There has been some discussion on the blog of late about Day and Foundation Orgs.
It is an interesting topic in the face of scientology’s bold statements about their “greatest expansion in history.”
I have commented that almost all of the Foundation Orgs have been closed by Miscavige as he rolls forward with his “ideal orgs” real estate investment scheme.
Newcomers to the subject of scientology may not understand what this terminology means, so I thought I would be provide you with some “source” on the subject, taken out of OEC Volume 7 which contains a section about the “Foundation Org” with a series of policy letters. This (and the other OEC Volumes) is no longer available in scientology organizations — Miscavige has been “working on” getting the OEC to be “standard” since the early 2000’s — yes, nearly 20 years now. When you see some of these references you may well understand why. Scientologists who still believe in the writing of Hubbard being the word of God would take issue with the actions of Miscavige vis a vis Hubbard’s very clear policy on “Foundation Orgs.”
Here is the first page of the first policy on the subject written in 1965 when Ron was at the peak of his development of the scientology “organizational tech.” I will not bore you with the entire issue, as usual, he has a lot to say about how the formation of a Foundation is vitally important as is another of his “breakthroughs” that will make planetary clearing a reality with the snap of the fingers.
As you can see, at this time there were not a lot of scientology orgs, but these he named (and most others) DID become two organizations.
None of them remain Day and Foundation today. Even though all of them except Capetown have been manned up to be “ideal orgs” (not really, but that is what they tell everyone — can you imagine how difficult it would be if they had to man them to have twice as many staff???).
Here is one of his later policy letters making clear that Day and Foundation are two SEPARATE organizations. They should be able to clear TWICE as many people and make TWICE as many auditors because it means during “production hours” no staff are studying or having to work on “administrative” work, they can “produce” flat out.
And here is the final kicker.
What “Ron” had to say about the idea of “Closing” or “Combining Orgs with their Foundations.”
These acts are “unlawful” and “High Treason”…
Off the top of my head, I can think of the following orgs that have been “closed” :
Copenhagen Org
SH Fdn
CC Portland
CC Frankfurt
CC Las Vegas
CC Paris
CC Toronto
CC London
And the following orgs that have combined into one from separate Day and Foundation orgs:
LA Org
Las Vegas
San Diego
Twin Cities
New York
That’s a lot of “High Treason”….
No wonder Miscavige doesn’t want the issues widely available.
London?!! Seriously? Well, if that’s the case, they’ll buy absolutely anything. There are still a handful of veteran staff there amongst all the young turks (2nd gen Greenfields recruits who can at least plead a degree of ignorance) who do know better and I’m guessing the convenient absence of the OECs is another factor in quelling potential unrest.
In “Miscavology” (Dave’s parasitic money cult), Hubbard writings are merely “Suggestions” and “Advisories”.
Copenhagen idle mOrgue is running. While the6y had the door shut at 18:30 – ish on Friday, there was an open door and the “curious” sign out Saturday 12:20 – ish. I even saw 1 (one) person walk in, on Saturday (looked like someone who knew the place).
But, if closing a $cientology bOrg is a “high crime,” I say let’s have more of it!
Off topic….. L Ron Hubbard writing style and the creation of Xenu….Hubbard states that 75 million years ago, Xenu, blah blah blah. Same airplanes, same houses, same people, blah blah blah. Hubbard was pretending to be writing from the future. It was his style….the audience bought in to it. Future being the Present in the Past.
I think the reason the Org Executive Course was never “fixed” by Dave is that it is impossible.
Too many contradictions, too little common sense, so much tradition that lives in the heady halcyon days of the 60s and simply doesn’t make sense anymore.
Back in the 2000s Dave had all the policy letters spread out on tables around the hallways of the Cine Studio. I guess the idea was to place them in sequence or something. But they just sat there for months. Good thing the Fire Marshall didn’t see them blocking the fire exits.
In many areas Hubbard just didn’t write enough detailed directions to make a decent instruction manual. A few pointers and some odd titles on the organizing board. Scattershot. Other areas have reams of detailed organizational structures and procedures that are simply impossible to implement in the real world. Crowds of sycophants and hangers-on that are supposed to “service” the high executives, with lofty titles and not much to do.
