references on the subjects. Letter from Garcia. Thank you, Luis, for your excellent truth and references.
I remained under the radar because my son and daughter are on staff and I didn’t want to lose them to disconnection. But when my son announced he wanted to join the SO, I told him I would support him in that goal, but to just stay in the LA area and do not go to Gold or Int. I relayed a story of a friend who went to Gold and who called me to come rescue her because the conditions there were so bad. This was reported to the recruiters who then came to my house nonstop to “handle me” on my “disaffection.”
This was done in conjunction with Theresa (Terry), the AOLA MAA, and her senior, Julian Schwartz. When Terry and Julian could not get a communication line in with me, they went to my best friend of 30 years and told her to spy on me, which she did for 3 months, during our morning walks together. She reported to them frequently. They told her what to say to me as their sock puppet, which she did. Finally she confronted me and said that she had been told by the AOLA MAA that I was connected to Squirrels etc. She threatened disconnection unless I straightened up and flew right. She said the AOLA MAA told her I was the stop on my son being recruited into Gold and that I needed to report to HCO immediately. I refused to go in for “handling” (thought control) and she did disconnect and let our beautiful 30 year friendship go, even though I was in good standing with the church then.
When I told my other friend of 35 years about this, she said, “Cindy, I love you, but I am disconnecting from you because if the church comes after you, I’ll be next because I’m connected to you, and I can’t lose my son and two grandkids.” I was in good standing then, and she disconnected just so that the church wouldn’t “come for her” next. She even made me bring out my computer where she then erased every email to or from her so that the church could never see that she was in support of Debbie Cook. She told me she hated David Miscavige and “wished he were dead” because “he ruined our church.” But in spite of that, I was the one she disconnected from, not him. She threw me to the curb in spite of the fact that we spent a year of our lives co-auditing each other, and had enjoyed many decades of friendship — and all because she was certain the disconnection punishment would be used to rip her family from her “when they come for me.” She acted hunted and scared, like she was under the thumb of the Stasi. (The Stasi was the secret police of former communist East Germany. From Wikipedia: One of its main tasks was spying on the population, mainly through a vast network of citizens turned informants, and fighting any opposition by overt and covert measures including hidden psychological destruction of dissidents
This is what our church has degenerated into, a Stasi environment, and all because the club of disconnection is used to bludgeon people to keep them in line.
I am recently declared for “being connected to SPs.” No mention of WHO they think I’m connected to, no Com Ev, no Bill of Particulars, no specifics, no Goldenrod. Just vague, generic witch hunt material used to suppress a good person. Since when does searching for truth make you suppressive?
LRH says that 2 ½ percent of the population are Suppressive. Author and Ph.D, Martha Stout in her book, “The Sociopath Next Door,” says that 4% of the population are suppressive / sociopaths. Yet in recent years under DM’s reign, that percentage goes up to 40 and 50% or higher, of which I am now included. This article by Steve Hall gives details on this. Steve Hall – Is Everyone Suppressive?
LRH says that when the percentages of SPs in an org go much higher than 2 ½ percent, then you haven’t found the right SP and he/she is still there.
My two kids are the loves of my life. We always enjoyed such a close relationship. But they were used by the church to get to me and they were turned against me. The AOLA MAA had them spy on me for months and look for evidence against me. My son turned me in for reading the blogs. My daughter KRed me.
Only two weeks before the kids disconnected from me, they had me book a cruise for the three of us to enjoy as our Xmas present to each other. I paid for it and we were all excited to go. And then the church got to them and made them disconnect from me. When I went to get in comm with the kids, they told me they didn’t want to disconnect from me. I said, “Then don’t. Don’t let that church split up this family.” They disconnected anyway. The church doctrine says that if you refuse to disconnect from an SP, that you will then be declared SP and will be excommunicated too. Church members believe that if they are thusly labeled and ousted from the church, they’ll never achieve spiritual freedom and never become OT. The kids told me I had betrayed them by reading the blogs and being under the radar about it. That is how fast the church turned my kids against me. One week we’re VGI’s planning the cruise, and the next week they aren’t speaking to me. My only crime was I read the internet in search of the truth because I was concerned about what was happening in my church.
The irony is that the biggest squirrel of all is David Miscavige, who keeps changing the tech and then spinning it that he fixed the mess ups of LRH and we have DM to thank for making it wonderful again. Yet when you look at the stats of GAT I, the Basics, etc, they are dismal and show that these programs did not raise any stats.
And since the GAT II has come out, many are leaving the church. I hear about new defections every day over GAT II. I have an UTR (Under The Radar) friend who called to say she is not a happy camper with the GAT II and that the church has gone squirrel. Why is this the SECOND “Golden Age” revision of materials, when LRH himself declared, “KSW Point 1 has been achieved” in his own lifetime?
What the people in the church, and my kids, don’t know is that a very high percentage of those declared SP are highly trained and processed, veteran Scientologists, good people. Ask yourself what is wrong with this picture? Here is an article with specifics about this
Scientology Golden Age of SP Declares
David Miscavige and his RTC have redefined words to suit their needs. This is suppressive. In the closing segment of this year’s New Year’s Event, Miscavige redefines a Scientologist as, “one who supports Ideal Org Programs.” However, LRH defines a Scientologist as “one who improves conditions using Scientology.” This is pretty blatant and you can find this on video either at your org or on the net. I wonder if this is going to be used as the yardstick to measure one’s loyalty to Miscavige. You can find more re-defining of words at the web site: http://www.friendsoflrh.org/ and http://www.scientology-cult.com/
And now the MAAs at AOLA and at Flag are calling my friends and telling them I am an SP and to disconnect from me. I know this because four of them told me they’d been called and/or called in for Roll Back. So Dave, you have leaks, people who still contact big, bad SP’s like me. Better sick OSA on this to find out who the leaks are right away! I wonder if these MAAs are being overly zealous about me to the point of telemarketing all of my friends to warn them about me because they are mad that I inadvertently thwarted a Gold SO Recruit cycle with my son by refusing to go in to be “handled.” If that is the case, it is very vindictive on their part.
Melissa and Alan, if you are reading this, just know that I love you and I don’t hold it against you that you betrayed me by disconnecting. You were under the undue influence of DM and his church. LRH cancelled Disconnection and Fair Game in 1968, and so it is out tech to keep using it to keep good people from talking or reading or thinking. In the Creed of a Scientologist, LRH says,
“That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others.”
What kind of church forbids you to read the internet or watch a TV news show? What kind of church destroys families through disconnection and destroys the 2nd dynamic through forced abortions? I audited lots of SO in the 80’s and 90’s and read lots of folders when doing FES’s. I had to fly the ruds of women who were upset over their forced abortions. I know what went on as I saw it and lived it. What kind of church tells its members who they can and can’t talk to, or associate with? What kind of church would separate children from their mother and kill unborn babies? LRH was against abortion and speaks of that in the Dianetics book and in the Science of Survival book. So again, “command intention” is NOT “LRH intention.”
Note: The whistleblowing on various blogs and media coverage has made for improvements in some conditions. I hear that after the spotlight was put on the subject through Laura de Crescenzo’s forced abortion lawsuit against DM, that now the church doesn’t force women to get abortions when pregnant and instead offloads them from the SO. It’s too bad they didn’t stop that practice 30 years ago, but I am glad that our speaking out has changed things for the better now on that one score at least. Church-of-scientology-handed-a-legal-defeat-in-laura-decrescenzo-lawsuit
Missy and Alan, I will welcome you with open arms when you come to your senses or the church crumbles or DM goes to jail for human rights violations and fraud. All is forgiven. I never stopped loving you. I still have the waffle iron and will make you your favorite mini chocolate chip waffles to celebrate our reunion when the prodigal son and daughter come home again. Make it soon. I miss you!
Cindy Temps
Independent Indie Number 473.
P.S. Any new Indie friends who want to get in touch, my email address is [email protected]
P.P.S. The tech is alive and well outside the church. Anything including the complete OT VIII is available outside the church and is being delivered by some of the top tech terminals in Scientology at a fraction of the cost. Get standard tech here and finally reach your Bridge goals.
A beautiful post.
Thank you
Mary and Gunther and Doug and all other well wishers, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’m so glad I ended up in this group of stellar beings.
Hi Dear, a very warm welcome you in the the world of beignessess and great relationships, here you can enjoy yourself to a being that you realy are!
Good Start and good Luck to you!
Thank you for speaking out. Your courage is inspiring. Since I left over 7 years ago it seems the flood gates have poured open. It is only just a matter of time now, the cult is on the ropes.
Súper Cindy. 🙂 algún día todo esto será mejor. Espeto lo mejor para ti.
I’d love to call you but don’t have your phone number. Email me at [email protected].
Laughing out loud! OMG how funny
Cindy. Thank for your excellent write up. Thanks for everything you have contributed.
I have loved all your comments too.
I’m rooting for your kids to join you soon!
Thank you Green on White! I like your comments too.
I had to wait awhile after I read your story to be able to comment on it. I know 1st hand how painful it is to have your friends betray you and your children disconnect. Thanks for standing up to the bullies that “enforce” this stuff. It takes courage!
My husband and I’s closest friends were the 1st to disconnect from us. And of course, my daughter turned me in to OSA for looking at the Internet. I have walked in your shoes. I do not know what OSA tells family members that makes them so afraid. But the reality is, your kids and my kids made this decision to disconnect from us. Your kids are responsible for not talking to you.
My best advice, encourage others to speak out. The more people that stand up to these bullies, the quicker it will all fall apart and we will reconnect with our kids, parents, friends, etc.
If everyone that reads this blog spoke out, you would have your kids back.
I am so sorry for the craziness that you have been through. I applaud you for being so brave and getting to the other side where the sunshines!
Cindy P, my heart goes out to you… your friends and kids turned snitch on you. You’re absolutely right that more of us need to speak out. If lurkers and UTR’s spoke out, the house of cards would come down and hopefully we’d all get our loved ones back when that happens.
Thank you Cindy P. I appreciate it.
Gary Jacobs! I That’s him, (Hope he’s ok.) Tough old bird.
They did TRs in’74 with real HCOBs, none of this “based on the works of L. RON Hubbard” bullshit.
Here’s a youtube for you:
Ashaman – really it takes 20! Really? Even when we had some 1-2000 BIS and 200 staff we never had more then 2 or 3 for all the public and staff at AOLA. Gary Jacobs and Pam? and (me briefly) and Louise Hamrea (Meyer?) Yea!
