Winter Wonderland is coming to Clearwater once again.
What is different about this year? It’s not the fact that scientologists pretend to celebrate Christmas when they believe christians are “wogs” who need to be saved — that has always been the case. I have included excerpts from a couple of choice Hubbard writings on the importance of “Safe Pointing” areas and how scientologists are expected to view and address other religions.
No, this year their promotion has NO MENTION of scientology. Apparently Winter Wonderland is done by the “Clearwater Community Volunteers” and the word scientology appears nowhere.
Are they afraid to promote that this is a scientology thing? Or embarrassed?
In previous years they put out press releases shouting that scientology sponsors this annual attempt to win friends and influence people. Scientology was prominent and mentioned in the same sentence with the “Clearwater Community Volunteers” (as if they were two separate things).
Of course, the Clearwater Community Volunteers is just another scientology group “established in 1994 by parishioners of the church of scientology” according to their website. This sort of group is formed and operates according to L. Ron Hubbard policy in order to create “Safe Points” in the community and gain influence.
The Volunteers claim they now have volunteers from all over Tampa Bay from “all faiths”.
They very prominently promote endorsement by Pinellas County Sheriff Jim Coates. He seems to be following in the tradition pioneered in Los Angeles with the LAPD and (now imprisoned) LA County Sheriff Lee Baca offering support in exchange for donations to his programs. He should wake up. (For updated information on this, read Tony Ortega’s excellent blog this morning).
Here is the list of “sponsors” from the Volunteers website. Many of these are scientologists or scientologist-owned businesses. I don’t have the time or inclination to check every name on the list. But I do find it curious that the City of Clearwater is listed. They too should get themselves educated as to who they are supporting and how their endorsement is being used.
Excerpts from Hubbard Policy of 12 January 1973 “THE SAFE POINT”
“You cannot operate without a base to operate from. You cannot deliver without somewhere to deliver it. You cannot sell what you cannot deliver. The optimum action is to send a PR Area Control team to the area you want to operate in, and have it establish PR Area Control first.
“The most important action to undertake when going about making a Safe Point is to carefully and painstakingly find out who exactly are the top dogs in the area in financial and political circles, and their associates and connections, and to what each one is hostile.
“One must learn carefully his Ps & Qs with regard to these people and take care not to step on their toes.
“Without a Safe Point established as above, it is a waste of time to rush into dealings with a government or to promise them anything. It is too easy to step on hostile toes and to arouse suspicion of you or make you difficult to account for.
Excerpts from Hubbard “Professional Auditor Bulletin” 7 August 1954 “WHY DOCTOR OF DIVINITY?”
…“a Scientologist has a better right to call himself a priest, a minister, a missionary, a doctor of divinity, a faith healer or a preacher than any other man who bears the insignia of religion of the Western world. And remember that it is precedent which masters the opinion of multitudes and nations.
“Why should Scientology ally itself with religion or use the word religion in connection with its philosophy? There are many, many reasons. Amongst them is that a society accords to men of the church an access not given to others.”
“In another time, in another place, those men (the Buddhas) responsible for what Western culture calls their religion, called themselves priests. I do not see, then, any inconsistency of any kind in the issuance to those well-schooled and well-skilled in Scientology the degree of Doctor of Divinity as a passport into those areas where they are needed. Only a barbaric minister is a “Man of God.” In all enlightened religions such men are called “Men of Wisdom.”
OK. Let’s, just for a moment, take Christ out of Christmas. What then is this Season about? Family. Togetherness. Giving and kindness. (Just watch the St. Jude commercials or the sad ASPCA commercials). COS has carolers, sets up a Winter Wonderland…yada, yada, yada. But they STILL miss the point. Having a Santa for the kids to visit is only part of the story. The children ask Santa for presents, then they wake up on Christmas morning and spend the day involved in family. What do the children of SeaOrg members do on Christmas morning? Do they rip open presents while mom and dad (or whoever is their familial unit) watches joyfully? Do they have a special Christmas morning breakfast then spend the day running around the house playing with their new toys while their parents prepare Christmas dinner and welcome guests?
You just can’t do this, COS, without looking like complete hypocrites. Putting on a show of Christmas Spirit all while allowing, protecting and defending the abandonment and abuse of children is like trying to force a square peg into a round hole. Singing songs of peace and hope and joy while demanding disconnection between family members is impossibly two faced.
