The article above appeared in the Tampa Bay Times after the “airing” of The Aftermath this week, an episode focused on scientology’s take-over of Clearwater.
I said “airing” because for subscribers to the local cable outlet, Spectrum, the show was unwatchable. The sound was scrambled and some images pixillated. The problems magically fixed themselves 2 minutes after the show aired. And the problem ONLY manifested itself on The Aftermath episode, no other channels. Subsequently, all the “On Demand” Aftermath episodes also disappeared from Spectrum. Of course, there is nothing suspicious about this at all. Especially when you know the lengths scientology has gone to in the past — like sending out teams of minions to buy every copy of the Tampa Bay Times when the Truth Rundown was published. And maybe it’s a mere coincidence that downtown Clearwater is home to one of the largest scientologist owned and operated tech companies that specializes in cyber-security.
The subhead is a doozie. Current and former officials “reject the notion” that scientology has almost attained its goal of complete subjugation of downtown Clearwater…
One has to wonder which downtown Clearwater they are talking about?
And the Mayor of Clearwater, of all places on earth, is quoted as saying he has never seen The Aftermath. He must be literally the ONLY person in Clearwater government who has not. A lot of city employees have reached out to me and always say that “everyone in the city is riveted to the show.” Apparently everyone except the Mayor who doesn’t want to know anything about scientology except what he hears from scientology? Doesn’t he owe it to his constituents to be informed about the biggest landowners in his city?
The Mayor seems to be one of the prime subjects of the subjugation.
Here is how he was quoted in a 2014 article:
For Cretekos, being mayor of Clearwater must feel a bit like owning a beautiful home, only to have to share the space with a boorish brother-in-law who lies around all day and drinks your booze.
“It’s a little frustrating when you have a Church of Scientology,” Cretekos nodded while he picked at a Panera Bread bagel, before quickly adding that his issues with the sect are not with the local members. “But for some reason, its leadership thinks it is above the community.”
Over the years, Scientology has ignored local zoning codes, ran up a $435,000 fine for construction delays on its recently opened soup can E-meter Flag Building, and essentially regarded City Hall as a quaint nuisance.
And of course, Scientology is infamous for hounding and stalking former members of the cathedral of creepiness and its critics.
All mayors have a responsibility to promote the many charms of their cities. And Clearwater has numerous virtues to exploit.
But Cretekos’ job to attract tourism and investment is made all the more difficult by the overarching shadow of a mysterious and quasireligious gaggle of Stepford Scientologists roaming the city. Really now, who wants to set up shop next door to what amounts to little more than a group of theological grifters?
And that largely explains the city’s fervor in expanding the Clearwater Marine Aquarium and renovating the Capitol Theatre. Cretekos makes no bones that these efforts are an attempt to wrest the city’s image as a haven for deer-in-the-headlights Scientology sycophants and create one of a more welcoming place for nonbelievers. “We still have a lot of potential.”
Still, Cretekos is a realist. It’s entirely possible that Scientology’s deep pockets have already taken over downtown Clearwater. And it might be time for the city to rethink where it wants its core presence to be. Cretekos has begun to muse, mull and meditate that the day might come when Clearwater’s city center settles elsewhere.
The new article also quotes one of the Clearwater City Council members who takes the head-in-the-sand philosophy of leadership to new lows:
“To make it sound like the local elected officials are just acquiescing to Scientology, nothing could be further from the truth,” said Hamilton, who is in his fourth term on the council since an appointment in 2001. “We have to play the hand we’re dealt with. The only people that can deal me a better hand than what we have is the federal government. That’s not something the city of Clearwater has the resources to do. The federal government gave them their tax exempt status. The federal government is the only one that can take it away. We can’t do anything to change that.”
“We have to play the hand we’re dealt”? Seriously? This is the antithesis of what EVERY politician on earth says when they are running for election “Vote for me, I will change things for the better. I will make a difference.” Apparently not Hoyt Hamilton. “Elect me and I won’t change a thing”… He can do nothing? Imagine if Martin Luther King had his attitude?
If anyone SHOULD be demanding the Federal Government do something about the tax exempt status of scientology it is the City of Clearwater. They are losing MASSIVE tax revenues from the scientology-owned property. Scientology loves to shout from the rooftops that they are “the largest single taxpayer in the city” and that is true. But what does THAT tell you about how much of the city they control? Scientology ONLY pays taxes on properties that are HOTELS. They pay nothing for all the rest. Perhaps 25% of their property is taxable. And that 25% STILL constitutes the biggest landowner in Clearwater.
Thus if scientology pays $1 million in taxes now, if they didn’t own the properties the city would gain an extra $3 million in tax revenues. They may be the biggest taxpayer in Clearwater, but they are also the biggest drain on tax revenue. Clearwater is forfeiting $4 million to get $1 million and scientology is patting itself on the back and the city throws up its hands and says “what do you expect us to do?”
As Clearwater attorney Denis DeVlaming so simply put it on The Aftermath — if the Super Power building starts to burn down, who is going to put out the fire? The Clearwater Fire Dept — that the citizens are paying for.”
So, Mr. Cretekos and Mr. Hamilton are you so paralyzed with fear that you are unable to do ANYTHING about the tax exempt status of scientology?
You have no influence on the Police Department? You cannot request a Grand Jury (you know if scientology is convicted of a crime it is grounds for the IRS to revoke exemption)? You don’t have any sway with any Congressman or Senator? Don’t know a single person in the Justice Department? You can do nothing but hope others will do it for you? Hardly profiles in courage…
These are the same people who declined to appear on the show to discuss the issues or present their views.