Guess there is more needed now to invade and take cert’s off the walls of field auditors.
As for your road ahead. I’m reading Buddha’s Brain. I’ve not had anything get me into PT so fast since the TRs in ’74 and this can be this way without going to course room etc. If there had been more ME at the time I would have taken my family with me. Now it’s even trickier to pull them out when there is ‘cannot be’ physical contact.
I wish you all the best and let us know when it’s done and a picture of all that sunshine around you would be special 🙂
Who would have known that the Church of Scientology was so loaded up with SP’s…
And to think that David Miscavige has been placing the burden of delivery on us. If that isn’t a breach of fiduciary trust, I don’t know what is.
On the reverse side of things, I once had a Sea Org recruiter (won’t say his name here) return to my home after a recruiting cycle when everyone, including my kids had left the house.
He came back to retrive his backpack that he left by accident. I let him in to get it and when he was leaving, he began to cry but was trying to withold it and not let me see. I was pretty surprised to see him thus, and asked him to stay and have tea or whatever he liked. He said okay and we sat down in the kitchen.
I asked him if he was alright and he told me that when he spent time in my home, he started thinking about his family, mainly his parents. He said that he loved them very much and missed them. He said that being with me and my kids made him miss them so much more and that my kids were very lucky to have me. I could see he was filled with regret and was very sad. I told him that he should contact his family, no matter what the circumstances were and let them know this. I told him that I was sure that they love and miss him too and it would make them so happy to hear from him again.
I don’t know if he reached out to his family then or since. I can only hope so. A few years later, I was walking in the parking lot after course when I noticed someone standing there watching me. It was him, in RPF clothing. I stopped and we just stood there looking at each other. I truly wanted to ask him if he wanted to get in my car and I would have taken him out of there. Sadly, that didn’t happen.
My heart goes out to you and I agree with Aquamarine , your children will have an easier time when they come out because of your courage and integrity , all the great memories they have of your lives together will be enhanced in the end by the exemple your are setting : that what you have learned and assimilated is the the good of the subject and it will help them sort out what happened and the consequences.
After all setting the exemple is our first job as parents , exterior forces are temporary , and patience and consistency are our greatest weapon.
+ 100
Yes you are exactly correct Chocolate Rose, Read Karen’s story. The ‘church’ assigned a person to be close to her son when the disconnection occurred. I would go look for it but I don’t feel like crying today. It was on Marty’s blog around June or July 2012 I believe. Karen was explanatory in figuring out the truth. Its a great example of living with the truth which is so important for us all to strive for.
Oh course we don’t only lose our children – they lose us which is as painful for a parent as every one wants those they love to be happy and complete.
So we lose double and so do they.
Maybe there will be a wake up when LRH gets declared!
Good job DMSTCC!
JoJo Z must be very busy these days between her bookkeeping and FB Police duties. Too bad – she is a natural musician and creates lovely music. She will wake-up soon and be just as productive ‘on the other side’. Her husband is (last I knew) LAO staff so makes it hard for her I suppose but that is NO excuse JoJo – You know better! Take him with you 🙂
Bravo Cindy !!! Your write up is quite clear… Bravo for your courage and integrity.
I had almost the same experience: my daughter staff in Brussels org has disconnected from me only because I said I possibly might maybe one day in the future contact some independant group!!
I am sure all these kids will some day open their eyes and come back to their dear family. At that time they will need our love and compassion. Meanwhile I believe we only have to trust and admire and love.
I think I met you on some blogs already…
My former “american” boss OT VII (Jim Faust from Louisiane if I remember well) had been declared as an SP because he only wanted his young son to finish his studies before joining the SO. It required the intervention of many other OTs to cancel the declare. But it was many years ago…
Have a brilliant life outside!!
Thank you Florence! Amazing that they declared him not for saying “No” to the SO but just for saying “wait till he completes school.” LRH would turn over in his grave.
Way to go, Cindy!
To Julian Swartz, who should get this message. Julian, you are a complete and total disgrace to everything your father stood for in his early career in Scientology. Though when I last saw “Big Lou” about 7 years ago, he was already a mass of circuits and a shadow of his former self, so God knows what he is like today, if still alive.
Julian, it is people like you who dramatize many of the actions of both the Soviet KGB and the Nazi gestapo. who will ultimately be responsible for the complete decline and end of the Church of Scientology, which I no longer think is a bad thing by the way. IT IS GOOD THAT THE SEA ORG DOES NOT ALLOW YOU FOLKS TO HAVE CHILDREN. That way, the contagion of aberration that has been passed on to you by your parents will hopefully STOP with your generation.
To Kathy O’Gorman of OSA. KO, if you read this, you cannot POSSIBLY be in agreement with this deal. I realize that after forty plus years in the GO & OSA, you may no longer have even a “molecule” of free beingness left to exercise. But if you do, my heartfelt advice to you is to think about how you want to live the rest of your life. I would HOPE you would do it with ARC and integrity, which you ONCE had, so I know it is still there, even if buried way down deep. LEAVE NOW and you will find friends who will help you in a theta transition to a better life. STOP AGREEING WITH THESE GROSS OVERTS AGAINST THETA AND HUMANITY. I KNOW that you know.
Very well said Joe. I also knew Lou well. What an oxymoron $cientology and thinking for yourself has become. Today cult members do what Julian Schwartz or Kathy O’Gorman or Kathty True …….’TELL THEM TO DO’ ……OR ELSE!!! “And make it your own you scum bag piece of shit”.
What a fucking DUH? that is.
Yo Julian,
You have a chance to escape this madness yourself. Try and make a decision that you yourself would be proud of and is your own origination. See what happens. Spread your wings and fly to freedom. Take your dad with you and enjoy the rest of your life.
Yo Kathy True,
I don’t perceive anything remotely resembling an independent thought emanating from your beingness. I expect you will go down with the ship of fools. Have a nice life and take Jasmin Arellano with you. You both grew from the same seed IMHO.
My experience with my wife divorced.
Treat those attempts to split up families and friendships as implants. They are actually implanting those that they want to disconnect from you.
Those that doing it had been implanted themselfs.
The ultimate SP test they use is the „I want to join the Sea Org“ test. If someone shows any signs of disagreements then this person must be SP. This test has 2 porposes. a) as SP test for the target person. b) the tester has to join usually as he made this promise.
The promise implant and others (I am sure you can name some) can be audited out as any other implant on the track. Those Scientology present time implatings are not very complex in structure and design. But you have to recogize them as such and not as normal business tactics or stupidity. They are cold blooded administered to get money, obedience and serves to satisfy their cruelties.
I have been too reasonable back in time with them.
And Cindy ….. it was LRH HIMSELF who re-instated specifically as policy that one must disconnect from anyone declared an SP, otherwise THEY were committing suppressive acts by being in comm and needed to be declared an SP as well. This was issued in early 1984 I believe (around the early- mid 80s, not long before Ron died). Ron was not shy about vilifying and getting rid of some of the top contributors in Scientology history. Loyalty and contribution meant nothing then in the CoS and it means nothing now.
Can it get much grosser than this? Best friends and one’s children spying on a person and reporting on them.
What a horror show the “church” of Scientology has become.
Making people report in for “rollback.” Jesus.
Fuck you, Miscavige.
Cindy –
Thank you very much for your story. It is extremely important that you tell it out loud to as many people as possible.
After 30 years, I’ll bet you have a lot more to say.
Keep saying it, as big and as loud as you can. The whole society needs to know real life experiences from inside Scientology.
This part of your story is what I found to be the most powerful, because it was so personal:
This was done in conjunction with Theresa (Terry), the AOLA MAA, and her senior, Julian Schwartz. When Terry and Julian could not get a communication line in with me, they went to my best friend of 30 years and told her to spy on me, which she did for 3 months, during our morning walks together. She reported to them frequently. They told her what to say to me as their sock puppet, which she did. Finally she confronted me and said that she had been told by the AOLA MAA that I was connected to Squirrels etc. She threatened disconnection unless I straightened up and flew right. She said the AOLA MAA told her I was the stop on my son being recruited into Gold and that I needed to report to HCO immediately. I refused to go in for “handling” (thought control) and she did disconnect and let our beautiful 30 year friendship go, even though I was in good standing with the church then.
I had many similar experiences, as well, when I finally graduated.
All ex-Scientologists I know have a better life after they demonstrate the courage necessary to keep seeking to live with the truth, even if the truth means graduating from the Church of Scientology.
I congratulate you on your courage, and on your personal integrity.
Keep communicating!
Cindy, I want to thank you for joining the ranks of those who have found the courage to stand in the light of day and tell the world that David Miscavige and his minions have destroyed your religion and its community. You’ve paid a high price to keep your personal honor and integrity, and so have many thousands of others who’ve been forcibly disconnected from their family and friends.
The insanity can’t help but stop, as more and more people follow the moral directions that are enshrined in the basic tenets of the Scientology religion. In the end, the truth (as always) will win, and the lie will perish, though it’s going to take a lot of looking on everyone’s part to achieve that. I believe that our people are currently in that moment, though many are still resisting the irresistible. I suppose that patience with our trapped brethren is our best virtue in this time. They’ll all come around in due time.
Just know that you’ve forwarded the aims of Scientology and decent people everywhere by making a stand, and that you’ve created a larger effect than what it readily apparent.
Thank you!
Wonderful writeup Cindy. Your sanity and good sense shines through.
Wonderful to have you in the indie field with us.
Things will only get better!
Thank you, Trey! You are an inspiration to me.
Wow Cindy,
This is a profoundly comprehensive and heartfelt story. I can feel your pain and loss for “what could have been”.
If it helps at all, I do feel that all of this is in fact a necessary step in the evolution of the subject of Scientology. Many smaller, self-sufficient communities of scientologists is better and much more desirable than one monolithic, authoritarian, top-down dictatorial organization.
Long-live independent scientology!
+ 1
great song Cat Daddy…and very appropriate
Welcome to freedom! You will feel an incredible resurgence of your basic purposes now that you are out of the witch pit most of us thought was going to be our salvation.
See if you can put your attention on rebuilding your first dynamic again as that is what the church attempts to demean and destroy in order to indoctrinate you as a model Scientologist. It is almost too easy to focus on the great wrongs that were done, but your future and your children’s future actually will be determined by the speed with which you regain the power you had before you entered the church.
