Leah and I were speaking with our old friend Mark Bunker, who was telling us about the injunction scientology obtained against him and other members of the Lisa McPherson Trust back in 1998.
Amazingly, scientology still seeks to enforce this injunction against him to this day – its language prevents him from protesting in front of some specified scientology buildings and from coming within 10 feet of any scientologist (it’s a mystery how he is supposed to know who is or isn’t a scientologist…) but they tried to get him thrown out of his condo because a scientologist lived next door, and pull it out any time they feel they can persuade the police to give him a hard time.
We were also discussing the land scientology keeps buying in downtown Clearwater — land they have absolutely no use for. They have turned some into parking lots and others into “parks.”
One in particular is on the site of the old Checkers drive through burger place on the corner of Drew and N. Ft Harrison. It’s now a “park” that sits entirely empty except for a few days in the year when they construct Winter Wonderland.
It’s basically a large patch of grass with a few benches around the edge.
The park has an interesting sign at its entrance.
The “Clearwater Community Volunteers Center” (the word scientology does not appear on the sign anywhere or on the park anywhere, it is disguised to look like a city park) “welcomes you to the Osceola Courtyard” (courtyard??). “We hope you enjoy your visit.”
It goes on to proclaim that use of the property is subject to the following rules and then gives a legal disclaimer about how they are not responsible for any injuries. Visitors are informed they can’t let off fireworks, have glass bottles or carry weapons. No loud noises. No swearing. No “racial, discriminatory or homophobic language”. No drugs or alcohol. And then a final catch-all that the “Clearwater Community Volunteers Center” can remove anyone who does not comply with these regulations or anyone “whose presence on the property could reasonably be construed as harassing or damaging.”
They try to give the impression this is some sort of community facility where all are welcome unless and until they violate one of those rules or act in a manner that is “harassing or damaging.”
What the sign does NOT say is “we will also evict people based on their religious beliefs, specifically if you do not agree with scientology”. Not even in the fine print.
We were a little incredulous about what Bunker had told us, so here is what went down.
Mark Bunker sat on a bench in the park, all by himself. He was the ONLY person present. He had no fireworks, drugs, alcohol, glass bottles, weapons and was not even talking to himself so there was no inappropriate language.
Scientology, with their numerous surveillance cameras and security guards, soon spotted him. They didn’t have anyone go over and ask him to move along, they simply called the Clearwater Police Department. Which is when it got interesting.
Leah and I drove up as a second police car arrived on the scene.
Mark walked over and we chatted on a bench at the front of the park. The two police officers did not approach us, but instead went across the street to the parking lot of the scientology Osceola hotel building to speak with some unidentified scientologists. (I have included a map at the end of the post to help identify the locations). They huddled with them for about 20 minutes.
Next another CWPD vehicle shows up with what turned out to be their boss. Still nobody had approached Mark Bunker or us to say anything.
Then the police came over holding a copy of the injunction against Mark Bunker, all bound in an official looking pack with a red cover.
I explained that the injunction did not apply to this location and there was no scientologist within 10 feet unless any of the Police officers happened to be scientologists. They said they were not. And that the injunction was not something they wanted to interpret and would leave as a “civil matter” (though I guess they were hoping that by carrying it with them it would magically resolve the problem of a man sitting in the park). They didnt seem to know what to do next.
Meanwhile, fans of the show were stopping their cars and honking, one family even parked and came over with their daughter to get a photo.
While we chatted a fourth car from the CWPD arrived, with apparently an even more senior member of the force. Now 4 police cars and 4 police officers are present apparently not knowing what to do.
After the 4 of them had some internal discussion, the most senior walked across the street and into the office of the “Scientology Community Volunteers” (it is the last of the Potemkin Village fronts to open along N. Ft Harrison Ave.). He emerged some time later to inform us that “they” wanted Mark to be issued a trespass warning and also Leah and me. I told him to have them come on over and so inform us.
Though we had been there about 45 minutes by this time, NO scientologist had approached Mark or us, and had certainly not asked Mark to leave the bench he had occupied. Instead, they called the police. Though they did have many cars driving around the block taking photos of us.
We inquired when the scientologists (I assumed it would be Sarah Heller, the Legal Officer OSA Flag) would be venturing out to inform us we were not welcome in their empty park.
The head cop said “it would just be a couple of minutes” and “he would get Sarah on her cell phone.”
We waited 5 more minutes and told him we were going to walk down N Ft. Harrison Ave to check out the old Lisa McPherson Trust building. He asked us to “Have patience please.” It was a very odd comment — scientology had called them, not us. 4 police officers were standing on the sidewalk. No scientologist had come to the park to speak to them but had summoned the police over to their building instead. Why were they not at the “scene of the crime” and why were they not doing what was required to issue a warning when they had called the police?
You would think that if you call the police to get someone off your property 1. You would have first asked the person to leave and only if they DID NOT DO SO would you call the police, and if you did 2. you would have the courtesy of showing up to the location where you had asked for police assistance. Scientology called the police to their park, then summoned them to their parking lot across the street and then to their office and then sent them back across the street to wait.
You can imagine that these antics did not go unremarked upon by Leah.
Had I been the police I would have been pretty unhappy about the imperious disdain with which I was being treated by scientology. Frankly, we felt sad they were being put in this position and that they were not using their time to do real police work. Anyone who knows Mark Bunker knows what a polite, gentle man he is. Had someone come along and asked him to leave their empty park he certainly would have done so.
We waited a little longer and no Sarah Heller (or anyone from scientology).
I told the police officers we were walking across the street and would pass right in front of the Scientology Community Volunteer building so it would be easy for Sarah to pop out.
Nobody appeared when we were right in front of their building looking in the window. Instead, they cowered inside, making sure not to be seen. Meanwhile 4 CWPD officers stood in front of their now completely empty park.
