So, they held the big event for Chicago in Columbus (?) and we have the full rundown in photos from the milestone occasion.
Of course, in typical scientology ideal org event style, they have to have a stilt man, jugglers and Brutus the Buckeye (as well as children) to make it seem “fun,” because you know the old saying “If it isn’t fun, it isn’t scientology.” Though these days, that should probably be “If they’re not asking for your money, or your life, it isn’t scientology.”
A few thoughts of mine are interspersed among the pictures of the epic event.
Over 200 attendees.
This was supposed to be the big Eastern Unites States event.
Columbus org is manned primarily with Sea Org members. They should have built it beyond St Hill size years ago — Ron says it should only take a matter of weeks, unless you have “other fish to fry.” A St Hill size org has AT LEAST 100 staff. It should be 100 day and 1oo Foundation. There should be 200 students in the Academy. More on Div 6 courses. 100 pc’s being audited in the HGC.
200 staff and public for Columbus alone is a poor show. For the entirety of EUS, it is embarrassing.
And of course, you know the 200 is exaggerated…
Yeah, mostly SO members…
OK, so there is the shot of “all” in attendance. Could not be bothered counting, but that is not 200 people.
But they did bring in the big guns, the highest SO executive in EUS, Billy Lindstein.
The SO Commanding Officer of the Continent introduced a public person to deliver the seminar on “responsibility and success”?
The Commodore is rolling in his grave — or at least his ashes as swirling out at sea. Or he is having a restless night on “Target 2.”
Actually, that’s a shot of people standing in line for a hot dog.
The great Quintin Strub was in attendance! As I said, this was a milestone. epic event. And this proves it.
“Mr. Jimmy Page” is apparently an expert on the state of the planet? But he is only the Snr Personnel Off EUS? With knowledge like this, he should be running the whole Continent. Move over Billy Lindstein…
I know it’s a bit “inside baseball,” but Kansas City is a WEST US org, not an East US one. So what is the Snr CS KC doing in Columbus pushing for the ideal org in Chicago? Why not the Snr C/S Columbus? (Chicago probably doesn’t have one). What about the Snr CS of Cincinnati? That’s an ideal org a lot closer than Kansas. And it’s in EUS. So is Nashville and Detroit. None of those orgs even get a mention at this event?
“Establishment actions” means recruitment for staff.
Wonder when Brutus the Buckeye is starting his contract in Chicago?
Pity these poor people.
No doubt promised they will be saving the world, have a well-paying position and provided with somewhere to live. If they actually follow through with the stage “sign up” they are going to be terribly disappointed with the reality. All they need do is look to the Columbus “ideal” org…
Oh no, they’re all going to Chicago? The whole family?
Even less people than Day 1…
Buffalo participated. A lot further away than Cincinnati, Nashville and Detroit…
Those flowers are seriously over-the-top.
Twin Cities is another WUS org…
Wow, Columbus has less than 20 staff!!!
Obviously, no event would be complete, or deserve to be tagged as an epic milestone unless the Chan Man was present…
They have all those SO members there, and they bring in public to deliver the seminrs?
Obviously, they don’t need more money for Chicago. The building is done and ready and has been for some time.
They just don’t have any staff to man the org.
There is clearly nobody in Chicago to be recruited, so they are holding events all over to try to convince people to join staff in Chicago and move there. They sunk tens of millions of dollars into a building in a city where there are not enough scientologists to fill the needed staff positions to be able to even open the doors. This is the story of “ideal” orgs everywhere these days.
It’s tough times in the scientology bubble. And it’s not getting any easier.
Why are so many of them wearing plastic gloves???
I think the gentleman who looks like Quentin Strub of WISE EUS may actually be longtime DSA Brian Fesler who is probably still at Nashville Org or it may be a Nashville Celebrity Centre.
Agree on all these observations – What an unusual and perplexing mash-up of we are recruiting staff for Chicago, but at an org event in Ohio; the primary speakers are public but there are heavy-hitter sea org members present. West US, East US – Compelling them to help one another but why, what is the quid pro quo? Twin Cities, which is Minnesota, org executives showing up to help Chicago but they are doing this in and from the state of Ohio?
Sounds like NOT a straight line to me, and you know what that means: aberration.
Maybe this is how some members will realize the cult has no future?
Or it will all go on for another twenty years until Miscavige sells the Orgs out from under them. Then they will keep delivering services a few times a year from their homes.
There is nobody in Chicago to be recruited for staff.
Of course not! Nashville snagged up most of them years ago!
Lessee, the Eddingtons, Max and Spencer Marier, Danni Quee, Dan York………
The list goes on.
Sweet Xenu, they’re still going on about “clearing the planet?” They can’t even clear the Sea Org.
You might be talking about Quackers rather than Clams as a derogatory reference to Scientologists. Quackspeak rather than Clamspeak etc. I was a Quacker for six or seven years but I had my logical reasons. I was interested in “studying the mind.” Different topic.
oops – that was to Chuck below.
