The endless stream of unreal babbling that comes out of the bubble is astonishing.
Here is a new one that just came in.
“The clearing of the planet has come in striking distance”? Really?
Inglewood is “clearing it’s[sic] zone” – they are not even clearing their block. In fact, I don’t think they have cleared a single person this year. Not one.
“How to reach Eternal Freedom FOR REAL” – riiight.
So, if this is all happening, why does the Snr Case Supervisor WUS have to get people to a briefing?
And what IS the real reason for holding the briefing at all?
To get people to join staff. That is all…
I bet this event doesn’t have 25 people attend.
This new and exciting religion seems to be fading out!!!!
The thing I will never understand is that the rank and file believe everything that L. Ron Hubbard said, or burped, snored or farted, was somehow sacred and ought to be carved into marble.
Many of these promotional fluff pieces sent out to the members tend to quote the almighty word of that rotten-toothed shitty science fiction writer.
Listen to some of those tapes of LRH on Ortega’s site, especially when he snaps at minions in impatience. This is a man who should be held in contempt, and his amateur orations mocked and ridiculed.
I noticed the line in that ad: “Auditors are valuable.” But i just listened to Tony Ortega on the Mythinformed podcast talking about how Scientology doesn’t train auditors anymore and he (or others) were speculating that maybe it was because of the Lisa Macpherson murder/accidental death case.
David Miscavige was directly involved in her case, and having her die on his watch was possibly the closest he came to being in trouble for criminal activity. They speculated that maybe this scared him so much that he realized that auditing was riskier than he is comfortable with and therefore changed the church’s emphasis on auditing to direct fundraising to avoid future problems like this. The activities of the Lisa Macpherson Trust (the LMT) back in the early 2000s probably solidified his opinion on this matter. What do you think?
Just a quick FYI- I am visiting a friend in San Diego. On Saturday night we were downtown. It was a beautiful night and the area was very crowded and people everywhere. We walked by the large Scientology center. It has large windows so it is easy to see through it. All the Lights were on but Nobody was in sight. No one. It was only 7pm. Maybe it was closed?
Perhaps this is another Scientology property that sits empty as discussed many times in this blog. I just wanted you to know it looked like a “ghost town”. Have a great day-keep up the hard work. You are making a difference in exposing this cult and its corruption to the world.
What would really be a kick in the A$$ would be if a huge donation of money from a wealthy or well connected donor were to become available to purchase one of the CLOSED organization’s buildings” and then THAT into a recovery shelter!!
“If an org is valuable, it will get paid by the public to be there.”
So.. when is the last time an org was valuable? 1972?
Exactly I Yawn. It makes achieving understanding almost impossible.
My first thought after reading this article was that the degree of the enormity of the lies emanating from the cult could be in inverse ratio to how poorly they are doing. It seems like the worse they’re doing, the bigger and more outrageous are the lies they spout. The lies keep getting bigger and bigger, so, looking at it from this viewpoint, its a good news trend.
You know, they may be correct in that… If you consider that even the LOOOOONGEST journey begins with a single step, they really could be “within striking distance of clearing the planet”. I mean say you started walking from Philadelphia and you goal was Tierra Del Fuego. I mean, you get there eventually. So it’s “within striking distance”…
As CoS has cleared whole swaths of downtown Clearwater and a smiggling of Hollywood… I am sure, at the current rate of clearing (That Noble Cause) they should have half the planet by about 2960.?
“This is a deadly serious activity. And if we miss getting out of the trap now we may never again get another chance.”
That’s a terribly clever narrative and beautifully exemplifies the electronic “implants” of his fictional cosmology. Hubbard has implanted the notion in his followers that their ‘wholetrack’ past is baggage attached to them which condemns them to an eternity of diminishing returns. And scientology alone can reverse that inevitability. What a dirty trick to use all your formidable talents to convince people of such an awful vision. That chap was one nasty piece of work.
