There are SO many things wrong with this latest email — though the huge elephant in the room is that in order to “clear the planet” she is proud of the fact that they “[re]make a Clear every 3 hours.” That is 8 per day. Or about 50 per week… For 150 orgs that is about 1 per MONTH on average.
But worse, she is apparently oblivious to the fact that the population of this planet increases by 8561 people per hour.
If you were asserting you were creating a room full of white sand by adding 3 grains every hour, but failed to mention 8561 black grains were being poured into that same room each hour, you would be classified as insane. Obviously, the room is NEVER going to be filled with white sand. In fact, you won’t even SEE any white sand because it is obliterated by the black sand….
Dear xxxxxx,
I hope you are personally having wins with the release of the Golden Age of Tech II and are progressing well on the Bridge to Total Freedom!
I would like to tell you about a wish that is very precious to me, and to you too, I’m sure. It’s about clearing the planet for real!
Our successes in Scientology since the Golden Age of Tech II Release are unheard of! We make a clear every 3 hours, about 10 OT VII’s a week and more OT VIII’s than ever in history.
LRH says in LRH ED 83 Int of 17 February 1970: “You cannot have a total monopoly in the effective mental tech of a planet, rivals or no rivals, without eventually clearing the planet. But you have to communicate, use it and apply it.”
With Golden Age of Tech II in place, communication is then the vital step to take and here is where Scientology Media Productions (SMP) project comes in. With our own unbiased Media Center we are able to communicate our message to the whole world and make an effective step towards planetary clearing.
We are closer than ever and the final date by when we have to be done is 6 June 2015. This is key because of several reasons, which I can brief you on if you want.
Tell me what you think of SMP and let me know if you have any question.
Manon Gerlach
PDU New Era Publications International
[email protected]
One could conclude from this that the real problem with not planetary clearing is not the lack of ideal orgs, but the lack of film studios.
Perhaps someone should let the ideal org vampires know.
“Golden Age of Tech II” should read Gagging Ache of Turdocity II. The whole point of that steaming pile of bs is a forerunner to “We will bleed you for MORE of your money in the near future.”
has anyone noticed that nobody actually gets across this mysterious bridge? Where is the Scilon stating, “I’ve made it across the bridge and am at the other side”? We just never seem to see the view from there do we?
How are they going to clear the planet if they can’t even clear the damned Sea Org?
Speaking of “Idle Orgs”… I live in Detroit. Can’t stand seeing this happen… I just posted a comment. Feel free to pile on.
Don’t these guys ever get the concept that GAT is a TOTAL technical degrade?!! And that anything connected to it is Der Dwarf’s Crashing MU on the Tech! This BS of the “Blind leading the Blind” is sayin that LRH training was just that and that MY Dwarf Way ist Betta!
Very much like the King’s subjects laughing because the King is laughing type of BS. Little (Dickie) Davie, I hope you are reading this!
Nobody believes one word of that email. What do you want to bet we on this blog are the only ones who will read it word for word? I presume David Miscavige wrote it. I think it’s part of his, “Let’s act like everything is great” strategy before he takes his suitcase filled with cash and flees the scene as a misunderstood visionary who couldn’t get any cooperation from his idiot staff. “Clearing the planet”? That’s just code for, “what are your overts if you can’t see beyond your own first dynamic and help mankind in this great effort?” It’s applying a guilt trip to get compliance that’s all “clearing the planet” means.
“Tell me what you think of SMP and let me know if you have any question.”
ROFL! As if any of these crooks actually answer questions put to them by police officers, Judges, lawyers, reporters, human rights activists, you name it.
GAG II is a huge bomb. If the Sheeple were buying it they’d be shouting the stats from the rooftops. The Sheeple aren’t buying it. The orgs are not turning out auditors, in volume. You could turn out 1000 Clears a day but without auditors being made continually, in volume, who can and will audit, its just a waste of time. (And this would be the cue for those here who abhor the tech to say its all just a waste of time anyway. You’re all quite predictable about that, so go ahead, pile on.)
