The claim “we are Clearing our area” or “we are Clearing the planet” is almost a mantra inside the scientology bubble.
It seems they believe if they say it often enough, it will make it true.
What they are willfully oblivious to is the fact they are doing no such thing. And every measure of this is glaringly obvious. There have been no NEW Class V orgs opened since Taiwan. There are the same number of scientology orgs now as there were in the 80’s. The number of missions is shrinking. So too Narconons and all the other front groups.
There isn’t a single Class V org in either India or China, the countries with the largest populations on earth. Nor anywhere else in SE Asia or the entire Arab world, all countries in Africa except 2, or Brazil. And more than half of the States in the US have no Class V org.
But perhaps the most telling evidence is their own counting of Clears. And I note here for the record, there has never been an actual Clear as described by Hubbard, and I am taking their numbers as the best case scenario as many of these so-called “Clears” were declared “Not-Clear” by scientology subsequently. But whether it’s 75,000 or 7,5000 or 750 is entirely immaterial in fact. To have any real significance, this number would need to be in the hundreds of millions).
Here is a newly minted Clear with her “Clear bracelet” showing her as Clear #74,106. Yes, less than 75,000 Clears in the entire history of Dianetics and Scientology. That is 70 YEARS.
But, we also have a comparison. This is a posting Planetary Clearing in Reverse from March 2020 had the number of that Clear bracelet at 73,537.
Simple math tells the world that in the 9 months of 2020 they have made 569 Clears. They are below the average for the last 70 years! And this is with dozens of “new” ideal orgs that are the “solution to making Planetary Clearing a reality” (again, they keep telling themselves this and do not want to look and notice that it is a blatant lie).
As I noted in the earlier post, it is not simply that they are making slow progress towards achieving their target. They are going backwards, FAST!
70 years ago when Dianetics was released there were 2.5 billion people on earth to be Cleared. Today it’s approaching 8 billion.
While there have been 75,000 Clears added to Teegeack since 1950, there have been 5.3 BILLION non-Clears. Literally, every week that goes by they are falling further in the hole by more than a million not-Clears.
I only point this out again because the delusion in scientology is stupefying.
If all Scientology members are so motivated to clear the planet,might I suggest they first begin with themselves and all make appointments for colonoscopies.Beacause the entire organization is full of shit.
Beautifully said!
There are only 2 real reasons this group communicates to it;s people.
1. To gather into itself financial support.
2. To boost or maintain morale so as to boost step number 1
The snipe hunt is just beginning, when you reach Clear.
Wait for OT 3, the real snipe hunting begins in earnest, chasing after Xenu’s earth dump of “body-thetans” which are your load to find and exorcise.
Whee, what could go wrong with this Scientology dual “case” adventure.
First find and fix your own case, and become Clear.
Then start snipe-hunting for Xenu’s “body-thetans’ which have landed on you, for completion of your “OT case.”
What could go wrong?
Scientology is a swell fun snipe hunt.
Yes Chuck. But the only problem is ……
No one tells you that you will play the part of the snipe!
I guess I am one of the few who ran the CC materials and got a huge change in my life. My Oct 6, 1968 attest and clear #1472 (temp) are no longer on their lists. I was more interested in the tech, to understand human mind mechanics, but the auditing was great fun. And, I have retained it, but have now assigned it to just one part of my learning about life and sometimes useful.
Re: Ms B. Haven. I ran the CC materials to to the End Phenomena, so, per the bulletin I could attest Clear. One definition. I never bought the rest of the hype by Ron but got what I got.
I met some dozen or so individuals in all my years with the orgs who I felt were on top of life. That was and is a truly miniscule number in the scope of life . I was at the ‘briefing’ in LA when Diana stated the new Scientology postulate was to clear the planet: My first thought was–‘In your fucking dreams!’ Ron might have helped a few of us rise from what we were, but 99+% did not. His tech/admin/ethics is a failure in the big picture, and the XX year old corpse is full of bugs and maggots just as you wrote Mike.
