Leah and I wanted to clear the air about the planned episode of Aftermath focusing on Clearwater.
We were very excited about shooting this as there is an amazing story to be told about the history of scientology in Clearwater, from the earliest days all the way to the present.
Unfortunately, circumstances beyond our control conspired to make it impossible for Leah and me to put together the show in the way we had intended. If you know anything about us, you would know we do not like to compromise when it comes to trying to do justice to stories that need to be told.
Though we were unable to come to Clearwater at this time, we will make this happen at some point in the future, including the Town Hall meeting. We will do what we had intended to do one way or the other. We plan to keep our end of the commitment to telling the truth in support of so many in Clearwater who have stood up to be counted. We stand with you and that is why we took this stance.
In particular, Leah and I greatly appreciate the courage of Pastor Willy Rice, his staff and congregation at the Calvary Baptist church. They have been supportive above and beyond what anyone could ask for or expect. And they continue to be so.
Again, thank you all for your support. It is greatly appreciated, even if a bit overwhelming at times in the sheer volume of those who have reached out to us.
…forgot to ask, why is the COS exempt from the FCATs? Every Christian schools students have to pass the Florida exam. This issue seems like it would be a slam-dunk!
Mike/Leah…thank you, thank you! This week’s episode was both powerful and sad…brought up a lot of frustration from years past. Being a long time Clearwater resident I’m sure I speak for all of us in saying that the COS has had a huge impact on all…downtown was a ghost town for years (showing some life recently)and our taxes have tripled due in large part to the amount of property the church (Ha!) has obtained. The aerial shots shown in the broadcast didn’t come close to showing how much property they actually have in the city, please include that sometime; so many apartments, buildings in Industrial parks, the Safety Harbor Spa, Ruth Eckerd Hall, etc…
The upcoming Lisa McPherson story should re-open the flood gates…well done!
I have been wanting to thank you and Leah ever since January. Over Christmas I visited my parents and was able to watch your show via OnDemand. Episode 4 about mind control especially resonated with me. I knew what that was like. And it was my husband who had done all those techniques on me. He has prior I had Googled characteristics of a cult leader because I felt like I was in a cult of one. Turns out he’s a diagnosed narcissist. He has narcissistic personality disorder which puts him under the category of Cluster B Exploitative Personality.
That was the feather which landed on the pile of precariously stacked items that then began to Tumble. And within three weeks I grabbed the kids and left.
So just wanted to let you know that your show has had positive influence even outside the reach of Scientology. Thanks!
I wanted to take advantage of the subject matter of this post – PR campaigns against the Church’s abuses (“The Aftermath”) – to retract from my comments that I posted on the thread, “Marty Rathbun’s videos”, regarding Luis Theroux’s treatment of Rathbun on his “My Scientology Movie”.
I had commented before, that Theroux had “used” Rathbun to make a case point regarding the “always attack” mentality that some high profile ex members still carry with them. I felt that Theroux had acted inappropriatly and sort of uncompassionate towards Rathbun’s weaknesses brought about by his past involvement with the CofS. In my appreciation, Theroux was an opportunist who had “used” Rathbun to climb in his journalist career. I got to admit that I still had not seen the movie in full detail.
Because I like to establish for the record whenever I feel that my judgment about anything was incorrect and even biased, I just wanted to clarify that I was completely wrong in my opinions regarding Theroux and about his film in general.
Upon having watched the film in great detail, and after having watched his interview with Joe Rogan ( https://youtu.be/kqRP7yJfgog ) , I got to admit that Theroux did a VERY professional and ethical job with “My Scientology Movie”, and that he actually IS a quite balanced and fair individual. Most balanced and just than I thought him to be. I was very much impressed by his interview with Joe Rogan.
So, in the best interest of being just and fair myself, I wanted to make those clarifications that for the record.
I’ve been trying to get through the My Scientology Movie doc for the past couple days. I always fall asleep before it’s over. Ha. From what I’ve taken away from the film thus far, I think Theroux wasn’t taking Marty seriously or with adequate respect but I will watch the Youtube interview with Joe Rogan above.
I actually have a couple burning questions that maybe you, Thetaclear or Mike could answer. In the documentary, about half way through, when Marty is demonstrating Bull Bait and other mind control techniques to Theroux and the others, is Marty trying to demonstrate what he still practices and believes? The mind control scene, with Theroux screaming at the glass object confuses me. Was Marty trying to seriously teach him a technique that he could use to move the object with his mind? or was he trying to convey a hoax used within Scientology. Did Marty make up that technique or the CoS?
Thank you for any reply.
“From what I’ve taken away from the film thus far, I think Theroux wasn’t taking Marty seriously or with adequate respect but I will watch the Youtube interview with Joe Rogan above.”
I think that Theroux was emotionally detached to it all, as any professional journalist should be. In my estimation, he wasn’t disrespect with Rathbun, and he did took him more seriously than Rathbun actually deserved.
I think that Theroux really wanted to UNDERSTAND Scientology and the mindset of ex-Scientologists, and thus, his journalism angle and approach was different than what was used in “Going Clear” and “The Aftermath”. I feel that he wanted to portray Scientology as it actually IS as opposed to just isolated accounts from ex members, and I don’t think that he actually planned on using Rathbun as an example of what Scientology is capable of doing with the mindset of its members. But as the filming progressed, it became obvious to him that Rathbun was STILL very much affected by his past involvement with the church, particularly, with the well known “Attack and harass” and self-righteous attitudes that many Scientologists have. It was kind of OBVIOUS that Rathbun STILL had not left Scientology, as he was very much still carrying its seed within him. All of that became obvious many months later, if you realize the 180 degree turn that Rathbun gave to his viewpoints and attitude regarding the church and the ex members.
There are a few high profile ex SO members like Mike, who even though were very much part of the “Attack and Harass” strategies of the church, they came clean after they left it, and made up for whatever wrong actions they had done, by widely and publicly exposing the abuses in spite of the unbelievable harassment that they suffered from the church for having done so. And that’s very commendable and only shows a great character and courage.
These individuals like Mike Rinder and all the others who were part of International Management in some way or another, started a whole new life; one where the missing important things in life that they never had while being members of this cult – like a real family, a real job where they were valued and respected, honest and loyal friends, etc – suddenly became a part of life again. Personally, I think that this happened, because they were very much willing to confront HEAD-ON what they had done wrong, and were willing to DO something about it. They didn’t take the “victim’s path”; they took a path leading to responsibility for our own actions regardless of what was done to us. But I don’t think that Rathbun fits into that category AT ALL, even though that he is the self-proclaimed “Anti-Scientology Warrior”.
Rathbun, IMHO, was never really sorry for what he had done. He never was humble enough and conscious enough about all the damage that he had caused to others. And one of the well known psychological manifestations of not having learned one’s life lessons, is becoming a VICTIM, which was what Rathbun showed that he was at the end of “My Scientology Movie”. And Theroux being the smart individual that he is, rapidly picked that up, and decided to use it in a “Let’s the audience decide about it” sort of way, which I can’t say is irresponsible of uncompassionate journalism, but a way of showing the REALITY of something. Theroux did what he was supposed to do.
“I actually have a couple burning questions that maybe you, Thetaclear or Mike could answer. In the documentary, about halfway through, when Marty is demonstrating Bull Bait and other mind control techniques to Theroux and the others, is Marty trying to demonstrate what he still practices and believes?”
I can’t answer that is any direction as I can’t possibly know what was on Rathbun’s mind at the time. But from my perspective – and this is only MY opinion – I think that Rathbun was STILL very much into the mindset of the Scientology practitioner that we call “Indies” (“Independent Scientologists”). At least, that was my perception from that scene, but I could be wrong, of course.
