Dear Leader has, according to the Pasadena OT Committee, deemed Pasadena: “has the most upstat staff, the most upstat OTC members, the most upstat public, in the most upstat area on the planet”
I suspect no other orgs have been informed of this.
If this is to “show it can be done for the rest of the world!” you would imagine that a more typical org would be chosen… Not the richest (and most arrogant).
He has already proven how it can(not) be done in LA Org. Why another one so close? Why not Denver? Or Malmo? Or even London or Rome?
But he has a little secret Kevin — Tampa has been told EXACTLY the same thing. And also have a CMO Sea Org Mission to “make it happen” (though they were of course PREVIOUSLY announced as SH Size — this is another redo).
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2015 15:58:13
From: Joel Morris <[email protected]>
To: Pasadena OT Committee
Subject: [OTC-Mail] GOOD NEWS!!!
Reply To: [email protected]
Pasadena Org is GOING ST HILL SIZE!
In the last three days we got 150 NEW people in the shop!
Delivery stats are in AFFLUENCE now for many weeks!
17 Pasadena staff are IN TRAINING to become auditors!
30 staff have been recruited by the new 12 man CMO Mission!
Why is it so urgent to get this Org St Hill Size?
Why has the Chairman of the Board chosen Pasadena as the next St Hill Size Org?
To show it can be done for the rest of the world!
Pasadena Org has been selected because it has the most upstat staff, the most upstat OTC members, the most upstat public, in the most upstat area on the planet and thus has been selected to create a domino effect!
All Orgs on the planet are watching us to see how it is done!
We can do it! We are doing it!
What is needed by you?
Just bring someone in to the Org and they (Pasadena staff) will handle the rest.
How easily can that be done?
It is as simple as asking yourself – “Who do I know who is not on the Bridge?” and telling the person to come into the Org and then bringing them into the Org. No Deadly Quartet need be done, no Dissem Drill need be done, just bring them in!
What else can you do to participate and help bring off the victory?
Come to the OTC meeting on Tuesday evening, bring another person with you, come into the Org to help the staff with call-in, letter writing or other outflow actions and help the 12 man mission and Pasadena Org to bring off the ultimate victory of a St Hill Size Org in Pasadena!
This IS the most exciting time in Pasadena history! We are making it happen but we need more participation!
Imagine if we doubled, tripled or quadrupled the number of area Scientologists participating to make this happen?
Then we WOULD get this target done in a matter of weeks!
Here are a couple of the targets that need to be met immediately; that must be met: 15 Purif starts per week, consistently. 15 Student Hat starts per week, consistently.
We can do it! We are doing it!
I invite and would love your communication, including any questions, regarding the greatest push in the history of Dianetics and Scientology!
And most importantly if you have anyone per the above requests that you haven’t communicated to OTC or Pasadena staff, let me know and I will inform the appropriate terminals.
Kevin Wilson
Co-Chairman for St Hill Size Pasadena Org
Kevin Wilson is brown-nosing. He must have run into some new ethics trouble. He is out doing seminars on how to make money (with a horrendous record at Sterling Management Systems) and now is the rah-rah cheerleader for the “Saint Hill Size Pasadena Org.” Someone like Kevin Wilson does NOT do this out of a sense of duty. Once he has ethics clearance again he will vanish once more.
Here goes Miscavige with his NEXT failed program.
Deadly quartet? Pffft! I got your deadly quartet right here:
Alex Gibney
Louis Theroux
Mark Bunker
Danish film crew
Gibney, Haggis, Wright and Rinder.
Dave, Lou, Ron, Xenu
I used to rent an apartment that came with my own storage bin in the building’s basement. I kept all my Scientology promo there, flyers, magazines, you name it, in several large boxes. When I moved out I had 10 years’ worth of it and I just left it all there in that storage bin because – well, its a long story. Anyway, I read every bit of that promo and how I wish wish wish I had kept it so that today I could send the cult all the “Its Happening Now”s, the “We Are Going Saint Hill Size For Real”s, the “This Is The Answer To Planetary Clearing”s, etc. etc. Especially would I enjoy reading all the glowing promises of what GAT I was supposed to do for us, all the auditors who were going to be made, how easy it was to “rocket thru your levels”. I really wish I had taken it with me when I moved. It really was an overt to leave it there 🙂
Here is where Davey should build his next org.
“What is needed by you?”
Answer: Money. Loss of cognitive function. Money. And more money.
