As always, Tracey McManus has the story.
I spoke to Tracey about this earlier today and she quoted me in the article. But I had more thoughts on it that she was unable to include. I also have a copy of Chief Slaughter’s publicly available report.
First, this comes as a relief to me. My son is in this facility, so anything being done to mitigate the threat of this pandemic is very welcome.
Second, I applaud Chief Slaughter for taking the initiative to do something. I do not recall the last time any city official walked in to the Ft Harrison to check out what is going on.
Third, clearly the pressure from the Tampa Bay Times and citizens calling the PD and Sheriff’s Office was the impetus for action. And Mark Bunker arriving on the City Council and expressing his concern to the City Manager and police cannot be underestimated.
Fourth, I think it is important for the well being of those inside Flag that they are being forced to address the issues of this pandemic. Tracey focused on this aspect of my comments in her article. The Chief of Police walking through their buildings is a VERY big deal and if nothing else raised the awareness of the seriousness of the matter.
Fifth, the city and CWPD especially need a better understanding of how things work inside scientology to be able to do their jobs effectively. I have conducted tours like this for officials and media on many occasions. Even if it was a “surprise” a drill goes into place instantly. People are on their walkie-talkies running (literally) ahead of the tour route (“We are heading to the pool then through the walkway etc”) to ensure all is in order. Nobody sitting closer than 6 feet. Tables separated. No plates of food lying around. Signs all in order. Everything scientology organization can move into a “clean-ship drill” almost instantly. They have cameras on the outside of the buildings too — if Chief Slaughter was sitting outside in a cruiser or even on foot to observe the buses, he would have been spotted and any buses that DID have a lot of people on them would have been radio’d to turn around and head back to where they came from. The sophistication of the operations is not easily understood. But that does not take away from the fact that the impact of this inspection was great.
Finally, I have been critical of law enforcement when I feel they have been negligent or in error. Similarly, I want to recognize and thank them for doing their job. Well done Chief Slaughter. I hope this is the begining of a new era in Clearwater. You can be even more effective in protecting the citizens of Clearwater (INCLUDING the scientologists) if you understand better how they operate. You have a great resource now sitting on the City Council to help you with this.
Here is the Chief’s report sent to the City Manager:
Mr. Horne,
I spoke with Councilman Bunker today regarding concerns about the Church of Scientology parishioners and requesting a welfare check be done. Additionally, our Communications Center received some calls about Scientology compliance with CDC guidance, executive orders, and resolutions. PIO Shaw advised there was some similar concerns expressed on Twitter. I spoke with Sheriff Gualtieri, who indicated he had field some inquiries about it as well. There was a youtube video posted that referenced March 21, which showed buses at or near capacity; but that date was before the “Safer at Home” order.
Based on the reported concerns, I did the following:
- I circulated downtown on Monday and monitored the unloading of buses. I observed the buses to be less occupied than normal. The number of passengers appeared to range from 8-15. The persons were seated separate from each other. I could see as persons unloaded, they would stand on the bus six feet apart waiting to get off. I spoke with Division Chief Graham who indicated he had a conversation with Scientology staff and reviewed their protocols for transport and disinfecting procedures Scientology instituted. He advised he felt they were using best practices.
- I again circulated downtown this morning and monitored the unloading of buses. I had the same observations as yesterday, but the buses I observed did not have more than 13 passengers. There is substantially less foot traffic of Scientology personnel downtown as well.
- I circulated other locations on Tuesday, driving past some residential locations on N Fort Harrison and off of Keene Rd. I did not observe any congregating at any of these locations or violations of the social distancing requirements. The social distancing requirements would not extend inside of a residential unit. As longs as occupancy is consistent with Code, there would not be a violation.
- At 140pm, I went to 210 Fort Harrison and advised I would like a staff member to give me a tour of the building so I could evaluate compliance with the current prevention measures in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Ben Shaw and Sarah Heller met me and we discussed the processes they have in place to prevent spread. I learned the following:
- Ben Shaw advised that some persons staying at the Fort Harrison are international guests that are unable to get flights home due to restricted travel.
