Some people have been aghast that I would suggest that fundamentalist Scientologists believe that Miscavige is the reincarnation of LRH. Perhaps reincarnation was an inartful way of expressing myself. Miscavige is the NEW LRH would probably be more accurate. Whether they believe that LRH has now occupied Miscavige’s mortal coil or whether they believe Miscavige has now succeeded LRH as unquestioned source is somewhat immaterial. Today, Miscavige is The One.
Miscavige Himself seems to be trying to position himself as the “voice of LRH” much like the Pope is God’s voice on earth. His determination and interpretation of LRH’s will is considered infallible by the fundamentalists. Just as the Pope is infallible. Miscavige even promotes the comparison that he, as the leader of Scientology, is equivalent to the Catholic Pope.
There is plenty of evidence of this, but the latest just arrived in my in box and it is a good gauge of how far down the road to total cultdom Miscavige has managed to lead His followers.
Every organization has its wackjobs. I don’t even know who the author of this “success story” is. The issue is not him or her being a wacko, but the fact that such a thing would be disseminated. Edy Lundeen has been around since Jesus wore sandals. 20, or even 10 years ago this sort of “success story” would have resulted in the person being routed to Qual for some sort of handling. Edy Lundeen would have been indignant. It would have been sneered at as “off Source.” Today, it is not only acceptable, it is sent out to the masses to promote the new course that COB has given us.
In the bubble of the RCS, Miscavige IS the new LRH.
On some level you have to give Him His due. It’s quite a remarkable feat in light of the repeated admonitions that every Scientologist hold as inviolate — LRH is Source. There is no other Source. KSW. And while He has apparently been the champion of these mottos, He has managed at the same time to convert the fundamentalists into believing that only HE is the vessel through which all of this is to be understood.
The fundamentalists will soon be lining up to kiss his ring. For a long time he has taken great amusement in having Guillaume Lesevre, Marc Yager and others kiss his shoes to demonstrate their unwavering loyalty and abject subservience to Him. The public do it figuratively now. The day is coming where it will be in public and the brown-nosers will line up for the honor. But that line is getting shorter ever day. Will there be anyone left in it by the time He has reached this new plateau of Popiness?
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2013
From: Edy Lundeen <>
Subject: Golden Age of Knowledge Phase II in the Flag AOHello,
The amazing wins just continue to flood out of our AO Course Rooms and HGCs with the delivery of Golden Age of Tech Phase II at the Flag AO.
The new Advanced Solo Auditor Course
This course takes the place of the earlier OT VI Part A Course.
It is for OT Vs who are going onto New OT VI Parts B and C.The New Golden Age of Tech Phase II, Advanced Solo Auditor Course is two weeks- after you have completed your Basics Books.
Students on this Course are having incredible wins and I wanted to share one of them with you:
“I feel like anyone with an 8th Grade education can be trained now. I can now be trained! There is nothing that doesn’t make sense, the glossaries are very concise, it’s easy to understand the definitions, they do not lead you to other definitions and the drills are all understandable. You can tell a lot of thought and care went into this by someone intelligent and who understands grammar well.
I now want to study! This is real Scientology and I can do it and not find myself in disagreement with the text. The drills recorder is just bad-ass, no more a slave to the one who is more trained than I, the sup or anyone else. You can have and display your integrity.
COB, you are the best! You have given us the tech now and we have the technology. Let’s use it; I want to now! – J.D.
Contact us at (323) 953-3230- we can answer your questions!! Get your Golden Age of Tech Phase II Tech Estimate.
Get you arrived to Flag to be one of the 10,000 on or through Solo NOTs.
LRH stated in 1982:
“It is a never-ending source of wonder to people, going truly on this route, that there could be such QUANTITY of gain available to one being.”I would love to hear from you!!
Edy Lundeen
Flag Service Consultant AO
323 953-3230
Cotch and others …. I wanted to insert my comment earlier, but couldn’t find a reply button to accommodate things. These are some of the most compelling comments I’ve run across in a while – I’m really thankful that this sort of communication is taking place!!
As an Admin trained former staff member, I have waded through the same muddied waters numerous times, trying to sort out why “Admin Tech” just didn’t get the job done, no matter how hard I or others tried. I finally stopped blaming myself for a lack of effort – which was totally untrue – and focused on what I was actually observing. I have finally come to the conclusion that the Admin Tech, as it existed, was NEVER anything more than philosophical observations of the Third Dynamic in play. The lie was in calling it a technology.
One assumed that because LRH came up with it that it had the same efficacy as Red of White – once again it NEVER did.
Businesses succeed because business principles are applied, religiously — pun intended.
They hire only the employees they need and fire those that don’t work out. They spend only the amount they can afford on marketing or rent or anything else.
SCN Churches have not consistently succeeded because they were never allowed to function as a business or as a non-profit. Churches became a Frankenstein-like creature that was part military, part religious order, part business and part MLM. Which equated to being totally confused. There would have been no winning strategy or formula for success unless and until SCN sorted out what the hell it was actually trying to be!
Every Org or Mission that had moments of success was created by one or two people applying business principles, and running THAT organization based on what was needed for it to survive – which meant saying NO to management, From my position at World Wide, I watched finely choreographed virtuoso performances last 6-18 months only to come crashing down, when “Management” had enough of being ignored and made to feel redundant (which they were) and managed that Org back to insolvency.
Admin Tech + sane business practices + delivery of excellent Tech + astute marketing = the potential for long term successful Churches. Then again, remove Admin Tech from the above formula and you have the same potential results.
In my opinion, Admin Tech didn’t fail because it couldn’t do it all, it failed because of the apparent arrogance of its creator and those that used it, in believing that no other technology or principles were needed. A very fatal flaw.
“I feel like anyone with an 8th Grade education can be trained now. I can now be trained!”
Does this mean that Miss Cabbage can finally be trained (not not hit the P.C. while in session)?
I wonder if there was a change in LRH brought about by the prolonged physical pain and debilitation (untreated broken bones) of his motorcycle accident, together with other setbacks such as strokes, and Mary Sue’s imprisonment. It must have rankled that his mission holders could become wealthy by using his processes, free to come and go in public, while he himself had to skulk around hiding from the authorities and signing his name as “*”. I wonder if, after some point, he just didn’t give a fuck anymore.
Could someone please explain the “drills recorder”? Is it a new gadget?
True story,
A couple years back I received an email of a “Dianetic’s” win from a public in L.A. area
Great win and life changing , nowhere mentioned was L.Ron Hubbard and ended with
” God Bless David Miscavige”
Really did happen.
J.D., the author of this “success story”, proves once again that there are more horse’s asses in the world than horses. “Testimonial evidence” is at best unreliable and, at worst, fraudulent; rarely is it this idiotic. While it is good to know that an “intelligent person” who “understands grammar well” came up with some “bad ass” drills that allow him or her to “display [one’s] integrity”, who in their right mind is going to open their checkbook and purchase anything based on the recommendation of this moron?
I do, however, hold out some hope for this imbecile. The comment “no more a slave to the one who is more trained than I, the sup or anyone else” is evidence that he recognizes (on some level) that master-slave relationship that is (was) his lot in life.
My ideas around the speculations on why things went that wrong with Scientology after LRH.
I started Scientology as I had a big problem that I wanted handled. I could not handle it but made some progress. Then I had been told that „we“ want to build a Scientology world. Called Cleared Planet Earth. But deep in my soul I did not want that. I did not want a Scientology world. Why? Ethics, Control, Sec Checks, everyone telling you what to do or not do aso. Would you like a Scientology world?
So, we did not like it and we did not get it. We won.
What is wrong with this? Sample in a different field of science: Nicola Tesla invented alternate current machines. He invented also something that could be named „free energy“. His recordings are full of how to build it. But even very intelligent people try spooling testla coil after the other and cannot repeat his work. Why? They do not have the knowledge (formulas, theories aso.) Tesla had. Tesla did not spool coil after coil to accidentially find something useful. He knew something basic to electricity and out of this he „invented“ something that did work. Same with Scientology. If you leave out the knowledge and present only the „invention“ (procedure, tech) then you cannot repeat what LRH did. If you force someone to speed read and speed listen to The Basics and if you force someone to focus on The Tech then knowledge is shut off. And then you attain nothing. And if you find someone that made it somehow to OT you force him to audit Objectives for hours to finally paste him into every cell of his body to make very sure that his abilities are gone.
I want to follow up on the discussion you had with Robin and Margaret above. I concur that the lack of clear planning for Scientology after LRH passed on left things in a mess. Sometimes I really wonder what happened to LRH in later years as several stories have lead me to ask again and again, “What happened that so much good could end with so much craziness?
I thought there was a lot of merit in policy and management systems as Orgs were originally set up. I still think so. Maybe they were not perfect, but there were many good fundamental organizational ideas – Org Board (awareness characteristics and departmental valuable final products), Admin Scale, OIC (stats center), and many other elements.
I do understand Robin’s viewpoint to some degree, too. Perhaps that is because I worked in outer orgs as staff and later as an AG at a couple of Orgs – non-SO and SO. Before the SO became so totalitarian, outer Orgs did have functioning Exec Councils and Ad Councils. Sure there was an ED, but his/her command of the Org was tempered by the duties and functions and responsibilities of executives in other departments – AGs (Dept. 20) and LRH Comm’s (Dept. 21). The LRH Comm and the AG could balance the power of the ED, AND THEY DID SO when things strayed too far off policy or there was an emergency. My experience was that there was usually mutual respect, and compromises had to be and were worked out.
Americans have this concept “balance of power” in our US Constitution. It is something that educated Americans ought to understand well, consider a key component of government, and strive to protect. It stems from Americans’ legacy of rejection of an absolute monarchy.
A balance of power existed in Orgs before the Sea Org became so all powerful and before the SO began running missions into outer Orgs (other than as recruitment events for AOs or ASHOs and such). FOs and CBOs pertained to Flagship and SO Orgs – not to outer orgs. POLICY – as implemented by the execs – ran the Orgs. It wasn’t always perfect, but there was a sense that the local orgs were your own to make win or lose, and you succeeded to the degree you delivered good service and employed the fundamentals of Scientology – ARC, KRC and good technical delivery. It was much more egalitarian.