They also try to divert attention with false equivalencies — “there’s a lot more to Clearwater” and “tourists coming through just go to the beach and don’t even notice scientology.” These statements are likely true — the former more so than the latter. But they are a diversion. There are 3 flourishing downtown areas in Pinellas County — Dunedin, Safety Harbor and St Petersburg. None of them are next to the beach. None of them has a main connector road running through the middle of them (“the decline is due to the new bridge taking all the traffic away from Cleveland St.”). But most importantly, none of them has an oppressive cult presence dominating the landscape and sucking the life out of the tax base.
Mr. Mayor and City Council: Who are you waiting for to come and save your city for you while you try to convince yourselves and everyone else it doesn’t need saving?
Finally, of course, scientology did not respond to a request for comment but “an online church statement said Remini is spreading provable lies which generate hate, bigotry and violence.” What else is new? Scientology “attacks the attacker.” Clearwater’s elected officials hope they won’t be on the receiving end of scientology’s wrath so do and say nothing that might offend the cult elephant in the room. No sign of subjugation here.
Excuse me for being a bit shallow, but the camera sure loves that bod Leah’s taking such good care of. I’m not sure I’ve SEEN anyone take a bad picture of her.
“cathedral of creepiness”
YET ANOTHER lyrical description of the cult. PROPS to the author.
I hope you guys never give up fighting. I live so close to downtown Clearwater. We moved here 13 years ago having no idea what Scientology was at the time. I’m raising our kids here. And we refuse to let those people keep us from downtown, or from enjoying concerts at the Coachman park or visit the library or restaurants. But the local politicians and police are cowards and they let Scientology run Clearwater. The potential this city has is endless if we can finally get them out of our city. It will never thrive until they are gone. I work in Dunedin and Clearwater so I drive past all the apartment compounds of the members daily wishing their was something I could do. I have watched the news this week about Florida investigating and arresting human trafficking participants in the massage parlors/spas all around Florida. I see that this is big, bigger than people even realize now. I know it’s hard to take them down. But I think this would be a good time because CLEARLY Scientology is involved in human trafficking. And if local and federal government is ready to move on this issue can this be done here in Clearwater too? What can locals do to help and support this cause? We love our city and want to save it. Thanks to you and Leah!!!
The mayor of Clearwater lives in a bubble? can’t watch what is going on in his city? Unbelievable. Stupid he is not, but ignorant he must be..
scientology CALLS Aftermath & the whistleblowers so many names…. SO Libelous, IMO, and they’re due for some creative suits filed against them for their outspoken, constant trashing of all who have stood up to their improprieties. I believe that Leah and A&E have cause to sue them for defamation and restriction of trade (AETN) and diminishing Leah’s career possibilities by in effect FORCING her to defend herself the most effective ways she could: her book and Aftermath. IIRC, they started attacking her before she spoke out publicly.
Wasn’t there a trail of intimidation left when Scientology persued the IRS officials to grant their organization tax exempt status? Isn’t it a crime to lie to the IRS? If Mueller can be commissioned to persue President Trump can’t the government persue the likes of Miscavige?
-“There is no proof that any DEW are being used by gang-stalkers , or that MK ultra is real”
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. I did a little looking into MK Ultra a while back and have always kept an ear out about it and other similar projects. I’ve found pretty solid evidence of its existence; enough that I believe the project was active at least for a few years and that LSD figured in its pharmacology. The problem with using LSD was that the subjects became LESS controllable, not more so; counter-productive for them. It wasn’t as nefarious as Tubby portrayed it, as it didn’t really get repeatable, reliable results. (Much like scn, actually.)
I just read in the Drudge Report that the IRS is saying it will take them one year to recover from the recent shutdown. Thanks a lot, Mr. Presidenté.
I can’t decide if that is good news or bad news for we Enemies of Scamatology. On the one hand, the IRS has never been very active in The War Against The Scam (TWATS!). But on the other hand maybe they will find a way to use this shutdown as a way to get off their ass and do something to stop this evil.
Maybe if we could find a way to show them most of the money that goes to The Scam would otherwise have gone to the IRS they may finally decide to revoke their ridiculous tax exempt status.
Can we get some T-Shirts made saying Giving Scientology a Tax Exempt Status is like giving The Devil …
I haven’t thought of a good ending for that yet.
P.S. I recently discovered a wonderful message board called The Ex Scientology Members Message Board. Wow! I thought there were some people here who hated The Scam. You should see how they feel about it over there. I am really enjoying it there.
I have a friend who is a CPA for a top accounting firm, a Non Scn. He watches all the Leah Remini anti Scn shows and read “Going Clear” book. He wants the church brought to justice. He said he doesn’t think the IRS will ever investigate Scn because they remember how it was last time and what the church did to them then. The church harassed and did noisy investigations of individual IRS workers, got dirt on some, intimidated with dead pets floating in the pool, dead rats, etc. But the biggest ting of all was telling its membership (which was larger then) to sue the IRS so that they’d be flooded with so many lawsuits they couldn’t operate. My CPA friend said they don’t want to be massively sued again, so they won’t investigate the church. He thinks the church will go down from its own mistakes and overts and dwindling new public coming in.
I have been watching the 82 CW Scientology city council trials or whatever they are. The evidence and witnesses are compelling. Why was there nothing ever done at that time to prosecute and bring down this evil cult???? I am just totally shocked the authorities did nothing!
The series has opened my eyes to look closely at things before I jump into something. I have cancelled my subscription to ABC Mouse because of the link to Scientology. I have also taken Lincare off my list of oxygen providers. I refuse to be a part of the money making scheme that tries to be a religion. Do your research
Kelley it opened my eyes in that way also. And I can now recognize control and manipulation in many areas of life. Religion, relationships, work, etc..
Isn’t stealing cable still a federal crime? Wondering if interfering with transmission is?Wouldn’t it be lovely if Scientology is guilty of this and they have provided an in for investigation and prosecution which can’t be confabulated into some sort of infringement of religious freedom.
