A few nights ago, the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce held their annual gala.
You might be surprised to learn that scientology is one of its sponsors.
But you might not be surprised to learn that the outgoing Chair of the Chamber, Katie Cole is a prominent local attorney who represents scientology. In fact, she is the protege of Ed Armstrong, a local legend in the real estate/zoning law practice who has represented scientology’s interests since I first hired him in the early 90’s (I guess it was?).
This is scientology “safepointing” 101.
Find a well connected attorney and pay them to be your representative. It is the FIRST action taken when any problem arises.
If a lawsuit is filed in Hoboken, an OSA Mission is fired to research what attorney has the most influence and is in best with the local judges and they are hired at a premium rate.
There are numerous examples — when scientology was sued by the Rathbun’s, they hired the biggest law firms in San Antonio and a former Texas Supreme Court Justice in Austin. When scientology filed a lawsuit in the Eastern District of Virginia the lawyer who had the best relationship with the Judge was hired. When Bernie McCabe filed charges against scientology in Pinellas County one of his former Deputy State Attorneys (Lee Fugate) was hired. When David Miscavige was being investigated by the Criminal Investigation Division of the IRS he hired Gerry Feffer, former US Attorney in the DOJ Tax Division who was a senior partner in the lawfirm that represented the President. When the FBI was investigating scientology in Los Angeles they hired a former Assistant US Attorney from Los Angeles — Gerry Chaleff who has been on the payroll of scientology forever and sat on the LA Police Commission wasn’t well enough connected in the US Attorney’s Office to do the job so they hired someone new… and on and on and on.
Scientology uses its tax exempt money to buy influence. Often through the lawyers it hires.
This is what a part of the million dollars a month spent on “legal and professional fees” goes to…
The Lisa McPherson Trust (sic) episode is excellent, sad as it is. Mike Rinder provides first-hand account of the harassment dished out by Scientology — because he led it! There is video footage of him on the street to corroborate. I don’t see how Scientology can even try to deny it. Looks like they didn’t..? I didn’t notice any letters from the church, unless I missed it when I fast-forwarded the commercials and bumpers.
Keep going, Mike, Leah, et. al. I hope many people break out of this trap because of your reporting.
TS wants everyone to believe they are a Church when it is convenient for them to be a Church and they are a Religion when it is convenient for them to be a Religion. In truth, they are neither – as you all very well know.
In fact, they are far more like a “Crutch” than a Church. How so?
They use their precious tax exempt status to prop up Tiny Fuhrer’s delusion that TS deserves Tax Exempt Status for some bizarre and ridiculous reason.
Once they are stripped of that ridiculous crutch, their fall to Earth will be much accelerated. It will mean the end for the Tiny Fuhrer and his Totalitarian Dictatorship and that end cannot come soon enough for me.
In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled on all the Senior Citizens who were born into this scam and have never gone to any kind of school that we would recognize as a school. As they approach their End of Life, they have no money, no pension, no medical insurance, no education, no job skills, no training, etc. etc.
They all will soon require some form of medical intervention – even if it is just admittance to some Hospice Care facility so they may die with some form of dignity. But that cannot happen. Why? Because …
The Scam sees them as just a liability. They have no more value for the Tiny Fuhrer. They have given their entire lives to the making of money, money and more money for This Scam and were never paid anything for their work. Now that they need some care … The Scam has no use for them and if they are allowed to speak in public, they will reveal the truth about The Scam and its deadly consequences.
So they are most likely doomed to die in filthy disease infested conditions. Their treatment will likely be close to the way people were treated in the Nazi Death camps in the 1940s.
I expect this world will soon see a tragedy of epic proportions. Hundreds or thousands of these poor slaves will likely perish in the most filthy, disease-infested conditions that have not been seen since the Nazi death camps. OK. I’ve said enough. But if and when this happens, it should be front page news in most all this world’s news media. It may be the straw that breaks Davie’s back. Although it can hardly be likened to a straw. It will be a tragedy of epic proportions.
I would expect nothing less from this corrupt outfit…to scour the bottom of cesspools to align themselves with the most corrupt legal representation…it seems fitting to me.
Last nights show:
Powerful stories shared and very emotional for all involved. Has to be difficult for you, Mike, to revisit your part in this madness. I cannot imagine the burden you carry and hope, through this process, you are letting it go and forgiving yourself. I wish you would write a book….
My favorite part of last night’s episode, was the park scene when all the fans yelled out car windows and came to take pictures… They represented the thousands of fans who support you…and who would love to yell out our car windows as we pass you. Just loved that.
Downtown Clearwater reminds me of the empty and fake city backdrops of Paramount Studios. Deadwood in the making…
The show last night really affected me. Having met you guys in CW and seeing what a sad, empty area down town is for myself, you showed the true side of what Scn is doing to that area. Also, having watched and read all about Lisa and Bob and Stacy….I cried ugly tears! Thank you for bearing your soul for all to see. I am so proud of you. Hugs to you and your beautiful family.
Mike and Leah. Would it be possible for you to contact any of the people who appear on those videos who are loud and in the face of the protesters to see how they feel about their conduct today?
