The news has sunk in, Mark Bunker is now a Clearwater City Commissioner-elect.
As Tracey McManus put it, this is a historic day for Clearwater.
There is another piece in the Tampa Bay Times (top of article screencapped above) this morning.
It makes some interesting points – first of which is noting Bunker’s “desire for the city to urge the IRS to revoke Scientology’s tax exempt status…”
Some have poo-poo’d this idea “The City of Clearwater doesn’t grant tax exempt status, the IRS does” — as if Mark Bunker is unaware of the difference between a city government and the IRS. “We can only play with the cards we are dealt and tax exemption is not in our hand.” So, do nothing at all.
What these naysayers (and mouthpieces for scientology) are missing is this:
The IRS does act based on outside pressure. The scientology exemption itself is proof of this. If you bring enough pressure to bear on this agency, they bend. Of course, the City of Clearwater does not need to resort to scientology style Fair Game tactics to move the IRS.
The IRS responds to political, media and public opinion pressure. The IRS oversight committees and appropriations committees in Congress have enormous sway over their direction. A single federal elected official demanding action from the IRS can have enormous impact.
Put this scenario into perspective.
The BIGGEST single loser in scientology being granted tax exempt status was the City of Clearwater. No other municipality on earth felt the impact of this decision more. As a percentage of the city’s revenues, scientology dominates Clearwater unlike any other city. They may own more property in Los Angeles in total, but the impact on a huge city like LA is negligible.
Clearwater is being harmed more than anyone else, thus they have the biggest incentive (and standing) to change it.
Scientology will whine that this is “bigotry” and “discrimination” as they do any time anyone ever dares challenge or question or expose their abuses. It’s their pat reply.
And of course, the City of Clearwater has an unfortunate history when it comes to their attempt to enact a “Charitable Solicitation Ordinance” that targeted scientology. It was struck down in the courts and ultimately the city ended up paying scientology’s fees and costs of more than $600.000. But that was foolishly and rashly done. They can learn from that episode and be far smarter.
Local politics is part of the far flung roots system that ultimately supports the trunk that is the federal government. It’s all interconnected. Elected officials in the city have connections to people in the county and state who in turn connect to the federal level officials. These lines should be burning with requests for assistance and IRS review of the tax exempt status of scientology. Pressure CAN be brought to bear. There is plenty of evidence available to support the contention that scientology does NOT qualify for tax exempt status on public policy grounds, if no other.
The City of Clearwater could solve a LOT of their problems if scientology was no longer exempt.
Not just in the revenue it would generate for the City, but also in the oversight it would afford. Scientology operates in secret. They do not have to file tax reports. Don’t have to submit to labor/pay laws. Hide behind the separation of Church and State protection laid in by the First Amendment.
A first step has been taken with Mark Bunker being elected — proving once and for all that scientology has NO political clout to trade on in Clearwater — but this is just a bloody nose for the bully that has dominated Clearwater for so long. Now it is time for the City to start using political connections and pressure to get the IRS to review scientology’s tax exempt status. That will be a knockout punch they will not get up from.
That’s good news. Are other members in the city council also against Scientology? I hope the council does not include people who favor scientology
Wonderful news Mr. Bunker! The VPotUS lives just down the coast from you and has no love for scamology… I’m SURE he’d love to see CW revitalized and doing well.
This is the best news that I have heard come out of Clearwater in a very long time!!!! Congrats Mark on your win!!! Great thing’s are going to be happening and I can not wait!!
Certainly (also) many Clearwater citizens are getting their information regularly about what is really going on behind the Church of Scientology’s and David Miscavige’s PR facade and what their real intentions are from this very blog.
Thank you Mike Rinder for keeping this blog up and for all your work and the excellent articles! It is so valuable and very much appreciated.
Congratulations Mark Bunker!
And get well soon!
Congratulations Mr. Bunker.
Alone against the Mafia. I am impressed.
good luck!
With MB winning, as soon as he’s sworn in he’ll become a Public Official. I’m curious if there are tougher laws (and consequences) concerning having PI’s following him (his friends and family) around and trying to intimidate him.
If the laws are tougher, does this potentially open the pathway into catching and prosecuting them for the racketeering they’ve been getting away with for years?
And if the laws are tougher, does $ci.. have enough self control to not – do what they do? Or do they think they’re so smart they can continue to get away with it?
Phillip asked:”does $ci.. have enough self control to not – do what they do?”
Short answer: “no”
Long answer:”HELL, no“
Mark, congratulation. Another step toward prevent more abuse and exploitation by the toxic organization.
And one say it while he has a gun on his/her head. “oh Mr miscavige is a very compassionate person”.
“oh mickey mouse is two meters tall”.
You see? The same.
Of COURSE scientology will scream “religious BIGOT” should anyone dare suggest they behave as normal community and societal citizens. They’re NOT subject to any rules of society, they have their own rules which everyone else would label insane and/or illogical, often counter-survival.
paying taxes is RIGHT, according to scientology’s own teachings: keeping exchange in to support the community services THEY consume. As a bright guy said, if the SP building starts burning, they’ll DEMAND that Clearwater’s fire and police departments drop everything and rush to save that enormous ugly tan elephant polluting the downtown area.
I’ve been watching the race from Vancouver Canada. I am ‘over the moon’ happy that you have won Mr. Bunker!! This is another step towards bringing this cult and its head racketeer under the scrutiny of the IRS. Without their tax exempt status they and he, would be nothing.
I would love to see him go to prison for income tax evasion. I hope the IRS takes all the money they have purloined from so many. If the courts won’t serve justice then let the IRS take it all.
Way to go Mark Bunker! Congrats and further evidence to the still-ins that OT power is a major con. All those powerful OTs, focusing on you to lose, must be scratching their homo-novis heads in confusion and consternation. Maybe they did something to pull it in. Oh well, time to go back for more mind-numbing expensive case sessions and courses.
Demento Miscreant, head of the Church of Scientology, has been arrested for murder and cannibalism. The remains of a staffer who walked into the Demento’s officer minutes after the results came in after that Mark Bunker had been elected were found in several plastic bags in bins around the CBD of Cleawater. When police, after discovering a partially chewed Scientology name tag on the remains of a shirt, to arrest Miscreant said they were shocked at the state of his huge office and crates of unopened expensive bottles of scotch lining one wall.
A drunken raving Demento told the arresting officers that he had chewed all the carpet then moved on to the furniture while flinging empty one litre bottles of scotch at the walls and out the windows. The staffer had walked in just as he was still “a wee bit cranky” and feeling hungry. When asked about the staffer who died Miscreant was quoted as saying, just before passing out, “Who gives a fuck, I have dozens of them downstairs!”
Sounds like the kind of science fiction that LRH would write.
Gasp! That could that be the reason why I had the urge to smoke Kools and hide in a hotel room while writing? The horror, the horror.
Something two coworkers said to me applies to you Mark. “Knowledge is Power” and “Slow and Steady Wins the Race”. Huge congratulations to you. Hopefully however many cult members are still there will one day will want to shake your hand and thank you for giving them the opportunity for a new life.
Congratulations Mr. Bunker!
I live in California but I did contribute money to Mark’s campaign. Congratulations to him and to the citizens of Clearwater. That was money well spent.
Money well spent indeed! Just coming back to the blog today after taking a day to totally rest including a break from all media. And here is this fabulous news! Congratulations to Mark Bunker! God, is this great news!
Thanks, Mike. We also need to find a way for people to feel safe sharing their stories of intimidation. This is second hand but we’ve heard of one business planning to open downtown which was told point blank by Scientology they were going to fight them every way they could. We need to hear these stories directly from individuals and businesses without them fearing further retribution from Scientology. Such mafia like tactics have to be exposed to the light of day and will further factor into the tax exemption argument.
Congratulations Mark!
Yes, congratulation….finally we’ve got something there to work with. I wish for you Mark, success and safety. Reach out if there is something we, from afar, can do.
Congratulations again, Mark! I am just over the moon about this! But insofar as what you’ve just said, and per Mike’s informed advice, I’m paying attention. I live out of state but for whatever its worth I’m ready to write letters, sign petitions, contribute what money I can – I don’t know WHAT to do, precisely, but I’m ready to climb on board with whatever can gradiently work toward getting the cult’s tax exempt status revoked.
I’m all in with what Aqua said. Let’s do it.