“Just bring someone in to the Org and they (Pasadena staff) will handle the rest.”
Preferably in chains.
Participation is the term for MONEY, MONEY and yet more MONEY.
“And most importantly if you have anyone per the above requests that you haven’t communicated to OTC or Pasadena staff, let me know and I will inform the appropriate terminals.”
All I could think of as I read that line was the KGB, Securitate, Stasi, etc.
You all got it all wrong. These are not lies, these are “Postulates”!!! Can’t you tell the difference? See, it doesn’t matter for instance, if you have no money. You simply say “I have $350,000. No doubt I really really have this money”. And you think it real hard over and over and over, with no counter intention, and then it becomes true. Don’t you see? So when Scntlgy says we have 150 people a day or 10 million members or? These are all true stats!!! They just haven’t come to pass yet. Geez, don’t you guys understand anything?!
What makes me laugh is the never ending (for decades now) NOW IS THE TIME, WE ARE GOING SAINT HILL SIZE. If it did happen it wasn’t sustained and most other orgs never achieved it. I wonder if Saint Hill is even “Saint Hill Sized”. When I was at AOLA and over Bridge Control 80% of Div Sixes in the USA had no PES and virtually no staff. Now they are all GAG FART div sixes and have no personnel at all. Div Six needs people manning it. Expansion is never going to occur now because the PR is worse than it ever was and dissemination is non existent not to mention no delivery. All staff and public are focused on defense and scrapping for building donations.
Saint Hill my ass. Ant hill more like.
“In the last three days we got 150 NEW people in the shop!”
ROFL! Yeah, bullshit ya fucking crooked liar.
That’s BS. I used to work in the area and the Scientology book store there was always empty, some dimwitted rube would unlock the door in the morning and then depart, leaving the doors open for anyone to walk in however there was nobody “on staff” it was completely empty, not even a single person watching the books to see if they would be stolen.
Then toward evening the person would come and lock the shop then leave again. That was the extent of these criminal’s day.
They use to have a magazine rack outside where I would get my copies of “Freedom Magazine” and other extreme right wing hate literature for free, and I would pass them along to fellow a.r.s participants since they were such fun and a good source of information which we some times used to expose Scientology criminals and stop their activities — such as crooks claiming to be someone else while trying to sell their “NarCONon” frauds in cities, using fake names which we exposed thanks to their own literature.
The other businesses in that area hated and feared the crime syndicate dimwits when ever they managed to actually have anyone show up. I would ask their neighbors about the dangerous (at the time) criminals across the street and got ear-fulls of bizarre behavior from the people, including mysterious police activity and medical call-outs showing up at their door, even when literally nobody was inside Scientology’s business offices.
That office was a real freak show, and I’m sure it’s even less in use today than it was back in the a.r.s days when I last saw it in use.
For Christmas 2015:
Got good news, are you listening
No more morgues and Sea Org missions
We’re happy today
From Flag to LA
Closing down the Dave Miscavige scam
Gone away are the sheeple
Here to stay are real people
The midget took flight
We’re happy tonight
Closing down the Dave Miscavige scam
In the blogs the world is celebrating
Finally took the infrastructure down
You don’t have to worry ’bout the fallout
We ran the tiny tyrant out of town
Ending all the disconnection
No more spiritual infection
We’re happy again
Seeing old friends
Closing down the Dave Miscavige scam
Michael, hands down this is #1 in the Hall of Fame. I didn’t read it, I sang it! This is the song we’ll all be singing come December.
The bloggers here can all gather on the beach near Mike’s home and sing it around a bonfire with an effigy of DM set on fire and mouths stuffed with marshmallows.
Sociopath tactic, first, flatter them: “you are the best, the chosen, the only ones” and so on. Some buy into it and start believing it (the trap itself) and the story goes on.
Leader must be doing it as otherwise there would be no much to announce at the next event and this Org is pumping money big time, so keep at it.
Why is Keven sending from someone elses email addy?
I used to work for Kevin Wilson, Vicki. Why does Kevin do anything he does? As the secretary of the Advisory Council at $terling Management $ystems, Kevin’s company, I used t write mumo-jumbo incoherent comments just to see if the Executive Council actually read out recommendations (they did).
1. “I used t write…” should be: “I used to write…”
2. “…actually read out…” should be: “…actually read our…”
Lol. Thanks.