Mike … not that my opinion is any of your concern, but I think you are an amazing human being and the world has much to learn from your experiences. You know, in the Christian world we take great liberties (big surprise) with what the Lord intended by repentance, but it just mean to change one’s mind and do differently. You’ve nailed it.
Now to why I comment. I lived in Pinellas County in the 90s. Happened to go to the beach Monday and decided to drive down Ft. Harrison on the way home. It struck me that nearly every street-level window and door on Scientology property had some sort of Christmas wreath or decoration on it! For God’s sake … seriously? Do they really believe we are that naive? Interestingly enough, didn’t see many LRH groupies out and about in uniform and not one in reindeer ears or Santa hat. At any rate, I thought of you and giggled out loud, repeatedly, all the way home. Thanks for your relentless work, enlightenment, and humor. Keep the faith Sir. Merry Christmas to you and your precious family!!!
I can see why they do not want to use the word “scientology” on their propaganda. The label is so utterly toxic. They are correct to be concerned about the outright hostility that the public feels toward them.
I am glad to see that the members are ashamed of their own institution. The reputation of this “church” is likely ruined forever by their own actions.
well if making Money is there Top duty gotta get rid of Holiday’s so there ppl can give More & more away to DM & ? else,how I’d Love to see would be the Good they could do if they used that money for Good than Greed but can’t see that ever gonna happen sad to say…
I read something about a house in L.A. that used to be occupied by HRH where suppossedly he dabbled in the occult. Is this true?
Oh yeah. Pasadena CA
There is a special place in hell for those who hide behind “religion” to take advantage of their fellow man. Pretending to approve of other faiths with the intention of enticing their members into yours is dishonest. As is holding charity events with a hidden agenda. If anyone must lie, deceive or mislead to attain their goals, that is NOT the greater good. For all Scientologists, FYI: DISHONESTY despite the purpose, IS NEVER GOOD!
Mike, you subtle devil, nice of the cult to give you some free advertising – or, wait, it may just be THEM capitalizing on YOUR popularity…hmmm
So you guys below and in the printed word above want to attack a group that is actively trying to help the community through charitable means and seek to justify these attacks because basically you don’t “like” what they believe?? Are you putting together beautiful events in the community? Are you donating your time and effort to help those less fortunate? Are you?? Is anyone else??? Or are you just too busy with your torch and pitchfork?????
No, I don’t “like” what they DO. They abuse people. Lie to them. Take their money. Pretend they are something they are not. If it’s your belief that you have a right to do that to people because it is “the greater good”, then I guess I would agree I don’t “like” your beliefs.
And yes, I do believe I am donating my time and effort to help those less fortunate every day. My particular niche is helping those who are victims of scientology.
And you?
Mike Rinder keep up the good work. My family supports you and would love to do whatever we can to help in any way. I spent ten years in an abusive relationship and when I watch your show and hear people’s stories it sounds no different. The physical and mental abuse, the brainwashing so I 100% understand the guilt and pain and we want to help. The only people who believe Scientology is ok is Scientology. The world sees them for what they are and what a joke their generic rebuttles to everything over and over are. They are exposed and they will fall we can not allow this abuse to continue. We are here to help and we mean that. We are In Denver and would love nothing more than to see the building downtown no longer say Scientology. No more abuse!!!!!!
Mike, I am interested to know whether or not the City of Clearwater and the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Department also sponsor Christian Nativity scenes and Jewish Hanukkah Festival of Lights? If they do not, claiming ‘separation of church and state’, wouldn’t that be religious discrimination?
If I were a citizen in Clearwater, I’d be asking some questions of the City Council.
Keep up the good fight.
OSA’s in the building. Up late, aren’t you, guys?
Get a clue Scientology is no more a charitable group than I am a fairy princess. They are a cult only out for the betterment of their ever growing bank account. Get out now!!!! You have to be a Scientologist or you wouldn’t defend a cult that uses and abuses children, kills families, takes all of their money and lies to people that they can cure cancer with their mind. Really? Stop enabling their behavior and practices. Mike Rinder has first hand knowledge because he is a victim of this cult but I guess you are ok with the torture of others. God help you!!