Jim, I’m glad that you got a huge change in your life as a result of your auditing. I know a few other folks like you who did too. And it stuck with them. I would never say that there aren’t some individuals out there who found some of Hubbard’s work helpful. The funny thing is, the people who I know who got some results, were satisfied with those results and just moved on with their life and had nothing further to do with the cult. Are they ‘clear’? I don’t think so but I don’t think they would care if they are or not. They got what they got and that was good enough for them. They keep their own counsel well enough that they don’t need some sort of external validation. Thanks for your story!
Ms. B. Haven
Thanks for that. You said it well and fully.
Ms. B. Haven and Jim Rowles: Agreed: “They got what they got and that was good enough for them. They keep their own counsel well enough that they don’t need some sort of external validation.” So well stated.
I feel definitely straightened out and so much more personally grounded and better able to solve problems as a result of my training and counseling. But, well, it’s been said in many different ways here: the participation and even any minor exposure to this group is so toxic, it becomes The Law of Diminishing Returns.
“Seek to the live with the truth” is one component to fostering happiness, so someone once said.
The facts surrounding a $cientology clear is that they are clear up to their ass in unmanageable debt, no real prospect of paying it down and would clearly take a bite out of any hand trying to provide an element of truth about their predicament.
Just my opinion of course.
I have to wonder if they just picked a number out of their ass and said that “this is how many total Clears there are in the world.” We don’t even know if the 74,000 figure is accurate.
Cindy. Yes. That is correct. But as I read your post, something else seemed important to me.
We don’t even know if the term “clear” is correct. For all we know …
“clear” could just be some nonsense term that Tubby made up because it cannot be verified and people just believed him because he was such a good con man.
Do you believe that “clear” is a real state? Or is it just as likely to be some pretend concept made up to con people into spending their money?
This is another hearty discussion, inspired by our blog maestro, Mr. Mike Rinder.
Poignant words: “What I am sure of is that the only thing being cleared are the public bank accounts.” from Losing My Religion
A Still-In friend reports he was prompted to visit the semi-closed org in his community. (Org largely non-operational owing to the pandemic.) Apparently there was “a stack” of knowledge reports written on him. If you are subject of a report, instead of popping your copy into the mail to your home so you can see the report’s contents and know what is up, you have to endure the “summoned to the principal’s office” indignity of physically going in to the org and taking a walk to see the ethics officer.
One report waiting was from the director of processing who wrote up this particular beleaguered soul for his response to a command to buy more intensives: “I cannot afford the debt for auditing that I’m already in.” Apparently, a private 1:1 interchange with your D of P is open to ethics handling, rather than given some degree of sanctity. Also apparently, no gradients of ethics actions are observed. It’s just skip, skip, skip, what is the quickest course to get someone in trouble and compound their difficulties.
Throughout his visit, he reports no demonstration of discovering from him as public what is needed and wanted FROM HIM. He was however told various things that are needed and wanted OF HIM.
Additionally, in a spirit of “Self-criticism is a luxury the suppressive person cannot afford,” none of the past gross outpoints in how the org handled this public’s finances, including the more than 12 credit cards they took out for and with him, were taken up. The response to this public instead was “You need to take full responsibility.”
This seems odd (invalidating) because every moment of every day of this person’s life for several months now, that is exactly what he is doing. To his enduring credit as a noble soul, he weekly aims to not one-hundred percent capsize in a “Death by credit card debt” scenario. Like so many Still-Ins, this individual is constantly strategizing, talking to the credit card companies, and managing his series of debts, which are exclusively Church of Scientology debts. No other source.
This visit by a good person and current public is not exactly demonstrating his org to be “an island of sanity.” I believe this is one motto espoused by orgs. For Celebrity Centre Int’l, seems I have seen in “Celebrity” magazine they tout their space as “an oasis of creative freedom.”
As so happens in a high-control group, the IDEAL STATE os that the group controls the whole world with the head honcho as the ultimate overseer. For all but those in the group, that would be their worst nightmare. For me, even when I was “in” the group, the idea was a nightmare.
If David Miscavige manages to become boss of the world, he’ll keep us too busy to have nightmares. We’ll spend five hours every night in black oblivion, then it’s back to work serving him, the Clears, and the OTs.
It is all about usual scn PR.