Probably just wishful thinking.
It’s not true that tourists come to the beach and don’t notice them. My family only goes into Clearwater when on vacation to see the aquarium BECAUSE of the Scientologists. We don’t stay there.
We stay in Redington Beach or at Maderia Beach now BECAUSE of Scientology. It’s beautiful down there, but, frankly, it’s creepy.
Thank you Leah and Mike for your continued exposure to this travesty. They are slick. And I think it will be hard for anyone to pin anything on them really. They are a very guarded and closed society. I think the only way the FBI or CIA could get anything going is to have agents go undercover and start working the bridge, with access to a ton of money so the COS involves them deeply. Hell, the send spies all over the world, why can’t they do it in Sc?
The CIA can’t operate on domestic soil. Too bad as they would be the ones that could definitely find the string to pull!
I live in Dunedin which is right on the doorsteps of Clearwater. i’ve always seen the uniformed Sea Org members and wonder what type of hell they put up with all in the name of so called clearing the planet i call it a load of shit and your show is absolutely enlightening. i convinced my school to show some of the episodes and watching my peers see what kind of affect this cult has on people was shocking. Keep doing what your doing with this show and make the American people know what Scientology does to people and their families. I am a 17 year old girl i want these horrible people to be taken down. Please keep up all the amazing work and give them hell!!!!!!!
Thanks for helping to spread the word about this “church.” You are saving lives.
If the Super Power building was burning down those firemen would have to sign multiple forms and have a metered interview before being allowed on the property to put out the fire.
And they would have to pay a hefty donation and get sec-checked to be let out of the building afterwards.
AND the firemen would be blamed for “pulling the fire in” in the first place.
I don’t live anywhere near Clearwater but if a business like Lincare has ties to Clearwater that’s a good enough reason for me to refuse to do business with them. The stink of scientology in Clearwater has caused me to mistrust any Clearwater based business. Why? Because I was in scientology, I saw them bully people into,submission. If they’ve been there that long, they’re in people’s pockets.
I would love for someone to prove me wrong. Unfortunately I think the current mayor seems to have been paid handsomely to prove me right.
I always wondered if Lincare was associated with Scientology.
Two things can always be done.
Shame Scientology’s lawyers with word of mouth and media report how much money they rake in from Scientology.
Scare the Scientologists with the Hubbard officially taboo garlic words: Xenu, “body-thetans”
I wonder if Clearwater could re-zone these parasites out of there?
ALPAUGH: IIRC, they TRIED to re-zone scn out of there, or at least from buying up more of CW, but the action got ruled against, something on the order of the order of harassing a religion or some such false 1st Amendment thing (since SCN AIN’T BY NO MEASURE A RELIGION, IMO.). I’m too lazy and too sleepy after dinner to look up the exact reference, but I doubt it’s more than a month ago, probably within the last week, & probably blogged by Mike or referred to by him.
It’s too late. I was born here. Saw this coming so many years ago. Have read every Scientology articles in Times, 40 year subscriber. Lisa McPhearson was killed by Scientology people and covered up. They buy under false names. As an Ex-Jehovah’s Witness, I’ve been infatuated with Mike and Leahs brave fight to help keep families from being torn apart. As for Clearwater, way too much time has passed….they own everything. Denis, I hope your okay and am proud of your courage my man. I know you and was so happy you accepted an invite to explain. Mike and Leah – Thank you for all your efforts.
I found out last summer that my sister-in-law’s mom and nephew were living in Clearwater. (I knew they lived in FL, just not which city.) Of course, by then I knew that Scientology OSA was behind my ongoing harassment, and I asked SIL about the cult. She said, ‘Oh, everybody hates them’; I had to laugh!
I’m happy to report that both SIL’s mom and nephew relocated here to Baltimore just before Christmas. I’m not sure what the impetus for the move was, but we are all VERY glad they are here instead of there 🙂
I am so happy you are going to talk about the Lisa McPherson murder / negligent homicide by Scientology and leader, David Miscavige.
Her death will not be in vain.
The medical examiner, Joan Wood, was harassed by David Miscavige / Scientology until she changed her findings of negligent homicide to embolism…and hence – the shore story OSA and DSA’s tell new members coming into Scientology.
Joan Wood, Medical Examiner of Pinella’s County then quit her job…went into hiding ….and died of cancer…
Another Scientological DEATH and another fatality of this bully corporation disguised as a church.
Please show her autopsy photos – the family wants the Wog world to see what a Scientology “Clear” looks like after 17 days at the Fort Homicide/ Fort Harrison doing the Introspection Rundown at the Mecca of Technical Perfection – FLAG Land Base.
I wonder was Mike involved in that? During his time at OSA I’m sure he deeply regrets it if he was.
I think we all understand how mind control works in Cults. If Mike had to do something to help David Miscavige cover up the negligent homicide of Lisa McPherson, he had been beaten into submission.
Please, lets all give Mike a break – he deserves some respect here.
In my heart, I completely forgive Mike Rinder of any wrong doing while working for the dictator in Scientology. He could not help it and since he has left, he is taking this cult down.
Mike Rinder is one of the few people that escaped the cult and did not take the blood money gag order buy out from Scientology / David Miscavige. Mike is my hero. He is a gentleman and a humanitarian with honors.
It was Marty Rathbun who was involved with covering up the truth about what happened to David Miscavige. He destroyed the evidence and admitted it publicly. Now Marty may have taken the blood money gag order buy out because he is bad mouthing critics and showing evidence of being a bought off pawn of David Miscavige.
I believe it was Marty Rathbun that helped cover up David MIscavige’s dirty filthy criminal act of negligent homicide. I think it was Marty Rathbun who helped harass the Medical Examiner, Joan Wood. The Medical Examiner, Joan Wood, had
Mike is doing something about Scientology and delivering blow after blow after blow after blow after blow after blow.