At last we’ve created the basic weapon in Scientology dissemination and processing that makes us a lot more effective on Earth than a lot of drooling politicians scrubbing their hands around an atomic warhead. By golly, they better watch out now.
But don’t tell them. Just run (1) Help, (2) Control, (3) Communication and (4) Interest.
Now go tackle somebody who wouldn’t buy Scientology–use the Deadly Quartet. And win! (p. 190)
Hubbard, L. R., (1986) Hubbard Dissemination Course, Los Angeles: Bridge Publications, Inc.
And while you’re at it, postulate winning in a fight with Mike Tyson.
Sorry for the O/T Mike: For anyone who hasn’t read the Mike Ellis deposition posted at Tony’s today, head over and enjoy a laugh. This guy……lol…… I can’t. Just go read it, and I’d advise a keyboard cover for those spewing beverages. 🙂
I read the whole thing. Can’t believe I took the time to do that. It was so… utterly… surreal. That’s a good word for it. Surreal. His answers to Babbitt were really stupid. The image kept coming up for me in Parts 1 and 2 and even in 3…that he would stop the whole proceeding and beg for Amnesty, pleading that they don’t let him go back to the Sea Org because he would then be sent to the RPF. Or the RPF’s RPF.
Can you imagine something like that happening in one of those depositions? Like Nureyev leaving while touring the U.S. Ellis acted like he was dancing on hot stones. Then, in the 4th part, when Pope got up to question him, he seemed to relax.
The guy has wasted his life. What is he? Sixty years old? Probably never had a vacation in his whole life. Never had a passionate romantic fling. Never read a good novel or binged on Game of Thrones. It’s hard to face death when you’ve never lived.
Yeah, but he works for the Pope! What could be better than that?
Hard for IJC to face death? He’s already there. He’s the walking dead.
Pasadena Org is a ghost town. There are some good places to eat nearby but the org itself is noticeably empty. The receptionist doesn’t even look up to gaze past the sun bleached & curling books in the window. This is what comes of taking live communication out of Div 6…the public knowing the truth about the church isn’t helping much either.
knatherthomas, that’s the Model Ideal Idle Morgue I keep tabs on. And you’re absolutely right, the receptionist (male), NEVER looked up from is desk. One time they had all the WTH booklets on a small table just outside the front door. It simply said, “Take One.”
The last time I was there, no staff could be seen. Zero. Zip. Nada.
Is this what you call “Blowing a little sunshine up someone’s skirt”? Straight up and vertical?
Dave’s straight up and vertical is his euphemism for the 2D.
Unfortunately, it’s a very small euphemism. Tiny, in fact. You’d need a magnifying glass to actually see it.
Kevin, you have as much chance of Pasadena achieving St. Hill size as six inches of snow in Los Angeles or David Miscavige going on Oprah Winfrey apologizing for GAT.
Yo Kevin,
If I were you I’d pay attention here to Mr. Mallen. He knows his Daveshit and he sees you spewing some of it out. I suggest getting out your wallet and just pay the frickin MAAs what they need to release you.
What is your target? Must be Saint Hell size by the evening of the 14th so the Fuhrer can say so?
Pay your money and go see a good movie Friday night …….. there is a good documentary showing downtown!
That might be the New New OT VIII “Truth Revealed”. Instead of the ageless wisdom of Source will be the words of the replacement Dwarf Leader truthfully told. In it he will admit that it was he who fucked up the Mission network by twisting relatively OK news into bad news to give to LRH and then following LRH orders as a result to destroy the mission network. He will admit that It was he who introduced extra fraudulent measures to replace the lost money as a result of this misrepresentation such as fundraising for translations and library supplies. Then, after LRH croaked it (and Dwarf Boy had changed his will and he and Denk had gone gambling his money in Vegas) he will admit to changing the Tech to stretch it out to get more money like for “Expanded Grades”. And then he will admit that the money coming in was still not enough so he opted to get a few professional in to upgrade the “Basics” books such that they were more readable. Then he will admit that it was he who introduced GAT I to create robot auditors as, not being a Scientologist himself, he did not know what the fuck auditing was supposed to achieve so therefore you may as well have machines do it. And then he will admit that it was he that saw that this was not making enough money so he invented Superpower from a wet dream he had. And then he will admit that all this did not work so that he invented GAT II that nobody has any intention of doing. And then he will admit that while he was destroying the Tech he took over the IAS funds so that money was flowing into the Church to keep the lights on and kept it functioning year after year by lying to the whales about their money being put to good causes instead of plugging the income gap that he created due to his fuck-ups. And then the faithful will truly have “The Truth Revealed” to them and receive enlightenment.