When every now and then they say that there are good news at the end there are just a few dozen books sold in some seminars (which like everything in SCN will have no following) in countries like Kosovo or Poland where there are no orgs, but they love saying that now they have opened it to scn.
It is painful to see how it really is all about just to try to do stats and how great it is that these “achievements” obtained by kicks in the butt already by tomorrow will mean nothing.
No clearing is happening and it NEVER happened that they just tried it.
Of those nearly 75k ‘clears’, how many have had that status revoked or were made to start over again or have been ‘declared’? How many have turned SP and escaped?
And why have none come back from the dead and reclaimed their place on the Bridge and gone full OT8?
It’s almost like the whole thing is imaginary. Oh wait, in OT8 you learn that you imagined the ‘reactive mind’ and that the whole basis for Dianetics and $cientology is a lie.
Who wouldn’t love that?
Zee, at least of that fictional total is reading this blog. I attested as #5875 in ’78, one of the first from NED.
Of course, now it means less than nothing to me. I was in better shape before I got sucked in and far better shape after they spit me out as incapable of holding ANY post at Flag/flog, not even as a proper RPFer.
I would love to see them clear the planet.
I would love to see them clear the planet of criminal cults that heap horrible abuses upon people including both physical abuses – like the beatings the leader hands down to help him cope with his massive inferiority complex. I’d also like to see them clear the planet of criminal cults that heap many emotional abuses upon people by forcing them to disconnect from their families as well as terrorizing people to force them to bend to the will of the cult by policies they call “fair game” where they justify all manner of abuse by using terroristic tactics with stupid names that make them sound like something reasonable.
But most of all, in this time of economic strife, I would like to see them clear the planet of criminal organizations that fraudulently obtain tax exempt status by pretending they are a church as well as committing all manner of other kinds of frauds.
P.S. Stupefying is as Stupefying does! Isn’t it?
Skyler, one destructive group at a time. Trying to do too many things at once is a recipe for failure.
scientology is being masterfully dismantled by the tiny tyrant. Let’s not disturb him at his life’s work.
Upon reflection, I must agree you are correct.
Besides which, I could never provide as much comedy as can the wee COB. I tip my hat to you, Jere.
Napoleon had a rule, never interrupt an opponent when he makes a mistake.
What I am sure of is that the only thing being cleared are the public bank accounts.
This state of big delusion in the bubble reminds me of the orchestra that kept playing as if nothing was happening as the Titanic sank and people tried to escape.
Better if they look for the life jackets!
LMR said: “What I am sure of is that the only thing being cleared are the public bank accounts.”
That was wonderful! My goodness, your English seems to be greatly improving. When you first started posting here, I don’t think you would have ever made such an astute turn of an expression.
I believe you must be studying to improve your mastery of the English language. In any case, very well done, Sir!
Mr Skyler. Thank you very much. This blog is a school for me.
I can learn more about the cult than I already know and concurrently I read and improve my English.
Remember my friend once this pandemic is under control I wait you here in Italy,
Oh yes, Signor! I hope to visit you and dine at one of your favorite Italian restaurants. I have wanted that for all my life.
Alternatively, if this cult should collapse and die sometime in the not too distant future, we may try to organize a brief conference with a banquet in the USA. Maybe in Las Vegas or some other central city. In that case, maybe it may be possible for you to attend and help us with the choice of food for the banquet. I am certain we could never do any better than to ask for your help with the food.
Arrivederci (or is it Ciao? or Addio)?
Sure Skyler. Arrivederci is more correct. It is like ‘see you soon’. Ciao is ‘bye’. Addio is more ‘bye forever’.
I have never forgotten. Once you first mentioned this, I have been salivating like one of Pavlov’s puppies.

Laughing loud!
Hey there, LMR. Great post.
You live in Italy, right? Not that it matters, but my husband’s family immigrated from Italy (right before he was born) to Toronto, then several years later moved here, to Southern California.
My in-laws still have a home in San Salvo. They used to visit every year but now that they’re in their 80s, they’re not able to travel as easily. I still have yet to visit Italy and cannot wait! The food alone…. oh my…
Oh my, indeed! Ever since LMR first started posting here, I have been salivating just like Pavlov’s doggie.
