Remember back in early July the “new” Clear Certainty Rundown was announced. It was version 3 of something that Miscavige had earlier brought “totally in tech” and “exactly as LRH wanted it.”
And at the time, there was much hype about how every org is sending a “Clear Certainty Team” to Flag for a fast training program. Only take a week or two.
Well, now nearly 2 months later only ONE team has apparently completed and returned to their org in WUS. And you can bet they are ahead of the non-US areas, and probably EUS too. This is typical of any of these training programs at Flag. They run months, and sometimes YEARS over the promoted time. Plenty of staff have gone to Flag for training and been gone for 5 YEARS or more. Flag takes advantage of these people as indentured servants to supervise and audit their public, while billing the orgs enormous amounts for the “training.”
So, it’s big news that Portland has the first team and they are trying to scoop up anyone “west of the Mississippi.” But if you think about it how is it that they have not accumulated a huge backlog of people ready for a CCRD in 2 months since they have been gone (and 20 years before that where they were unable to declare anyone Clear)? Of course, they don’t have any public moving through Grades and NED so they don’t have anyone in the local area that needs a CCRD…
Interesting, there aren’t even enough people in Portland, despite it being the “first scientology city” and an “ideal org,” to keep a single CCRD “Team” busy.
Hypothetically, if that team produced 25 clears each week — which would be about 5X what they normally produce in a YEAR, it would still take them more than 3,000 YEARS to “clear” Oregon (they are the ONLY org in Oregon, and I am not even including Idaho even though they are the closest org to much of it, and likely the Dakotas too….)
This is “planetary clearing” at epic orders of magnitude.
We are excited to announce that the Portland Org is the FIRST Org in the Western United States to have a fully-trained Golden Age of Tech Phase II Clear Certainty Rundown team!
As you may have heard, an evolution was recently completed by International Management to fully restore the Clear Certainty Rundown in accordance with LRH policy, as part of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II evolution.
Last month, a call went out to Orgs around the world to send their teams to Flag to get fully trained on this standard Clear Certainty Rundown. Portland Org responded right away, sending two teams out to Flag within days of the call.
One key aspect of the fully restored Clear Certainty Rundown is that all auditors and Case Supervisors on the Clear Certainty Rundown service lines must be Clear or above – so as part of this training evolution, our own Trevor Pawloski went Clear himself!
What this means for you is that you can now receive your 100% standard Clear Certainty Rundown RIGHT HERE in your own Org!
Call your Registrar or technical terminal right away to learn more!
And tell all your friends west of the Mississippi they can go Clear in the Portland Org!
Perhaps the most amazing thing about this is that they are so proud of their “accomplishments.” They apparently are very unaware of how small and failing these emails prove them to be.
You can see some of the earlier stories about Portland “ideal org” here:
What’s It Really Like Inside An Ideal Org?
Scientology Portland — Truthful Numbers
Another Portland Ideal Org Fail
Portland “Ideal Org” Isn’t Clearing Anyone, Let Alone Portland
Hi Ann,
Yeah, quotation marks can mean more than just indicating that what is within them are the exact words that were said which is the most common usage. In addition to indicating that what is in between the quotes is a sarcasm, they can also mean that a word enclosed in quotes is to be taken as the word, rather than the thing or action. For example, this sentence: “Chair” appears in many dictionaries under the letter C. It means something different than: A chair is something one sits on.
Not being familiar with punctuation and its uses can sometimes lead to misunderstandings such as the above where John did not get that I was using the word “persuaded’ sarcastically.
The Scientology Grammar Course book covers punctuation fairly well. However, “ironically”, it fails to mention the use of quotes to indicate irony. 🙂
Otherwise, it is actually a good, easy to understand educational tools that aid in effective communication. Too bad DM wrecked the possibility of them and other study tech being used in schools by trying to use them as dissemination instead of just making them available with no strings attached.
Hi Espritu,I thank you for sorting me out,any tips I can garner about web usage helps.I’m just a lady who has always loved to write and it flows wherever I send the words.I did not know what lol meant at first, my mind went to Lost On Luna, see now you know why I joined Sea Org,Ron’s epic fiction pulled me right on in.David has throughly torn the cos ship to pieces and sits in any number of his castle-mansions watching the wreckage float out to Sea.Years ago when I wrote him at around 14 his age then,what an arrogant,uneducated, in your face kid he was.Only communicated with a few letters with him and never pulled his CF file again.He was not worth my time.Always Ann B.