“The mind control scene, with Theroux screaming at the glass object confuses me. Was Marty trying to seriously teach him a technique that he could use to move the object with his mind? or was he trying to convey a hoax used within Scientology. Did Marty make up that technique or the CoS?”
No, that technique – called “Tone-40 on an object” – is meant to teach the student to develop what is call in Scientology, “Tone 40 Intention”. This mean the ability to “intend something to happen” without expecting any resistance back. In other words, one trust that with intention alone (because one allegedly learns not to doubt it, or to doubt our “power”), we can handle situations and people in life. The benefit of this, according to Hubbard, was having the ability to comfortably handle any “PC” (basically the person undergoing Scientology “therapy”) without having any back-off or fear or insecurity in doing so. And no, absolutely NOBODY make up any technique in Scientology. Only Hubbard was the “Source” of everything in Scientology, and he would not have allowed anyone else to contribute to his “techniques” in any way, shape or form. That’s one of the reasons it is a cult.
To get educated on what is Scientology all about, the best person for that is Chris Shelton. He has a website called, “Chris Shelton : Critical Thinker at Large”, and he also has a YouTube channel :
IMHO, there isn’t anyone better than him at explaining Scientology to those with no familiarity with it. And he is honest and unbiased about it. He also has a book called, “Scientology: A to Xenu: An Insider’s Guide to What Scientology is All About”. That’s an excellent book that you can get from Amazon.
“Thank you for any reply”
Always my pleasure, 🙂
Your reply is very enlightening and helpful! Thank you. Ah, now I know what “indies” means. I’ve seen the term in a few comments here and there and couldn’t figure out what it meant, but now I know. Indies would be those people such as: Marty, Dan Koon, Ron Miscavige Sr.? At least that’s my impression from the things I’ve heard them say in youtube clips and other writings, in the past few days. I’ve only been learning about most of this Scientology stuff over the past week, but as a former cult member (International Churches of Christ) myself, I study them critically and don’t stop studying them until I feel that I understand them sufficiently. IMO, “indies” are people that are still not deprogrammed. I forget which post on Mike’s blog I was reading, but it had a link to something Dan Koon shared about RLH’s Super Power Run Down. I downloaded it and read it; and based off of RLH’s manic-like directions, I see the brainwashing effects it has. Dan Koon was explaining how it can be done on your own without being in the church still, to make you perform better (aka like a robot) at your job or task. After reading it all, I concluded that “indies” are still not deprogrammed.
“Your reply is very enlightening and helpful! Thank you.”
You are most welcome, Jglden!
“Indies would be those people such as: Marty, Dan Koon, Ron Miscavige Sr.? At least that’s my impression from the things I’ve heard them say in youtube clips and other writings, in the past few days.”
I wouldn’t venture to say if those individuals consider themselves as “Indies” or not. You can find recent YouTube videos where they are being interviewed and ascertain what they say about it.
“After reading it all, I concluded that ‘indies’ are still not deprogrammed.”
You know, I wouldn’t go so far as stating that they are “still not deprogrammed”. In the first place, I don’t think that “deprogramming” would be the most accurate word to use as it denotes a “thought reform” type of practice in itself, and thus, might be considered as a sort of “benign” re-conditioning which of course, is as wrong as what the cult does. Now is by “not deprogrammed” you meant, “They are still under the ‘Undue Influence’ of the cult”, then to THAT I can respond better. However, I don’t like to stereotype others due to their belief system, though I DO make that mistake more frequently than I would like to. But I am learning not to.
The mentality of “Indies” regarding Scientology and Hubbard greatly varies. There are those who still think that Hubbard was right about everything that he had ever written about, and that Scientology is “Man’s only route to spiritual salvation”. This group think that LRH was a genius incapable of being wrong, and that he had the welfare of all humans as his basic urge. But then you have those “Indies” who understand that LRH made many mistakes with many of his policies; that Scientology though workable, is not perfect nor infallible; that Hubbard as well as any human, had destructive traits in his personality; and they decided to ignore the bad, and emphasize the good in Scientology.
So the area is a grey one, and not a “black and white” one as to what exact beliefs do the “Indies” hold. The truth is, that it depends on many factors.
Personally, I don’t have an issue with what “Indies” practice and/or believe as long as it doesn’t harm anybody nor violates Human Rights. I very much believe in the “Freedom of Religion and Belief” and “Freedom of Thought and Expression” rights. I DO care however, about others being under the psychological pressure of “Undue Influence” and “Thought Reform” practices, and it is just to that, that I protest and attempt to do something about.
But as I mentioned in my previous reply to you, You can find most answers you seek by watching Chris Shelton’s videos. His ability at explaining Scientology to others is commendable. And he is honest, unbiased, and very professional about it. Really, all you need to know, you can see it on any one of his videos. You can also contact him. I am sure that he would be much glad to help you understand anything. Don’t just go and read every website that you stumble across, but go to the correct sources.
HBO’s “Going Clear” and Leah Remini’s “The Aftermath” would also be great accurate sources of information. So you have 3 very good sources to start with; those 2 and Chris Shelton’s. Then after you graduate from those, you have Tony Ortega’s “The Underground Bunker” and of course, the best blog in existence about the church, this blog.
I am glad of being of help, and I wish you an enlightened journey out of any destructive groups, 🙂
You raise some fascinating points. I’m in the uk and Lois Theroux is much regarded as one of our best journalists, he’s a very smart guy, and although parts of that film annoyed me, I think there was a purpose to the long pauses and repeated questions. I think he knew exactly what he was doing. Marty did not come across well in that film and I got the impressions he went through a stage of thinking of him self the oracle of anti Scientology nonevent. He tried to set up varies independent movements which didn’t become as big as he would of liked, I think that annoyed him greatly. I believe he is a narcissist and I’m cwetaibly not surprised by the recent chain of events regarding his situation.
This youtube video just came out, regarding Marty’s work in My Scientology Movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imTKVxpCwC4
It may be of interest to some.
Oh my goodness,,Are Scientologists here making comments…Gee I hope they are careful…they might learn something and start asking questions…From what I can tell the people who are called “never ins” are spreading the word that this is a cult and not a religion at all.
And worse…all the FORMER members are so terrible, poorly behaved, oozing bitterness and anger about lost loved ones, expelled from the church for bad behaviors and more..Makes me wonder how did they get so bad if their only influence was Scientology for all those years…some more than thirty years and still other who were born in to it..just how did they get so awful?
Then I wonder how could David Miscavage have so many of his own family members leave the “religion” if it is so good…And finally if the founder’s OWN son wants nothing to do with it…there is something MAJOR wrong with this organization..
Hello Mike and everyone else…..it’s summer been busy….I still adore you – Leah – Tony – A&E and everyone who seeks to expose the truth! So excited about August 15!! I can’t wait! To everyone here who shares their stories and humor I’m sending you all big hugs and well wishes for everyone! Leah & Mike will rock that Emmy! Can you see the glee in my font? 🙂
I have lived in Clearwater since before Scientology moved in. The only problem I saw with hosting this event at Calvery is that it wasn’t going to be big enough. The residents here HATE Scientology & what they have done to our city. We are disappointed our city leaders for allowing them to own so much property here. They have destroyed our once thriving downtown, I’m afraid to go down there for fear of being brainwashed into their cult. No one allows their children to go there. Guaranteed you will ever see anyone with children walking downtown Clearwater anymore. The scientologists march around in their ugly uniforms like drones, and we stay away.