- All persons that have any indication of illness or have arrived with any travel related concerns are quarantined for 14 days.
- There is signage prevalent in the building, which I observed.
- There is a short questionnaire asked of persons entering the Fort Harrison to confirm they have read prevention material
- There is multiple locations for persons to obtain surgical masks, gloves, and gel sanitizer.
- I was able to review and keep two pamphlets available at each desk that discuss protective measures.
- I walked the common areas in 210 S Fort Harrison and did not see any gatherings in violation
- I toured the pool area and observed the pool was closed. People were allowed to use chairs that were significantly separated from each other to sunbath or lounge.
- I toured two food dining areas at 210 S Fort Harrison which were operating, but with separation between dining tables of approximately 10 feet. We discussed the restaurant restrictions and Sarah advised that their food dining was not regulated by the Governor’s Executive order because they are not part of those establishments governed by chapter 500 or 509. Matt Smith reviewed and confirmed that she was correct, they were exempt as a religious organization and governed by chapter 66 of the Pinellas County Code not Florida Statute 500 or 509. I did not observe any alcoholic beverages being served.
- I toured 215 S Fort Harrison as well. The general areas again did not have any evidence of groups congregating. I discussed the auditing sessions with Ben Shaw. He advised that they had created distance between the auditor and the parishioner, and the sessions involve two people.
- I toured the dining area used for the general employees. They advised they generally have two sittings, but have expanded to four sittings at three different locations. The have removed tables and chairs to increase spacing. I observed employees in line at one of the sittings. The employees in line were separated by six feet, using the hallway to achieve the distance. There were monitors making sure there was compliance.
Based on the observations made, I don’t see any compliance issues. They have prevalent signage and disinfectant available. Neither location was dense with people. Ben Shaw advised that with air travel restrictions, occupancy is currently lower than normal.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Chief Slaughter
Yesterday the Florida Department of Health started posting COVID numbers not only by county, but by zip code.
Interestingly, I noted that 33756 has more cases than any zip code in the county – 28 as of today.
Is it possible that they actually had precautions in place because they don’t want to lose members? Strength in numbers…
I wonder if he visited the purif saunas?
This inspection by the Police Chief is a milestone event. Now the precedent has been set.
One noticable FAUX PAS……
Did Chief Slaughter ASK to do a “Wellness Check” on SHELLY MISCAVIGE???? I thought so….
I must be an idiot…..I THOUGHT that when ANY branch of “the authorities were called to DO a “Wellness Check”…..the person in question would have to be SEEN ALIVE & WELL….and NOT be able to take “the word” of ANOTHER PERSON that the “missing person” is alive & well & doesn’t WANT to be seen y said authorities.
Gee….Councilman Bunker….there must be at least ONE PERSON who would LOVE to had a “Wellness Check” done to mare SURE Shelly Miscavige truly IS alive & well………………
Since WHEN did the old addage “A Unicorn has to be SEEN to be BELIEVED”…become…SURE WE WILL TAKE YOU WORD THAT SHELLY DOESN”T WANT TO LEAVE…..
I agree, but she’s not at Flag.
The cold hard facts is that the ONLY reason david miscavige is implementing any of these WOG orders (and trying to make it look like the church of scientology’s orders) is PR. If there were an outbreak at FLAG or LA and Sea Org members got and spread this virus, it would be a PR nightmare. Otherwise, david miscavige couldn’t give two shits about the loss of lives. “If they die they die.” And I’d bet big money he is staying away from lowlifes that might infect him (which is just about everyone).
I think my main concern would be Sea Org berthing. Since this wasn’t part of the guided tour, we won’t really know. Perhaps there’s no way to do an inspection since this is considered private residence. Still. a leopard doesn’t change its spots. When I was in the SO, a hospital room that was designed for two hospital beds could hold as many as TWELVE Sea Org members – four bunk beds, each one stacked three high. And when you have 12 male SO members living in one small room, it tends to smell like a used jock strap.