Yup. DM wants everything to “look legal”. The only problem with these “Scientology Policy Directives”, a.k.a., SP Directives 🙂 is that LRH never authorized them. There is no such thing as an SP Directive mentioned or authorized anywhere in LRH Policy. Apparently they are just one more thing that DM dreamed up all by his lonesome to try to validate his lies.
Not correct Espiritu. SPD’s were around (and El Con knew of them) long before DM came to power. In FACT, HCO PL’s (per El Con) do not have to be authored by Hisself. There are MANY issue types that non-S.O. are unaware of because “public” are not on their distribution.
As you may already know, when quotation marks are used around a word, it can mean that the word is to be taken sarcastically. That’s why I purposefully said that Mithoff was “persuaded” to write that issue.
I fully understand that everyone in the COS power structure is irrelevant except for DM.
I doubt, however, that Ray would ever dare to be irreverent. 😉
Hi Espiritu, Thank you for the info about quotations around words when posting.I am a babe on the Internet and thought the quotation marks were just that and nothing more.I get educated here as well.Always Ann B.
Yes, I understand that use of quote marks. You didn’t understand what I communicated. You’d have to be familiar with the actual scene there to understand based on what I wrote. My bad.
“Frankly, Miscavige has done such a good job of persuading the sheeple that he is “MR. On Source”
Damn right, Mike. In 1986 he even “persuaded” Ray Mithoff to grant him “official” permission to alter anything he chose, despite the fact that LRH never authorized any such thing as a “Scientology Policy Directive”.
I wonder how many sheeple have read the following issue:
S C I E N T 0 L O G Y P O L IC Y D I R E C T I V E
15 JULY 1986R
All Orgs and Missions
Public Notice Board
Academy Supers
LRH Comms
On 24 January 1986, L. Ron Hubbard discarded the MEST body he had
been using and moved on to higher level OT research. Prior to this he
had researched, written up and issued an incredibly vast amount of
material on life and the tech of improving conditions, both for
individuals and for groups.
The speed that LRH researched and wrote up new discoveries was so
great that it surpassed the rate at which it was released and sent out.
LRH thus left behind a wealth of as-yet-unissued material. And he also
left behind precise and detailed instructions on how it was to be
The purpose of this Scientology Policy Directive is to inform you
of how these LRH materials will be issued.
LRH’s provisions for the future release of his materials included
seeing to it that a unit was hatted and trained so that it could carry
out his instructions to the letter. This unit was established several
years ago in the Office of Senior C/S Int in CMO International, and was
and is called LRH Technical Research and Compilations (RTRC). Its staff
were thoroughly trained and apprenticed by LRH. His intention in doing
this was to ensure that he could continue full speed ahead with his
research, incomplete confidence that the notes and taped dictations
made as he progressed could later be competent1y put into issuable form
and made available to his friends whether he was physically present to
do the job or not.
The task of LRH Tech Research and Compilations is to compile* LRH
material, from his written notes and following his precise instructions,
into standardized types of issues. These ipclude HCO Bulletins, HCO
Policy Letters, books and course checksheets, depending on what was
specified by LRH. Each of these will consist of the exact Source
writings, precisely as LRH wrote them up, and issued per his
instructions — and without additives, deletions or interpretations.
The staff in this unit have also been given extensive and
extremely detailed instructions for the handling of revisions to
existing materials, where, for example, LRH’s notes specified revising
or modifying a point in an existing issue because of an illegal
alteration by others in the past or because of a later discovery
LRH had made.
This does not mean that this unit is the “source” of tech
material or that it writes or originates anything. It is not there
to originate, experiment with or interpret tech or policy. Its sole
purpose is to make available existing Source materials with absolutely
no alteration, exactly per LRH’ s direction’s. There is only one Source
of Dianetics and Scientology tech and policy; there will always be only
one Source, and that is L. Ron Hubbard.
Each compilation done by LRH Tech Research and Compilations unit
is carefully checked against LRH’s writings, to ensure that there is no
slightest departure from them and that the purity of the tech is totally
protected. The responsibility for approval of these issues rests with
Religious Technology Center.
* compile: To gather and put together (statistics, facts, etc.) in
an orderly form. [from Webster’s New World Dictionary]
SPD 15.7.86R – 2 –
LRH Tech will continue to be issued in red on white HCO Bulletins.
LRH Policy will continue to be issued in green on white HCO policy
Letters. Both these issue types will continue to bear LRH’s signature,
as they will be assembled directly from his notes and dictation.