I was enjoying reading this until I read the words ” with our own unbiased media centre..” I just can’t read anymore. No doubt this media centre is another place where your funds have to urgently be siphoned off to. Straight away and all of it. Theta is senior to mest and money is mest so go for theta and invest YOUR money in our new MEST centre. Am I allowed to puke yet?
Loved the “unbiased” bit. Of course, they would be even more so, we’re they not strictly prohibited from informing themselves via anything but Stalinesque propaganda sources.
‘Clearing the planet for real’ is a joke.
The best lies are often in what they don’t say. If they make the numbers of clears they claim around 2500 per year, and their current active membership estimates are 50k world wide and they recycle them all, it will take them 20 years just to get all their own members through to clear.
But the number of 3 every 3 hours is anyway a lie. They probably took the last 24 hours ending on one Thursday at 2:00 PM and counted on one of those 8 clears made world wide. That is the basis for their claim. They twist every bit of data just to applaud themselves and have completely lost any sight of the concept of validity.
I have not seen a single piece of valid information coming from the CO$ for more than 20 years, all blown up balderdash to impress the gullible.
Well, almost certainly it is “per hour” of orgs being “open” — so you can really cut the numbers in half. But three grains or sand or 1.5 grains of sand doesnt really make any difference. They need to be operating at 3,000 or 6,000 times what they are currently doing just to stay “even” so what does it matter. They’re on a different planet.
It was really BAD when I was in 2007-2010. No one was coming in. I caught the tail end of NO IDEAL ORG bankrupting…uh, I mean … fundraising – and it was empty then…then I was in when they bankrupted most of the members…..and it got really bad.
I can only imagine how dead those Idle Morgue’s are.
My postulate came true. YEAH! Scientology is done~!
Standard application of tech does produce results.
“You cannot have a total monopoly in the effective mental tech of a planet, rivals or no rivals, without eventually clearing the planet.”
how some people fail to see that as an evil statement is inexplicable.
to cite it as inspiration is to mark yourself as a tool of evil.
anyone who thinks they should have a monopoly on mental tech has given over to evil, no matter how effective that tech may be.
open letter to scientology.
I, WhiteStar, do not wish to be clear nor adhere to any principle related to your tech.
please respect those wishes or you will be violating my rights as a self determined being.
“You cannot have a total monopoly in the effective mental tech of a planet, rivals or no rivals, without eventually clearing the planet.” If david miscavige actually believed this and were not evil, he would be doing everything in his power to make sure that there were more and more people trained in this “effective mental tech” so as to bring about a world without criminals, insanity and war.
Instead what david miscavige created full bloom is an organization that is criminal, insane and is at war with its own members.
McCarran, DM knows that scn is a scam. I’m sure at one point he was duped when he was young. But at some point he and Big P figured it out and decided that no longer useful idiot, El Con, was no longer needed…
Clear Planet is one thing .. to Clear is another .. it means you have 7 bio beings to clear one after another .. I am now for 43 years in .. not yet really, because the church found out that I am suppressive .. this is a cognition someone had about me last years .. there were a lot of others he followed him/her ..
My only failure was, that I asked what it means with BTs .. and if that would be the truth about OT III .. the Wall of Fire .. it was signed from the church as entheta .. I mean the church said that it would be entheta to ask such questions .. it was completely forbidden to say such things .. so I became declared ..
What I have done? I have only used the two letters BT .. that is all .. nothing else in my 43 years .. never .. did not know that it is forbidden to speak out this word BT ..
Clear Planet is impossible under such rules .. the internet tells everybody in few minutes about .. and you get declared before you can start .. I have not read the internet at the time of my declare .. some staff of the church wrote me about a mail .. said that I failed to handle my BTs .. so I was courious ..