Dirty AF. Nobody bothered to clean, and they weren’t expected to.
I just hope that in the coming weeks there isn’t an announcement that Shelly Miscavige unfortunately passed away after a heroic battle against coronavirus and has already been cremated as per her wishes. IAS donations are accepted in lieu of flowers.
I wouldn’t put it past them.
If that were to happen, you would really see the proverbial shit hit the proverbial fan.
SOB wouldn’t do that. Part of the thrill is knowing she’s alive and miserable.
In his Ignw bulletin 88 DM says
“And, in that regard, this latest planetary bullbait is but a blip in an epic Whole Track drama.”
In other words, the fact that many people get sick and died and unfortunately will die is just a blip? Damn! Fortunately, scientology is the help par excellence and that in his creed life is inviolable. It seems to me that everything that is happening in the world to Miscavige does not matter much. It’s just Dev-t (developed traffic). Wake Up! Life is now and always will be, not in some distant future.
All the people who have died?
Now you should by now know the classic Scientology answer to that!
All together now!
And again!
Alcoboy. So right. Another one is “they are gonna pick up another body next lifetime”. What a view of life from who claims to have the knowledge about it. Life is now not tomorrow. Sad.
Losing My Religion, This is so sadly true. I have heard that attitude expressed many times by SO. When a good friend of mine died, and she had been SO, they all had NO empathy, NO sympathy, NO grief and just shrugged and said, “she’ll be back in her next LT.” I was also shocked at the funeral for her that not one SO member attended. I asked someone in the know why none of her colleagues that she had worked with were there? She replied, “Because it is Thursday before 2:00 and they have to get their stats up.”
Cindy. Unfortunately, that’s the way it is. I remember one SO woman who died of HIV. I spoke to her just before she died because she needed me to help her with legal and financial things. She was sick and I looked her in the eyes and saw fear and confusion. She was also clear. And after she died the point of view of many was that she was somehow a bitch or that she had pulled it in etc. I remember that I thought I was in the wrong place and that the group was really out of the way.
Ps. Loosing not losing. Like getting rid of something or actually giving it back to them
I have a feeling that Dwarfen Monster is going through huge amounts of Anusol to help ease the pain of the bricks he is passing since Mark bunker was elected. His rage must be growing almost exponentially as officials are taking more than just a squiz at $camology at the moment. Couldn’t happen to a nicer person.
I love the idea that he must be so mad that Mr. Bunker got elected.
It goes without saying that the drill went off immediately and gave the idea that it was all right.
Surely an inspection of the dormitories would perhaps have given the sheriff another idea.
Instead the staff has no idea. They can’t get news from the outside or read newspapers. The only thing he will have read is Bulshetin 88 which says that they are ‘under a planetary bullbait attack’. And that the world wants to stop them because they are expanding like never before.
Poor people.
One thing for sure is it puts them on notice that the CoS is fully aware of the requirements now in place for COVID-19 so should anything significant happen by way of staff or members of the public contracting this contagion, and they become extremely sick, or dare I say die, the authorities should be doing thorough contact tracing. The truth will come out, as they may not be able to hide this time.
I think they’re doomed to this fate.
I was on staff (non-Sea Org) at CCLA.
The place was a general mess until we got word: “Flag will be here tomorrow for an Inspection. ALL HANDS!”
That meant drop e v e r y thing, and clean like mad. Put order in!
It was truly a freakout, every time.
Then once they were gone, all went back to normal. Very hypocritical.
I have faith with Mark Bunker helping the city, now officially, we ~may~ see some good changes
Love to All! Happy April, despite all.
Love to you, too, Tory!