Still wearing Plastic Gloves!!!!
I wonder why there are no St Louis Scientologists present.
Does anyone know if St Louis is closing its doors?
I hear staff are not happy.
I’m live in Ohio and am a huge OSU fan. That is not the real Brutus. It is a fake.
Other than sea org and children it looks like most of the assemblage is over forty years old. In the 1970’s when I was in it would have been the opposite.
Maybe that’s why they have a lot of sea org at the orgs. Anyone under thirty years old wandering in and getting love bombed by a bunch of “old people” would be pretty wierd.
In the sixties and seventies “Never trust anyone over thirty” was a popular slogan among the anti establishment crowd. Things were simpler back then. You could protest against the government in general and not need to decide who was crazier, the Republicans or the Democrats.
2022 person: “Sooo… are you far-right or far-left?”
Hippie: “Bitch I’m FAR OUT!”
They can’t really “arrive” if they’re still in Ohio. I wonder how much fudging is going on, like getting people to sign “postulate” contracts that don’t require them to actually go to Chicago until the org there hits a certain level of business, which I’ve seen reports of before. And in that case of course the org is never going to do enough business, to support families moving there.
However I did recently see a report that at the peak of the “Chase wave” scam several years ago, so much money was coming in that there was a period when staff at some orgs were actually paid enough money to live on. That was around the time of the “you can have it all” staff recruiting campaign, so there was a brief time when that had some truth to it, though staff pay went back down to nothing and is unlikely to ever go up to even subsistence levels again.
Also, “The Insider” reports in a new video with Chris Shelton that the Chase Wave left the vast majority of members too deeply in debt to be able to give or spend any more.
Looks like about 90 the first day. That’s counting the speakers, children, entertainment people and SO. Like several noticed they seated children and SO throughout the room to make it look like they had a ‘full house’…but the backs of those SO shiny vests are unmistakable. Why never show a pic of the front of the audience? Why always the backs of their heads? Maybe because it’s easier to fudge this way? Hmmm….
The second day it looks like they literally pulled in anyone they could. The crowd pic shows about 30. I am suspicious that some of those guys came with the ‘food trucks’. The pic that says “Attendees Drill” looks like they pulled a painter off of his job somewhere close by.
“Central Ohio OT Committee Members” photo. That one dude has the goofiest look on his face I’ve ever seen. The gentleman in the wheelchair obviously has CNS disease or injury. I just hope he’s getting REAL medical attention for it not auditing.
And what’s with the dollar store cheap smushed flower packs. They literally sent someone to the dollar store or the grocery store to buy a bunch of cheap pre-made flower packs. Those packs are made to be taken apart, clipped and put in vases. I usually buy them for ‘get well’ occasions and try to do them up nicely. They come with a pack of ‘flower food’ tied around the stems to go in the water. These look like they haven’t seen water in quite some time.
The poor Payano family. It looks like on the list of 9 people that signed up to go to the Chicago Org 4 are from the Payano family. They have small children. They are going to have to live somehow. They have been lied to that they can make a living wage from the Org. That is of course a lie. They MUST be newbies. When they get their first paychecks and it’s less than $20 what then. They’ll be in a new city. With few friends and no money. I see disaster well ahead of time.
AND Mickey Chan….preaching to the choir!
Karen Morris, formerly ED ATL, now of Tenn., Griselda Stein of Chattanooga, sitting at the table with Quentin Streub. They can’t get 200 people from Columbus.
“Other fish to fry” rather than being bad, is good.
All Scientologists need to absolutely engage in frying other fish, immediately.
Stop “sharing” Hubbard’s “show” of quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism with the world.
The world isn’t interested in their past lives “cases” and nor is the world interested in learning that we humans are all infested with zillions of surplus souls (body-thetans) which Xenu dumped onto earth 75 million years ago.
The world needs to go on frying other fish! Leave Team Xenu’s activities of quackery and get onto other fish frying.
Imagine if Billy and Quentin bolted or retired, it’d be a blow to their delusions of growth.
Hubbard was nonstop a problem causer for Scientology management, including the quoted above:
“….Columbus org is manned primarily with Sea Org members. They should have built it beyond St Hill size years ago — Ron says it should only take a matter of weeks, unless you have “other fish to fry.” …..”
Hubbard blaming lack of growth squarely on staff having “other fish to fry” meaning other interests in life that keep them from doing their fanatical Scientology/Hubbard staff abusive actions on each other.
Hubbard’s policies for staff in Scientology make staff guilty for failing to make Hubbard’s quackery “work.”
Hubbard truly and megalomaniacally left the staffs and followers “holding the bag” of Hubbard’s loser quackery (the past and future lives pseudo-therapy and the exorcism steps) of Scientology.