Each of the other scientology storefronts for their fake front groups were empty as we walked down N. Ft Harrison. All the time cars kept slowing down, honking and shouting “we love your show, keep it up.”
10 minutes later we walked back past the “Clearwater Community Volunteers” building in which Sarah Heller was holed up, apparently too afraid to step outside to issue the “trespass warning.” Though not too afraid to call the Police Department and have 4 police officers waste an hour watching us stand in front of a park.
By the time we got back to the park, only one police officer remained and when we got in our car and left, so did he. A complete waste of police time.
A scientology PI’s/OSA person followed us as we left to go to eat dinner.
What an interesting microcosm of life in Clearwater and how taxpayer dollars are being spent.
A Google map image identifying the locations — it’s a bit old, still showing the location of the now “Courtyard” as a Checkers drive-thru:
Gosh, are they cowards! Sahra Heller and her OSA dudes don’t let even their security enforcers out but use the ‘wog’ police officers to confront and shatter the dangerous ‘SPs’ who just were there peacefully. They must have been scared that when someone of them would show up that it would be published, as Leah was there. Most likely when Mark Bunker would have been alone, a different and more aggressive reaction would have taken place.
David Miscavige must be shit-scared of Leah (surely he got informed immediately). Well, you see — she has the rank! And not only that, she and Mike are recognized and cheered on by strangers who are passing just by being there.
I thought Clearwater was getting tired of the cult. I guess I was wrong.
Well, the cult seems to own most of the city. Soon it will be entirely composed of empty building patrolled by Scientolo-drones
Keystone Kops, indeed Sad that such a demented, illogical criminal group can make the police look that foolish.
A definite indication of scn’s plans for downtown CW: No one there, except those scn invites specifically And ONLY if they pay handsomely for the privilege.
Picking up on Chucks comment, if this is a clip in season 3, it could be called;
Mark in the park
Bunker on the bench.
Curious – is it just Mark Bunker they don’t want sitting in their park doing nothing or is no one allowed to sit in their park? Makes me want to take a vacation to CW just to sit in that park while reading Leah’s book! LOL
And they call themselves a “religion.” A number of churches and synagogues in New York City have little park spaces on the grounds. If a person or people sit down on a bench, nobody gives it a second thought. I’ve also seen people sitting on church/synagogue steps and nobody makes a big deal out of it. Why would a group that calls itself a religion have any issue whatsoever with someone sitting on a bench minding their own business? It’s absolutely bizarre!!! If it weren’t so pathetic, I’d have actually fallen on the floor laughing at the big deal these loons made out of a total non-issue.
Because, Meryl, this is a “religion” legally which behaves like an extremely weird, utterly paranoid cult.
Paranoia serves Scientology well. They get lots of money from their parishioners with their paranoia. Everyone is out to get them. Every Still In “knows” that. They’re sure of that. They think about it constantly.
And you know what? Per the Law of Attraction, it becomes true. Per the Law of Attraction, all this focus on enemies gives them – surprise! Enemies! Lots of them.. Lots of people don’t like them and want to see them fail, dissolve. They DO “pull it in”.
See, as a church, a spiritual organization they should be emanating LOVE. or at least, LIKE. But they don’t. They emanate suspicion, fear, dislike and mistrust. They emanate HOSTILITY.
Oh, they TALK a good game. And their pockets are deep so money handles the “opinion leaders” whose palms have to be greased in various places in government.
But the truth is, they don’t really care. They talk a great game about how they want and need to save mankind, etc. but they don’t fool anyone out here. Because is not what they SAY, but what they DO. And what they DON’T do. THAT’S how you know that they don’t give a damn and its all a lie..
If they would only stop worrying and focusing wholly on all their perceived and real enemies, if they would only go out and use some of the good Scn tech (and I know some here would not agree that any Scn tech is good or helpull but we can agree to disagree on that), if they’d only go out into the WORLD and communicate with people, LISTEN to them, acknowledge them, lend a helping hand when they can, “take care of the person in front of them”., REALLY do good works instead of just pretending so for the sake of Miscavige’s events,…to sum up, if they’d only BEHAVE like a REAL church, like a REAL religious organization, lay off the rough stuff, the vengeful dirty trick,the forced disconnections, etc. HELP people who accept their help or just LET THEM BE – well they’d be fine and no one would give a damn about them.
But this, the cult CANNOT do, for some reason.
I agree with you completely and the bigger part of my brain is not really surprised by this behavior. But there’s a small part that’s still amazed by it. This is definitely an oversimplification, but I guess they literally have nothing better to do.
Totally relate, Meryl. I’m always a little amazed. Over and over. And, apparently they don’t have anything better to do. With all the money they have, with all the good that they could be doing, they could have a shot at “out-creating” all the harm they’ve done. The Catholic Church did it, even after centuries of bloodshed in the name of Christ the Prince of Peace. Unspeakable horrors perpetrated by this organization back in the day but they out-created the bad and now they are good, helpful, caring, etc, and so they are surviving! Co$ could take this tack, this proven survival tack…but no. Gotta wipe out those enemies. No time for anything else except churning out their utterly false “good works” PR. Disgusting, really. OK, end of rant.
Hear you loud and clear Aqua! It’s a terrible shame that an organization that has so many s.o. members working for a pittance (if even that much) and enough rich and gullible contributors, not to mention a major stash of money, doesn’t live up to their hype and actually do some good. But, like many have pointed out, yourself included, it’s all about the money. I’ve been waiting for years to see them shut down and, even if it’s naive, still have hope that they will someday. I only hope I’m still around when it happens!!!
Yeah, I agree that they should be shut down.
Perhaps some Nuremburg style trials could be worked out for their crimes against humanity. I would be happy to assist, if this was helpful or necessary. I promise that I would be at least as lenient as they were when they sent me to my grave in 2002 while holding my wife prisoner.