We created a website, possiblyhelpfuladvice.com to help people through the transition from cult member to fully independent being again. Our opening post may be of assistance: Finding your way as an Independent Scientologist at http://possiblyhelpfuladvice.com/?p=14
If there is anything I can to help you personally, please let me know.
David St Lawrence aka Old Auditor
Very true, extremely wise advice!!
When I faced my own disconnection horrors after declaring my independence,
I was going through massive d-ptsing and rehabbing myself. After nights of grief and tears I would report to my new “Indie home” and friends at Dror and sit myself down in the chair in front of my incredible OTVII class 9 auditor, full of ARCU and Theta – and continue my Nots auditing. Disconnection is a mighty force, a tool of extreme suppression. But that combination of me, my Indie(!) auditor, true tech and a whole bunch of friends around who only wish for me to get better and nothing else, is 10 times mightier. That support and theta and TRUTH, and above all my own self INTEGRITY, helped me through the darkness, filled it with light, and yes, shattered and cancelled the disconnection within a few months.
And I was there to cause it and enjoy it fully, being happy and WHOLE.
I know, similar cycles can take more time. I was extremely lucky. But truth will always prevail.
And for those not there yet, be strong, have hope, stick to true friends. These will make the shadows vanish, and they will! And you are in for a real treat, best time of your life! And improving! CHEERS,
Thanks David. Good advice and article.
The GAG II Ten Commandments:
1. You shall not have anyone senior to David Miscavige, your CoB
2. You shall never harbor any doubt about David Miscavige ultra super leadership
3. You shall never take the name of David Miscavige in vain
4. You shall earn as much money as possible
5. You shall know there is no better use for your money than investing in CoB Plans and Projects
6. You shall get at once out of communication to anyone not revering your CoB
7. You shall not pretend to pursue any other goal than the Golden ones set by your CoB
8. You shall never listen or read anything negative about your CoB
9. You shall not covet any short term comfort for you or your family. Everything you accomplish in CoB Scientology will be there forever and ever for you to enjoy
10. Life is in a continuum change and your CoB is seeing to it that you receive only the best of all the universes
Cindy, you had first hand knowledge of forced abortions in the 80’s & 90’s and you stayed? Did this not ring alarm bells for you?
Incredible, innit?
Not to mention the complete ignore of LRon’s apparent infatuation with ‘abortion’ via Dianetics and his ‘Affirmations’ and his own son’s testimony that he witnessed his father performing what he later believed was an abortion on Polly. Yeah, sure… this is ALL on Davey Makemerich (not that I don’t think he’s a vile creature in his own right).
Natalie, at the time I was not sure whether the women in question were upset with their own guilt over it, or whether they were upset with the church saying they had to do it. It was only later when I got out and read Laura’s thing and other ex SO writeups about it that the puzzle pieces came in clearly for me. I do remember tweaking on, “but LRH says abortions are bad and you shouldn’t do that, so why are they doing this?” But I dismissed it and drank more KoolAide. But then also I had a pc who was a SO member who did decide to keep her baby (she was not at the Int level and things at this org must have been looser than the strict rules at Int), and it was a hard hard road for her. Every session, ruds on not getting time to be with the baby, on husband and her not getting to be with the baby etc. Either way it was a very hard hit to the 2D being in the SO.
In one respect he is right … Kool-Aid Scientologists continue to finance this scam and are part of it, and his definition is quite applicable. A differentiation is however in order, in that actual, real Scientologists publicly speak out and report these off-policy abuses.
Sending admiration particles for your brave decision, and thanks for your fine writeup.
Cindy, Very well done. As you well know, this is not the end of it with your children. Once they start to see they will come to their senses.
Great write-up, clear and to the point. Congratulations for having the courage to speak up, if more people would find the same courage the church insanity will end even sooner.
Cindy, I know how courageous this was for you. Well done. Excellent write up. You are now a warrior in the Freedom movement. And as one of your still UDR friends, I thank you. Enjoy your liberty. You so deserve it. And your have my tone 40 postulate that your kids hit their tipping point soon and come back to you. Things can change on a dime. One week they are in lock step, the next week, disaffected – which means they see the emperor has no clothes! We’ll have a nice toast at the next Indie party. Call me anytime.
Hi Cindy,
Thank you for your truth communicated with simplicity, clarity and eloquence.
Thank you for being true to yourself, for observing what you observe, for not compromising your own reality despite your deep love for your children and for what is obviously your joy in being in ARC with people. Thank you for retaining your own essential warm, caring and sensitive nature despite the coldness, indifference and brutality recently demonstrated by those close to you. Hats off to you your ability to hold your position firmly in space with grace, charm and tact.
There’s so much more I could say about what you’ve written, but the essence would be this:
Being exactly who you are is the best gift you will ever give your children.
Someday they will realize this. I postulate that it will be soon.
Amen, Aquamarine.
The best thing to do is to OUT all these people who betrayed you – your two friends, name every staff/SO member who seemed to have a shred of decency, every public/whale who showed any signs of doubt or any indication they were under the radar. Sic the CO$ defence system on them to help push them out quicker. Shit… maybe even consider telling false stories about people having doubts or looking at the internet. You’d be saving them, not betraying them.
Besides… betrayal for a betrayal, right?
They’ll thank you in the end.
Here is a conversation (monologue, really) that might take place between David Miscavige and Tom Cruise in a year or so:
Miscavige: You know, Tom, our church has been completely riddled with SP’s. We started declaring those CSMF’s (cock-sucking mother fuckers) a while ago. Until all of the Public were declared. Then all of the Outer-Org staff were declared; then all of the Continental Org SO staff. Then finally all of the Int SO staff were declared. We two are the only ones left who haven’t been declared, the only true Scientologists on the entire planet. But I have to say, I am beginning to have my doubts about you.
Excellent job Cindy and congratulations. The truth does set one free and it’s the only way to OT. Your kids will come around in good time . Best wishes!!
For you Cindy Temps
Good song! Appropriate.
What a powerful and brave write up! Your great relief is a joy to witness. Reading Garcia did it for me too…
Your pain is shared by me and many in here, and so is your prayer for reunion. It will happen. And when it will,
you will be there with your integrity, to truly enjoy it. You chose well. All other options mean slavery and losing everything. From now on you will start gaining and wining. Integrity, truth and d-ptsing, are extremely powerful!
Thank you for this write-up, welcome to the light and welcome to so many new friends!! You will LOVE it!!!
Thanks Oracle! I”ll board that train of illegal immigrants to OT any day! You make it fun.
Excellent write up. Very well written Cindy.
I got to do a video on Teresa and Julian Schwartz HCO AOLA.
Ahhhhh the corroborating stories I hear.
Julian is run by OSA INT Intelligence (investigations.)
One time in a long interview in his office, he had 16 calls from OSA in 40 minutes.
Good job Cindy. High fives to you.
Karen, thank you! I’d love to see that interview re Julian and Terry. They are both a piece of work. Hard to believe he was the offspring of two very nice SO members, Fred and Gretchen Schwartz. And Karen thank you for all the warrior fighting you do.
Way to go Cindy you made my day. Going public is empowering. I do so hope your kids reconnect with you very soon.
While I was in the church I could not reconcile the fact of disconnecting from your mother, father or children. I said this to a long time scio and the answer was this:
You have to realize Lise that this is only your THIS lifetime family and you have had thousands of Mothers on the whole track, yes it hurts BUT you are actually saving them by disconnecting and letting them know that your eternity is much more than this life and we will pick them up next lifetime as they are to PTS to be saved this time round.
Thank god I had no family in and that statement never ever gelled with me either but I saw it happen around me and it was truly tragic
Dear Cindy, regarding the quote from the Scientology Creed — “That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others” — Two and a half years ago, before my SP declare, when our poor DSA Leslie Marcotte asked me to promise not to look at websites critical of David Miscavige, I marched her over to the Creed panel in the SFOF Chapel and pointing to this line. Her response was, THAT ONLY APPLIES WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF POLICY, which seemed all kinda cheap and wrong.
Laughable. Try voicing your opinion or countering the opinions of others about policy.
Welcome home, Cindy
Thank you Luis! And thank you for the letter from Garcia and for the lawsuit you are diligently fighting. We are all behind you here and want you to win. If you need anything, get the word out and we will be there for you.
Hey Cindy!
Thanks for sharing yourself and your story!
Doing the math, the Church has actually made more S.P.’s than O.T.’s. Or so David thinks.
Join the illegal immigrants into the O.T. universe! That is what we are, illegal immigrants! Laughter!
So glad you have moved to a group of self determined people who are your friends because we can still care about the person in front of us, not because of “authorized” membership admission.
As the Church rolls on and the witch hunts on customers hits an all time high, we discover “The final Curtain” in Scientology, is one we can convert into a magic carpet and fly away upon.
I know you and I know very well what a good intentioned and well meaning and kind hearted person you are.
I see it as a product of all we have invested into ourselves, that we have reached a point where we can do it, “Our Way”.
See you at the temple of magic.
Your P.C. waiting buddy. XXOO
Lovely. And I am stealing “Illegal Immigrant to OT”!!!! What a great mind you have!
Dear Cindy,
Thank you so much for your writeup and for the evolution of consciousness that you have been experiencing. The disconnection is awful. My son Jamie Royce has been trapped in his own mind in the SO in the Pac area middle management.Conan Royce works for a Sci company in McMinnville OR He had just left the SO but not the Church after 17 years. He and Wife Susie are totally Coolade and She was the one that got us declared as we were under the radar since leaving the SO in 04.
Here is a thought for lurkers and fence sitters. The word Scientology was coined by LRH to mean someone who uses the Tech of Scientology to better his fellow man. DM changed the meaning to = those who go along with Ideal Orgs. In truth those who haven’t cognited are simultaneously following two distinct religious practices One is DMology and the other Sci. Furthermore they mix them. Changing the name doesn’t automatically ascribe to the new subject all the attributes of the originally named subject. It’s a slight of hand. Bate and switch.
Yes, exactly Richard. Slight of hand. David Miscavige is a black magician.
I have directed black magic purpose in this section of the galaxy to join him and occupy the same space with him. It flew upon him in haste. Many chose Jenny Linson though. His space is like a dark tornado now spinning itself on it’s own energy.
They pray now for mercy, luck, close conspiracies that bring power. But they are out of favor with the Gods altogether. They have not sewn mercy, luck, joy, victory or compassion. And they are bankrupt from such commodities.