Yep. Please have some happiness in knowing that the name of LRH (and DM) will go down in history in the ranks of David Koresh, Jim Jones, and Charles Manson… Actually, now that I think about it, that thought is terrifying. Will Miscavige fizzle out or blow up? Let’s all pray for the fizzle.
Was wondering how many Golden Age of Tech Phase x will there be? This letter reflects Phase 2…what is encompassed with Phase 2? Wasn’t the first Golden Age of Tech where all audio & video was cleaned, repackaged, & sold…?
Thank you
WOOO HOOO!!! A & E has reruns of Season I on in where I live…..hearing these stories is till heart breaking…..hopefully NEW viewers are tuning in 7 getting an earful & eye opening!
Go Leah…Go Mike….we LOVE you!
It’s amazing. I did not know there was going to be a rerun but then today I heard from several people – from a very good friend to people I’ve never met acknowledging the series and rooting it on. These series is kicking ass and the second season will continue to kick ass.
When will Season 2 start? Does anyone know yet? Just curious…
No date has been decided yet
My DirecTV is set to record the series anytime it is on, so last night I was pleasantly surprised to see several episodes (six?) were recorded yesterday.
Hi McCarran! I was channel surfing when I found that A & E was rerunning Season I. I called a few people to let them know, some have either seen only a few episodes, some haven’t seen any…..but I watched again Marc and Claire & she once again BROKE my heart with her ordeal with a forced abortion. To see Aron break down over the sudden passing away of his brother…was nearly unbearable to watch his pain.
It is going to take a MUCH better brain than mine to figure out how folks who want out will have access to something like a “safe haven” to go to for help.
For me right now, a senior citizen living on a small Social Security check, that type of money is beyond my means as it would take more than likely millions of dollars to get this type operation to even get up and running Small store front rentals in areas like Hemet or Clearwater would be way beyond costly. Then there is also getting “approval” in ANY area for a storefront to be used as a “safe haven” where people would be “living” since most buildings are COMMERCIAL only.
Add to that we know damned well if any type rescue center would be put ANYWHERE near Hemet or Clearwater……the CHOKE HOLD on the members in that area would be tightened like a noose around their necks & they’d be under serious threat to even GO near a rescue center.
Anyone who has any high level power in any form of government, anyone with a lot of money & notoriety (hello celebs & other wealthy people), anyone WELL CONNECTED, can someone “financially front” something. or THINK of someway to help.
With Season II in the making, hopefully it will open some eyes and draw people with power and money & access to good LEGAL counsel most of us can’t afford to get some type of rescue center up and running. Let’s hope that is exactly what happens, HERE in the USA and overseas as well.
“Eternal Freedom” here I come!
In reality, it’s more like “Infernal FreeDumb,” except that the “Dumb” is actually incredibly expensive!
$1,000 an hour or more for some extra, super special auditing? Thanks, but no thanks, I can get my BTs wax and pampered at the spa all day for that kind of cheddar!
Oh, wow! I do the same thing! My BTs are waxed & pampered….big time! It keeps them happy so they don’t criticized me so much. I didn’t think anyone else did this…
I just keep my drunk – works for me and all my little friends. Plus we don’t even have to leave the house. It’s always party time!
Thanks Mike.
Despite your busy schedule you are putting out very readable articles.
The Scientology rockets this week are launching as well as Kim’s in North Korea.
Open the door to total world clearing.Kim wants to clear Australia and San Francisco with his advanced tech.
“From the Office of the Senior CS.”
Would you put your sanity in the hands of the treasonous moron who holds that post? Betcha he could tell you the difference in flavor of all the assholes in Dave’s command team. Speaking of that – does Dave have a personal type separate Messenger type org doing his laundry, rubbing his back and running his messages?
Combing his pompadour…
While he combs tc’s pomp. Dangit, now I’m hearing “Pomp and Circumstance”.
Damn! So am I!