HCOBs and HCO PLs that are newly compiled will carry a notation
under LRH’s name of “Compilation assisted by LRH Technical Research and
Compilations”. (Reference: HCOB 24 Jan 1977, TECH CORRECTION ROUND-UP)
In instances where LRH notes or instructions require that an
existing HCOB or HCO PL be revised or updated, the HCOB or HCO PL will
carry a notation under LRH’s name of “Revision assisted by LRH Technical
Research and Compilations”. .
There are also some unpublished HCOBs and HCO PLs, fully written in
their final form by LRH, which were intended for a later release date.
When they are released, the original date will be given along with the
date of release. Such issues will be in the usual HCOB or HCO PL format
and will not have any “assisted by” notation.
The longstanding rule that “If it isn’t in writing from LRH, it’s
not true” is every bit, as valid as it ever was.
Right now there is more than enough tech and policy existing in
LRH’s HCO PLs, HCOBs, tapes and books to clear this planet and take any
person to states higher than he or she ever dreamed were possible.
And with the’ rest of LRH’s research writings being issued we
will have all of the tech, to take Man to full OT, and all of the
administrative policy, to make the job that much easier.
Cmdr. Ray Mithoff
Authorized by
Espiritu, DM never asked or “persuaded” Ray to grant him anything. Why? Because Ray is irreverent in that regard. He had/has NO power in the structure.
Like El Con, DM is an absolute dictator. Sounds like that fable came from the same place that is saying that EL Con set up some corp structure to ensure a NON dictator succession after his death.
Espiritu, WOW! I have never seen it.
“Both these issue types will continue to bear LRH’s signature,as they will be assembled directly from his notes and dictation.”
That explains the Pain and Sex bulletin.
It is basically saying they can paste things together and put Hubbard’s signature on it. LAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cindy, there was also an even earlier Clear Check which was delivered before the DCSI was even released. It was done soon after it was announced that people could go clear on Standard Dianetics. It appears that clear checking has had many re-incarnations since then. 🙂
Exactly, Cindy. That certainly is his M.O. Many people can “attest” to that!
Does a Cleared Cannibal need the new Gat 2 Clear Certainty Team?
From SOS, p. 110
“The individual without engrams seeks survival along all of the dynamics in accordance with his breadth of understanding. This does not mean that a Zulu who has been cleared of all his engrams would not continue to eat missionaries if he were a cannibal by education; but it does mean that he would be rational as possible about eating missionaries; further, it would be easier to re-educate him about eating missionaries if he were Clear.”
Good morning “tone”, just as long as said cannibal has the 8 grand for time in the chair.
T4S, I may be a little slow on the uptake but I don’t get any insight from the Hubbard quote regarding a cleared cannibal’s need for the Gat 2 Clear Certainty Team. So does a cleared cannibal need that team? One thing I know about ‘certainty’ in general; it’s what everybody has before they find out they are wrong.
Funny article Mike. They never live up to their hype.
But..if they “Clear” about 50 people then they will say they have the first cleared city, town, org, whatever. They do what they need to in order to keep the sheeple bamboozled.
thegman77 says
“Mike, the entire concept and intent of “clear certainty” is to make someone doubt what s/he has already achieved. That ensures further (expensive) auditing and training to be “sure” the poor bastards really “got it.” Just one more step in the long running scam.”
Thegman77 nails the 95 feces to the chirch door. GAT 2 is just another ‘revenue enhancer’ and fealty proof for the COP.
That rainy little Portland has finally got their indentured servants back from Florida does tell anther tale. They were needed at Flag to test and debug and teach the CCRD. All those services made Flag a lot of money, at the expense of every mOrg and mission. Is this a foretelling of all of the missions and mOrgs getting in line to deliver the CCRD to the huddled masses? Only if it doesn’t cut into Flags profit margin.
Or is Flag gearing up for the next bestest thing ever? If so, we’ll see it here or at xenu or the bunker.
I have been a long time reader of this blog. I was never a Scientologist but I became interested years ago when I was working for a health center in Boston. Across the street was an office with Scientology on the door. There was never anyone inside and the room was always dark but it peaked my curiosity. I had heard of Scientology before but this prompted me to dig deeper. Shortly after I heard Mark Headly on Coast to Coast AM promoting his book. I have been a Scientology “Watcher” ever since.