Mike, you came along after this, and the things you state regarding absolute TOP DOWN dictatorial organization reflects more what I saw appear in the late 1970s. It was an attitude that grew and grew and grew – perhaps out of the youthful impression of the CMO when LRH told them their orders were as LRH’s own, it meant they were all powerful (what teenager wouldn’t eat that up!). Whether or not LRH really mean that to occur, I can’t say, but this is NOT how the original policy-based orgs were set up.
While I used to be a big supporter of the SO, in retrospect I’m suspecting that the evolution of the SO into a dictatorial management group over all of Scientology was the undoing of it.
I would mention that the happy packed academies and public courses and HGCs that I saw were more a phenomenon that existed BEFORE the SO’s rise to power. I once heard an FO/GO staff member tell me that after Flagship came back on land (to Clearwater – 1975ish) that LRH had wanted to disband the SO, but the SO officers protested, and so LRH let it go forward. If that story is true, that may have been a big mistake.
Thanks for allowing me to air these thoughts, and maybe more discussion in time will help us understand “what happened” and allow us to coalesce on a better future for what is good in in the subject of Scientology.
Leonore — thanks. Dont have time for a long response. But I can assure you that LRH NEVER said anything about disbanding the SO after Clearwater was set up. He in fact reinforced SO control (see establishment of WDC, Exec Strata, Int Finance Dictator and Finance Police)….
The formation of the SO, the disband of WW, the implementation of a lot of heavy ethics in the latter half of the 1960’s is also where I pinpoint things going off the rails.
Interesting and something to think about further – your final comment, and thanks. No long reply needed or expected.
Thanks to all the indies and exes for this long discussion thread on what I see is actually the heart of Scientology. Aside from the more theatrical space opera and dodging of Venusian freight trains, the real core of Scientology looks like an endless, dreary, gray bureaucracy. An empire of busy work and acronyms, based on fear and avarice, serving a fiction. Anything colorful and imperfectly human seems to have died with Hubbard.
pareidolius, nice to see you here. In fact, “the real core of Scientology” is anything but “endless … bureaucracy” … just the opposite in fact. We’re simply discussing the organizational aspects … the actual philosophy is an entirely different subject.
COB is mini-source.
“Let’s get this org back on mini-source!”
“Is that an “on mini-source” order?”
Dear Bored of Directors:
This one never had a job in a Fortune 5. Never ran his own business starting from the bottom. Never had to pay his dues. Didn’t have to attain a higher level of literacy. Many Scientologists accomplished this with case gain. Our Glorious Leader stood on the shoulders of a giant and extorted his pound of flesh. BTW Bored, non-consensual homoerotic BDSM not a current business practice this century.
If by some miracle of theta the corrupt and/or incompetent Bored of Directors do their job, select someone marginally qualified as the next chairman. At the very least someone who had a real job and career and has some R on the outside world. BTW: gender, sexual preference, race, not important in the decision.
BTW: Those with summer homes in the Hamptons from the latest fundraiser ENJOY. Superpower: the gift that kept on giving.
His Popiness! ~lol
Someone just posted this LRH Quote on Facebook: “Tyrannies are sown at time when nobody is very watchful, where everybody has a full stomach, where everything is calm, nothing much appears on the surface. And then tyrannies show up and become very obvious when individuals, growing a little hungrier, a little less possessed of production, suddenly notice that there is somebody saying they mustn’t talk, somebody saying they mustn’t have opinions.”
L. Ron Hubbard. From “A Postulate Out of a Golden Age”
I think this person is still in the church. Of course I could be wrong with so many under the radar. How can those “in” read this and not say “I am living in a Tyranny called The Church of Scientology!” But, alas… it can take time for people to see what’s right in front of their eyes.
You will find on the net stories of Jess Prince standing up to him, armed with a weapon – there is one other but I can’t think now who it was (someone who he backed down from). Of course there are only the stories that are out in the public domain.
Jesse was once the “make it go right” guy for L Ron Hubbard
Couldnt quite buy into that description CD. He was ordered to sec check DM — but that is because he was Vicki Aznaran’s right hand when she was D/IG and reported directly to Annie Broeker. It was Annie that directed that sec check.
it’s easy to understand the definitions, they do not lead you to other definitions .
In other words “i don’t have to go to the trouble of really clearing a word”
Catholics are allowed to disagree with or even not like the Pope. And also to criticize the way their church is run.
I am a cultural raised Chatolic, I hated Benedictus , I love Franciscus. But I have my own views on things now.
I’m an atheist and I love Franciscus.
Madora, true. But in fairness, it needs to be pointed out that Catholicism is 2000 years old. Things have mellowed quite a bit.
There was a time when one could get into a lot of trouble for the merest whisper of criticism of the Church of Rome, of anything
And in America, the early Puritans and other Protestant sects were not exactly freedom of speech enthusiasts either when it came to their religious dogma.
I think many religions began as helpful philosophies with good intentions, then crystallized into dogma, then become enforcers of their own dogma using persecution, punishment and other tactics. Following that came the outrage and revolt of the people against the injustices. Following that, these religions, in order to survive, changed their policies, dropped the violence, the persecution of heretics.
If Scientology survives it will go the same route. It will mellow out, get rid of fair game and disconnection. allow free speech within the group, and create a space where people will feel safe. If it evolves into this, it will survive, and possibly grow to be a respected religion and have a positive effect, and if it doesn’t it will be what it is now in the eyes of the world- a dwindling, dying, nutty little cult .
LICK his shoes!!!! The level of brainwashing and suppression is astonishing. I don’t know why I still get shocked after decades of this, but I still do. It is just so bad, and the opposite of what Scientology is.
Niels — I edited this — you know why.
But I appreciate your sentiment as it is spot on.
It can be frustrating….
Funniest thing I have read for a bit. You just openly called the Pope a cult leader. Kudos to you.
Ok Mike,
Thanks for clarifying your POV on this whole organizational debate.
It seems to me that there were two parallel entities representing Scientology here that eventually ended up on a collision course which doesn’t matter now since we’ve both extricated ourselves from the wreckage.
Whew!!! 🙂
Who knows some day someone may look at this whole thing and actually put it back together to a point that it is actually functional again.
Right now to me it sorta looks like Humpty Dumpty.
Me I’m going to stick with applying the tech which is what I decided to do when I was unceremoniously busted from the post of Tech Sec way back.
Best regards and much ARC
Its always a lively discussion Robin! 🙂
I think there is one more element to add here about the Admin Tech… the Orgs are using Admin tech, failing and THEY DON’T EVEN PAY THEIR EMPLOYEES. If this were a regular company with real paychecks and insurance for their employees and two week paid vacations and childcare, etc, etc… could this Admin work for the Co$? Co$ is run by slave labor. It’s a euphemistic business.
Mike this doesnt make sense to me:
“I think the lack of planning on what would happen upon his death is perhaps the most stark evidence of the lie that LRH had everything taped and “moved off to Target 2″
To me, if there was one thing LRH was good at it was planning and pulling off strategies, for him to have survived in the hostile environments that he did indicates a very clever mind with a very high sense of reality of the situation.
Whether you believe the tech is perfect, works, works partially or complete bs, LRH believed it worked and built the/his bridge. To not then plan for when he wouldnt be around is a massive outpoint. The 3 organizations CSI, CST and RTC make total sense, if put into practice as stated. They provide the purpose and practices that LRH did/had when he was alive and so they wouldnt have been needed until his death or until he managed to extricate himself off of the management lines. I believe we are at the crux of the situation as to what went wrong and has been wrong since LRH left. How did miscavidge end up being the pob.
Let me know if/where Im wrong, but arent the Boards, entities that sit above Policy and lower organizations within the management structure, such as WDC etc and as such should just sit there keeping an eye on the correct use of the 3 Techs and only interfere when misuse of the Tech is spotted. The command channels would be below these management structures. That being the case they wouldnt get involved in the day to day running of any org as stipulated in policy, FOs etc?
Also I refer to this statement of yours:
” Local control of corporations is dictated by POLICY not by their articles of incorporation which are routinely ignored, bypassed or circumvented because “Policy” dictates otherwise.”
How/where does policy dictate againt the articles of incorporation? Could you give me an example of this?
I am not writing this in any way advesarial, I am very interested in this period of Scns history and you were one of the few on the ground at the time to provide your viewpoint of the time.
You seem to ne very smart, use that
Cotch — not sure how to respond without a very lengthy explanation. If you have not done so, you should read Marty Rathbun’s last book for perhaps the best explanation (though that is not its purpose).
The fact is those corporate structures have NOT worked. So, that planning was NOT good. It was very flawed and its too late now.
The underlying problem is as I covered briefly in responding to Margaret. The Sea Org lines of command trump everything. That was established by LRH. His orders were always senior to anything. ANd the command lines went down from there. Ethics Missions that could walk into an org and remove anyone without recourse (whether they were on the board of directors or not). Enforced compliance to LRH and Flag orders by LRH Comms and Flag Reps in every org. etc etc etc
I gave an example of how policy dictates — no corporate board would allow their corporation to incur massive debts to “management” that was not producing results… Theoretically, there are 4 members of the Board of a local church, they are not necessarily the Exec Council. Do you think they could tell the ED and Exec Secs that they need to pay the insurance for the org before sending out the promo as covered in policy (14% of FP)? Even though ANY corporate board worth its salt would not spend money on wasteful “Bulk Mail Out” instead of having the building insured….
There are numerous examples like this.
Thanks for the reply!
I dont want to get into the pros and cons of Policy, for me the senior policy to follow was the Service pl and every other policy needed to line up under that.
So let me ask you this, IF dm hadnt been around and there had been reasonable (as in able to reason) execs who could take on the positions as stated in the Articles of Incorporation In your opinion, what sort of a church would we have now?
Not much different than it is. And I REALLY don’t have time to explain why I think this. I do not believe the organizational structure would ever work. Anyone who attempts to make it work is doomed to failure as it is inherently flawed.
I will have to agree to disagree as, from my experience, most of the time all I ever saw was the misuse or disregard of the policies that matted and the resultant destruction that took place. I do believe that there was no substitute for an exec who truly wanted the products of an org, and that they should have been treated as the true upstats that they were.
Thanks for your feedback Mike, love the blog!!
