Another Freudian slip.
This is a couple of weeks old. Scientology put out a press release about their wonderful goodwill gesture of caroling for Christmas.
Of course, scientology and Christianity have nothing to do with one another. Scientologists do NOT celebrate Christmas. Their Christmas is March 13, they hold a massive celebration (at least massive for them) to commemorate the birth of L. Ron Hubbard. It is the most important day on the scientology calendar.
So, it is quite hypocritical for them to make themselves appear to be “Christian observant.”
But then Amber inadvertently lets slip the real reason for their effort.
To get people into the building to “view the panels” and watch “several videos” about scientology and Hubbard.
Some real Clearwater PR
Please watch this short video from Aaron Smith-Levin.
We are embarking on a downtown Clearwater revitalization project…
BEWARE! Hot Chocolate = Kool Aid
Mike….HELP! I haven’t gotten your daily blog emails for many days. Ann W just confirmed that she hasn’t either. What should we do please?
Nathan is working to resolve this.
It’s been oddly difficult — but both he and I have had other things we have had to do.
I hope it will be fully resolved by tomorrow.
Once more, thank you very much, Mike, for what you do for us.
Scientologists posing as Christians singing Christmas songs to Christians while respectfully keeping silent about the R6 bank on which Christianity is based. Nothing weird about that. Seeking approval from bodies much?
Wonder if Tony O would consider holding the next ‘HowdyCon’ in Clearwater?
They are a classic example of grasping at straws now…digging their own graves
Forget Xenu….how about ‘WE BLEW’
Starbucks and a few other national/international chains should help get the ball rolling. In-N-Out is expanding to Colorado, Florida too? . . . .etc.
Cult Of $cientology is truly made up of whatever remaining boneheads with their transparent & pathetic luring schtick methods. You really have to be more than a couple cards short of a deck to fall for it. $cientology knows no shame in order to get their numbers up especially sickeningly using people’s religious celebrating as a me-too touchstone. “Oh come, all ye Thaaay-tans…”
Clearwater needs to clearly take back their town.
The thought of Scio carolers inviting people to sing along and follow them to the Org….very Pied Piper. Creepy!!
Marry Christmass
I do not know if it helps you or that you like is but you are an Australian si I know your mum must insisted on being a proper lad, So I wish you a proper merry Christmass
Once again, I’m repulsed by the underhanded attempts to lure unsuspecting innocents into their clutches. It is just so mean spirited and manipulative. A good analogy on par with this behavior is of the sicko’s who offer candy to sweet little kids to lure them away and then abuses them . Seriously…this is what I thought of when I saw that caroling picture.
And, right the fuck on, Aaron!! Take back that beautiful town that has been defaced by this despicable cult. Create concerts loud enough to blow out the windows of Flag. I picture a HUGE TV screen blasting the “truths” to the inhabitants of the cult. A few may blow in the process or, at least, may make subversive contact. They could easily get lost in the crowd and the crowds help them escape. This is great!
Love the HUGE TV Idea. Have to add. T shirt. TCB
Taking Clearwater Back.
Tell me what I can do to help your cause
Good point: The way to revitalize downtown Clearwater? Go to downtown Clearwater!
I’ve an idea…
Xenu’s Bar. An eerie, dry-icey ufo bar. House cocktails include Arp Cola, Goof The Floof and the So On And So Forth. Toilets are hidden behind a wall (of “fire”). Thursday night cabarets include drag queen Little Miss Cabbage performing disco versions of Thank You For Listening and Wind Splitter.
LoLoL! What a concept!
OMG! That’s my kind of bar!
I want an Eternity Cocktail! At Xenu’s. I want it on their Front Porch. And the menu, OMG…Epic Burgers, Golden Age of Omlettes, and of course every clam recipe – Casino, Baked, on the half shell, fried…Oh, wait, I forgot, this is just a bar…oh, well.
I’d go!
Any bar that plays Windsplitter… well, that is one happening place, down with the kids, and so forth.
Oh, man, I am there.
For your listening pleasure, Windsplitter:
I thought it was illegal for anyone other than law enforcement to have access to getting info from License Plates. (Driver’s Privacy Protection Act of 1994)
Correct me if I am wrong. The cult of scientology purchased the Hollywood police department in 1982:)
LOL I love your response.
Go get ’em Aaron.
Aaron, I though of a name for this movement to take back Clearwater… “OPERATION PEST CONTROL”!