A few times I have been in groups that really tried to “do it all”, really get the Hubbard vision in place with all its byzantine glory. Every time it ended in disaster. Lots of folks running around yelling at each other. Nothing for many of them to do most of the time. While the real workers at the bottom struggled day and night, trying to get the actual work done while appeasing the dictatorial demands of the higher-ups at the same time.
What really makes it impossible, though, is the political side. Hubbard did write some of the policy, but lots of it was written by others and just put under his name. Some of those others are now considered to be spawn of the devil, so all their works have to be purged. But what is left? A massive swiss cheese with more holes than nourishment.
In the glorious 70s when I first got in, there were lots of “Board Policy Letters”, not by Hubbard but filling in the holes. So you could read the Hubbard part for the basic concept and then the details were fleshed out by others. This sort of worked. Then in the late 70s there was a big purge. All the old volumes that had these “Board” issues were deprecated.
The fundamentalist second wave throughout the 80s completely removed any remnant bits of rational thought from the system. Then the ultra-fundamentalist “Golden Age of Tech” applied the totalitarian straight-jacket. Wouldn’t be so bad if Dave had a clue about how to help someone or create a religion. If he knew what he was doing he could have created something new “inspired” by Hubbard. But, like Lucifer and Sauron, he can only corrupt things created by someone else.
A delusion buried in confusion, elevated to an illusion of lofty grandeur. Stunning beauty shots of nicely lit facades and no people. Not what Hubbard was thinking, but then Hubbard only wanted adoration and cash so no big loss there.
I sort of like the thought of a more creative Miscavige writing new scripture, followed by a schism where some purists would leave and follow Hubbard’s writings exclusively. The purists would die out faster.
A nice summation Bruce. ‘Make it go right with green on white’ can be more accurately stated as ‘Make it go wrong by following Ron.’
Mike, thank you for this data. I’m amazed! Gobsmacked, in fact!
All of these American orgs have combined Day and Foundation! This is almost unbelievable. Not bad news for me, certainly, but its all just so BLATANTLY off-policy…one has to wonder how combining Day and Foundation has been explained to the various org staff…how is this justified TO them, and, in turn, how do THEY justify what Hubbard policy says is HIGH TREASON against the Scientology religion! I’m still processing this. Wow!
I was Gobsmack once. It took forever getting getting the Gob out of my hair.
You might try using LRH’s barley formula the next time that happens.
Nah. I drink Calmag. It’s finger licking good!
Mix them both and you’ll have a cure for lumbago.
Damn, Gadfly, you’re good! Real good!
Aqua, I too wonder how such changes were justified, and implemented – and when.
My guess is that Scientology management has conflated, fudged and justified it so that as long as the actual local “church” itself doesn’t close, the collapse of two internal “orgs” into one doesn’t matter – and that’s actually how any rational organization would treat such a restructuring, if they weren’t bizarrely bound by supposedly immutable dictates. Maybe it’s even been re-contextualized as part of the supposed “expansion” into “ideal” orgs, as if it’s something Scientology has outgrown – and they may well have pulled out and spun something from Hubbard to justify it. Plus policy has always been violated when expedient, in large part because Hubbard’s underlying ends-justify-the-means philosophy is inherently and deliberately “senior” even to writings or “scripture”; it’s arguably even part of the process of cult indoctrination and the inculcation of blind loyalty, to present adherents with contradictions or hypocrisies that they have to accept and manage to ignore.
Thanks, Peacemaker. What you’ve offered is a likely outline of how staffs were convinced to accept collapsing Day and Foundation. Not the least of which, as you’ve pointed out is Hubbards “ends-justify-the means” policy aka “Purpose is senior to policy”. As a public, I had that one trotted out to me several times after having pointed out some flagrant off policy of which staff appeared to be oblivious. When all else failed and made no sense: “Purpose is Senior to Policy”…”Ok, do you understand now? Good…thank you…”
“If it isn’t written, then it’s true” … is the new Miscavology.
No Hubbard writings about the IAS, yet you can’t get onto their OT levels until you’ve greased the clowns who need all your money to supposedly safeguard Scientology, aka offshore slush accounts.
Scientology nowadays is whatever Dave says it is. Dave is “Source #2”, an alternative “know-better” source.
Dave is full of shit, and the excrement emanating from his mouth creates a very bad stink.