Thought the other day what the church will do with that .. 99% declared as SPs only why they know or have heard about BTs .. only for that .. as in my case ..
The chaplain wrote me about: you are disqualified as a scientologist, because you have read entheta about the works of LRH ..
NO WAY, those numbers are BOGUS.
D.M.inflates all SCN numbers for his own EGO
That you can take to the BANK ( no pun intended)
Yeah, well, “no pun intended,” (“…take to the BANK”, is still some funny shit!
The e-mail says: “We make a clear every 3 hours, about 10 OT VII’s a week and more OT VIII’s than ever in history.”
Focus on that middle thing: 10 OT 7’s a week. That’s 500 a year. If that stat is true, then they only have 7 more years to reach that goal of 10,000 on Solo NOTS. You know, the one that’s taken them 30 years to get only 2/3 of the way to.
Of course, that 7 years to the finish line interpretation of the numbers is only true if these are new bodies on the level who haven’t been there before. Wonder how many of those 10 per week cited as completing OT7 are those who have been busily redoing everything and are actually redoing OT7, rather than those redoing it for the first time.
It’ll be fun to watch the “10,000 on Solo NOTS” numbers over the next couple months to catch how they will be inconsistent with this number.
Plus, 10/wk OT VII completions sounds like they are ramping up for Maiden Voyage (There were always more per week when Maiden Voyage neared.). Funny how that is. But maybe they are completing more and more of those who have been on it for 10-20 years so they can get them onto their Purifs and SRDs. The miracles of GAT II!
Spot on McCarran They’re comping the OT VII’s so they can get them onto Purifs and SRD’s. And my guess is every one of those OT VII’s are people who already did it once or even twice before. So 10,000 on Solo Nots becomes maybe 3,000 that are just repeating and being counted 3 times. Plus they still count the dead ones and the SP’s who are out of the church and declared. And they are counting the OT VII’s who are not auditing due to illness, “PTSness,” “Out Ethics” or being declared. Those names never came off the count.
Certainly they’eve got to be counting the Body Thetans too…right? Body Thetans have rights too, ya know!
More right than I had. 🙂
Actually, it’ll take a bit longer: they gotta re-re-remake Clears…
You know, James, after I read your post, I was wondering…how many times do you have to go clear before you’re actually a DAVID “LET HIM DIE” MISCAVIGE clear? Several? Many? Hundreds? Just wondering…
I sometimes wonder what would happen if some vaguely useable form of OT IX and X did surface from somewhere; maybe LRH hid it or Broeker suddenly “remembered” where it was or something. Can you just imagine the next event! “ARBITARIES RE-CANCELLED FOR – LIKE – EVER!!!” The hyperbole would go beyond fever pitch into a frequency previously unknown to mankind.
I’ll say none! Remember OSD, it’s a fucking scam!
I attended the book signing by Tony Ortega & Paulette Cooper yesterday here in Orange County. I took a seat early as I figured it might get packed. It was interesting to watch the later comers walk in and the surprise on their face when nearly every seat was filled.
I got to spend a little time talking with Paulette and will certainly never forget that. She was quite charming and talked with me as if I was a good friend. Tony Ortega did an outstanding job of explaining what the cult is all about. At one point, one of them (I forget which one) asked if there were any scientologists in the audience. No one raised a hand…
No one’s afraid of the big bad wolf anymore.
The transparency of your scam becomes more and more transparent by the hour and your very well deserved day of judgement is growing nearer and nearer.
What was your goal in all this? If it was to become the sorriest son of a bitch who ever lived, guess what? YOU WIN! HIP HIP HOORAY!
You have to wonder how how Ortega gets a full house at his book events. He must be using 100% standard ‘admin tech’ and hounding his readers with emails demanding that they show up NOW for the latest briefing. There will also be a ‘special guest’ you won’t want to miss…
Tony Ortega expects it to happen – so it happens – he has got no CI.
Ms.B, you made coffee come out my nose! Now that’s some funny shit! Thank you so much for the laughs!