What a great idea, to take back Clearwater downtown from those soulless robots filing here and there to fulfill their useless busywork.
What if everyone goes downtown, and every time a scientologist is within earshot, start divulging OT VIII “mysteries”? This might eventually drive them away.
Not a bad idea at all,actually. But from what I’ve heard, your garden variety Flog SO are not permitted to walk anywhere anymore. But someone could put up a sign “Who Is Xenu? Think of all the sheeple who’d need “handling” after that, lol!
Good luck to all visiting downtown Clearwater! Hope the gatherings are fun-filled and clam-free.
Well, it does sound like they’re keeping the membership under cover. Hey, gtsix, maybe we can just show up to see what happens. And, of course, throw back a few beers. Maybe a little more than a few…
Sound’s like they are handing out hot chocolate. Don’t drink the Kool-Aid!!
Scientologists are totally deluded. Here is the real
Lucifer (Hubbard) in Milton’s “Paradise Lost” Book Nine:
“If I could joy in aught, sweet interchange [ 115 ]
Of Hill, and Vallie, Rivers, Woods and Plaines,
Now Land, now Sea, and Shores with Forrest crownd,
Rocks, Dens, and Caves; but I in none of these
Find place or refuge; and the more I see
Pleasures about me, so much more I feel [ 120 ]
Torment within me, as from the hateful siege
Of contraries; all good to me becomes
Bane, and in Heav’n much worse would be my state.”
In real Scientology, Hubbard is the anti-Christ.
Hubbard had Jesus as a pedophile. There is no
Christmas in Scientology.
I have a friend who called me twice. Christmas is a terrible time
for him because his children are under threats from the International Justice Chief.
He is a father and a grandfather with threat of disconnection.
“I have a friend who called me twice. Christmas is a terrible time for him because his children are under threats from the International Justice Chief. He is a father and a grandfather with threat of disconnection.
What you’ve shared applies to many people reading posting here, to many Ex Scn suffering Disconnection from their loved ones, George. These are the people that brave;ly refused to cave to these threats, who effectively channeled their Inner Dirty Harry and said, “Go ahead, make my day” to the cult. Brave people!
“There is no Christmas in Scientology”. Truly, there is none, even for those Still In, in and in Good Standing.
You’ll see Christmas trees and Santas but its all just for show, it means nothing to the cult except as an “ethnic” PR ploy with end “product” more sales or donations to the cult. If the majority of Scientologists were, say, Jewish or Muslim, you’d see Minorahs, and Islamic symbols all over the orgs.
Which gives me an idea. I think at this time we all you use a reminder of why we left – one of the reasons, anyway.
I’d like to add that appearances to the contrary my comment above was not intended as a pejorative of any Still In remaining in the cult and/or UTR solely in order to remain connected to loved ones. Every person is different, each situation is different. I know what its like to lose people, people who are everything, in one’s life. Nothing about the ramifications of Scientology’s abhorrent, cruel Disconnection policy is simple, black/white, right/wrong. Its not for me to judge. I never had to make this kind of decision. Just say.
“…ing. SayiING”.
Darn these paying clients who contribute to my business and waltz right into my office and make me pay attention to my job so that my 5 minute edit time runs out! Who do they think they are, anyway?
I’m sorry for what’s happening to your friend, Aquamarine. I hope everything works out for him. There are so many tragic stories that need to be told. Please tell your friend I’m thinking about him.
Thank you for your kind and caring words, OSD, you are very sweet, Perhaps my post was confusing, but it was in response to George’s post, right above mine. Its his friend, not mine, who kids are being threatened with disconnection from their father, George’s friend. No doubt George will read your post though and know, I’m sure George and know how how you feel!
That’s the second time tonite I ran out my 5 minute editing allowance due to people emailing and calling about urgent business matters. I’m simply not going to tolerate it anymore.
Sounds like a great stocking stuffer.
I drove past Saint Hill today and they were advertising an Ice skating rink on the site. Considering you’re not even allowed to pullover nearby when you’ve broken down… I’m not entirely sure what this was about! This is very random for such a secretive place!
Fishing expedition……however, not much to catch when the pond is frozen.
Off topic Mike, but I read in yesterday Tony Ortega blog that dm was boasting in new year event about scn being recognized as a religion in Mexico. I have known after the application is published in the “Diario Oficial” (Official Diary), any Mexican citizen can file a motion not to grant scn the religious status.