Katherine I am from center south Italy. To us friends are family. When you plan to visit Italy as let me know. Good genuine food is a must. Now I moved in one of the two bigger island. Even better.
I always liked Italian food, but then I married my husband and learned what real Italian food is. Fell in love with it.
My mother-in-law cooks every day. We have family gatherings every Sunday with enough food to feed the neighborhood!
My in-laws own two restaurants — only genuine Italian fare, of course. Needles to say, their restaurants are always packed with people.
When my husband and I get to Italy, would love to meet up with you for great food, good wine, and conversation!
Katherine absolutely we should. Lucky you have such good in laws.
San Salvo if i am not wrong is in the region of Abruzzo. I am a bit far away from there but who knows. Let see!
Wow Katherine! That is so amazing.
So many times people have asked me what kind of lady I would like to marry.
Know how I always answered? I always answered by saying, I want a mother-in-law who is Italian and loves to cook. The wife isn’t nearly as important as is the mother-in-law. You made a great choice with your husband. Ciao lady!
Just a small clarification here.
“While there have been 75,000 Clears added to Teegeack since 1950…”
There have not been 75,000 ‘clears’ made since 1950, only 75,000 clear certificates or bracelets. There is no such thing as a ‘clear’ by any definition that Hubbard or anyone else has come up with. It’s a mythical state of being that sounds fantastic but has never been achieved by anyone that I am aware of. Maybe Christ or the Buddha, but their followers haven’t achieved similar results.
One thing Hubbard did achieve was the ability to clear people’s bank accounts out in an effort to get them to these lofty states that don’t exist. What an amazing con, it’s still going after the ol’ grifter checked out decades ago.
YEs, great point. My error, I should always say “supposed Clears” or “claimed Clears”
Right Ms. B. Haven and the most of these 75.000 are out of the cult and due to DM’s GAT most of them would be no more considered as such.
“Clearing the Planet is Hopelessly Bugged”
And the root cause is that Tubby never intended to deliver on his promises.
@Jere Lull,
I have never told you this, Jere. But IMHO, it is really great to have you here. You catch all kinds of errors and you help me out when I struggle to state the obvious. I really enjoy reading your POV.
I am very glad you choose to post at this blog and I think it is important that you should know that. Otherwise, you would never know just how appreciated you are.
Ms. B. Haven , As one who attested to “clear”, I confirm that it means nothing. I wasn’t one bit improved from my wog days; I was in fact LESS capable than I had been and am again, having been discarded by them like dog droppings on the sidewalk.
Right, Ms. B. Haven! The only thing scientology has cleared is people’s bank accounts
Aside from the obvious point that “clearing” doesn’t actually do anything for the “clear” that a decent masseur or masseuse couldn’t do faster, as I understand it these clear numbers are assigned in blocks to the various Advanced Organizations.
Something like clear numbers 50,000 to 70,000 go to the Flag Land Base (for example). So there are huge gaps in the assigned numbers in areas that are not using them.
Bottom line, even the 70,000 number is probably grossly overcounted.
And what happens when the “clear” is “uncleared” by some blanket order from Miscavige or new fad? Do they retire or reuse the clear number, or leave it assigned to the former “clear” in hopes that they will attain the state honestly soon? I don’t think they retire these numbers even when the holder dies.
What about all the clear numbers of the thousands of folks who were assigned a number but no longer believe in all that horseshit? Probably more in this category than in the active church by quite a bit.
If there are more than a few thousand active “clears” I would be very surprised to hear it. There is no way to really know. Fortunately it doesn’t matter, except to those whose retirement, education and living funds are being wasted on this pursuit.
“clear” was always a “nothing sandwich”, not even decent bread.
I ATTESTED “clear” 40+ years ago. pretty immediately, after a while of “floating TA”, I made the mistake of actually looking at what had changed in my life, found nothing good, with more of the “same old shit” to follow, and CRASHED. Flag, of course, had no “tech” to deal with depression, so threw me in the RPF, as if further degradation and overt punishment was the answer. Well, it worked as I fell further through the bottom and realized all that wasn’t helping, was in fact making my mood worse. THAT got me kicked out as unsuitable for any post the Sea Org had to offer. Since, I’ve heard that the “Clear cognition” merely is that the “Bank” was just a mockup, that it never really existed.