The thinly veiled threat….. again…..collecting names of those in attendance. Or else. Welcome one and all to the Church of Scientology. The friendliest place on planet earth. If you aren’t other-determined when you walk in they will make sure you are by the time you stagger out, without your family, your fortune or your integrity. I’ve heard old timers say that the culture of the organization was always that way…and that once they made an OT they couldn’t handle one. Scientology; the control freak cult that only cares about your money.
Being an “old timer”, I must say that after I’d concluded my OT 7 sections, I rarely heard from anyone. Now and then an email or letter regarding the Ls which I never answered. So I don’t know the old timers who claim it was always that way, nor their own experiences.
I’m getting the impression there are more Sea Org members that there are staff members at Class V Orgs.
I’m also starting to think there maybe more Sea Org members than “on lines” scientology public. Forget the missions, they don’t matter anymore.
I have no data to support this. It’s just the vibe I keep getting from their promo.
Carl, you’re right on the money! The only people who would consider joining Scientology, are those who don’t know how to use Google. It’s just a bunch of empty buildings now. And with Andres threatening people to come in, along with their friends, you know just how bad it is for the cult.
If auditors are so important, why did the Toxic Midget put a gigantic roadblock in the form of the Basics in the road to training auditors? All those “good” auditors back in the old days didn’t need to study every little wet fart that L. Fraud regurgitated (sorry for the mixed digestive system metaphor). Then again, there’s also the So-Called Golden Ages of So-Called Tech; Exes aplenty have said that auditors trained on them have been made robotic and non-sympathetic to auditees. Auditors’ Day, supposedly one of the core Scientology celebratory days, isn’t celebrated anymore or, at the best, given lip service. And then there’s the Mysterious Case Of The Disappearing Saint Hell Stupid Bullshit Course and Class VIII Course.
Auditors are only important if they bring in money (and I suspect that’s always been the case, even in L. Fraud’s time). To maximize profit (or, in other words, not to pay auditors what they’re worth as the most important people on Teegeeack), they need to be staff or, better yet, Sea Borg.
Andres, if you want auditors, there’s a relatively simple solution. Best of all, it’s on-Source:
1) Shorten the runway. Get auditors to study only what they need to study. They don’t need to study the entire Basics.
2) Lower training costs. You’ll make up the loss in immediate income on the back end.
3) Pay them what they’re worth. Make Staff an attractive career option. Auditors can’t audit if they’re starving.
But, no, you can’t do that, because that would lower stats for the week. Gee, didn’t someone say something once about trained auditors being a Valuable Product? Guess that doesn’t apply anymore.
I wanted to be one of the mist valuble beings on the planet, at one time.
You mean you’re not? You seem pretty valuable to me…
I cannot believe that Espiando has just written a comment that I might have written (well, with a few minor corrections of course). This is more like it Espy (see – I am more politically correct these days and didn’t call Espy “SP”, even though I just did!), keep up the good work! I might pop in here a bit more often than I do now!
Read more at:
Espi, I agree with your solution to obtaining auditors. Though I hate to tell you that your steps 1 and 2 are what LRH said to do. He didn’t spell out #3 as you have although he implied that auditors would make good money if other conditions were in place. But here’s what I find funny/ironic: with your ability to put aside your own personal feelings of loathing for LRH and Scientology to come up with common sense solutions for the expanison of an enterprise you can’t stand and want to fail shows me the cult would be better off with you running it than Miscavige 🙂
“… every little wet fart that L. Fraud regurgitated (sorry for the mixed digestive system metaphor) …”
Nothing to be sorry for. Mixed digestive metaphors are the prime rib of flung doo.
The only planetary clearing” being done is the continued availability of the organization to clean out everyone’s wallets, bank accounts, IRA, College & Retirement funds….etc….its’ been working well for decades.