I have a question for the independents and those who have left the church. Regarding OT9 and 10… Mike and Marty have repeatedly stated that there is no OT 9 and 10. Therefore the release of these levels are either pure fiction or were originally unfinished writings from Hubbard. It is obvious that the release of these levels will produce a new revenue stream for the church. These have been discussed for a long time so I can understand how Scientologists would accept without question their validity. My question is this, could the Church get away with releasing new tech that they state has just been “discovered?” I recognize that some long time members may have never received the help or have had their problems fixed after years and years of Scientology courses and auditing. I can see how some have come to believe that the next level will unlock the secrets that they so desperately seek. It is faith after all. Do you think though that DM could release new technology that was hidden purposely only to be released 30 years later? That Hubbard left technology behind knowing that it would eventually be found? How desperate are some of the people still in the church?
No, I dont think there is any new tech that was hidden purposely.
But I do think they can go on “discovering” “alterations” almost forever… It’s almost a necessity for the business model. They constantly have to have something new to sell in order to keep an income stream, but more importantly to keep people on the hook. That carrot always has to be dangling ahead.
As for OT IX and X etc — Miscavige can release virtually ANYTHING and just proclaim it to be “what LRH wanted” and “taken from his noted” or “based on his specific direction” or whatever. He can even explain ridiculous delays “per the LRH direction on this it was only to be released when pigs went airborne, and we are pleased to announce that a flying pig was sited over the CST property in Wyoming and so we can now go ahead and release it. And here is a CGI of the porker DC8 look alike.”
Frankly, Miscavige has done such a good job of persuading the sheeple that he is “MR. On Source” and “carrying out LRH’s wishes” that he can foist off anything he likes and just repeat those magic phrases and they will stand and cheer and clap for him.
Hi Mike, Your post is nothing short of inspired.I have always loved certain Pink Floyd albums & When Pigs Fly is one of them.So the image of the flying pig over CST property in Wyoming had me in stitches and helped me forget cataract fun next week.However the sad bad part is Miscavige and his ability to clone Ron in David’s image.Ron was no fool about Illusion and mind control and David is no fool with money and Control over his Sea Org slaves.Always Ann B.
I didn’t think it likely there was anything left from Hubbard but I wondered if the church could get away with claiming that they discovered something or as you wrote claimed something existed and was held off “Per LRH Direction…” Given the fact that the number of active Scientologists are dwindling, I’m surprised that Miscavige didn’t go in that direction instead of repackaging everything under GAT2. Anyway, thank you for responding
“recently completed by International Management team.”
Please, I would love to know the individuals who this team is comprised of.
I bet all of their initials are DM.
If they didn’t achieve any of the results in Dianetics why were they need a clear certainty run down to know what their abilities are
The sheer arrogance of blind persistence is bewildering. They are so busy being busy they have no idea they aren’t doing anything except hypnotising themselves with bs.
CCRD? – give me a break, they couldn’t clear a fart in the wind. The first casualty in monitoring anything to do with scientology is the truth. If there ever was a workable set procedure in doing anything with that technology it was lost over 4 decades ago. And even then from the very first attempt of applying it on a broad scale it could not be duplicated anywhere. Scientology doesn’t adhere to evidence, only obedience. Effectively following policy is another scientology organisational “casualty of the mind.” By sheer lack of results over 40 years it should tell you something is awfully wrong with their “KSW model.”
I’m not saying everything is a total failure, a couple of people getting together and doing stuff is exactly that, a couple of people doing stuff but the bullshit of organised scientology observably results in a bloody mess of shattered intelligence.
How stupid can you get? Plenty – just agree with a scientologist. Being a scientologist is the best example I’ve ever seen of becoming what you resist.
anyway, absolutely nobody ever has even been able to demonstrate he had the qualities defined since may 1950 by the scam-seller.
Well, Minneapolis/St. Paul would be the closest org to the Dakotas thanks to this big honkin’ whatever called Montana stuck between Idaho and the Dakotas. But they don’t have a trained CCRD team in the Twit Cities.
And speaking of CCRD training, is that your excuse for not giving me the Ursula Caberta treatment at Tampa Airport today, OSA Flag? I deserve, nay, demand that you try to Confront and Suppress. I’m carrying Ebil Psych Drugs and everything, Kathy True. I am a Queer and Present Danger to Flag. I’ll give you some help. I’m in a rental grey Ford Focus. If you see me driving down Fort Homicide Avenue within the next couple of days, there’s your target. Come on, OSA. I just got out of the hospital a week and a half ago. You won’t catch me more vulnerable than this. Or are you just the bunch of pussies that we Anons exposed in 2008?
