CC Int has made their statement about the impending Papal Ceremonies, and if anyone who received it didn’t roll their eyes and wonder about the sanity of Pamela Lancaster, I pity them.
Not only OT Weather Powers in evidence, but also Exclamation Tech(r) — which is part of the Golden Age of Grammar the RCS is experiencing.
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014
From: Pamela Lancaster-Johnson <[email protected]>
Subject: OK!! GO FULL BLAST!!!Dear Xxxxx –
It’s going to be fun watching how the OT Powerz hold off the rain on Sunday. What a massively deflating defeat it will be for the big beings if the clouds haven’t been rearranged on Sunday.
These people sure know how to make themselves look like absolute idiots. It’s part of their RCS DNA it seems.
Cloud rearrangement seems to have been delayed.
Latest (now they are resorting to bulk emails again) announcement is that it will now be at 3:30 on Sunday.
And just for good measure, irrefutable proof that Dear Leader is in fact planning on being there.
Last night, some poor saps were working late into the rainy night to put together his phallic-style backdrop.
It is a certainty that if this was being presided over by smaller being, there would not be a Nuremberg style backdrop.
Since there are more OTs reading this blog than in the Co$, I say we start postulating a cloud burst during Dear Leader’s Shermanspeak. And a nice little microburst wind event with it to really mess up his hair.
My sincerest apologies to John Fogerty but I just couldn’t resist 🙂
Pamela Lancaster… There could be a whole blog dedicated to the “nonsensicalness” of this woman.
I just got “wind” that the little man tried to put Mother Nature in the Hole for the weekend but as he’s just a evil little SP with no real power Jack Frost came nipping at his heels and gave him frost bite in his now very small wiener.
Rumour has it that at some point this year there will be a second coming of LRH but mis manage will send him to the RPF for being an out ethics COB
If they each have to bring 4 people, our ex-friends are going to have to call people like us.
Waiting for the phone to ring….lol
I’m glad Pamela is still around, she was always a kick in the pants and I have fond memories of her. I hope she is taken care of when she really starts to need medical attention although I have doubts she will get it. Captain Davey Boots sure is “pulling in” all kinds of CI and stops, legal front and now mother nature (that bitch who SCOHB) is conspiring against him.
For coining the moniker “Dave (I’m NOT in the closet) Petit”, I bequeath to you my first-born male child.
“Penis stage” just confirms that my decision was correct.
I think I love you.
Hmmm could you make that a daughter. I already have two boys that I am teaching to be as eloquent as I. But I am sure I could mold another girl to be even sassiest than I am! And I love you too!
Marykahn@gmail. Email me WarHorse
Something just occurred to me:
If this is finally the Bridge the way LRH intended, why did it take so long for that intention to come through?
I mean, OTs intended the Berlin Wall to crumble and Communism to fail and various other minutiae, and they all came to fruition in far less time.
Only LRH is lagging behind.
It supports what I realized long ago: Miscavige’s real purpose is to make LRH look like a buffoon.
And, based on everything that’s come to pass over the past 28 years, I’m afraid he’s succeeding beyond his wildest dreams.
Don’t they know CA is in a severe drought situation? They should be postulating rain, not the opposite. Of course, they could care less about anything else besides themselves, since that’s all the “greatest good” means to them.
Oh Pamela and her OT POWERZ are legendary at CC. She is the reason the sun rises and sets in LA and she RARELY gets praise for good works but takes a TON of shit when she fails. She also was SO epic in giving the MOST long winded speeches at Staff Meeting that the CO Dave (I’m NOT in the closet) Petit actually put a stop watch on her and gave her 5 minutes. She went on one time for a half hour non stop. We were all sleeping. One guy was even snoring and she just kept droning on and on.