It is the same BS phrases. “a whole new order of magnitude”, “clearing the planet has come within striking distance”, “bringing sanity to your city” I could go on with this nonsense Sherman-speak – all in one letter.
Can’t they be a bit more creative and also learn to write something besides the usual SCN catch phrases? Surely the average SCN’er reads this and has major eye-rolls. Ugh… At least they are going to get briefed on the one key element that must occur in the correct orders of magnitude. – whatever the H that means.
“Orders of magnitude.” In connection with scio, CPO, it means nothing. But it SOUNDS good and Davey Dimplebutt probably mouthed it numerous times while producing his “epic” speeches. So she’s right on the Party Line.
But, but CPO, how can you be criticizing the organization that is spearheading planetary clearing?
There, I just gave you my own personal favorite cult cliche – spearheading. Ever notice they don’t DO anything – instead, everything is “spearheaded” by them. Hilarious!
“how to reach Eternal Freedom FOR REAL”. Boy, those caps really add credibility and convince me that this time, it’s true, it’s legitimate for sure. But, it’s hard for me to get enthusiastic without exclamation marks – where are the f**king exclamation marks!!!
If all of this information (not just from this invitation, but all of them they send out) is so critical for “EVERY Scientologist” to be briefed on, wouldn’t they save time just sending that information out with this letter? Wouldn’t everyone’s time be better served trying to spread the word and getting others involved with their religion as opposed to having them all take the time to come in to hear this “vitally important” information that could easily be communicated in this letter?
I mean, these guys….they’re supposed to be so good at communicating yet they can’t seem to be able to properly convey their information in an efficient manner. That should lead to the question of exactly why they need people to spend their valuable time physically coming in for an in-person briefing.
Unless the Org needs people there to ask THEM questions and/or get feedback from THEM (instead of just informing them of something), then there must be an undisclosed reason for the need to have people come in (org staff stats, regging for money, recruitment, trying to gather information, etc.). It’s certainly not only intended to simply “provide information”.
One other thing, the statement in that last paragraph: “Inglewood org will let me know who attended….”. The underlying message there seems to be more of a threat that they will know who did NOT attend. Possible message being conveyed here: “Expect a call from your local Ethics Officer if you do not attend this briefing.”
Are threats such as these really any way to gain what they call “Total Freedom”?
These “special briefings” are just to get people into the org so reges can coerce donations from them. If you get that the primary goal is fundraising, not conveying information, then it makes more sense.
It’s interesting that this one deals with auditing and training auditors. Most all of the others that have come out recently, focused on the Ideal Orgs. It is very possible, that even the most faithful of the herd are starting to recognize the obviously blatant money grabbing and the neglect of the so called tech, that they believe to be the primary instrument for clearing the planet. To me, it appears that the church may be back pedaling as a result of a mass exodus, due to the success of all the ex member whistleblowers managing to have the vast amount of revelatory and mostly negative information permeate the culture.
Off topic…
My daughter was reading my post from over my shoulder and she asked me, “Why do you write like that?” And I said, “What are you saying? That’s just how I talk.” And she said, “I know that, but we’re used to you, a lot of people don’t think or talk like that. You should say things in a more simple way.” In other words, she meant to dumb things down.
It made me stop and think. In most other places online, I do say things more simply. I don’t feel the need to do so here, because from my experience, Scientologists are some of the most intelligent and articulate people that I have ever conversed with. Especially, ex scientologists. If you stop and think about that for awhile, it compounds and multiplies the travesty perpetrated by the cult exponentially. Imagine what these good intentioned, hard working, brilliant people could have made of their lives if they had found their true calling? Imagine the impact that they would have had on our society as a whole. Hubbard robbed not only them, but the rest of humanity as well. It is a travesty, indeed.
exemplaryangel, I’ve thought the very same thing…
No Briefing Course at ASHO?! Are you kidding me?! The “mass exodus” in the most recent era of mass exoduses started about 10 years ago. There have been no profiles of people that have left in a long time. I believe that is because the few that are left know not to read the internet and to toe the line or else. Many of those that appear in, are not and I’m including several cases I have heard of people redoing courses that know “something is wrong” but don’t want to let on.
