Brad Spence certainly seems to have had some wins from achieving the state of Clear. But his success story is weak sauce compared to what is promised ny Hubbard concerning the State of Clear. He claims he is now “me” and has found “clarity” in the way he lives life and is more certain in his observations, conclusions and reactions. All very subjective achievements. I could claim those same things from doing meditation or reading a book or just because I woke up an$ the sun was shining and the birds chirping.
Nice things all, but who is ever going to know what they reall6 mean or if they ar3 true.
Hubbard on the other hand was not vague in the promises he made:
“A Clear, for instance, has complete recall of everything which ever happened to him, or anything he ever studied. He does mental computations, such as those in chess, for example, which a normal would do in half an hour, in ten or fifteen seconds.”
“[The reactive mind] can give a man arthritis, bursitis, asthma, allergies, sinusitis, coronary trouble, high blood pressure … And it is the only thing in the human being which can produce these effects … Discharge the content of [the reactive mind] and the arthritis vanishes, myopia gets better, heart illness decreases, asthma disappears, stomachs function properly and the whole catalog of ills goes away and stays away.”
Those are just two paragraphs of MANY that lay out the abilities of a Clear.
But when nobody could attain clear he came up with a new one: “Cleared Theta Clear,” which he describes this way in Scientology 8-8008:
“A thetan who is completely rehabilitated and can do everything a thetan should do, such as move MEST and control others from a distance, or create his own universe; a person who is able to create his own universe or, living in the MEST universe is able to create illusions perceivable by others at will, to handle MEST universe objects without mechanical means and to have and feel no need of bodies or even the MEST universe to keep himself and his friends interested in existence.”
These things ARE what Hubbard promised. And STILL promises. These passages have not been modified or asterisked in the current editions of the books.
And when these things didn’t come to pass, he came up with the Clearing Course that is Solo Audited.
But that was only temporary too — OT III was soon offered and then he proclaimed all Clears were “in Danger” if they didn’t forthwith and at once get to OT III. So much for the State of Clear.
Of course, OT III turned out to be just a stepping stone for the other OT levels. Even OT IIIX where you did just it all over again.
And the promises of the OT levels (at the time) would be fully realized with the New Era Dianetics for OT’s (“living lightning”)… until that then morphed into Solo NOTs — many more years of same old same old.
Then the glory of OT VIII, the cure for Whole Track amnesia. Except everyone had to come back and do it again — “New OT VIII”. Someone forgot something on the level? Why didn’t Clears already have perfect memory like he said?
Now of course, the full promise of Ron from Dianetics will be realized on the OT IX and X. People have been “getting ready” for these miraculous new levels for 30 or more years now. In fact, since Ron “discarded his body” to “continue his research” in 1986. Or perhaps since the first “OT VIII’s” rolled off the Freewinds in 1988. But finally the road of new solutions to make the old promises come true has reached a dead end…
Sadly, scientology is a series of promises made and promises broken.
But somehow, the sheeple keep going. Hoping the next level will deliver on what is promised. And it never does. And it never will.
Isn’t Central Ohio the one reported as still staffed with Sea Org after their “opening”? The guy might indeed be getting better than average auditing for a local org, due to that anomaly.
It sounded like there were a couple of dozen Sea Org in Columbus, more than the normal staff of an org these days, though approaching the sort of high they try to hit when a new “ideal” facility opens. The same thing was supposed to be going on in Kansas City, where they even tried to buy housing for the Sea Org.
Typically, staffing has crashed back down to normal after an opening, and the sea org sent out have left before long. It will be interesting when we finally get some insider information about just what is going on with these new staffing efforts.
Wow, he’s increased his business 10 fold! He had his 1 single customer (a superpower) ask him to remove 10 teeth in one go. I have it on good authority (weell, why let the truth get in the way of good lie) that the sooperdooper superpower demanded anaesthetic because their sooperdooper super powers had been suppressed by evil bt’s, who all bore remarkable resemblances to Steve Martin dressed as a dentist, wanted him to suffer agony.