Cotch — I have discussed my views on this before. If the Admin Tech was workable, after 50 years there would be orgs that really were successful. To say that it is because it has not been properly applied is pretty weak after 50 years. I would say that if not a single person or single org has managed to do it over that time that the technology is unworkable. The greatest theory in the world is useless if it cannot be applied.
There are millions of businesses that have been started and have continued to grow in the last 50 years.
There are always excuses and explanations as to why Scientology organizations have limped along, failing badly. I would say it is empirical proof that the administrative technology does NOT work, no matter how much it is explained away. Observe the obvious — it is the simple, easy thing to do.
And remember what LRH says — never justify or explain away a downstat. 😉
The Admin Tech seemed to be working, at least where I was, before the takeover. Obviously you have more data than I do, but where I was from 77 to 82 it was being applied and working, staff status in etc. followed and was booming. Though, the last Org I was in a few years back before I knew of the indies, literally every division I saw was shockingly so off policy that it was unrecognizable.
Ok Mike, Im gonna bite, I was going to leave it at the last post but cant leave it here.
You say “To say that it is because it has not been properly applied is pretty weak after 50 years. I would say that if not a single person or single org has managed to do it over that time that the technology is unworkable.”
I havent got the specific quotes to hand but I have read many times, on this blog and others, from oldtimers about successfull missions and orgs in the 70s. I was in an org in the late 70s that was running pretty well. So assuming these people are recalling correctly, it can be done with the admin policy! And in this I am not saying LRH was perfect or every action he took correct, or that there are no policies that should be looked into per the Verbal Tech Checklist.
You say “There are millions of businesses that have been started and have continued to grow in the last 50 years.” Yes I agree but I would bet my bottom dollar they had intelligent leaders whose purpose was to grow their companies, unlike dm, not fought constantly along the way by their own governments and not to forget their products were something within most peoples reality, whereas spiritual freedom is way out there for alot of people.
You say “Observe the obvious ” I like to think I am doing that. As I see it, what we ended up with was 1 guy, call him an sp or a zealot who has managed to take out all the successfull Scio orgs and people who could apply the tech and get things done and who is still suppressing, and as LRH says tech wont go in if ethics is out and the churches ethics is very definately OUT!
I think it is way too early to throw out the admin tech, lets get some good guys on those boards and let them do their stuff and see what happens, with that in place, I would put money on the outcome.
Cotch — you have every right to hope that someday someone will make it work. That is not facetious. I decided in the last couple of years after careful thought (and I have done the OEC and FEBC and DSEC and studied every management FO, CBO, ED, FBDL and LRH stat response and stat analysis there is) that it’s been long enough. But your commitment and faith is admirable. I just don’t see it the same way you do any longer (I did for a long time). Maybe I am just jaded, or maybe I am more real. If the best there is of the admin tech is some organizations that expanded back in the 70’s and they didnt last, then I will take the McDonald’s model of admin know how as being more provenly successful. If what it takes to undermine this technology is internal incompetence, or even an internal SP when in theory this organizational tech is supposed to enable the vanquishing of suppression on planet earth, then I don’t find it persuasive.
How is it that there is NO Scientology organization that has been able to maintain a normal trend for any extended period of time. They ALWAYS fall apart or are pulled apart? Why doesnt the system prevent this from happening? It didnt happen when LRH was around either. Sure there were some orgs that grew — DC, Munich, Miami in the 70’s, but about a 50:1 ratio of those that DIDNT. And invariable those orgs that did grow were run by ED’s who did things their way (same for the Missions). Those orgs also all collapsed when those successful ED’s left or were busted. EVen if they were replaced by more highly trained people.
Look, there is a lot of admin tech I still use today. It makes sense. It is workable and usable. But it is NOT the end all of administrative know-how. And I do not believe that its pure application is enough to ensure an expanding scene.
If that were true, how come all the hundreds of thousands (at least according to WISE and Miscaivge at his events) of businesses that have implemented LRH Admin Tech arent booming. There are no major international companies using LRH admin tech.
This is what I mean by observe the obvious.
Mike I get what you are saying, and thank you for it. I dont have your training or experience, I can only judge on what I do know and surmise! But you are right, I do believe the orgs can work as LRH intended and yes, idealistic is something Ive been called many times.
This is an interesting line “They ALWAYS fall apart or are pulled apart? ” I would bet they either dropped out successfull actions or were pulled apart. And if the EDs of them were the type of people I think they were, I would say they more often than not were pulled apart, again by the zealot types or sps, who got away with it. I have seen this happen too many times and I can admit to not thumping them when I should have!
You say ” If what it takes to undermine this technology is internal incompetence, or even an internal SP when in theory this organizational tech is supposed to enable the vanquishing of suppression on planet earth, then I don’t find it persuasive.”
This is obvious I know but the tech doesnt work unless there is someone there who can and will apply it. It takes someone to grab the right tech for the right situation.
You made a comment a little while ago in response to a blogger asking if Pat Broeker had bested miscavidge would things have been better. You said “no”( if I duplicated the comm correctly), but you did say that Annie may have been able to pull it off. My point is, am I correct here, do you think Annie with the right people, may have pulled it off?
Cotch — Annie with the right people would not pull it off, though it would last longer and be WAY less abusive than it currently is.
If McDonalds or Starbucks or Apple or any other successful organization could ONLY survive if they have certain types of employees, they would NOT survive. Believe me, successful organizations are structured so they compensate for human failings. Partly it is because they PAY people and so if they don’t perform they are gone. Not so in Scientology.
And in theory, the product delivered by Scientology is FAR more valuable than hamburgers and coffee and iPhones.
Just look at this objectively.
If you believe Scientology does what it says it does, how can it NOT be as successful as the drug companies? Clearly people WANT help. And they will pay for it (the drug companies profits are BILLIONS annually). If this is solution and there is also an organization that is designed specifically to make it happen — get it wanted, sold and delivered then why isnt it operating at the same order of magnitude as the drug companies.
Scientology organizations are factually completely insignificant in the world. They are ONLY significant in the minds of bubble dwellers. They have NO impact on society. Miley Cyrus twerking on TV has a greater impact on society and is far more widely known about, twittered about, talked about than everything that has been accomplished by all Scientology organizations combined in the last 20 years (except for the exposure of crimes that has occurred in court cases).
After 50 years, if this really WAS the answer to the broad dissemination and application of the tech, I think it would need to be further along than it is, as the expansion of the organizations is in fact a contraction, let alone even keeping up with planetary population growth.
Mike, Cotch, Leonore, Margaret and others.
The facts are that the current structure is failing. If one things of the days of big orgs and big missions please keep in mind these were usually run locally and always ended up in trouble with the SO, LRH, GO, etc. Independence in local actions was not tolerated beyond a certain point.
To have a purpose to free people to think for themselves and then write in detail exactly how they must act and think are contrary to each other. To create ethics/justice in Dept 3 to enforce the edges and force all onto the “only correct” path is also contrary to freeing one to be, do and have.
LRH wrote many great admin policies and ideas. Those that are true and workable are true and workable by fact and not because LRH wrote them. He wrote in “Standard Admin” PL that an organization must be able to adapt to its environment to survive yet in fact he set up the SO to enforce a verbatim application of his policies which does not allow any organization to adapt.
We would see a far different scene if all orgs had adopted something along the lines of ISO (International Standards Organization) 9001 standards. These are functional and workable and can be applied to any organization.
In summary they are for ISO 9001 as of 2008:
The quality policy is a formal statement from management, closely linked to the business and marketing plan and to customer needs.
The quality policy is understood and followed at all levels and by all employees. Each employee works towards measurable objectives.
The business makes decisions about the quality system based on recorded data.
The quality system is regularly audited and evaluated for conformance and effectiveness.
Records show how and where raw materials and products were processed to allow products and problems to be traced to the source.
The business determines customer requirements.
The business has created systems for communicating with customers about product information, inquiries, contracts, orders, feedback, and complaints.
When developing new products, the business plans the stages of development, with appropriate testing at each stage. It tests and documents whether the product meets design requirements, regulatory requirements, and user needs.
The business regularly reviews performance through internal audits and meetings. The business determines whether the quality system is working and what improvements can be made. It has a documented procedure for internal audits.
The business deals with past problems and potential problems. It keeps records of these activities and the resulting decisions, and monitors their effectiveness.
The business has documented procedures for dealing with actual and potential nonconformances (problems involving suppliers, customers, or internal problems).
The business:
makes sure no one uses a bad product,
determines what to do with a bad product,
deals with the root cause of problems, and
keeps records to use as a tool to improve the system.
An ISO 9001 certificate is not a once-and-for-all award, but must be renewed at regular intervals recommended by the certification body, usually once every three years. There are no grades of competence within ISO 9001: either a company is certified (meaning that it is committed to the method and model of quality management described in the standard) or it is not. In this respect, ISO 9001 certification contrasts with measurement-based quality systems.
Yes, much of this summary of ISO 9001 is very similar to some of LRH’s green on white policy. The similarity is due to factual truth and not a system of dogma based upon hierarchy of command. These truths are what work. The full set of OEC/FEBC, where we do find some of these truths, are not allowed to be implemented due to other contrary policy. These are more of a quality management structure and not just a measurement of “products” above all else structure.
The person that takes the valid tech within the materials of LRH and has organizational standards based upon truths and not just dogma – that is the group that will expand.
Just my two cents.
Hey Mike, I see what you are saying. But I cant get past the fact that there have been instances of it having worked, and god knows what might have been if they had been left alone.
What I got out of this (and you may roll your eyes) is that those thetans who could make it work should have had much more protection from an incompetent management, period, and maybe as a correction for next time, They should also have been used as a model on which to base other orgs missions, for others to learn from.
So again we are going to have to agree to disagree, but Ive enjoyed the comm, and your insight, got to go, thanks!
I think it was the teaching itself which caused it’s demise. And possibly a few factor that was the lynch pin that held failure as an outcome: lack of humility, lack of true loving service.
No matter what we think about Christianity, it has survived in tack. And the reason in my opinion: love
Personal power was the goal of Scientology. It was Ron’s goal. Service to the outside
World was seen as a PR campaign not true selfless service.
Society itself mistrusted Scientology. And the saga of Ron’s life, the lies, power and money, betrayals etc were not hidden from view.