I would love to hear from that lady with the longish blonde hair who was shouting something during one of the protests about half way through the episode. It would be so fascinating to hear if she is still a devout Scamologist or if she has blown and adopted a new stance. If she has renounced The Scam, it would be very interesting to hear just why and how she left this scam.
A very sobering and needed episode last night.
You did the honorable tribute to Lisa McPherson and Bob Minton.
You did not linger (IMO) on the insanity of the Introversion Rundown. Hubbard obviously never read up on the Quaker experiment in the late 1800’s using isolation in their prison. Their thinking was that the silence would calm the criminals. So many went insane that the idea was abandoned.
I loved what you 3 did in the Clearwater park. You showed in an elegant way that; When someone stands up to them, calls them out, and stands firm… the little man behind the curtain never comes out.
And, lastly, the showing of real emotions by Leah and yourself is the best indicator that both of you have regained your sense of humanity. Not all tears are bad.
I saw last night’s episode and when the robo cops of Clearwater approached you guys I was fuming. They are just as corrupt as the Mafia run Scientology. The residents of Clearwater town needs to reclaim the town, after all they are the real taxpayers. The way Clearwater looks it reminds me of the American Horror Story The Cult. Residents should not feel like they have go leave. Of course David Miscavige aka Afolf Hitler has the cops, judges and the politicians in their pockets. There needs to be an investigation by the authorities who have intergrety and will not be swayed by bribes from the Cult. I hope when they go down than any cops judges, lawyers and even senators that were involved with then by bribes needs to be held responsible because they are as much of the culprit as the Cult in regards of abuses that goes on. I dream of the day that David, and his mafia be led out in handcuffs, I dream of the day to wake up to the news that Scientology has been demolished. Until then we all need to keep fighting to shut them down world wide
In one sense, you have to give the cops credit. They never acted like idiots. They never engaged in name calling or shaming. They never behaved unprofessionally.
I suppose if someone is willing to pay you unlimited dollars, you would be willing to keep your conduct confined within some boundaries of civilized conduct. I just wish more of them would read about TS to learn about the insanity they are protecting.
I watched last night episode and I am questioning how educated Scientology cult members are? Do they have K-12 any college education??? How is it considered “a religion “, with tax exemption?? How do they sucker in new members ?? How do they get away with bribes and public officials including law enforcement officials?? Has children service ever paid a visit ???
I did watch most of the show last night, 1-29-19- and also recorded it, but when I was going to watch again this morning I didn’t get too far until I had to just change back to the weather channel. That had to be one of the most emotional shows I have ever watched. That being said, I watch documentaries on the History Channel about the mob and Nazis which remind me a lot of how this cult operates.
So, until that little stain gets hung up by his giblets (legally) I just have to hope someone lets the air out of his Tommy blow up dolly and plants a video camera in his room to document the break down.
Also, when the heck are the people who are holding this cult together with their big azzed donations going to see how in many ways they hold some (a lot of) responsibility for funding all the abuses, all the children who have been harmed, all the lives that have been destroyed, all the deaths, every single thing this cult has done all for some shiny little worthless feel good bobble they got for backing and condoning every single horrible thing this cult has done and continues to do. That’s sure a legacy they should be so proud of. Wise up you stupid asshats. There’s no there there!
I have this urge to walk the streets of Clearwater.
Dear Mike,
Aside from this article regarding the continued negligence and corruption of the Clearwater legal system, but there is the episode from last night…..
I cannot imagine the ghosts you live with regarding the whole Lisa McPherson issue. It is horrible this has happened and continued to do so.
It is obvious how much of a toll this has taken on you. However, you are doing everything to make it right. That takes a bravery so few have. You should be very proud of yourself for the many bridges you have built.
Watching the amount of PI’s and police accosting you guys at that park was amazing. Where are those police when Scientologists are harassing and stalking regular civilians. That seems a waste of resources and very suspect. They should be ashamed of themselves.
If people don’t stand up against these manipulators then they continue to gain ownership over Clearwater. This is highly dangerous.
You are doing good works and seriously deserve credit. You are doing the right thing, keep it up.
This may be answered somewhere in another post and I apologize for not looking first.
Just what are miscabbage’s qualifications to run a multi-billion dollar organization? And did he get all the way to the top of the bridge? How many times did he have to start over – like everyone else?
Dave Miscavige is completely unqualified to be an executive or a religious leader. Like everyone in the Sea Org, he follows the Hubbard idea that anyone can do any job by simply recalling his past life experience in that area. He never even graduated High School and his Auditor training was cut short somewhere in the Academy Levels at Saint Hill when he struck someone in session.
In the Sea Org, you first look to see if Hubbard ever said anything about your job. If so, follow that slavishly. If not, see if you can find some texts to read about it and follow that.
It makes one a bit nervous about folks who do plumbing, electrical work, navigation at sea, medical liaison (the Sea Org gateway to medical care), accounting and so on. It is all done by rank amateurs from top to bottom.
Hell Bruce,
I consider Miscavige unqualified to be in the human race.
People making the whole world to a big smiley beat David Fist in fury.
THANK YOU Mike and Leah – for being so real and honest. WE LOVE YOUR SHOW! When you emote human emotions and reactions – you help us all heal!