Jenny Linson is polluted with black magic in her womb.
You can see this black magic for yourself. I will show everyone here.
Do not be frightened. Do not be alarmed. We are in favor with the Gods.
Not sure who has seen the movie “The Exorcist”. The novel was written based on a true story and the novel, with hundreds of documented witness’ and even tape recordings of actual exorcisms. For a detailed account, read the director’s full report in “The Friedkin Connection”, by William Friedkin, the director of the movie.
SShhhhhhhhh. Pay close attention. Quiet the other noise in your mind. And watch.
Now, Go directly to point 5:39 on this video and watch Jenny Linson projectile vomit a purpose to unmock a celebrated reporter on national television, in front of millions of his fans:
Now, go to 3:08 on this video and watch the violent outburst of Kathy Hawkins, at the end when the camera pans, watch the smile on Jenny Linson’s face.
0.17 on this video has Tommy Davies touting constitutional rights while in the process then, and today, working to destroy the constitutional rights of others to practice religion (Scientology Independents) and someone’s constitutional rights to find and report information. EVERYTHING he accusses John Sweeny of, he is doing himself. Forked tongue.
Tommy Davies hunts his prey down standing on hypocrisy, lies, illusion and falsehoods until he causes demonic possession to overtake his prey:
Tom Cruise under full effects of black magic:
Look at the fate of all of these people and ask yourself, which is the better way to go?
This is what happens to people that dabble in black magic. It becomes their universe. The more they mock it up, the more they attract it. And as they depend on it (lies, illusion, injustice) the more they become the effect of it.
Until they appear as madmen with Turrets Syndrome.
When Hubbard said, “What you depend upon, you become the effect of.” He was telling the truth.
It was written in the Bible also, “What you reap you will sow.”
People that depend on lies, illusion, alter is, scamming, false reports, mind fucking, and all the rest that is black magic, to survive, eventually become the effect of it themselves.
Even Hubbard, yes.
He wrote or spoke of magic once saying that the second rule of magic is never become the effect of your own create.
Then he wrote that he knew, what one depend upon, one becomes the effect of.
I have a disagreement with Hubbard about this being the second rule of magic. But I think it is with in the first top five. He does not ever say what the first rule of magic is, but I have figured that out for myself. And I think anyone aware of magic or in command of it, must figure that first rule out for themselves.
Discoveries of black magical influences do not originate from Hubbard, written in the Gnostic
were taught as far back as 300 AD:
“For many spirits dwell in it [the body] and do not permit it to be pure; each of them brings to fruition its own works, and they treat it abusively by means of unseemly desires. To me it seems that the heart suffers in much the same way as an inn: for it has holes and trenches dug in it and is often filled with filth by men who live there licentiously and have no regard for the place because it belongs to another.”
Behind every prophet or magical influence, a black magician appears to undo his work.
The black magicians depend on the high magic magicians to have any place at all, any identity at all, or any work to do.
That is how David bought his own demise about by unmocking the white magic that was his platform.
If Hubbard was an overt product maker, what does that make him?
Hubbard did dabble in some black magic, and he became the effect of his own create.
But that is not the whole truth by far. And the high magic Hubbard was able to pass forward into the ordinary person’s hands, for outweighed for the black magic he dabbled in.
David had only bothered to expand on the black magic while suppressing the rest.
But at every arson scene, people do not flee and leave the ashes uninspected for value. Porcelain tubs, sinks. Jewels. Copper piping. The ashes are sifted through and the items of value are salvaged.
This is only intelligent.
There is plenty of good to be found in Hubbard’s writings.
Learning to look at the person in front of you has not ruined anyone’s life.
Having conversations, as in auditing, is recognized as therapy across the planet in every religion and therapy.
There is plenty of beautiful high magic worth knowing and worth passing on.
It will come to those who depend upon goodness, their own, to survive. As they will be the only ones able to be the effect of it.
We become the effect of that which we depend upon. We reap what we sow. People have been knowing this for thousands of years. It has fallen upon many deaf ears. Just as Hubbard’s words have.
That doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
What a nice surprise today to see you stepping out into the limelight!
Very well composed and expressed. Ah, the skills of a good wordsmith…
I was particularly impressed that you contacted Hy when things at Flag did not add up.
DM has not had to guts yet to ‘improve’ on LRH’s axioms and logics so Logic #8 still states brightly:
So much for all Koolaid drinkers following verbal orders not to go to the Internet and find out for themselves.
I am convinced that with showing openly where you stand you have a better chance to reunite with your kids and that in less time.
Very well crafted letter, Cindy. I’m sure you will have a positive effect on many good people
Dear Cindy, Wonderful statement. I know it took courage to have this published. I actually choked up and sobbed when I read the part about you forgiving your kids for having disconnected from you.
You are a living example of how Scientologists CAN be compassionate, while at the same time maintaining their personal integrity.
I know you are already discovering how wonderfully liberating it can be to apply LRH’s tech free from the suppression of the ugly husk that the RCS has become.
And that you will have many new warm friends! Count me among them.
Thank you so much Randy. I’m proud to count you as a friend!
Wow Cindy what a story thank you for finally sharing it I hope this helps a lot of people Find the courage to come out into the sunshine. That girl that erased all the emails shows what a state of fear these people are living in. That’s no way to live life. There will be karma eventually and you’ll see them again, hugs!
P . A . B . N o . 1 3
Via Hubbard Communications Office
163 Holland Park Avenue, London W.11
[1953, ca. mid-November]
It greatly facilitates the work of the auditor to know the most aberrated and most aberrative types of personality. Kraepelin in Germany a long time ago made a long and varied psychotic
classification. This has been refined and made, if anything, even more unwieldy in modern times. It is valueless since it does not lead to the immediate remedy of the situation. Further, we are not very interested in types. There is really no such thing as a special type of psychosis or neurosis, beyond those types which are quite aberrative around the preclear.
If we could isolate a particular set of traits as being the most aberrative traits, we could more quickly process the preclear by using Acceptance Level Processing or Viewpoint Processing on such people.
Probably the truly aberrative personalities in our society do not number more than five or ten percent. They have very special traits. Where you find in the preclear’s bank a person with one or more of these characteristics, you will have the person who most thoroughly tried the preclear’s sanity.
What we will call the aberrative personality does the following things:
1. Everything bad that happened to the preclear was (a) ridiculous, (b)unimportant, (c) deserved.
2. Everything the preclear and others did to the aberrative person was (a)very important, (b) very bad, (c) irremediable.
3. Those things which the preclear could do (a) were without real value, (b) were done better by the aberrative personality or by others.
4. Sexual restraint or perversion.
5. Inhibition of eating.
Such people would be better understood if I called them the “merchants of fear.” The most degraded control operation of which the GE is capable is utilized by these people for their sole method of getting on in the world. They have lost all ability themselves to create, they cannot work themselves, they must either amass money which is never to be spent or must prevent others from amassing money. They produce nothing, they must steal one way or another, and then devaluate whatever they obtain. They speak very sternly of honesty or ethics and put on a formidable front of complete legality. They are impartial, which is to say they are incapable of decision but ride continually a maybe. They close terminals easily with courts, for courts are, sad to say, more or less of this disposition themselves. They feel called upon at no pretext to become adjudicative on subjects where their opinion has not been invited.
Probably a society could be cleared and allowed to bloom if these people were simply rounded up and removed from contagion with the remaining populace, for they are not numerous. Yet they are in sufficient number that it is doubtful if your preclears who are more seriously badly off have not had at least one in their past. It is particularly true of the occluded case that he has been victimiz ed by one of these “merchants of fear.”
Although there are many characteristics which are undesirable in such aberrative people, it is remarkable that only those listed above are aberrative. These wind sinuously as a threatening thread through all of their conversations. Such people are a mixture of paradoxes to the observer who does not understand the basic ingredients of human character. Such people are themselves a continuous maybe, and therefore will be found very easily in the bank, for they appear most often. Where you find one, two or three people appearing almost continuously in the preclear’s bank, or his lamenting conversation, you will find that these people answer the above-numbered characteristics. The method of processing these people is to have the preclear mock them up in large masses with the certainty that they are there, and then, with them unmocked, with the certainty they are not there. Then, mocked up again, with the certainty that they will be in the future, and, unmocked, with the certainty they will not be in the future. One also runs the above concepts in masses and in brackets.
A case cannot be said to be well so long as these aberrative personalities continue to reappear in his thoughts and processing. Therefore the auditor will find it extremely profitable to use all available means to process these people out of the preclear’s bank. When the auditor has succeeded in doing this, he will find that the preclear now believes himself to be very much better than before and, indeed, he will be.It should be remembered that such people have invited many overt acts. The “merchants of fear” specialize in being offended themselves and, even though the overt
acts against them are slight, these have become magnified in the preclear’s bank until such people, on the overt act phenomenon alone, occupy a major role in the preclear’s thinking.
It will often be discovered by the auditor that the preclear has “swapped terminals” with these aberrative persons. The weight of aberration is such that the preclear has been swung into the valence of such people, for they have obviously won. The truth of the matter is: such people never win. If one traces out these people, as I have done occasionally after processing a prec
lear, he will discover that the aberrative personality is very close to the brink of a crack-up, has a very low survival level, and quite commonly goes insane.
