Funny how they already know it’s going to be “record-breaking” weeks before it occurs…
Because like all their other community/social betterment activities, they will simply SAY IT and nobody will ever challenge them.
And because they already have it worked out that they are going to get children from the scientologist-owned schools to participate in a mandatory “event.” The sort that if you don’t show up you will be considered “out-ethics” and may wind up having to buy your way out of trouble, it’s just easier to make sure your kids go for an hour or two (once the photos are taken you are free to leave)…
It’s not that getting some kids to pick up trash is a bad thing. Even if they collected a few bags, it’s time better spent than sitting at an Ideal Org fundraiser or running around a pole in the dark.
My objection is that they do this to try to gain PR points, NOT because this is something they truly think is worthwhile.
Just wait for the announcements they will make after the fact of the “incredible success” and how they are “making a better world” blah, blah, blah. There will be a press release and self-congratulatory back-slapping galore. No good works just for the sake of doing something good. The only things worth doing are those things that can gain “good PR” or an excellent photo op to show at the next fundraiser to convince people to hand over cash. Nothing in the world is worthwhile unless it forwards the aims of scientology.
Altruism and scientology are mutually exclusive.
How sad.
“My objection is that they do this to try to gain PR points, NOT because this is something they truly think is worthwhile.”
“The only things worth doing are those things that can gain “good PR” or an excellent photo op to show at the next fundraiser to convince people to hand over cash.”
Regarding “Saint Hill Size” …
Mike Rinder says: | March 6, 2019 at 3:26 pm
It’s a list:
200 staff
Average $200,000 GI per week
200 full time students in the Academy
1,000 WDAH per week
There may be others and the numbers may have changed. But this was based on some “research” done on how big was St Hill in its heyday…
taken from the comments on this page:
There are many comments on that page regarding “Saint Hill Size” (18)
And there are presently 212 mentions of “Saint Hill Size” on this blog:
Thanks. I am preparing a post that will sum up all the information about St Hill size orgs
When was the last time that even Saint Hill was Saint Hill Size? The 1970s? 80s?
Are even Flag and Pac consistently Saint Hill Size on these metrics? (particularly GI). After all, LRH said it doesn’t count if it’s just a spike in stats, it has to be consistent.
Not that DM/CoS would ever display any awareness of embarrassment or shame, but it seems “Saint Hill Size” is decades beyond being applicable to any org on Teegeeack, even the Ideal ones of the 21st century.
I’ve heard it said that AOLA might be “Saint Hill Size” – but only because they’re ripping off business from local orgs, delivering lower-level services. Orgs are the new missions…just in oversized Potemkin Village buildings….
At least they will sell a couple of dozen yellow shirts. That’s a stat for sure.
24 Shirts Sold; 2,987 photos taken. Check. We’re upstat for this week. Hip hip hooray!
What an opportunity for some SP’s to show up and pitch in with the clean-up. (Assuming it’s happening in a public venue and not on $ci.. property.)
Of course they’d need to wear green/orange/red shirts so they’d show up in the pictures. And taking their own pictures of the event wouldn’t be a bad idea. Maybe invite a reporter with his own photographer alongside from the local paper so he could write a story about it?
That is exactly what I was going to say. Since this invite was to the entire community, it would be really awesome for dozens of SP’s to show up!
It would be awesome for tons of SP’s to show up wearing a specific color (not bright yellow) and just work. Not commenting or giving anyone a hard time. And when asked about why you are there, just hand them a card and smile, then continue working. What a positive way to impact those that need a way out.
The really sad thing that I keep coming back to is that this cult has the capacity to make some real contributions to humanity. They just don’t, because…well, they are a cult. All of their concentration is inward, not outward. It is toward the betterment of their own gain, profits go to the sole purview of the leader, not to any social betterment or outward reaching of goodwill. Instead all proceeds benefit one man, and his ego. He builds empty monuments to his “greatness” while paying only lip service to any cause. If the cult took an internal audit and assessment of where they are and what they were doing, they would see with perfect clarity that they are in a cult and have destroyed relationships, cut off outside influences, and basically worship a false god.
If they stopped the scam and stopped taking enormous amounts of money from people, took the money that they already drained from people and actually put it to good use, took out the fair game and disconnection, I would have few issues with them (I would still think their belief system was very, very flawed,and would not be happy with their stance on mental health, but I would probably just watch it from the sidelines shaking my head) but I probably wouldn’t interfere.