Thank you Mike Rinder – for caring enough to help us who can’t do anything about Scientology.
You are giving us a voice. You are giving us hope. You are giving us justice. You and Leah are saving lives and families.
I know for a fact that Marty Rathbun was – there are videos still out on you-tube where he admits to having destroyed documents, etc. (see ‘Marty Rathbun Reveals Lisa McPherson from Inside Scientology, Inc.’) There’s no statute of limitations on murder – and this would have fallen under ‘depraved heart murder’.
I’m not recommending that you download a torrent of the show but if you do, remember sharing is caring.
It is painfully obvious to even a casual observer that Clearwater officials have either been successfully safe-pointed or are fundamentally impotent. Either is despicable and unworthy of public service.
“Nothing to see here…”
Then why are you trying to be a tourist destination?
The identity of a person elected to office should not be that of a WIMP. That of a JELLYFISH.
I lived and worked for Scientology in Clearwater for 7 years in the Sea org.
Those were the days we had a Mayor with spunk and soul. Mayor Cezares. A fighter.
So Mayor Cretekos and Hamilton of City Council….
What are your attributes ?
What game do you play ?
The audience is listening and watching.
As an NAS (Never A Scientologist) I found the atmosphere you showed in Clearwater to be creepy and downright sinister. Clearwater is the first city that I’ve heard of where the Mayor and City Council aren’t fighting tooth and nail to bring business (conventions, concerts, art exhibits, etc.) to their downtowns to revitalize them. Something is SERIOUSLY wrong with the local government there!
I think they would have liked to or would like to but the church has a huge presence in downtown CW. It’s a turn off to the locals.
I have been watching the Aftermath since the beginning and the personal stories made me sad and often made me cry. This episode infuriated me….to think that city staff would actively participate in the harassment of their own taxpayers. I’m sorry that the folks in Clearwater did not see the episode but I am hoping that it helps to bring other press to this city for even more coverage.
Thanks Mike!
– Hawk
I have been trying to watch this episode On Demand (Xfinity/Comcast) in NC (not home) and I can not believe how jerky this is. It plays about 30 seconds, stops, freezes, fuzzy pictures, etc. I put on an earlier episode to try to see if it’s my internet connection? NO. The earlier epis play flawlessly. Why am I not surprised at this?
It’s all fun and games until the “church” recruits YOUR CHILDREN or YOUR GRAND BABIES. Maybe these men do not have family in town. Maybe they have no family. Maybe they don’t have kids.
There is no way anyone with two brain cells would want someone they love to be absorbed by The Borg of Clearwater.
“Clearwater’s elected officials hope they won’t be on the receiving end of scientology’s wrath so do and say nothing that might offend the cult elephant in the room. No sign of subjugation here.” Great article, Mike!
You can count on Dave to have done his homework on all officials. Somewhere there is a drawer with files for everyone on every board, council, and governing body with all of the background checks, secrets, misdeeds and psychological profiles to use as needed for press releases and smear campaigns ………. should the need arise.
Sadly, most of our countries officials from leaders of the local Boy Scout Troop all the way up to the president seem run with a measure of fear.
This is wonderful for a guy like Dave, especially when He has a nice war chest of tax free dollars to use on His Pee Are campaign. Don’t expect any official to do the right thing but when you do see it, that person definitely deserves our support.
Thank you Mike and Leah and everyone else on this blog and elsewhere who stands up and is willing to say Fuck You Dave.
Yo Dave …….. Fuck You!
Sarita coined:”The Borg of Clearwater.”
GREAT phrase, Sarita. Can we others use it?
In Lawrence Wright’s Going Clear book I can’t remember exactly what was said, but it was about the law suits by ex members. I thought one of the cult’s argument was that revealing OTIII? was violating their trademark/copyright of documents and interfered with their business? So, they are saying they are a business? I may be 100% off what I remember though, but if they are a business how can they get away with claiming to be protected by religious rights? I can’t imagine that actual taxpayers can be happy with having money drained from what should be used for their town. Just another follow the money and who’s getting favors for doing favors the for cult. It always boils down to follow the money/favors/perks IMO.
I know I’m not happy just with them being allowed to get away with not paying federal tax (tax season can bring that out in me).
Peggy, expecting logic or consistency in scientology’s reactions to any criticism, or any honest examination, is going to disappoint every time. The only consistency is their “school of mad dog defense strategy”: attack, attack, attack, making up stories as desired to make the attacks more effective. Scientology and scientologists lie, must lie, can’t not lie;It’s in their “scripture”: Tubby’s never-to-be-changed policy scribblings.
Those attacks are one of those things that the cult continually gets away with, one of those things that just seems logically like it should legally able to be stopped. It shouldn’t cost the person being harassed one red cent for legal protection. Where’s the justice system in all this?
On Hubbard’s policies, it also seems to be one of those things that that human tick DM gets away with changing from time to time and the cult members just nod their bobble heads in agreement.
When’s a money making, money laundering business like this cesspool that calls itself a church going to answer for all the damage they have done and continually get away with? Maybe never, Maybe not until someone with the balls (that can be male or female) who knows how to use the cult’s own tactics against them. It’s just one mellofahess.
Peggy said, in part:
“Those attacks are one of those things that the cult continually gets away with, one of those things that just seems logically like it should legally able to be stopped. It shouldn’t cost the person being harassed one red cent for legal protection. Where’s the justice system in all this?”
The justice system is hobbled because scientology is hiding behind its firewall of expensive lawyers and its false declaration of being a religion. The attacks, the whole “school of mad-dog defense” IS the OSA/DM ‘scripture’, part of the hidden areas of scientology that DO approach being a religion: actions stemming from beliefs the perpetrators can not examine rationally but must follow blindly.