Hubbard was very clear on the subject of “charity” and exchange. For example:
“When you let a person give nothing for something you are factually encouraging crime.” — HCO PL 4 April 1972, ETHICS.
“Consider a group which takes in money but does not deliver anything in exchange. This is called rip-off. It is the ‘exchange’ condition of robbers, tax men, governments and other criminal elements.” — HCO PL 10 Sep 1982, EXCHANGE, ORG INCOME & STAFF PAY.
“It will be found that those who will pay were the most able to begin with and have the greatest value to others. Their worth as persons is greater.” — HCO PL 9 May 1965, AUDITING FEES PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT OF PRECLEARS SCALE OF PREFERENCE.
“You can only help a strong man, really. It’s very dangerous to help a weak one.” — PDC10, 3 Dec 1952, SPECIFIC PARTS OF SELF-DETERMINISM.
So it’s a tad confusing to see scientologists engaging in charity, especially those with the full support and approval of the church, when this is clearly at odds with Hubbard’s teaching. Something is amiss, no?
It is so sad that you truly believe that the church does chartible work. There is more than enough evidence showing exactly what a scam this church is. Open your eyes. It is sad to see that even still ins are giving up their families, friends and money for a church whose main focus is to get as muuch money out of their followers as possible.
Great job Mike & Leah! I have a question about this so called “religion”. What is the significance of the cross in all this business? Since they are believing in Xenu (whomever this MoFo might be), this creature that visited the Earth millions of years before Jesus (the cross is connected with his demise and the most important symbol for christians), what is the cross all about? Is it just a ploy to fool people and other religionists that they, somehow, have anything to do with christianity?
Thank you and keep up the good work. You people are doing a great job trying to bring and end to these charlatans and poor excuses for human beings.
It is exactly that – an “acceptable truth” to make people familiar with Christian iconography more comfortable. If you ask a Church member, he or she might explain – on the off chance they were giving you a straight answer without asking for money – that the eight points of their cross (that’s not a decorative starburst, they’re extra points) represent the eight dynamics of life, which Leah explained in one of the last couple of episodes. Basically, these dynamics can be visualized as concentric circles, each of which is considered more important than the first, which represents self, I think. It’s one of the ways the Church tries to convince you that your self and your own family are expendable if you are benefiting more and greater dynamics. It’s all a load of crap, though, so I don’t know why I’m going into detail.
tl;dr: It’s not a cross, it’s just made to look like one to fool people.
You’ve answered your own question. A ploy it is.
“Is it just a ploy to fool people and other religionists that they, somehow, have anything to do with christianity?”
In a word, YES. Fakery, thy name is scientology. They will do anything, say anything, in order to be taken seriously. They have failed.
I’m no Scientology expert but from books I’ve read the cross came into being when Hubbard was trying to establish a Scientology center in Greece…he devised the Greek inspired cross to make him seem more like the Greeks…
No, nothing to do with Greece. That didn’t come until 1968.
It was simply a symbol that people identify with churches in the US to make it appear “religious” when Hubbard decided to turn scientology into a church in 1954.
I’ll add a few extra cents here… Look up the “Rose Cross” (aka “Rose Croix” aka “Rosy Cross”) and you’ll find a very similar cross to Scientology’s cross in the occult world. Used by the Rosicricians, later OTO and the Golden Dawn, perhaps others. LRH’s days living with Jack Parsons and his hedonists is surely where he picked up this symbol.
As we know, LRH was a “curator” of various beliefs and teachings which he put into the “mystery sandwich” that is Scientology. He obliterated the source of these ideas, attributing them only to his enormous intellect (ego) and stripped out the parts the didn’t keep the leash tight. Bits of truth, mixed with self blame if things don’t go right, and “the _next_ level with really fix things, would you like to buy that to have it revealed?” mystery and you’ve got yourself a nice business, especially if you go for the “religion angle” as LRH said.
“Are they afraid to promote that this is a scientology thing? Or embarrassed?” Easy answer is BOTH. I think that Leah Remini and you with your tv program has hit them for a six and they just don’t have any more teeth left to mount any sort of effective attack. That and Miscavige is turning into Howard Hughes and hiding himself away.