Yes, Command Intention aka whatever the Dwarf says at any given time…that’s Scientology. And it can change, and it does change. Whatever COB says, or is saying “right now” – THAT is Scientology. STANDARD tech. ON policy…IN ethics…just amazing, really. That was how it was when I woke up and left 8 years ago. That these long term Scientologists, staff and public, were ok with this, accepting of this, simply amazed me! And I suppose I still haven’t completely processed this because if I had I wouldn’t keep feeling surprised and puzzled about it. How do they live with this? How do they live with themselves?
Don’t they see that lying to others and lying to themselves- not little polite lies but LIVING these lies, is a HORRIBLE trap as well as their GUARANTEE that they will NEVER “go free” and reach their full, essential potential and as well THE path to physical and mental illness, unhappiness and early death? If I could see this, I many of us OUT HERE saw this, how can THEY not see it…Ok, I’ll stop 🙂
In Scientology, if you don’t like something, or outright reject it, then it’s subject to Word Clearing, False Data Stripping, Sec Checks or Ethics at “Open Invoice”. You are not allowed to disagree with anything Hubbard or Miscavige issues. Not what I signed up for, not anything I will permit myself to be indoctrinated into. Little more than coercive KOOL-AID blather. If I had been more on the ball back then, I would have spotted the “Jim Jones” cult drivel about “dying in the attempt” earlier.
The most common complaint from those who have left the CO$ esp. recently is having had enough of the financial harassment and excessive control of their lives. Overboarding people because they don’t make some arbitrarily-set quota/stat is not anything anyone signed up for. You cannot opt out of seeing reges on your “service completion” routing form. Expect a non-enturbulation order if you refuse to allow the cult to suck your children into the Sea Org. You cannot refuse … or else. Tell all your friends you’ve quit Scientology, and you can be “deprived of property and ruined utterly”. Incessant threats and attacks on your life.
I look at the SCN environment over the last 30 years and ask myself if this is a sample of what Planet Clearing is, then I reject saving the planet … there is nothing to save. It’s something to run over the hills for. They’ve tunneled away under the Berlin Wall for far less than this.
Aquamarine, when someone like you and so many others here who are so well acquainted with the words of LRH wonder how in the world the whales don’t question what DM is doing, I had to wonder if the whales never really had to read policy, etc. The slaves have to see there’s something very wrong with what’s happening, but they have to fear the cult leader’s wrath, something the whales are immune to.
So, will DM eventually manipulate “what has been written by LRH” to “what has been written by DM”, thus erasing LRH for the new and improved laws? No wonder all the old timers who were devout followers of LRH have virtually disappeared into some hell hole.
The original LRH “Ideal Org” policy has been subverted and perverted to mean “prying donations out of you” for buildings.
So, basically appealing to the egos in exchange for a cheap plastic trophy or a colorful framed award. No interest in actually seeing where their money goes as long as they get their photo taken. Amazing.
Money for Nothing, and if you are Tom Cruise … chicks for free.
It could also be said that St. Hill was the original “ideal org” – an unnecessarily extravagant property purchased with money from rich donors. The Château Élysée, the most elegant of old Hollywood castle-style hotels, now known as The Manor, was bought to impress celebrities and the early generation of “whales.” Then came the Ft. Harrison Hotel in Clearwater, the city’s prime property – bought at a time when Scientology’s stats were already starting to falter due to the collapse of the baby boomer youth movement.
I don’t think Miscavige is doing anything there’s not some precedent for, from when Hubbard was alive. And Hubbard altered or changed his own previous policies when it suited him, he just had the convenience of being the one in control of supposedly immutable “scripture” and could do it blatantly and get away with it, while Miscavage has to be a bit more covert and devious about it given the hand he was dealt.
With all the extremely negative PR in the public domain about SCN, I figure in a decade or two it’s game over with little more to show for beyond a Holding Company Real Estate empire and and a few billion dollars in offshore slush accounts.
Peggy, good questions. I think the Whales and Celebs know policy. But its easy for them to ignore “outpoints” (that’s Scientology lingo for off-policy, out-tech, out-ethics, etc.) because they are treated so WELL. They are cossetted, admired, love-bombed. The staff know their weaknesses, their worries, their vulnerabilities and with these always in mind, staff manipulate them and make them feel GREAT. And the Whales and Celebs get ADDICTED to this. Their org, the staff there, and Scientology in general become positioned in their thoughts and emotions as their SAFE SPACE. Scientology = the people who understand them and TRULY love them. The org people TRULY know THEM, as BEINGS, as REAL people, and love them for the people they TRULY ARE (as opposed to their fame, fortune and influence). Their org and its people are where they are ALWAYS “safe” to be themselves, to be “who they really are” and STILL loved. Now, when a person is treated like that, in a very natural way – ALWAYS – it becomes VERY hard to believe that these same people are part of a group engaged in selfish, knowing, willing, evil-doing!