It was suppressed in Scientology to know something was not right. But society at large was never afraid of knowing what went on.
Lies, false advertisment, not delivering what was promised is what killed Scientology. DM is only the symptom.. DM is viscious and incompetent. And that is exactly the qualities Ron praises in Bolivar to protect power: not love
One more idea regarding admin tech’s relation to Scientology’s demise. It is my opinion that even if the admin tech was perfectly applied, 100% standard, with 100% tone 40-the outcome would be the same.
Why? Because it doesn’t matter how efficient or correct an administrative approach is if the product keeps changing standards.
Apple is successful because of it’s products and it’s marketing. If what is marketed is not the true reality of it’s products then it matters not how great and groovy their ads are.
Marketing drives products because customers have trust in products.
In Scientology it was an actionable offence to be critical of the product. You could loose friends,family and livelihood for talking against the product.
In successful buisness public criticism is invaluable data for quality control and making a better product.
Scientology made reasoned criticism a crime. And individuals who did exercise reasoned or even unreasonable criticism were labeled as evil.
That is a product destined to self implode.
LRH was a dilettante in organizational design. While he had several bright ideas in the area or organization he was completely dumbfuddled in other vital areas.
How the frick one come to select a military style organization, -one that is designed to apply force and withstand force in emergency situations -, to an enterprise that should deal with education and higher awareness? That is one of these dumbfuddled examples.
LRH had no deeper understanding about how an organizational style forms a culture and how that impacts what such an organization is going to produce. He probably just picked a military style because it is the only organization he had some experience in. That decision was obviously not born out of wisdom but probably fathered by convenience. If any rational went into that decision it had more to do with the desire for power and protection than anything else. Nevertheless he proclaimed himself as” source” and his policy as the solution to the de-aberration of the third dynamic. Such a thing is called delusional grandeur.
That does not take away, that he did a few very brilliant things and got the ball moving in other areas like nobody before him.
But organizational development and design was not one of them. The proof is in the pudding as his organization already decayed into a destructive and criminal group that does not contribute to society but sucks like a parasite the blood out of it and its members. It has completely departed from its original stated goals and done a 180 degree turn in just 50 years.
And that happened by design.
Excellent post Gerhard. Very astute. He didn’t have it together on the organization tech, the green on white. He used military style for convenience because that is what he knew etc. “It has completely departed from its original stated goals and done a 180 degree turn in jut 50 years. And that happened by design.” Exactly.
Why does Starbucks work? The local franchise keeps most of the money; the product is limited to one thing (coffee); the parent corp. has good PR–no spying on critics, beating employees, hard sell tactics, etc. No demand that I empty out my pocket book. No demand for my address, phone number, etc. It is de-centralized, narrowly focused and abides by all rules and regulations. The focus is on the product.
If Davey ran Starbucks, it would be like North Korea: his picture would be everywhere; no one could complain; the local franchisee would be fleeced for money, and so on.
When it becomes obvious to the two parishioners left in the Church of Mi$cavology that GAT II was a failure, perhaps DM will announce at a future event:
“The ‘why’ which was found was that the 8th graders were leading the 8th graders…….no wait! Dan! You SP! Who wrote this?!!!”
Thanks, Jane.
I agree that kids who live in fundamentalist scn families definitely live in a bubble and I feel for them. It’s like any other cult, where young minds are shaped to view the world in a narrow way and can’t tolerate the basic human condition. No matter that they are told Scientology is making the world a better place, or saving it, they have little tolerance for people living outside their world.
I had an “opinion leader” in LA tell me that my kids didn’t need to go to college. “They just have to do the Basics; it’s the only education they need”, he said. This coming from a guy who has a degree from UC Berkeley and millions of dollars in his bank account. What a hypocrite.
I look at this person’s kids and they always look terribly bored. One wanted to be a doctor and his father told him to “forget about it”. He was going to do Scientology and that’s it. Even though his father could pay for it ten times over and his son has the academic ability to go to med school. It’s really sad to me.
Wow, Pepper, very sad to see the double standard. That dad is doing his kids a disservice. We’ll need to be there for the kids when they come out. We’ll be in the lifeboats around the Titanic. If Davie floats over to me, I’ll use my paddle to push his curled fingers off the side of my boat and say, ‘sorry Davie, greatest good for the greatest number, old chap.” I’ll run out that evil int in session in the Indie world where you can still get a standard session delivered.
No!!!!! Mike! That’s disgusting!!!!!! Really?????
If so, then Guillaume and Yager have been suppressed into being and actually ARE degraded beings at this point. I remember Guillaume as being such a very INSOUCIANT Frenchman.
DM is a “whole track SP”.
Hello my friend, there is a saying that is older than Scientology
Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely
Absolute monarchies are those in which all power is given to or, as is more often the case, taken by, the monarch. Examples of absolute power corrupting are Roman emperors (who declared themselves gods) and Napoleon Bonaparte (who declared himself an emperor).
“Absolute power corrupts absolutely””Absolute power corrupts absolutely” arose as part of a quotation by the expansively named and impressively hirsute John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, first Baron Acton (1834–1902). The historian and moralist, who was otherwise known simply as Lord Acton, expressed this opinion in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton in 1887:
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.”
The text is a favourite of collectors of quotations and is always included in anthologies. If you are looking for the exact “power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” wording, then Acton is your man. He didn’t invent the idea though; quotations very like it had been uttered by several authors well before 1887. Primary amongst them was another English politician with no shortage of names – William Pitt the Elder, Earl of Chatham and British Prime Minister from 1766 to 1778, who said something similar in a speech to the UK House of Lords in 1770:
“Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it”
Acton is likely to have taken his lead from the writings of the French republican poet and politician, again a generously titled individual – Alphonse Marie Louis de Prat de Lamartine. An English translation of Lamartine’s essay France and England: a Vision of the Future was published in London in 1848 and included this text:
It is not only the slave or serf who is ameliorated in becoming free… the master himself did not gain less in every point of view,… for absolute power corrupts the best natures.
Whether it is Lamartine or his anonymous English translator who can claim to have coined ‘absolute power corrupts’ we can’t be sure, but we can be sure that it wasn’t Lord Acton.
Guillaume hasn’t been insouciant since Marie Antoinette said to let them eat cake.
About that Scientology word:
So, it’s official, GAG II is “Scientology for Dummies.”
Edy Lundeen, sheesh…
Nearly every interaction I’ve ever had with her was enturbulating, to a greater or lesser degree.
I remember watching her ruthlessly invalidate her daughter, who was about 7 years old at that time.
I’m sure there is some goodness inside her somewhere, but all I ever saw was a vile human being.
That’s par for the course in the cult. She probably was at some point, someone you would have as a friend. But, the RCS is against that. I believe they want everyone to be spying on everyone else, so no friendships blossum.
A bit of news. Field and Solo auditors are now being required to get two Mark 8’s as opposed to having their 7’s as their backup meter, which was the original arrangement. They can kiss my meter!
I am from Italy where Popes are chosen. To say David Miscavige is the Pope of Scientology is like saying Silvio Berlusconi should manage the catholic church
Paolo — he is the one that likes to make that comparison. You are right, maybe he should tell the world that he is the Silvio Berlusconi of Scientology. Bunga bunga….
The Ultra OT 8 meter requires software and is plugged into
an internet online computer . Soon someone will open up this meter and see the spycam,
listening BUG,analyse the software for spyware. We know it uploads when used and checks IAS membership each use, can be remotely shutdown if you are not getting a status upgrade.
Now you need two of these ?
Cough,cough, choke, gaaaahhhh
It queries almost all of the files in your computer
This just came in Mike , some footage of IAS events past
LOL – so true
Maybe He can refer to Himself as the Prophet of Scientology instead of the Pope.
Hell, maybe I’ll start referring to Him as the Prophet of Scientology. Besides, it’s easier to type than He Who Must Not Be Named, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center Mr. David Miscavige.
We in RTC greet you in the name of David Miscavige the Beneficent and Merciful.
L. Ron Hubbard served in the role of John the Baptist; he prepared the way for the life and planetary changing epoch of David Miscavige.
David Miscavige is the 8th Dynamic incarnate; Mr. Hubbard was his 4th Dynamic messenger.
In case you missed it, we in RTC recently declared David Miscavige to be God:
There is David Miscavige and Tom Cruise sits at his right hand in the Mecca of Technical Perfection.
This is true.
I love you COB
Thank you for that clarification, You in RTC 🙂
Miscavige aside from being insanely megalomanic has had a lot of assistance and support of his insanity from the critics and the media aside from his followers in creating this illusion of “leadership”.
For example Nightline’s Ted Koppel spending a wasted hour and a half personally interviewing this moron or the St. Petersburg Times doing the only puff piece they’d ever written on Scientology entitled “The Man Behind Scientology Scientology”.
Never mind all the articles and books written before and since unquestioningly acknowledging his leadership of the organization.
Never mind the fact that the Organization claims that under his faux leadership that he was the only one capable of getting the IRS to grant Tax Exemption and claiming “Victory” over them yet when you read the actual “Secret Closing Agreement” it is in fact more of a defeat basically turning the Church of Scientology into a Tax Reporting Agency.
Not to mention the big lie perpetuated by him claiming that by virtue of the fact that he is the Chairman of a nonexistent Board allegedly representing RTC this somehow makes him the unchallenged “leader” of Scientology which is nothing but unadulterated bull shit.
Yet proves that what Joseph Goebbels said about the “bigger the lie” is absolutely true.
You think the articles and books should not have acknowledged his leadership? I am not following you…. Is there someone else who should have been identified as the leader in your mind?
“You think the articles and books should not have acknowledged his leadership?”
What leadership?
There is nothing in policy making him a leader of any kind.
If any actual investigative reporter or writer would have pursued this aspect instead of reading BFM and “A Piece of BS” they would have come to the same conclusion.
That Hubbard according to the “LRH Relationship to Orgs” he never made any provision for a succession of any kind.
Acknowledging his fraudulent “leadership” is nothing but perpetuating a *lie* and just shows how the so called “4th Estate” rolls over like a lap dog when anyone presumes a mantel of “authority”.
“Is there someone else who should have been identified as the leader in your mind?”
We don’t need no stinkin’ leader.