Thank you for honoring Bob Minton, Lisa McPherson and the others. That was so necessary. I would love to see an entire episode about how David Miscavige got involved with the C/Sing of her and deemed her Clear – how Bennetta Slaughter got involved with the cover up and all of that stuff.
The Show Scientology; the Aftermath just keeps getting better and better.
Can we boycott movies done by these people (actors) I already do but could we hurt their status by shear numbers get the actors to fall and there show their true colors and make them transparent because they know what’s going on ..they can not be this ignorant
Yes, and tell all your friends and relatives. Not one cent of mine will support a scientologist in any way, especially knowing that these useful idiots of scientology contribute money to that criminal organization.
I too boycott movies and tv that known Scientologists star in. I believe if many more people did so it would send a powerful message .
I agree with you on this front. I have not watched a Tom Cruise movie in ages. It is hard to avoid John Travolta, because he has small parts in so many things. Elizabeth Moss should be outed for doing a show about a Cult. She is fighting it from the inside on the show, but giving the money earned to the one she really worships. THAT is rather disturbing.
I boycotted Woody Allen movies when he married his stepdaughter. Since the Katie Holmes weirdness, boycotted Tom Cruise.
I think Tom Cruise is egomaniacal enough, that if a massive boycott towards him occurred, he may pay attention. He is that self absorbed.
We just have to spread the message far and wide. I think Leah’s explanation about how the money she earned was going right back into Scientology was educational. Also, her mention of the free time she had, devoted to Scientology, rather than other things. If it is noted that fans are supporting the abuses of Scientology, it will go a long way.
Mike, watching old videos of you deep into the church, you seem so stressed, you don’t ever look truly comfortable in them. Like a scared rabbit poking his head out, making sure it’s all clear. Now, you look much more at peace, more calm. I can’t believe that the people of Clearwater are ok with the waste of money and time spent by the police being the churches lap dogs.
The good news is the tide of public opinion has turned from annoyance in past years to downright anger and loathing of the criminal cult scientology. Scientology is a carcass being kept warm by a few delusional whales, and the clock is ticking down on its thuggish leader.
OMG! Holy Xenu! Fuckin A – There is a GOD!
My postulate came true!
Praise Xenu!
Thank you Mike Rinder and Lisa McPherson
for telling the Lisa McPherson TRUTH
about the Negligent Homicide David Miscavige murder / cover up
and harassing Joan Wood, the Medical Examiner and destroying her life.
and Bob “my hero” Minton!
One stop shopping here folks! A&E; Scientology, the Aftermath if you want the TRUTH and nothing abut the Truth about Scientology!
It seems Stat knows more than expressed here. Why not come out and tell what you know.
O/T, Is it just me or is it a constant that if Mikes blog is covering factual descriptions of what Scientology does like today we will not see the troll Foolproof making comments. He/she only shows up when a blog covers the Hubbard applied philosophy with its built in control mechanisms and partial truths that clearly do not get 100% good results even when applied “standardly”.
It is a waste of time IMO to respond to this troll. It might be entertaining for a moment however it gets more power the more we pay attention to it. That’s my advice for what it’s worth.
Yes, truth hurts eh? As to Mike’s story above, which you are at least somewhat right about as to my stance on such things, but what should the Church do then – hire the worst lawyers and not try to influence people? As to your 100% offering, again you are right it only works on 97.5%, although the other 2.5 % could be helped if they would sit in the auditing chair long enough without heading for the hills. So – you can head for the hills now!
what should the Church do then – hire the worst lawyers and not try to influence people?
Here’s a thought. The “church” should be honest and kind and not abuse people. They will not NEED to be hiring lawyers to sue and harass people or bully/influence them into accepting scientology.
But you are so in the Hubbard mentality of “always attack, never defend, we never do anything wrong and are the only real force for good on earth” that you are blinded to the obvious.
Yes, I quite agree with you – strange eh? But I have never said that some so-called Scientologists have not messed up and behaved like assholes – shit happens! Although “accepting” of Scientology isn’t quite the right word there for some of the people involved. But expecting the Church to roll over and play dead is somewhat naive from the ex-head of OSA, which was my sole point.
If you defend Scientology and it’s practices and/or Policies (Mr. Foolproof (Trolling Idiot)
then you may be a member of this cult. So you can crawl up next to your cowardly friend Miscavige wherever he is hiding and…….. I’ll behave.
FP has some entertainment value, and often provokes great responses. He is a counter-puncher, doing the Hubbard Attack Dance much better than most Scilons are able to do.
I wrote a magnificent send up of FP, Hubbard, and DM. But I won’t publish it. FP doesn’t deserve to have anyone illuminate the darkness for him; he needs must stumble along like the rest of us.
But what about when they wouldn’t sell the Aquarium to Scientology? Who was at the wheel then? Is there a divide between the Chamber of Commerce and City Council?
Dave claims that he’s religious
But he’d rather be litigious
He wants to be prestigious
But he’s mentally a midget
not just mentally!
Just hearing how many times DM and the church have been sued and how they found the best lawyers with connections for that area shows their true colors. I would like this info somehow to come out on the Leah Aftermath show.
Take heart fellow Enemies of Scamatology.
There is a story in today’s DrudgeReport about how Bill Cosby is being targeted by drones that fly above his prison. He looks very shattered at the concept of such a big star in prison.