These Whales and Celebs are people with fears, hates, worries and vulnerabilities just like us except their public persona may be very different and it can become a kind of trap for them. Scientologists know and use this powerfully. The money pours in, in gratitude.
The Whales and Celebs are victims of “love-bombing”. Scientologists “love-bomb” them VERY purposefully, very deliberately. They may or may not be wholly sincere and in fact they may be wholly INSINCERE in their love-bombing, but they are still VERY good at it! VERY convincing. They say WONDERFUL things to you in a very natural, UNphony way. They’re GOOD at this.
In brief: my theory is that if and/or when the Whales and Celebs are told some inconvenient truths, they find them unbelievable, because they can’t believe that the wonderful people THEY know could be part of ANYTHING even approximating the evil they’re being told is going on. Its just unreal for them, that’s all. And they are totally supported in believing how unreal it is by the people around them who depend upon them for a living, whether these people are Scientologists or not.
And of course the org people assure them that its all lies from SPs.
Thanks Aquamarine. Again, as long as the love bombing cancels out the insecurities then what the heck eh? I do suppose that being a celeb and being admired can be addictive. But how sad. Sort of proves the saying the bigger you are the harder you fall though. They live two lives, one with a script, and the other they have to deal with the real world. I suppose to stay with the cult gives them some feeling of security.
You’ve totally got it, Peggy. Full disclosure: I was love-bombed when I was in the cult. Quite a bit! Love-bombed by the staff fairly continuously for decades and I’m neither a celebrity nor even that known in my own field. I operate a small business; I’m not rich! Socio-economically, I’m a middle-class NOBODY. Yet, I got love-bombed, pretty much non-stop: “What a lovely OUTFIT!…is that a new watch? Where’d you get it? A THRIFT shop? No way, you’re kidding!..This Commendation is for your folder…You helped him/her SO much on that drill last week, it made all the difference, gave him/her SO much validation as a student, could you come in tomorrow and drill again so that he/she can complete Thursday 2PM?…That shade of green IS your color…Stunning!…VERY well done on handling that (work-related) problem! I KNEW you could make it go right!…Love those sandals!…etc., etc.
Look, this sounds phony and gushing when its written down but they’re good at delivering it in a way that’s not phony and gushing. Or maybe I was just addicted to it 🙂
Point being: if they love-bombed ME like this – ME, not famous, not rich, ME, middle class nobody me, then I can only IMAGINE how they love bomb the rich and the famous!
But being human, you get used to this. Habituated to it. The org is your “safe space”. You can be “yourself” and its OK.
Its nice. It feels good, to be genuinely cared about, noticed, like you’re someone important. You begin to believe you’re important to them. You begin to believe that they really like you, the REAL you.
But they don’t. They’re just pretending to like you. They don’t, really.
And the proof of that is that as soon as you step out of line they drop you, turn their backs on you, quietly and without sorrow.
And once you process that all their “affinity” is, and was, a facade, all fake, all put on, for their own purposes, its quite freeing, actually, and lots of other things that puzzled you about the cult fall into place and make sense.
As I believe Kate Millet famously said, “The truth will set you free. But first it will piss you off.”
And I’ll add that eventually it morphs into being funny!
Love that quote Aquamarine – so so true.
So, basically you are saying that you are only human 🙂 That’s the problem with us humans, we act, well, just like humans.
You’re very kind, Peggy, thank you. Back at you with the hug 🙂
I have wondered about availability of the policies, bulletins and lectures, for research purposes. I’ve got a full set of the basic books and lectures—the squirrel ones that Dave had reissued—a full set of the OEC volumes from the 90s, KTL and LOC materials, and one or two other items. I don’t want any of them, but have thought many times about offering them, for free, for anyone interested in researching them. The idea wouldn’t be to make a Scientologist, just for interested parties to have them as a reference.
I’ve often thought about that reference where Hubbard said that combining orgs is a high crime. I’m not sure why he was so vehement about it, but it’s a black-and-white policy. I think everyone must have forgotten about it, or it has been hidden from them.