If you want specifics here, I will be happy to tell you what has been posted many times before. But out of respect for those who may not want to hear about it again, I will leave it for now.
Actually would love some specifics when you feel like posting!!! Thanks:-)
Doesn’t it bother you that you need to be “authorized” to read a blog on the Internet?
Didn’t LRH want you to determine what was true for you by your OWN OBSERVATION?
How can you make that determination if you only listen to what you are told by David Miscavige?
And doesn’t it bother you that you have been “tasked” to read this blog and report back?
Normal religions don’t spy on what others are
saying. You know who does? Cults and cult leaders.
Is this really how you want to spend the rest of your life? Attempting to defend an organization that tries to get someone arrested for sitting on a park bench?
By the way – epic fail on that
Now you guys look even more paranoid and
Idiotic in the eyes of the world
Why do I get the feeling there are going to be a lot more people visiting that park.
Maybe they will be reading “Blown For Good”
or “Abuse At The Top”
or “Let’s Sell Them A Piece of Blue Sky”
It would be fun to film an episode of Aftermath in the park
Keep the camera crew on the sidewalk outside the park (to avoid being accused of anything) and have just a few Aftermath participants gather for a picnic and to share stories.
I really wish we could rent a billboard or two in Clearwater to show our support of the show. 🙂 Thanks for this blogpost Mike. It is eye opening how crazy they are with wasting tax payer money. GEEZ.
I would suggest the reporting scientologists be charged with causing a public nuisance.
Still dumbfounded that scientology and scientologists can do this to the police. The police!
Wow, scientology is truly composed of a bunch of nitwits and dumbasses. If they had only ignored Mark Bunker sitting on the bench, and simply did nothing, this situation would not have blown up in their ignorant, credulous faces.
If this is how scientology “handles” situations, then the entire world now has even more evidence that scientology is a game for helpless infants.
What a waste of police officers’ time. Scientology is a net drain on society, and taxpayers in Clearwater are rightly outraged and incensed. They DESPISE you, scientology.
This does not look good, scientologists. The public is really sick of your bullshit, and it ends now. How long can you keep this shell game going Miscavige?
I’ma going to be dissapoint if I do not see a clip of this farce in one of Season 3 episodes.
Some resident needs to suggest to the CWPD to do what the Pasadena California Fire Department did in the early 1970’s: College students would blow off exam pressure by pulling the dorm fire alarms. Big rush by FD to the dorm. After 3rd time the FD charged $75 per vehicle that responded. The money came out of the dorm’s food and beverage fund. End of pranks. Someone always has to step up and do the adult thing.
Topic for the next CW City Council Meeting….perhaps a brave CW Citizen will propose that the City request reimbursement for the tax dollars used to pay the Police Dispatcher, Police Officers, Vehicle Travel and the follow up Administrative paperwork. Clearly a ‘nuisance call’.
As a Scientologist authorized to and tasked with monitoring your scurrilous and libelous blog for COB i have to say it’s unfortunate you SP’s keep representing our noble religion in such an apostatic manner. ???
Please get a life other than Scientology.
Mike R, I think getting a screen shot of Bill, the church spy’s comment above, the one where he says he was authorized to and assigned by the C of S to monitor Mike Rinder’s site, would be a good thing for your A & E Series. Show what he said and then ask: what church would assign someone to spy on and report on a member who had left the church? And what church would tell its members they can’t go on certain sites on the internet without express permission to do so? This alone, the proof of what the church does is from the screen shot of Bill’s comment, will show the world that this is not a church and is some other f’ ed up thing instead.
How are you not getting that Bill is joking? I doubt that Scientologists are now being instructed to mock themselves.
Kat, I think Bill is joking. Check out the emojis.
Noble religions do not have people following or monitoring their fellow man. Focus your monitoring on the heroine problem we have in this country, the dealers are SP’s.
The mere fact that your ‘religion’ authorized you to monitor this blog says way more about Scientology than anything else.
You have to have “special authority” to read Mike’s blog? And you have been “tasked” with monitoring it?
Open your eyes friend. You are not in a religion
No true religion bothers monitoring former members blogs.
No true religion calls the police on a man for sitting on a park bench.
What else have you been “tasked” to do on behalf of David Miscavige?
While you all do the grunt work, he lives a life of luxury, eating gourmet meals, drinking expensive scotch, banishing his wife, cavorting with his communicator….
Yet you blindly carry on…
Based on the emojis and the fact that all the words are spelled correctly, I thought this post was clearly not from a member of Co$, but a joke. Not sure why people are responding as if it’s real.
“…you SPs keep representing our noble religion in such an apostatic manner.”
I mean, come ON. He/she is joking.
Bill that’s hilarious. I wonder who DM really has reading everything each day and doing a summary?
Well, Wynski, whoever it is at least gets a few laughs every day, right? Even if they’re up the sleeve. But you’ve made me think; who indeed? Off the top of my head I’d say its one of the attorneys, or one of the attorney’s assistants. I can’t see the Dwarf permitting even high level OSA people to read our stuff, every day. Oh, and I read (somewhere, maybe here, a few years ago that someone reads and clips and sorts the comments into folders by name. I definitely read that somewhere but can’t recall now who wrote that.
What about you; what would be your guess as re your own question?
Possibly reading this blog is a daily duty reserved only for COB Himself? 🙂
If so, I hope we make his day! After all, it must get kind of boring being ass-kissed ALL the time.
I don’t think he would not want to pay atty rates for reading and summarizing. There are OSAI people who run dirty internet ops. I think it is someone in RTC who is on his “personal staff” though. AS the news gets worse he then RPFs them for bring him down tone.