It should be understood that anyone going down tone scale in moments of anger is apt to use the above-numbered steps one way or another. But this is a momentary thing; the above steps belong, of course, on the tone scale and are significant of a level on the tone scale. Thus, one going down tone scale into anger or into apathy, is inclined to use these operations momentarily. This
is quite different from the aberrative personality. The aberrative personality is at work with this operation 24 hours a day. Ceaselessly, relentlessly, calculatingly, with full knowingness, the aberrative personality continues this onslaught against those around him. The entire computation of this aberrative personality is that he is worthless, he himself knows himself to be completely worthless. One might feel a little pity if the harm were not so great, for there is nothing more terrible than this knowledge. The aberrative personality feels he cannot succeed unless he drives others away from him with fear, preferably with terror. He assumes aspects of ugliness in matters of clothing; he is quite prone to ugliness. Very often this personality does not bathe, his breath is very often foul, his feet become odorous, the endocrine system has failed one way or another, the person has considerable bowel trouble. Other people than the aberrative personality occasionally manifest these difficulties; unfortunately, it all stems from the same idea—to drive other people away. The communication lag of the aberrative personality is his easiest clue. These
people are slow to respond, they are very thoughtful about what they say. They “think twice before speaking once,” if they speak at all. When they do speak it is very often not on the subject. Their favorite phrase is “You do not understand.” They preface their statements with, “Well, I don’t know but….” There is no decision in such people; they do not know whether to go up the street or down the street. Put into a certain routine and forced into that routine they will carry on, but they do not themselves produce anything, they are entirely parasitic. This parasiticism is gained either by the inheritance or other accumulation of money or by a direct and forthright nullification of those around them into the status of slaves. For this person knows above all other things that he cannot produce an honest day’s work. Now in case you err and try to apply this classification too widely, there is one definite characteristic you must not overlook. This characteristic makes the difference between the aberrative personality and run-of-the-mill human beings. The secrecy computation is the clue. The best index to a secrecy computation is a refusal to be audited. Because of this factor of the secrecy computation, and for no other factor, it chances to follow that the aberrative personality can be known by his refusal to have any auditing of any kind, or, if he has any auditing, accepts it very covertly and will not permit it to have any effect upon him. He will not have a second session. He has all manner of excuses for this such as “altitude,” but
in any way, shape or form he escapes auditing. If your preclear’s unwilling to be audited, he himself may fall into this classification. Because justice in this society prides itself upon
impartiality, these impartial people—the aberrative personalities—are quite often listened to by those around them. The pose of being impartial is an effort to escape decision. People who get things done or who are worth anything to the society make decisions. The impartial people make no decisions if they can possibly avoid them, and at the very best put off decisions as long
as possible, as in the case of a court of law. These people, being well downscale, are very close to MEST and have a very solid agreement with MEST.
Very often you will find aberrative personalities addicted to religion, but the addiction will not be accompanied by any belief in the human spirit. Just how this paradox is accomplished a professed avowal of Christianity and a complete unwillingness to accept any effort to heal or help the human spirit as opposed to the body—is just another one of this bundle of paradoxe
s which mark the aberrative personality. For, you see, the person is such a complete maybe that anything about him is indecisive, and people trying to make up their minds about this person, of course,fall into the state of maybe, because that is the clue to the personality. Impartial personality— the maybe personality—and the “merchant of fear” are more or less of the same order and are alike aberrative.Men in the field of the arts are very often victimized by these aberrative personalities. The “merchant of fear” closes terminals rapidly with any area which contains a great deal of admiration. Since the person is actually incapable of decision,this is a mechanical closure. The presence of admiration around anyone else begins to dissolve some of the completely stultified bank of the “merchant of fear” and this finds him very close to the source. Orchestra leaders, painters, writers are always having the terrible misfortune of closing terminals with such personali
ties. There is hardly a man of art or letters who does not bear on him the scar of having associated with a “merchant of fear,” for these are vampire personalities. They ar e themselves so starved of admiration and of sensation that they drink out of others arou nd them any possible drop of admiration in any form. Where a woman becomes a “merchant of fear,” sexual starvation is continually attempting satiation and all the while the “merchant of fear” will protest and, to all visible signs, follow a life of complete celibacy.
While it is not my purpose here to revile, I wish to impress upon the auditor that the “merchant of fear” is extremely dangerous, both to creative impulses and to sanity. One could say airily, “Why don’t we just audit thes e people upscale, since they are sofew,” but these people will never present themselves for auditing and will discourage anyone else from having any auditing. A solution to
the “merchant of fear” probably does not lie in the field of auditing. The society at large is so accustomed to association with MEST and the “merchant of fear” so closely approximates some of the characteristics of MEST—the maybe, for instance—that the public quite commonly misassigns strength to such aberrative personalities and thinks of them as strong people or as wise people. They are
neither strong nor wise, and before an even indifferently forceful attack quickly capitulate. They live their whole lives in terror of attack. One often finds these characteristics in company wi
th paresis or hears the aberrative personality has actually contracted a dreadful disease to add to his repulsiveness. The auditor should not err in thinking that these people always present a
repulsive appearance; repulsive conduct precedes a repulsive appearance. At first they operate only mentally in trying to make everyone afraid. Then this begins to show up more and more in their own MEST and finally will demonstrate itself in their personal appearance. Thus one can mark the state of decay of these aberrative personalities. Now and then some violent man in one country or another has undertaken programs to rid a society of these points of contagion. Kings in olden times handled the problem by decapitating people who continually brought them bad news—this was a
very wise measure. In more recent times it has been said that Gomez, late dictator of Venezuela, discovered that the contagion point of leprosy in the country was the beggar. He found that the beggars of Venezuela were using leprosy in order to beg. People would pay in order to have the ugly thing taken away from them (the basic philosophy of the beggar is to be paid to go away).
Gomez had the beggars told that they were going to be taken to a very fruitful part of Venezuela and given a colony of their own; he had them collected on a river bank an d loaded aboard two large river boats. The river boats proceeded into midstream, their crews left them in skiffs and the boats blew up with a resounding explosion. This was the end of leprosy in Venezuela. I am not telling you this to advocate the immediate slaughter of the “merchants of fear”; I am merely giving you an historical note. The extreme impatience of people trying to get something done in a society will eventually center upon those who will not work and, in the case of kings or tyrants, such people have very often been done away with. Thus the precedent is very old of a society cleansing itself by removing from its ranks the non-workers. Revolutions very often have this as an objective. The French Revolution recognized in the existing aristocracy a state of will-not-work, and saw in these people the character of the “merchant of fear,” and for several years there in France, shortly after America became free, the tumbrils formed an assembly line to the guillotine.
sounds like Psychology to me Mr. Hubbard
Does anyone know the case level of David Miscavage?
Does he receive daily auditing?
Is he moving on the bridge?
This has been asked many times on this blog before.
Last known he was on OT VII. He had not been in session for years. He is moving down the Bridge and taking everyone else with him.
“Case level” is a meaningless measuring stick — I know some of the most unlikable, untrustworthy, messed up people who cannot think sensibly about anything are totally paranoid who are “OT VIIIs”. I also know some incredibly competent, decent and high integrity people who are low “case level” or “no case level” (think Ray Jeffrey). It’s part of the messed up statusocracy that Scientology has become. You are measured by certificates, states and statuses.
Congratulations Cindy. Your letter encapsulates how Miscavige has destroyed what so many were once proud to be part of. His definition of a Scientologist, as given at the end of the IAS New Year’s event, is proof how he’s the biggest SP this planet has ever seen.
Hi Cindy, I have a better understanding of what has happened in your life. I never knew you were under the radar, you’ve been up front with me. Thanks for communicating, what a crime. Best wishes.
Cindy, your story is extremely touching. Welcome to our warm family of indie auditors ! Love, Don Schaul
I agree the Church has turned into a Fascist Police State under Miscavige’s “leadership”.
A “different kind of ‘leader'”
No not really.
Historically he’s the same ol’ shit that somehow I thought we were immune to.
Funny how you can’t walk into an Org (I mean if I could without being 86ed by security 😉 ) these days and find a copy of RJ 68. Seems the lil’ Winstons at the Borg have been busy these days erasing history.
At some point this whole thing will explode and you’ll be reunited with your family again, Cindy.
Makes me wonder why a “church” would need so many security people present.
(I wonder what the percentage is of security to productive staff.)
I’d say the Church reached its current state of complete paranoia after the raids.
Before that it was only the GO who qualified as total paranoids.
Ironic that they’d amputate that section of the Org Board and end up contracting the disease anyway.
From what Mike and Marty have said about the little tyrant ostensibly in charge. He makes Jane Kember seem lackadaisical.
Cindy – You Rock!
What you are going through and have gone through is totally real to me. You can never go wrong by maintaining your own personal integrity and standing by your observations. One day, hopefully soon, your kids will see this and they will be immensely proud of you. The “easy” thing to do is nothing and just be a lemming. But why spend all this time and money going up the Bridge and then have your spine removed? By your actions I can see you got your monies worth 🙂
Thank you Silvia, Dollar Morgue and SS and all you other wonderful people! I’m touched and overwhelmed with the kindness I’ve receiving.
Heartbreaking story, Cindy, but congratulations on your new found perspective and freedom.
One of the scariest things about this testimony is the simple fact that someone could visit Flag in 2011 without having read “The Truth Rundown” series, but I realize that you were by far the rule and not the exception. The way in which an adherent will police his/her own thoughts and information sources is probably Hubbard’s greatest achievement within the system he created.
The way the “church” can coerce loved ones to spy on each other is appalling, but these guys are looking more and more desperate by the day and I believe there’s a reckoning coming soon.
It’s nice to see Jane Doe’s lovely face, although the circumstances are both sad and glad.
I hope your children see that you were right, soon. You can only get stronger, and the indie movement is reaching critical mass in terms of intention.
I’m glad you’re here.
Reply to Sindy above re “pity”: You are totally correct. To quote Ayn Rand: “”In order for pity to be a virtue, one must require pitiable people in order to be virtuous.” Pity is a very corrosive view, corrosive to both parties.
Ayn Rand makes my blood boil
Tom Solari is he related to Erin Solari?
Yes, Erin is his daughter! Tom was one of my three best friends in Sci. Clark Carr and Bernard Percy were the others. I illustrated Clark’s novell The Last Wolves of Mars and Bernard’s book on teaching your children. Clark’s last words to me were “How unfortunate”. Tom just never answered comm. These guys were pals for over 40 years! Disgusting! BTW Clark looks destroyed as a being in the last clipping I saw.
Besides doing stand up comedy, wasn’t Clark Carr the ED of a Narconon? Or somehow involved with narconon?
Thanks for not being a coward despite your temporary loss of everything sacred to you.
The story of your “friend” who had you erase any connection to her from your computer is even more repulsive to me than Miscavige.
I don’t even know what to say about such treacherous behavior except that it makes my skin crawl..
Have pity on her. She is driven by FEAR. It’s a powerful drug.
Okay, I answered quickly earlier, due to time.
Richard, of all the sentiments I could offer up to the person in question here or anyone else still inside the organization, pity is one of the absolute least helpful. I would not have wanted that for myself (and didn’t get it) and I actually don’t think this person would either.
Having said that, you don’t know me so you don’t know that I am a compassionate person and work hard to be disciplined enough to comment only on behavior.
The line people are willing to cross these days, within the cult, is too far for me to have pity. Though I did a lot of things I am not proud of and have taken my well deserved lumps for them, the moment I realized the truth about the corruption I was done. My convictions were so strong, my research so thorough, that the momentum brought my loved ones with me.