I have received tons of Social media invites and private emails about coming out to Calvery to support this town hall. You would have had a huge crowd. The residents were excited to finally have a place to voice their fears and anger about Scientology. Hopefully you can still make this happen.
Well said. Scientology began their stay in Clearwater with a huge lie and fraud…that they were some other organization completely, an organization created specifically to hide the fact of who they were. So much for “ETHICS” and “INTEGRITY”. The KNEW they wouldn’t be welcome and had to bury their real identity. Those lies and frauds are coming back to bite them in the ass! Utterly despicable. Utterly “unChurchlike. And utterly so like their entire history.
> So much for “ETHICS” and “INTEGRITY”.
Scientology – like many cults, and even some religions* – has engaged in the redefinition of words to suit the gr’oup’s purposes. In this case, the word ‘ethics’ has been officially redefined by LRH as a synonym of ‘survival’ but in practice it means ‘do what makes more money for the church.’
The word ‘integrity’ has also been officially redefined as ‘observation’ or ‘knowing what you know’ (whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean) rather than morality related stuff like, you know, NOT LYING.
In other words, by coming to Clearwater to but buildings and lying their asses off about their identity and intentions to everyone at every opportunity, they are in fact demonstrating ‘Scientology Ethics and Integrity.’ 🙂
* ever hear of ‘christianese?”
gah sorry. don’t know how that extra apostrophe got into “group’s.” I can’t edit it, please fix it mike? then delete this note. thanks, jmsr
CLEARwater – there is something too outrageous about that association to ignore. Did LRH and the CoS choose the location based on the name? Seems the idea of CLEAR in CLEARwater is to clear out anyone and anything not affiliated with the CoS.
I spent many years of family vacations as a boy in Clearwater. It was a favored destination for my parents. I find it depressing to see what has happened there for the locals. It’s a nightmare to have to live with a monstrosity in your midst. So much of what should be a contributing property tax area is exempt from paying any fair share of the cost of operating the city and you are stuck with something similar to the Walking Dead – a zombie-like herd of robots ruled by a monstrous control freak. The residents of a massive part of your city are absent from everything that makes a city work. The contribute nothing to the common welfare or the community.
The facade may be clean and spotless but it houses a mob of non-participants who avoid being involved with other citizens. It’s a self-enforced ghetto apart from and removed that takes up space that should be involved and active in the life of the city. This a a CLEAR detriment to the city and that’s unacceptable in every conceivable way that matters.
Does Calvary Baptist church pay taxes on its properties? Same problem, different scale.
I once was acquainted with a guy and gal who were good friends with each other. At some point in the year I’d known them they had both been “saved.” At two times after that we had gotten together for a chat. It was clear that they were now motivated to save me. On the second get together I asked them why they seemed to be so persistent. They replied; “We like you, Richard, and we want you to be in Heaven with us.”
What are you going to do with that?
While I agree with most of what you’re saying, don’t discourage others to take your word as truth, by saying untruthful stuff like “no on allows their children down there” or that you “guarantee no one brings their kids there.” I bring my kids there VERY OFTEN (I love that city) and I try very hard to support the local businesses down there. The ignorant attitude that the scientologists are going to brainwash you, is a BIG reason why DTCLWTR is suffering. Go support those businesses and claim back your city, instead of cowering away!!! You’re supporting the demise of the city by staying away.
I just want to thank you and Leah for getting this in the open. I and my huge family and many friends can not believe that the Government has not gone in to stop this and arrest the so called Leader. They did at Waco and Scientology is Way Worse then that. They are doing Child Labor, forcing inhumane acts on people when they are negative. When you can NOT leave a organization (THEY ARE NOT A CHURCH), because you are terrified, or know the in humane acts they will do to you, and turn your family away from you, THAT IS A CULT! WAKE UP UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT! Help close these crazy, insane people down.
Mike sez:
“Unfortunately, circumstances beyond our control conspired to make it impossible for Leah and me to put together the show in the way we had intended. If you know anything about us, you would know we do not like to compromise when it comes to trying to do justice to stories that need to be told.”
I think that this is an embarrassing excuse from an unemployed blogger on the fringes of the internet. I think the real fact is Mike’s stats are so far down that he can no longer afford a helicopter rental to do the aerial shots necessary to do this story justice. As a result he has to resort to merely driving around with a washed up (yet still HOT) actress to try and pull off a second season of this TV show. Having a second season reflects this show’s poor ratings. Second means not first. Trust me on this, I just cleared my words and clay demo-ed it. Second is not as good as first good people. Also, I want to point out that the production quality is not as good as it could be and Mike wears different clothes in each episode unlike some other prominent ex-ex scientologists.
Sounds like your a scientologist
“Having a second season reflects this show’s poor ratings. Second means not first. Trust me on this, I just cleared my words and clay demo-ed it. Second is not as good as first good people”
His above totally insane quote says that he IS a Scientologist, Scientologysucks. I mean what kind of stupid comment is this, “Having a second season reflects this show’s poor ratings. Second means not first”. ONLY a Scientologist can be that stupid! 😉
And what about this one , “Trust me on this, I just cleared my words and clay demo-ed it. Second is not as good as first good people”. This one – Ms B. Haven – is soooooooo deep into the undue influence of it all, that he/she will probably die as a mental slave, 🙂
It is a joke comment. All sarcasm
Oh, ok; my mistake then; thanks for the clarification.
I took Ms. B. Haven’s (misbehavin’) comment as sarcastic humor towards Scientology.
“I took Ms. B. Haven’s (misbehavin’) comment as sarcastic humor towards Scientology.”
Thanks Tom; I would have taken it myself that way too if it weren’t for the fact that I am veeeeeeeeery slow on getting humor, haha. My daughter and step sons were always mystified as to why was I so slow at understanding the “puch lines” of jokes.
But I am learning, 🙂
I thought it was for-real, too. LOL And damn, I thought she was ignorant. 😉
“I thought it was for-real, too. LOL And damn, I thought she was ignorant.”
Haha, yes; it seems that she managed to pull many people’s legs, 🙂
P.S. to T-Marie :
Actually reading her comment against in a “new unit of time” – to talk in Sientologese, 🙂 – I feel a little silly as the sarcasm should have been obvious to me. If she is who I think she is – and I hope that she isn’t 🙁 – then I feel even more silly, haha.
I guess that I am always on the defensive, trying to knock off a few Scientologists’ heads, 😉
Me, too; thought it was real. I will say that scientologists mouth such utter nonsense, they’re sometimes hard to parody.
I thought that too at first!
I love these trolls!! They don’t realize it, but they give it all away! Thank you trolls for illuminating for us the fears of Scientology, CO$, McSavage,Indies, and embittered exexwha-eres.
Down is up and rearward is forward in your universe. I’m glad to see fully hatted and obedient Scieno’s coming out to spout what little dinky davie has ordered. He must feel really really threatened by A&E, Leah, and Mike.
You wrote ‘second is not as good as first’, so I ask: why did dinky davie do GAT 2, and Redo (2) of all of Ron’s shit? please help me understand. Not holding my breath.
You wrote that Leah is still HOT????? You need a MAA rundown to purge those ‘human’ responses, followed by a sec-check in reverse, followed by a neuterectomy. Believe me this is all needed to put you back ‘on source’ and ‘on purpose’.
Please return to base and report that you have destroyed the morale of us free beings. The CW sea ogres can now dance in the streets and party through the night now that we have been utterly squeezed out. Not.