And as for the “poor sap” who was making that penis stage for Miscavige, we know who that was. The current slave labor force, er excuse me, RPFers at PAC who make ALL of the sets that stand behind the tiny man. We would stay up nights in a row getting all that crap painted and have our marble techniques critiqued by GOLD in the morning and have to re do the whole damn thing. Such a joke. Then we would go to the shrine in our “Upstat” t-shirts and jeans to load it all onto the stage and set it all up. I remember when the union guys who worked there took a break and we all had to leave the area for a half hour because their union said they had to have mandatory breaks during the day and an hour lunch. We talked about them like they were the scum of the earth. How lazy they were taking a whole half hour break. We NEVER took a break. We were saving the UNIVERSE by putting up grotesque, over the top, penis inspired sets. We were BETTER than them. Even us lowly RPFers were better than these “Union” thugs in their orange vests.
Jesus I was a fucking nutter back then!
Damn, I miss those days SO MUCH. I was waiting for the GAG End of Endless RPF’s but alas, it wasn’t to be. Maybe it will be released when all orgs on the planet have (insert your preferences here).
Hey Basketballjane,
I’m glad you’re out now and don’t have to erect penis sets anymore.
Especially with those stiff targets.
I think I heard of this movie – “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatheads”
Maybe they can retrain some psychbusters into cloudbusters?
Perhaps all the hot air they blow could make a difference. On the other hand, don’t hold your breath. 😉
After a visit to the Grand Canyon, where I met a old Hopi man and spoke with him for hours about the Hopi kachinas, I started to form the idea that native American rain dances were the result of serendipity.
That is to say, someone dressed as a kachina did a dance, and within a few days, it rained. So the dancer repeated the dance, and a few days later, it rained. So the rain dance and the rain became linked in a self-fulfilling prophecy.
This idea I had became reinforced when I was living in Los Angeles and found that it hardly ever rains on New Year’s Day in Los Angeles. (Rain would spoil the Rose Parade, you see.) I also found that the entire city of Los Angeles “postulates” no rain on New Year’s Day.
The Wikipedia article even states this as part of Rose Parade tradition, quoting an official as having said: “the Tournament has a deal with God; we’ll never hold the parade on a Sunday, and He’ll never let it rain on the Rose Parade.” (
So it must be true. Weather postulates work!
Oh, wait. Maybe what’s true is that cutting a weather deal with gods is what works…who can tell?
Hey POT,
I remember it raining once during the Rose Bowl parade.
In the early morning some time and the rest of the day was warm and sunny.
Go figure.
Could be that all Angelenos have some kinda postulate going or the fact that late December and early January are the driest part of our “winters” here.
Most times you can count on it being warm and sunny here which is why being a “weatherman” in this town is such a cushy gig.
I don’t know if they prerecord there forecasts but it would seem tempting.
Though “LA Story” has a scene where the character Steve Martin plays did with disastrous consequences.
I recommend checking out the movie sometime. Though dated it is soooooo El Lay 🙂
That said.
February is usually are “rainy season” here if you call it that.
(I mean we live on the edge of a Desert where we have to steal water from those ingrates up in No Cal who are always whining about us suckin’ ’em dry.
Little do they understand that we are the center of the universe and if we didn’t exist neither would they 😉
Anyhoo… back to someone who seriously thinks the world revolves around his sorry ass and that if he’s going to officiously officiate an event. It better damn well be sunny or someone’s heading for the RPF.)
I mean anyone who can read an Almanac knows this is when it pours according to that old song.
Pretty much every flood or mud slide we’ve had was in February which would tell any moron with a clue that this would be the month to avoid any outdoor activity unless you want to get your sorry ass soaked and possibly washed away in a flash flood or something.
You’re right. It rained once on Rose Parade day in the thirty years I lived in LA. But the voice-over ‘bots on KTLA spoke of nothing other than the fact that it rained that day, and how unusual it was.
As another point, I have vivid memories of it raining reliably January 25 through March 5 during those thirty years. So if I was planning an outdoor event, it wouldn’t be between those dates.
It was kind of like scheduling the OUTDOOR grand opening for the Phoenix Idle Org June 23, when a simple internet search reveals the average temperature on June 23 is 105 degrees.
Miscavige thinks he’s immune to predictable weather history.
What a maroon.