Maybe something like a Controller as covered under HCOPL 21 Jan 69 to coordinate Scientology activities but no actual leader per se who is responsible to an actual Board of Directors that is one that actually has members who each have an equal vote and where the Chairman is merely a titular post.
Instead of this charade that Miscavige is perpetrating of pretending to be “chairman” of some nonexistent “board” that doesn’t even meet when in fact it is a virtual dictatorship.
You are playing word games.
Call it controller or chairman or leader or pope or whatever you want — someone is the top dog that is not answerable to anyone else. It was a huge failing of Hubbard NOT to have a succession plan. Clearly. You make it sound like its a big plus — “he didnt have a succession plan so obviously nobody is needed.” Things dont work that way Robin. Someone is always going to be in charge. The no succession plan resulted in Miscavige. That was not a good “plan.”
Of course it is a virtual dictatorship. That is how Scientology is set up because that was how it was under LRH. And there being no “succession plan” its how it has continued, except with someone who has no redeeming qualities now in the role of dictator.
He IS running the church of Scientology. That’s a fact. And it’s irrelevant what LRH did or didnt say about it.
To claim the media somehow created or even contributed to this is nutty.
Alright Mike now you went and done pissed me off.
“Call it controller or chairman or leader or pope or whatever you want — someone is the top dog that is not answerable to anyone else.”
Did you actually read my comment?
Here I’ll repeat myself:
Maybe something like a Controller as covered under HCOPL 21 Jan 69 to coordinate Scientology activities but no actual leader per se who is responsible to an actual Board of Directors that is one that actually has members who each have an equal vote and where the Chairman is merely a titular post.
“It was a huge failing of Hubbard NOT to have a succession plan. Clearly. You make it sound like its a big plus — ‘he didnt have a succession plan so obviously nobody is needed.’
Yes as far as I’m concerned it *is* a “big plus” because it actually prevents someone like someone from Miscavige taking over and claiming “leadership” and anyone who knew anything about policy would know that he was full of shit.
“Things dont work that way Robin. Someone is always going to be in charge. The no succession plan resulted in Miscavige. ”
They work that way all the time in a real democracy.
Besides who says someone *has* to be in charge?
As far as I’m concerned that is a totally false datum, especially in a group that supposedly consists of OTs.
“Of course it is a virtual dictatorship. That is how Scientology is set up because that was how it was under LRH. And there being no “succession plan” its how it has continued, except with someone who has no redeeming qualities now in the role of dictator.”
Again I disagree with this assessment as well.
It was never a dictatorship. Until the coup took over.
How could you call anything a dictatorship that allowed the lowest of the low such as the janitor query any order or directive even one written by Hubbard that they personally felt was destructive?
Maybe he ran the Sea Org like a dictatorship because he was after all the Commodore but to us he was simply “Founder”.
You know as well as I do that a Captain of any ship is virtually god and that Commodore is a step above god . However at the Class IV and even at the Lower SO Org level it was never run as a dictatorship.
That was the problem with the Sea Org and why having something like the GO and WW to check its fascist tendencies was a good thing.
Dont have time to waste on this any further. If you think Scientology was not a dictatorship under LRH then there isnt anything else to say.
Scientology was NEVER set up or operated as a democracy. Not even close. So when there was NO PLAN after the deaath of Hubbard, there was no chance of it ever becoming a democracy.
There is so much weird stuff in your response (the GO and WW checked “its” (LRH’s?) fascist tendencies) that I would not know where to begin. I will let anyone reading this come to their own conclusions.
And just as a note — who says someone HAS to be in charge? L. Ron Hubbard for one. The entire structure of Scientology is based on there ALWAYS being someone “In Charge”. It’s really bizarre that you even say that.
Mike, you accuse me of mincing words yet you say that putting someone in charge of a project somehow confirms “leadership” in some way.
When in fact it does no such thing
All it does is show that someone is responsible for a certain
post or area.
Responsibility and leadership are two different things.
At the level I worked at Scientology always operated as a Democracy. There were Ad Councils, Exec Councils and FP Committees and Staff Meetings every Tuesday night.
I mean how much frickin’ democracy do you want?
And to clarify I meant the SO’s fascist tendencies which is what I said in my original comment since we’d get the occasional SO Bozo with “absolute ethics power” and thought he was god or whatever who get would into some stupid “all hands” idiocy and demand that all the staff get sec checked or whatever who the AG would have to show to the door or get WW to issue an Ad Council “Urgent Directive” to get rid of his sorry ass.
So no I was not referring to the Ol’man’s fascist tendencies. I was referring to the SO’s which over the years became more than a “good will project” but a fascist oligarchy and eventually unchecked a virtual dictatorship.
What I find bizarre is your support of the idea of another one that would probably be just as bad.
Robin — you are spinning off into weirder and weirder arguments.
Read the policy written by L. Ron Hubbard which lays out the THEORY OF ORGANIZATIONS. You may recall it. THETAN above MIND, BODY, PRODUCT.
And there are dozens of other things written by LRH about group bank, group agreement and that the best form of government is a benign dictatorship.
The fascism of the Sea Org came from the way the Sea Org was set up, the FO’s and CBO’s and everything else about it. See my answer to Margaret.
I dont think I even understand what you are saying I support.
I support the absolute free distribution of all Scientology materials and let everyone decide for themselves whether they want it or its useful. I do not support any organization. Dictatorship. Monarchy. Democracy. Republic. Communist State. I dont care what you call it.
I don’t have a clue what “another one that would probably be just as bad” is in reference to?
Do you think LRH envisioned that the Board (as outlined in the Bylaws and Articles of CST) was supposed to operate as an actual Board, and that the relationship between RTC and CSI were ever supposed to function as described in those bylaws/articles?
I ask because I get the impression that Miscavige (and apparently everyone else on the “boards”) seemed to treat those Bylaws and Articles as simply nuisances to make things look legitimate and legal — but with no real authority or meaning. And that after LRH’s death, the whole “structure” just became a Lord of the Flies bully-in-charge scenario.
Another way of asking: do you think LRH truly envisioned the structure and functions that delineates?
Honestly, I don’t think he envisioned any of those things other than as legal maneuvers if ever required. I think the lack of planning on what would happen upon his death is perhaps the most stark evidence of the lie that LRH had everything taped and “moved off to Target 2.” It just makes no sense. No real plan and no recorded message to Scientologists.
The corporate structure of Scientology has never had real significance. It is NOT how the command lines have ever worked. They were window dressing in order to satisfy governmental requirements and to qualify for tax exempt status.
The real command/control lines of Scientology exist through the SEA ORG, as contained in Flag Orders, Central Bureau Orders and other SO issues. Corporate control has no place in the set up Programs Chiefs, or “Org Managers” or “WDC” or “Executive Strata.” Local control of corporations is dictated by POLICY not by their articles of incorporation which are routinely ignored, bypassed or circumvented because “Policy” dictates otherwise.
Follow the money is another way of analyzing this. The control exists through the finances. Orgs are MASSIVELY indebted to “CSI” for things they don’t want or need, and are forced to pay for them. Same to FSO. And other SO Orgs. And Gold. And RTC. No corporation that was actually run by a Board of Directors would countenance such idiocy. It has been that way since the management system of Scientology was established by LRH on the Apollo to replace WW.
Of course, there is much more to this. But that is my nutshell answer.
What a mess. According to Otto Roos (who was in the Sea Project at the time), LRH “reluctantly went back into managing” WW after starting the Sea Project.
The creation of the Sea Org as the management entity was really the beginning of all this dysfunction, imho.
No you are intelligent ! 🙂
So DM ist intelligent and understands Grammar well. He reduced Scientology to some very easily understandable concepts for 8th graders. What a genius he must be; the world could learn from him by reducing all textbooks of sciences and other subjects to simplistic understandings and the whole world would be educated in no time.
I’m so happy of being out. What’s left there are real “IDIOTS”.
I’m so happy that I sent all my kids to University so they learn something valuable and sent any recruiter that wanted my kids to hell.
Scientology for simple minds
Here the CoS insidiously touts that an eighth grade education is sufficient to do anything in life. Not so in the real world.
The CoS promotes ignorance by telling people that they only need to know “the tech”. LRH briefly wrote that the more people get educated, the stupider they get. This has been used many times over to convince kids to leave school and join the Sea Org, or not to go to college.
Sea Org recruiters and fundalmentalist scn public love to go around and promote the idea that kids who go to college become drug/alcohol abusers, go to college to “drink beer”, become promiscuous, become a communist, etc. I’ve heard them all with my own ears.
Matt Feshbach spoke at a Flag World Tour event last year or so, in LA and the first thing he said was that he “did Scientology” instead of “go to college and drink beer”. The crowd laughed and clapped.
Well, I went to college and I actually studied and worked when I wasn’t in class. Not that I never had any fun though. Somehow, that college education came in handy when I had multiple job offers prior to graduation. I was also able to pay for my Bridge, buy a nice home and send my own children to university too.
Maybe I’m just too middle class PTS.
Well done Pepper! YOu actually studied with a purpose for the subject. And it did buy you multiple job offers, a good job, paying for your Bridge, a nice home and sending your kids to college too. I wish many more shared your views. I have heard everything you said in your post also, mostly said by SO recruiters or Staff Recruiters, and then regurgitated by the kids they say it to. My kids told me every line you list there as that is what had been run on them. So when the church crumbles, how will these high school grads with no skills that translate into the real world find jobs and be able to support themselves? They have lived in a bubble and it will be hard for them to come out and have to function.
I’m in about my 80th semester of college. It has worked for me. Paid the bills. Not confused about matter, energy, space and time.
Bravo to you, Pepper, for getting yourself hatted so as to be able to earn a living. Many RCSers I’ve known have been a combination of ignorance and arrogance when it comes to their education. They are so proud to ignorant, unemployable high school drop outs!
The young ones (some of them well into their 30s) are still living at home and supported by their parents, and the older ones have been shuffling from one job to another their entire lives.
What’s funny is their scarcely concealed contempt for anyone who devotes themselves to a real job and profession. They are sooo superior because they are “saving the planet”, don’t you know. God help them when the true RCS scene becomes clear to them
Part A of OT VI is just a regurgitation of the Solo Auditor’s Course, and could be done at your local Class IV org. Nothing confidential in there. Just Another example of the indifferent and phenomenal amount of waste in terms of costs and loss of income heaped on it’s parishioners making them spend a few weeks/months traveling to an AO.
