Happily, the referendum passed to allow the City of Clearwater to sell property to developers. Tracey McManus reported on the outcome.
The development aims to bring up to 600 apartments, a 158-room hotel and a half dozen restaurants and retail spots along the city’s bluff. Right in front of the Ft Harrison and between it and the Sandcastle.
Miscavige and scientology are no doubt very unhappy with this turn of events. I suspect when the information becomes available we will learn that the majority of “No” votes came from scientologist heavy precincts. The measure passed by a 2 to 1 majority.
The big question now is how will scientology react.
As Tracey has documented, scientology, scientology front groups and scientologists have bought up 160 parcels of land in downtown over the past 5 years.
In a “gesture of good faith,” Miscavige announced plans to renovate 3 buildings on Cleveland St managed by scientologists (and yet scientology always claims they have no control over what scientologists do or don’t do, so how is he the one offering it?) He was trying to leverage a land swap deal for properties he wants, including the former Aquarium lot next to the Oak Cove where he claimed he wanted to build a swimming pool and tried to buy it for more than 3 times its value. I always maintained his interest was not in any swimming pool (there is vacant lot they own next to the Ft. Harrison and across the Street from the Oak Cove where he could build swimming pools to his heart’s content) but to prevent anyone building something there that would directly oversee his properties. Now, the old City Hall lot condominium will have direct line of sight into the back of the Ft. Harrison…
Of course, absolutely nothing happened with these 3 properties in his goodwill gesture. One building permit was applied for. Nothing more. That was the extent of the good faith. Zilch is going to happen with those properties now and the claims by Miscavige that he and scientology have always wanted a “vibrant downtown” are going to be exposed for the lies they always were.
The developers are investing $400 million in revitalizing downtown Clearwater. Miscavige has lost enormous leverage. He is no longer the big player in downtown Clearwater’s future. While he still controls a lot of property (much of it sitting vacant), there is a new gorilla on the block make its presence felt.
Hopefully, this will be the first step in Clearwater taking back its downtown from the cult of which has dominated it for so long.
Just coming back from a long weekend to reconnect here – what FABULOUS news! Major kudos to Mark Bunker! Fabulous!
It now appears that Clearwater, Florida will not become the Nauvoo, Illinois of Scientology.
This also means that we can’t arrest David Miscavige, lock him up in a jail somewhere then have an angry mob with rifles storm the jail and shoot him to death.
Probably all for the better because a dying Miscavige screaming something like ” Oh Lord my Xenu!” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.
Maybe his visitors in the jail could sing “Get on The Road to Freedom” in lieu of “A Poor Wayfaring man of Grief” right before the mob storms the jail.
Poor Captain Miscavige. The Danny Masterson trial is bringing all kinds of Scientology skullduggery to light, and now those degraded Clearwater wogs have dared to defy him!
I’m glad I’m not in punching distance.
Great news. I subscribed to the Tampa Bay Times finally.
Mark Bunker is so helpful and realistic. Clearwater’s getting their money’s worth with him.
Long range, when Scientology tanks, all their renovated properties will become locally owned again, or however cities’ properties in the area are trending to be owned by whomever is owning up the place.
Scientology isn’t always a nasty scourge, it’s also a catchy weirdo object of joking.
Clearwater could always take advantage of Scientology’s taboo Xenu word, by calling Clearwater: Xenu City, come visit sunny Clearwater Before Scientology’s Xenu Empire Collapses.
Come Watch the Fall of Scientology’s Xenu Quackery Headquarters.
I can’t still believe Xenu capitalization hasn’t taken off, while Scientology’s still hanging in there.
Scientology’s Xenu relics leftover in Clearwater, could be sold in tourist shops. In the meantime, lookalike Xenu paraphernalia ought to sell in some niche “Cult Xenu” displays in some shops already.
Xenu balloons. Xenu Tshirts. Xenu coffee cups. All types of Xenu backfiring joking statements would be ripe for the picking gag items.
Sun protective, and Scientology Cameras protective umbrellas with the XENU word on the umbrella to aim protectively at Scientology’s security cameras!
With the slight “threat” of Scientology in the air, while that “threat” is still there, sell it through gag items and fake relics.
Fake Emeters, fake invisible capes with wiggly Xenu (body thetans) rubber tiny dolls wiggling all over the cape.
Go Ghost Busters swag already Clearwater! Hail Xenu, and Xenu is just the built in magic word to center upon, if you ask me.
Chuck Beatty
xTeamXenu 75to03
“Long range, when Scientology tanks, all their renovated properties will become locally owned again,…”
The Dweebinator will skip the country with all the cash before all that blows up. A few brown evelopes in the right greedy and corrupt hands and a non-extradtion country will greet him with open arms. As long as he keeps paying.
Mike as you know I lord over these people in LA and get away with it. But there are far fewer of them now. HGB is a dead zone. I saw ONE RPFer there last week walking around as I watched QUIETLY for 25 min. I wonder how many have been sent to Clearwater. Or died of Covid.
MY QUESTION: Do you think COB will shift people from CW into Colombia in the future? Or some other South American country they have infiltrated? They are physically closest to CW and LRH bought CW in order to have a port he could flee on a boat from on a moments notice. I hate to bring up various “flavor aide drinking cults” (Jonestown) but … do you think, in the end, Jonestown is where this is headed?