While Miscavige is apologizing for GAT he can also include a full confession of all tech alterations and deletions going back as far as necessary. I’d be interested in hearing more about C/S Series 73RB from him specifically.
Wow! When you put that way, Michael, this Kevin guy doesn’t stand a chance.
You duplicated© me utterly grasshopper.
For those asking about the deadly quartet, here is a definition:
DEADLY QUARTET, these processes are four in number. They are designed as classes of processes to handle these four points: (1) help factor, (2) control factor, (3) pc communication factor, (4) interest factor. Unless these four points are present in a session, it is improbable, in a great number of cases that any real, lasting gain will be made. (HCOB 21 Apr 60)
See: for more details.
You have to wonder which technique they used to get their 30 new staff – was it the group guilt trip? They shut you all in a room and demand new staff members go to the front, then start double teaming those who are reluctant to jump up. Or was it high pressure individual “interviews”?
I learned over the years that no matter how many times I signed a staff contract I could come up with endless excuses as to how I wasn’t ready to start acting on it, I was on theoretical project prepares for years at a time and never did work for them.
Scientology – the only job where you have to force people to come and work for you, oh no wait that idea was invented by slave traders centuries ago.
I can’t believe they are billing this 12 man mission to their members as good news, as soon as I knew there was a mission at the org I stayed away – they have a distinct knack of making life very unpleasant.
You don’t know what the “Deadly Quartet” is? I shouldn’t be the one to explain but it is a dissemination technique for Dianetics and Scientology:
1. Establish Help
2. Establish Control
3. Establish Communication
4. Establish Interest
Used as a ploy.
Thanks Roland
It’s old tech, not used anymore. The new GAG II tech is called the Deadly Quin-tette.
5) Establish Quinn Tauffer directly behind you ……. grab your ankles.
Deadly Daveshit.
That is correct, was drilled big time in the 70’s.
Thank you. I was on the list of puzzled people about the term.
I’m not sure how it works in Scientology, but is it possible to be as arrogant as TELL people to go into the org to fork over thousands of dollars and not instantly lose friends and acquaintances? So much for being better at communication. If I was someone who had taken some French classes and then tired of it, and one of my fellow pupils had phoned up and said I HAD to go in and take some more, I’d very quickly think they were a complete tit.
“… has been selected to create a domino effect!”
That says it all, Brother! Everywhere you go on this spiraling globe, the local org is going to start the domino effect.
“… greatest push in the history of Dianetics and Scientology!”
On the other hand, THAT says it all! Every time they announce these puny (yet still unachievable) expectations as the greatest in history, that makes the history of Scientology look like a fart in the wind.
“…domino effect?” There’s a domino effect all right. The domino effect of scientology churchs and orgs falling. The domino effect of what happens when you take the good out of something (like ARC, handling the guy in front of you, granting beingness, honesty, integrity) and leave only the bad (the greatest good for the c of s, the church [david miscavige] is all – the individual is nothing, PTS/SP tech, lower conditions, Fair Game, DA Packs).
Time to work out a deal with Domino’s Pizza.
… though it may smell like a fart in an elevator.
or shit on a short stick.
Wait…what? “…has been selected to create a domino effect.” That doesn’t sound too bad to me. I mean, I like playing dominoes. I figured they were having a tournament.
“No Deadly Quartet need be done, no Dissem Drill need be done, just bring them in!”
I guess the Dissem Drill had to be chucked; people are on to “finding ruins” but what is a “Deadly Quartet?”
Whatever it is; this email is so desperate. It’s sounds like a heightened version of what I experienced in the 90’s in Clearwater with SO staff going to people’s homes at all hours to get them to come in for services. I’m telling ya, Dave is going to have to start paying people to come (back) in. Maybe he should issue broad refunds to be put immediately back onto accounts. Not only would Dave be able to count new GI, but “new” bodies in the shop – Newly completed already completed completions.
His current plan is not far off the mark!
I heard that when GAG II came out, all previous package purchases on account such as a levels 0-4 training package at your org …….. got switched to simply a cash account. Not cash at the current value of the service, cash originally paid for the service. It also meant that anyone now arriving at the org whether they were OT VIII or had never heard of $cientology, would be new starts.