(We won’t tell on you)( Or in Scienologeseness— no KR’s for your fail!)
Sucked me in! Well done!
Nice try, Ms. B-aScientologist
I’m so glad to hear that you have help from the community, I can only speak for myself but I’d be standing there with you and the rest, Mike you Leah the crew that films and others behind the scenes are so Loved and cared about!!!! I’ve watched you go from looking like a zombie to looking so happy and kind I like you better this way,
You are all in my prayers I too was raised Baptist and I thank God for that!
Scientology will fall ! Let me be clear though I know there’s good people in there too.You all amaze me !!!
Let’s us know if there is a problem we will meet with the city
If you need help we will open the door for you let us know what’s up
I recently watched Gibney’s “Going Clear and the Prison of Belief”, “My Scientology Movie”, and all the episodes of “Scientology and the Aftermath”, all in consecutive days. Even though the the three of them are quite good, “The Aftermath” is, IMHO, uniquely effective as a strategy to get others – especially the government of different countries – to actually DO something about the Human Rights abuses perpetrated by the Church of Scientology. I believe so because in “The Aftermath”, we have the opportunity to meet in real life (as opposed to an anti-apostate website from the CofS, or in a book that they have written) all those terminals about which we have heard so much concerning the anti-CofS movement.
Even though that most ex-Scientologists, never-ins, and even most Indies, know that what the church post in their websites about these individuals is basically bullshit, there is always this little doubt in the back of our minds (for some at least) regarding, “Is the CofS right about their allegations about these people, even if to some degree?” Sometimes the “Third-party” action does influence our attitudes to some degree or another. But when we see them live and very much as they are in real life – with their families, their spouses, their kids, etc – and when we see their pain when they are telling about their past (and even present) trauma with Scn, LRH or the CofS; we are then able to see them for who they REALLY are : simple and gentle individuals like you and me who seek the same things that most people seek; an honorable job, a good spouse, kids to love, and generally to live an harmonious life without doing any harm to anybody.
And then it suddenly strikes you, “These people are not the ‘criminals’ that the CofS are trying to get us to believe. These are good, nice, and kind individuals who have been incredible abused, and whose Human Rights have been violated again and again by psychopats”. And one can’t help it but to feel feel identified with their pain and with their cause. And that is what is so incrediby effective about “The Aftermath”; the emphasis on PEOPLE. I cried in EVERY episode; each one of them got deep into my heart and soul.
I finally think that an effective PR strategy that has the actual potential to get the RIGHT people to pay attention and listen, has been beautifully designed. I wish Mike and Leah much success. What they are doing is incredibly needed.
ThetaClear – you described it so well! While there is a purpose to each of the different books, movies, etc. Aftermath makes it all so much more real & personal!
The fact that they incorporate the letters & CO$ comments side-by-side also illustrates the degree of ridiculousness to the carbon-copy accusations! When responses from them are seen after having watched/read something, even knowing they lack truth, it just seems silly or may leave a question for some. But when juxtaposed throughout the personal accounts, it exposes not only the lies but also how sinister it is that they lack willingness to accept an iota of responsibility in ANY case!
Leah & Mike have done by far the best job of truly bringing us into the stories of the victims featured and allowing us to tangibly see and feel their true pain! Then those newer to the subject can go on to check out Going Clear, My Sci Movie, Fair Game, etc. and the books, videos or blogs to learn more about the individuals featured.
It’s been incredible to see all the new people responding after having watched Aftermath! Things are changing because of the awareness created by the efforts of Leah & Mike. You can feel it!
“It’s been incredible to see all the new people responding after having watched Aftermath! Things are changing because of the awareness created by the efforts of Leah & Mike. You can feel it!”
Yes indeed, Jenyfurr, we can feel it! And it is exactly this awareness that was needed to urge others to DO something about this abusive cult. The Aftermath caters to the underlaying emotions and secret motives of it all. We are presented with the 2 sides of the coin; what the CofS says about these people (ex-members, reporters, journalists, etc), and the these people’s version of what happened. Then it is up to the viewer to decide what is what, and who is ACTUALLY telling the truth. Two sides of the coin shown simultaneously; an incredible well-thought of strategy to expose abuses.
And Leah is soooooooo damn real and natural. I just love EVERYTHING about her, especially how tough and badass she can be while at the same time being soooooooo sensible and compassionate.
This documentary is going to have a domino effect that will become an historical event that marked the point where lines were drawn and when others said, “Enough is enough; no more”.
What time is their show on???
I want to watch, have never seen it??
Hi Bonnie,
I don’t see much t.v., as I spend my free time mostly reading and learning new things, so I don’t know much about channels and stuff. But I saw all the episodes of season 1 in YouTube. Just look for them on the “search” section of it. Perhaps other commenters know more about it.
I was born and raised in Clearwater and I was a child when Scientology took over my hometown. It saddens me to see what Clearwater has become and I would love to see an episode or many exposing what they have done to a once beautiful FL town.
I am out of the loop, so I am missing the background data to this post, so I’m requesting a clarification as to what this is all about. Specifically:
What was this planned episode that you are clearing the air about supposed to be? What did you intend to do?
Why were you not able to do the episode?
What town hall meeting?
What about Cavalry Baptist Church?
Tony covered the original announcement, and the cancellation: http://tonyortega.org/2017/07/12/leah-remini-is-filming-an-aftermath-episode-in-clearwaters-oldest-baptist-church-on-july-22/
Thanks. I should have known to look there.
Mike is a hypocrite that does not make any difference with Scientology. The purpose of both is to make money from the hopes and pain of others. You must be ashamed.
Not a chance that you are right. You must be misguided.
Magapo, you are so far off base, but, this is what we expect from trolls.
Magapo: You might want to spend a bit of time reading what you write and discovering the inane English you use.
“Mike is a hypocrite that does not make any difference with Scientology. The purpose of both is to make money from the hopes and pain of others. You must be ashamed.”
I assume you are joking, right Magapo? Otherwise, you are really as pathetic as those churchies “Squirrel Busters”! 😉
Obviousness!!! That the CO$ doesn’t have much dignity.
Well allright! Just when I thought the trolls were all but an endangered species one floats to the surface.
Looks like the town hall meeting has keyed in the overt which doth speak loudly ….
“The purpose [of your cult ] is to make money from the hopes and pain of others.”
Dave will give you praise Megapo for being so brave as to speak out. Take a bow …..and enjoy your rice and beans.
Magapo, working for IAS much?
Hail Marcabian! How goes it in your alternate universe?
As a former Scientologist of many years I’m greatly appreciative of Mike, Leah, and the
A & E Network giving a voice to some of us harmed by this organization. It would take hundreds of seasons to set aside time for each of us, but those who have appeared on the show have done a great job, and are displaying great courage as they know the CoS is going to run a Black PR campaign, attacking those who dare to expose the true dark nature of this group.
Where’s the like button so I can like your comment, Florida EX-SCIENTOLOGIST?
Magapo, Why don’t you try backing up what you are saying with some semblance of facts and logic.
Oh Magapo…..you poor degraded being that you unfortunately still are.
Most here know now who you are… so your statement about Mike, if anything, is entertaining for a few seconds.
My family would give our life savings to Mike if it meant another effective blow to the Church, as the Church is currently on its hands and knees – thanks to Mike, Leah and Tony and many many others who are so brave and courageous.
I was on the Bunker earlier today and they called you out over there as a long time troll, just went back and your comment there has now been deleted.
For crying out loud, if you have facts we can check let’s have them otherwise … not interested.
(Also your grammar could use some work)
The only person in this scenario making money off of individuals’ hopes and pain is David Miscavige.