The “tek” that controlled what auditors did for their PC’s changes or is “Updated” or “Corrected” or made in a “Golden lost Wage of Tek” or it was found to have not enough or too many semicolons, whew, or was otherwise changed. Then everybody re-studied, or word cleared, or false data ripped off, learning drilled or clay tabled themselves into a greater CERTAINTY of knowingglowingness.
Then, for good measure, it’s all changed again…
Each time has to be paid for.
Each time, those on the inside are bombarded deeper into the bubble world they exist in. The rhetoric is suffocating. The lies are immense, and mostly effective.
And now they are the savior janitors to the world!!!!!
Keeping Janitology Working!!!!
“From the first moment I found Scientology, I knew it was the solution to everything.”
That’s the big red flag that all true believers proudly wave with such arrogant certainty. From that came this personal credo: “Never argue with a lunatic, and angry drunk, or a Scientologist.”
Discussing a subject with a person who’s beliefs are ‘certainties’ is like administrating medications to a corpse.
Thomas Paine plagiary
Chris –
I’m going to have to adopt/borrow your credo, that’s a good one!
PS – I’m re-reading your Fractured Journey right now – so well told! (Anyone else who sees this and doesn’t know what I’m talking about, Chris wrote a book on his journey in Scientology called Fractured Journey. It’s excellent and a great perspective on what life can be like for the more common Public scientologist and eventually staff member (but not Sea Org). He does an excellent job of taking one on a journey through the times, places and experiences he had.
DEF a worthy read!
Clear and “cause over matter, energy, space and time” is one helluva promise (and hook)! What a shame that it’s all bs though!🙄. And it is all bs.
And… in Dianetics he said it was tested over 15 years on 270 people. Results were as consistent as results in physics and chemistry. He didn’t leave himself much wiggle room.
The mental masturbation that is known as Scientology/Dianetics is well exampled in the above.
Be great if it worked hey? But alas, you’ve got better odds standing line for a glimpse of the halo of the second coming of Christ as advertised by similar charlatans throughout history.
I remember working for American Heart Association & training for CPS……also in use of the AED….
Before “shocking” anyone with the AED, we had to clear “yell out”….I’M CLEAR… make sure no one was touching the person before the AED shock was applied…..(otherwise you’d be shocked too)..
Lol you totally took me back to my first responder training. I worked for a huge medical device company, with clean rooms and various labs… it’s CA, so the buildings were on “rollers” to withstand our many earthquakes (let me tell you, they live up to their name when amidst an earthquake!) so we had to have trained first responder in every department of every building on the campus.
I recall the “I’m Clear!” during AED training and then also when we ran disaster drills (or during the one fire that occurred while I was there) and had to let emergency personnel know we’d gotten everyone out… so basically last check was running through both restrooms, yelling, “I’m CLEAR!” while running to the exit. How apropos- avoiding someone getting a shock or running through and out of the bathroom was the whole of my experience as a “Clear!” ;P
Miss you dear friend! I’ve been so remiss at email and catching up! AND I owe you pics… your baby-angel Haven is QUITE the chatterbox and just hit 18mos! With Nee & Linc both testing on the autism spectrum, it’s been a long time since we’ve dealt with neurotypical babyhood. She is a firecracker, determined to do whatever everyone else is doing and then some! Hope the hubby is staying safe amidst all the ice! And most importantly, I’m glad you’re staying safe & healthy! Hope your daughter is staying that way and thank her for being a nurse super-hero amidst this craziness! 😘 xoxo
“The reason for all aberrations and incorrect and involuntary behavior is the reactive mind.”
However clears (as well as OTs) continue to be reactive and commit overts.
What really holds them back is knowing that certain things are not accepted in the group and that they know it will cost them a lot of money in sec checks and conditions to rise. It is more a matter of being indoctrinated to think that way.
The funny thing is that some OTs told me they realized that the analytical mind was many times more dangerous than the reactive one. Really? So what have they done until then?
There is no point in ‘erasing’ a part of the mind, or ‘controlling’ one’s own or other oddities.