One benefit of high staff turnover. No-one but the SPs can remember LRH policy and tech.
It is clear that staff were never expected to work 15 hour days or more, 6-7 days per week, but in reality this is never done. Maybe it was just written to look OK to outsiders, but was never the intention to actually be in operation. Several new young and eager staff at a organization I worked at pushed to get a 40 hour work week, per policies that they were reading in the courseroom, and were disciplined harshly for “attempting mutiny.” All of these competent staff left over the next year. The only time I saw a foundation type schedule was when staff were so poorly paid that they absolutely needed to get regular jobs, but this caused tension due to policies against “moonlighting.” I witnessed top Guardians Office Regional staff slinging hamburgers at full time jobs so they could work for free the rest of their days. The management of Scientology staff is from the 19th century – low paid, horrifically long hours, no sick leave or predictable vacation, and employees are essentially trapped.
I worked for the Sac Org in the late 70s, and it never had a “Day” and “Foundation.” You just worked all day, every day. That said, one thing that really struck me about those photos was the total lack of people. How do big vacant buildings scream “expansion”? Only in the Dwarf’s head, I guess.
“You just worked all day, every day.”
The Sac Org. AKA the Sad Sac Org.
Ok, granted; silly, corny pun. Couldn’t resist. And the same concept applies to all the other empty, failing Scientology orgs.
“If the technology is not spectacular no sales will occur”. QED.
Hi Martin! Nice to hear from you!
Great you’re still keeping up the good fight! I been flourishing and prospering, as all good SPs (aren’t) supposed to do. Moving to bigger house shortly. Matter of fact I got an interesting new project on the go I’ll contact you privately about.
The 1976 tech volumes are available at University of South Florida library.
I still don’t get it, but that’s okay. I don’t understand the vast majority of Scientology’s organizational madness. It makes no sense whatsoever to run something this way, and so my brain divides by zero while trying to force it to make sense.
If he has simply called it a day shift and an evening shift there would probably be less confusion, but that’s not the Hubbard Way. For example why have 10 Commandments when you can have 21 ‘moral precepts’!
Lliira don’t worry.
If you have not been on services or staff or even in the sea org as I did it is gonna be hard to have the picture.
The fact is the following ron hubbard wrote directives on managing scientology. David miscavige current self named leader made serious changes ending to manage everything and getting rid of other important key persons (Mike was one of them) and disestablishing the overall structure. Such changes after 20 years are about to result in a deadly stroke for the cult. Simply stay away from them. The idea that there is something to understand is a trap.
If you are interested in spirituality (this is just MY personal advice) read Eckart Tolle. The most you “get” in scientology at the highest levels is in that book. You are the consciousness of the present moment. Hope it helps.
The structure of Scientology was always nonsense. It’s not surprising Miscavige has been changing it; it’s utterly unworkable as LRH wrote it. Miscavige is a horrible person, but that doesn’t mean he’s incapable of seeing the obvious. Different organizations for a day shift and night shift, performing the same work in the same building? What a recipe for disaster! And that’s far from the most complex bs LRH came up with for his ridiculous bureaucracy.
I’m only interested in Scientology because I find cults interesting. I’m only interested in spirituality as an academic subject. I am in no way some kind of spiritual seeker — I’m an atheist. (In the Carl Sagan mold — we are all made of star stuff, and who could ask for anything more?) These belief systems have no inherent power, and simply being exposed to them, or understanding them deeply, does not mean one is likely to fall prey to them. They’re not magic. They’re just cages human beings have made for themselves.
Thank you. I understand your view. Miscavice has not improved a lot of things believe me. The result is scientology almost collapsing with a huge emorragy of staff and public (statistics). And a number of attacks never seen in the history. I know very well that the most of the attacks have been generated by internal bad actions or “mistakes”. I could gave tens of examples. My only concern can be for those inside decent people still believing to be on the right side.
Are the OECs and Tech Volumes even visible at any orgs? Has the information in them become a secret data line that only the high priest of Scientology can know & apply?
Never thought I’d see the day when the OECs and Tech Vols aren’t taught and enforced per Keeping Scientology Working.
Of course even when the OECs were considered THE WORD OF RON, the policies in them were very selectively enforced, often with no apparent logic.