Thus “clear” can’t really happen. “clearing” the planet is about as do-able as world peace and the end of starvation.
Of COURSE the # of “clears” is vastly overstated. If the clapping clams didn’t “see” evident progress every once in a while, they’d drift away even faster than they have been. Davey’s got to keep that funky plastic carrot dangling out there to keep their attention off of their current condition, don’cha know.
Bruce, I have kept an eye on clear numbers for a number of years and don’t recall seeing any that seemed seriously out of sequence with others, as would have to be the case if there were big blocks of numbers issued to orgs and only slowly used up — except that I can’t say for certain that I’ve seen clear numbers from AOLA or FLAG.
But I also have trouble imagining that they are really making anything like 800 clears a year, given estimates that seem entirely plausible to me of a membership shrunken to 10,000 to 15,000 (especially given pictures of major local org events typically showing just 3 to 4 dozen people). And we see very few showing up in social media like this; it might be roughly equivalent to the number we see in groups of OTVIIIs on the ship once or twice a year, even if that’s hardly conclusive.
So I wonder if they somehow aren’t really using all the sequential numbers, in order to speed up the issuing process and keep up the appearance of growth. Even considering that new numbers might be used (maybe only for administrative purposes) when people have to re-do clear it seems a stretch, though relatively more plausible.
For anyone interested here’s an article called “Clear” written by David Mayo around 1989 when he was still practicing scn and leading an Independent Scientology group. He later gave up on scn.
It details the changes Hubbard made to the definition of Clear around 1978, allowing “Natural Clear”, “Past Life Clear” and “Dianetic Clear” to be “recognized”. Previous to that the Grade Chart showed dianetic auditing, scn grades auditing and then “Power” and then a “Clearing Course” which was audited solo.
At the end of the article Mayo concludes:
“Perhaps what we have been calling “clear” is “no longer chronically affected by engrams” or “engrams no longer in chronic restimulation.” As such, the state would be more accurately described as a state of release or as a state of reduction. In other words, it would mean that the majority of a person’s aberrations had gone into abeyance.
Regardless of what the state is named, the recognition that a person can continue to be come clear-er, restores hope and makes progress possible again.”
Mr Mayo precisely described what I went through at Flag/flog in 1978. Come to think of it, he was Senior C/S at Flag at the time.
Apparently I was in that first round of newly defined Clears since I “attested to Dianetic Clear” in 1979 or 1980 and my number was in the 8000’s but I don’t remember the exact number. 8000, 8008, 8080, or 8888 would have been a neat number to receive but they probably reserved those numbers for the big shots.
Hubbard started jacking up the prices soon after I attested and I split so that’s as far as I went.
We need to understand that LRH was a deeply flawed man and he was wrong about a lot of things. LRH’s method of cleaning windows was never used on the picture windows at the candy shops I worked at.
“LRH’s method of cleaning windows was never used on the picture windows at the candy shops I worked at.”
So HOW did you remove the smudges left by kids peering in?
I simply washed the windows.
Mike, we do have to grant that the added 5.3 million probably includes X amount of cleared body thetans who don’t have clear bracelets yet … Though true, some BTs may only be Straightwire or Life Repair completions …
As a former org staff member, I have to admit that the Scientology world remains endlessly entertaining …
I love these promo pieces … They never fail to “rehab” my getting out after 35 years in. Every time I see these nut job staff and SO members with their delusional pronouncements, they just seem more and more ridiculous to me. And their absurd uniforms just add an extra zip to the color of the looney bins they “work” in.