But Howard Hughes earned his money by producing things people wanted to buy. 🙂
Thanks Mike! We have only been down here for two years and were thinking of taking my neices. Thank God this article came up in my Google news stories!!
I remember one year, a few years ago protesting at winter wonderland in Clearwater. Families did not know they didn’t believe in Jesus and we advised them to the truth. All the free stuff they give away, like CD’s, DVD’s, promo, etc, were given to us, as we collected them, as they didn’t want anything to do with them, since they were/are fake. People just are conned completely. Thanks Mike, for this article.
Mike let’s go together. That should make for an interesting time.
Just like other cults, first infiltrate/corrupt law enforcement. That way things get overlooked.
Wow! Thank you so much for posting this. The more and more I am learning about this, the more I am realizing why I lost my uncle to this “ religion”.
They usually do one of these in Hollywood too. I wonder if they’re doing it this year, and if so, who’s “sponsoring” it.
Danny Masterson and Grant Cardone would make a great sponsorship duo!
Santa’s Grotty sorry Grotto, featuring Dwarfy Davy as the elf…
Elves are taller than the dwarf.
DM has to stand on his toes just to reach the bottom…….
Oh gosh, now I have these weird images of McSavage, Mapother, Masterson et al, wearing elf costumes,
Now it’s Donations ?
“Deck the bank accounts with money.
Tralala la la lalala.
“Davey needs his scotch and money.
Tralala la la lalala.”
Feel free to add more lines.
Until 5 years ago ,for the past 10 years I volunteered at WW. The few people who do show up with their kids are polite and don’t seem to mind the Scn connection. But that’s just it. I always looked around I thought for the amount of manpower put into this endeavor. Building the sets,and then running it. It didn’t seem worth it for the amount of people that showed up.Although the local public Scn have good intentions. The PR for the CofS in Clearwater is so bad ,it can not be remedied with a petting zoo and Santa.
Chris Baranet
“The PR for CofS in Clearwater is so bad, it can not be remedied with a petting zoo and Santa”.
Good to know!
Perhaps its true then, that aside from Flog staff and public the only people who actually “like” Co$ are a few various “safe-pointed” politicians.
Backroom Bribe Barbie comes to mind. Also known as Political Payoff Barbie
The Pee Are is only for the still-ins. Dave gets to show the warm and fuzzies who attend the $cientology Nu Years Event how wonderful it all is.
First I want to say thank you for you strength and enlightenment of the truth of this establishment. You have done a brave and courageous act by coming out of the hell you went through in doing so are helping the ones that were hurt by you from your past life. You have a new life and a new life work. Well done my friend if I may call you that even though we don’t know each other know I pray for you and your family and that maybe one day your other children will open their eyes and hearts and realize how much they are missing without their dad in their lives. When i first heard for Clearwater it was because we have a sister church there that’s a bit bigger than ours. My husband and I are Orthodox we even talked about selling our 12 acres in GA and moving but when we saw all that about Flag and the headquarters we were like no way. I would love to know how the Priest there feels, I may reach out to our Archbishop of America ofGenuine Orthodox Church I would love to hear their thoughts. Again thank you for what you and Leah have done, I have always been a fan of hers since king of queens. I had seen her little snips her and there years ago about Scientology and prayed she would see they jyst wanted her for ger money. Thanks to both of you, may God give you both strength to continue the good works you have done
It takes a lot to offend me, but this Clearwater Community Volunteers is just the sort of thing I find offensive. And for one simple reason: It insults my intelligence off the dial. Maybe it’s just one of my buttons getting pushed, but I find their charade obnoxious and grotesque.
Note the contrast between scientology and another destructive cult: the Jehovah’s Witnesses. The JW’s do not believe in celebrating Christmas and are straightforward about it. Scientology, true to form, throw’s up a phony Christmas hoopla to “safe point” the Clearwater public. I’m glad to hear it hasn’t been very well attended lately.
That’s interesting. I just learned something. So, if the JW’s don’t believe in celebrating Christmas then, technically, they’re not Christians, correct? I’ll have to read up on this.
I don’t think you have to celebrate the commercial side of Christmas to be a Christian – so just because they don’t celebrate Christmas doesn’t make them non-Christian.