I take heart from seeing that and knowing it is hopefully similar to the future of Miss Cabbage. The day may soon be coming. Even big time lawyers should not be able to keep the biggest dregs of our society out of prison.
And Miss Cabbage has to be the dictionary definition of a “big dreg”.
Your time is coming Tiny Fuhrer. Can you imagine what it sounds like to hear those penitentiary doors slam shut on you? With any luck and the continuing buildup of the public outrage, you will soon experience that for yourself. You miserable little slimeball. You think you are above the law? Just wait for it. They are coming for you Davie Boy.
Yes, as regards Miscavige, one can say, “Every dog has its day.”
But now I have to apologize to all dogs who’ve ever lived and will live.
Great example of how a seemingly smart person, a person entrusted by the citizens to protect and serve their interests, can help a devious smarmy little stain, one that would toss his own father under the bus, run a billion dollar criminal enterprise and the stain is the only person, the single person, who benefits from the scam. Amazing how smart people can be so profoundly stupid and immoral. If he would do that to his father what makes them think they are any more the means to an end.
Where ever there is drama, conflict, unfairness, etc there are always those wiling to take advantage of the situation to personally benefit themselves. It just reminded me of the time I was the Captain Flag Crew and responsible for the Scientology buildings, restaurants, etc in Clearwater. An article in the newspaper warned that Scientology was paying cash to buy up Clearwater. My phone started ringing off the hook from people offering to sell their property. You can still find personal integrity being put above the dollar in places like the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, but they are not the norm. Reminds me of that song the Andrews Sisters sang, “Money Is The Root Of All Evil”.
The lawyer game is played by pretty much all large,well endowed concerns. From Toyota to the Red Cross. Our “justice” system goes to the highest bidder. In all fields.
But when it is a tax exempt shell game high control organization with a stated mission of replacing government and written policies of barratry and harassment that exceeds First Amendment abuses and seems to have no limit, and they have money in the first place because they are tax exempt, it’s time to take another look.
chukicita, I was pointing out how the justice system is RIGGED.
BTW, none of their bad intent “exceeds First Amendment”. The first Amendment protects religion whether it is evil or good. Look at the Catholic church. One of the biggest child harming in the name of help orgs on the planet. I’m not sure WHAT you are protesting about my post as you are all over the map in your reply. Also, the CoS made MANY millions before it obtained tax exempt status. Scamologists are stupid.
That’s where you are wrong. They are far from stupid. All you have to do is look and listen to the exes. They are intelligent people with good hearts excluding a few such as Miscavige. They did it because they thought they where helping mankind.
amacorner13, I’m talking about the public remaining who keep shelling out $ to the scam. They ARE stupid
I agree. Today is not the 60s, 70, 80s or 90s. Information on anything is a click away. The Still Ins (excluding the UTRs who are only pretending to be in) are willfully, purposefully blind, and operating that way about ANYTHING or anyone IS stupid.
Forget the internet, all they have to do is LOOK at how their orgs have shrunk in the past 10 years! Observe! Pay attention! But they don’t. They don’t know what they don’t want to know. They don’t see what they don’t want to see.
They still donate and go into debt buying buildings for Miscavige because he TELLS them that Scientology is expanding – by leaps and bounds and bounds, no less!
Willfully, stubbornly blind deaf and utterly closed off to any information not being SPOON FED to them by Miscavige.
Stupid? Actually, no, I take that back. These people would have to come UP to being stupid.
Stupid should be a goal of theirs.
And as to WHY they operate in this stubborn, blind way?
Sure they want to help. Sure they have good intentions and goals to make better lives for themselves, their loved ones, mankind, the planet, etc. Of course!
But then, ALL OF US HERE had those goals too!
And we’re OUT, and they’re IN.
Are we BAD PEOPLE because we got OUT?
NO! We’re good people!
So what’s the difference between an Outie and a Still Innie?
There are plenty of similarities.
There’s just this one thing that’s different.
The willingness to LOOK.
The Still Innies WILL NOT look. They REFUSE to look.
Now, you can coddle the Innies all you want, you can make excuses for them, you can get angry about how they’re being hoodwinked, you pity them for how they’re getting rooked and scammed and defrauded but really, at this point, the ONLY meaningful difference between an Outie and an Innie is the willingness to look.
Now you might think that the Innies’ very unwillingness to look makes them better people than we are, more noble, more unselfish, more dedicated to helping. In other words, they’re so unswerving in their purpose to help that they are unable to look.
Well, I would say that’s bullshit.
Thousands of helpful, kind, caring people who dedicated their lives to Scientology are now OUT.
And only because they were willing to LOOK.
End of rant (that this turned out to be).
That makes me think of John Travolta when asked if he had seen Aftermath. He said No, not interested. Leah said that’s a pussy answer John! It totally is. That really pissed me off!
Sitting in his high chair with the little bib around his neck, Baby John Travolta refuses any information about Scientology not being spoon fed to him by Daddy Miscavige. “Not interested”.., how utterly pathetic, and how typical of the Still Ins in general. “Not interested”…meanwhile, you KNOW what a lie that is. You KNOW how these people are being “handled” up the wazoo (read: LIED TO) by anxious Scn staff so they stay “supportive” of their church (read: still willing to donate) “Not interested” What BS! It really pisses me off too, Ann – the bald – faced LIE, you know?