Watch for free introductory courses next …………… then cash bonuses for sheeple to show up. After HBO ………….. game completely over.
Yo Dave,
Got your wig, sunglasses and armed guards ready to go to the movies next week? See you there good buddy.
At the Mission of Belleair, ANYONE who came in to do anything (and they could be OT VIII, Class 8) who came in to do a PE Seminar and if they had never been to that mission, was counted as “new” public.
So, Pasadena Org could have had people from Valley Org or LA Org come over and do some seminar or intro course and they would count them as “new” public.
Cockroaches who show up will also be counted, provided they telecommunicate to the reg that they are just a degraded being in need of a regrade.
No Dave, we are not going to count you…………your outcome will be determined by that crunching noise under the John Loebs.
Maybe Mismanage could offer “rebates” on the value of service taken in the last 5-10 years, and put that amount back on account for all Scientologists. Come to think of it, they still probably wouldn’t go in.
Can you spell S t a t. P u s h? Kerry Gleeson would love this.
A feature of these latest sure-to-fail programs of Dave’s is that they seem kind of scattershot and half-hearted.
I don’t think he’s really gotten over the stupendous flop of GAT II/Super Power/Mark VIII — he worked himself and the whole COS into a lather of excitement over that stuff. He appeared at Flag graduations week after week, he was tireless, he was enthused. It was his baby and he was so proud of it. When it all ended with a helicopter photo-bomb and a smaller-than-expected crowd fleeing indoors for safety, it must have felt something like a torrid love affair coming to a sudden, painful end.
Since then, it kinda seems like he’s afraid to fall in love again. He’s got commitment issues. He goes out on a date now and then — a fling with celebrity Narconons, an occasional hook-up with an Ideal Org somewhere for old time’s sake, a makeover in LA. Now he’s winking and flirting with Tampa and Pasadena. There are rumors he’s got something going on with Basel. And Jesus, he’s all OVER Twitter and Facebook about this mean boy in the A/V club. I mean it’s almost sad.
Anyway … what’s the Deadly String Quartet?
Deadly String Quartet? Schoenberg I think.
Arnold was less dissonant than Dave.
And had a more useful tone scale…
Here’s an article about Schoenberg and his 3rd String Quartet, which has something of a CoS theme in the last movement, with the poem beginning “I feel the air of another planet”, along with a breaking down of the tonal system.
kev’s a great bloke. Here is a song he did back in his day
Speaking of Cincinnati, didn’t Jeannie Bogvad (formerly) just win the Birthday Game? Seems to me her Org has the most upstat public, staff and OTC members if stats are any measure.
I guess this like Tom Cruise being anointed the most dedicated Scientologist while ignoring many dedicated S.O. members who had worked most of their adult lives trying to help.
What about LA Org? Not too long ago LA Org was deemed by DM to be the “Model Org for all the others to look up to.” They were even bringing staff members from out of the country to LA Org to be trained for their posts “by the best” because he called LA Org “the best.” How fickle you are, Davie. I wonder how all the other LA area OTCs feel about you showing favorites? And shouldn’t LA Org be your favorite since you put 250 of your best slaves , oops, I mean Sea Org members in there to show us how it’s done? How’s that working for you?
Yea! Didn’t they body slam over 600 new wogs into their morgue a short while ago off of the streets of Hollywood?
LOL Newcomer! Body slam 🙂 That’s classic
And all this ignores the March 29th HBO broadcast, likely to throw many other monkey wrenches into the works.
Nah! It’ll be just another showing. On the 29th, I may go up to the La Canada area and watch it again in Sabine’s back yard. Maybe after the 5th time that I watch it, I’ll quit. But, I don’t know…this documentary could be addicting.
Could someone tell this poor ne’er-in what a “Deadly Quartet” is? I haven’t seen this term before. Makes me think of a Barbershop Quartet of serial killers. Thanks!
I was in over 35 years and I don’t know what Deadly Quartet is either. One of you “old” Class 8’s tell us what this “no longer used” newly used term means?
As I remember, and I might be a bit off cuz it’s been decades, but the Deadly Quartet can be found in references as well as the Book Of Case Remedies by LRH. It is called that cuz there are 4 things you do and if you do them right, it is deadly meaning that anyone will fall in line with them.