Hey Espi,
If you stop in at the FH, give Paul Miller a boot in his plentiful derriere for me. Tell him Coop says hi!
A bit off topic, I do apologize, but we briefly had a small mission in richmond, va that was being run by a chiropractor. I was just curious why so many chiropractors and dentists seem to be scientologusts in comparison to other medical professionals?
It is because Sterling Management Systems and Singer Enterprises and others promoted their WISE business management services to chiropractors and dentists and they had a whole arm of their organization that disseminated to and got these doctors onto the Bridge. And then the company was paid the FSM commission for getting them on the Bridge.
Very true Cindy. A good friend of mine is a dentist and that is how she came into Scn.
She told me that if she was approached on a religious or even a spiritual level, she never would have become a member of the CoS.
It was Wise/Admin tech that got her and her family in. Down the road the CoS got close to a million dollars of her money and her children in the Sea Org.
Not the happiest of endings.
Hi Pepper,Your post illustrates perfectly how much is wrong x one billion with all of Scientology.It excels in ripping families apart,bilking any upright body out of millions of dollars if nesscessary all the while selling the false promise of spiritual superiority over this planet.Makes me more determined each day to help take the cult out.Love U Ann B.
Hi Curiousgeorge,Nice to meet you.Good question. All I know is in 1975 in Sea Org @ Asho F I was sent to a chiropractor a Sci paying public on SHSBC,because I was on Grade O and recalled a terrible auto crash and after got blinding headaches when ever I picked up the cans.So I went to this Dr off of Olivia Street I think not the best area but back then Hollywood was decidedly non-gentrified by a million miles.
Anyway he had the small black & white portrait of Ron with the ascot & Sea Org Commadore’s hat on,he had not promoted himself to,Admiral yet,The Dr had these pics all over the walls and on counters the same pose.To make along story short this person twisted my neck so badly in both directions and then up & down,I thought it was going to break.So I told him I really had to get back to Asho and high tailed it out of there.After I willed the headaches to stop they did.Never saw a dentist in Sea Org if one had a toothache Qual would tell you to soak cotton in oil of cloves and put it on the tooth.Ethics if it did not clear up for me anyway.Always Ann B.
Curiousgeorge – dentists and chiropractors were specifically targeted for ‘Admin Tech’ by Sterling Mgmt just as Cindy said. The main purpose was not only to make money off of them but to bring them into the Church of Scientology.
It’s an interesting question why those two groups and not medical physicians. I’m sure lots of people could offer insight into this.
I think it goes back to the attitude that Hubbard himself had towards the medical profession. He was no particular fan of medical practice and wrote about it. He believed that the only truly worthy types of doctors were those who fixed bones and delivered babies. The rest weren’t really needed as far as he was concerned. Chiropractors are generally accepted in Scientology and are commonly used.
Hubbard pretty much had an answer and a solution for everything and it could all be found in Scientology. Very oversimplified too. This trickled over into medical issues. Medical practice can easily clash with the practice of Dianetics, his creation.
I just finished reading a chapter in Jenna Miscavige HIll’s book in which she described being a ‘medical liaison officer’ at the age of seven years old. She was in charge of sick children and was given basic instruction on how to deal with fevers, heat stroke, colds, etc. She would consult an adult if she thought it was more serious than what she was trained to handle but can you imagine?
A seven year old was put in charge of medical care of other children by adults! She didn’t elect herself for the job, it was given to her as a “post.”
This might give you some insight as to the attitudes towards medical practioners/ health care within the most inner circle of Scientology and the most dedicated of believers.
I’ll leave off here. There’s a lot more that could be said though.
They would “clear” with more “certainty” with the garage sales. At least space is cleared of clutter.
Back in 1979 I was studying at Flag, and two very good auditors from my org were stuck in TRs Course. They were doing menial work to foot the bill. Doktor Miscavige was not in command yet and those were not Ideal, even Professional TRs!
Clear as mud.
Hi FOTF12,Thank you for your post.It reminded me that The Portland Org was probably not the only place that happened.In long gone Sea Org days I heard a lot in CF.Some PC folder peeking went on even at Asho.Always Ann B.PS my folders included.
I believe the pc folder jokes probably went on just about everywhere. I remember while doing admin work for the Snr C/S at our org while in a hold pattern as a TTC member, the things I saw and heard sure didn’t sit right with me. The talking about the PCs with one another and laughing about them or the Snr C/S doing 5 things at once while C/Sing a folder and having 4 or 5 people in her office at the same time.