DM found the path and key to the (limited) power in scientology. He used his evil intelligence to grasp it and has since modified the policies (now considered scripture) to ensure he can’t be unseated by those who have some sanity. Anyone who tries to assemble power is required to be “fair gamed” and destroyed utterly by OSA, his personal army of attack dogs. Sadly his and OSA’s actions are covered by the 1st amendment and only a lucky & persistent prosecutor could find any chink in the intentionally-secure armor the Founding Fathers built into the Constitution. DM, by over-reaching his protections, could make himself liable for prosecution, but I don’t see that happening even in his most alcohol-addled state because he has SO many protections built into his fortress and he sabotages every action he orders others to do by his poor directions buttressed by micromanaging everything
According to OSA scripture all who MIGHT move against him against him must be fair gamed as they’re (to his warped perception) suppressing his doing whatever the hell he wants to, even it, or particularly if, his actions violate basic scripture or all legal and moral strictures. As Tubby’s mentor decreed, the only law is: “Do as thou wilst,” in other words, whatever he wants to do. DM’s learned THAT lesson very well while building up a respectable fortress around him, which protects him from “wog” sensibilities or rules. IMO, the “kid” gave up any pretense of being even as advanced as “human” a while back and has no qualms about it as long as his little bubble isn’t disturbed. AFAICT, He and Tubby agree that “Human” is a synonym for “weak and ineffective”
— Jere
Funny how the “greatest good” became the “greatest evil” imaginable. In an ideal world people wouldn’t sit still for their nonsense for one second and blow the joint or simply not play the $camology game to begin with.
After working a small job for them as an outside Golden Era Productions contractor many years ago (having a meeting them at SO in Hemet and in Hollywood) I was finally asked by one of their leaders “I don’t believe we’ve told you anything of our religion?” to which I said I had a $cientology friend and it didn’t seem like something I would be interested in. The guy gave me a double take but then left me alone.
This friend I mentioned had even worked for LRH but blew and today many years later is much happier for it.
Thanks for sharing that Peter and so glad to hear your friend got out. I dated a guy way back before I knew anything about lyintology who also did some subcontractor work at Golden Era (weird to think back in 2000-01 he may have crossed paths with Mike or many others on here?!). He was non-religious and though he’d visited my church once or twice (no big deal he said, but it was important to me) and was raised Catholic, so he wasn’t anti-religion for others… but he came away from that job saying “I thought it would be cool to see what all the stuff is about that TC and other stars are into, but that place and the people there are straight creepy! All I could think about was that kool-Aid guy and robots! Whatever it is that they do, it’s not good for people and I’m glad I’m not into religion at all because that confirmed everything bad I think can happen!” Was sad for me at the time only because my faith was/is important to me but that seriously put him off ALL RELIGION for good! This was a guy who’d traveled the world, photographed cathedrals, temples, basically seen it all and then created art pieces while learning about others beliefs. He also was pretty happy-go-lucky and seemed scared/unnerved after 2 weeks of working on a project there!
Can only imagine that’s how people feel in and about Downtown Clearwater. My in-laws made a list of medium-size communities in FL where they were considering buying a vacation rental near the Tampa-area (their sister bought in the keys so they wanted another place in another part for us all to come together and vacation so we could switch off a few times a year) and Clearwater was on the list.
Clearwater reps… read this!!! They DID buy in FL and bring a family of about 15-20 to their place 2-3x/yr. A sibling in-law is currently buying a vacation home nearby… based ONLY on our knowledge of CW & Scientology’s presence 3 of us replied NOT CW! So another community enjoys the revenues of our families and those of the vacation-renters and house-hunting retiree friends looking for similar due solely to CO$ presence! We’re one smaller family out of millions who know and feel the same! CW was a top choice based on location, the beach and just what we saw of the non-DT. But the greater-area locals repeatedly told us not to buy in CW water because “Scientology basically owns that place and you don’t want to bring your kids near it!”
So you can say whatever you want and yes, money talks. Can you afford to keep taking 25% of what you could and repelling countless others to acquiesce to this evil presence in your midst? I had much hope for you during the battle over the aquarium land and I’m thoroughly disgusted by your “response” this week!
Throw the bums out. How about Mike Rinder for mayor of Clearwater? Or Aaron Smith-Levin? Then we wouldn’t have to beg the public office-holders to educate themselves about the rabid elephant in the room who has stomped on so many people, including a former mayor.
It would be interwsting to see Mike or Aaron as the mayor, but I wouldn’t wiant them to have to endure the torrent of dirty tricks and smear tactics that would be unleashed to keep them from office. Not to mention the financial backing of some Scientology puppet to be put in place to stop the election of such dangerous SPs in their spiritual Mecca. CoS is a formidable foe and they have too many resources to be defeated on a local level without a lot of money and political will.
Cat: Please don’t wish a life of politicking on Mike…. He’s too honest and honorable to be saddled with all that folderol.
We live in Clearwater and really don’t like Scientology because of all of the harm they do to their members and the criminal conduct towards any critics.
We don’t care what anyone believes in as far as religion goes.
We do care that this Organization, disguised as a religion, gets away with hurting people inside and outside of their corporation that gets away with not paying taxes.
Our tax dollars in Clearwater pay for Scientology to have a place in which to harm people.
Something needs to be done about that with our Government. It is time!
This!!! And so thankful for the all individual residents who’ve been willing to speak out against the behemoth elephant in your midst! When CW finally does SOMETHING it’ll be due to YOU heroes who’ve tried and pushed for years, not the cowards who promise the world then do nothing once elected!
I couldn’t agree with you more. I live in Minnesota but I’d go down to Clearwater in a heartbeat if I could help close down that evil place.