The non Scientologist public in the world have a grasp of the Hubbard Scientology quackery now, and it’s going to be forever a harder sell selling the Hubbard quackery, and that hits squarely at the biggest problem of Scientology.
You can’t sell that quackery anymore.
Hubbard’s cos play dressing up the quackery Scientology selling as a “show” is epic Freudian Slip-ism on Hubbard’s part. (And that Scientology is quack pseudo-therapy aimed supposedly at our past life karma and at our orbiting and infestations of surplus souls (body-thetans) dumped onto earth by Xenu 75 million years ago, the irony of Hubbard’s choice of words allowing his membership today to “play” their activities, is all the more worser.)
LRH’s carnival motif in Hubbard’s “show” metaphors he used for decades discussing Scientology movement activities, truly is fitting.
It’s a con man’s carnival soul karma quack pseudo-therapy and exorcism show indeed.
Keep the show on the road.
Keep Quackery Working.
“You share it with me now” from Ron’s Journal 67 to staffs, is eery dreadful forewarning never to join Sea Org and “share” this quackery “show” selling.
I noticed all the people wearing latex gloves, which offer no protection against an airborne virus. Pointless protocol, just like all the spraying of disinfectant.
I saw that too. Doesn’t david miscavige know that it’s been known for a while now and reported widely that it’s an airborne virus. Oh well, I’m sure those gloves protect them from cooties.
Maybe the gloves are to protect them from the Decon residue?
And gloves along with cloth masks – not N-95s. By about 2 years ago, it had been determined that masks, particularly better masks, were more important than gloves, which were only needed in high risk situations (that would also call for the the most protective masks).
I’ve even seen pictures of VMs wearing PPE nonetheless, but still using just cloth or surgical masks. Then again it’s no surprise that Scientology is scientifically and medically clueless.
Nah – The CMO (Chief Medical Officer) fully investigated it and the CSO (Chief Science Officer) concurred. All restrictions remain in effect until the COB (Chairman Of the Board) rescinds them.
That was just some J & D, joking and degrading. For a long time I had an MU (misunderstood) on that until someone defined it. Mr. Google doesn’t show a definition so I guess Mr. Hubbard spoke about Jokers and Degraders so he gets credit for coining a term.
Is it called “Central Ohio Org” because “Columbus” is not politically correct? It is after all, the Capital and largest city in Ohio. They don’t call the KC org, the Western Missouri Org, Philly is not the Eastern Pennsylvania Org … Curious name for an org…
Joe, a couple of orgs have regional names that I’ve seen used, though it does seem odd. The org in Seattle is the CofS Washington State, for example.
I think that some are covering for the fact that with moves to office buildings they’re no longer in the city proper, though that’s not the case in Columbus. Though here they may also be trying to distract from the embarrassing fact that they no longer have even a mission in Ohio’s largest metro area, in the Northeast part of the state around Cleveland and Akron.
A lot of things are done for Chicago.
Does Chicago appreciate this?
Re: In the Loop — The Straight Scoop
Or: Scientology Poop — Scooped Fresh from the Ideal Org Litter Box
There are more balloons that attendees.
Why does the inside entrance to the event remind me of something straight out of a Stephen King novel?
“Establishment actions” means that once Scientology has sucked your spirit dry, with no more money to give or asserts to deplete, you’ll face expulsion and disconnection when you decide to leave the Sea Org.
The “Chicago — I Will” song. Is that the one about the cow that started the Great Fire? If so, that tune has been upgraded: L. Ron Hubbard left a lantern in the Central Ohio Org’s shed, and COB RTC David Miscavige kicked it over.
There’ll be a hot time in the old org tonight!
Sigh… what an embarrassment. Lonely thing Scientology.
Yes, Truly.
200 attendees breakdown –
Minus the 70% inflated non-existent bullshit figures leaves 60 people.
Minus all the SO and assorted sheepbots and the actual number of people wandering in off the street leaves (drum roll)…
ZERO. What a surprise.
That photo (Attendees take to the stage…) of the horrific looking mascot looked like he was about five seconds away from grabbing the the bloke squatting down to sign away his bank account and life and mind around the waist and start shagging him.
GL, Columbus was reported to have about 100 public and 100 mostly Sea Org staff in a video with a recent defector, so that would account for the attendance. They seem to be doing some sort of experiment with keeping all those Sea Org at a local org after went “idea,” but it leaves them with a ridiculously high staffing ratio.
Chicago does have an ideal org.
It is empty. Ideal.
Photo shop at its best 😉
Empty chairs …children got camouflaged as participants.. .blury faces to hide photoshop.. .mistakes like two girls on left side, 2nd last row.. one with long hair got short-hair in another photo.
If you have wide screen monitor, you shall notice them at once.🤣🤣🤣
That’s why it is called Age of Paranoia , followed by Age of Extinction in 2025.
Just to remind, it’s not me , just a messenger, it’s written on the wall.🤓
The “Golden Age of Extinction”.
I love the sound of it.