BTW, got an email from a person I’ve known for 30 years who said his brother was put on the RPF in Pac last week. So the RPF has NOT been gotten rid of as some disinformation has suggested.
Good point! Attys would charge him a lot, that’s for sure. Then likelyas you say the readers are his intimate OSA people – his valet, or butler or maid or whatever. People REALLY close to him. Who see what he looks like before breakfast or when he badly needs a botox injection 🙂 They’re “double hatted”. God what a horrible job. Thanks for sharing as re your friend’s brother being sent to PAC RPF. Not surprised at all that Miscavige retains his favorite torture tool.
Bill, it’s a shame your criminal organization claiming to be a religion does such irreligious things that lend themselves to J&D; *DESERVED* J&D IMO. What’s the big deal with an old bearded guy relaxing on a bench in a “park”? If your organization han’t made a big deal about it, no one would have said anything at all, except perhaps the guy saying it was or wasn’t comfortable.
I was wondering what the laws were on trespassing there. Always good for other critics interested in dropping by that park to know. I guess, from reading what is required of them, that the cult now will try to notify Mark in writing that “he is not invited or authorized” to be on the property. Such cowards!
Under Florida law, criminal trespass is defined as the willful entry into or remaining upon property without the express or implied permission of the owner. Trespass in a structure or conveyance carries penalties that may include jail, probation, and permanent criminal record.
Under Florida law, a criminal Trespass occurs where a person willfully enters or remains upon property without authorization, or, if initially allowed on to the property, refuses to depart upon request of the rightful owner or occupant.
The crime of trespass is defined under Sections 810.08 and 810.09 of the Florida Statutes. There are two types of criminal trespass under Florida law:
“Trespass in Structure or Conveyance;” and
“Trespass on Property Other Than Structure or Conveyance.” [..]
Trespass on Property other than a Structure or Conveyance occurs where a person who, without being authorized, licensed, or invited, willfully enters upon or remains in any property other than a building or vehicle. Ordinarily, the offense concerns land.
To prove the crime at trial, the State must establish the following elements beyond a reasonable doubt:
The defendant willfully entered upon or remained in the property alleged;
The property was owned by or in the lawful possession of the person/entity claiming the trespass;
Notice not to enter upon or remain in that property had been given by either actual communication or by posting, cultivation, or fencing on the property, and
The defendant’s entering upon or remaining in the property was without the permission, express or implied, of the person or entity claiming the trespass or any other person authorized to give that permission. See Section 810.09, Florida Statutes. http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0800-0899/0810/Sections/0810.09.html
So let me get this straight, a tax exempt religious organization, flush with cash gets to waste the time of the CWPD and waste taxpayer monies? Someone should tell the spineless politicians that folks mostly visit Clearwater because it’s the Spring Training home of the Philadelphia Phillies. They’re the folks who spend money in Clearwater. Scientologists making a pilgrimage or ordered to Clearwater spend all their money in house and probably contribute little or nothing to the local economy. Or, are the majority of Clearwater residents members of CoS?
A J, CW police make extra money from the cult by being hired as security for their events. In many states in the US now police are not paid very well. IMO CW’s cops play nice in the sandbox with the cult because they need the overtime money. Also the cult makes substantial donations to them. The CWPD may well be aware of how nutty the cult people are, they be quite conversant with the cult’s history in that town, nevertheless, they play nice. Can’t blame them, really.
This makes me feel even stronger about having a Season 3 watch party in downtown Clearwater.
Wish I could join you in more than spirit; I’d be the guy with the long silver hair & beard wearing a Portugese fisherman’s hat (my sailing trademark; it’s comfortable and cooling out on the water).
As a North Largo resident, I just want to echo what the people were shouting from their cars…”we love your show, keep up the great work”! And what is up with all of the ridiculous bill boards around town? “Scientology, Curious”? The only thing I am curious about is when they are packing up leaving town for good.
It’s important to remember scientology’s intentions for CW when considering this little episode. If nothing else they provided a helpful reminder: They are NOT in it to coexist like a good neighbor, business or a real church in the community. They’ve been there to take over from day one of Project Normandy. Nothing’s changed! They think CW is their bitch and they will stop at nothing to make it so!
Funny thing is: If they had just followed Bunker’s lead and minded their own business quietly this would have been over in an hour or less; after all, how long can a guy sit on a park bench in an empty park before he gets bored? No police presence, no curious bystanders/drive-bys, not even a blog entry to remark on the non-event.
Their rules are pretty funny: “No ‘racial, discriminatory or homophobic language’.” I guess reading certain choice passages from the Hubbard canon in the park is out of the question then.
“No drugs or alcohol.” Old man Hubbard himself wouldn’t have lasted in the “park” for very long…
Great post Todd.
“…if they had just followed Bunker’s lead and minded their own business quietly this would have been all over in an hour or less:…”
Which is 180 degrees opposite to what our favorite cult wants. They would always want to play something like this for all its worth. They are such victims! Innocents, trying to practice their faith. My goodness, they are so maligned. It is so unfair….etc…and, you see, its YOUR donations to the IAS that enable us to protect our religion from the SPs…can you do a flow today?
In the 50s LRH had a Senior Policy of “Maintain friendly relations with the environment”
No-one can tell me that this policy is being followed.
Bill, in the 50’s he also had policies to destroy imagined enemies. His “positive” policies were BPI. His insane ones were confidential. Can you figure out why that was?
Yup, you are probably right. To dupe unsuspecting fools like myself.
Correct Bill. That is party how he duped US. We were young and wanted a better world.
ONLY the most evil type of person would prey upon that.
So f____ing hilarious! One man sitting along in a park and Scientology calls the cops to ask him to leave! Are you kidding me? How Three Stooges can you get?