I had similar thoughts reading that article. It’s like asking city council to take on the mafia. I mean who has the money and manpower, and intentions to stop enough to garble a whole hours worth of TV in a city? Mafia! that’s why seeing Mike Rinder and Leah Remini’s courage is so spectacular. It takes courage and support!
Rosemarie, I worked in the cable industry for awhile. I was surprised at the time how many mafioso-types I encountered — UNTIL I realized how much money was in the biz. Always follow the money. Even a small town cable operation like CW is worth big bucks– at least in the 10s of millions — and the operators are human, so they’re susceptible to money thrown their way. So don’t be surprised that a one-hour ‘outage’ could be arranged on short notice. Also, the on-demand content is likely on computer servers and we all know how tough it is to rename files on a computer drive, or to rename to someplace else on a drive to be renamed back later. given a bit of time, I could create two command files to do just that in seconds each way. If I were familiar with the system, could have done it a few times faster than this post has taken.
O/T. Nation of Islam Brother Alexander Ofori-Muhammad is a Scientology minister or minister in training and Class V Auditor at the Church of Scientology of London, and is now OT 3. See:
Wow Thanks for the links.
Indie, news of NOI’s buying into scn’s scam is hardly O/T, even though it doesn’t seem to be the blog’s topic today That other false ‘religion’ should be exposed for what it isn’t .These days, anything with islam in its name is as suspect as names including “citizens’ ” has become. CCHR was anything but grass-roots at first, and always has been a false front for scientology’s immoral and bigoted attacks of people who, in my experience truly work to improve their clients’ lives. Just because Tubby had a bug up his ample posterior about them doesn’t make what he said/wrote fact. In fact, if scientology says something, I am pretty sure that it’s false in some way, possibly completely fabricated with no basis in truth. Take Zenu: The whole “incident 2” supposedly happened on islands that didn’t exist at that time, never mind the absurdity of everything else in the story. For a ‘storyteller’, he sure didn’t care if the stories were unbelievable. The slaves HAD to at least go through the motions of believing lest they be punished for thinking.
Clearwater has a vermin problem – rats!
Just move? That’s the only realistic option I”ve ever heard resuscitating downtown Clearwater. Those who have never been fair gamed by a multi-billion dollar corrupt mafia ruled by a tyrannical sociopath understandably come up with reasonable ideas and plans. Until Aftermath, any of us can tell you no one believed us when we told our stories in an effort to educate non informed why it was a waste of resources.
My husband and I still appreciate your taking time to respond to our request for help when the fair gaming became too much and your advice. We could not afford Betsy or any attorney or going up against this insatiable beast- my husband had already gone an entire year without income as the first blow in the fair gaming. I hope next episode covers what happens when a critic of any stripe steps on their sidewalks. For us, within 2 minutes a Clearwater police car will creep over, detain and ask for ID and what we’re doing.
From comments I don’t think Aftermath viewers know Scientology hires off-duty cops. I hope they find out about how mind blowing excessive the safepointing is in this county. When they were stalking me at night only when husband was gone, I knew better than to call the Sheriff. I relied on neighbors instead. The Sheriff’s youth ranch, the Pinellas County Juvenile Board, Tampa Bay Film groups, Boy Scouts, the various Clearwater Planning as well as Development Boards, the list seems endless. We were followed all 17 miles home by two of OSA goons once. We got the dead rat treatment, we lived under threat of losing our home for an entire year. We unfortunately qualified for Legal Aid. If not, we would have lost that too.
I had visits from an out of town friend and never in critic. Used to work with Gabe. She called me one day in a panic – confessed she hadn’t really believed me about the stalking but since her visits, she was getting stalked too, only when husband wasn’t home. Again. She believed me now. When I heard about the TV interference exactly timed to start/finish, I knew the entire City of Clearwater had just been fair gamed. We’ve had no bothers for a couple years now. Until this episode. Had a car parked across the lot, parked in odd position, directed right at our front window, arrived at start, left 2 minutes after the program.
Sorry this is long but for those who are now saying we’re nuts to think Scientology’s dictator could be behind this at this point are either being neglectfuly uninformed or intentionally irresponsible. Move!
I believe you. I also think incidents of scientology-related harassment are occurring in other cities and even in other countries.
I’m in Canada, and I’ve been harassed for the last few years by a very secretive group of people, who tried to intimidate me with a lawsuit when I started talking about what was happening.
I’ve never been involved in Scientology, and had no reason to suspect they were connected to these harassers (who are part of an alt-right group), but I now believe there is a connection between these fringe alt-groups and scientology.
Rose, extremists of various ideologies tend to be fundamentally similar, and to employ similar “ends justify the means” tactics.
Also, Scientology is in a way a sort of vast conspiracy theory belief itself, with Xenu and the Loyal Officers, and the modern-day “psychs,” so it’s not surprising that people who buy into that ideology and mindset, have a lot of similarities with, and maybe even some crossover with, more conventional conspiracy theories – like QAnon (, which a number of scientologists have shown themselves to believe in.
I think there is only minimal and coincidental connection with other groups. If anything, scientologists are too busy with their own activities, including their front groups – which are themselves a sort of actual conspiracy to infiltrate and eventually take control of society and even governments (see also Scientology’s 1970s espionage program
All very true, Peacemaker, and until very recently I would have agreed with you 100%. However, after a couple years of playing internet sleuth, I’m not so sure.
One thing that I’ve noticed is that both groups seem to have infiltrated many internet forums by getting their members on as moderators in as many forums as possible. (At least this is my theory) Also, I see a direct correlation between the QAnon groups and the groups who are trying to promote theories about gang-stalking and targeted individuals. I believe this is to promote more fear and helplessness in the people who have been harassed by scientology and alt-right groups.
Don’t fall for their propaganda , people. There is no proof that any DEW are being used by gang-stalkers , or that MK ultra is real.