This is not a hypnotized entranced individual. This is a person who wishes Miscavige were dead and who was (is?) in agreement with Debbie Cook but her hide is way more precious than all the other people before her who have taken a stand?
Now, I know we probably don’t have the whole story here and possibly this person apologized to Cindy up and down, confessing her cowardice and asking her to please understand her circumstances and that she was not at all proud of herself. It still doesn’t make it right, more ethical, etc. but it would make it slightly more palatable.
In the end, I never defamed the individual — only criticized the behavior and it should be criticized.
I love you letter Cindy!
It is very to the point and still gives all the data. I am glad you did your write-up and I know this will be a huge turning point in your life.
You might have lost old friends but you also found a lot of new “real” ones.
(BTW, this is an excellent picture of you and your children are beautiful.)
Cindy, your write-up will stand the test of time. There are many under-the-radars that will take heart with your words, both today and tomorrow. I am a 40 year member and FSO public 1979 – 2005 and completed New OT V in 2005.
You are a true braveheart with a very big heart…
Forgot to sign with Robert Almblad Indie # 285
What is it with all those ’20 something girls running the MAA at AOLA? (The “Super Girls” I call them). I had awful, awful experiences with them on my few trips to LA. I saw the old MAA I had dealt with in ’70s, a tough old Sea Org veteran who helped me through difficult times. (I know he doesn’t buy Miscsvsge’s bullshit and I hope there are more like him). Trying to talk to one of those young girls about life and death issues was not pleasant
Cindy, my heart goes out to you sincerely from mother to mother. My only saving grace is that my child is two years old and has never been into an org. I greatly admire your integrity and courage. I am also under the radar currently and am working to enlighten my family (siblings and parents). I know I will be taking the plunge at some point soon and announcing my position. Your children will see the light at some point and will come running back to you. <3
Thank you so much. Your article is excellent and my best wishes go out to you.
Regarding disconnection, I also experienced the same thing with friends of mine too. After enjoying decades of friendship, I had two of my best friends “disconnect” from me because I confided with them my thoughts about the extreme fundraising and the fact that I would not go back to Flag, ever again for services and why.
They were not interested in the out tech I had run on me or the bad effects it caused. The only thing important to them was that I followed “Command Intention” and got on OTVII and that I understood that “we are now in the fund raising era of our church.” One of them even told me that I was “crazy” and “really insane.” I am still in good standing in the CoS (for now) and this is how upstanding Scientologists in the RCS treat each other.
When times get tough, you always find out who your real friends are.
So true Pepper. In tough times, your true friends are there and the others kick you aside. I count you as one of my new friends!
Cindy you are my hero! I Love you ! Here is a little true story for you Cindy.
Once a missionaire told Ron his Mission Gimmick was DO IT FOR RON! Ron just
smiled and said,” do it for me? No No No you do it for yourself !!”
+ 1000
Therein lies the difference.
Wow! What a great piece, Mike. You really should get a job as a writer for the Tampa Bay Times!
I commend you on your actions, you are a very brave and sane person. I also know that you will eventually be reunited with your children. You are a good mother – allowing them to make their own mistakes and loving them unconditionally.
On David Miscavige, I am convinced that he is a textbook sociopath. Recent studies show that possibly 4% of the population are. Because sociopaths are ruthless and will squash their rivals and burn institutions to the ground in order to reach their goals, they are incredibly destructive. He simply needs to be imprisoned to protect society from him, and I think that his actions have show that to be a reasonable decision. I also, believes that he understand this, and that is he will do everything to avoid prosecution.
I believe as a society that it’s important that people be aware of the characteristics of a sociopath, so that they can protect themselves from them. My fiancé recently lost a good friend who was under the influence of a sociopath. May she RIP.
Below, are some of the disturbing characteristics of the sociopathic mind:
1) Sociopaths Lack a Conscience
Sociopaths know the intellectual difference between right and wrong. They understand society’s expectations. They understand what moral behavior is supposed to look like. They even understand that actions have consequences. The problem is, they do not care. They do not feel remorse or guilt. They have no inner compass to guide them, and so they do exactly what they want at any given moment. This lack of conscience means that it does not matter to them if they trample on the rights, feelings, or safety of others. It means that they have no limits and are therefore capable of anything; it is a recipe for endless cruelty and depravity.
2) Sociopaths Feel a Limited Range of Human Emotions
Sociopaths are emotionally crippled. They feel anger, rage, and envy in full force, which fuels aggressive behavior in many of them. But the rest of their emotions are shallow and fleeting. Because of this disability, sociopaths are unable to truly connect with other people. They are unable to have real empathy for others, because they cannot relate to emotional pain. And, most ominously, they are unable to love. This emotional defect also means that they must spend their entire lives watching others and learning to imitate behaviors that they are unable to engage in naturally; in this way, they become demented chameleons. They are pathetic and empty, and this makes them chronically bored. The boredom is almost painful for them, and they will do anything to alleviate it. This contributes to their tendency to act impulsively and recklessly. And ultimately, they will do anything and everything to get rid of their boredom because, having no conscience and no empathy, they do not care who gets hurt in the process.
3) Sociopaths View Everything in Life—Including Relationships—As Games to be Won
Sociopaths have an insatiable need to win. This desire to win is so strong that they sometimes will take themselves down in the process of becoming the “winner.” Because they are unable to build real relationships, they view their interactions with others as games. Other people are simply pawns to be played. And because they have no conscience, they make up their own unethical rules for those “games.” They use tactics like mirroring, deception, projection, gaslighting, pity plays, and other forms of emotional and physical abuse to idealize, manipulate, confuse, and intimidate others, all in the name of “winning.”
4) Sociopaths Live to Exploit Others
The ultimate purpose of every sociopath’s life is to do whatever it takes to get what he or she wants at that moment. Since they do not understand love, they view other people as objects to be obtained, used, and then discarded. And so in all their interactions with others, they follow a particular pattern—idealize, devalue, and discard—over and over and over again. They are constantly scoping out potential targets and assessing them as sources of supply; they might want money, a place to live, sex, a cloak of normalcy, or a short-term thrill. They often throw people away suddenly and brutally, ignore them for days, months, or even years, and then contact them again as if no time has passed and all is well. Their desires change unexpectedly and abruptly, and nothing stops them from pursuing those desires in any way they can.
5) Sociopaths Believe they are Superior Beings
Sociopaths see nothing wrong with using people and then throwing them away. They feel completely justified in lying, cheating, stealing, and manipulating others. In fact, not only do they see nothing wrong with their behavior, they actually believe that they are incredibly superior to other people! Every time they are able to con their targets, they view that as evidence of the targets’ weakness. And, they do not suffer from low self-esteem or insecurities (although they often pretend to “feel” that way in order to manipulate others). On the contrary, they are egotistical and arrogant. And this makes it impossible for them to benefit from therapy, and it makes it impossible for them to change. Why should they change, when they believe they are already better than everyone else? This, I believe, is the main reason why there is no cure for sociopathy.
(source -https://www.psychopathfree.com/content.php?278-Understanding-How-Sociopaths-Think-Why-It-is-Good-to-Ask-Why)
Great informatin on the Pychopath!! WELCOME CINDY – your write up was beautiful, honest and sincere! You are helping expose this evil cult that shatters familes and every post on the internet about Scientology’s “disconnection policy” will just keep more and more people out!
Thanks for delivering the effective blow to the Church of Scientology now known as a CULT!
You look amazing!!
Welcome to the land of the living – loving life and living large – us SP’s (translated – a special person who KNOW’S)!!
Your kids will leave – everyone leaves – the Cult’s Ship has sunk and they will run out of money and too many will leave!!
Sociopath not Psychopath
Psychopath are more calculating
That’s a really good write-up on sociopaths. I am financially well-off and I have been the victim of some amazing and elaborate scams by con-artists/sociopaths, who entered my life as private Homecare attendants looking after my frail elderly parents suffering from dementia. I lived with my father and when he died, I was estranged from my sister as well. So three con-artists (one his former “Healthcare attendant” took on the best characteristics of my father, my sister and myself – so I would feel like they were my family and I found a measure of comfort in their increasing presence in my life (this is a classic ruse of con-artists).
What I have always wondered about disconnection can be addressed in Cindy’s situation. After her children were disconnected from her, they must have felt such a void in their lives because they would miss certain things about their mother, like her characteristics…so I was wondering, that after disconnection, would a Scientologist on staff pretend to take on Cindy’s characteristics and move into her children’s lives and fill that void to discourage them from considering to leave the church?
Incredible story. You have made the right decision. Don’t think it creates no effect when an upstat person such as yourself tells the church – no, I’m not going to put up with this any more and will not be bullied into silence. I truly respect your actions. Taking your life back. (My daughter disconnected from me too. Lost her, my granddaughter and I hear I have a grandson I’ve never met.)
I’m so sorry to hear of your loss of your daughter and granddaughter and new grandson, Gail. But let’s hold on to the hope that DM is going down fast and the church will crumble and we will get our loved ones back.
Wonderful article, Cindy.
Well-said Cindy. I hope your kids wake up quite soon and see the RCS insanity for what it is.
Thanks for telling your important story, Cindy.
What an excellent write-up Cindy.
I really feel your pain but at the same time I can experience your exhilaration from now being free.
Disconnection is truly a sick policy. I feel confident if more and more people keep standing up that you will eventually reconnect with your kids.
I was on OT7 and went through all of that insanity too. I would love to talk to you about it sometime. Hy was my regg too and I was so happy when he got out of that nut house.
Keep up the good work Cindy. This is a major step in decompressing that you have taken. The fact that your “good friend” who “hates” the cob would still disconnect from you is truly vile.
You have many new friends now. Welcome!!
Than you Tony! Feel free to comm at [email protected] if you like.
Cindy though we never met I remember seeing you many times over the years on the Pac Base.
Thank you for this tremendous message. The level of suppression is reaching levels that are truly,truly absurd. OSA, MAA’s, friends and family are all on the hunt for “SP’s”. Watching, snitching, reporting and KR’s are all now the order of the day in Dave’s church
Isn’t anyone reading their materials which point to the fact that the SP is still within the walls of the church? Some of these folks have done the PTS/SP course three times and still they either will not look or cannot apply what they have studied.