The cult will take this tiny bit of t truth and spin it into such a malevolent incident to the SOs who are forbidden to walk ANYWHERE, who have to be bus’d EVERYWHERE even if its just a block. Because the cult is saving them from this kind of entheta. And then, I’ll bet that Whale or two on service on service at Flag will be “briefed” on this too (after its been spun into something absolutely horrific) and the cult will l hit them up for some major bucks which they’ll have to fork over before being allowed to leave OR before being allowed to continue or even START on their service!
Why is the song Yakety Sax always comes to mind when reading about the antics of Scientology/.
?! Good one, Chee!
Just saw your blog on the Foothill Mission. 2 month and 1/60th of their goal reached. Shows the massive expansion of Scientology.
And the commenters, priceless.
“Maria Gomez
13 hours ago
So excited for lights? You people are sick. David miscavage has money, you can see all his botox. Money should be raised for charity, like helping the needy not lights. Get off this site”
This would make for a wonderful sitcom episode (Leah, are you listening?). Only problem is: No one unfamiliar with the cult would think it’s realistic unless you were to set the scene in a totalitarian country.
Its true, no one but an exScn would believe that stuff like this is happening in the USA.
Actually, I’m not an exScn (never in) and I totally believe it.
Thank you, Meryl – as a Never In, thank you for believing, and for caring, too.
Yes, all activity dedicated to “clearing the planet” … I guess a day spent in Clearwater is just one more day you’ll never get back in life … Lots of nice beaches in the world, folks … No reason to spend your money on that madhouse …
I’m not sure if you’re only talking to Scientologists not to waste their time going to flag. But I do want to point out that Scientology doesn’t control Clear Water. And that going to vacation there and giving money to non-Scientology businesses is a great F*** you to the Church. Clear water suffers economically from having the heavy Church of Scientology presence there. Housing is cheaper there then the surrounding areas simply because of Scientology and business properties are also cheaper. So, please, consider going to Clear Water to help the normal people there.
Point taken, MEP. Its a shame that non-Scn people and businesses have to suffer because of the cult. Several years before I got into Scientology I visited family friends in Holiday, FL. ffor a week. They took us to Clearwater Beach. Gorgeous! A big, beautiful immaculate white sand beach. Heavenly!
Scientology is like a paranoid crazy person who sets inside their dark house all day chain smoking and picking at their scabs while peering through a small opening in the heavy drapes. Scientology watches and waits for something to call the police about. There! An SP just sat on a park bench! This is suddenly a very serious crime into which all of the resources of the federal, state, and local law enforcement — and the National Guard and FEMA — need to be directed now now now!
The restraining order in the red volume is on standby. The police are summoned. There is great enturbulation inside all Scientology organizations globally. Emergency telexes are sent to COB RTC, CMO INT, WDC INT, OSA INT, CO FLB, and even the ship is notified just in case.
Of course Sara Heller of OSA can’t step outside into the daylight to confront and shatter suppression. This is far too dangerous.
Meanwhile in Los Angeles last week I was at the Clara Shortridge Foltz criminal court to watch proceedings in the Hanan Islam et. al. preliminary hearing. The matter was continued until August 28, 2018. On my way out of the court, I saw Ken Moxon rushing into the court building with a uniformed security guard in tow. I have no idea what that was about. I can only surmise that Scientology organizations in Los Angeles were enturbulated.
And to think that these poor people are following these crazy orders from David Miscavige’s “command intention” to Save Humanity” and for The Greatest Good for COB’s bank accounts is just cult crazy. Sorry for the the poor CWPD who are also “just following orders”. Jeez!
I reckon the police need to charge the cult for being serial pests and get a hefty fine and make sure its reported by a court reporter. The police probably don’t want to be the enablers by responding to their dumb calls.
The cult just look more stupid and desperate every time. I am so glad there are not huge numbers of them in Australia. They would not pass the pub test here. Pub test is a great forum to get opinions and thoughts. The Scientologists wouldn’t last a second!
Keep up the good fight
Scientology is like a paranoid crazy person who sets inside their dark house all day chain smoking and picking at their scabs while peering through a small opening in the heavy drapes. Scientology watches and waits for something to call the police about. There! An SP just sat on a park bench! This is suddenly a very serious crime into which all of the resources of the federal, state, and local law enforcement — and the National Guard and FEMA — needs to be directed now now now!
The restraining order in the red volume is on standby. The police are summoned. There is great enturbulation inside all Scientology organizations globally. Emergency telexes are sent to COB RTC, CMO INT, WDC INT, OSA INT, CO FLB, and even the ship is notified just in case.
Of course Sara Heller of OSA can’t step outside into the daylight to confront and shatter suppression. This is far too dangerous.
Meanwhile in Los Angeles last week I was at the Clara Shortridge Foltz criminal court to watch proceedings in the Hanan Islam et. al. preliminary hearing. The matter was continued until August 28, 2018. On my way out of the court, I saw Ken Moxon rushing into the court building with a uniformed security guard in tow. I have no idea what that was about. I can only surmise that Scientology organizations in Los Angeles were enturbulated.
Looks like late August will be eventful for scn’s lapdog lawyers, likely fun for scn watchers.
What a terrible waste of police resources. The arrogance (and cowardice) of the cult is beyond belief. Glad you guys got some positive attention & feedback from passers-by though. Boy that must have smarted for them big time. Gotta love it.
Scientology is a cowards retreat. It’s pretty evident. They flaunt the law whenever it suits their own ends, but scream bloody murder when they are held up to it. It’s pathetic. Only the brain dead and easily fooled are still in Scientology, the evidence against this cult is overwhelming now. Any organization, “church”, group, or cult (Scientology) that recruits from the public, and cannot stand scrutiny, criticism, examination should be banned (outlawed). Write that to your Senators and Congressman.