“They view God as the Father, an invisible spirit “person” separate from the Son, Jesus Christ.”
That makes them different than Protestants/Catholics. No belief in triune God. Therefore, not a follower of Jesus Christ (of the Protestant/Catholic bible), therefore not a Christian.
From JW.ORG: “Yes. We believe in Jesus, who said: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) We have faith that Jesus came to earth from heaven and gave his perfect human life as a ransom sacrifice. (Matthew 20:28) His death and resurrection make it possible for those exercising faith in him to gain everlasting life. (John 3:16) We also believe that Jesus is now ruling as King of God’s heavenly Kingdom, which will soon bring peace to the entire earth. (Revelation 11:15) However, we take Jesus at his word when he said: “The Father is greater than I am.” (John 14:28) So we do not worship Jesus, as we do not believe that he is Almighty God.”
Here is a photo from 11/25/2017 of filthy workers builiding the Hollywood Version of Winter Wonderland.
Matt. 7:15; 3 Nephi 14:15…beware of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. this is LRH and I believe that he suffered mental illness which is why he was so against psychiatry.
Jim Coats isn’t even the Pinellas County Sheriff anymore… I don’t know how any Clearwater resident doesn’t know who’s behind the Winter Wonderland. Always avoided it like the plague when kids were young.
Speaking of Winter Wonderland in Cultwaters, Florida….whatever happened to Bennetta Slaughter – ice Queen of Clamwaters.
“Cultwaters”…good one, Idle.
Yes, a good one…but not for the poor “wogs” who live there and have to put up with the evil in their midst.
True, bix.
Mike, thank you from my heart for keeping us all informed and the diabolical ways in which this cult operates. You and Leah help to keep us AWAKE to know what is going on and this is priceless! I don’t know you and only know that I’m a compete Afternath Watcher and Supporter and so elated and grateful that You and Leah are leading the biggest fight to expose this cult and save souls and reunite families, this impacting generations and ripple is already being felt. You are both on the side of TRUTH and you have to know what you do and endure everyday does not go in vain. That cult empire will come crashing down and it took the both of you to lead the charge! I truly thank you! The words fail to convey the magnitude and depth of thanks and gratefulness.
A warning to the residents of Clearwater, ‘be careful not to step in the bs this Christmas. It’s on your streets & its advertising is intentionally camouflaged!’
I hope there’ kls an editor and a reporter with a little integrity at the local paper to let the public know this is a scientology front, and while they’re at it, pull the covers of that dupe of a sheriff.
Oops, too late to correct my typos.
For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders that would deceive even the elect…..Matthew 24:24
Beware of “Pope” slappy!
I’d offer “that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world” (Rev. 12:9, RSV)
L. Ron Hubbard, acolyte (and self-proclaimed “very good friend”) of dark path occultist Aleister Crowley who claimed that he was the Beast prophesied in Revelation, created the thetanic Church of Scientology.
Anton LaVey, adopting Crowley’s motto “Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law,” created the Church of Satan.
Scientology and Satanism are thus siblings of sorts, and yet Christian (and other) religious leaders who presumably wouldn’t have anything to do with the CofS (Satan) even under the banner of ecumenicalism, seem blissfully unaware of the implications of consorting with the CofS (Scientology) because they feel they need to do “outreach.”
I’m so curious what the local Clearwater and area citizens who are not Scientologists, what do they think about this?
You’d think that a local university in the area would develop some kind of local academic expert on the Hubbard Scientology administrative rules which play out in Clearwater, and become a neutral but expert local long range observer, but focus on the Hubbard policies.
Makes me wish some rich ex Scientologist would donate to a research fund, that chairs a department in a local university that studies Hubbard’s “church” policies in depth.
There are university academics, the old apologists, and even the sort of reformed apologist academics who’ve been playing ball with Scientology for decades, any of a number of them, my gosh I can’t believe I’m thinking and saying this, but I wish some local university would give one of those worldwide “new religion” academics a job in some nearby university to Clearwater, and start up a sub unit that longer range gets into the study of Scientology’s footprint there in Clearwater, and in the world!
Wow Chuck! Such a job would sure test the mettle of even the most hardened investigator. A university department that studies Hubbard’s policies in depth? – geezers… what’s that Monty Python line? “Run away, run away!”