Unfortunately, they will never do this, at least as long as Miscavige and his minions rule the cult. He NEEDS the money to keep up with his celebrity ‘pals’ and impress people with his power. Its a real shame that people inside cant see what is so glaringly obvious to the rest of us.
So, the kids will pick up trash,and the photo ops will ensue, and Miscavige will stage manage the entire thing.
I think the boy scouts pick up trash from time to time yet you never see them getting publicity for it.
The Still In Scientology public are in apathy. That’s why they challenge nothing the cult tells them. Apathy. Possibly some are a bit higher, but not much. Numb.
Here’s how they roll:
Find a nice clean stretch of beach.
Take a picture.
Throw trash on the same spot.
Take a picture to show how dirty it was before they came.
LOL! You know, I wouldn’t be at all surprised, Wyn.
In 1991 the Diana was restored. I was in charge of engineering.
Then I saw that some persons unknown to me had made a plaque created of some pieces of heavily wasted and rusted hull plate and presented it to COB. I thought then that that was incredibly bad taste to make a plaque, in effect saying to COB ” Sir, we took this piece of shit that was once owned by LRH and made it look good again.
These people are using the VMs to do a similar thing.
Replace “beach” with “someone’s life” and it’d be much closer to home.
Wynski, LOL. I heard this is also how they advertise diets and people losing tons of weight. They get a fit, in shape skinny person to pose for a pic. Then they pay the person to pig out so as to gain weight, then they take their picture. Then they switch the order and call the later one “Before” and the first one “after. It’s the dirty little secret of the weight loss industry.
Off topic but thought DM might find this interesting. Boleskine House the former home of Aleister Crowley where he is reputed to have performed his black magic from 1899 till 1913 is up for sale along with 22 acres. It is a grade 2 listed building but a little thing like regulations will not bother the big high Heid yin. Would love to see the chosen one slapped down by Scottish Natural Heritage. Given the beloved leaders early devotion to Crowley this would be perfect birthday pressie from mini-me to the reluctant to return leader.
Oh good. Just what we need. More congestion on the way to see the sand sculptures at Pier 60. Twits.
Don’t we live in a society today that follows? I lo ived in Temecula very close to San Jacinto/ Hemet. Once I delivered an old bus they had purchased. The grounds hadn’t been improved much yet the workers were seen dressed in whit cloth robes much like a group who lived in Murrieta then residing in the old Murrieta Hot Springs facility. They were known as the Alive Polarity. Both groups gave me the willie’s. Operating some what the same. This would have been in 1984.
Enough of that right? I have one word to say about what you are doing! FANTASTIC!
Watched most of your program yesterday again for the third time. The emotional relief you bring to those who have removed themselves comes with a heart felt projection from both of you!
Keep going somewhere the straw will break Scientology backs.
Thanks for that interesting reminder of just how many oddball groups there were back in the day, most of which disappeared as times changed and the baby boomers grew up. Though it was a phenomenon centered on California, and Southern California in particular.
Alive Polarity apparently had some sort of belief about souls taking up new bodies, similar to Scientology.
Hi Mike. I hope you will at some point debunk this claim that Tony Ortega mentioned today:
“Dave claiming that the Africa AO is already ‘Saint Hill Size’…”
By debunk, I mean could you spell out for us never-ins what exactly Saint Hill Size entails?
Cat W. in short, St Hill sized means about 75 times the auditing and training completions per week than Africa AO currently has.
“Mockingbird” provides a long list of specific false medical and scientific claims made by Hubbard in one of the responses to that piece on The Bunker, which can also be found on their blog at:
“Saint Hill Size” refers to Saint Hill in England. That was Hubbard’s home at one time, and it is an upper level organization now, and has been for some decades. At some point, it was supposedly busy enough with a sufficient number of students and people buying auditing (counseling) that the income was high enough for the staff to live on. That now serves as a mythical bench mark for staff members of all organizations to try to achieve. Every now and then there’s a big proclamation that some org has achieved that status. But as a rule, it’s done with smoke and mirrors, with all kinds of stat manipulation, so that in reality, it’s highly questionable if they really got to that level, and most certainly if they did, they can’t sustain it.
Thanks for the info, Wynski & gorillavee. I figured it must mean some kind of re-definition of the term as well as manipulating stats.
I agree. I never found anything “free” to the community. I think they are trying to bolster their photo ops to show that they are worthy of the tax exempt status.
That’s probably it. Those poor VMs. McSavage must have them running like hamsters in a wheel.
Have you ever seen a pic with all the trash is picked up? You’d see what, 3 big bags of roadside detritus? A pile Way to Happiness and Youth for Human Rights pamphlets would fill out the second trash bag, but only if they couldn’t be handed out again. Recycling is big in the Clampire.