Florida has a Stand Your Ground law. I’d suggest you get a firearm and learn how to use it.
THDNE – You’ve been through so much yet have stayed strong and still spoken out! It’s for all the people like you that I want to see them go down in a big fashion! Why they have the tax benefits they do, the ability to safepoint and so many cowards unwilling to act baffles and disgusts me. What happened to this country?!?! When did we become so meek and willing to just curl up & take it?! We’re so quick to get involved elsewhere but we’ve got SO much cleaning up to do within our own house!
Seems to me that the NAME of the town referred to as “Clear Water” should be change to:
murkier; murkiest
Definition of murky
: characterized by a heavy dimness or obscurity caused by or like that caused by overhanging fog or smoke
the murky bottom of the lake
: characterized by thickness and heaviness of air : foggy, misty
rain poured down from murky skies
1) WHY do “we” look out of place in the “Flagship area” of Clear Water…maybe because we don’t wear waiter uniforms.
2) WHY are people being questioned by the Police if they want to take pictures of the area.
3) Why are people seemingly questioned about “Trespassing” if they are in proximity to COS
4) Why can’t anyone sit on a bench in the downtown “Flagship area” without being questioned.
If “they” have nothing to hide, if everything about “them” is supposedly out in the open and they really want to “clear/save the planet”, why are “we” so seemingly unwelcomed..
If “they” are as big on HUMAN RIGHTS….than WHY can’t it be like the old days when groups of “normal person were in downtown stores shopping without looking out of place etc.
It sounds like “that area” of so called “Clear Water” has more or less now become unwelcoming to the “normal person” who is NOT one of “their members”.
MURKY WATER….WHAT exactly are “they” afraid of?
Since this documentary has began Clearwater was my biggest question, I grew up going to Tarpon Springs and was told by my grandparents to stay away from Clearwater. We as Floridains need to start at the local government (Governor) to hopefully make change. But my fear is the government of all of Florida is somehow paid off to shut up! Tell me Mike what can we do? Where do we began? I want them investigated.
Oh, bravo. I cannot wait for part 2.
Tax them for starters. Science Fiction pretending to be a religion is ridiculous. Frankly, I believe ALL churches, etc and so forth should be taxed, but at the very least, this gobbly gook should pay taxes. And the sad part is, they actually have scared the IRS away with many lawsuits. How many regular citizens would get away with that?
When 1 bad thing happens, it is suspicious. When 2 related bad things happen, it is not a ‘fluke’. When 3 related bad things happens, it is a conspiracy. Hold DirectTV accountable and get as many subscribers together as you can discuss the matter with DirectTV and your state and county licensing board. Put some feet to the fire.
Sadly, Clearwater is in a bind. Large parts of the city are being taken off the tax rolls and its police department has been rented out to Miscavige. But they can arrest Dave Miscavige’s sister, oh wait, that was the county Sheriffs Department. Never mind.
The ‘entertainment complex’ that has been touted will fix everything. Why people will come from near and far to hoist a beer with Tom Cruise. Yeah, that’s the ticket.
The Clearwater Mayor and Officials very well may be in apathy, with some ingredient of cowardice and, if this is not the case, one may wonder how much have they been paid to continue backing away from the cult.
After all we are dealing with a criminal Organization…Scn
Get a list of entities & people who gave to these politicians campaigns.
Would love to learn more about the Spectrum issue. I saw it on Twitter as it was happening, and Spectrum’s lame responses.
I was a born-in and am UTR. I am newly out due to your show Mike. Thank you and Leah. Although I was not able to see the show due to OSA’s dirty deeds, I will find a way to watch it thanks to A&E reruns of this show throughout the month.
I am secretly working on getting my spouse out now and hopefully all of the family still stuck in the cult. Thank you for your hard work exposing the truth. I would have never left Scientology – ever!
Due to what you exposed on Scientology; the Aftermath show – it did not take me long to finally do my Doubt Formula for real and make a decision. I had personal experience that Scientology did not work but I thought it was me. I now know with total certainty that Scientology IS dangerous and evil. Scientology was all smoke and mirrors. The Organization does nothing to help mankind and I wasted my life. No more!
Perhaps an organized protest in Clearwater around City Hall so that the government officials there DO SOMETHING ABOUT Scientology? People are getting hurt. Children are trapped. Foreigners are trapped. Scientology takes away their passports and this is human trafficking. People’s lives are getting ruined by Scientology.
L Ron Hubbard’s Birthday is coming up. What about a world-wide organized protest at every Scientology Org on the planet – which is not very many. The organization is shrinking and I should know – I am close to the Mecca of this cult – Flag!
I would like to leave Florida and go somewhere where there was no Scientology. Based on the truth, that will not be hard to do.
Thank you to everyone who had the courage to speak out about Scientology. You all helped.
Tom Welcome to the wonderful world my friend! I’m so thankful you discovered the truth about this scam. Many people will try to help and have your back. Way to go! You’re free . ☺
Good for you! I was able to finally get my spouse out in 2011 by reading the New Yorker article. Sadly our family did not come with us, but our lives are so much better without scientology. The best part is that our young children have been growing up without its shadow hanging over their childhood. Freedom is real out here. Good luck to you!
“… but I thought it was me.”
ToM, nearly everyone who left experienced this, as free communication is suppressed inside the cult.
Former CoS members who have spoken out:
The people on this list are only a fraction of the people who have left; they have spoken out publicly with their name.
Wish you all the best!
ToM – Excellent suggestion. They took a real hit back in 2008 when Anonymous did it – How’s About a 10-year Anniversary celebration?! The only way to handle a Bully is to bully right back.