Is there any chance of getting Oprah interested in this? You have probably already tried, but there are HUGE numbers of people who listen to what she has to say. What a powerful source of attention on Scientology her outraged focus would be!!
Problem is…some of her closest buddies are Kirstie Alley (sp), Tom Cruise, and John Travolta so I doubt she would cross them.
Even if she could get some to listen, she will just make others turn a deaf ear. She is as egotistical as Miscavige. Years ago maybe but Oprah has changed. I agree that she’s friends with many celebrity scientologists especially Cruise.
Actually, I am not so sure about how much Oprah loves TC. She did a big interview with Nicole Kidman post surprise divorce. Also, I think the jumping on the couch issue made her a little uncomfortable.
It does surprise me that she has not taken a bigger interest in the cause. Yet, I think she needs to be pushed by the public to give her voice. She does things to make her look good, not always to really do good. Sorry, but it’s true.
Since the whole ‘beef’ ranchers thing in the 90’s – Oprah doesn’t piss off anyone anymore. This isn’t her deal – she accepts everyone for who they are – not what they represent.
Scn is like the mafia without the guns. Greasing palms, paying people off, buying influence on the front end. Meanwhile dealing with critics by saying “Nice life/home/business/marriage/career you’ve got here. Be a shame if something happened to it…”
“Scn is like the mafia without the guns.”
I wouldn’t say that, though the weapons aren’t in direct evidence. Don’t forget R2-45, which has been a valid process for decades, and they’ll use ANYthing that can destroy in their never-ending fight against anyone they perceive MIGHT become a threat, even if that’s a paranoid delusion and the target doesn’t even properly know scientology exists, nor Dianetics or Hubbard. They’ll spread the most scurrulous rumors about the target, with not even a scintilla of evidence. “What’s the worst thing he/she could do/be? That’s what they’ll spread. Sadly, they’ve figured out how to do it convincingly enough to destroy lives and livelihoods IT DOESN’T MATTER if they then discover they’ve targeted the WRONG terminals. They were targeted by TPTB, so they MUST have been guilty of SOMEthing in this or some prior life, so deserved the (mis)treatment, somehow.
The Cof$ is the most introverted, guilty conscienced group of upper management thugs I’ve ever had anything to do with. They are even offended by their own ” technical trained” (spelt conned with bs) people and are obligated to punish them on a regular basis just for the convenience of having something to do to justify their stolen money, tax exempt money laundering racket and body trafficking business.
That’s it right there MarcAnon!
I wonder how much of that is my money.
The rabbit burrow runs deep.
I will always fight the fight against this cult. But as I read these comments, all of which are usually very good, I always wonder why our God is left out of the equation. We can’t fight this fight without our God. We must pray and ask for God’s help. He is the deliverer. We cannot win without him. All of us whom are doing our part to help bring this cult down, do so with asking God to guide us in the right direction to bring them down. The more we all pray towards bringing them down, the more God will hear. He will bring them down. Pray for Mike and all who are participating in the Aftermath which is bringing this cult to our attention. Always remember that God is our Father who will listen and help us. Together, with God, we will prevail. Please remember that always.
From what you write, your God has not answered your prayers. It I’d like he is just ad real as the idea of body thetans.
Leave her be. She’s not hurting anyone with her beliefs. If it brings her and others comfort and encouragement then so be it. If you don’t agree then keep scrolling.
I respect your beliefs but your Christian proselytizing is misplaced here. You may be a woman of deep faith and utterly convinced that your god is the only way but not everybody believes as you do. This world and this blog is filled with believers of other religions and non-believers as well. I don’t want to disparage you or your beliefs but I could point to the hypocrisy and intolerance of many who profess the same belief as you do.
You can fight oppression without being a Christian or being a fundamentalist.
Are you of the belief that everyone (Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Animists, Atheists, Agnostics, etc, etc) who does not share your idea of a deliverer is destined to hell. I don’t believe that and if my friends, who are such good people but not Christian, aren’t welcome in your heaven, I want no part of it either.
Glen – Well said! I, and I’m sure many others here, wholeheartedly agree with you – on All points. I’ve always maintained the belief that religion is just another brand of politics, with better theatre, but just as corrupt.
Just a thought…you might win more influence by keeping your God out of the equation when arguing against somebody else’s religion. Use reason, kindness, love as your criteria, and not defer the judgement to your God.
I’m picking up that Rebecca cares a great deal and just wants to help and to flow power to our cause in her own way – in a way that she believes will be ultimately effective, and that this is something she very much wants for us. In her post I see no evidence of her having an intolerance or disdain for other beliefs, rather that she thinks we might be missing using something (God) that would help I read that she’s sort of cheerleading us – in her own way. I don’t think she’s making us wrong . I don’t think we should pile on her.
I agree Aqua!
I have no problem with people’s beliefs. Everyone is entitled to believe what they want to or don’t want to. That said, if the Creator of Heaven and Earth is as omniscient as most believers would have us accept, the Big Guy should KNOW about scientology and its abuses already. No need for us to pray for help. He should just take care of the business of eliminating evil for us. In fact, to take that logic a step further, maybe s/he shouldn’t have created evil in the first place. For me, I’m going to stick with more earthly and temporal methods and would encourage others to do the same.