And in any case, if they succeed scn will have to avoid RPF, endless fundraising and more, behaving as a truly civilized organization…
David Speaks!
Are you listening?
On His Stage
Gold is glistening
A horrible sight
You’re pissed off tonite
Listening to a Miscavige Event.
Dave is awe – fully boring
Still you act so adoring
You stand, cheer and clap
You do all that crap
When you’re at a Miscavige Event.
Int Events exist to sell you something
Flows, donations, DM’s New Release
You will have to buy or donate something
To earn yourself some temporary peace.
All the time as they’re reg’ging
Borrowed funds you are pledging
You scarf down some food
Once more you are screwed
Trapped inside a Miscavie Event.
After the Event you’ll get a Survey
Staff will ask What Did You Like The Most?
You’ll say Every Thing Was Really Great, Hey!
Cause if you don’t you know that you’ll be toast.
Out the door, you are legging
Give us MORE, they are begging
As one might expect
They show no respect
Ever, at a Miscavige Event.
I am humbled by your greatness.
Aqua, you are giving us some pretty stiff competition! LOVED IT!
Lol!!! Seriously, good one!
Thanks, everyone. My high school geometry teacher deserves any credit. He droned, and I didn’t like geometry. ( A number of us suspected he didn’t either.) In that class, if I wasn’t re-reading “Gone With The Wind” with the book in my lap I was doing this nonsense. Miracle that I passed. Today, I do it just to mentally escape, or to make myself less serious. Something like that.
Mike can you put a link to Aaron’s page?
What page are you referring to?
The one in the video.
You can find him on YouTube “Growing up in Scientology” There are lots of videos, and a whole series he did with Mike.
Amazing that $ci thinks their doing so much good yet they have killed a whole downtown. Sad they don’t get the message!
They get the message, don’t worry about that, its what their trying to do, they don’t want the people there
Suggestion as a fun event. Do a big arts and craft show…the city can grant a permit for this to close the streets, have live music, have lots of artists and crafters and the booth space can go for say $100 a space…the city could host it and charge more for the tents.. Like the Howard Allen shows but hosted by the city. We do one a month in Nokomis, hosted by our co-op, and we charge $35.00 per booth space, have a 2 musicians, and the local restaurants and bars clean up too. Do a newspaper article, get a friendly reporter from the local paper who is on the same page and wants to see Clearwater thrive again…(it’s such a great town) Promote it big time ….and you will get lots of folks. Art shows are big! Would be big biz for the Lucky Anchor, if there are any restaurants there at all it would be biz for them, or food trucks too I suppose. But quality art.. not like a flea market. Venice has them, Sarasota has them and Englewood, and Port Charlotte. I wouldn’t suggest a Howard Allen run one. wayyyyyyy to costly for the artists and the promoters , the Allens, are the only ones who make good money…. that could be fun.. especially to launch into off season when the artists need to make $$ as do the local businesses. If you have time to promote it for say March.. then you still get all the snow birds. If you need help or ideas on this Aaron, let me know. Mike knows who Madge is, so ask him for my contact info…. or go read one of your new books you got on Saturday. (hint) :0)
Well said Arron, but I suspect that most in the Clearwater area only do occasional drive bys to laugh at the Borg. Like much of the US, the downtown has been abandoned for the suburbs. I doubt that enough care to protest or claim back the town. I have to think that Miscavige will try to close those streets for some stupid excuse. That will be enjoyable too. We will get to see what city officials or employees are in the clam basket.
Still, it would be so much fun to poke the clam and stop at the beer pub for more fun. And ti would be even more fun to see if enough area residents wanted to poke the clam too. Good Luck….And happy R6Implant day to you and yours.
Mike, Aaron – this is a GREAT idea.
Jeeze Louise but I love Aaron.
I’m so glad you guys band together. Y’all make a helluva group.
Aaron has THE best smile I’ve ever seen.
Mike, I saw a number of Leah Remini / Aftermath Facebook sites. Which is the best one to join? I’m not sure I want to join them all. Thanks.
Supporters of Leah Remini is the one that was started by Aaron and he and a bunch of other Aftermath contributors are the moderators.
fans of leah remini: scientology and the aftermath
I wish I could go! I would be there in a flash. Unfortunately, I live far away from CW.
And I live on the other side of the country. Damn…
And I live in a reality that $camology doesn’t like.
Well…just piss on them. That always worked for me.