It is Help, Control, Communication… YOu Contact the person and get in comm, flatten the Help button on them, like “do you think help is possible? How could I help you? How could you help me? It is not done repetitive, but just two way comm. Get the person to get to where they can have help. Then get them in better comm by having them give up an Overt. And overt is a transgression against the mores of the group they belong to, something bad they did and are not talking about. You can get them to do this by first telling an overt you did and thus making it easier for them to tell you an overt they did. So once they give up an overt, they are in better communication with you because they are not withholding it anymore. And then the last thing is to segue into the dissemination of Contact, Handle, Salvage, (from their ruin), and Bring to Understanding and thus get them into the org for a course or auditing or at least for an OCA Test. If I’m missing anything on the Deadly Quartet, correct me some of you auditors.
Here you go.
Ok, I’ll take another shot. A Deadly Quartet is 4 OSA bots dressed up as musicians to ferret out people to sec check. Now that’s deadly…
“Deadly Quartet”….WTH is a “deadly quartet”?
Just google “deadly quartet scientology”
Four IAS regges looking for a bank account.
Ummmmmm. Four really bad musicians? Hey, I took a shot!
The image of 4 musicians with guns in their violin cases came to my mind!
I watch too many movies!..
Back in the day, I was the Cramming Officer at my org.
Tech Dictionary
“Deadly Quartet these processes are four in number. They are designed as classes to handle these four points: (1) help factor, (2)control factor, (3) pc communication factor, (4) interest factor. Unless these four points are present, it is improbable, in a great number of cases that any real, lasting gain will be made. HCOB 21 April 60.”
“The reason people in this age do not at once leap to your mention of a new, startling science is that these people are in the majority three steps below being capable of interest.”
“Before a person can be interested he has to be relatively clear on three buttons. These are HELP, CONTROL, and COMMUNICATION with the final button INTEREST manifesting itself only if the first three are handled.”
Kevin above says “no deadly quartet need be done, no dissem drill need be done, just bring them in”.
This is actually a tech degrade because he is telling people to skip basic Division 6 tech.
What else is new?
Where do I file my complaint?
Thank you for the policy reference and explanation of that phrase.
People joke a lot but Miscavige really does deserve a prize for destroying “the Tech”. It is manipulative, condescending, deceitful and just plain creepy. The only thing any of it is good for is a demonstration of and study in the depths of depravity of its author.
Wonder why he’s not focused on what they did to pull in 150 new people over three days time. Instead, he mentions it amidst a bunch of new must-haves. I’m so very happy I left so many years ago, and wish the same for those poor fools who are still delusional about the “church” and its offerings.
With total candor as to my axe to grind against it, I find it extremely difficult to believe that 150 NEW people were signed up in 3 days at this org. I notice he phrased it as gotten them “into the shop”, which is open to loose interpretation. He didn’t say, “signed up for services”.
No, I am sure it is the number of people they managed to body route in who looked around and walked out, watched a video and walked out, took a test and walked out or just walked out. But of course, they operate on these silly policies: “letters out = money in” (so they send one line scrawled letters containing spelling errors and unreadable handwriting utterly convinced that if they crank em out the money will pour in the door) and “bodies in the shop = Gross Income” whether they are the FedEx man delivering the newest suit for non-payment of bills, a homeless person looking for somewhere warm to sit for a few hours or a fraternity pledge on a dare as part of their initiation rights “go inside a church of scientology for more than 90 seconds.”
They havent had 90 people on new services in a 3 MONTH period ever.
They wouldn’t know what to do with fresh meat if it was handed to them on a platter. Picture Dracula but old and senile, suffering from dementia.
I walked by on Monday , kind of expecting some activity in the big hall, at least some SO members walking by and looking busy.
It was dead , only the top of the head of the receptionist showing behind the the ornate piece of furniture.
You probably came at a bad time Marie.
Robin, I wondered the same thing! That’s, on average, 50 new people coming in for 3 days straight. Hey, call me cynical, and a lot of folks do, but I just can’t help but believe that they just made up that number out of thin air. I think it’s all part of the new Thin Air Tech. Or, worded another way, it’s all Make Believe.
I think if a body router gets a person on the street to “Look at that building,” (You know, the one with the lights outs that they call a church.) and the person actually looks at it, that’s a “new person in the shop.” I’ve seem some very creative ways of counting new people; this way would not surprise me.