God Bless you and your family Cindy. It is my sincere hope that your family will be reunited very soon.
“6. The antisocial personality habitually selects the wrong target. If A is the obvious cause, the antisocial personality inevitably blames B or C or D.”…..LRH
The long time contributing public of the church are the wrong target for declares! The real SP is still inside working hard!
+ 1000
As we used to say, “If it ain’t fun, it ain’t Scientology!” That doesn’t even take knowing any tech. LOL Good on you, Cindy. You WILL prevail.
K Francis, yes it is a Stasi environment where people rat out other people and spy on them, even family member against family member. That is DM’s legacy. And K, I think I know you too! Can you contact me at [email protected]?
Hello Cindy. A heart wrenching but all to common story of out tech, suppression, collusion and evil ints all perpetrated by the RCS. There are many here with similar stories as you know. Thanks for writing yours so well.
Wow. Impressive story Cindy.
I’m so sorry for what happened to your kids, but know that all this insanity will eventually pass away.
I wish you and your family a wonderful future.
Cindy, I am very touched by your tragic story, and wowed by your strength, calmness, and integrity.
Nobody can argue with good ol’ Bob Dobbs
Thank you Bob. And I have likewise been touched by the stories I’ve read on this blog and others. I am convinced that the cream has risen to the top and the best people (the ones who exemplify, “constant vigilance and a willingness to fight back”) have left the building and are re-assembling out here in the field. The Church of Scientology is dead. Long live the Reformation!
Bravo, Jane Doe!!!
I’m sorry that the spies forced your hand so that your kids felt that disconnection was necessary. It should never have happened. You know how I feel about it.
But Bravo Jane Doe. If they are going to play hard ball, swing the bat, girl. Swing it hard.
“If they are going to play hard ball, swing the bat, girl. Swing it hard.” I love it!
Cindy, that was both a heart-breaking and heart-warming write up. The good news is that that reunion may very well be sooner rather than later thanks to the efforts of many of those decent people you allude to, not least to Mosey, Marty, Luis, Rocco, Laura, Mike, Steve et al. I sincerely hope it will be, as with all the other painful disconnections. Great write up which hits a lot of good points and which will no doubt help wake up a few more. Welcome out!
Wow. Cussin’-A. What a great letter. Thanks, Cindy.
Yea Cindy! Thank you for no longer being a part of the problem no matter the costs. Good for you & Its really nice to know who Jane Doe is 🙂
Wow, girl! You are awesome! Don’t worry, all will be well. I just know it!
The last two days for me have been an amazing and wonderfully humbling experience as I read all the good wishes and support from my fellow Indies. I haven’t been able to respond to each one, but wanted to say THANK YOU now to everyone who commed with me. I appreciate it so much. I had help coming out from several I forgot to thank: Marty, Mike R, Steve H, Steve Poore, Carisa Marion, Cooper Kessel, Gary Webber, Karen de la Carrierre, and the others in my writeup. THANK YOU all. It really does “take a village.”
Welcome to another life, Cindy. Thank you for the very excellent letter. You are obviously very loving, very caring, and very intelligent. It always lifts my heart to see someone like yourself not only waking up but with the courage to stand up and keep her integrity. I have no children but I can sense the heartbreak of disconnection. I think it is especially hard for these young people who are second generation and have only known scn as a life. I don’t think we have ever met in person but please consider that you have a new friend. Best wishes to you.
Thank you Yvonne. We talked by email early on when I left the cult and you were also so warm and nice and welcoming then too. Best wishes to you!
The “2.5%” are a famous number. And when it is cited, it is often used to make someone wrong and intrinsically LRH right.
I have no evidence anywhere that this number is accurate (besides the Sherman-speak). I’d say you can use the number to get an idea when quantifying suppressive people. Maybe it is about right.
But quite often humans disregard miscalculations and only perceive situations when something coincidently coincides. Like: “My postulate worked, because I had thought about a pizza minutes ago and someone came and brought a pizza.” The question is: How often did that person think of something and it did not happen. If we get a ratio of 100 to 1, then it was pure coincidence with a pinch of human mind calculus that always has to be right.
And if there are 40,000 Scientologists left inside the cult, then there must be 1,000 SPs (2.5%). Are these the Indies plus the entire freezone? Nice calculation, isn’t it? No, you can always tweak numbers the way that they fit somehow.
2.5% … I’d say let’s think for ourselves. I could even say that Ron asked us to think for ourselves. But by saying so I would exactly not think for myself again. You could get the idea that I am not convinced of whatever I am trying to tell you. The certainty comes with the fact that no further evidence is needed, because something was obvious already.
There is a difference in citing Ron for technical reasons or citing Ron to tell that something is right. By showing some piece of paper with ink on it you also take the opportunity of any further discussion away; especially when the written material is THE evidence. This is a process to stop thinking for yourself.
In my opinion, if I think something is right, then I can explain it in my own words. And the listener will understand me, otherwise it was not right for him/her.
I observed this behaviour quite often in the cult. People were always citing. My ears nearly fell off. In fact I got really bored when people started citing. Nothing is true, because it is written somewhere. Most of us are not stupid, we can perceive truth and we know that something is true when we hear it. So what is the point of citing someone? It is just a mechanism to stop thinking for yourself. Robotism.
Nothing is true, because Ron said so or didn’t say so.
Thank you for your comm, Bare Faced Messiah. And you’re right that nothing is true just because Ron said it. I found the tech workable and had wins both as a pc and as an auditor delivering wins to others with the tech. And yes, Ron has had some areas of irresponsibility in his life and his own personal trouble going on. But I could separate out Ron the man from the tech the man put out. And when I left the church, I never threw out the baby with the bathwater. I now use what I find works of the tech and throw away the rest. You notice in my story I also quoted a psychologist, Martha Stout. Only 3 years ago I would never have quoted a psych much less read a book by one, but look at me now! So yes, you may hear me quote Ron. I also quote others where I find truth too.
“Freedom is for honest people. No man who is not himself honest can be free – he is his own trap.”
― L. Ron Hubbard
“LRH says that 2 ½ percent of the population are Suppressive. Author and Ph.D, Martha Stout in her book, “The Sociopath Next Door,” says that 4% of the population are suppressive / sociopaths. Yet in recent years under DM’s reign, that percentage goes up to 40 and 50% or higher, of which I am now included.”
Here is another “stat” to have some “mass” and “reality” on that.
LRH Executive Director
Philip Quirino LRH Comm Living under guard In Reclusive retirement home
Pat Bloomberg Dissem Sec DECLARED SP (Declared by Current Church Church Leadership)
Peter Hemery HCO Secretary DECLARED SP Personal Friend of LRH
Mike Rigby Dir Accounts DECLARED SP (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Ken Urquhart LRH Pers Comm DECLARED SP LRH Butler, LRH Pers Comm for 15 years (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Joyce Popham LRH Pers Sec DECLARED SP (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Len Regenass: HCO Area Sec DECLARED SP
Joan McNocher: D/Guardian DECLARED SP (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Dalene Regenass Org E.S DECLARED SP (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Robin Hancocks Deputy HCO Executive Sec DECLARED SP (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Frank Freedman D/Qual DECLARED SP Clear #127 Class VIII (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Betty James Ad Council Chairman DECLARED SP (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
John McMaster SHSBC Course Supervisor DECLARED SP FIRST CLEAR
Otto Roos Ad Council DECLARED SP Clear #25 One of the original LRH trained Class XII (completed A-E of a prior Declare. But Re-Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Pam Pearcy Ad Council DECLARED SP Clear #211 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Reg Sharpe LRH Assistant DECLARED SP Clear #7 Personal Friend of LRH
Leon Steinberg Exec Council DECLARED SP Clear #10 Personal Friend of LRH One of the original LRH trained Class XII (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
J.J Delance Technical Staff DECLARED SP Clear #17 Started Scn in France (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Tony Dunleavy Clearing Course Supervisor DECLARED SP Clear #20 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Connie Broadbent Dir Accounts DECLARED SP Clear #29 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Craig Lipsitz Qual Staff DECLARED SP Clear #30 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Marilynn Routsong HCO Staff DECLARED SP Clear #31 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Brian Livingston Tech Staff DECLARED SP Clear #35 One of the original LRH trained Class XII (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Herbie Parkhouse Org Exec Sec DECLARED SP Clear #55 Personal Friend of LRH Org Exec Sec (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Anton James Tech Staff DECLARED SP Clear #53 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Jenny Parkhouse Treasury Staff DECLARED SP Clear #54 Personal Friend of LRH (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Virginia Downsborough Tech Staff DECLARED SP Clear #39 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Van Staden Treasury Staff DECLARED SP Clear #40 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Sheena Fairchild Tech Staff DECLARED SP Clear #41 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Jennifer Edmonds Tech Staff DECLARED SP Clear #15 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Bernie Green Tech Staff DECLARED SP Clear #18
Gareth McCoy Dissem Staff DECLARED SP Clear #21
Dalene Regenas Tech Staff DECLARED SP Clear #24 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Felice Green Tech Staff DECLARED SP Clear #26 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
John Lawrence Tech Staff DECLARED SP Clear #28 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Peggy Bankston Tech Staff DECLARED SP Clear #34 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Helen Pollen Qual Staff DECLARED SP Clear #47 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Fred Fairchild Tech Staff DECLARED SP Clear #49 . (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Dorothy Knight Dissem Staff DECLARED SP Clear #50 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Judy Gray Tech Staff DECLARED SP Clear #56 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Cal Wigney Div 6 Staff DECLARED SP Clear #57 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Mary Long Div 6 Staff DECLARED SP Clear #58 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Bill Robertson Tech Staff DECLARED SP Clear #61 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Linda Nussbaum Exec Staff DECLARED SP Clear #62 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Robin Lindsell Tech Staff DECLARED SP Clear #73 Class XII (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Jenny Parkhouse Saint Hill Staff DECLARED SP Clear #54 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Val Wigney Saint Hill Interne DECLARED SP Clear #87 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Edith Hoyseth Saint Hill Interne DECLARED SP Clear #105 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Roger Biddell Saint Hill Interne DECLARED SP Clear #107 (Declared by Current Church Leadership)
Cyril Vosper Tech Staff DECLARED SP
Here is another cans of bate and switch. The LRH definition of Suppressive is someone who has the majority of antisocial characteristics. Someone else or LRH himself added a potentially contradictory definition of SP as anyone who agrees with a real SP. That person doesn’t exhibit any of the antisocial characteristics. Add the complexity that LRH apparently was trying to help people to be happier by recognizing someone who wanted to harm him. If someone else agreed with the SP it would be a good idea to pay attention. BUT what if the bad guy got into power? Then The brightest and most social person would try to fix it and if failure would leave the suppressive influence and try to fix it by any means. So now the fox runs the henhouse and uses the definitions to harm that were originally created to help. The failure to foresee these possibilities is one of the places LRH missed the boat.