@Magapo Thank you for helping expose the truth about Scientology.
Magapo – I know you think you’re doing the right thing by “attacking” Mike and Leah because they are “attacking” what you consider to be Scientology. But many of us have been around for a long time and we can, each of us old timers, tell you that today’s Scientology is a far cry from the original.
But the Scientology world you’re living in doesn’t even resemble the good parts that Ron intended. Please do your research – open your mind to see if what we are saying might have a grain of truth in it.
Even the tech has been changed. If you only watch one video, watch this one to see proof that the PDC’s were altered (parts taken out) to cover up the use of Black Dianetics (which you may have never heard of).
Also, find Scott Campbell’s story on SavingScientology YouTube channel. There will be other real stories that you can watch and make up your own mind. I had to do the same but seeing that the tech has been altered was a pivitol point for me.
Good luck on your journey out, Magapo
Magapo – Please remember that if, or hopefully when, you leave Scientology, you will find an entire community of former parishioners and “never-ins” whom will welcome you with open arms and kindness beyond your wildest imagination. They will not judge you based on your prior comments, as they understand how Scientology alters your thought processes.
The generosity of spirit and love that I have observed from the former members, through reading blogs and watching you-tube videos continues to restore my faith in my fellow human beings.
So many former members are now able to shine with their intelligence and compassion.
Magpo is a long time, known troll. The direction of its distraction indicates an OSA persoon.
Well Megapo,
How was dinner last night. Did Dave let you have an extra hours sleep for saying some negative things about out friend?
Go back in your megahole with the remaining OSA goons. And don’t forget to turn out the lights.
Magapo. Sorry for your imprisonment. Your lack of literacy (& judgement) possibly suggests that you were born into the church & hence, deprived a decent education. The sooner you blow, the sooner you may start to live a happy and productive life…
YIKES!! That must really burn Magapo. Such a waste it must be….to be a scientologist.
What’s the matter? Stats down this century? ?
Magapo, please take some remedial English lessons. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. Many communities have adult education and GED classes. A highschool degree can be yours; you can do it!
“Scientology the Aftermath” has captured a voracious man-eating tiger and put it in a cage for all of America and the world to see. Former Scientologists can now safely tell their blood curdling stories about the tiger that ate their children, stole their money and enslaved them for $10 a week for decades…. and they can do this WITHOUT fear of reprisal. Thank you Leah and Mike for capturing and caging this monster that has been terrorizing us. The tiger might still strike out between the bars with their lawyers to scratch Mike and Leah but we, the people, will forever be grateful for putting that tiger in a cage….. so we can safely tell our stories.
I love your wonderful your comment! Excellent analogy.
Oops. Please remove the second “your”. 🙂
Senior moment? I have them all the time…
Thank you for your comment. Excellent way of putting it.
Dave appears as a tiger when He is behind a curtain. IMHO He is little more than a rabid skunk and He has definitely stunk the place up.
No denigration intended to the skunks of the world!
What happened? I’ve read Pastor Willies letter to his congregation and all but so? I’m not stupid but I don’t understand why that changed anything? Cuz it’s inside a Baptist church? Thank you? ?
It would have caused a media circus and my guess is the citizens of of Clearwater wanted no part of it. Who knows what percentage of the the residents find the scn presence in their city to be a problem and what percentage think it’s a so what. Negative nationwide publicity about Clearwater’s “Scientology problem” to the extent there is one would do their tourist industry no good.
Richard, I’ve lived in Clearwater most of my life, and was here when Scientology first came to town and launched “Operation Normandy”, their plan to take over our city, complete with smear campaigns and infiltrations of local newspaper, the now-defunct Clearwater Sun. I strongly believe the overwhelming majority of residents see Scientology’s presence here as a huge problem.
I do not believe that Scientology ‘s well-known dominance of downtown has hurt tourism in Clearwater, as our tourists spend their time and money on our beautiful beaches, not in the downtown area.
Mike and Leah continue to inspire locals to take a stand, speak up at city council meetings, and take steps to take back our city. I would love to attend a town hall meeting, and would gladly participate in any activity to assist the cause!
Hi Sue – Thanks for the feedback. It’s well known the the local newspapers oppose scn but difficult to say how the local populace regards scn. I’ll take your word for it that the locals regard scn as a PITA (pain in the ass)
My grandparents retired to Clearwater in the 1950’s. One time when I was a kid my parents, my great aunt and I traveled by car to Clearwater to visit them. The day we left New Jersey it was a full blown ice storm with an inch of ice on everything. When we got to Clearwater the flowers were in bloom and I was running around in shorts and a tee shirt. 🙂
“Who knows what percentage of the the residents find the scn presence in their city to be a problem and what percentage think it’s a so what.”
Well, as a long time resident, I think if you take the CoS population out that leaves 95,000 non-CoS residents of Clearwater who would be happy to see it close up shop, Not because the CoS harasses tourists or proselytizes on the beach but because its secretive, aggressive, deceitful, and downright creepy. Its clear that its despot would like complete control over our downtown. For those residents who avoid it because of CoS, shame on you for complying in his efforts! No one is pouring Kool-Aid down your throat – in fact its one of the safest downtowns I’ve ever walked.
“The Aftermath” confirmed what I suspected over the years in terms of scientology exploiting its followers but it has done something more for this resident; it has instilled a deep compassion for the Scientologists I’ve met over the years. I used to lump them under the vibes I got from the organization – that it was all self-aggrandizing brainwashing weirdness but Leah and Mike have introduced me to bright and good-hearted people whose “weakness” was wanting to make the world a better place.
Darn. Wish you all luck. Between politics and Scientology well, what a world!
Thanks for all your good work.
Thank you Calvary Baptist for standing with your pastor against human rights abuses. Practice scientology all you like, just stop your reign of terror. You keep people’s dedication by love, empathy understanding and encouragement. Not by criticism, condemnation, attack and regging.
Thanks to Mike and to Leah. The consistency of your mission and willingness to keep withstanding the push back from the church is a true inspiration to us all.
Thank you for clearing the air!
Looking forward for August 15.
Yes, thanks Mike. Clarification much appreciated, Mike.
Just so you know, I’m at the point where I figure about you this way: If you’re doing it, its the right thing.
Mike and Leah: Thanks for the update on the potentially upcoming Clearwater “town hall” meeting. I think such an exciting tornado event descending on the sacred scientology capital city deserves its own focus and celebration. I would love to go and partake in a white elephant walking tour, an Irish pub block party, an academic symposium on the theory and practice of Davey’s church and a gospel choir at Calvary Baptist.
It could do a lot to catalyse clearing the planet of this evil scourge – starting in its innermost lair.
Somehow I like Anne’s portrayal of you both with jungle balls.
tony b – Laughing at the last sentence! Also, Amish watching is big business in Lancaster Pennsylvania. Maybe a bus tour in Clearwater? I’d hope that it wouldn’t be anything intimidating or hostile, just a drive around for curiosity seekers. My brother recently visited his friend in a nearby town and he was curious enough to drive over to Clearwater and look around and he found it interesting..
Mike……The best laid plans sometimes fizzle for one reason or another. Things happen for a reason, and I have a thought we all know the reason. There is SITLL hope….when the time is right & the place is right…the meeting will take place.
Better to light a candle then curse the darkness, and in this case ALL of those on these blogs….former “ins” and “never ins” have lit every candle they can find to light the way to the TRUTH. It won’t be long now….try as he might even the “great tiny one” doesn’t have ENOUGH AIR to blow out every single candle, and to boot we keep relighting them.
