Word is going out to try to get people to come back into orgs to watch the screening of a new “event.”
Apparently, “It’s Time” and the subject is a “Brief Breath in Eternity” (which is a rather unfortunate subject for a briefing that is apparently about the amazing work scientology has done dealing with the “planetary bullbait” of COVID – 19) or how everyone is “stepping 3 feet back” (like 1 step forward and 3 back?)
They are getting the hype out right away in typical scientology style — “as soon as we have a date we will let you know.” Hope the brief breath hasn’t expired by the time they get around to figuring out when it’s going to be… Maybe they will be 4 feet back by then?
Hubbard was a proponent of the “mystery sandwich” and “come-on” where you don’t actually tell people what you have, but you make them want to come in to find out based on the hype. It seems the SuMP people got mixed up, thinking a shit sandwich was the same thing as a mystery sandwich. And that “come-on” was the same as “come-again?”
This whole thing is bizarre. I hope someone can attend one of these showings (once they decide when they are going to be) to let us know what this is all about. If I had to guess, they have put together some video showing VM’s spraying Defcon 9 (or whatever it is) in their hazmat suits and they are going to pat themselves on the back for the excellent work they have done curbing the effects of COVID-19.
And in the middle of their hype they provide a link to click on to watch a video.
To save you the pain, I watched it and screen-captured every word.
They seem to have taken music from one of their old ads, lots of drum beats and choirs singing uplifting noises. There is no talking. It is just a series of words that fade in and out on the screen along with some interspersed images from the news or their own propaganda footage. I promise you, this is everything there is. I didn’t deliberately omit anything to make it seem unintelligible. It is gibberish, all to climax at the end with the announcement of the “International Scientology News Update.” Wonder if the COB will feature? Nobody has seen him for months.
Even by scientology standards, this is garbled nonsense. