The latest reporting from Tracey McManus highlights the tensions in the city as they try to deal with the maneuverings of David Miscavige.
The Mayor and City Manager are on one side, and the City Council on the other in the battle over parcels of downtown property scientology wants.
Tracey’s earlier report goes into more detail about the plans to build affordable housing across the street from Miscavige’s office and the termination of that planned construction after Miscavige got involved.
Now, City Council members (notably Mark Bunker and Kathleen Beckman) are upset that they have been kept in the dark about discussions with scientology, though the project was something the City Council had voted on to move forward. Mayor Frank Hibbard lashed out at Bunker “You and I can settle it outside.” According to L. Ron Hubbard, that sort of reaction is the result of a “Missed Withhold” — he has been doing things he doesn’t want found out about and someone almost discovered them… Whether you buy that or not, clearly the situation is messy.
Last week Bunker tweeted about how the City Manager, Jon Jennings is “sincere in wanting to fix downtown” and I responded with the following:
Being sincere is not a shield against the manipulations of a sociopath. It might actually make someone more susceptible.
Jennings should read Martha Stout’s excellent “The Sociopath Next Door.”
This is good advice that I am repeating here.
When you are dealing with a sociopath, chaos and upset ensue. Miscavige does NOT have the best interests of the City of Clearwater in mind. He is 100% exclusively and only interested in what is good for him and scientology.
Sadly, the man who cannot be served with a legal subpoena because he is being hidden by his flunkies who lie that they “have no idea where he is, where he lives or where he works” is sitting right in downtown meddling in the affairs of the City of Clearwater like he owns the place (not quite yet, but he is working on it).
I just looked it up to make sure and it seems that that the city manager is “hired by and serves at the pleasure of the mayor and the city council”. (There is no fixed term to his contract)
So, I am wondering when is the next Clearwater mayoral election? …..Mr. Rinder? Mr.Bunker? 😉
Grateful for the detailed overview of the recent developments there. Sounds like it will be difficult to prove wrongdoing or conspiracy. The cult is brilliant at muddying the water wherever it operates.
Being “on the take” eventually catches up with people in authority. If not officially right away but always privately. Their own conscience plays havoc with their lives and those they are responsible for. It’s a full time job for those dishonest people to convince everyone around them just how good a job they are doing and cover up their crimes at the same time. It tears their mental objectivity to pieces and turns them into sociopaths. I feel genuinely sorry for the general population of Clearwater – they don’t deserve these sort of shenanigans. That’s the consequence of living with and sharing the same location as a powerful organisation that lies to itself as well as everyone else, ie they call themselves, ‘the most ethical group on the Planet!’ That’s the biggest, most bold face lie I’ve have ever had direct, personal, indisputable knowledge. They are a cult and criminal organisation hiding behind and using religion as a cover for their nefarious activities.
It’s easier to be honest.
Yeah, I remember reading somewhere, it takes dozens of muscles and lots of negative energy to frown but only a few to smile with pleasurable, positive energy.
Dishonest people work out with negative energy 24/7. Makes ’em ugly, especially to themselves.
Any chance you are going to acknowledge the actions you took or assisted to destroy the early scieno critics who first exposed the cult on that new thing called the internet? Have you even made any attempt to contact or apologize to us?
Does your “expose'” cover the actions YOU took to silence us?
Yes, it does. Though there are plenty of details about a lot of things that could not be fit into a book and no doubt some (perhaps including you) will attribute this to some nefarious motive to keep secrets, which is not the case.
“When you are dealing with a sociopath, chaos and upset ensue. Miscavige does NOT have the best interests of the City of Clearwater in mind. He is 100% exclusively and only interested in what is good for him and scientology.”
I would respectfully disagree. Saying that DM is interested in what is good for him and scientology is a little like saying Hitler was only interested in what was good for him and Germany.
The truth was eventually revealed that Hitler cared nothing about the good of Germany. I’d like to say that he only cared about what was good for himself. But I believe the truth is that he was so crazy that he could no longer have any rational thoughts about what was good for anything. I believe DM is clearly on that same path. Isn’t that obvious?
I would suggest that DM is only concerned about himself. He only appears to be interested in the good of the cult because that is the one thing that most affects what is good for himself.
Talk about a sociopath? I would think everyone would have realized by now that DM is a full-blown psychopath.
Psychopath Definition: Merriam-Webster defines a psychopath as: “a person having an egocentric and antisocial personality marked by a lack of remorse for one’s actions, an absence of empathy for others, and often criminal tendencies.”
That fits DM to a tee. Does it not?
I finally did subscribe to the Tampa Bay Times, this article did entice me to finally subscribe.