Yeah they should slap a sign on that boy’s forehead like they do with cigarettes.
Saying that prolonged exposure to him reduces one’s IQ.
Clearly osa has been put in charge of tracking the weather and according to accuweather, the chances of rain for Sunday at 4 pm are now 34 per cent. So they move event to 15:30. How can this deluded woman be telling the steeple that ot powers have ‘re-arranged” the clouds? I feel sorry for the is a bots who will hit the
rpf for not getting a more favourable forecast. Jeeze!!!!!!!!!!!!! This pure insanity!!!!!!!!:))
I meant sheeple, not steeple!!!!!
Alex, this is the church, and this is the people. Open the doors, and there are the sheeple.
Are these the same OT Powerz that couldn’t stop ONE hovering helicopter in Clearwater? My money is on Mother Nature doing whatever she wants to do 🙂
The Hype, Giant ribbons across buildings ( Whole Track Incident ?)
Like Moses parting the RED SEA , if some dickwad can make the rain stop
that’s worth the price of admission. The clouds are CI to the COB.
Declare ’em all! Oh Shit, where did they go?
Tlaloc, the Aztec’s God of the rain, is participating in ensuring LA gets rain so the threes,mountains and so on can have it and grow green plants again.
He is a bit upset with the Church’s fuzz of what is natural….just some rain, you know. Why so much franticness for some drops of very much needed water?
OMG….Tlaloc may be declared for countering ‘command intention’…still, nature is nature, let it flow.
Mother Nature gonna kick Davey’s ass.
The one thing we used to tell ourselves when putting on Int Events is that the only thing about the events that never changed was the fact that everything changed – especially at the last minute. It was the routine order of the day that any planning that was done was useless because it was all going to be changed at the last minute, and then changed again…and again…and again. It was the biggest cluster f@ck I’d ever seen and it happened over and over again.
But I have to say in watching this PAC “Grand Opening” that even I am blown away by the ineptitude and incompetence displayed by this crew. They must feel like they are living in hell right now with all the BS and the public – I’m sure more than half of them are so confused about when the event is supposed to be that they have just shrugged off the whole thing.
Re OT powers – I always refer to Jay Leno’s famous line that he is waiting for this newspaper headline that never seems to appear: “Psychic Wins Lottery.” I never once saw anyone win anything of significance in Scientology – except maybe their freedom when they get the hell out.
Hey GP,
Before you invalidate OT ability entirely. You should consider the fact that what is currently called the “OT Levels” at the Church these days is nothing but a big fat technical degrade.
I made it all the way up to OT 8 and still can’t control the weather. Maybe an objectives redo + a 3rd purif could do the trick. Actually, would be happy to simply conjure gold bullion.
Shel — Your problem is that you did not do the GAG II Student Hat. Therefore, everything you did subsequently was out tech and you did not get the results you should have attained. Your new TIP is to redo the Student Hat — but this time the way LRH intended it to be, 100% on Source, thanks to COB. Once completed you can get all the gains you had
paidhoped for. Just start with DMSMH and read it “in a new unit of time” and move on up from there. We guarantee you will experience gains like you have never experienced before. Once you make it back to the new GAG II OT VIII, we will be ready with GAG III.LOL!
The room suddenly seems a lot brighter.
Please write up your success story. And do not forget to acknowledge COB, otherwise you will be participating in some further metered soul-searching and unburdening (at your expense)….
I’d like to thank my supervisor, my 2D for insisting I GAG, lrh and most of all SOB – er, I mean COB who has made it possible for all of us blind guys to see the light. Thank you sir! (thunderous applause, standing ovation).
Shel’s only problem was not buying a new $9,000 emeter, which works perfectly just like the old one did.
“Golden Age of Grammar” – Genius, Mike!
Did no one ever tell Mr. Miscavige that the credibility of an organization is dependent on the quality – including form, grammar and syntax – of every message sent out in its name?
That’s Intro to Business 101. (But then, in the Corydon deposition, COB admitted that he knew nothing about business, didn’t he?)