The Indie original version of that Course is done in about 7 – 10 days max.
Papal infallibility only refers to topics of faith and morals and only when the Pope speaks Ex Cathedra ( from his chair or throne). It doesn’t mean he can’t err otherwise.
Miscavige is really bummed about this piece of information….
He will no longer be willing to equate Himself to the Pope of Scientology.
Maybe DM is infallible only when he speaks Ex Tenta.
Wow, as a Catholic and a student of Catholic theology, I cringed really hard at that opening. Just a few quick points to clarify a few things inre. what Catholics believe- 1. The Pope isnt necessarily the voice of God on earth. He’s the successor to St. Peter and Vicar of Christ, but is definitely NOT a stand-in for God. 2. The doctrine of papal infallibility has only been around since 1870 and only covers EXTREMELY limited circumstances and certainly not everything that comes out of his mouth which catholics love to criticize. 3. Since John Paul I, the symbols of power and majesty of the papacy are being stripped away- no more crowns and sedan chairs, etc. Pope Francis doesn’t even like his ring kissed. People have to kind of sneak up on it, otherwise he wont let you. And finally- the entire body of our theological beliefs and teachings are widely available, openly disseminated, and available free of charge. So there.
Thanks for your information iJ. Appreciate it. I am certainly not a student of Catholicism and stand corrected and didnt mean any offense. I was really commenting on the state of Scientology and Miscavige’s mindset rather than the state of the Catholic church. I think the new Pope is making astonishing strides in bringing catholicism back down to earth. Miscavige could take some lessons from him.
Your work here is excellent. This subject of Scientology is of huge fascination for me and I read your blog daily. I really appreciate the lengths that you go to in order to expose abuses, try to right wrongs, and generally to inform. The fact that a lot of it is humorous (and balsy of late) makes it that much more likely to generate more and more interest.
On a side note, I went back to see if the Catholic Church had ever said anything about Scientology. There’s nothing official, but a very high ranking cardinal (Marc Cardinal Ouellet, who is from Quebec and currently Prefect of the Congregation of Bishops, so like the #3 man in the whole thing) was asked about the RCS and said that he didn’t think it was a church, but from what he’d read from outside academic sources, he was informed that it was a Gnostic institution, which would make it a heresy from a Catholic perspective.
This brings up an interesting point which is very relevant to this article. In short, Gnostic churches believe that there is some form of hidden enlightenment that you have to work to attain to achieve salvation. Clearly this is indicative of the OT levels and the cost structure in RCS.
MORE striking here is that in early Christian Gnostic belief, the creator (the Source) made the knowledge or revealed it (they based a lot on Neoplatonism, so there’s actual mention of MEST), and there is a later figure (the Redeemer or the One) that interprets and saves everyone right after. Early Christian Gnostics believed that the snake in Eden was the Creator or Source and that Jesus was the One. These systems develop organically in history- “Sources” creates DMSMH and Scientology, “The One” purifies the creation with GAT, GAK, GAG, whatever. The next logical step here for DM is to draw the distinction, which he’s already doing with the Rods, and like he did with the Broekers. By historical example, He will build his own stature and then begin to portray LRH as currently inapplicable since he was either too powerful to make sense to mere mortals or some other situation that’s respectfully dismissive. History has spoken.
Sorry for the long-winded academics. For a little education that’ll make you spit out your beer, Gnostics called the Source (the LRH figure) the “Demiurge” Check out the wikipedia link and glimpse what DM is doing to LRH:
Thank you very much for your post. I find outside, bird-eye views very enlightening, as they show me how to view the subject from a totally different angle, allowing me to stop the indoctrinated thought-processes for a while. I learn a lot from them, not least a willingness to be more inclusive and accepting.
What I would like to understand is whether these sequences (source, the one) are planned or evolve naturally, being inherent in humanity’s social and power structures.
Thanks iJeff. I appreciate your knowledge and insights adding to the discussion here.
I was thinking of doing a posting “The Differences Between the Archbishop of Rome and the Pope of Hemet.” Perhaps you may be able to help with some accuracy.
I sort of planned on a list a bit like this:
1. Pope Francis can give a speech without using a teleprompter.
2. Pope Francis mingles with the poor and unfortunate.
3. Pope Francis doesn’t believe he is infallible.
etc etc etc
Mike you should do a post like this. It would be a very interesting comparison and help us none-ins understand a little better too. I appreciate all you do to highlight the abuses and I love your non-nonsense writing style too! Plus you put up with us none-ins sometimes ignorance about certain things. I only read 2 blogs everyday and that’s yours and the bunker. Thanks so much for writing this blog. Its truly a great read. As a Canuk Id be really interested to hear more about Canada and the church as there’s not a lot out there about the church north of the border. Have any insights in that regard?
PS thanks again for the great air stunts thee last few week. Truly a great thing and it must make CoBs blood boil knowing it was you responsible for it! 🙂
“Pope of Hemet” literally made me snort with laughter. As a never in who is addicted to this blog, and also a resident of Temecula, I was alarmed to find out Slappy’s compound is about 30 minutes from where I live. Yeah he can be the pope Of the shithole otherwise known as Hemet.
Thank you iJefferson for this interesting information. Thank you for posting.
You are welcome. Everyone’s happier with a little bit of understanding. The ex-scientologist community has gone a long way for me in reinforcing my faith in humanity. So many people stick around to help people still trapped when they would be totally justified in running for the hills and blocking out the whole experience.
This is an unbelievable paragraph to be forwarded/sent out from Flag:
“This is real Scientology and I can do it and not find myself in disagreement with the text. The drills recorder is just bad-ass, no more a slave to the one who is more trained than I, the sup or anyone else. You can have and display your integrity.”
– Before Dave changed the materials, it wasn’t “real” Scientology
– This guy disagreed with the “pre-COB” version of Scientology, but likes the “COB Special Edition”
– Scientology training pre-COB made one a slave – but COB Special Edition Training” no longer has that dreadful side-effect
Wow. That’s a vicious set of enemy lines against LRH if I’ve ever seen one… obviously no one has a problem with (they happily forward it) since it only invalidates LRH and praises Dave.
Yeah, GT. Before COB’s insights, people could come in to Scientology, train and audit, get results and expand themselves on their own dynamics, sometimes resulting in people leaving Scientology behind.
Now, you can read forever, study forever, train forever, donate forever, and never, ever, ever expand on your dynamics enough to leave Scientology behind.
Good thing we live in modern times.
The question is which Pope is Miscavige most like. Perhaps the one that defended Hitler?
Ratzinger maybe…
Pope Gregor IX (1227 – 1241)
I’d say that one from the Borgia family.
The “kissing shoes” story and the “success” story – both shocking and 1.1. Both stories reek of propitiation. Anything to satisfy and please the tyrant. Yuk.
“The New Golden Age of Tech Phase II, Advanced Solo Auditor Course is two weeks- after you have completed your Basics Books.”
Aha. So the Basic Books courses are not only a prerequisite for auditor training now, but also for OT VI.
I didn’t realize that there is now a new MiscaBridge (™). It apparently goes
Basic Books Courses
Aren’t you glad that he removed ALL arbitraries those bad SPs covertly introduced in the past so it’s all 100% on-source now?
Of course, what else will be coming from John Doe (J.D.)!
Mismatch himself has to be authoring that BS.
What to expect from the annointed PROPHET?
I was just talking to my mom about the COB is LRH thing the other day. My prediction is that the announcement will go something like this:
“Long ago, in 1986, when I announced that L. Ron Hubbard had willingly departed his body and gone off to Target 2 to start preparing it for us, that wasn’t the whole story. There was a very important, and secret, piece of information that I left out. LRH told me that when every Scientologist was ready, when they had done enough he would be back. He would come back to help us through the last push to get through the highest states and on to Target 2. Well he is back. That is how we got the GAT II,he came back. He came back and gave us all the true, correct, tech to use. How did he do this you ask? Where is he? ‘We want to see LRH’ you say? Well here I am. Yes you heard me. LRH is right here, in me. David has taken my place at Target 2 getting it prepped and ready for all of you to arrive. And I am here. I have been using his body for (insert and absurd number of years here) and the plans are in place for you all to come to Target 2 as soon as the IAS funded Rocket Ship is built. It will be a like a Scientological ‘Noah’s Arc’ . . . . ad absurdum.”
I am willing to bet this will be GAT III that will be coming in the next few years.
As far fetched as your scenario sounds, I cringe because it just could come to fruition. But once on the “ship” that the IAS and IAS donations builds, I’m sure he will get it into space and then have it explode, killing everyone. He would be compelled to do that so that the ones left on earth will believe that he left in a hugely successful way, went out the top in Power etc. He couldn’t stand to have people see that he failed, that he was a short, runty little SP with no powers of his own and no admiration of his own — it was all usurped from the admiration given to LRH. He would rather be dead than have the truth known, would rather be dead than to have people know the truth about him and thus withdraw their admiration and have him lose his power. The biggest punishment for DM would be to be in prison with no slaves to fear him and only bullies to bully him the way he did to others. Now that would be karma for him.
That would be Karma. I just hope these poor people don’t have some sort of Jonestown meltdown, kool aid moment. I know a few of them in there still. They will never talk to me again now that my “official” SP declare has come out. Funny how loads of people have been shown it but I can’t seem to get anyone to show it to me! Oh well. I was just going to take it down to Aaron Brothers and have it framed. I don’t know why they couldn’t spare a copy for that!
Well it shouldn’t be surprising that these new old new levels could be done by an 8th grader. If DM really wrote them himself it is correct he only HAS an 8th grade education right? Makes perfect sense. The whole “its bad ass” thing reminds me of public school too. He really makes people kiss his feet/shoes eh? wow. I guess he did make people salute his dog in full SeaOrg regalia. I don’t think anything CoB does would surprise me any more. .Its almost like he just wants to see how much shit he can get away with before someone actually tells him NO!
Good news that anyone with an 8th grade education can now get the Tech!
COB can now re-do his auditor training !
Er, not so fast…better hop onto your Basics first. Ok Dwarf?