Once again the church of david miscavige/scientology is too late. There is only one more lesson for him to learn that will do any good but he is incapable of learning it because it involves his own self inspection.
I apologize for my ignorance, but what is the one last lesson that you refer to?
It’s an idea I happen to believe – that goodness can see into darkness, and see why it is evil, but that evil has not the capacity to understand goodness. If david miscavige could view himself or his actions critically, he could correct the abuses being inflicted by the church which at this point are at his direction and come from his own evil even if he credits “LRH Policy.”
Have OSA hacked the names/accounts of people who normally post on here? Again another fairly sensible post – I am astounded! Actually it wouldn’t be OSA as they are under DM’s total control, but you know what I mean.
So old and tired. Show me the people that actually believe this tripe.
Oh, you mean the people who have Koop-Aid IVs?
It is an unreal pity that this goes on. 🙂
Probably one of the single most mentally damaging “axioms” drilled into a scamologist by L. Fraud is: “If it’s true for you, it is true”. This is then followed by “Source (L. Fraud) is ALWAYS correct”.
This leads to delusional thinking and world view.
You make an excellent point. We often take for granted that others have some semblance of normality in their approach to life. Of all the wacko ways to behave and think, a member of the Church of Scientology is provably delusional by even by the slightest of observations of their Church’s financial system alone. To look at what oozes forth from their PR department, let alone attempting to make sense of it, creates nausea of the mind.
Sheeple is a good word!
Will you please have Miscavige refund my $100,000. With the entire planet cleared, I’m sure you and he can write a small check.
Thank you
Can I get my $40,000 back?
Add my $94,000 to that list please.
Well, you’ll have to go and see Pauly in New Jersey. Just tell ’em, OSD sent you.
Who is Pauly in New Jersey? 🙂
Lordy, Lordy. Their brains have all turned to rice pudding! Especially the person who wrote all this nonsense. Thanks for continuing to post with your busy schedule. Even the short ones promote discussion.
They have to keep saying how close they are to clearing planet. Otherwise people would leave in groves. It’s all about the dangling carrot in front of them…
Now I’m thinking about groovy, psychedelic groves of carrots. 🙂
I can make that a reality…
Damn, I could have had a V-8
Exactly, OSurferD!
“The only way to control people is to lie to them…”
Elron (technique 88)
A never ending insidious infomercial intended to facilitate indoctrination.
And, unfortunately, it works.
Except for leaving in “groves” Droves would work better, but , I suppose if they left in groves, at least they could snag a few oranges on their way out. Nothing like a good screwdriver to quell the existential angst.
“Inglewood Org will let me know who attended…” Implied threat duly noted.
Andres, I suggest you open your doors to everyone, offer free food and entertainment and start being the community center you only give lip service to. I guarantee you’ll have the best attendance ever.
I second that…
Where are we going with this? I’ve already lit up. Now, where’s that bottle of Cabernet…
Empty… sorry!
You’re so mean…
They cleared some grass around the block…….rigjt on Davey!
I cleared my head today after a bottle of Merlot. I can see clearly now…
I lol’d. That is just funny. What is not funny is the alarming fact that someone in the bubble still believes. How is this possible? I would bet the majority of parishioners are just scared to leave at this point.
I cleared y’days ‘to do’ list from kitchen cork board, even picked up the pins that fell off. Is that something I need to write a SS on and thank COB with a sizable donation? Would hate to be out exchange or anything like that. Gee… I never thought that knowing and applying Scientology could be so exciting!!!!
OSD, are you still drinking that dowdy Merlot. Time for a change, mate. Try a fine Cabernet Franc and you’ll love the deep, rich flavours!!!
Can you send me a bottle?