I think a floor tax on unused property should be implemented. Usually, it is the other way around. Businesses will empty their warehouses, put the product in storage trailers, ship the products out of state, and then send them back to the warehouses to avoid paying floor tax on their products.
Hi, Mark. Is there any chance that you can expand on that story and possibly get it to Tracey or someone as courageous as her at the TBT? Stories like that need full exposure in the light of truth.
I want to predict that since we have been waiting so very long for someone to finally get a foot into the door, the following collapse of this cult may well happen very quickly. Given the current pandemic, it just may happen even quicker than most of us are hoping and praying.
I get the feeling that millions of people have one whole Hell of a lot of pent up anger and hostility about all the suffering caused by this cult and Mark’s election may just be the event we all have been waiting for. At least I surely do hope so.
Now that someone is able to stand up and tell the truth in a public forum – Something the rat has never had to face – it just may start the tiles to tumbling and the effect may just be quite startling.
For a long time, I had hoped that Valerie’s lawsuit may have been that “foot in the door” that would cause people to get up and hit back. But lawsuits can take a very very long time to complete and collect. So Mark’s election just may start the end game events happening now.
All in all, what I’m trying to say is, “YIPPEE!”
Congratulations, Mark. Give ’em hell. And please take good care of your health. Almost all the pre-existing conditions that increase risk from corona virus are related to inflammation, so please do everything you can to reduce inflammation in your body (fiber, turmeric, aloe vera juice & reduce C reactive protein from animals – especially cheese in which it is concentrated- to the extent feasible). Clearwater needs you strong and healthy.
Different topic: In this Corona Virus emergency, where are the Volunteer Ministers? Why aren’t the streets flooded with thousands of yellow shirts giving touch assists (like the ones given by that NBA player)?
Enquiring minds want to know.
Kimo. wait and hope. Laughing.
Kimo, I don’t expect the “VM”s to peek out of their nuclear bomb-proof bunkers until the COVID-19 scare has already fizzled away for a couple of months, not that anyone will be wanting those perverts *touching* them (bleech!).
Yep. The hands on nerve assists should be quite popular!
This Pandemic may have several ways of hastening the demise of this cult.
One possibility is that people may soon start to see some people they know and love who live in one of the cult’s buildings fall sick and they may remember how they were taught that …
All good things that happen are because of the wonderful training you have leaarned.
But all bad things are the fault of the individual and they have “pulled in” that bad stuff because of their crimes against the cult.
So that may get people wondering why their friends and loved ones have fallen sick. They know these people are the last people who deserve to fall sick and that may be enough for them to conclude they have been lied to and it may be enough for them to finally say goodbye to this criminal scam.
I’m quite certain this pandemic carries several other consequences that could also hasten the demise of this scam and it would be Oh So Wonderful to see this scam implode and land in the street with a giant THUD. I pray for the day.
The virus can live on cardboard boxes for 24 hours, so much for all those brochures they might want to print & ship out to their local real estate.
THE TINY TART is no doubt safely taking it easy in his ivory tower with plenty of hazmat equipment…..the rest of the “crew”…Well, they’re on their own. No worries, if they “pass on” it’s been a given that anything of value goes you know where
MARK BUNKER….one of the BEST things that EVER happened in Clear Water! Best Wishes, Congratulations…..THANK YOU.
O/T- Has anyone heard anything from Skyler? In this time of Corona I’m a bit worried. They used to post everyday and I haven’t seen a post in almost a month. I hope Skyler is still out there following.
Message to Skyler if you’re out there:
Skyler, I know everyone here had opinions about your fashion sense but that was all it was…opinions. I hope you aren’t staying away because of that. I personally enjoyed your comments and advice on ‘The Scam’ as you dubbed it. I know you supported the work Mike and the Aftermath Foundation are doing 100%. If you are taking an ‘Anti-Scientology’ break I understand as I have done the same thing. I hope you’re doing well Skyler.
Hi Linear13. No worries.
It really touches my heart that people like you and Aquamarine have tried to stay in touch with me.
God bless you all.
I am so very happy that Mark Bunker won his seat.
I am self-isolating in the land of the cold and snow. Giggle. Hope to post something again sometime.
As far as the clothing issue goes, the people who complained never even saw the communications I snt Mike. The couldn’t possibly have known I was just trying to help Mike.
Funny co-incidence.