The “hissing/squeaking noise”….is the AIR being let out of the BUBBLE…..like every bubble, one day it’s going to make a loud popping sound the WORLD WILL HEAR…..good riddance to “the organization”….FREE at last FREE at last…thank you Mike & Leah…we are FREE at last…
You both, and all those that have forward, are doing GREAT things and when you’re doing the right thing, it will not be stopped. It will take many detours but I hope it never discourages any of you. You are brave and you all are msking a difference! Well done!!
I should really proofread before hitting Enter. ? Sorry about typos.
I’m not type ‘O’ blood.
That your program is even on television is a remarkable achievement. We saw it on our cable here in Australia – and hoped it would make it to a free-to-air network for a much larger audience. At this time we don’t know if the cable provider will show season two; we hope that they will. If not, we will complain long and loud.
Keep up the good work you lot – your endeavors will bear fruit for years to come.
Much love from a couple of Aussie admirers 🙂
Michieux: Might I suggest you name that Aussie network that ran season 1 so others can help you convince them to also release season 2? inquiries from one or more Australian networks might help A&E maintain their resolve to push on through Davey-boy’s HE&R.
Hi – I watched Season 1 and I lapped up EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. Mike and Leah make the best team – but it’s the interviewees that are the real stars of the show. It was great to put actual faces to the names. But i digress…
The cable network that showed Season 1 in Australia was the Crime channel on Foxtel. I haven’t heard any info about Season 2. It’s a worry – I would assume that Season 2 would be on the same channel.
Dearest Mike. I would bet that I represent thousands of never-ins who had heard of Scientology and had the general feel that it was a cult until Leah and your series aired. And now, thanks to you guys, the team at A & E and your brave guests bringing the horrors of their policies and practices mainstream, there are so many of us who are appalled and ready to help your cause! Since the docuseries aired, every book I’ve read is about Co$ or are ex-Sciens personal journeys (these escape stories are my fav because of so many happy endings). I’m now following so many bloggers and YouTube channels and have joined social media groups. I am recommending your series and many of my fav bloggers/channels/books, etc. I am so thankful for all the nice folks I’ve “met”. As I’ve been saying….KAW – Keep Aftermath Working!
Thank you Mike and Leah for exposing this cult. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Keep exposing, but stay safe.
I used the term “Heroes of the Heart” in a previous post (here and/or on the Bunker) and I can only reiterate my (never-in’s) heartfelt admiration of all that you, Leah, and the ever-growing legions of ex-Co$ members do in articles, books, online & broadcast media, and in live appearances to fight for truth and justice against Co$ brutality. We followers, and when possible, activists, are growing as well, inspired by you who’ve not only escaped, but courageously stand tall and speak out. The welcome and comfort I’ve seen offered to new escapees who’ve posted both here and on The Bunker have brought me to tears, showing the majestic and healing power of love, each of you ex’s for the other.
Heroes of the Heart is understatement, indeed!
So beautifully said Wryturman. They are Heroes of my Heart and so many others too.
Love and Godspeed to you Mike and Leah.
Excellent series. Truthful, honest, forthright. Quite a catharsis for former members. Sharing stories an pain helps them, an hopefully helps those who choose to open their ears and listen reclaim their lives an souls.
Also hoping that the IRS wakes up an yanks Scientology’s religious exemption. Bogus! Fraud!
Thank you for the clarification Mike. Maybe Calvary Baptist wasn’t the best place, or logistics in production schedule, or whatever. The important thing is that you’re committed to having an open community forum in CW at some point. You know what’s best given all that has and is happening behind the scenes.
Love u guys!!!! Keep up the good work
However you all at A&E etc. Decide to do things, go for it. Far as I can see you’ve opened up a lot of eyes and minds. This last year has been the best year ever. I can’t express what a relief that is. And that’s not just Leah and Mike, it’s everyone talking and everyone listening. To know $ can never put a plug in this warms my heart 🙂 :). How can my intelligent Daughter #3 and internet savie Son #2 not miss this? I think they are simply laying low waiting like so many others. Please let us know if there is more we can do to help.
I am looking forward to the town hall whenever it can be done.
May I add my voice to the growing throng of supporters and thank you, Leah and all your courageous guests for EXPOSING the truth about this cult and doing it in such a dignified and honourable way. So many would just stand back and fling mud but Aftermath takes the high road and allows victims to just tell their stories in their own words. Also, for me a part of what is so valuable about how you present the stories is using Scientology policies to illustrate why and how these things were done in the first place. I was utterly clueless.
In an episode of Season One you mentioned what would do the most harm to Scientology was exposure. So, so true. Keep the spotlight on the abuses and the victims.
Mike & Leah. You both have done are are doing an Incredible Service to all of us who have been harmed or hurt in any way by The Cult of Scientology. The first season of Aftermath was and is Incredible & I can’t wait for 8/15. I know that there are many balls you both jungle and I know with all my heart how honest and conscientious you both are about telling your stories and all of our stories the best way you can. Just remember if you both need a hand to hold or hugs or Anything, here I am. ??
Edit and are doing.
I cannot spell today juggle?
“Edit and are doing.” Makes perfect sense to me, Ann B!
I feel like a rainbow wave because I heard from you.?
Ann B, you make everything better.
Hugs, Laughter, Love and Light to you & yours OSD. ?
Thanks, Ann B. Right back at you!
No worries, Mike. Thank you for an official update to the situation. You and Leah have done so much, and continue to do the same, that i believe everyone has great faith in all you do.
Mike….I will meet you at the Lucky Anchor after the TownHall. First round is on me!
Yours…. OverTheBridgeTPA
No matter when it is!!!
The first round is on you? Damn! I’m going to miss a free drink! It pains me as a Scotsman…
Count me in. I will buy the second round
At the Lucky Anchor? Damn! That’s two drinks I’ll never have! I need to get to Clearwater!
I’ll join you. The Lucky Anchor is so cool!
2nd round on me. See you all at The Lucky Anchor!
You’re too late, Mary! We’re up to the third round.
This episode will happen in its own way and in its own time. We believe in you and know you two will make it happen. Much respect for the gutsy Pastor Rice and The Calvary Baptist church for sticking by you and the plan.
Keep On Truckin’!
Truckin’ like the Doo Da man?
I would have liked to have attended today but, I understand. I appreciate and respect your and Leah’s honesty and integrity. I will look forward to an event in the future!
Now ya tell me !! I’m at the Baptist Church front row ,wondering where everybody is ?
Nah ,just kidding. Sounds good Mike ,thanks for the update. Looking forward to it.
Thank you for all you have done so far. Please let us know when you will try to come to Clearwater. I will try to be there.
We are witnessing the beginning of exponential contraction.Last one to leave The Morg please turn out the light.
There are no lights. No money to pay the light bill.
No money for toilet paper too! Now…that’s serious.
Just wondering how much “ready cash” the little man has tucked under his mattress, complete with 800 thread count Italian sheets. He probable wipes his *ss with $100.00 bills and laughs the whole time. That is till his rectal bleeding starts, due to colon cancer mets from lung cancer due to cigarettes and black Karma.
The effort and dedication Leah and you put into Aftermath Season 1 was astounding. .Emotional toll you conveyed too..Im sure Season 2 will go over and above
So glad to hear this!
What I personally call ‘The Mike and Leah Show’ is the best documentary TV show I’ve ever seen. Keep up the good work – we love you both!
Come to Detroit, as the cult is planning on moving into a building that they have owned for some time, right in the heart of downtown Detroit.