Yup he’s Tone 40 that Tony O – reckon he’s been practicing shouting at ashtrays.
Tony Ortega gets a full house for his briefings because people are actually interested in what he has to say. They don’t need to be persuaded, cajoled, harangued, enticed with the promise of food, called 12 times a day, confirmed, reconfirmed and re-reconfirmed. They’re just interested, and they show up. What a concept, eh?
You are all wrong Tony clearly uses Sci-tech.
New GAG II ashtray commands as cleaned up by Dave Miscavige…
” Stand the Fuck Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
” Sit your sorry mother fuckin ass down in that god damned fucking chair NOW you low life piece of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
You tell em Dave……………… we’re aaaaawl listening good buddy!
Tell me what you think of SMP – that it stands for Scanty Moron Population = the few sheeple left.
“unbiased Media Center” is an odd way of putting it.
I believe it’s a swipe at Alex Gibney. However, scientologist live in an opposite world so “unbiased” is really BIASED. In other words, “unbiased is an ACCEPTABLE truth…(aka a lie)
Alex Gibney and everyone who has reported on his film without proclaiming it a bigoted hatchet job full of lies and liars.
In other words, virtually every media outlet on this soon to be cleared planet.
Mike, so much of what you say reminds me just how delusional people are in the bubble. I love that phrase you used and it got me thinking. Pretty much all media, governments and most people in power on this “soon to be cleared planet” would be classified as SPs for one reason or another by scientology’s rationale. People in scientology get recruited to staff and the sea org and regged for the IAS by telling them how horrible the planet is, how everyone in control is evil and part of a group out to get us (RJ67 stuff), BUT then the party line from cob at events is how planetary clearing is imminent. Slightly mixed messages and shocking that people can actually believe both. I never did.
And speaking of people who can actually believe both, I’m now in the position where a life may depend on how well a particular task is executed. That particular task is something that one such as yourself may be able to assist with to some degree, so I’m sending you a message through your website now. A response to it would be greatly, greatly appreciated. Thank you for all you do!
Assuming everyone was cooperating, was a Scientologist, and was actively working to clear the planet, more than 15,000 people per minute would need to be cleared for the next 10 years to reach this goal. More than 2,700,000 times faster than the inflated statistic of “1 every three hours.”
Then there could be a world without war and insanity. Assuming there was such a state as Clear.
Since the church is just fine with lying, I don’t understand why they brag about such a hopelessly inadequate number of new clears…why not just make up a really big number to get the faithful excited?
It is even worse than the white/black sand example given. There has never been one grain of white sand created. A truly insane cult game.
I’ve noted this before, but it is relevant to Mike’s comment on the math involved.
There was ONE way that Scientology had a CHANCE to get into a geometric progression of sorts on numbers and some day reach a “tipping point” on population (and even then it would have taken a long time but there was a CHANCE).
That way was to make a whole bunch of auditors, a LOT of them, get them auditing a lot and then have their happy pc’s become auditors and do the same, and this cycle over and over and over. And you see how this goes. This STARTED to happen in the 1970s. I’ve mentioned a number of times that one day in 1976 at my org, I found myself CSing for TWENTY SIX auditors on the Dianetics Internship AT ONE TIME (not cumulatively through the year, but just that week). We had FOUR full time CSs and two Intern Supes in just the Day Org (the Fdn org had two CSs).
L. Ron Hubbard himself started to change all that when he opened up the FSO and org training was de-graded. And then he allowed Miscavige to kill the pipeline, the big missions in late 1982. So Ron can blame himself for the start of the downfall of the CoS.
But in the past 15 years of course, the CoS has ACTIVELY been throwing out of their “church” hundreds of the most experienced tech people in the world (I’m one of them) and calling them “suppressive”! Ha ha, yeah, they’re the suppressives!