Maybe when you get your “new body” when you pass away….you’ll live on the CORRECT side of the country
Since I live in Huntington Beach, I probably won’t get any invites.
LOL, nice one, Balletlady!
Thanks Aqua, you are a true delight & a dear friend! I wish you a lovely holiday season!
Thanks! And I warmly wish you the same!
Perhaps their Dickensian garb is yet another slip, reflective of the conditions in which SeaOrg members toil on a daily basis, or the Fagin-like demands imposed on those ensnared in the dregs of regging… “Sir, may I have another…”
The Dickensian type caroling garb may also be a Freudian slip of Bob Cratchet, the Dickens poor sod who was a slave to Scrooge who had to beg for a little wood for the fire and never got a day off and was paid half of what he needed to barely survive. Does that remind you of any church workers?
Exactly…and they are truly singing for their supper.
Excellent idea, Aaron! I love it. Wish I lived closer, so I could attend.
Hello from Utah!
Great idea on revitalizing CW.
Out here there are events that draw people out to visit with each other.
Car and chili cook off (with a fairway offering games, challenges, entertainment)
Pinterest had an event PINNERS. I went and was shocked (not a big Pinner) at how many clever and creative people there are. Tons of hands-on workshops for adults and kids.
Roller Derby and/or similar unique sports represented. The athletes are amazing.
In soCal we had The Highlander Games. Tons of people finding their heritage and roots. Also there was a Scandinavian Festival, Margarita Festival…
Lastly, they had an Antiques Rummage Sale that was so exciting you couldnt even MOVE. So many people!
I would LOVE to help and open a business just to fight the insane group of humans that think they are better than anyone else.
great ideas.
Toot to OT, I travel to UT on a regular basis. I’d love to meet you in person on my next visit if you’d like. I like making the acquaintance of other people who have left the church.
I’m never in, and I’ve never been to Clearwater, but I ALWAYS have suggestions. Have a street fair. If the City would approve it, booths and tables could be set up, autographed books could be sold, suppressive af tshirts. Dog hoodies. People visors, And crafts and artistry to show off local talent.
Hmm thinking out loud, each vendor contribute a small percentage to Clearwater funds for new downtown businesses.
Love the book sale idea. Marc and Claire, Karen Pressley, Maybe Paulette Cooper, etc could sell and autograph their books.
I have been a frequent visitor to Clearwater over the last forty years. Some things never change. Scientology owns the most buildings but the public stays away. It is an amazing paradox. In the late 1970’s there were thousands upon thousands of Scientologists walking the streets around the Fort Harrison Hotel which was in constant inept restoration. Suddenly the beautiful buildings sprang up one by one and the public went south. My idea has been to start a “Religious Freedom Center” which merely tells the truth about Hubbard, Cults and “brainwashing”. But who would come to see it?
Clearwater just voted for a $62 million restoration of the downtown area in a desperate attempt to contain Scientology. The city has been attempting to restore the downtown area since the years after WWI when the businesses merged into the suburbs. The new Tax Act is causing major alarm in Clearwater as we may see Scientology political candidates. It might be a good time for me to invest a few dollars in my plan to develop the “Religious Freedom Center”.
IBitter Defrocked Apostate Tee Shirts that say I KNOW XENU PERSONALLY. Flood down CW with them, lol. Unless the cult has Xenu TM’d. Anyone know?
Aquamarine: Take a gander at the definitions of “fair use”. That could allow that sort of thing even if DM HAS TM’d “Xenu” as a word WRT his “religion”. My vote would be for “Xenu and I are BFFs!”, possibly with the image of Terl (Battlefield Earth)included, though that’d be a complex set of silkscreens($$$).
Will do, jere. I’ll bone up on “fair use” Love your vote too. Endless possibilities for J & D ing using the Xenu theme. Your suggestion would be HILARIOUS!
Exciting to hear about what you guys are going to do for Clearwater! And will be great for people to see what can happen when people come together for the GOOD of a community w/no strings attached.
I mean, c’mon, you guys aren’t requiring the city to give you a specific parcel of land or anything? You’re just doing something like this because… it’s good for the community?
(Queue shock & awe at the out-exchange-ness of it all!)
Oops! Truth in PR for scamology = its own destruction.
I dig those new SO uniforms, though. Big upgrade.
100 people is more than half of the orgs will manage to get to listen his royal highness COB in a new year event.
11000 people in a Facebook group is more than all scn field in a whole Europe (including Russia).
Keep the good fight!!!