Please bring back Thursday funnies …
*I may be the only declared SP who wants back ON the mailing list! Each piece of their “outflow” just convinces me how mentally healthy I am compared to the constantly hallucinating crowd that call themselves Scientologists …
Joe, you love the promo pieces? You’re made of tougher stuff than I. The reason I came to these critics blogs about 10 years ago was because the cult found me after being gone for a quarter century. At that point I was deluged with promo from at least 12 different orgs, most I had never been associated with. I was feeling mighty embarrassed having this shit delivered to my mail box. It took me 2-3 years but I was finally able to get them to stop the mailings. I believe I was in line for some sort of award from the Sierra Club for my personal contribution to ending clear cutting to supply the cult with paper. The promo they send out isn’t even any good for toilet paper. That glossy stuff just doesn’t cut the mustard so to speak. It’s sort of ok for lining bird cages, but I found that my parrot was in a constant state of restim if I used it.
So many trinkets to help define who one is within this group or at least remind one of who they are not.
Yup, Mary: it’s always been about status of some sort. I remember being impressed by our franchise-holder’s Class 6 and OT III, even though she was a pretty pitiable person irl, about as down physically as Tubby, and for much the same reasons.
Status USED to be about delivered service. Now, it’s all about the almighty dollar. And, lost in the smoke, is that they CAN’T deliver on their promises, never could.
To Mary Kahn and Jere Lull: Adding to what you are saying… At one phase in our ideal org fundraising journey, events began to pre-commence with an awkward procession of donators, like a grand march at a high school prom. Each person or married couple booming-ly announced with their “Humanitarian with Honors” or “New Civilization Builder” donator status, nobly summoning them forward to enter the space and take their heralded front row seat. Applause, applause—increasing as finally the most top-cat donor was ushered in.
Later, I noticed in the video playback of an Ideal Org Opening (Kansas City), COB himself during the public ceremony calls out top donators to that org BY NAME. The camera flashes to them waving and demurely accepting this shout-out. It is so ironically “Cult of Greed.” To call this out as WHAT THE GROUP FACTUALLY CELEBRATES to an audience filled with non-Scientologists seemed folly. (Very strange concept of public relations.) An unabashed show of how concretely C of S prizes this entirely errant behavior of people donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to Scientology. To a married staff member couple in uniform, COB even says, aloud, “I don’t know how you are doing it.” Yeah, exactly.
If you have acquaintance with any of the shout-out recipients (as many of us do) and you know, sure, they are in a good profession, but NOT a multi-millionaire, this shout-out moment is not something to celebrate. It is sad.
In the bubble, I think a recipient fails to realize the purpose of the shout-out is NOT to acknowledge them for donating to that particular ideal org (although it seems that way). It is instead to publicly COMPEL the person (or couple) to go further into crazy unmanageable debt and flimsy financial arrangements to appease the tireless donation machine working toward funding the NEXT ideal org.
#PDoLB (Public Display of Love Bombing)
#GUMoYMOE (Give Us More of Your Money Or Else)
Once I got Clear Bracklet with Nr. 24.000 or so in 1979 … it is 41 years ago … but some weeks later it was canceled without reason. I know a lot of people who had the same experience. What means 73.000? How many were canceled in the meantime? I have left Scientology at all in 1997 – the system and the target became visibly completely nonsens. One of it was counting wrong results.
See, Hubbard wrote himself the bulletin that the bank is complete mock-up – and the cognition of this fact is the valid Clear cognition. He made this bulletin confidential. But when you attest for Clear – you do not know about this. Following you are not a Clear as long as you do not know that you made only mock-ups of a bank. In my case I said that you have to mock-up a bank before you will have one. The result of this statement was a declare. Became an Enemy of Scientology. I mean really this is really a really super fantastic famous big NONSENS …
Right, aldeboni:
Clear Earth?????
Too tough?
How about clearing a country ?
Too tough?
A city? A small town?
Ok …
Can y’all just clear the STAFF at just ONE freaking org?????
Yeah, yeah, I know … you need a donation …
Well …. if they are really serious, they could always blow their nose. That would clear something. It wouldn’t be much. But it would be about the best they could manage.
Any on purpose staff member knows full well that any real clearing can only be done with a suppository.
Yo Dave,
Howz everything workin out fer ya taday good buddy. More upstats in yer full clearing proceedure?
Newcomer, Davey-boy HAS no stats, unless it’s the number of empty bottles, which is a constantly-rising Stat, similar to the beer can pyramids of our College days.