So the idiot CoS with its almost moron level acting parishioners thinks it will somehow “clear the planet” (which is never defined in the universe of the extreme defintion) by buildings with the STRESS of its comm put on fundraising and your status determined by the money you give. When I joined in 1970, the highest status was determined by if you could AUDIT. But when people go “mind dead”, they no longer think, and thus your current church of scientology and its robotic members.
So my message to the CoS is: y’all had a chance and you BLEW it! And you wanna know something? Now I’m kinda glad you did.
Joe, scn expansion followed the curve of boomers growing up and starting families. Once that started new members fell off a cliff. That was BEFORE FSO and all the rest. Also, once the WW appeared, the scam was finished. The truth about the cult and the criminal cult founder started becoming known. If you’d like to test your theory just start a church under a different name selling the same crap relabeled. It will go nowhere fast. Despite DM NOT being involved. 😉
John, I completely agree with you. The boomers fueled the expansion of all the cult-like groups mostly in the 70’s, including Scientology…it’s a long list. We boomers were famously open to experiencing alternative ways of living, until jobs and families and responsibilities came along, like you stated. Now when I look at the Millenials that Scientology needs to attract to increase membership, I see a generation that is much more likely to do a lot of online exploration before ever becoming involved with any group, which is devastating to Scientology recruitment, since the truth is out there!!
You’re right Kathy H. Those entering young adulthood WILL investigate online before touching.
Joe P., your comment made so much sense. What you’ve detailed is what I also worked out as the only way to “clear the planet”.
Joe P., always enjoy your comments. You make some very good points. I too remember when making auditors was the highest priority and auditors were held in the highest regard.
There was a period of time when Hubbard, by outward appearances and utterances, seemed to really believe in the importance of auditing. I’d be interested in your thoughts on when his interests shifted and if he was ever sincere on this subject.
However one regards Scientology and auditing, the current status of auditors and auditor training is just another indication of how the little sociopath operates.
Maybe what really is meant is clearing all the beings with $1 million and above worth of assets only. The rest of us are unworthy of the tech and are expendable.. (implied not stated)
In Texas they would say “All hat and no cattle”.
Great stuff. Judging from Twitter responses to their endless promoted ads, Scientology is considered a bunch of wackos to be avoided, at best. Unbelievable how insulated they are from reality. Clearing the planet? How about ONE Clear. Just one bit of levitation.
Regarding their media center: Today, anyone with a basic camera or cell phone and an Internet connection can get their opinion or “message” out to the world without editing from another. Scientology truly lives in the 1950s. (Of course, it’s just another bit of leverage for their constant regging.)
Thanks Mike! I appreciate all your hard work.
Perhaps the real intention behind purchasing that studio is to make films for money, NOT films about Scientology. It will be a business hiding behind a Church.
Clearing the planet can be achieved purely by cleaning out the bank balances of all the Scientology whales. Once that is done, the planet is Clear, because there is no follow-up action required as none is possible.
Along those lines I think we need to do a redirect on that slogan. Could be “We are clearing the planet (of a disastrous Cult) one whale at a time.”
The planet will be cleared when $cientology is gone. All gone.
Forever all gone…No trace of it. An after thought. Something we’ll read about in history books on cults.
– when we realize we are creating it. Poof!
..into the graveyard of the long gone.
Where did “Clear the Planet” come from? I recall LRH using the phrase here and there, but I was never sure what it meant exactly. Did he somewhere describe what it meant? I assumed that it was more of a 4th dynamic thing than about numbers. I think it might be a Group Dianetics concept. Maybe that’s where it came from. The idea that you can “clear” or unburden a group of it’s group engrams, or other enturbulation so it would be more sane and rational. That was just my invented definition though. I’m not sure if it’s 100% correct, or what the person who wrote this flyer thinks it means.
I think you’re right, Chris. In theory, a civilization or planet could be “converted” to a different sociopolitical structure, benign or not, with far less than even a 51% “cleared” population majority. I think this LOL concept is similar to a TM (Transcendental Meditation) concept of a relatively small number of meditators effecting global change.