I think that with the mission arriving they are probably doing a lot of aggressive body routing, this will work to get people in for a short time but regular passers by soon wise up and give them a wide berth. As Mike says it is extremely doubtful that anything more than a handful of them actually stay longer than a few minutes. A typical reaction I used to see was the person discovering it was scn and leaving very quickly and very angrily!
Oh, heck, Mary! If they got someone to “look at that building.” and the person actually looked at it, they would not only count that person, but, his/her entire family as their stat! It’s called “Creative Counting Tech.”
Hey OSD,
You could always stop by the morgue on the way to the show next Friday afternoon and tell em Coop sent you, wanted to be sure and help Dave make his Saint Hell size stat. then …. “Sorry, can’t stay! Headed down to see the new documentary on you guys!”
Damit, I hate being so far away when there is so much potential fun to have! I’d love to stop by and give the sheeple a stress test. We could measure how much stress we could create per unit of time by asking them how best to handle a full blown, official SP.
Damnit, Coop! It’s just not going to be the same without you! Michael Mallen and I are meeting up there. We’ll be trolling for OSA bots. Curse that 5 1/2 drive!
Those 150 people might be Sea Org people. It doesn’t sound real. Especially with the climate going on in the media about Scientology.
Hey Los Angeles you can buy tickets NOW!!! You can now buy the tickets NOW!!! I hear that most of you going at 5:15pm on the 13th??
from83, that would be correct! Michael Mallen and I will be in front of the theater to welcome all you ex cult members for the 5:15pm show on the 13th! Look gang, this is going to be an EPIC event for all of us who spent time in this evil cult. PLEASE, as many of you as possible, show up! Afterwards we can all go out for drinks and talk about Going Clear. So…how many are with me?
My first post here but know some of you from the Bunker under this same name. Can’t post on there today but I read Rinder religiously, lol. I am going at 5:15, just bought two tickets, might donate one to someone who can’t afford it as I have never been in but those of you on The Bunker know I got swindled by the cult’s business scams they suggest to their members to take in wog money. I have to stay anonymous until I am declared SP by my two best friends but I just met Basketball Jane and look forward to meeting those of you who are doing a great service to the human race in eradicating this subtle but very dangerous energy of the Cult of Scientology. Let me know if someone just got out and can’t afford a ticket, maybe I can sponsor them in.
You’re a good soul, SOL! We’ll be hanging out in front of the theater. I’ll be in a Hawaiian shirt and I’m tall. PLEASE introduce yourself to me. We’re going to have one heck of a great time watching this incredible documentary.
I’m with you! I already got my ticket. See you there at 5 p.m. on the 13th. 🙂
Perhaps bring some Welcome OSA t-shirts so they don’t feel completely ignored.
Give eadh identified or suspected OSA bot a TWTH booklet.
OSD I will be there! I am bringing 3 never-ins. Later show though – have to work.
Different topic:
Does anyone remember the 5 cards we would lose if our stats were down? Liberty, Pay, Chow, Berthing…what is that last one? And did I get them in the correct order of being lost?
Does anyone remember what the name of the “space” was next to the LA IEC off Catalina behind the trash dumpsters? It was home to the DPF before that was disbanded.
possible quiz answers: Staff Member Card, the Corral
Many of us are going at 8 pm to avoid rush hour traffic.
I knew Kevin from Cincinnati, Ohio when I was an auditor there at the mission. Kevin’s brother Phil Wilson was the first in the family to become Scientologists. I audited him, his brother, and his dad. His father was a Scientologists for only a little while. They were all from Kentucky. Kevin married Barb his current wife and they became the ED and deputy ED at the Cincinnati Mission. While running that mission they both got into serious ethics trouble when they got so pissed off at management that they disconnected the telex machine. Yes, they had a telex machine back in those days.
A mission had to be sent to Cincinnati to handle the situation. I am sad to see that both Kevin and his wife Barb are still kool aid drinking Scientologists.
Some people just never learn. That ole Theta/Mest Theory in reverse.
The entire Church of Scientology’s activities are like an old story half remembered.
Here in New Jersey there is a so called Mission of Elizabeth, New Jersey in the back of a dentist’s office in the most hispanic area of the city that gets about 1 inquiry into it’s services every 2 years. If the people in the area cannot afford to go to a dentst then how can they afford auditing and training? And 80% of them don’t even speak English yet. The “Ideal” location for the “Ideal” mission from the “Ideal” church. 🙂
Lawrence, think in futures. There’s a possibility of the area being ideal 100 years from now.