I don’t get it. Clean up?
I was in Clearwater in 1982, before I got into Scientology. A friend and I were visiting her Aunt and Uncle who had retired there. Some of her cousins lived in Newport Richey. It was an inexpensive beach vacation for us. They took us to Clearwater Beach. It was immaculate. An immense stretch of pure white sand, very clean water. The whole area including the downtown area which we drove briefly thru looked like a well kept, rather modest and quiet little town. Very pleasant, I thought. We did a little shopping. That was then. Is it dirty now? If so, shouldn’t it be even cleanER than it was back then, now that the cult owns nearly the entire town?
Wait a sec – if the mere presence of a load of WTH booklets can make crime virtually disappear, you’d think that the presence of the spiritual headquarters of the most ethical group on the planet would have the entire population of the surrounding area too ethical to toss litter.
That hits home more than I can say!
Yes why hasn’t EVERYTHING improved so, so much in that town that it “shines” as an example of the value of the technology of the cult? That lacking speaks volumes doesn’t it?
Kinda like the reg using the ARC Triangle to find a similar Reality in order to get into better Communication and Affinity with their marks so as to get (more) money out of them. It’s not because they actually give a damn about the person in front of them – it’s all about meeting their quotas.
So much about scientology is used as a ploy.
They will have full camera crews out for this event.
This is a good opportunity for anyone with old $cientology books and literature to dump them at curbside.
Can we use them to make a little camp fire? Cuz that would be really bitchin’.
Better than what I did. Took all my books, tapes, etc to a local “thrift store” but was told they wouldn’t accept them because “they didn’t want to appear to be either connected to or be supporting the cult”. And this was in Clearwater.
I took all my scientology stuff to the dump and left immediately before someone would tell me that I couldn’t leave any of it there.
They are and always have done good words for the PR aspect for themselves, not any altruistic reason. AND Clearwater hates them, so they are working extra hard to safe point Clearwater.
I think it’s also objectionable because they are using “big lie” propaganda techniques to try to manipulate people into thinking they are something that they are not.
And it’s telling that not only can they not get 500 public in Clearwater to turn out for a project, but that to get even around 100, they rely once again on emptying the local Scientology schools of kids. They also apparently can’t even spare any of their huge number of Flag staff, who all must have things to do considered far more important.
As I recall, Hubbard’s definition of Public Relations was “Making good work known and well thought of.”
Back in the day, this was followed at least to some degree, although it was always rather self-serving.
Under our friend Miscavige, Public Relations seems to mean “Make some stuff up or at most do the absolute minimum to get some photo shots and then brag about it.”
Since this could not hold water for 5 minutes under even the most rudimentary investigation, it is only ever promoted to the sheeple for fundraising purposes.
Occasionally, these claims are leaked to a wider audience, like when Scientology handled the drugs problem in Ireland by handing out a few WTH booklets. This is met with derision by one and all.
It is really a sad state of affairs.
Unfortunately the media sometimes picks up on and reports such things, without proper fact-checking, so they can gain some currency. For instance, I sometimes see articles repeating Scientology’s grossly exaggerated membership claims, or just making a qualified statement such as that it “claims membership in the millions” without mentioning evidence to the contrary.
This is why I wish there were something more like a sort of media clearinghouse for Scientology critical information, to make it easier for reporters to fact-check and find outside perspectives. The Irish media, for example, now know that only 87 scientologists were actually counted in their national census, and continually cite that fact in their articles, while in this country it’s almost unknown that the ARIS survey estimate of 55,000 members in 2001 was actually included in an appendix to the US Census, providing a number with some authority even if the Census itself does not track religious affiliation.
They claimed they solved all of Columbia’s huge drug problem with just handing out WTH booklets. I’d love to see a current report on drug use in Columbia and the drug cartel’s activity there. It would be very telling.
Made me laugh when I read the name of the “event’s” contact person; Glendy GOODSELL. How appropriate for a bunch of hoaxsters like this.
Well Glenn, Glenda Goodsell just talked me into going on a cruise! How about that! I can’t wait to get to the ship. Nothing but tranquility. Ahhhhhhh……
If Goodsell chases and pesters you too much go hide in the chain locker. The LAST place the bitch would look for you and definitely more tranquil than anywhere else. Bonn voyage and hurry back.
What a GOOD name for a reg: “Glendy Goodsell”. Can’t get any more transparent than that, can you?
Well … Unless it was Glendy HARDsell!