AGP — I think if there is any fleeing it will be Miscavige going to the Freewinds or some S. American nation. BTW, there was nothing about having a port for Hubbard to flee from in the requirements for purchasing the property in Clearwater. Warm climate, proximity to international airport, big enough and CHEAP were the criteria.
This is a story a SO person told me. I don’t know if it’s true or not. But she said that Africa and South Africa in particular were very important for Scn to get bases at because LRH had studied the wind pattern and found that if there was nuclear war the ocean currents and wind would not bring it to South Africa whereas it would go to other places. And that if nuclear war broke out, the SO and maybe some favored public whales would set sail for South Africa and start all over from there. I don’t know if this is true, but it is what I was told.
The first part is true. Hubbard claimed Southern Africa was the place to be in a nuclear holocaust. It is why he spent so much time in the 60’s trying to inveigle himself into favor with the S. African and Rhodesian governments. There wasn’t any plan for any So/whale cruise to S. Africa. You would need to be there BEFORE the nuclear holocaust engulfed the Northern hemisphere. And obviously that never happened.
In the future history series written by H, Beam Piper he had Terran Civilization deriving from the Southern Hemisphere after a nuclear war.
Ireland too was supposed to be a base for after the nuclear apocalypse.
Maybe that’s why there has been so much attention on having a presence there.
That is crazy! BUT they were obsessed with nukes in Hubbard’s day!!
I hope that before I die that I will be worthy to go on a protest with you before I die. I do not plan on dying soon but who knows?
WHy sure Bill lord knows “treating hiv with chiros” practically did you in already! Always welcome to protest 🙂
I really do feel like Mark Bunker perhaps doesn’t get the credit he should. For almost 25 years he’s been out there walking the walk as well as talking the talk to try do something to improve the lives of people in Scientology by exposing the crimes and abuses and unlike so many who were members turned activists he never had skin in the game himself. He was just a kind, caring man who saw an injustice in Lisa McPherson’s death, learned about the suffering of members, specifically those in the sea org, and thought ‘this isn’t right, I need to do something about this’ and is still going all this time later and is doing so with complete kindness, compassion and good humor. I really hope that when the story of Scientology is written after it’s eventual downfall at least a couple of chapters will be dedicated to him alongside all the big beasts who are first to mind when discussing those who really made a difference. Wise Beard Man will always be a legend.
I agree
I agree. Kudos to The Wise Bearded Man.
Yes, Cindy.
As you said ” Kudos to the Wise Bearded Man.
I was interviewed by him at Karen’s place once.
Kudos to you too Bill. So glad you escaped with your life.
Why did he raise all that $$$ for a docu he never released?
Crack dominaton is the normal way of any domintion… it can be declared as the reactive Mind of others… but domination is more than reactive – it is, it is – Intention… domination is intention of others… So is it with all LRH in any session… he called it later Standard Tech… but it cracks one day… so had you ever a thought to be against Scientology’s workability… Oh, yes, sure, absolutely… because ist is a domination of the mind. Find yourself about “blabla” at cause – and you find you somewhere at cause… dreaming up Cause is the same as the wish to domination… The crack is promised then… Clear or OT, it is the same, the crack is promised … and this because it is based on the wish of domination…
Let me tell here something – my wife was on OT VII… did live with the wish to become “Cause over Life” but she died the other day. She is gone… and this is “Cause over Life for Others”… and it was surely not the goal… Domination, the attempt to it will crack… anyway… always…
Seems very suspicious that she died just the other day. Just in time for you to heighten the relevance of your point of view.
I think you made more sense when you were I Yawnalot.
I was going to call you a fucking idiot but that is not nice. So instead I shall call you a fucking mron.
Agree most definitely.
You piece of low life shit! You owe ‘aldeboni says’ a most heartfelt apology. He is not I Yawnalot – I use to be. That is something I would most certainly never write, my wife is very much alive.
I went away for a couple of days and upon my return scanned this site as I have for many years just to check up on Mike’s book progress and effect.
‘GL says’ sure is right about you.
Mike, do yourself and everyone here a favor and ban this low life, his stench is overwhelming.
Three cheers for the voters of Clearwater. Once the small one realizes that all that property they have and are not doing anything with can be income generating he will start renting/leasing/selling to keep the gold nuggets rolling in. Maybe he can put in a sciobot casino in partnership with who ever has casinos in Florida already. Can you imagine playing the slots while waiting for auditing?!? Beats having a “church” bake sale!
The best buffet in Minnesota used to be at Mystic Lake Casino. then someone noticed that some people were just eating and not playing the slots.
Very Happy the referendum passed. It’s a start. I dream about the day when the c of s has to start selling some of its properties in that area and it becomes a much more welcoming place to go with boutique shops, restaurants and entertainment of all kinds.
So many wogs, so much more clearing the planet to do . . .
Truly good news that scientology’s mafioso style tactics did not scare voters from doing the right thing.
I mean, what was the realistic alternative? Leave Clearwater altogether?
Really, this kind of action has been way long overdue. It’s about time that Clearwater bureaucrats and its citizens wake up and make a significant move towards turning their town back into a real city rather than allowing the Scios to keep it as their own fake city. It’s a nice area where normal people deserve to live if they choose.
In my opinion fraud should be treated as fraud. (Do I have to tell how Scientology obtained the Fort Harrison hotel?)
No. Otherlies:
The FH was purchased by a good friend of mine: Richard E (Wak) Allcock on mission from LRH.
“City can act like Scientology isn’t there”.
Well, my hope is, soon it won’t be there at all.