Interesting to say the least. First follow them around so they know a visit is immident. Then park out front where cameras see you. Stop and talk to two scientologists to allow time for movement. Next stop at a desk and read a couple of bullcrap pamphlets. More time to get away. Next visit”common” areas while cameras watch. More time to move. Have two scientologists leading you where they want you to go. Don’t look at an auditing room but take the word of people who are trained to lie. Give two booklets and send him for the door. As soon as the WOG leaves,”fall down rolling with laughter”. Sad if it wasn’t true. In Vietnam we saw from my helicopter how fast the North Vietnamese army could bug out of anywhere. That I have witnessed first hand many times. Scientology got away with it. They have probably tested this drill for years. Now they are free to go about their business as usual. Unfortunate for anyone trapped inside because they had no opportunity to talk to the authorities in private. Just SOP for the cult!
“Ben Shaw advised that some persons staying at the Fort Harrison are international guests that are unable to get flights home due to restricted travel.
All persons that have any indication of illness or have arrived with any travel related concerns are quarantined for 14 days.”
OH REALLY? There’s who I’d want to talk to.
Mr Rinder. IF they are isolating anyone with symptoms of illness, your son is young, strong. He can recover. We have many cases in my county and we have several recoveries as well. I’m hoping for the best for your son.
I hadn’t thought about international people not being able to fly home. That’s a valid excuse.
Quite thorough report and true, it is good they keep in compliance with the safe measures as its purpose is to save lives (for real) and there are good staff members in there.
Thank you Mike for the insight.
Good effort by Chief Slaughter. Mark Bunker was spot on about dorms, and staff areas, and to your point, Mike, there are no real surprise visits no matter how well meaning. When I was there we always got tipped off, and had a mandatory briefing followed by an all hands to get violations fixed prior to inspection. Not to mention we kids were coached to lie if questioned…and it was all explined away as evil SP’s trying to screw with us because were helping too many people crap.
Thanks for that reminder of Scientology’s modus operandi – including that they always seem to have moles or sources who tip them off about inspections. That points to the problem of having police moonlight for Scientology as a second employer, something Bunker will hopefully address.
The only way for the police to really do an inspection of Flag, would be for the chief and a couple of officers he trusted not to be feeding info to Scientology, to do a true surprise inspection, arriving suddenly and fanning out quickly to areas mostly likely to be in violation. Flying a drone over the pool area right as that started, would allow them see an example of what’s really going on and how Scientology reacts.
Florida elder abuse and neglect laws also ought to be brought to bear, to inspect berthing since so many seniors are housed there.
True, but it would seem that window has now closed. The foolish Governor of Florida who resisted implementing a stay at home order for the state until yesterday, included in his order an exemption for religious organizations. Why would he do such a foolhardy thing? The religious right has a lot of power in Republican politics and they are not given to listening to science when it is in conflict with their faith. The vast majority of churches will NOT use this exemption to endanger their congregations. A few will.
The Governor of FL is a complete and utter MORON.
So, religions don’t have to follow the laws regarding COVID-19 because of their “beliefs”? Wow. Just, WOW.
In conflict with their faith?? Ok, so let’s just allow them to continue to possibly infect others because they’re a “church”. Makes no goddamn sense whatsoever.
Let’s see how those “beliefs” work out for them when they start getting sick. Unbelievable, to say the least.
Their guns and their God. Covid-19 is just the latest ploy in a vast overall globalist conspiracy to take away their guns and their God and to ultimately destroy them. Millions of people, apparently, believe this…? Who are they? No kidding; I’m not being funny; who ARE these people?
I didn’t see any mention of berthing quarters and compliance in that area.
From personal experience and I’m sure it’s common knowledge that the berthing is analagous to submarine berthing. They’re stacked one on top of each other basically.
Is the church exempt from this type of inspection?
And what about tiny two fists? Is he no longer allowed to vent his frustration by kicking the shit out of whoever he feels like. You know those arms and legs are as tiny as they get on homo novis….nowhere near 6 feet.
If David Miscavige is scared of catching BTs (Body Thetans) from kids and other peole*, he most likely is also scared to catch the virus or as he called it “planetary bullbait”.