Tech and OEC volumes are NOT available from Bridge Publications and have not been for a number of years. They were basically removed from the publications lineup in early 2000s because according to Pinhead Miscavige they needed to be re-done. But have never been re-done to date, along with the Briefing Course, Class 8 course, etc etc. It is remarkable that he has gotten away with this, all the while blabbing about how he is the ne plus ultra of standardness and KSW. Staff and public seeming can’t spot an outpoint even when it does come up and bite them in the ass.
Thanks. Didn’t know that Pubs doesn’t even sell them anymore.
Scientologists don’t need to study policy anyway. The supreme wisdom & infallibility of David Miscavige, Chairman of the Board and Dictator of Source is all they need.
Just do what DM says! Only look at what DM says it’s OK to look at! He has certainly simplified Scientology with his see-no-evil, hear-no-evil and speak-no-evil (of Scn) leadership.
All 1991 & pre-1991 Vols available in copied digital PDF form. I wouldn’t want anything the squirrely CO$ releases nowadays.
In Moscow Ideal org day and foundation melted together around 2015/2016.
Fuck you Rinder. You just don’t get it. In the first place, those issues were typed by SPs like you, so it’s no surprise that you reference them. I am expanding Scientology like never before in unprecedented numbers, unlike you who are fucking around with this pathetic blog and basking in your fifteen minutes of ill gotten fame from your canceled show with Remini. I did you a favor by sending you to England and this is how you repay me? Due to the magnitude of your overts, I will personally see to it that the door back into Scientology is never left open for you, even a crack. Your only future is as an insignificant cinder.
you forgot the ML before Dave.
MH (Much hate) is more appropriate, but sometimes even I have to restrain myself.
You, Dave? Restrain yerself. WTF is up with that. Must be feeling the onslaught of a tad bit of suppression good buddy. Time to redo the redone Ess Pee- Pee Tee Ess Course in spades.
Follow it up by pounding down another bottle of yer scotch. Guaranteed youl feel much more like yerself.
Good one, Gadfly.
You had me going there for a while 🙂
Thought we had a triggered OSA Bot to play with for a while.
Damn, Gadfly (I mean Dave). That was harsh but effective. What do I have to do to make sure the back door is never opened even a crack for me? I like to consider myself a SP, but I pale in comparison to ‘Meanie’ Mike Rinder or ‘Loser’ Leah Remini. Those guys make me feel like a nanny-pamby panty-waist dilettante.
ml, ARC, KRC, KSW,
Ms. B. Haven
Ms. Missed Withhold – you are already in their God forsaken ranks as is anyone who posts here, with the exception of myself, who is merely getting ethics in by pointing out the atrocious comments on this poor excuse for a blog.
Well we are all thankful as shit that yer getting someones ethics in good buddy. We were gettin worried that you were slackin off. And now that we have arrived on the front porch of eternity we can sit back and let you do the rest of the hard work solving everyone else’s problems.
Go get em tiger!
To: Gadfly
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: impersonating
I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but if I ever find out your true identity, I’ll see to it that your life is so miserable it’ll make the Hole seem like a summer vacation resort. Get a life you worthless, cocksucking poser.
That reminds me … getting “Ethics In” nowadays means … enforcing “Dave’s Command Intention”. The more money you hand over, the more ethical you are.
Please stop swearing. It only makes you look stupid.
I don’t think you can work for Scientology without using swear words and slurs…?
Fuck you White.
You obviously have not heard of right speech. Speech is a reflection of your inner self.
George, Gadfly is not DM, he’s just having fun.
Thanks. He had me worried.
No worries George – all in good fun. Sometimes I feel the urge to channel Dave, which elicits some interesting responses!
PS – thanks Aqua.
Thank you, really means the entire argument.
Relax, Gadfly. Just take a deep breath and say, over & over: Scientology is all make believe.
Followed by ” I’m mocking this up!”
With Dave it would be “I’m mucking this up.”
I thought it was fucking this up. Dave’s good at that.
He’s both mucking it up and fucking it up; soon he’ll have to be sucking it up.
Followed by clicking your heels together three times.
Speaking of heels, I tried it once but I kept breaking my stems. Maybe I need to lose some weight.
Seeaking of heels, I broke every one that I had. Maybe I should lose some weight.
But at what point does the house fall on Miscavige?
Yep. That’s Scientology for you.