There is a lot of risk in ‘looking out into the bottomless abyss that is in us using only the mind. It is possible that that chasm is purposely there to allow us to have experiences as Life and gain awareness.
Meditation can give for free great benefits, answers and consciousness.
LMR – That’s interesting! I don’t think I’ve heard of the analytical mind as a dangerous thing – though considering “reasonable-ness” is a “bad” thing, it makes sense. You do an excellent job of sharing experiences and perspectives that help me (being a never-in) better understand.
Also – that’s an excellent point about the “chasm” as that’s often where life puts us when things have gotten extreme. I think looking out at that chasm, feeling the unknown and figuring out how to handle it all is EXACTLY where we see what we’re made of and also what causes us to grow mentally/emotionally!
Here is a 5 minute introduction to the book The Betrayal Bond which has been mentioned on the podcast.
People who once believed lrh may need this book and not even know it:
Thanks for this, C! Hope you’re doing well and enjoying the rain! Did you guys get any snow earlier this week? It was CRAZY to see all these places in SoCal getting snow like that! Hugs to you C and I hope all is well in your corner of the world!
Sorry. I actually know Roman numerals so I’m a little confused. What exactly is “IIIX”? Is is another example of Scientology re-defining simple terms into their convoluted nonsense?
OT 3 Expanded.
I LOVED that his success story ends with the letters “B S”. TOTALLY appropriate!
Great post Mike. All your points are spot on.
Thanks so much.
Lol I didn’t catch that until you called it out! Finally – honesty in a Scio-publication!
I still remember the sense of excitement I had reading Dianetics for the first time, perfect memory, higher IQ it sounded so exciting. And it’s so disappointing when you realize it was all just a bunch of nonsense.
O/T. Wendy Williams Show Video: Leah Remini – People Puzzler!
* * * * * BEGIN INTRODUCTION * * * * *
Published on Jan 26, 2021
Actress Leah Remini dishes about quarantining with her husband and daughter, her views on Scientology and her new name game show ‘People Puzzler.’
* * * * * END INTRODUCTION * * * * *
Temporarily disregarding the space opera and evil aspects of scn, a simple explanation of Clear might be that one attains the subjective reality that nothing in one’s past can affect them negatively in the present. This would probably be the goal of most legitimate therapies.
I might have written a Success Story to that effect when I “attested to Dianetic Clear” over forty years ago. It’s unlikely I included as many superlatives as Mr. Spence but to me it was a something rather than a nothing.
“…a simple explanation of Clear might be that one attains the subjective reality that nothing in one’s past can affect them negatively in the present.”
An arguably contrived reality formed and filtered within the closed-world narrative of L. Ron Hubbard. A world where all “aberration” is rooted in past trauma, specifically physical pain.
This isn’t self actualisation. It’s a belief encased in ideology.
Hub’s premise was his primary error. And scientology is an “unusual solution.”
Interesting point. Arguably all realities are contrived, for example the Green New Deal.
Maybe so. But it’s particularly hard to take a clear’s claimed reality seriously when his/her belief is so obviously born out of ideological attachment.
In the past someone posted a link to the scn unabridged Tek Dictionary which I downloaded to a tablet computer. Unfortunately I don’t have the link or I’d post it. Here are a couple of descriptions of “a Clear” which might be acceptable and assumed attainable to a rational person unaware of the overall picture of scn.
a thetan who can be at cause knowingly and at will over mental matter, energy, space and time as regards the first dynamic (survival for self).
a Clear, in an absolute sense, would be a person who could confront anything and everything in the past, present and future.
a Clear is not an all knowing being. A Clear is someone who has lost the mass, energy, space and time connected with the thing called the mind.
a thetan cleared of enforced and unwanted behavior patterns and discomforts.
one who has become the basic individual through auditing.
And so on and so forth as Mr. Hubbard liked to say. lol. It’s a lengthy entry with twelve attributes so I cherry picked and transcribed a couple of the short ones.
Scientology is clearly not clear.