Or if some key areas were handled. I also lumped into my made up definition the idea that it had something to do with OT levels. When they talk about 10,000 on OT7 for example, that that would be enough of an OT presence on the planet to affect positive change on a planetary level, and maybe that would be a “Cleared Planet”.
I’d love to hear her reasons why that date is so important…because it’s D-day, maybe?
“Unbiased Media Center” may just be the crowning glory among Scientology’s treasure trove of oxymorons (with emphasis on the “morons”). Those little self-contradictory items are a rather neglected area of research into the Scientology language, drowned as they are amid the self-deceptions and outright lies. Maybe you have your favorite Scientology Oxymoron that you can post in response to this, to show the world how comedic the cult can be when it puts its lack of mind to it.
No, everyone cannot chime in and say “David Miscavige, Religious Leader”. That’s low-hanging fruit and not worthy of the posters here.
Nice one Espiando!
Manon should add:
” With our own unbiased Media Center ” ……. we are the source for finding out the truth about all things …….as long as you are willing to believe what We tell you in exchange for your family, your income, your integrity and ratting out on anyone who does not do the same.
In other news, the bubble developed some new cracks over the weekend. More later.
Coop, you tease! Do tell! We SP’s LOVE rumors and mongering!
Yes Coop, do tell! We can’t wait to hear what it is
Hey pal! Now’s not the time to HOLD BACK! You think I can go through the rest of the day on pins and needles??? As Mary said, “We SPs LOVE rumors and mongering.” It’s in our blood…
Sorry for the teaser sports fans. The cracks are getting wider and I have a high powered light in there to keep the events happening but ………………… what I thought was a really great turn of events…..well it just turned out to be more of the same. I was thinking Corona and it was only kool aide.
Keep movin folks, nuthin to see here.
Espi, you need to report to the RPF immediately.
David Miscavige is no mere “religious leader.” That term could apply to any run-of-the-mill backwoods televangelist. No, indeed. Mr. David Miscavige is the global ecclesiastical leader of Scientology, the world’s fastest growing religion. He’s a force to be reckoned with, up there with the Pope, the Dalai Lama, assorted Eastern Orthodox patriarchs, etc.
You know, JP, that statement covers all three of the categories I mentioned above:
“David Miscavige, global ecclesiastical leader”: Oxymoron
“World’s fastest-growing religion”: Outright lie
“…up there with the Pope, et al”: Self-delusion
It’s amazing how they fit so much torture of the English language into such small bites. It’s like concentrated shit-flavored psilocybin with a Kool-Aid chaser.
As for reporting to the RPF, I already did a stint in a real military, and the reason I have a college degree is so that I could avoid manual labor for the rest of my life. You know, maybe Irving Idle Morgue should have done the same thing that I do to avoid lawn work: rent an apartment.
To paraphrase Inigo Montoya in the Princess Bride, ” You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.’ ‘Unbiased”???
The clams always say the next great idea is here, you just need to pay for it. Now the “Media Center’ will fix everything. Like all the equipment at Hemet fixed everything?
Of all those OTs and clears, how many are doing it for the 3rd time? What do you do when the nose you’ve kept to the grindstone wears off?
The raising of expectations for this Scientology Media Productions fiasco-in-the-making is almost certainly setting the stage for crushing disappointment a few months down the road.
It’s been pointed out again and again that the COS doesn’t *need* more studios, more editing bays, more miles of cable, more square feet of tile — it already has more of this stuff than it will ever need sitting out at Gold, mostly unused. The problem is, and has always been, that Dave Miscavige doesn’t know what to do with it. He’s become so pathetically afraid of public exposure that even the usual trickle of information from inside the bubble has virtually shut down. He doesn’t trust anyone — least of all himself — to go before a camera or a live mike and say *anything*. Now he’s created the impression among his decimated flock that someday real soon he’s going to flip a switch in Los Angeles and the good news about Scientology will flood out all across the world.
