It didn’t take long. Just days after Mark Bunker was replaced on the city council, scientology’s latest, and largest single land-grab in downtown Clearwater was announced.
The most prominent office building in downtown, current home to the Clearwater City Council, was purchased by Moises Agami, prominent scientologist. He now becomes the landlord for both the City of Clearwater and Tom Cruise…
Remember, the guy who replaced Bunker, old-boy establishment favorite Ryan Cotton, is a scientology apologist who “declined to say whether he believes Scientology is involved in the acquisition of vast tracts of real estate. Unlike his opponents, he has avoided bringing up Scientology in his campaign literature.” (see Clearwater Election: Why Mark Bunker?) Wonder whether his view has changed as of today?
In the same article, the new mayor, Bruce Rector’s position is reported “his priority is to make businesses feel empowered to come downtown despite Scientology’s presence while also ensuring the city determines what the church’s end game is with the properties it controls.” Rector is quoted: “We’ve got to come to some understanding about what they are going to do. For me it’s always been less about land swaps and the smaller pieces… and more about figuring out the bigger picture.” Maybe the new mayor has “some understanding” now?
Here is Mark Bunker addressing the new City Council as a civilian — it is Clearwater’s loss that he is no longer an official presence in the city government, unafraid to call out scientology for what they are.
Scientology wasted no time reasserting their dominance over the city after Bunker’s departure.
With Bunker gone and another huge tract of downtown under their control, scientology’s goal of making Clearwater the first scientology city is almost accomplished. And the city only has itself to blame.
Hubbard sabotaged Scientology with the taboo words: XENU and BODY-THETANS
The Scientologists can’t define and tie in Xenu and body-thetans to their spiritual beliefs, publicly. It’s taboo, and laughingly nothing detrimental has ever happened, as Hubbard falsely claimed it would, when Xenu theory and body-thetans spiritual theory is simply neutrally even laid out!
Xenu supposedly is the space nasty bad guy leader who mass murdered billions of humanoids, had those dead humanoids’ souls implanted with the “R6 implants” and then these bodiless souls, “body-thetans” pronounced BODY THAY TONS) left to roam earth so that today all humans on earth are unknowingly infested with these “R6 implanted body-thetans (souls)”.
Scientology’s “second phrase” is the secret exorcism/soul freeing done to remove the body-thetans off of our human body, using the Hubbard Scientology OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism/soul-freeing steps.
The public needs to know this, and Hubbard left Scientology this problem that disallows Scientology even speak or write about Xenu and the body-thetans problem humanity supposedly suffers from, nor will Scientology admit that the “solution” is the OT levels 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 where the body-thetans are supposedly exorcised/freed off our human bodies, using the Hubbard Proton Pack/Emeter.
Hubbard’s regulations are the prison rules keeping Scientologists in line.
The outside world is the only free place where discussion of the details of Hubbard’s self created problems for Scientology’s operation can freely fully happen.
Miscavige is a niche idiot “top” banana in this Hubbard prison of belief (and they can’t even discuss Xenu and body-thetans and thus can’t admit they do the OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism/soul freeing).
(XENU is pronounced ZEE NEW)
Not the least bit surprised at the worthless Clearwater “establishment” going along with evil. The cult only keeps destroying lives because the authorities keep helping them. Bribery is very appealing to professional politicians.
This isn’t bribery. It’s helplessness. The city doesn’t know about private sales of property beforehand and couldn’t stop them even if they did.
Now more than ever, Clearwater is at the mercy of Scientology. There is one non-Scientologist property owner in downtown. She owns one side of the 500 block of Cleveland Street and plans to keep that property in the hands of her family.
There is a growing business called Nash Keys, a dueling piano bar. The man behind that has spent $2 million dollars to fix up all the properties this woman owns with the hope of recruiting businesses to them. He’s put a lot on the line and I wish him well.
If Mike and Leah want to open a business downtown, these would be the only possible locations.
Eminent domain?
In Florida, a city can use eminent domain but the seized property has to be used for the city’s public use such as building a needed parking structure or library. You can’t take the property and give it to a developer for to create a shopping mall or condos. You also need to pay market value for the property you seize and face the lawsuits that Scientology would bring against the city.
Clearwater doesn’t have the money to seize all the property Scientology has amassed and no justifiable use even if they could seize them all.
I just got a wonderfully wicked idea.
A letter goes out to the Texas, Arizona, Florida,and New York governors and the mayors of all the border towns in the first two states, from the Church of Scientology, offering their properties as sanctuary accommo for ALL of the migrants pouring in…
“Come to us. Send these people to us, please! Our church owns a VAST amount of real estate that is literally sitting EMPTY here in Clearwater! We want to help! Send these people to us! Don’t put them on a bus to New York City and Chicago – send them HERE! We’ll meet them at the bus station! They shouldn’t have to live in shelters and makeshift gymnasiums – we have empty apartment buildings – lots of them, and empty office space too, that can easily be converted into temporary shelter for the migrants fleeing suppression in their own countries. We WANT them here – NOW! Send these people to Us in Clearwater, Florida, the First Scientology City!”
Much love, David Miscavige.
I mean, can you just IMAGINE????? LOLOL!
Oh, and I forgot San Francisco. Definitely send that letter to the mayor of SF, and to Newsome too, why not?