I don’t think that it was an oversight from Hubbard. The Ethics Codes were his attempts at maintaining total control over Scientology and securing his monopoly over the technology.
They were a BIG mistake, and in the case of Administrative declares a CORRUPTION of his otherwise very healing technology.
All of the insanity we are experiencing now, comes from Hubbard ADDING so many inquisitorial/intel ops types alterations to counseling and ministering people, which are the ONLY reasons for Scientology to begin with.
The fact that Scientologists are heavily indoctrinated into following Hubbard’s policies to the letter, makes thing that much harder to change.
Overtime, reason and independent thought will prevail, and Scientology might have a chance.
When Karen De La Carriere noted her declare in December I started to watch her FB friends list decline…
Cindy Temps – friends count https://www.facebook.com/cindy.temps
787 – 12/14/13
773 – 12/21/13
765 – 12/22/13
762 – 12/24/13
760 – 12/25/13
756 – 12/26/13 **grabbed friends list for later compare
754 – 12/27/13
753 – 12/28/13
752 – 12/30/13
749 – 01/05/14 **first compare
Su Falcon https://www.facebook.com/su.falcon.7
Barbara Mah https://www.facebook.com/barbara.mah.9
Danial Shea https://www.facebook.com/danial.shea
Ed Renna https://www.facebook.com/edward.renna
Eduardo FineArts https://www.facebook.com/eduardo.fineartspainter
Larry Alpers https://www.facebook.com/larry.alpers.5
Marty Kassowitz https://www.facebook.com/marty.kassowitz
Tom Solari https://www.facebook.com/tom.solari.5
748 – 01/06/14
744 – 01/07/14
742 – 01/08/14
741 – 01/09/14
738 – 01/10/14
737 – 01/12/14
734 – 01/14/14
732 – 01/18/14 **second compare
Anne Fewell https://www.facebook.com/anne.fewell
Betsy Poulin https://www.facebook.com/betsy.poulin
Bill Goode https://www.facebook.com/roark183
Bob Bulat https://www.facebook.com/bob.bulat.5
David Nunez https://www.facebook.com/davidnunez67
Dominique Gropper https://www.facebook.com/dominiquebiz
Ellen Garrison https://www.facebook.com/ellen.garrison1
Jack Potter https://www.facebook.com/JackPotter.FunArt
Jamie Sene https://www.facebook.com/jamie.sene.1
Jay Clitheroe https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1185114219
Jeff Vallerius https://www.facebook.com/explorerjeff
Joe Hubbard https://www.facebook.com/joe.hubbard.378
Karen Hadley https://www.facebook.com/karialle
Kathy Sweigart https://www.facebook.com/kathy.sweigart.31
Kim Catalano can’t find page
Lance Miller https://www.facebook.com/LanceSpeaks
Natalie Simms https://www.facebook.com/TheNatalieSimms 2MF
Terri Novitsky https://www.facebook.com/terrinovitsky
Terry Merritt https://www.facebook.com/terry.merritt.12
731 – 01/21/14
730 – 01/26/14
730 – 01/31/14 – Rinder article…
Well done. This is the kind of thing Anonymous was doing back in the day before the Indie movement grew and ex-members began speaking out. I love leaks and appreciate people like you who take the time to gather stats. True stats.
Thank you for doing the FB stats, DMSTCC. This is proof that the FB police are ever on their post. Some of the people you list are just acquaintances that I’ve never had comm with, so it proves that someone on FB contacted them and told them to disconnect. HCO doesn’t publish Declares anymore, so how would all these people find out of my declare? It is done by the FB police and the whispering campaign. Not one of my people has told me they’ve actually seen a goldenrod Declare on me, and yet these numbers show that even without proof, the flock disconnects just on a word. Amazing.
excellent job, dmstcc. a few funny things i noticed after visiting the fb pages for the people cited above: 1. scientologists love love love ayn rand and “atlas shrugged”, 2. in only a few instances, a person who stopped following karen dlc expressly cited scientology as an interest. otherwise, you had to read into their respective interests to see the co$ connection (interests such as: battlefield earth, cchr, jenna elfman, nancy cartwright, etc.) and 3. a good deal of the pages are no longer up or accessible. i guess osa caught on. a good job once again, dmstcc. oy yeah, i also wanted to say that i love your screen name. lol. cheers!
Cindy, your statement is clear, honest and beautiful, just as I know you are from our past months of friendship. Your kids will find their way home to you soon. Life as an Indie will benefit you and you’ll help the Indies with your good heart.
The best is yet to come!
Thanks Kay and everyone. I hope the young people will wake up soon.
I’m always saddened to hear of families being split apart. However o have noticed that in Scientology an alarmingly high percentage of children (born into it) side with the church over parent(s) when it comes to disconnection.
I’ve studied a great deal of LRH a material and outside commentaries and sadly though it is painful to see I am not surprised.
The foundations of love and compassion that form strong bonds with children at an early age are not present in the teachings. Add to that the fact that so many children grew up seeing their parents place the church above them (above everything in truth) and it is not surprising th t they follow suit.
Add again to that the time spent by many parents away from their children working for the church (you can read multiple stories of children who spent days on end over years being ‘looked after’ in a room somewhere while their parents worked on staff, in the SO or auditing) or the flip side as young people as young as 13 head off (often to different states even countries) on SO themselves.
So add those things together and you have an evironment where the levels of love, time and importance put into parent child relationships are minimal and subsequently you have this high number of young people these days who stick with the church.
If was being harsh I would say you reap what you sow hut truthfully I think that’s abit unfair.
The other sad element of this is that when things contract further, and more folk of a certain age leave it’ll be the younger generations left and you can bet your ass they will be rallied together by the denegration of their parents who ‘abandoned them and their church’.
Parents like yourself I fear face a long hard battle 🙁
My thoughts are with you.
The hard truth is that those kids are simply not scientologist. They are born into it, like any other religion given by your parents. They never went through “need of change”. Scientology has been for them an enforced reality. Therefore their awarness level is this of a “wog”.
They just follow the culture in which they were raised. They are middle class wogs pretending to be scientologist. They are not clear, not OT, they are the image of Miscavige who is also born into it, and like any middle class PTS they will “cognite”only when DM will be in jail. They need authoritarian reality to have a viewpoint, they cannot think by themselves.
But they are our kids, they are second dynamic, and we love them. But they cannot inspect. Any kids I know who have an awareness level, left the church. They can look.
What I’m saying is maybe harsh and is not an absolute, but someone leaving is family to follow DM’s cult cannot be a scientologist, but is an implanted homo sapiens.
Scientology is not an ethnic community basically but it became one.
I never enforced scientology to my kids. They didn’t have to go on course and to applaud LRH. And they could date any “wogs” they like.
One of them is an OT now. In the independant field. From his complete self determinism.
They didn’t have to “find a 2 D” in their restricted group (how frustating). Kids become friends with the other kids of their parent’s friend. They are raised in scientology school. And soon they marry each other. And after 3 generations of scientologists, there are a lot of people related. The 3 D become a big 2D. And then disconnection can work. If you are not in good standing, you loose all your family and all your friends, you find yourself alone in the world. And those who disconnect often does a “Sophie Choice”. Which child should I abandon?
I know many bright kids, son and daughters of scientologists. They were raised with the tech, but not with the ideology of the cult . They are not taking the identity of scientologist, but they have often very big abilities.
Sorry if what I say may look like an inval of your kids. They are sweet and loving, but obedient. In a totalitarian state, they would turn you to the police and you would be sent into a concentration camp.
I have seen kids of scientologist, with no training or auditing whatsoever but being raised in the “religion” to sign a Sea Org contract. They are actually like those kids in the past who “enlist” or join the army. A dramatization to join, to have a uniform. In another time they would have join the SS. Some good kids most of them. Read “the banality of evil” from Hannah Arendt.
My mistake was sending them to an expensive Scn school. The SO and Orgs use those schools as recruiting grounds and some of the teachers help them get their recruits at all costs.
What a powerful write-up! You have laid it out so perfectly that anyone can see and understand what’s really happening inside those walls. This is excellent, and I wish you all the best with your children and welcome you on this side. This is wonderful!
Congrats Cindy,Well done report.
People in the KNOW, KNOWS disconnection is ALIVE and WELL in the C of S!!!! Look, don’t listen and because people in the church will start looking many people will leave the fold. Scientology is dangerous for you heart, soul, mind and especially your wallet.. Run for the hills a reg is coming
Welcome Cindy! Such a shit “church” that does this kind of stuff to families. Way too many families.
World class write up Cindy! Enlightening and inspiring. Congratulations on your integrity! Welcome to the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Excellent write up Cindy. You Rock!!!
I especially appreciate the detailed time, place, form and event you provide with your story. And you have two beautiful kids that you will reunite with one day. Great job in forwarding the truth about a cult gone wild.
Thank you Coop and everyone here. What a nice soft landing I had in the welcoming group here. You all made it possible for me and I appreciate each Indie here.
Wold class write up Cindy. All the links and references you included are spot on. Congratulations on your integrity. Welcome to the land of the free and home of brave!
Hear that, David Miscavige? Some of your “loyal” Scientologists hate you and wish you were dead. All that amplified clapping you hear from the podium? They’re blowing smoke up your ass.
Thank you! “Way to go girl”
Excellent write up.
You said it, brother.
Hip Hip! Good-o Cindy!
Cindy, 20 years ago my wife and I experienced the type of disconnection and third party that you have gone through. We weren’t declared until recently but the treatment was similar. One of the things I have come to appreciate from all of this is that the most important thing a person has is their integrity. Doing the right thing always pays off in the long run. I hope you’re reunited with your children and friends soon and that they truly appreciate the integrity you have shown here.
One last point that I’m sure you know. The best revenge against suppression is to flourish and prosper. i hope you’re flourishing and prospering.
Paul, Thank you. And what a good reminder to flourish and prosper as the ultimate revenge. I intend to do just that!