This time, the picketers should wear LRH and DM masks…
We tried to watch the DVR’ed ep last night (live in St. Pete) and as you said it was completely garbled. The show was back up on the On Demand channel though so we were able to catch it there. Had NO idea the tech issues started and ended with your episode though. That’s terrible. You have tons of supporters down here in south Pinellas county. Let us know if we can do more than just convince our neighbors and friends not to attend the “community events” the church holds, like that winter thing they have each year near Christmastime. We know they’re all scams.
Hello Mr. Rinder,
I hope you and your family are well. I have a huge question that maybe you can help me with.
I’m sure you too have been watching the news lately, the things we are seeing within the government and the DNC, are these tactics not familiar to anyone else besides me? It would explain the reluctance of the FBI to actually do anything against The church. I may just be reaching here, but what I’m seeing here looks an awful lot like what you have been showing us. Please watch the tape of Stone coming out of court and then the media slaughtering him before he has even been found guilty.
Just my thoughts , I would love to hear from you and your opinion on this issue. Thank you for your valuable time.
We try to avoid political comments here. You will simply start a flame war with people who think the the right wing are like scientology. The subject of Scientology will be
lost in the partisan name-calling.
Excellent article Mike from someone we lived in St.pete back in the 80’s. Clearwater is nothing of what it’s roots used to be and it’s sad to see that all washed away by a cult with money
That would just divide us! We are all so different but we unite in the demise of scientology.
How about a big Clearwater BBQ and special outdoor airing of Leah Remini’s Scientology and the Aftermath
Followed by a community round table discussion about what the City can do to get this infestation under control? Perhaps a revisit of the idea of electing a Mayor with real powers for a start.
They tried that about a year ago, had a great turnout. I agree, something like that should be done yearly, even weekly to show the city they can’t be pushed around by a non religious cult. People’s descriptions of the city are that it’s so ghost townish that no one wants to go near it. And now the fact that they can affect people’s cable service is absolutely horrendously maddening. No one should be able to do that, and get a spineless wet noodle response like they did on Tuesday; it’s unacceptable!
Great idea to do a bbq and showing of the show followed by a round table discussion.
Hi Mike, I think the mayor and city officials are in fear of doing something to shut this cult down in anyway possible for fear of things being said about them that maybe true even though the cult obviously lies through their back teeth. I personally would rather hear the some skeleton truths of the mayor or city officials so they won’t have anything to fear from what the cult will say about them. At least there will be no secrets and people would not care about what is said about them because they will know that the mayor and officials will finally do something about this cult once and for all. If the mayor or officials did have skeletons in their closet like the rest of us then it will be yesterday’s news compared to seeing the cult brought to it knees and the abusers brought to justice. No matter if your just a citizen or a politician, mayor or the queen, honesty is the best policy and people will appreciate honesty even if it isn’t nice to hear but the officials higher up than the rest of us would be respected alot more if they were more honest. People are only afraid if they have something to hide so therefore they keep out of the spotlight. The cult just accuses ex Scientologists of the same bullshit over and over and spend enormous amount of money to make their lives a living hell just so they are not exposed for the reality of what they really are and doing. Money, politics and religion/cults are the greatest destroyers of our world as greed and the power trip overwhelms them so much that they lose touch with the reality of what is truly happening in the world. I wish I was a lawyer, I might be a woman but I have bigger balls than the megladon haha but I’m a woman who would fight any cult or anyone who is doing wrong in this world. Great respect to you Leah and everyone fighting this cult, you are all warriors in a world of unimaginable craziness and destruction. Wishing you all love, peace, luck and a huge hug from all your supporters x
Great comment Leanne! I always think these people are terrified of the skeletons in their closet. Almost everyone has them and scientology is counting on that. At some point you have to stand up for what’s right and stop letting them bully you. It’s scary as shit. But I hope people will realize it’s really the only way.
I have written letters to the mayors of Clearwater for years and I have never received a response. Cretekos included. I have an artist working on narrative scenes of the main beliefs of the Church of Scientology. My belief is that Clearwater should evolve into a diverse comparative religious center formed with art from all of the major religions. Most surveys show that religion is declining. Many of its beliefs have been relegated to history. Scientology cannot fill in the gap to provide a modern religion. But the great religions of the world like Christianity and Buddhism still have a relevant message. MY dream is to open an art center in Clearwater which compares Scientology to these great religions with art but without any form of “sales”.
In this way, Scientology’s strategy backfires because it is restricted in space and time. It is surrounded by truth. The evil of Scientology is show in art by contrast.
Scientology has always been one big backfire. The money that is given to them is intended to do some good. Instead – BACKFIRE – it goes to doing more harm to families and attracting new dupes into the cult.
I just hope I live long enough to see these scumbag scambag criminals get what is coming to them.
Interesting that Spectrum had technical difficulties in Tampa Bay, I wonder if it was the same in Manatee County and Sarasota, as well as up in Orlando. I do recall that during the Time Warner Cable and Brighthouse Networks eras that EarthLink was one of the services that you could add to your internet service for some stupid reason. I don’t doubt that people from OSA have some kind of influence at work there.
However, even if Spectrum are jacked up and drinking scamology’s kool-aid, they’re still a damn sight better than CableOne.
Its a shame to see Clearwater just bending over and taking it. I personally never much cared for the city or for Pinellas County for that matter (I’ve spent a lot of time in St. Pete, Clearwater, and Largo) especially after the Cherch “allegedly” killed someone there and got away with it by buying everyone off that they could and silencing everyone else. I lived in Florida for more than 30 years until 2015 and I never figured the city would just completely knuckle under like that. Sad to see.
The death of Lisa McPherson will be one of the topics next episode.
I’m glad to hear that. I recently read the details of her story. I don’t think I’ll ever shake the heartbreak of this tragedy.
Two points
“Provable lies”. Then prove it, McSavage, you whining puling sorry excuse of a human.
Mike you magnificent amazing ….oh you know!! Gawdamightydayum call them ALL out. Rip tide.