Too funny, right?
Meamwhile, I live in a sanctuary city and I am fiercely proud of how these people are being taken in, fed, housed, clothed and given a chance to work their tails off in this country at jobs Americans won’t do, in order to have some kind of life here in America, when they have absolutely no chance of any life at all in their own countries.
And what does Moises Agami intend to DO with this behomoth for which he shelled out 58 million?
According to a TBT article by Tracy McManus, more than half of the storefronts in this office complex are empty. And Agami would have to know that retail EVERYWHERE is not doing well let alone in Clearwater, Florida! Businesses are not exactly flooding IN. If they were, the former owners wouldn’t have sold – duh – they admitted this in the article. Also these formers owners characterized CW’s government as “unstable”.
Is it possible that Mr. Agami, this hard drinker of cult koolaid might have, um, overpaid a tad for this prized piece of downtown Clearwater real estate? Ya think? Why else would he sink so much money into this
Well, I guess the majority in CW want a smaller tax base and a crippled town. Sounds like a bunch of Darwin Award candidates to me.
I agree…the voters of Clearwater are getting exactly what they deserve. I would happily visit and support my Philadelphia Phillies spring training games, but Scientology’s presence is a blight on the city and reason for staying far away. I admire Mark’s tenacity, however, at this point, I think he’s fighting a losing battle.
Barabara , I couldn’t agree more. The voters are getting what they asked for, which I guess is a city controlled by a wacky cult. it’s going to be a ghost town.
What will david miscavige do with all that empty space, with all those empty buildings, order ALL their members to move to Clearwater? I hope one day the church of scientology/david miscavige are found guilty of RICO charges and that their holdings are confiscated. That is the only chance The City of Clearwater has until about 2050 when david miscavige is gone and the church can’t pay to keep the lights on and the City of Clearwater is a delapidated blight and maybe then EVEN the City Council members won’t be able to stand it. But this current group of sell-outs will be gone.
Meanwhile Safety Harbor, Dunedin, Palm Harbor and other surroundings cities are rockin’ it.
Mike says that all Miscavige wants is a “moat” (his word and my word) around Scientology, to keep him and Flag and the remaining Sea Org members and the remaining Scientologists safe from outside contamination (my term), and that that, along with the power over the city it confers, are his purposes for the acquisition of so much CW downtown real estate.
This is unfortunate to hear about. I hope this gets more and more attention from more and more people because it needs to. A cult is taking over a city. The city could have been something completely different.
Wonder how much money was transferred from the vaults of Scn to the pockets of the city’s council members for them to condemn Clearwater to bankruptcy. Clearwater…the city that could have been. So so sad.
Lets hope that Mr. Agami grows less than thrilled with his new purchase which has to be tantamount to lighting a match to 58 million dollars. If he does actually manage to attract any businesses he’ll have to clear every rental with Miscavige first.
On a far smaller scale, I know some Still Ins who bought condos near Flag to stay in when they’re getting audited; they live elsewhere. But when they’re NOT at Flag and their apartments are sitting empty, these owners are forbidden to rent them on a temp basis to OTHER Scientologists (their perfect public for rentals) coming to Flag who need a place to stay for a week or two or longer. Why? Because that would take business away from the FH!
Think of that for a minute. Take a minute to process this.
FORBIDDEN by their CHURCH to rent out their OWN property – absolutely forbidden!
Welcome to the First Scientology City, everyone! Where your real estate is yours, in name only! And David Miscavige decides what you can or cannot do with it. Hip hip hooray!
They get what they vote for, good and hard. Literally not an ounce of sympathy.
I was thinking the exact thing – sure, it sucks to watch it happen; but, come on Clearwater, vote smarter if you want your downtown back.
Operation Snow White (United States v. Mary Sue Hubbard et al., 493 F.Supp. 209, D.D.C. 1979) should have shut Scientology down forever. Instead, it slapped the hands of eleven highly placed executives and allowed the cult to carry on, business as usual.
Today, we witness, with considerable regret, Scientology’s hold on Clearwater tighten even more.
What stranglehold does Scientology have on the U.S. government (the I.R.S. in particular) because of all the documents the cultists stole during Operation Snow White?
We may have another American Revolution because of Scientology.
Here I have a question that I think has crossed the minds of others as well.
What do they mean by ‘first scn city’? How do they establish it? When they neither own half of ir or the center or what else.
Given that for the 10,000 solo nots they count everyone, alive, dead, outside the lines, people stuck for decades and sick, others who are now in ‘squirrel groups’.
What do they mean in their mind with that? Or is it just the usual unbalanced PR for the bubble, to which we’ve been accustomed?
What I meant is, it’s like when they say “clearing the planet” but they don’t mean everyone becomes clear, just a percentage. So it’s kind of murky. In the case of Clearwater, the cult could establish that by acquiring a significant portion of the city’s core (empty properties), flags on each building and having a creep control over the city council without opposition, they can announce at an event that they’ve reached the “first scn city” target and everyone, without understanding what it means, applauds for half an hour.
It’s like kicking Oslo org to become an ideal org and then saying that Norway is now an ideal and clear country. It makes no sense.
If the city has passively accepted this scenario, then let them enjoy it.
“What do they mean by ‘first scn city’?”
Tombstone, Arizona with palm trees, maybe?