I agree, scientology is truly a coward’s retreat. They are too gutless to even open up their minds to alternate points of view on the internet, the press, or wherever because it is “entheta”. Grow a pair you miserable lot, and learn the truth about your criminal organization.
Man how many f bombs did Leah throw at that situation. lol. wish i had been there
My original comment seems to have evaporated. Hey ho, i’ll post another.
The ‘confront’ is weak in the cults mecca!
Unreal! You just can’t make this shit up, that is Scientology. The people who wrote the scripts for the Keystone Cops would think this material is gold!
I can imagine the stunned bewilderment will remain with you guys & Leah plus the police for a little while yet, I’m still shaking my head and I read it some time ago.
Amazing, absolutely fucking amazing!
I wonder what the Clearwater Police REALLY think of these people. Of course they have to play nice, but I wonder if they go home and in the bosom of their families…”Wow, what a bunch of freakin’ wackos these people are! Wasted our time again! God, they’re nuts!”. I wonder.
No need to wonder, there is quite a bit of eye-rolling in law enforcement when it comes to scientology.
I met someone last week, who said something very interesting regarding the police – “make sure you tell the first lie”
Way to ‘confront’, Sarah! What would LRH say?
What Clearwater needs, is someone with a very healthy bank account, or six, to invest in some property and keep the rest of the city out of the merciless midget’s marred paws!
There is literally NO ONE who is willing to show their face and represent this cult unless it is completely staged. That goes for Miscavige himself, who lives in fear and hiding just as Hubbard himself did. It reminds me of the Wizard of Oz hiding behind the curtain scaring everyone with smoke and mirrors until the little dog (Toodoo) pulls back the curtain to reveal the scared coward.
LoL! Its “Toto”, Matt, but I concept completely and can’t wait for someone to do what that clever little dog did. Actually, what Mike and Leah together are Toto, together are pulling back that curtain so to speak,, only incrementally, because millions of people have to finally get the truth before the cult can be brought down.
Edit: “…but I GET the concept completely…”
Wonderfully said Mat!!!! Mike & Leah are doing a wonderful job showing the world what this cult is really all about. Thank you!!!!
What Joyce said.
What a ridiculous waste of police time and taxpayers money. The taxpayers of Clearwater should be informed. Of course that means everyone apart from the tax evading scientology organizations who pay zilch for the police services they seem to feel so entitled to……
It’s always funny to see how scn with it tech and individual members suddenly can’t confront simple situations. They forget how to get their tr’s in?
Yes, no ARC or KRC , instead PTS to three of their worst SP´s. From their POV they pulled this Attack in instead of “Flourish and Prosper”…How devastating and now hrs of Sec checking and COB will notice it all in his Mind, becoming even more paranoid etc. Dwindling downward spiral continues…
This is just another of the predictable PR blunders that Scientology commits on an almost daily basis.
Sarah, this is what you should have done: Send a couple of younger, enthusiastic workers across the street with cold drinks and glasses of ice. Welcome the visitors to your neighborhood. Offer your visitors an opportunity to sit down, partake in a cold drink, and refresh themselves. Then walk back across the street without answering questions and disappear. That’s all it would take to make this a nonevent.
Your PR policies are irrational and self-destructive.
Except that the cult doesn’t WANT a “nonevent”. OSA justifies its existence with “events” like this. And besides, think of how bored they must be and then, FINALLY – SOMETHING is happening! Mark Bunker, sitting on a bench! Red Alert! Call the cops! Secure the area! Funny, actually.
Yep, they all live in fear. The church and OSA hides inside in fear and calls the police to come evict a peaceful person not hurting anyone on a bench all alone. Reminds me of the time in LA when Tory Christensen (Magoo) went to ASHO and AOLA. Some of the young new staff came out friendly to talk to her and when she asked pointed questions, the smile on their face sort of faltered and a surprised look came over their face and they were helpless until Security came rushing out, pulled the staff member inside and then told Tory to leave. Security knew who she was because they had cameras and saw her on the monitor and were old enough to have learned through OSA Dead Agent Packs who Tory Magoo was. Fear. It’s their lot in life due to their own policies and reactions.
Aren’t they supposed to be able to communicate effectively with anyone about anything? I didn’t know that meant hiding in a building and calling the police.
“To.” They’re supposed to communicate “to” people. Communicating “with” means two-way conversation, and might involve hearing “entheta”. Of course, entheta is anything anyone not in the bubble could say.
“Aren’t they supposed to be able to communicate effectively with anyone about anything?”
LoLoL! Such a perfect question, beautiful in its innocence!
Answer: Yes, so they tell us.
They tell us they are the communication EXPERTS. And they have certificates on their walls to prove this.
There it is, right there on the wall, “Able to communicate with anyone about anything”. But the reality isquite different.
But their actions and responses in the laboratory of life does not bear this out.
I can’t count how many “Communications Release” graduates I’ve known who were SO unable to communicate AT ALL – never mind, “effectively” – about quite a number of things!
But still, they’ll put you in your place and remind you that they CAN – of course they can – but they just don’t WANT TO. They CHOOSE not to. They’re exercising their power of choice.
So funny. So OBVIOUS how uncomfortable and out of their depth they are when they say this. So obvious they can’t. Because a true Communications Release would have NO back off discussing ANYTHING with ANYONE, and the thing is, Moop, such a person does not exist and has never existed.
But anyway, too bad! Too bad for you and me and anybody that these deluled ones are in fact unable to communicate with anyone about anything. Too bad, because those certificates they earned, those pieces of paper tacked up on the wall say they CAN. So there!
PS:In fairness, Grade 0 probably helps people by enabling them to communicate about MORE things to MORE people than they were able to before. And when they finish this auditing action they may FEEL for a while that they have achieved this Ability Gained. But observe them in life, afterwards and you’re not going to see people with this ability on this scale.