“COB, you are the best! You have given us the tech now and we have the technology. Let’s use it; I want to now! ”
I wonder hwo is worse the church bloke JD or the rantings I read above?
I feel very sorry for all those people that found Scientology technology did not work on them.
There are many reasons for this, its usually they never actually got any tech applied correctly. They never really wanted to work at it in the first place, and get trained
Some are just lunatics and nothing will ever help them, they just like to watch the world burn.
LRH never said it was the only way out, just its workable. Note that phrase “Workable”.
You get out what you put in.
I have friends who are on Solo Nots and are doing well, not finishing in 25 hours and then complaining I still get headaches yahh yah.
It takes time. No one becomes an Aikido expert in 1 year either.
What is the point in berating LRH when you cannot even understand the Axioms let alone apply them.
Of course the church fools are applauding COB what choice do they have when they are stuck in there.
Lets have less moaning and more constructive comments.
I have to say the only thing I think LRH may have made an error was when he said “0% of the human race is insane,, i thinks it a bit higher than that!
Lets have less moaning and more constructive comments.
I think you are on the wrong blog. Check out Milestone 2. Nothing critical and plenty of agreement. Nothing wrong with that at all. It seems to fit what you are looking for. Just trying to point you in the wrong direction.
“LRH never said it was the only way out, just its workable. Note that phrase ‘Workable’.”
C’mon now, hiatus57. When you make a statement that’s demonstrably false, it undermines everything else you say (see L. Ron Hubbard). Ron indeed characterized the tech as “workable” at times, but he also made several lofty proclamations such as:
“In all the broad Universe there is no other hope for Man than ourselves.”
– L. Ron Hubbard, “Ron’s Journal” 1967
I’d say “no other hope for Man” fairly closely equates to “the only way out”.
and of course you found some comment LRH made to invalidate the point I was trying to make.
I expect the Tech does not work on you so you are left to simply complain and spit bile.
Good luck with that Dear.
Oh and actually there is no hope other than Scientology, thats why its such a crime COB is commiting making it squirrel and too expensive.
But its far more productive for mankind to whinge and complain about LRH all the time. After all there is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Much other workable Tech in the field. I know I see the results every day.
Are you proud of the scam? How about the people harmed or the ones killed? So you feel sorry for the ones who could not make scientology work? I think it worked just as it was planned. I do not think it will “work” very much longer. Hiatus 57, I sure hope it “works” as well for you as it has for members of my family.
Both, the “shoe-incidents” and “COB=new LRH”, is crazy, just crazy. When people get to separated, to much an elite group, they go crazy. Best example is what you’ve written.
This is just plain old religious psychosis.
Wasn’t that part of what OT3 supposed to handle?
It began by Scientologists buying into Hubbard’s delusional self-proclamation as the Source, not Author, Researcher, Founder or Syncretic Genius, mind you, but as The Source.
That is a pretty tall claim to make, and in my view, it opened the door to the cult of LRH’s personality.
It is a shameful and debasing aspect of Scientology, it also opens the door to Scientology’s religious fundamentalism.
When LRH is viewed as the inerrant Source, and his writings represent the sole deliverance for humanity, you then have the religious insanity rampant in all things Scientology.
The current Sociopath running the asylum had it all set up and ready for him to take over.
Spot on, Conan. You nailed it.
DM’s psychosis should not be underestimated. There is violence in his past and present and that is not “light weight” psychosis. He is a very dangerous individual who has control of quite literally millions of dollars which he is not afraid to use to further his own twisted ends. Given what we know from the numerous eyewitness accounts of his depravity and victimization, there are more than likely other skeletons in his closet which no one knows about or only suspects (can anyone say Flo Barnett?) which are even worse.
Followers follow and that is the role the RCS members have taken as a whole, so they will continue in that role until someone or something stops them.
People are dumb; a person is smart. If anyone reading this has the ability to communicate to individuals still involved in the insanity known as daily life in RCS, please appeal to their common sense and do SOMETHING to get them to realize that they don’t have to stay in. There is still plenty of non-dictatorial and non-coercive Scientology available to them outside RCS’s dominion.
That is a VERY important point: “DM’s psychosis should not be underestimated. There is violence in his past and present and that is not “light weight” psychosis. He is a very dangerous individual who has control of quite literally millions of dollars which he is not afraid to use to further his own twisted ends.”
He has money, property and a stupid army that is gullible enough to do anything COB delivers as “source.” Dangerous is a very light word for this situation.
Anyone with any intelligence can see that Hubbard only claims to be the source of the subjects of Dianetics and Scientology since he founded and developed them.
Just as Freud rightfully claimed to be the source of Psychoanalysis.
Or that Einstein correctly claims the “Theory of Relativity”.
Nothing wrong with recognizing the source or authorship of a specific subject.
To claim otherwise or that this is somehow “dangerous” is in my opinion is nothing but alarmist bunk.
Huh? LRH claiming to be Source has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with my or Zana’s comments about DM’s psychosis being dangerous. Who said anything about LRH claiming to be source is dangerous?
Once again, just to be crystal clear here: it is David Miscavige’s insanity, his pure psychotic state, that is dangerous. Someone above commented about how he’s a light-weight amongst psychotics. He’s not. He’s a dangerous and seriously fucked up individual who should be put in solitary confinement so as to protect people around him from him.
I know that LRH is “Source”… however COB seems to be squirreling that with his “Command Intention.” He certainly is changing the tech from all that I hear from more experienced Scientologists. I have experienced some Scientologists to be like Nazis in their attitudes, their spying on each other and the requirement that they put in Knowledge Reports for people who have any resistance to the party line. Yes… there are a lot of lovely people in the group… however I’m seeing more and more of those leave the Co$. ?? There are many still in who are spouting COB’s squirreled tech as gospel. Is that not true? Do you think LRH would go for GAG II? Do you think he would go for the 3-swings on the e-meter? And throwing of all his top Execs in The Hole?
I’m not even defending LRH. He was flawed. I’m just seeing that “Source” is being warped and/or transferred… and the people inside don’t even see it.
Just an observation.
My comment was based on C’s comment:
“When LRH is viewed as the inerrant Source, and his writings represent the sole deliverance for humanity, you then have the religious insanity rampant in all things Scientology.”
Conan: your comment “This is just plain old religious psychosis. Wasn’t that part of what OT3 supposed to handle?” made me think that there’s a missing grade on the Grade Chart: implant eradication. No grade is designed to eliminate and as-is ALL implants, especially the implants dealing with current and past religious practices. The only impressive part of the movie “The Black Hole” was the mechanized assembly-line implanting of the crew of the USS Cygnus. It was also the only restimulative part. The bipolar raving about GAT II and the COB is frighteningly like the FLDS members in the TLC series Breaking The Faith. Makes me wonder what the upper levels of Scientology would look like if the implants were addressed and handled on the lower grades.
Thanks, Plainoldthetan,
I have not done the OT levels, but for what I understand of incident I & II, wouldn’t that be enough? and if not that, the PDC & The factors lectures are pretty outstanding and powerful by themselves, they should point people out of this insanity.
So what else is missing then?
Conan: If you’ve seen film “The Manchurian Candidate”, you’ve got an idea of what an implant is. The often-mentioned “Brainwashing Manual” put out by the “church” of Scientology in 1955 to describe how it’s done. ( The film “Total Recall” is a more updated version of it: using implanting to give you memories of a “vacation” or alternate persona.
There are several definitions in the Tech Dictionary that give you how Scientology thinks about implants.
Thanks Mike, sure you can give POT my email.
But that really wasn’t my question.
My question is what is missing in Scientology, that people can not recognize that they are being subjected to a religious implant?
Even though Scientology supposedly has all the tech to run these things, here we are, all of us, in the middle of one gigantic engram. So what gives?
Thanks for everybody’s input!
Loved your “where’s Shelley” brilliant!
It is a Hostile takeover.
Glad I’m out.
I know who wrote this historical, unprecedented, eternal Success: “JD” = Joker and Degrader, which is by definition, a psychotic.
In addition to the ‘adoration’ to another source, this person writes: ” The drills recorder is just bad-ass, no more a slave to the one who is more trained than I, the sup or anyone else. You can have and display your integrity.”
So, he is not a ‘slave’ of someone that has trained longer than him, but he omits to say that he became the slave of a mechanical tool to confirm his knowledge…dud
Plus, integrity also depends on whatever this new tool gives him, he does not realize that he is at total effect, dependent and definitely with a misunderstood on integrity…double dud!
He’s a slave to Miscavige. Definitely. Whew.
Just another GAT II off-beat solution to a GAT I complexity they created previously.
Right! And god forbid he consults someone with a few thousand hours of auditing under their belt. They might drill him realistically or offer a great reference! Horrible!
Even in the world of sociopaths, Miscavige is a small fry.
So who is second in command now? If anybody is.
No second in Command.
David Miscavige micro manages everything from the top.
Read Debbie Cooks E mail
In Mosey’s lawsuit, he said he doesn’t run the day to day operations of the Church.
Jelly? (one of the beagles…)
Tom Cruise?
Quick question, Mike. Apparently I did the “old” OT levels outside of the cult. I don’t get the word “new” in front of several OT levels. What am I missing?
The original OT Levels are completely different auditing actions than the “New” OT Levels. The “New” ones are simply the OT IV Drug RD (OT III Tech applied to Drugs) and NOTs, audited and Solo. If you don’t have an heavy drug history, in most cases you can skip the OT IV Drug handling and do the NOTs DRD which is a far more powerful action.
Thanks for that, Foremost!
This was in response to the kissing of shoes commment above
“I feel like anyone with an 8th Grade education can be trained now.”
This seems to be popular attitude since the Basics were released – Public admission that you are an idiot, but now see The Light. I recall cringing at an OT8 speaking at graduation, admitting she NEVER got through the Dianetics book. Gee, I seem to recall she would have had to read it and attest to it while doing Solo One and OT VIa.
“…the glossaries are very concise…”
Ah, yes, the glossaries. Its so nice to have someone else think for me and do all the hard work. All those words, boy, they are just too darn confusing. Not to mention all those definitions. I’m so glad COB has such a big brain, that he can think for all of us.