I emphasize with your passion for God.
But there must be a reason God does not often directly intervene in the affairs of humans. He or She gave us “free will” and that must be the reason why we are expected to work out these things ourselves.
So many times people who are suffering ask the question, “If God exists, how could He or She allow such things to happen”? Well, I don’t know and I think that if we want to put our faith in God we must be prepared to accept the fact that we are expected to help ourselves and not rely on some Divine Intervention.
How can we help ourselves when it comes to The Scam? One great way might be to contact The Aftermath Foundation and see how you can help the escaped victims in your city.
Bless you dear. I hope and pray that we are able to find justice for all the victims terrorized by this madness.
“Together, with God, we will prevail.”
That’s a fine sentiment for those who believe in a God who cares enough about such things to lend a hand TO JUST “OUR” SIDE. Then I’m reminded of solders on both sides of wars being utterly convinced that “God” was on each of their sides. In this, I’m heartened that DM is apparently on our side of dismantling that criminal set of international organizations; he’s doing a better job of it than I would think possible, covering every point of scientology’s weaknesses. In that, he’s been BRILLIANT!
Well, I believe in that God who gave us minds, that God who leaves it up to us to freaking use them to solve our own problems.
Good point, Rebecca.
I think the reason you don’t hear more explicit appeals to prayer is that all kinds of folks read this blog Some religious, some questioning or seeking, some non-religious.
Many who have escaped Scientology tend to swing all the way out of religious faith. Sort of like the expression “once burned. fears the fire”. Hubbard pretended to have all the answers, so those who reject Hubbard easily come to the conclusion that there are no real answers.
It makes me sad to see someone going that route, because that means that Hubbard won after all. If you just go from rabid Hubbard believer to rabid Hubbard hater your life still revolves around Hubbard.
Eventually with a lot of soul-searching and help from others, from factual information like what we get from this blog and from the Aftermath shows, most are able to pick up the pieces and recover.
Many who have escaped Scientology tend to swing all the way out of religious faith. Sort of like the expression “once burned. fears the fire”. Hubbard pretended to have all the answers, so those who reject Hubbard easily come to the conclusion that there are no real answers.
I’ve come full circle. I started in scientology as an agnostic (I just wanted to improve my comm skills!) The first ever round of TRs induced a brief but significant dissociative state that hurled me into confusion. I wasn’t expecting it, nor was I worldly enough to evaluate it rationally. So I accepted Hubbard’s masterful explanation (“exteriorisation”) and within the space of a week my entire world view had flipped. It wasn’t long before I started pouring over Have You Lived Before This Life, History of Man, Time Track of Theta and the Whole Track tapes. And lo and behold, in one of my first auditing sessions I recalled being crushed by an avalanche on a distant planet. Ohhh my! What are the chances…!?
They were heady days and I was excitable and impressionable. Thirteen years later, when the spell finally wore off, one of the first things I decided was to find out wtf happened to me. That was the start of a far more enlightening journey that continues to this day – into logic, fallacious reasoning, cognitive bias, the anatomy of belief, trance states, conditioning, propaganda, peer pressure, conformity and group identity.
As a consequence (perhaps a natural one, as some psychologists and neuroscientists would argue*) I no longer have certainty in the supernatural. I know that I don’t know and I’m okay with that.
Hubbard’s genius was that he devised a system that manipulates belief to such an extent that, for some, therapeutic value is almost assured. This is the essence of the placebo effect.
Gervais, W, Norenzayan, Ara. (2012). Analytic Thinking Promotes Religious Disbelief. Science, 27 Apr 2012: Vol. 336, Issue 6080, 493-496
Shenhav, A., Rand, D. G., & Greene, J. D. (2011 ePub, 2012). Divine Intuition: Cognitive Style Influences Belief in God. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 141(3) 423-8
Excellent analysis, mwesten.
Beliefs are part of life. Everyone has them. Even those nihilists who bitterly protest that they hold no beliefs eventually have to admit that they have not actually personally done every scientific experiment, measured the circumference of the Earth, observed the transit of Venus. They are taking on faith the words of those who did.
So in the case of uncertainty or no clear knowledge you find beliefs filling the void. If nature abhors a vacuum, certainly it is human nature to wish for reassurance when faced with a touch of the pure unalloyed abyss. Like the death of a loved one.
Even after all I’ve been through, 40 years in Scientology, 25 in the Sea Org, 20 at the Int Base, I still hold no animus about anyone’s beliefs. Sometimes a belief is hard-won, and sometimes it is someone’s only defense against a horror I can know nothing about.
It is the abuse of faith that makes Scientology and other groups that engage in undue influence so pernicious. Instead of guiding their parishioners to deeper understanding, they use the harshest techniques to force Hubbard’s twisted world-view on them. Beliefs that are used as weapons to wreck families, extract cash, ruin lives, in a quest for self-aggrandizement, are misused beliefs.
Bruce that is so perfectly said! Thank you. Always enjoy your comments.
Deep State, Private Sector Division.
Boycott all businesses and services that have Scientologists working for them.
Put justice in on this organization once and for all.