Maaaaaaaaann i’ve never wanted to go to a ‘park’ so badly in my life! >:)
I’ll race you to it!
Yeah, me too! I wanna go! Hey, I got it. I GOT it! Not that I can get away, but if I could, wouldn’t it be a hoot if a whole bunch of us declared/nondeclaredbutdeclared/ bitter defrocked types converged in the part and sat there together READING – now get this – LRH. Dianetics, Fundamentals of Thought, History of Man, and OMG, Introduction To Scientology Ethics (this one’s MINE). All of us, sitting there, reading LRH. And they’d have to kick us out. Oh, this would be soooooo funny!
So this is their Ideal Park, huh? Must be, because they are happy when it’s empty and work hard to keep it that way.
Go here and filter by agency for CWPD, and be sure to check to include charge, and select yesterday’s date. These are all real crimes that were faced by CWPD yesterday, and this list reflects only actual arrests. A pregnant woman was beaten. Another domestic violence call. Drug calls.
But what this list can’t speak to is — what was missed while four units were busy clamsplaining with their red-covered injunction to people who posed no threat to the community, just to DM?
“clamsplaining”…good one!
The CofS are their own worst PR….unbelievable……
It’s just so silly. Do they not realise they are playing to (stereo)type ever single time they behave like this? They make themselves look so foolish.
And shakin’ n their shoes, afraid and hiding, Oi!
Unbelievable. Co$ tax exemption is a joke. Disgusted by their abuse of the police officers time.
You just know CoS is going to spin some people sitting in a park and some other people expressing appreciation for their show as a religious hate crime.
I hope the incident makes the Clearwater police look closely at how they were being misused by Scientology and set up policies to prevent such misuse in the future. Like “an actual crime needs to be reported.”
I also hope that injunction can be challenged. Such a sweeping restriction of Mark’s liberty for all time is ridiculous.
This post made my day
I love how you all handled this
Howdy Con needs to be held in this park next year
Sciendollatry is so creepy
Just when you think it can’t get anymore creepy
It does
Good work Mike, Leah and Mark Bunker
I think some of the comments about how the CWPD responsed means they are in the Cof$’s pocket are off the mark. The initial response was one office, followed shortly after by a back up officer. Probably due to the way $cientology worded their complaint. Then “The Injunction” got thrown into the mix, and due to earlier issues about how it would be acted on by CWPD, a supervisor was requested. When $cientology wouldn’t come out to actually make a trespassing complaint, and tried turning it into an “Injunction” issue, a senior supervisor was called to find out what to do with the mess.
That’s fairly standard procedure, not an indication of police corruption. The only fault I see here is $cientology making two bogus complaints, trespass and “Injunction Violation”, that wasted a lot of CWPD time. Especially after earlier instructions to the CWPD regarding their involvement about “The Injunction” complaints.
As I said earlier, $cientology needs to start getting billed for these bogus calls.
I think your assessment is pretty accurate.
I’m posting this again as it came too late to read for some. And make no mistake, I’m a proud Joke & Degrader. It’s what I live for.
I was at the Fort Harrison Hotel, in the Lemon Tree (?) restaurant. It was ’82. I decided to have some fun. Dis is how da talk in Hawai’i. Imagine two local boys. One is the auditor and the other the PC.
Ok, bra. Did you get da kine sleep last night? Yeah? Ok, bra. Good. Did you go grind? Yeah? Ok. Now, you didn’t smoke any pacalolo last night, right? Yeah? Ok.
Dis is the session: Ok bra…..BRA! You rock slam! You not tinking bout me, are you bra? (He turns the meter around so PC can see he’s rock slamming). Ok, bra. Dis is end of session. Go to ethics! You are really messed up!
Completely insane. Scientology teachs their members fear and obedience.
The big bad cult is finally exposed for what it is by its actions.
“Stupid is as Stupid does” (from Forrest Gump).
And Forest wasn’t stupid.
Here’s the injunction;
Scientologists are some weird m-effers. Sometimes things are just that simple. But let’s not forget how potentially dangerous they are, too.
They may be idiots, but, they’re stupid too.
Scientifically researched too!
No bout a doubt that!
Radar Online published a brief story About the incident 3 days ago..along with link toa PDF file of the complaint David Gonzalez and Sarah Heller were the cowardly complainants ..here Is that link. https://radaronline.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/leah-remini-scientology-cops-called-trespassing-doc.pdf
I think they’re just trying to follow contradictory orders. Like “keep SPs away … or else!” and “don’t make a media splash…or else!”
Because if you remember, they have the ability to “communicate with anyone at any time on any subject” right?
Hope you filmed it for the show.
One of those “no comment” type clips
Loved this mornings post! While reading it I kept hearing your words with the music to Arlo Guthries song Alices Resturaunt!
Why would 4 officers stand around unless Co$ has them in thier pocket somehow? Riverside sheriff’s get called by Gold Base all the time about trespasses but they only send one and they are tired of it.
Erin Hodges Plumb, My thoughts exactly! Why would head high up police stand around for an hour with people who were not harming anyone unless they were in C of $’s pocket? It’s common knowledge that Cof$ hire at good pay, policemen to handle security on events etc. And they make sure to try to “safepoint” Scn as being the good guys and all the others are the bad guys, so that over time even the police get brain washed about Scn. And I have seen more than one picture of a Scn rep handing over a big check as a donation to the Police Association. The Scn church wants it quid pro quo with the police, and they have it now!
Hooray for Mark In The Park Bunker.
Years from now they’ll still be talking about how brave Mark Bunker was. He came. He sat. He conquered! And cult members were never seen. That’s how powerful Mark is.
His beard has awesome powerz.
More powerful than SO members.
“Mark in the Park.” Good one!