God only knows what the bubble dwellers expect to happen next. The stream of fundraising fliers and emails and other appeals have been almost immaculately devoid of specifics about what SMP will actually *do.* The only safe assumption would seem to be more commercials, more internet ads — or to put it another way, more of the same stuff the world is already laughing at.
But surely the faithful, after all this hype, will be expecting more. They’ll want to see their donations beaming out at them from their television screens. They’ll want to hear the Voice of Scientology speaking back — hell, *shouting* back — against the din of entheta raised by Going Clear. They won’t get anything like that. Dave Miscavige will let them down again. All this hype and hoopla will get him through Maiden Voyage, but by New Year’s he will be scrambling madly for something new. And he’s just got nothing.
Manon sez: “Tell me what you think of SMP…”
Every time I see the acronym SMP I think of The Scientology Money Project ( Augustine’s excellent site. That’s where I often go to get the nitty gritty details of court documents and the shady underhanded dealings of the ‘church’. What a concept, real documents and no made up ‘stats’. You should check this out Manon.
She is too busy dreaming of the Scientology Media Productions (SMP) project. “With our own unbiased Media Center we are able to communicate our message to the whole world ”
Dream on Manon. With the productions looking like those Free Dumb ones people may look at a couple and say what the hell kind of propaganda is this and not go there again — unless they want a laugh.
they are all hypnotised children either without any education to begin with or with all their prior education taken away through the hypnosis. lost children under the command of a very evil (dead) man and a very evil (short but alive) man. pity for the lost children. disgust for the evil leadership.
With respect, I disagree that the Sheeple are hypnotized.
I think that they are simply stupid. Quite deliberately stupid. And they did it to themselves.
They MADE themselves stupid. How did they do that? And why? Let me address first “how” they did this, in The World According To Aquamarine, lol. Here’s what I think:
At some point, each of them SAW something, and didn’t want to see it. And so, “handled” it by deciding, “I didn’t see that”.
Or, admitted seeing it, and explained it away with some dub-in.
Instead of pulling the string, as many of us who are now OUT did when WE saw something, instead of pulling this string and finding out MORE truth, these still ins couldn’t confront what they saw.
So they twisted and turned and thought up reasons why and listened to more lies that made it OK, and essentially denied their own knowledge. They invalidated themselves and their own ability to perceive.
This decreased their responsibility , which in turn decreased their control.
These Still Ins, when they saw something, decided to know, not more, but LESS.
And once embarked on this not-seeing, they stayed on this path, and made sure to not see the next thing, and the next, etc. etc.
This is the road to stupidity.
Anyone can do this to himself, can make himself or herself quite stupid, on any dynamic, about anything, about anyone, any situation.
You’ll see this in relationships – in friendships, in romantic/sexual/marital relationships, in parent/child relationships. Its isn’t uncommon. There are extreme examples of this in the news all the time.
Just refuse to look, just deny that you saw something when you know you saw it, or pretend you saw something you didn’t: just deny knowing what you know, and presto, your responsibility goes lower, and your control goes out the bottom, and you become stupider and less alive and more effect to that which back in time you decided not to confront. The longer it goes on is the dumber and more malleable the person gets.
When we look at these people in the org photographs pumping their fists, rigged up in ridiculous costumes, throwing their money away, giving glowing reports about wins on courses they did 20 years before, generally being good boys and girls so that David Miscavige will approve of them and they won’t get in any trouble, for whatever their reasons, we are looking people who each at some point decided to make themselves stupid so that they wouldn’t rock the boat and could stay in the cult. With each of them, at some point, it was a conscious decision, however unvoiced.
They had/have their reasons. But stupid they are, and stupid they will stay, and it will only get worse for them until something rattles their world enough for them to decide its time to LOOK.