She trained at Flag for something like 7 years, then had to go back to Flag several times for many handlings and she still didn’t get fixed. Finally she got removed from staff [Big Comm Ev not until several staff and public died on her watch, not that it was entirely her fault].
She wasn’t the only staff member to go to Flag for that short training time only to be there for years, come back to work on the post trained for only to be removed from it within a short time for either a musical chair posting cycle or they blew because of the craziness in the org, god knows what.
Sure glad I never made it to Flag. I tried about 3 times but it never worked out – my good fortune.
Hi Shadow,I am so glad that you did not make it to Flag and you are here on Mike’s blog.Your description of the C/S,s office reminded me of many similar scenes in 77-78 @Asho F,when there were many really good auditors and C/S people who were musical chaired all over the place.The ones I got to,play with in those years,Guardians Office Intel,did not play nice and were always throwing folders around their offices and laughing in conspiratorial tones! Very happy we both got out.and I enjoy your posts.Always Ann B.
Thanks Ann; I too am glad I found Mike’s posts and never made it to Flag, guess my knowingness was working in my favor to keep me from going.
Love Mike’s blogs and every ones responses too. So many things I have felt over the years being said by so many others on these blogs/postings. I even told a friend of mine, who has been off lines for many years, about the blogs. He and I couldn’t talk about these sort of things as you may know while a staff member, but now we can and do periodically.
Hi Shadow,I feel as you about getting free.I am happy you can talk periodically with your friend.Progress comes in many guises doesn’t it! Always Ann B.
Congratulations to Trevor Pawloski for no longer having HIS OWN reactive mind, now he’s a scientology CLEAR! Now he knows he’s creating his own negative defeatist thoughts, or “mocking up his own bank”. Only thing is those negative thoughts still show up unannounced same as ever. But that does NOT invalidate sci-fi-dollargy’s ever-popular and heretofore unattained state of consciousness. Now it’s the BODY THETANS killing his buzz, not HIS OWN reactive mind. Hey Buster! you gotta go OT! Those BT’s will wake up and go away when you do certain secret, hush hush, NEVER TO BE DISCUSSED things while measuring your own galvanic skin resistance. Of course that doesn’t cover the $ec checks you’ll need to do for the rest of your life in order to clean up the crimes you committed gazillions of years ago which are causing your negative thoughts about sci-fi-dollargy.
OMG. ??
Well, damn, Roger. If you’re going to put that way, I don’t want to sign up. Besides, I’ve already got voices in my head…
Let’s see…..I did the “Clear attest” before the DCSI. I then did the DCSI. Then I did the CCRD when it was released. Then I was shown multiple LRH references to help me understand that I had NOT achieved Clear. Then, I lost all of my confidence of the scientology system, claims, etc.
Good ole’ Portland — the place where Church staff have been known to take PC folders home so a group of knuckleheads can sit around and make fun of the “confessions” in them. Arrogant and low brow.
Haven’t they been doing that, like, forever? Gee, I wonder who they got from. Hmmmm…..who would possibly sit around drinking with his buddies and going through CONFIDENTIAL PC folders and making fun of them? I don’t have a clue, I guess…
Hi OSD,I wonder,who could it be? I heard he’s a mean one when he does not get his way or get the folder he wants to,peruse.XOAnn B
I think they call Him Dick Breath!
I’m pretty certain you’re right, Coop! And….that’s a very scary thought.
Can’t you picture him as a private detective? “My name is Breath…Dick Breath…private dick.
Class V org taking PC folders HOME? I thought I was shock proof. Bad enough they can read them in the orgs. God.
I did two versions of the CCRD ,then a protracted
OT preps and OT eleig. All designed to make me wrong.
The solution to handling me became simply take my money and not deliver !
It was going to cost me one million USD for Advanced programs and sec checks
to take my next step on the Bridge.
When I quit, two of the Reg’s who would stand to make big payday bonuses from me
dropped dead!!!
Yep, Karma’s a bitch…
Hi Jose Chung,That is some mighty strong zapping that occurred with those reg’s.I guess they were ready to fold up the old tent & move on.Missing out on 1 mil USD would have me in a tizzy one billion times over in SO.I enjoy your posts.Always Ann B.
There is a Third Party Course for Sea Org and on RED on White
LRH describes the blow back that happens with third party.
Ron also goes on about in a certain way he did not know why it happened.
This was in 1978. I can say”What goes around, comes around” visa versa.
both reg’s had huge health problems which if you do the BC describes more in detail.