The L. Ron Hubbard Scientology self serving “religion angle” religion policies of disconnection and shunning make for bad citizenry daily interactions, and Clearwater is the petri dish continuing experiment.
CW’s a mob town as bad as Chicago ever was, though it’s boss is lil’ Davey and not Big Al…
This “waste of Police time” would be an ideal case to take to Florida’s Attorney General’s Office of Corrupt public practices, as it’s clear CWPD’s been bought and paid for.
That park’s signage (and that of ANY publically accessible right of way of space owned by Co$) needs to reflect the actual ownership in 24 pt. font so there’s no doubt as to the pervasive level of Scn encroachment on the day-to-day affairs of CW’s non-Scn citizens.
Sad really, thar such a lovely town has been laid waste by these creeps.
I wholeheartedly agree. Not only should the Clearwater police be investigated, but so too the Los Angeles force; i.e., how much longer will they be allowed to stall the Masterson business? Evidence of Collusion couldn’t be more blatantly obvious, in either instance.
Taking it to the Florida AG’s office would be a good idea if the Florida AG her own bad self wasn’t Pam “safepoint” Bondi.
Exactly. The CW police may be clean but the Bondi woman, besides being a Trumpbot is also in the cult’s pocket too.
Pretending legitimacy is in Scientology’s genes, Hubbard’s nature.
Scientology: The Religion Angle Religion
is what Scientologists ought to call themselves.
The Modern Religion Angle Religion
Good old L. Ron Hubbard’s “angle” to life.
“Try the Scientology Religion Angle Religion’s Angle to Life Today!”
Clearwater citizens take heed. This is your hard earned tax money at work. The church of scientology is tax exempt; they did not pay for the cost of four police cars, etc. to be called to “the scene of the crime.” This is just one teeny weeny little example of how the church abuses its tax-free status. What is REMARKABLE is that the police seemed to be taking orders from the church and other citizens of the community, who might not have known their rights, would have just done what the police (The Church of Scientology) told them. It’s maddening.
On another note, was it the cameras and the recognition of Leah and you that prompted the response from passers-by or were there other indications that people were out there from Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath – like a big sign that said “Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath?” LOL
I drove by at 8:15 pm and it was just them and the camera crew. No one else was around. It’s kind of hard to not notice Leah. And if you follow the show, Mike. If they (Miscavige and his people) were watching it wasn’t in person. It was from afar. This area is very quiet. It’s the courthouse crowd and then these people. I have never seen a downtown anywhere like this one. It is oddly calm, clean and orderly.
Like the Stepford wives?
Make sure you put a clip of all those LEOs being used ILLEGALLY by the CoS. Wasting tax payers $. That will put pressure on the local gov’t.
Cowards! They’re just a bunch of cowards! Can’t even face Mark Bunker! What a bunch of fucking idiots!
OSA can’t honestly communicate with any outside people unless it lies or spews hate from behind a bunker.
They’re runnin’ scared…
Would be great to know how often Scientology calls the police in Clearwater, and how much it costs taxpayers. That info might be available via a public records request?
From what I have picked up, the worst of it may be the 911 hangup calls that the police get from Scientology buildings, where they send officers out, who are met by security guards who tell them that nothing is wrong and that they shouldn’t come in the building to investigate. Apparently that’s been a persistent problem in both Clearwater and LA.
What can be said? The nonsense boggles the mind lol!
Just what you’d expect from a modern “religion angle” religion, as Hubbard suggested Scientology take the “religion angle” and thus we have Clearwater Scientology’s antics.
What an angle?
“Try Our Scientology Religion’s Angle On Life, Today!”
The more things change the more they seem the same . . .
Haven’t the Cleawater PD noticed that they are getting close to some civil rights violations and lawsuits?
Anne ration is contagious
They live in a bubble
What is “Anne ration”?
Hear hear!!
LMAO zemoo! Search for “1st Amendment Audit” on youtube if you want to see how completely U.S. police DON’T care about civil rights and lawsuits. Will make you think 10 times about any idiot who calls for disarming the citizenry.
Maybe I shouldn’t but this story made me giggle a little. Looking forward to season 3.
We’re ALL looking forward to season 3!
I’m with you there Ellen! I needed a giggle this morning! Seems that the cockroaches only know how to use the phone then run and hide when the lights come on. Yep, that was one scary trio they had to hide from LOL. Yesseree – they was just big old scary monsters for sure! BOOOO!
LOL’ed here too. How pathetic can you get?
Any PD has to respond when someone calls and tells whatever lies they choose to tell and then they do have to sort out the situation once there. Those guys don’t know the minutia of the law and more than likely have never even heard of this kind of injunction – the kind Cof$ pulls out their ass that have nothing to do with reality. The PD are being played and I’m sure they resent it.
Sounds like the CWPD were very professional about the whole thing. $cientology not so much.
Many communities bill for bogus call outs like this, where the caller refuses to get involved once the police show up. If Clearwater doesn’t, maybe it’s time they started to do the same instead of using everyone else’s tax dollars to pay for it.
Good idea.
Like they’d ever pay that bill, though.
Chukicita, If they don’t, call them on it; post it in the Tampa Bay Times; make Noise and continue to make noise. Shame them (sorry, I almost forgot, I’m talking about $; I doubt they know the Meaning of the word) and keep doing it until they do pay; don’t let the matter drop. Consider it WOG auditing; don’t let up until they admit their ‘overts’ and PAY!
Scientology in Clearwater already has a long history of not paying bills. Back in the late 1980s or early 1990s there were about half a dozen lawsuits from outside contractors who didn’t get paid. This was in the papers at the time.
Also, they never paid their property taxes, not even during the time between tax exemptions. Never. They just added it to the legal challenges, believing they should have tax exemption. Year after year. They ended up paying a tiny fraction of what they owed.
Excellent idea.
Great post as always.