“…by someone intelligent and who understands grammar well…”
Need I bring up Shermanspeak?
“This is real Scientology…”
Not that fake shit LRH tried to sell us…you know the stuff I’ve been doing for the past 30 years but was too stupid to realize I wasn’t understanding a damn thing or making any case gain.
“You have given us the tech now and we have the technology”
Oh great prophet we beseech thee; all powerful, omniscient lord of lost tech awash me with your grace and knowledge; remove the blindness that has burdened me and has obscured on the One True Path. Bestow upon me The Tech©, and may The Tech© be with me and may I BE’TH The Tech©, DO’TH The Tech© and HAVETH The Tech© forever more…nah I’m just shit’in ya, ya bunch of fucking goofballs.
On a side note…Edy may have been a rocket back in the day, but today…she’s become a bit of a wackjob. Maybe she’s going senile? Dunno. But the stuff that comes out of her mouth….brrrrr. There is a reason she is no longer on Tech lines.
So true Statpush. Don’t get me going on Edy Lundeen. I have my Edy stories, and they are all atrocities. She is a whack job and it is a good thing she is no longer on Tech lines. And she turns really 1.1 in her reg cycles too, lied to me, made promises she knew wouldn’t be kept etc. Made veiled threats too. I won’t go into details, but have been on the receiving end of her more than once and it was not a pretty sight.
Second that on tech lines….
Edy told a selectee of mine that he had brain damage since he took LSD. This guy was intelligent, capable and just finished OTIII to an excellent result. Edy was regging him for his OTIV. He didn’t buy it and shortly afterwards left Scn.
Statpush – first class commenting – especially “nah I’m just shit’in ya, ya bunch of fucking goofballs.” My sentiments entirely. All he’s got left surrounding him are idiots and brown nosers with an IQ well below 100 and loaded with MWHs.
I think comparing COB to the Pope is incorrect. A better comparison is to the Emperor the Dark Lord of the Sith in the Star Wars saga. Check out this 14 sec. voice clip:
Emperor Palpatine is one of my favourite evil geniuses. No way does DM even come close 😉
Ahhh i see Pope Benedictus
Hmm, maybe not quite.
Pope Benedictus has been washing feet of prisoners…..
Wasn;’t that Franciscus ?
See Spot run. Look Jane, see Spot run!
Wow, reading is really fun now that I can understand the words. Thanks COB for all you do. I’m sure LRH had no idea about this phenomenon but you SIR have saved the day for all of us uneducated drinkers of the Kool Aide brewed up by He Who Would Not Be Named!
You are dripping… Got a paper towel?
Interesting juxtaposition of the LRH quote from 1982 and the statement “COB ….You have given us the tech NOW”. The cognitive dissonance must be deafening.
All of DM’s actions were ALL guided by Tom Cruise!!!! Especially the Ideal Org scam
Tom gave directions to Dave, guiding him to the ideal org casm?
So GAG II is written for an 8th grader. I guess GAG III will have to be written for a 5th grader. The practice of not-isness reduces understanding. It’s obvious the miscavologists have no intention of moving on up to as-isness. Lying becomes stupidity. So the IQ of the average miscavologist is going straight down and verticle.
That explains everything.
Perhaps anyone with an 8th grade education CAN get trained.
But try getting a job with an 8th grade education in the REAL WORLD.
Even some of the more KA drinking types — Rosser and Lucy Cole (who were on an earlier piece of promo this weekend) made SURE that their children attended university. Lucy is a 5th or so generation “Lucy” southern gal (in other words, all the women of her lineage were Lucys) … no way would her children only have an 8th grade education.
Of course … the author of this success story was proving a point — that ANYONE can get trained.
Big deal. So can monkeys and seals. (apologies to both)
I think we should have one of our under the radars watch and keep track of how long it actually takes these OT V’s to get through the New and Improved OT VI training course. They tout two weeks?!!! Ha!!!!! I never saw anyone get through it in 2 weeks. And I saw Dr. Megan Shields, who has a very high IQ do it in 5 months, from routing in to OT VI to completing OT VI and going home with materials, and who was there full time as a student. She did it in 5 months. Another two friends of mine did it in 8 or 9 months. The fastest I ever saw was just over 3 months to do it all. All of this begs the question: what did they take out of the course to quickie it this much?
The GAT I OT VI Part A checksheet is over 110 checksheet pages long, all arbitrary bloatware. The 1981 FLAG checksheet was about 10 pages, the updated Indie Version based on the ’81 FLAG one is about 12 pages long. It’s merely a rehash of the Solo Auditor’s Course Part I anywho, nothing even confidential in there.
These people who have barely made it through the 8th Grade… are those the “brilliant” minds that are left in the Co$? Are these the LeftOvers who are happy to kiss DM’s shoes? Suck up, LeftOvers. Let’s dilute it all down to drivel so that you can happily learn it all in 2 weeks. I shudder at the thought of this stupid army DM is rallying.
” COB, you are the best! You have given us the tech now and we have the technology. Let’s use it; I want to now! – J.D. – ” – – This is cringe worthy, jaw dropping, horrific, unbelievable & stomach turning….ooohhhh
His/Her initials are good, though. Unintentionally 😉
Yeah, likely these initials do stand for ‘Joking’ & ‘Degrading’, which is what this so called ‘sucess story’ is.
It all makes perfect sense to those in the Truman Show. Sam and I ran into this face-to-face a couple of years back when we attended a cult event in East Grinstead High St (Funny, they haven’t held it there last year I just now realize). Anyway, I had T-shirts made up specially for the occasion with “The Mother of all Squirrels” writ large on them below DM’s picture. As a former DofP and Tech Sec at St Hill a lot of the public there knew me, and one girl came up and asked what was going on with the T-shirts? I explained as succinctly as I could, to which she replied that “DM had given her Source”. Around the same time another fellow I knew well and had worked with on staff, when I showed him specific examples of how DM had butchered the tech, even such sacred scriptures as the PDC tapes, told me it couldn’t be so and reported me to OSA. Just last year an OT VIII IAS attendee earnestly informed me that “Mike Rinder must have been implanted”. You just mentally shrug and hope that at some deeper level the truth has impinged. But when – as they believe – “COB” holds their own eternity on his hands, it’s a tough confront for them.
It must be an even tougher confront when they have disconnected from loved ones and mortgaged their homes and donated their life savings. For them to go back on those kind of decisions would admit such a life-crashing error that it could implode them. I know of one person who will probably die before she admits that divorcing her husband of 38 years and breaking up her family was based on an error. That her husband was right all along. THAT would be a tough confront to someone so highly educated in the tech and so devoted to the mythical principles of the Co$.
I asked her about the RPF at one time and she insisted that it was only for no more than 3 months and that it was just for correction. There was no way for me to interject that there are people in RPF for YEARS. She wouldn’t have believed me and it would have just caused more trouble for me. She has no clue there is the RPF’s RPF. Or that there is The Hole. She wouldn’t believe me and would not subject herself to all that “entheta.” Stunningly sad.
“Get you arrived to Flag?” What in hell does *that* mean. Even 6th graders can speak better English than that.
Apparently an 8th grade education would be too much, eh? O_0
Interesting that Edy says that COB is intelligent and knows grammar. What she doesn’t say is very telling: she doesn’t say that he is an auditor. Cob is NOT auditor trained, having been kicked off his Class IV internship for hitting his pc. He proves that auditor’s temper and pc’s bank are greater than the pc. Edy is forwarding the lies.
GAT2 is, according to other flyers I’ve received, the greatest thing to hit Scientology since the original invention of Dianetics. Yet, despite that brilliance, the best than be said about that visionary genius who birthed this avalanche of theta is that he knows grammar (and presumably also has excellent punctuation skills). Not that he has done research into the mechanics of the human mind equal to Hubbard’s own work, but that he has great grammar.
Of course, some of the memos from Miscavige that Marty published in his blog a while back, memos that were exact transcriptions of His mighty utterances, were completely incomprehensible so I’m not even buying it about the grammar part much less about the brilliant grasp of human nature.
Actually, their website admitted that the tech was incomprehensible.
My favorite line is: “Deviations from the original manuscripts were immediately discovered to be far more extensive than imagined”.
If this isn’t an admission, I don’t know what is.
Why did it take Dear Leader so long to recognize this?
Edy’s comments, unfortunately, speak to her own lack of education…about the truth of DM’s “education”. That he would physically attack a pc also speaks to the values he places on individuals. None.
Easy, it’s expanded slang, like getting ‘suicided’….
Is it really true that he made Guillaume Lesevre and Marc Yager etc kiss his shoes? Or are you speaking metaphorically?
OH My Gosh. I was going to ask the same question. I had never heard this before, or if I did, I must have assumed it was a joke.
This is beyond disgusting that human beings are treated this way.
Just when I think I can’t hear one more thing to shock me……Wham!
Its important to note that Jesus, Buddha, etc. did not engage in self-glorification or ask anyone to kiss their feet. They were focused on ideas, not personal gain.
Good point jgg2012. Jesus actually washed others’ feet.
It is totally disgusting and egomaniacal. If I recall, it was Jesus who cleaned the feet of this disciples, not the other way around…
I’m appalled that they do it. And that they are so broken down as to be in such apathy. It’s a tragedy. Thank God you escaped. Thank you for showing us the way out and for revealing the truth in all this.
That’s disgusting.
Has anyone given him once on his bugged?
In 1989 an old friend of mine did not aside when DM paraded in Flag. Where other people though meekly did, he didn’t. DM was highly suprised and angry but did notthing,
probably, because my friend was big and strong and looked at him deeply.
So, this could surely not be the last time that someone did something directly back to him?
Miscavige made these guys kiss COB’s John Lobb’s??? PUKE!
Imagine what David Miscavige makes Laurisse do? That is just repulsive!
Hmmm, I actually misspoke (typed?) — he made them LICK his shoes.
This is not a joke, nor an exaggeration.
I dont recall if anyone else that posts here may have witnessed this (it happened on more than one occasion) — Amy, Tom DeVocht, Jeff H, Steve Hall, JB, Dan Koon….??
That must be right in line with saluting his dog!
Didn’t the maddest of the Caesars, Caligula, do a similar thing with his favourite horse? DeutscheMark simply lives in a parallel universe, along with his fervent believers.