Hi Jose Chung,Thank you for the info.I was joking about zapping the reg’s.Always Ann B.
C’mon Mike, you can’t rush perfection. Two months, two years…whatever it takes. I know a staffer who was on the SHSBC for 5 years, the 2 years on the Internship – Full Time! This was no newbie, but a well-seasoned veteran. Finally, they were booted off of the Internship due to metering disagreements (Three swings anyone?)
The only thing certain about the CCRD is within two years you will need another one.
Having personally been through a number of Clear/Not Clear/Rinse/Repeat, I often wondered if the criteria being used was the individual’s behaviour. Meaning, the pre-clear did not act the way the church wanted them to (e.g. Gung-ho, join staff, IAS statuses, purchasing the Bridge, etc.), therefore there must be out-tech on their case, blah, blah, blah.
I had been threatened with having my Clear status yanked because I did not purchase my OT Levels. Then even after doing up to III, they tried to do the same thing, but yank my III status. Fucking hilarious.
What if the CCRD was not really about the State of Clear (validation of), but more about producing “ideal” Scnists who are “with the program” and will follow Command Intention?
statpush, of course that is correct. How can it be about validating something that doesn’t exist?
For sure, John. If I know RCS they will make it easier for the sheeple to pass through the gates to “OT”, which can only mean more dosh. But not make it too easy, just enough to boost the “OTs Made” stat to highest ever.
Even if they aren’t “clear”, an OT who has been “discovered” to not be clear results in some big bucks, to rectify this life-threatening spiritual dilemma.
So, for the church, its a win-win situation.
Clear/Not Clear, doesn’t matter, the only party who stands to gain is RCS.
John boy are you right. If you can get someone to believe in clear you can get them to believe in anything.
Nice observation statpush. I’m sure you’re correct.
Gary W, yep that’s what El Con counted on to amass his fortune.
Statpush, this is anecdotal: I know someone who has been on staff since the mid-80s who has gone Clear twice and been declared Not Clear twice who has now gone Clear for a third time along with MANY re-dos of courses including No GAT, GAT 1 and Gat II. This person is completely gung-ho, a permanent re-sign up for staff, fanatically loyal and obedient and supportive of ANYTHING that is Command Intention, a Koolaid drinker of the highest degree who is never not with the program no matter WHAT the program happens to be at any given time. Based only on this, I think the declaring of people unclear is not due to their being recalcitrant but just because Miscavige has arbitrarily decided that it will be profitable and that the sheeple will mostly comply,and that the ones who don’t can just twist in the wind. I think that He is so far removed from reality at this point that he believes that the only viable Scientologists are those who are unquestioningly compliant with whatever He says to do.
Good point AM. It seems unlikely this is motivated by some behavioural control mechanism. It is quite possible that DM is completely sincere regarding his compulsive changes to the CCRD line. So much of Scn DOESN’T work and there is the assumption that it can and should work; so therefore, someone has either altered the tech or is misapplying the tech.
Poor DM, he totally believes in the old man. Everything he said, written or screamed, must, must, must be true. So, it’s all the inferior mortals who are always fucking things up. Operating off of that alone is enough to turn you into a sociopath.
Imagine living that day-in, day-out, for decades? Combined with other mental conditions and destructive personality traits, one could become quite mad.
Hi statpush, Your post made me think about a situation like the one you wrote.I do feel one could lose their mind eventually.The maze that is cos has dead ends and hidden dangers in that dept.Enjoy your posts.Always Ann B.
After 37 years (going back to the original Dianetic Clear Special Intensive pilot I was on) it’s clearly an Uncertainty Rundown.
Now THAT’S telling the truth.
Hi Cindy,Shivers is what I typed gremlins had other ideas Ann B.
“And tell all your friends west of the Mississippi they can go Clear in the Portland Org!”
Does this mean that there can be no more clears attested until their “Team” comes back from Flag fully Out Tech and alter-ised?
I cannot imagine the BPC some poor sod will have continuing with his NED.
Being Regged by scum like Harvey Jaques and being told he cannot attest as his team is not due back for another 6 months or in Reg terms another 8 intensives, oh + donations of course LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes and let’s not forget that LRH said in big, bold capital letters that you never ever run Dianetics on a Clear or above. it wa a huge case no no because it messed up cases. Well maybe that is the intent and purpose of all this changing of the Clear stuff. Maybe DM wants to totally mess people up spiritually.