Long ago, way before I got into Scientology, I did exactly what I described above. I couldn’t confront something and had good reasons not to. Long story short, it ended in disastrous consequences for me and other people.
Today I can pinpoint exactly when it started, and how hard I had to work to not-see and not-know in order for it to be OK to not-decide. I made myself REALLY stupid. I would have kept on and kept on like that except that something occurred which gave me no other choice.
This same principle plays out in the news all the time. Different stories, different situation, different people, but always this same essential unwillingness on someone’s part to look, making life very complex, and, if its “newsworthy”, ending in murders, suicides, other crimes, etc.
I agree. There were things I let myself be talked into not seeing. One day the dominoes all fell down. There I was, just looking at all the silly little pieces laying at my feet.
That happened twice…first time in 1996. I was completely inactive with The Church of Scientology from then until 2012 when I began to drink the Ideal Org, Golden Age of Tech/Knowledge Koolaid until about mid-March of this year.
Those dominoes began to lose footing within the second week of being on The Purification Rundown.
Fool me once, shame on you? Fool me twice, shame on me? LOL!
Nicely put. I remember doing the same thing, but I could never totally forget.
As a side note, I went to a hypnotist before becoming a scientologist. I could not be hypnotized. The hypnotist became frustrated and made mention that the reason I could not be hypnotized was that I had a weak mind. Now I know that I would not hand over control of my mind without a fight.
I think the same is true in Scientology. Each time a person tries not to see what is before him/her or tries to agree that something is there that clearly is not there, he/she hands off control of one’s mind, thus a degree of hypnotism exists and one is then controlled by command intention.
I agree that the individual decided to let it happen. And that by doing so gave up the ability to think for themselves and is thus stupid. I do see it as a form of hypnotism however.
My husband sometimes does things I don’t like, like leave his clothes on the floor or dishes on the counter. By me staying married to him doesn’t mean I’m ignoring these issues – they just don’t outweigh my love and devotion to him.
I have seen many people leave the church and each story is different from my own. But they all have one thing in common – they all left when the scales started tipping for them. When the betrayal became worse than the team spirit, when the disconnection finally hit the one person you refused to cut out of your life, when you found out DM altered the PDC… whatever it was for that person, it took the “final straw” to do it.
Leaving the church isn’t announced by some bright blast preceded by deep stupidity. Life doesn’t work that way. Most people know exactly what’s going on. So did you.
That’s very good Aquamarine. Pretty sums up anyone connected with dlhdm and his organisation, it has to, they are incapable of analysing their own production and wouldn’t know anything’s wrong with what they are doing no matter what the stats – anything bad is blamed on outside influences and they are in constant “wait” waiting for mankind to cognite. Their justifications to themselves are broad, sweeping generalities and are baby talk simple and it gets worse as time goes on but you summed up well the mechanism they use to convince themselves to believe in their continued existence within their group. Their downward spiral of unreality is most disheartening to observe.
It’s difficult to accept such blatant stupidity isn’t it? But it’s alive and well in the RCS. I guess we all have our ‘zones’ of stupidity but the RCS has taken the group to new lows in intelligence.
I still have some distant family as card carrying members and they absolutely refuse to talk about scientology. They manipulate all reference to it very skilfully away from any confront of how they are doing in it and become quite offended if direct questions are asked, they reference everything to “it’s their personal religion and it’s none of your business”. Yet they are so opinionated with set responses about life it’s boring to talk with them anyway. They are walking and talking LRH references and the lights are on but no one is home.
Thank you for your post, it’s a good ‘why’.
So true!
Black sand is entheta and psych funded…therefore, OSA set up a website proving black sand is not even sand at all, but only dirt which will be dissolved and washed away by tides of Scientology’s miraculous technology.
Looks like Tony and Paulette are the ones with the big wins yesterday.
Right. When was the last pro-Scientology book released?
Whatever year the Way to Crappiness was released. But when you look through it scientology breaks ever one of those “guidelines” so it too damns the cult.