If CO$ can afford an army of Wog lawyers at $1000/hr for multiple cases at the same time, certainly he can pay a tiny fraction of that for the army of Wog copyeditors and proofreaders who are so desperately needed on the front lines.
Of course, that would definitely reduce the face-palm factor of these missives.
And I don’t think Strunk and White mentions Exclamation Point Tech.
diva: I don’t think you’re familiar with the unwritten rules of operation inside the “church” of Scientology Inc.
Some of those rules are: Never, ever set a target when there’s enough people to get a quality job done. Only set a target based on when COB says it’s needed. Only produce what can be produced by spending no money. If there’s not enough people to get the job done, make the rest work twice as hard, even if it means no sleep.
As a result, improperly or inadequately hatted staff are asked to draft e-mails (which don’t cost the church any money) to promote things. The lack of hatting…and literacy…are immediately clear.
Your suggestion to add an army of wog copyeditors to the “church’s” promo line would only:
1) delay the line
2) cost money
Anyone who’s been in direct contact with MissedCabbage knows a key datum he lives on is from LRH ED 805 INT 11 January 1968 SPEED OF SERVICE: “Anything which stops or delays the flows of a business or delays or puts a customer or product on WAIT is an enemy of that business.”
So, by literal interpretation of His Mightiness, adding people to an inefficient buggy line is an Enemy action. Therefore, removing people, especially well-trained productive people from an inefficient buggy line, will speed it up.
Resulting in, of course, the reduction ad absurdum of having no people on any line.
Instant success!
Hard to argue with Dave’s logic, isn’t it?
I remember sitting in the Solo Nots waiting area for a session…another on OT 7 said, “I have postulated winning the lottery…that will handle my financial needs,” and she was completely serious. It was really funny as just an hour earlier another had said the same thing. I mentioned the other gal to her, who had the same postulate. This woman reprimanded me, saying, “Do not put counter-intention on my postulate!”
From that day on I could not help but notice all the “OT’s” in Clearwater who were postulated their lottery wins.
Maybe they will all win the lottery together.
As a PS, I should add that back in the days I too tried to “postulate my lottery win”…didn’t work. Did you try?
Those people call themselves “clears”? They must have the “tech” wrong. Every time I buy a lottery ticket, I postulate I am going to lose. And although I don’t buy them often, I have never been wrong yet! Now that’s what I call a “win”! It’s an East win and a West win, a North win and a South win! It’s the four wins!
I’m sure I tried that and similar magical (unreal) thinking.
This reminds me of people who believed that their incredibly broad anchor points and beingness made streetlights turn off when they drove past them. Well, what happens sometimes at certain times of day and night, with certain amounts of light from cars, a light sensitive streetlight may indeed turn off for a second. No mystery. No magic. Just electronic light sensing circuits. Yet — some people believe that validates their OT powers!
Now, what would really get everyone’s attention would be if an OT drove by and all the streetlights turned _on_ in the middle of the day.
What should be told to these lottery-win-postulate folks is: Flunk for magical thinking. Start.
And for the streetlight-turner-offers: Flunk for illogical lack of analytical reasoning and critical thinking. Start. (And if the behavior persists, off to cramming to understand how streetlights work.)
Saying you’re going to win the lottery is one good way of invalidating OT abilities (not that the Church isn’t doing an excellent job of it on their own) because there is too many variables and cross purposes involved.
I mean I don’t care how OT someone is or thinks they are. They’ve got a millions of counter postulates to counter plus a spinning cage which spits out numbers randomly.
Fact is that your chances of winning a lottery are worse than getting hit by lightning with the exception of Clear Water Florida which manages to loose about 60 old coots a year when they insist on playing golf instead of running or driving back to the Club House during a thunder storm.
It’s about as idiotic as say “postulating” that the weather’s going to be clear and sunny by Sunday.
Not that OT abilities which are basically psychic abilities don’t work well in a controlled environment like say “Remote Viewing” a target which is basically applied exteriorization.