I have never in my life ever witnessed such simple evidence, over such a long period of time so completely ignored. I did so for many years myself, but Scientology policy DOES NOT WORK, no matter how glossy and workable it seems. And those purists who demand it does work but it has been altered and/or not applied correctly or has been used selectively for nefarious ends are missing the point completely. That policy was designed to be self correcting within its own organisation so that it can be applied. The Data Series is meant to catch everything & the org board, admin scales, stats, conditions etc is a system of long term control for security of organisation and expansion. Scientology professes to have THE solutions to life & its problems. Yet it has always implemented a big stick with a lie machine and threats of eternity lost if we don’t get it applied… & even with that (KSW series) it still doesn’t work! Look at the situation the Cof$ is in today. Scientologists live in a make believe world that always, 100% of the time, blindly relies on it being better tomorrow. The simple realisation that a dick wad like Miscavige could usurp it all so easily and take control is not a good recommendation that church policy works, is it? imo Scientology policy is one of the biggest bait and switch operations ever implemented! It’s a sucker’s punch!
Hubbard lied when he said “Scientology works standardly 100% of the time.” Unless of course you redefine standardly to only encompass, its all about the money! (end of rant).
Exactly as you say: Scientology professes to have THE solutions to life & its problems.
I used to ask my fellow(fellowesses) Scientologists; Are you eating better, sleeping better, and putting money aside to retire on (First Dynamic)? Is your sex life good, looking to have kids, and getting a family home (Second dynamic)? And, have you a good job, with rewards and money, and a career future (Third Dynamic)? If you are not happy the way things are, are you using bad ideas/data?
Yes, the evidence IS that obvious. The simple but fundamental things of life are the things Scientologists have the hardest time coming to terms with, they are forever being justified in their minds. Dreams and postulates they excel at but it costs them more than they’ll ever know as Scientologists. You have to become an ex Scio to comprehend what Scientology actually does to you.
Your questions are far too complex for the mind of a Scientologist to compute.
Just glad you decided to let it be known Mike. Honesty is always the best policy.
Wow. Scientology has become such a bad “brand” that it has to hide behind innocuous, generic ones like the “Clearwater Community Volunteers”?
I suppose the Co$ PR geniuses believe that people will experience the wonderfulness of Winter Wonderland and they’ll then think “Maybe Scientology isn’t so bad after all.” What they’ll actually be thinking is that this is more Scientology creepiness.
Sadly, the Scientologists who volunteer their time and money for this con are being used and conned themselves.
I read Tony Ortega‘s blog this morning and I am discouraged as to what justice the rape victims are going to get or if they get anything at all. The LAPD seems to have no desire to investigate this case and it certainly needs an outside influence to come in and inspect just how the LAPD and the church of Scientology Scratch each others back. I do hope that you guys show the episode that was put on the back burner while the LAPD was supposedly investigating as it sounds like they aren’t too interested in finding out what happened nor do they care about bringing this rapist to justice nor do they have any desire to hold the church accountable who knew about his behavior and what he did and did nothing about it nor did they turn him over to police, they just covered it up….
“Only a barbaric minister is a “Man of God.”
Ok, right there, right in this iddy biddy sentence lies the thought which reveals two things:
1) Loon Boy (Ron) has a very low hateful opinion of the 8th dynamic
2) The disciples of Loon Boy will now have an assumed attitude of arrogant condescension towards anyone who uses the word God
Proof of my assertion:
My favorite dynamic is and was God dynamic. While in Scientology the expression of that favoritism was rewarded with the CS always trying to find the implant that caused this interest.
Scientology is anti God
More exactly:
Hubbard is anti God. Hubbard is anti Love. Hubbard is anti empathy. Hubbard is anti Unified Field of Consciousness.
Hubbard had no idea what he was talking about re the God dynamic.
The individuated ego was Hubbard’s god. Power was Hubbard’s god.
You’ve nailed it perfectly, Brian.