I think the professional city officials, career officials, do have to have some leeway, their thinking and motives are a bit beyond my ever appreciating, their interests, their long term goals.
Scientology is in their backyard, that’s a fact that will play out.
Citizens of Clearwater will get all of Scientology’s property back, someday, once Scientology long range collapses.
How to capitalize off the Scientologists, in the meantime, and in the long run, and how to integrate the Scientologists, is always into sub plots and larger moves that the more richer and bigger players in life, it’s simply above my level of understanding.
How to run a city, I when I was in long ago in college, did toy with the idea of how to work in a city government dept of one or another, and be a smaller metropolitan area bureaucrat, working for the good of all. But I don’t think I’d have been capable of becoming a responsible city official bureaucrat, and instead became a failed Scientology Team Xenu bureaucrat, LOL.
I’m glad Mark Bunker is doing responsible city official duty.
Anyways, I think it will long range come out fine, for Clearwater. They’ll live through this Scientology encampment Xenu zone era.
My headline would have been:
And just throw in the point that even if Scientology does succeed in this short range XENU ZONE expansion, the silver lining is that long range, XENU ZONE can become a tourist attraction, back handedly, and gag shops can be set up at the four corners of Clearwater’s downtown XENU ZONE.
Future gag store owners take note! Cult Tours maybe ought change their name to XENU ZONE TOURS.
And T Shirts: I visited XENU ZONE
I’d buy XENU ZONE t-shirts!
I’m a long range “loser” strategist. Just give it to Scientology. What will happen, is the longer range boomerang.
Scientology’s not going anywhere.
The exorcism scam (snipe hunting scam practice of core upper “secret” no longer, Scientology) is just selling Xenu’s earth dumping of surplus invisible souls no one’s noticed before the great L. Ron Hubbard put his quackery targets on these invisible souls.
Making “Flag” setup Scientology snipe hunting a lucretive thing, bilking dumb fools worldwide to waste their expendable surplus money on chasing Hubbard’s surplus souls with Hubbard’s exorcism quackery.
That scam cannot stand, once the world gets around to calling the Scientology souls hunting snipe-hunting for what it is. Snipe hunting.
The buildings, and empire will collapse, fall back into Clearwater’s hands, just be patient.
Scientology and Hubbard and Miscavige never can win, since they are selling snipe hunting.
It’ll all change hands longer range.
Once all the Scientologists finally read “Going Clear….” and especially the final months of Hubbard’s life are revealed, they will have to come to grips with the fact that even Hubbard admitted being a loser at the end of his life.
But factually, admitting that, was Hubbard’s only briefest moment of coming to reality and a good thing.
Scientology is a loser snipe hunting scam, and it will eventually dawn on all concerned, and all Scientology’s holdings will dribble back to the places such holdings eventually dribble to, when the core simplest reality of the scam get absorbed.
Clearwater citizens of future generations will be the beneficiaries of all the hornswoggling Clearwater city officials in bed with Scientology today, even if today’s hornswogglers give up stuff to Scientology.
Xenu and “body-thetans” words shrink Scientologists’ minds magically, and Xenu and “body-thetans” theory taboo secrets will drive Scientology out of town to everyone’s benefit, long range.
Hubbard was a nut, his Scientology theory was nuts, and it backfires on Scientology, and it only takes time for the backfiring to sink in.
All of Scientology’s ill begotten money leached from Scientology’s richest dupes, is getting deposited into Clearwater in the form of the buildings Scientology plops there, so Clearwater will get them, longer down the road.
Chuck Beatty
ex Team Xenu 75 to 03
PS: I thought of another gag product to sell, the police crime scene plastic yellow tape, but instead have “XENU ZONE CAUTION” yellow tape, and string it around Scientology premises. Or citizens can put some up on their own NON XENU properties, the “NOT XENU ZONE”. caution tape.
XENU gets Scientologists’ goats, it’s the most magical word L. Ron Hubbard ever created, it makes Scientologists go into mini amnesia.
Cults collapse. Live with it.
scientology may not GO anywhere, but it sure is shrinking/evaporating.
Find out the time and place Missy Cabbage will meet again with the City and let the process servers know.
The trouble with that plan is MustSavage-in-hiding will not agree to ANYthing, especially not a pre-scheduled meeting with wogs™.
I guess it was the fact that he met in person with the IRS Commissioner back when the War was still on made me think this would be possible. Oh well.
I would hazard a guess that he either is piped in over speaker phone at meetings or through video conferencing. He would never show his face in person. He probably sends an OSA bot of some kind with the official papers and he dials in via phone or video.
And so we can conclude the little pussy is hiding just like Blubbard did all his years running from everything.