As a member of Calvary, thank you for this because it sure felt like A&E pulled the rug out from under us and left us out to dry especially after that Times article which I suspect was written by a member of the cult. This was not a nice way for this to have gone down. I respect you for at least addressing it.
I respect your Pastor Willy Rice very much. He stuck his neck out against the abuses of the church of scientology, which is a lot more than many of my friends and some family did for me. He’s a hero in my book.
I Heart Calvary – I hope you know how much Pastor Willie’s courageous letter and stance meant to so many of us! Knowing that the decision and willingness to host and open the door to be attacked was taken prayerfully and after knowing how the congregation would feel (open-hearted) it really touched and spoke to many people I’ve interacted with both here in the community Mike’s created and at Tony Ortega’s Underground Bunker blog!
Please share with your church family how important and impactful it was to have a church willing to stand up and say, “This is NOT ok!” I’m keeping you all in my prayers. I want to visit Clearwater & Calvary to show support and celebrate your beautiful community & you all who’re reclaiming your home and helping those individuals who are and will be coming out of the CO$ in need of open arms, support and friendship!
I checked a 2015 road atlas and it listed the population of Clearwater as 107,685. As with many Florida cities I think much of their annual income would come from tourism. Highlighting Clearwater on a national television show as “all about” or focusing on scn as a major aspect of the city would not be welcomed by Clearwater residents.
Yes, I will bet that’s what Co$ hopes, too. But Co$ is a major issue in Clearwater, and residents are speaking up. They want the land grab to stop. They want their downtown back.
Tampa Bay Times called Church of Scientology the “elephant in the room.”
Who said it’s a major issue? “They” is an unsupported generality. The majority of Clearwater residents may simply think if the scn-ists, maybe 4 or 5 thousand within the city limits, don’t bother us we don’t bother them. I find it unlikely that scn-ists are recruiting on the streets and beaches of Clearwater. As the old saying goes “Don’t crap in your own backyard.”
Okay – I thought that if the scn-ists kept to themselves they might just be ignored, but I looked back and a couple of Clearwater residents have posted and it’s obvious scn management is too obnoxious for that to happen. My mistake.
The town-hall meeting(s) certainly need to take place. The meeting(s) should most definitely take place in Clearwater in an effort to begin the “taking back” of Clearwater. However, I can see where hosting the event in ANY denominational church, could (and would) cause issues… The meeting would be spun into a war being waged by one religion against another… The meeting needs to be held in a neutral venue that has nothing to do with religion.
The fight is against Scientology the cult. The fact that they labeled themselves a “church” is simply a tax dodge and a cover to commit illegal actions and claim those actions are specific to the religion.
Shooting an “Aftermath” episode in any church, validates that Scientology is an actual religion. We certainly don’t want to do that.
Have to agree there. The cherch will pull out the cherch-speak using words like “ecclesiastical” and so on. It makes my skin crawl when they use words like that because I know full well that it’s bogus as all get-out.
Then again, I wonder, is there any neutral ground in Clearwater?
Good point. The spin doctors on the payroll of the dinky evil empire, parading it’s naked emperor-ness of relig$ion, are doubtless hard at work making up lies about Pastor Willy Rice and his more stalwart parishioners. It’s what they do.
My hat is off and my heart is full at the bravery of Pastor Willy Rice. Well done to his generosity. I do hope the cherch didn’t stoop as low as I bet they did to stop this from happening.
I think Ruth Eckerd Hall will be a perfect venue 😉
Continue your work! America applauds you!!! Out with Scientology!!!!!
Thanks Mike. You guys are doing a great job. I know you are doing everything you can to make things right. Anyone who’s ever been involved with Scientology owes you a debt of gratitude and support.
Best of luck and godspeed with your Clearwater campaign when it eventuates. Your willingness and determination to take the fight to the enemy is amazing and courageous.
I eventuated once. Got it all over everyone. Some people still don’t talk to me because of the mess.
Hysterical! ?
Good one, Old Surfer Dude! ?
We all need to find something to laugh about every day…
From what I have read, the story of Scientology’s entrance and expansion in Clearwater could probably take up and entire season. Would make a great cloak and dagger dramatic movie as well.
I’m sure Miscavige will be 45x more horrified when it ALL comes out, just the way it happened.
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is very cathartic in the long run.
Reposting from above:
Well said. Scientology began their stay in Clearwater with a huge lie and fraud…that they were some other organization completely, an organization created specifically to hide the fact of who they were. So much for “ETHICS” and “INTEGRITY”. They KNEW they wouldn’t be welcome and had to bury their real identity. Those lies and frauds are coming back to bite them in the ass! Utterly despicable. Utterly “unChurchlike. And utterly so like their entire history. ADDED HERE: Hubbard himself planned and directed the whole debacle. He was in hiding (of course) and terrified of being caught by the FBI. (He was an unindicted co-conspirator in his attempt to infiltrate the US government. That failed and a dozen high ranking scientologists – including MarySue Hubbard – were indicted, convicted and went to Federal prisons. Whenever the denoument of scio takes place in public debate in Clearwater, I hope a great deal of research is revealed on the criminal activities of the cult down through its history.
While I was extremely disappointed when the event was cancelled, I was even more disappointed by how it was spun by A&E to make our wonderful Pastor Willy look like the bad guy in this. When you consider that Scientology isn’t even a religion but a cult, it hard to assign the term “religious bigot” to someone as Godly and awesome as Pastor Willy. I was told, though, that we may have dodged a bullet, because the Scientologists would have flooded the place in an open forum. It might have turned into something really ugly. Next time, this needs to be taken into consideration, I think. Thank you for all you and Leah do to expose the dire situation with the Scientologists, especially here in Clearwater. God bless you! ??????
Thank you very much for all the things that you do! Continue….
I am there for you anytime you need me.
Are you aware of any movement on the IRS front? That is where the building will come tumbling down.
I had planned to be there today. 🙁 Looking forward to a future Town Hall in Clearwater!
It will happen at the right time, thanks for the update. Stay safe and best wishes to all the Aftermath team.
Can’t wait for the new season. You and Leah has made a huge dent in the so called,tax free, Church.
Thank you, Mike, Leah, Pastor Willie, etc!
Thank you Mike. Glad to read of your and Leah’s intention to do the Townhall.
I appreciate people like Pastor Willie and others who take a stand against an abusive religion. Aversion to Human Rights abuses is not religious bigotry unless your religion is depravity.
“Aversion to Human Rights abuses is not religious bigotry unless your religion is depravity”.
Bingo Mary! As I said in a conversation on Twitter yesterday, everyone has a right to believe as they wish, but no one has a right to act as they wish if those actions bring harm or distress to others.
I wish CofS would realize what the criticism is really all about. Actually, I’m sure they do realize it, but the only weapon they have remaining in their arsenal of responses is to attack, distract, and deflect attention away from the real issue, probably because they know they can’t really defend themselves against the actual allegations.
“…everyone has a right to believe as they wish, but no one has a right to act as they wish if those actions bring harm or distress to others.”
Exactly! We don’t hate $cn for its bizarre and provably false beliefs concerning the origin of the universe, or for its metaphysical beliefs in genocidal galactic overlords and space alien spirit possession; instead, we fight to stop the cherch’s crimes and human rights abuses through every legal and ethical means possible. We also do so in order to ensure that the policies and organizational procedures which enabled those crimes and abuses to be committed are fundamentally reformed and the cherch leaders who were responsible for ordering them to be committed are brought to justice.