Hi Cindy, Good point with your post about David Miscavige messing people up spiritually.I can see him rubbing his hands at the virtual fireplace burning log loop where he will give a David Miscavige shermanspeak via KCET and come out more incomprehensible than ever!Some one as he is would get pleasure in strange places.Sivers! Always Ann B.
That’s a little harsh don’t you think Cindy? I mean where is the love?
You mean he hasn’t achieved that already?
Cindy when in doubt do what Ron did. Electrocute those BTs out of your body. Auditing imaginary incidents is WAY less dangerous than that. LMAO
Nail on the head you hit.
Not only is it about cash flow, but it is also about proving fealty to COP. ‘Clear’ was supposed to be the be all and end all of the First Chirch of Dianetics.
But by the time the Dianetics fad had run its course, Lron saw the use for ‘religiousness’ and using the moving target scam. By 1958 or so (probably earlier) Dianetics was bankrupt and out of Lron’s greedy hands. He saw that in order to get some longer term cash out the whole thing, he needed to diversify into a longer term self help pyramid scheme. Not many people would sign up for the ‘clear’ experience and what then? An army of Auditors and Case Supervisors could only drum up so much business. What happens to the cash flow when everyone is clear and an auditor? Cash flow plummets.
All of the ‘improvements’ and OTness of later $cientology are just the fruits of many peoples labors, some it was Lron’s, but not all of it by any means.
GAT 2, the electric brain boogaloo, is very much just another revenue making ‘service’ that you have to do to prove your loyalty to the COP. That it messes up your brain and makes the minions more ‘loyal’ is just the intended result. The End Phenomenon, if you will.
How many times is the Der Dwarfen Fuhrer going to change the “totally in Tech” CCRD? I mean, how many changes have to happen for people to realize that everything is now fluid. It could be this one month and that the next month! Everything is based on a whim now.
Statpush: “The only thing certain about the CCRD is within two years you will need another one”. This should be a mailing flyer heading, posted through the letterboxes of every KoolAid drinker left. And it has been going on a L O N G time. My lead auditor at SH Mandy kember was one of the first trained in the first incarnation of the CCRD way back in the late 80s. By the time I left staff in 87 she had already been re-trained or crammed several times. In fact people being undeclared Clear was going on since the 70s, if not earlier. We had a constant flow into the SHF HGC of people who were unsure, undeclared, re-declared – on and on. The anxiety and trauma caused was not funny either. Clear was such an exalted status and such a landmark on the “Bridge” that preclears who were messed about on this level often went into severe depression. I can think of many examples off the top of my head. So, after 30 years, even this most basic and significant of levels has not even been classified and identified properly. So much for “there is only one tech and that is standard tech”. It can either only be one of two things: 1). The state of Clear is unidentifiable or so ambiguous and open to interpretation as to be completely arbitrary, or 2) There is no such state – it is a figment of the imagination. In either case, add to the mix a system that is designed to milk the customers for as much money as possible, and you have a perfect storm of ugliness and fraud.
Cindy: Your final sentence didn’t need the last word! LOL
Mike, the entire concept and intent of “clear certainty” is to make someone doubt what s/he has already achieved. That ensures further (expensive) auditing and training to be “sure” the poor bastards really “got it.” Just one more step in the long running scam.
I count 4 incarnations of CCRD, not 3. First was the DCSI. (Dianetic Clear Special Intensive). Then was the CCRD. Then somewhere around 2002 to 2008 another CCRD thing was done where they checked every Clear or above folder on the planet to see if they “really went clear” and many, most were found to “not be Clear after all” and were then ordered in for auditing. That one was called the “Clear Check.” Made them lots of money. And then after that was the New CCRD. So four times they have messed with Clear. And it is as Thegman 77 said, “…to make someone doubt what s/he has already achieved. That ensures further (expensive) auditing and training to be “sure” the poor bastards really “got it”
From my recollection, about four changes were introduced from 2000 to 2006. Each requiring a reevaluation of the state.
Now all the people who imagined that they have a “bank” can realize they were fooled!
What a GREAT service (that they have to pay for).
Scamology gets them coming and going.
I had a bank once, John. I liked my bank. But, I dropped it on the floor and it broke. No more piggies for me…
CoS cleaned out all the banks. Of money. 🙂
It’s reading comments from your blog and other sources that makes me glad I left when I did. It’s nothing more then signs of desperation that everything is an ideal or whatever name they come up with to sound snappy and hope everyone coughs up more money and to say we are thriving