Surely he is comfortably in a very safe place getting protected by his security and bodyguards.
Pluvo. I just watch that video. Thanks for the link. I didn’t see it before. Interesting. Crazy stuff even believe it.
Berthing in SO is a small hotel sized room with only one bathroom for 12 people, stacked like cord wood, bunkbeds 3 high, four bunk beds per room. If that isn’t a recipe for mass infection spreading, I don’t know what is.
The only good that would come out of it(if there is any) is that 1) the ranks of the Sea Org might be reduced and 2) the world will see Scientology for what it really is and take action.
I agree, but “reduced” because they’ll fold under this new added pressure and blow or route out. That’s my “postulate”.
When 9/11 occurred several Sea Org members each told me they (the Sea Org) “let it happen” and that now, as a consequence, they
had to take responsibility”.
Look, this is what they told me!
It was part of a staff recruitment cycle.
This was how they were “taking responsibility for 9/11”.
Based on that I’m thinking they’ll be blamed for CV-19 too but then they won’t be able to order public in for staff recruitment cycles because of social distancing! So what will be the Sea Org’s solution for THIS catastrophe?
I don’t see anything they can do that will mean anything.
Money? Not really. Many people are losing their jobs.
Staff recruitment? I doubt it. Hard to recruit for staff over email.
So what will the SO DO to “take responsibility”?
Interesting times.
Mr. Bunker mentioned this. See Mr. Ortega:
Mark Bunker is da man! Working on getting the CW authorities to snap and pop and investigate not only the sanitary conditions of the guest rooms but especially the Sea Ogres’ berthing. Packed together like sardines in tiny rooms with very few bathrooms. Packed together when they eat, like farm animals at a trough, having to gobble down a meal in a half an hour. Its always been gross; now its dangerous, to themselves and others AND, ironically, a potential PR DISASTER for the cult if their living conditions are made public at this time. GO MARK BUNKER! We know you’re on it. We know you’ll know what can be done, and when. And thank you
Today’s inspection was not governed by the new Florids state-wide order announced today, but for the future:
Florida’s statewide stay-at-home order still allows churches and their followers to gather during coronavirus outbreak
IMPORTANT: It also supersedes “any conflicting official action or order issued by local officials in response to COVID-19.”
Amazing. Simply amazing that DeSantis considers church services “an essential business.” How is that possible? Never mind whether or not its essential, a church is not a business! Of course, Co$ IS a church in name only and for all practical purposes a business, but I’m referring to legal and theoretical definitions. A church is not a business. It may well be essential to some but it involves massing people together. Oh, well. The good news I’m reading are that SOME Florida churches are voluntarily closing and holding – what do they call it? – virtual services…whatever. And that’s fine. These are the smart ones who won’t get sick and cause others to get sick. But the others who insist on massing together in church? Death wish, maybe. An unacknowledged, unconfronted by self desire to die. They’re out there.
Edit: “The good news I’m reading IS that…”
See my other reply. This is foolhardy, but not unexpected.
True, Mike. I’m surprised, but at the same time not surprised.
Here’s my question, Aqua. How many churches in Florida are cancelling services and activities despite the governor’s directive. I know that the Mormons have pretty much shut down everything worldwide. This weekend is their General Conference and only the general authorities are allowed to attend. No one else is allowed in the Conference Center. It will be live streamed. Your dead ancestors will have to wait until the crisis is over because the church’s temples are only doing ordinances for living persons and only on a limited basis. So some religions may be just shutting down for the duration.
Got it on everything, Alco, but I’m not the person to answer this as I’m not a Florida resident. I just happened to check into Florida’s CV-19 situation because I was curious about whether Flog, as a (sigh) legal church would have to close up shop. That’s how and why I pulled up the articles about DeSantis ruling that Florida churches are” essential businesses” and can stay open. I don’t know how many churches in Florida will take the common sense initiative on their own about not perpetuating this horrible thing even though their idiot governor is allowing them to do so.