Brian, if you had made it up to OT2 the implant is there. Generally I think you will find that clued-in Scientologists are not “anti-God” in the way you portray it but rather are not fond of the idea, if such a big being in the sky exists, that a spiritual being i.e. thee and me and others, should bow down and lick the boots in abject fear of that “jealous and vengeful God”, who seems to be rather a tyrant geared up to scare little children and enforce homage and subservience to whomever is “representing” him or it on Earth.
clued-in Scientologists are not “anti-God” in the way you portray it but rather are not fond of the idea, if such a big being in the sky exists, that a spiritual being i.e. thee and me and others, should bow down and lick the boots in abject fear of that “jealous and vengeful God”, who seems to be rather a tyrant geared up to scare little children and enforce homage and subservience to whomever is “representing” him or it on Earth.
Interesting thought.
“clued-in” scientologists (if there is such a thing) dont appear to have a problem with enforced homage and subservience to L. Ron Hubbard or his successor David Miscavige… If you don’t do what L. Ron Hubbard says you are doomed to an eternity of blackness and pain. Seems pretty much like its intended to scare children and adults alike.
I see your point Foolproof. And I agree; This cartoon pissed off god is not God.
But your discription of that pissed off angry authoritarian god is the very definition of Hubbard.
All of these attributes of a magical nut job metaphysical vengeful god are the human attributes of L Ron Hubbard.
…and anti-life, it’s all a problem according to Hubbard! He specialised in burning the candle from both ends.
He found a way to burn the candle three ways.
Is that right? So he was into magic for real then? Or they are trick candles… either way that’s sneaky.
Ah yes, the felon Sheriff Jim Coates. He threatened to have his Deputies draw guns and shoot law abiding citizens. A good partner for scamology
Obfuscation Update:
Shouldn’t you be promoting your watered down version of Winter Wonderland in the parking lot of your Hollywood Information Center as the hot spot for SCOHB? You might get some cult press coverage at today’s Hollywood Christmas Parade. Then again, there is that Masterson problem.
I see that: “The Clearwater Community Volunteers thanks all of our recent sponsors— the individuals, families, and companies who have helped us in recent years…..:
What that suggests to me is that: If any time since 1994, if you gave to the CCV in any $$$$ amount, AND you are notable (or potentially so), AND Scientology thinks they can get something from you in the future, AND you have never criticized the cherch, AND no one in your family or company has been declared; WELL then, there is your name posted with pride (for now). Like central files, once you are in there your in forever.
Maybe that list is simply the total muster of the remaining Clearwater entities that the Cherch considers in good standing.
The mailing and telephone list each ‘charity’ uses is worth a lot to them. If you give $50 to the American Cancer Fund, your phone number will be sold to a lot more charities. Once a mark, probably always a mark.
The list of ‘benefactors’ may be those who have given since 1995 and that the whole current thing is being paid for by some Duggan. Everyone else could be window dressing.
By ‘some Duggan’ do you mean like ‘some Bob Duggan’? LOL
” But I do find it curious that the City of Clearwater is listed.” Just because it’s listed doesn’t mean it actually contributed. What are the chances the demented crooks added the City to the list without the City’s knowledge or approval?
Scientology; the religion that dare not speak its name. Slowly dying of shame.
Graham, “Hiding” on the PR tone scale. “Hiding” is approved per Hubbard’s PR policies. Clearwater is stuck with Hubbard’s policies telling the Scientologists what to do and how to act, I wish someone in that area gets up to deeper academic study of the Hubbard policies, someday.
Brings to mind Dr. Dell DeChant from USF, Religious Studies. But he more of an apologist for the scam.
Thanks Mike. I’m curious to know then if there are going to be LRH quotes at Winter Wonderland as usual. Love the wonder about “the day we can fully trust each other there will be peace on Earth.” Give me a break. On the day scientologists an fully trust each other there will be peace within he church of scientology.
One can almost guarantee that every lofty quote the church pulls out could be used to point out their own infractions of that quote.
Mike already posted the quote above:
“…“a Scientologist has a better right to call himself a priest, a minister, a missionary, a doctor of divinity, a faith healer or a preacher than any other man who bears the insignia of religion of the Western world”
L Ron Hubbard
They should just blow that up to 12″ high letters and display it above their tents. I’m sure the citizens of Clearwater will be sufficiently safepointed as soon as they read it.
I’m guessing most religions have a similar reference to themselves. “A (fill in your favorite religion) has a better right to call himself . . . etc.”