$cilons are as free as every member of any other faith to believe in what they like, but they’re no more free to break the law or engage in crimes or human rights abuses than anyone else either. The cult’s attempt to portray its critics as religious bigots purposefully mistakes our determination to see that the cherch is stopped from committing crimes and abuses with hatred for its beliefs. It does so because the direct allegations of felony crimes and very serious abuses which have been made against it and its dictatorial leader are true, and thus, can not be contested on the basis of their validity.
Instead of confronting its past, accepting responsibility for the harm that it’s done and reforming its practices, the cult has doubled down on doing what it’s mad sociopathic founder ordered it to do for the rest of eternity: “always attack, never defend!”
Isn’t it truly amazing Harpoon Frittata that the “powers that be” went after the Catholic Church Priests who sexually assaulted little boys and girls too………
Yes, it took time…but it did happen & these Priests were punished & the Church had to ADMIT that sexual abuse took place right under it’s own nose & that some of them COVERED IT UP.
Good shall overcome Evil….and once again as stated often time justice takes time to prevail….we will keep lighting those candles to shine the TRUTH on the abuses many endured as reported on Aftermath I and in the books published.
WHEN with our government look into this as they did with the FLDS allegations about Warren Jeffs sexual abuse of UNDER AGED GIRLS……HELLO, is anyone in Washington DC listening???
Balletlady you are so right. I have many Catholic friends, and when that child abuse scandal in their Church really broke out, they expressed true shock and horror. They were upset about it, demanded answers, didn’t try to sweep it under the rug to “protect the organization”, and they certainly didn’t run around screaming “religious bigotry!!!!”
They knew the difference between attacking someone over their deeply held religious beliefs…..and attacking the systemic abuse of some of the most precious and vulnerable amongst us. And they made many positive changes within their Church as a result of that.
THAT is the difference CofS. You’d do well to learn that. You want the criticism of your organization to truly stop once and for all? Then cancel the policies that are responsible for leading to that criticism of your organization.
Stop the abuses, stop ripping families apart, stop trying to destroy the lives of former members, seek justice for the victims whose lives were shattered as a result of your policies, stop the culture of manipulation and absolute, unquestioning control over you practitioners, and allow your members to be free to express themselves and seek out external information……and I think most people will gladly shut their mouths…..and even defend your right to practice your beliefs as you wish.
Mick – Perfectly said! I agree 100%!
Thank you friend Mick! We can only hope that what you’ve stated comes to fruition one day. JUSTICE for the wrongs done. Yes, the “cherch’s congregation” joined so willingly, just like many parishioners in OTHER religions joined a particular church.
The difference IS only a cult like religion or overly strict Fundamentalist religion will not LET you leave when you chose to do so. To be chased down by a pack of hungry wolves who want to “return you to the fold to save your immortal soul” as a guised to keep you prisoner is more than ANY religion should be able to foster as it’s own doctrine.
Add to that the much denied “disconnection policy” that seemingly DOES exist, otherwise why would family members be broken apart the way they are within the confines of “the organization”.
Yes, indeed…in life there definitely ARE families that just don’t get along, so they don’t keep in contact, yet with “the organization” this seems to go far beyond one’s own personal choice, especially when it comes to “one’s immortal soul”.
Can’t keep ’em down on the farm without strong arm tactics….that says a lot about personal freedom to come and go as one pleases or to read and view what one choses to read, to have contact with loved ones….aaah life within the bubble……
“but no one has a right to act as they wish if those actions bring harm or distress to others. ”
That’s not true Mick. The “rule” leads to fascism. I have seen people VERY distressed because two people of the same sex married each other.
No one may trample another persons natural rights. RIGHTS, not wants.
That’s a very sane and practical viewpoint, Wynski! 🙂
Wyniski, I see your point, but I was referring to intentional distress. Two people who love each other and wish to marry, even if they’re of the same gender, are not intentionally distressing anyone else. There are exceptions to every “rule”.
Another exception to what I stated, it could be argued, is that someone actually does has a right to harm another if they’re being physically or sexually assaulted and need to defend themselves.
I basically quoted what I tweeted here, and with character limits, Twitter doesn’t allow much room to clarify semantics. I hope the intention of what I was trying to say was clear to most.
“Wyniski, I see your point, but I was referring to intentional distress. Two people who love each other and wish to marry, even if they’re of the same gender, are not intentionally distressing anyone else. There are exceptions to every ‘rule’.”
Sorry for stepping in, Mick, but a bunch of academics from around the world, experts at social science and human rights, already got together and through a rather long process, created what is known as the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. In such a monumental document the basic/natural Human Rights are listed and clearly explained in such a way that it basically covers all possible scenarios and the way to interpret them. The Universal Declaration was further improved to include other Human Rights, and to make the needed clarifications in the case where an apparent conflict seemed to exist. Concepts such as “intentional distress” are confusing and open to interpretations. Better stick with what we already have, IMHO.
well said
Well said Mary….depravity is taught in the cherch of Scientology. They corrupt the human spirit with lies. I think this meets the definition of depravity.
I agree.
What you have already accomplished in getting your message to us is monumental. This road block can be bulldozed in time. Sometimes you have to rock the machine a few times before it falls over. I have every confidence in you and Leah’s ability to give it the final shove it needs to make the whole machine fall. All things will eventually get revealed. Keep up the good work and know that so many are behind you.
All good things come to those who wait. Sometimes in life we have disappointments that turn into something better. I’ve looked back on my own life and can remember certain times when something didn’t work out for me which in the long run turned out to be a blessing.
The cult is done. Game over.
The bitter defrocked apostates have stuck a fork in it.
Yo Dave,
Did you check out today’s $cientology menu good buddy? It after too on a Thursday somewhere Dave. Stats must be down, down, down …………….. all I see is burnt toast Dave.
Howz about dinner …………. fried lice with fubar sauce?
Dave and the Mark are putting the finishing touches on their new Aleister Crowley sex magick video, “Buns of Steel”.
What is the emoji for “screamed short burst of maniacal laughter”? That’s what I just did.
Fried lice with fubar sauce is one of my favorite dishes! Especially if the lice are crunchy. My mouth waters just thinking about it…rburns
Your work on the has been for the greatest intenchions and you two are amazing .I think it’ has got to be hard to stay strong dealing with everything that you do .And dealing with the heart ache of what sciontolgy did and still are doing.Please continue fighting to expose that cult .Gob bless you and keep you and your family’s safe.
We trust your judgment. Hope it happens at some point as you intend it to.
I second that emotion! We do trust your judgment. Trust is earned and you and Leah have certainly demonstrated the integrity to earn that trust.
Thanks Mike! Looking forward to the new season .
In due time, this will all come together. We appreciate all of your hard work and look forward to the new season on Aug 15th!
Disappointing. The story needs to be held up to the light for a national audience. Hopefully, you will be able to do it in the future. It’s hard to believe that Clearwater citizens would put up with the image of their town so seriously damaged by this cult.
Speaking as a citizen of Clearwater, we don’t want to put up with it. For 30+ years I’ve watched our downtown area being overtaken by these (cockroaches). Our city government doesn’t do enough. I personally feel they are intimidated by the cult. Thank goodness for the Tampa Bay times article that came out several years ago. At least they were brave enough to tell it like it is. Also with Leah and Mikes show there are less of these scientologist walking the streets. However because of these people there are less citizens and tourists downtown. I’d love to see Clearwater as the vibrant city it once was before the invasion of the Sea Org.
Thank you for all you and Leah have done to bring the atrocities of Scientology to those of us who had no clue of what was going on inside this ‘cult’.
Thanks for always keeping us in the know…??