If you are a resident of Clearwater, please exercise your right to vote today.
As I have said since he announced his candidacy, I wholeheartedly support Mark Bunker for Seat 2 on the Clearwater City Council.
Mark has changed the landscape of city politics in Clearwater by simply being in the race. He has forced those running for office to have to confront the issue of scientology and its impact on the local community. With no political history and no real “campaign” organized, it has been a word of mouth, grassroots effort.
If you don’t want scientology to hoodwink the city into the future, as they have done in the past, it is vital to put someone who understands their tactics and is unafraid to call them out into the nerve center of Clearwater. Mark Bunker will not allow scientology to get away with their old tricks.
It is going to be very interesting to see the results of this election. Scientology has not put up a candidate, but they have made VERY clear they are going all out to ensure Bunker does not get elected, throwing their full support behind Elisio Santana (and he in turn has done their bidding, reading their scripted lines attacking Mark Bunker and his campaign manager has been one of the vocal hecklers of Bunker at forums).
We will find out if scientology really has any political clout in Clearwater. Even if Bunker is not elected, if their favored candidate is not elected it will prove to every politician that scientology in fact has no bloc of voters it can call on.
It will be an especially challenging day in light of current circumstances. I suspect voter turnout is going to be light in view of the COVID-19 scare — though of course that will NOT effect the scientologist voters. They know they are not “PTS” so they have no fear of illness, certainly less fear than they have of OSA checking up on them to see if they voted or not. This will be a major factor in their favor.
I will update the results as they become available.
I can’t vote, being from Australia, but I would if I could. Here’s hoping that Demento Micropod gets the giant poke in the eye he so richly deserves.
I have cast my ballot for Mr. Bunker today. The polls were not busy at all so not sure how that will affect the outcome.
On another note of FLAG not going PTS to the corona virus, I saw a sea org member wiping down the door handles of all the Scientology front buildings on Fort Harrison with lysol wipes earlier today. What’s that about? Imagine an outbreak happening in FLAG or the Sea Org housing.
Badafuco. For what I remember it would be very hard to contain the outbreak in Fso. Staff musters, course rooms, public areas. Always somehow crowded. Cleaning door handles would be the last problem. The entire block would be quarantined.
I’m worried about my aged mother, who is an FSO staff member. If it gets into Flag, she would be highly compromised. It could have a big effect on the population.
I really understand. Here in Italy the most people who had serious problems were aged.
But there is abut. They already had some other disease or complications due to this. There are rules to follow. How to always wash your hands and keep a fair distance from others. If your mother is generally fine and has a good immune system and is able to remain isolated, everything should be okay (hoping that Flag won’t do bullshit). My best wishes pal.
Following this in Kentucky. Go Mark!
O/T. Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad has attained the Scientology religious State of Clear.
He went Clear on the original route to Clear. That is, he did not go Clear on New Era Dianetics (NED), but instead audited himself to Clear on the Clearing Course.
He is the twelfth member of the Nation of Islam to attain the Scientology religious State of Clear.
ESMB Redux Post:
Since living in Italy is a topic that I don’t know, I gave it a look. These guys from the NOI seem slightly racist and convinced anti-Semites.
Do you know what the spontaneous question is? But how the fuck can you attest clear with hatred and evil purposes? This finally shows two things 100%:
1. ‘Clear on the first dynamic’ and the tech are colossal bullshit.
2. Or: they are even more doing ‘squirrel’ on what hubbard had already squirelled from other places.
However it is illuminating.
GO MARK GO!!! We are all behind you! To Hell with the cult!
I helped on Mark’s campaign, including going door to door. The response was almost universal against Scientology. Interesing also was how many people asked Mark if he was a Democrat or Republican, as if that should matter in a local government.
I wish him well today.
What’s the best local news source to follow live?
This is a really new historical important turn.
Chuck. Go to votepinellas.com. Scroll down and click on “Unofficial Results”.
Polls close at 7. A few minutes later this should show the mail in ballots and around 7:30 the actual results.
OMG Mike. At 7:11 pm Mark is in the lead with 47615 votes. It seems the great citizens of CW are truly desiring someone who will stand up to the cult. Can’t wair for the final results in aboout 30 mins,
Opps. count was actually 4615. Typo my bad.
And only 10 mins later his count is up to 5207
Where are all the Volunteer Ministers at this time? Since $cientologi$t$ don’t have to worry about the Coronavirus, shouldn’t they be everywhere handing out packets of hand sanitizers, face masks, and disinfecting wipes?
Jay Tee. Who knows. When I was in SO to collect them together and make them do things sometimes they needed rifles in the back. It was not such a spontaneous movement.
And now with the coronavirus, to redun some of them, perhaps the bazookas would be needed.
Furthermore, when they really served in certain situations, they were uncoordinated and in the way. Leave them where they are.
Mike i have an idea. As you said in Sheena Elfman post I think that is enough if you show up were they vote smiling and all scientologists will run away like cockroaches doi g pest control and not vote.
Sorry I meant Jenna Elfman.
I hope Mark wins. I know many of us donated to his campaign. Even if he doesn’t he has shown how one man can expose and weaken this toxic and bullying organization.
I know people all over the world will be watching this election.
Best wishes for a victory for Mark.
And yes, please let us know the outcome.
Good luck Mark. I hope you are elected.