Let everyone you know what Scientology is and has done to others.
Perhaps we solicit the support of the R Kelly justice system – the people that exposed his crimes when the officials would not stop his child pornography and sexual abuse for over 2 decades.
They seem to have the “hat write up”.
I am happy you are exposing Danny Masterson’s little criminal thuggery.
Boycott anything Ashton Kutcher is in – he is supporting the rapist.
“Boycott anything Ashton Kutcher is in – he is supporting the rapist.”
I doubt my boycotting either of them makes any difference, since I see so few movies anyway. It’s like scientology boycotting the sponsors of “Aftermath”. Doesn’t bother anyone in the least, net effect, zero for scientology (other than the clams who don’t tune in and take longer to jump out of the soon-to-be-boiling water, getting more scarred than they already are.
Not surprised at all, but definitely disgusted and angry.
Now that is an very interesting item:
“But you might not be surprised to learn that the outgoing Chair of the Chamber, Katie Cole is a prominent local attorney who represents scientology”, leaving me a bit startled, confused & stunned as well.
One MIGHT THINK that it could be or would be a conflict of interest to be a COS LAWYER AND CHAIR OF THE CHAMBER….bt that’s simply my own opinion.
Of course a “well known organization” who has it’s OWN BEST INTERESTS at heart would be expected to hire the biggest & the BEST in “defense counsel”. For sure they’ve got the money to DO this, unlike the rest of us. Then again they’ve got YOUR MONEY, you know, the money you didn’t get BACK for the course you were NOT ABLE TO TAKE…..until your NEXT life, right?
With so many top notch agencies turning a blind eye to what goes on within “the organization”….no top notch government agency wants to spend decades in court, only to realize that they are having their OWN background checked out, be followed, protested against, photographed, have neighbors spoken to….so they won’t “waste their time & your tax dollars” on “them”……just keep paying your taxes, sit back, & let the cards fall where they may while your “account money” sits there & piles up to buy real estate that will never be fully used, but have a ribbon yanked at it’s opening.
Wow. Money CAN buy influence. But he remains caught in his own web of fear, distortion and disingenuous behaviors.
Frightening. Realistically, this is THE reasons it is so very difficult to nail CO$ to the wall. It may even be the reason they still survive. A few handshakes there, the right donations to the right causes over there, the special “gifts” and assistance to the right individuals through corporate and/or “religious” channels. Couple this with absolutely ferocious legal counsel and you might as well be fighting THE KRAKEN in a rowboat. Collusion is hard to prove and nearly impossible to prosecute. Just look at how long the LAPD and Sheriffs have been looking the other way when it comes to Scientology. The DA is probably scared to death at how many tentacles reach deep around her officers. She would have to blow the lid off her own house, Not gonna happen. The answer? You keep fighting. Just like Mike and Leah have been doing. You keep writing to the FBI, IRS and local/state officials. You protest peacefully and in a mature and measured way. Justice will find those who continue to fight for her. Love always wins in the end, as long as you believe and fight the good fight. Right now, Goliath is on his knees. Keep firing the stones.
The reason Scn survives to the present day, even with fewer than 20,000 active Scientologists worldwide, is because their harassment campaign against the IRS worked. They got people to buckle under their Fair Game campaign to destroy the lives of anyone working against them in their war for tax exemption, and the IRS let them win just to make it all go away.
Beautifully written comment and totally true as well.
Be frightened. Pay to play is how all wealthy crooks survive.
Shame the lawyers.
If Scientology 101 local influencing is through the “best” lawyers, then shame them.
Word of mouth shaming.
Thank you Mike Rinder, for exposing $cientology’s clever manipulation techniques and tactics to hornswoggle and bamboozle the opinion leaders around them to believe $cientology is legitimate.
The attorneys? David Miscavige controls the IAS Slush Fund. He uses the IAS Slush Fund to pay the sleaziest and most criminal attorney’s in the land to Keep $cientology $camming. Criminals protect other Criminals.
David Miscavige is getting good at hiring the most criminal people he can find to keep his Show On The Road!
I love it that you are exposing who they are!
Any lurkers out there – do not support any business that supports Scientology. Do not do business with any Scientologists Send letters, cards and emails to anyone who is using a Scientology business and tell them that the leader of their Church beats the staff and abuses people and the FBI refuses to do anything about it.
Boycott all services and products or support anyone gives this evil cult.
Let’s put justice in on this “CHRUCH” once and for all.
We can do it to Scientology just like the fans did it to R Kelly.
VWD Mike Rinder! Please – Continue. You are doing something about Scientology.
Scientology will say that this is just part of their efforts to be involved in the community. Your lawyers did a very good job with the contracts and waivers and structuring Scientology so when you try to connect the dots there is always a dot missing.
So, it is like Alcapone who also hired the best lawyers…,or el Chapo Guzman – the billionaire drug cartel guy, he also ´hired´ lawyers and many other people to protect him…
Miscavige is following their steps and, as these and other criminals did, their ends are an absolute disaster no matter how many lawyers they had bought, sorry, hired!
‘So, it is like Al Capone who also hired the best lawyers…’ Well, Sylvia, ‘those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it’, and Here’s the irony: as you probably know, they eventually got Capone . . . on Income Tax Evasion . . . . . . .