Dave, you are a hideous human being and you seriously need help! Lmao
The cult you think you lead is crumbling and you will fade into history as a freak of nature. An ugly one at that. Walk into traffic.
In scamology Up has always been Down, etc. Nice to see Davie continuing Hubtard’s practices.
The case you make here, that Miscavige is not following policy, has been made in other ways, but none so open and shut as this. Clearly, the remaining scientologists are either ignorant or scientology, very willing to ignore the truth to protect their fantasy, or both.
They’re not ignorant. I knew staff who’d been staff for decades. They knew policy then and they know it now. Hell, they taught it to me!
And they’re not innocent; they knew it was being violated and they know it now. With their loyalty and silence they defended its violation then. With their loyalty and silence they are defending it now.
“…very willing to ignore the truth to protect their fantasy…” sums up the operating state of these pathetic people just beautifully.
CC Dallas is another that is defunct and combined into the local org in a new “ideal” facility, though they still list it, along with Nashville (nominally still in existence as part of the “Church of Scientology and Celebrity Centre Nashville”) and Portland, in one apparently poorly maintained stub on one of their websites:
Its old web address just redirects to the Dallas org website. Interestingly, that lists a physical address that they moved out of more than a decade ago, and which then burned down several years later:
Scientology’s Old Celebrity Centre in East Dallas Burned Down Yesterday
OCTOBER 4, 2013
Mike, do you think DM is feeling heat from celebs, whales with lawsuits, bad press. Is his cork ready to pop!!!
We all ironically know that David Miscavage is the greatest enemy of $cientology. Under his watch has been nothing but spectacular FAIL. And of course LRH never chose Mismanage to be the “Chosen One,” the diminutive cult leader stole by nefarious means that mantle for himself. What goes around comes around.
Actually Peter, Under Hubtard scamology was a fail. It started collapsing in the late 70’s under Hubtard’s leadership.
There was the practicality of Ron wanting all staff going up the training side of the bridge.
Now that’s pretty near impossible for staff working 9 am to 10:30 pm.
What kind of dilettante pussies only work from 9AM to 10:30 PM each night? I used to do sometimes almost double that in the S.O.
PS. Based on this I can conclude that the condition he need to apply I confusion formula expanded to discover/find where he really is.
Wow. If it wasn’t clear before well now there are very few things to say.
Dm as well canceled the entire management structure as laid down by hubbard.
And he went into a 20 years by pass all over the lines (senior danger formula) doing micro managements. Another thing warmly not adviced by the founder as it could results (and you don’t need to be in scn to know it) in a condition of non existence. Well it went like this.
Forty years ago I remember great enthusiasm about Scientology. Many, many talented people joined the Sea Org. It was a movement with a purpose. Hubbard made it all up as he went along and eventually painted himself into a corner. Miscavige is dealing with his failure.
In my opinion, the biggest single crime that Hubbard is guilty of was his attempt to hijack Buddhism and merge it into Scientology. There was nothing more stupid ever attempted in the history of religion. Hubbard claimed that he was the Buddha, the Buddha’s teacher and a monk named Dharma who lived 10,000 years before recorded history and this is a total joke. The fact that Scientology even continues in the United States is a disgrace on the Constitution. It should be eliminated as a religion at least with the IRS.
When is Taylor Swift – I mean LRH – gonna put someone’s “head on a pike” for all if these high crimes!🙃
Dear Mary – I’m taking a break from Scientology as the memory from my previous life trying to handle those pesky BTs still bothers me. I feel I can do more good as a pretty blond singer than as a religious leader, and who knows, when the time is right, I might just introduce my fans to that special song ‘We’re Going Up While The World Is Going Down’.
At least Taylor Swift is cuter than the ex prison guy claiming to be LRH, even though he tatooed a Scn religious symbol between his eyes.
That’s funny.
Mary, here are some of the original tiles to Taylor Swifts, hit songs, before the record execs shortened them:
” You Need To Calm Down, and drink some Cal-mag”
” I Knew You Were Trouble, after I did the PTS/SP course”
“I Don’t Want To Live Forever, in this meat body”
” I Forgot You Existed, after you were declared”.
And “DM Came In Like a Wrecking Ball”
Wait, that was Miley Cyrus. OMG, maybe Miley is LRH!!!
Makes sense. She no doubt used the name Hannah Montana to honor Ron’s time spent in that state.