Or say reading Zener Cards an ability that say could be transferred to reading an average deck of cards. The only difference being that there are only 5 types of Zener cards whereas there are 52 different playing cards. That is if you’re dealing with a full deck 😉
(Tempting tempting to say something about the Church but I’ll move on.)
Each card unlike Zener cards has a value and these vary depending on the game you’re playing.
For instance you score better going low in 10’s and little ones then in say 5 card stud or Texas Hold’em
Then of course there are 4 different suits:
Clubs, Diamonds, Spades and Hearts.
What you’d want to do is remove these variables and play a game where only the values of each card counts.
So the most preferred game of some of the OTs I’ve known or know is Black Jack with the exception of one friend who was a professional poker player who paid for his bridge that way and got better and better at it as he moved up the OT levels until some brilliant MAA told him he had to quit because what he was supposedly “out ethics”.
So he got some “real job” in real estate or something like and didn’t move up the bridge after that.
But I digress….
Another thing is that card reading can be confused with card counting. So these guys would move from table to table and Casino to Casino so that security didn’t pick ’em up.
Also you gotta be willing to lose occasionally or you also become a prime suspect as well.
Me my game wasn’t Black Jack but playing the slots which were pretty easy to manipulate until they went totally electronic.
Again the trick on that one. Is that when you hit bars or sevens depending on what slot you’re playing is to walk away and find another machine or security will suspect you of using magnets.
And again be willing to lose occasionally.
That’s a short course on how to win in Vegas.
To sum it up:
Don’t win too big.
Keep moving so security doesn’t pick you up.
And be willing to lose occasionally.
(I knew one guy who wasn’t willing to apply the last precept and got 86ed.)
Another game you might wanna try is craps which seemed to be the Ol’man’s favorite and the one he used to handle some back bills that Silver Springs had according to my late friend Don Breeding.
Probably with a little practice you’ll be able to roll dice just like Ron 😉
Thanks for the tips remoteviewed.
Hey you’re welcome MJ 🙂
It would take a lottery win complete the ever changing Bridge, but don’t say a word to anyone if you do because the vultures are waiting!!!!!!
(GAT2 approved exclamation points)
It’s called cloudbursting!
Reminds me of the song WHAT KIND OF FOOL AM I?
The Lottery is an OT’s idea of financial planning? Yeeeee… gods!
Hey Dave, How is that flood watch at Int going?
I remember BS like this Mike. But even James ( “You Black Hearted Sum Bitches”) Byrnes knew well enough OT Powers don’t control Mother Nature. Get over it fuckers, it’s most likely gonna rain during your event!
Even Dallas Rains (ABC 7 long time weatherman) who gets paid 6 figures to tell LA residents 360 days a year the sun will be out again, knows it will rain during the Oscars… And what does the oscar staff do for this high profile event …. Prepare for it and provide comfort for the expected Hollywood whales that aren’t on CC Ints rollcall list!
This all on top of the fact the need for rain in the area certainly meets the church standard of ” The Greatest Good for The Greatest Number of Dynamics”! Right !!?
I’ll be Dave just had his BMW waxed and dosent want to get it wet now and he’s screaming to make the rain stop!
“Serinity Now, Serinity Now”!!
— Jackson
,)(‘ Eyes Rolling.
We all know Pam was never entirely sane. I mean WHO lets loose into full throttle operatic song while IN A MOVIE line in Westwood? Who does that?
Pamela of course.
And then oh so many years later — like 35 or so — this same diva says that ONLY THOSE WHO KNOW THE IMPORTANCE of this sector of the universe are invited to the closed service for Alexander Jentzsch — she says this “sector of the universe” stuff to a caller who claims (not true) to be a relative of Heber Jentzsch (in an pre-emptive effort to find out if there was a ceremony planned) …
Pamela has always been outrageously over the top … and I think she should just stand on the roof of Celebrity Centre and SING AT THE TOP OF HER VERY AMPLE LUNGS — BE GONE YOU CLOUDS
Those aren’t clouds. It’s the smoke coming out of the bong.
my thoughts exactly!!!!! LOL