Anyone with half a brain in any kind of trouble hires a good lawyer. . Anyone who has the money hires the best legal advocates who wrap him in the flag and use any and every legal means possible to successfully advocate for him. If for whatever reason you were in trouble, as a perpetrator or a victim, you would do it too. That’s our system.
Excellent exposure of how $cientology unduly influences the attorneys, opinion leaders, police and government around every Morgue so as to unduly influence them into protecting the leader so he can continue to abuse, harass, swindle those poor members still stuck and trapped in the prison of their own beliefs.
Hot Damn Mike – you are leaving no stone unturned. We will support you all the way until the IRS yanks the tax exempt status of Scientology and David Miscavige gets locked up for crimes against humanity.
Anyone want to guess how long David Miscavige will survive? How much longer can he handle the constant pressure cooker of the truth getting exposed every single day and he can’t stop it with his billion dollars and thug minions that help him.
More importantly, how long can his staff stand it? He doesn’t strike me as one to keep frustration bottled up, he seems like the type to pass it on in beatings. Those guys and girls aren’t getting any younger.
“Anyone want to guess how long David Miscavige will survive? ”
I’ll take the line that he’s already not-surviving. He’s merely existing, having crawled into the bottle of … Maclarran,is it? to “escape” what’s raining down on him and his tiny little realm. He can’t hardly leave his couch lest someone serve him papers he dare not answer to. He’s in his own trap, a fortified castle designed to keep his enemies out, it’s become a gilded cage keeping him in, by HIS own orders.
And a little peeve: When I read “when scientology was sued by the Rathbun’s”, I expected the next word to be something like “Lawyers, since the ” ‘s” should indicate possession. If that had been the case, it should have been “Rathbuns’. Rathbun – Singular, Rathbuns – Plural. I know there are a few cases where a plural by simply adding s is awkward, but that’s not one of them, IMO.
Watching the Aftermath show last night it occurred to me that the Introspection Rundown that was invented by Hubbard and used to kill Lisa McPherson was also used by Hubbard and now Miscavige. Instead of the cos doing it to them they did (are doing) it to themselves. As befitting narcissists.
Hubbard went into hiding, Miscavige is hiding. Hubbard had no close group to talk with, Miscavige has no one to talk to. Hubbard introverted into his personal demons with his emeter, Miscavige introverted into his personal demons with his scotch. Isolation does not end well.
Depends what you mean by “”survive”, he no doubt has offshore accounts with “escape money” and properties all over the world to flee to. I don’t think he’d go quietly if the arrest warrant was issued.
I wonder if the whales (except those swimming in the deep blue depths of kool-aid waters) would stop donating to Scientology if it lost its tax exempt status. Perhaps then Cap’n Dave, like Ahab before him, would go down with the ship. Oh happy day!
“Perhaps then Cap’n Dave, like Ahab before him, would go down with the ship. Oh happy day!”
Apt sentiments, since it seems to me as if he’s pretty much moved into the replica ship built on the base at an incredible cost, given that the labor was “free”, not costing more than he was already paying to keep “his” slaves functional. IIRC, the cost was more than it would have taken to have a real, floating replica built. Boats is expensive, but he figured out how to make them even MORE expensive when they’re non-functional. [ That may be somewhat of a metaphor for scientology, I believe.]
Do you think the same applied when the church requested to change Barenda into LRH Way (Hollywood) back in the 90s? I just remember a few residents at the town hall compared to hundreds of members being there. Eddie.
Thank you Mike. Hiring the “ best Lawyers “ to win for the Cult of Scientology is Predictable & Absolutely Pathetic. Although I must admit in the early 70s a year or so before I joined The Sea Org, my late Dad did just that in my parents divorce case. I hate the practice, but after the case was over & my parents divorced, they both saw each one’s lawyer having a five star celebratory lunch together,at a fancy French restaurant in Boston, where they compared check cashing Times! Really put my late parents and myself off the profession for years! But to shill for cob & the Cult of Scientology puts it on a whole other level of rotten. ?
Ann – my ex husband is a divorce attorney. He told me how the law really works. It is all about capitalizing on making the most money possible out of a case. How do Attorney’s do it? They get people to FIGHT.
He said it was SOP in the industry. Divorces, trust disputes – attorney’s get people to fight and then they collect fees to sling the mud back and forth. Very lucrative business if you are a psycho attorney like my ex.
My ex bragged all the time how he did it. He got his client to complain about the other. Then he would call the others attorney and tell them what they were complaining about. The other attorney would then add to the fight. Then call my ex and tell them how to continue the battle. Let the hunger games begin.
After years of fighting and the couple was worn out and out of money, the two attorneys would tell them to “settle”.
Of course, being broke and worn out – they would finally settle.
In the meantime, the two attorney’s took all of the money the couple had. They typically ended up broke and broken.
Scientology does the same thing. That is why you won’t get justice overall in the courts. We must ban together and keep airing the dirty deeds by Scientology.
The PR will KILL Scientology and drive it into the nothingness and total failure that it really is.
The corruption of the legal system is complete and generally accepted. A lawyer once told me: “Justice is only for those that can afford it!” I suppose this means Scientology can afford a lot more “justice” until their coffers are drained of untaxed funds.