CPTSD is a serious mental condition. I know that many of current and former Scientologist suffer from this horrible burden that has been put upon us. I am 49 and have suffered my whole life. I have received many different treatments for my condition. If you would like any information regarding treatments available or need a unofficial counselor, please reach out and I’d be happy to talk and or help. Your work inspires me to help others and hopefully put an end to this devastating cult.
I hope all survivors are well and never give up
I was diagnosed with PTSD when I returned from Korea in 1970 after a thirteen month tour in the Army during the Viet Nam War. Fortunately, the PTSD was mild because I did not experience actual combat. The minor PTSD was caused as we were often fired upon during incidental North Korean activity. I did tests at the VA and was actually OK in a few months. I did get into Scientology for seventeen years and probably experienced CPTSD for a few years. The doctors I worked with had no idea of CPTSD at the time in the 1980’s. Personally, I solved my issues with Scientology with 6-8 hours of pure meditation almost every day for a little over a year. The only medication I took was an aspirin once in a while. In retrospect after almost thirty two years out, I look back at a period of intense research about cults and Scientology. I developed serious friendships with some of the best religious scholars in the world. I still communicate with these people. The hardest part of getting out of Scientology for me involved the great contradiction that Hubbard instilled in my mind. Like all cults, in a general way, one accepts truth from the cult leader. It is most difficult to admit that the simplicity pervaded the actual being. Political extremists follow the same pattern. I feel their knives in speech. Best of luck to you. I am free of Hubbard after a long journey.
Which one means more?
On January 27, 1986 the space shuttle Challenger was accidentally destroyed during launch with all seven persons aboard. Also on this day the Church of Scientology made their official announcement that L. Ron Hubbard had died. In doing so they put forth a nonsense story that their founder had dropped his body and no mention was made of the fact that he’d suffered a stroke a week before.* The true believers were then shocked to discover that no one outside the cult was concerned about that useless malingering REMF.** They’ were particularly upset everyone was more concerned about the deaths of seven Wogs*** than with the passing of the most important being on the planet.**** L. Ron Hubbard will eventually be remembered as the vile man he actually was.
Today is also Holocaust Remembrance Day.
* I personally favor the pillow over the face as the actual cause of death.
** Rear Echelon Mother F***er.
*** Wog is the Scientologist term for a nonmember and the functional equivalent of the N-word.
**** Adolf Hitler used to think of himself that way too.
I “rolled off the Freewinds in 1988” after OT VIII. I left Scientology in late 1989. Hubbard could never deliver the state of Clear or OT powers. He had a below average mind which was darkened by ideas of entities, demons and dark illusions. Hubbard could not differentiate his own mentality from reality and the more stupid he became the more certain he was that his manufactured reality was true. OT VIII on the Freewinds turned out to be a process of removing Hubbard’s Science Fiction from your own mind which was never connected to his fantasy. That is why none of Scientology ever works. The Clear comments posted are a perfect example. He just feels better. That is how I felt in 1974 in LA after the original clearing course. Hubbard’s exorcism on the OT levels originated from Occult studies of people like King Solomon who lived sometime before 600 BC. Hubbard copied a lot of material which showed up in old Middle Eastern texts.
Hubbard sold me all of this for about $120,000 during 1972-89 which was a waste of money. The Sea Org did not even try to keep me. First of all, I was laughing so hard after we moved to Massachusetts that they could not stand me on the phone. Secondly, when I visited them in Florida a few years later, I gave it to them directly. I threw down the cans, punched the walls and overturned furniture. I should have sued them at that point.
“Clear is a finite state…it is an absolute.”
And yet in HCOB 14 Dec 1981 The State of Clear, he admits that it isn’t. So which is it?
That’s very naughty of you, trying to catch out Mr Hubbard like that. Maybe you have an MU, or too steep a gradient – just jumping straight into HCOB 14 Dec 1981 is out reality for you. When you have worked through all the courses and levels from 1950 to 1981 first you see it all makes sense. Or maybe you have some withholds or overts. What are your crimes! Bzzzt RONBOT FAILURE. Redo from start.
It costs another 100k $ to find that out. Cash, Check or second and third mortgage?