About two hours before you made your post, I sent Mike a message informing him of a typo in today’s blog. I don’t know how many of you saw this. But he had posted something about “a bloody noc” instead of “a bloody nose”. But I know Mike isn’t too angry with me because it was changed about 15 minutes after I sent him that message.
Bless all you people and especially Aquamarine.
WELCOME BACK from the cold and snow! We didn’t get much of either this winter in the mid-Atlantic region.
I’ve also noticed that Skyler hasn’t been posting of late. Hope he/she is ok. In order to engender a response from our friend; I too, should like to reach out, and hint in an ever-so-gentle way that we are somewhat concerned and would indeed appreciate hearing from him – communicated, of course, in my customary, ultra-conservative and polite manner:
Yo Skyler!
Where the hell you been?
What are we, chopped liver?
You get your butt over here!
Get over here pronto and open that-there smart mouth of yours!
Let Little Us know you’re OK!
Or give us some idea of what’s goin’ on!
You pissed off or something?
Somebody here pissed you off or somethin’?
Lemme know who it was.
I got friends.
I’ll take care of it 🙂
‘Ya got that?
Much Love For Real,
Ha Ha Ha! You saw that Steve Martin movie, “My Blue Heaven”? I love that movie. It was one of his best.
You are the best Aqua!
Well, there you are! And you’re OK. That’s good! And thanks, Skyler. Glad all’s well with you. Now, I didn’t see it that movie, in fact, but I will now that you’ve recommended it. I could use some laughs. “Cappice” was just my cliche-ridden attempt to sound like a Mafioso.
It’s a great movie. I won’t spoil it for you but Steve Martin plays an ex-mafioso who was placed in the witness protection program and the FBI agent who cares for him tries to be “with it” but keeps showing he is out of touch. He used the phrase “cappice” and Steve Martin winces and complains that he is hurting his ears.
It’s a very funny movie. I hope you will like it.
Hi Skyler – LOVE that movie, it’s my favorite S. Martin movie. Haven’t seen it in awhile, thanks for reminding me. I need a good laugh think I’ll look for it.
Yes, me too, Skyler!
Aqua. I understand and I can feel your intent with your post and I want to tell you that I really did enjoy it. You are a wonderful lady and a wonderful person too! (Go figure that one out?)
We seem to have been cross-posting in today’s blog. I mean if you check the times of our post, it would show that we both were trying to talk with each other before we read the recent posts that were made.
Anyway, I would love to come and give you a big hug. But the borders are now closed and so I can’t come to see you. Hopefully, this virus will die out and things will soon get back to normal.
Hugs to you Aqua.
Yes, that’s what was happening, exactly. Thank you for saying the nice things you say about me. I don’t deserve them but thank you, Skyler and right back at you with those hugs 🙂
Great work Mark. My personal plan is to form a “Museum of Religions” in Clearwater and turn the place into a historical center. Imagine people in tour buses driving the streets looking at the SO members walking. Scientology should be a Museum itself.
I would move to Florida to be in charge of THAT giftshop!
Had not thought of a giftshop. That’s a great idea.
I remember reading about a time when Clearwater tried to pass a local ordinance requiring transparency in fundraising for nonprofits in the city.
Scientology, Inc. fought it hard and eventually killed it.
Great points, Mike. Right now it feels like Mark is a candidate of the people. I foresee a strong community advisory committee to Councilman Bunker forming to support change in Clearwater, unlike any that has ever existed 😉
A “community advisory committee”. That is a great idea, Karen!
Congratulations Mark Bunker! The Wise Beard Man wins and SCN inc.s puppet comes in 4th place. This has made me wonder about a few things. Why didn’t Dave put up (force) one of his own people as a candidate in this election? Why did they throw their allegiance behind some non-Scn guy that they threw some money at? Did not ONE Scientologist in Clearwater want to go head to head with Mark Bunker? Are they that afraid of us SPs? I imagine the vote count was down due to Corona so many people did not vote but I’m positive Dave sent the edict that all Scientologists vote no matter what…and Mark still beat the puppet candidate (Mr. 4th place) of SCN and won the race.
Today, like Mike said above, OSA heads are gonna roll. Who knows what kind of fury is coming down from on high. I’m hoping that some in Clearwater and elsewhere (this will be something felt SCN wide) that are UTR will take this opportunity to escape. He’s probably making OSA call every SCN in Clearwater and ask them if they voted and who for…to ferret out where all those ‘missing’ votes went. Now he’s finding out that shipping in all those poor people from Europe and Asia does no good in American elections. I’m hoping some of the UTRs out there voted for Mark just so they could feel like they were sticking one to DM.
Yes, the Scientologists who are not US Citizens cannot legally vote, they probably have a large foreign presence. What the election showed was that the emperor has no clothes
Yes indeed and I reckon ’bout now he be gettin’ a bit chilly.
From what I can tell, there may be only a thousand public members more or less in Clearwater, and perhaps a few hundred more in the whole Tampa Bay area – just look at how the CofS now struggle to fill Ruth Eckerd hall even when they bring in lots of Sea Org dressed in street clothes. They may well all have voted.
The CofS seems powerful because of its oversized property holdings, and its ability to use its wealth to buy influence and engage in skullduggery. But their ability to leverage those things to their advantage, appears to be waning.
Linear13 :
Of COURSE they didn’t want to go head-to-head with the infamous SP, Mark Bunker, the Wise Beard Man….
Don’cha know? one SP can defeat whole LEGIONS of OTs with one hand tied behind his back.
Yes, Flag OSA heads gonna be rollin’. “Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’…” How did they pull this IN? LOL! I won’t be shedding any tears for Flag OSA types. Mike Rinder, if you feel for them you’re a better man than I am. Actually, I’m not any kind of man at all, but you get the idea 🙂
Very good points. I hope Mark can raise enough action now to get some force behind this movement. “Everyone” knows this is all true…it’s like the mob though…buy our protection or else we’ll hurt you. LOL
Mark Bunker effing won that seat… Hip Hip 🙂
Mark Bunker is my hero!
Good to hear from you OSD……I miss your “pearls of wisdom”….lol!
Balletlady!!! I really miss you! However, as you know, my pearls of wisdom tend to be like like…well, you know. My language gets a bit salty!!! But, hey, that’s me!
No worries….my father had quite a “vocabulary”… OSD always manage to keep us ALL on our toes!
I hope all is well with you, your wife & lovely family. We’ve hunkered down a bit, enough stuff to get us by for awhile.
I read that Californians are now “home bound”….YIKES>>.No surfing??? Well, I’ve been “land bound/dry docked” away from the ocean for quite awhile…..when I lived on Long Island I was at the beach most of the time….miss that.
All my dear friends…you, Aqua, Skyler, Jenyfurr, Jere, wynski, pluvo…Mike etc….STAY WELL & BLESSING on everyone to remain safe & healthy…Love you ALL
Try not licking the words?
This morning some business went well and I just felt Happiness:-)
And now this! Even more HAPPINESS:-)
Congratulations to Mark especially and to us all who want justice etc.
After reading this, I’m really curious to know where DM is getting stuck on the tone scale. I don’t think it’s 2.5 boredom and sure no even above.
Whoo baby! He dreams of being in boredom. That’s WAY too high. DM (as a being) is much further down. Definitely below “Body Death” (as a BEING, now). I’d say his tone level is “Controlling Bodies”. I don’t know him personally, have never interacted with him personally nor do I know anyone personally who has, but from all I ‘ve read, Controlling Bodies is where he is as a being. Seriously.
And maybe even this tone level is too high. Others who’ve known him personally could no doubt offer far more informed opinions based on their own direct observations if his speech, behavior, actions and reactions. But whatever his correct tone level, its way down there, baby.
He is one gone dude, spiritually.
Aqua said:”He is one gone dude, spiritually.”
In my opinion, “gone” requires that he was once “here” in some sense. He wasn’t, in my estimation. His body was more-or-less around, but he was nowhere to be found. His body accurately reflects his lack of presence, in other words.
Aqua. Laughing. It is as you say for sure since he is also very attached to the ‘mest’. I didn’t have the “pleasure” to meet him either. Those who knew him always told stories that ended with someone on the RPF. What a joy!
I recently saw a video of a chick (those made by them to defend DM from accusations of being violent) who called him ‘very compassionate’. By dint of laughing I was going to feel really bad.
As if to say that Mickey Mouse is 2 meters tall.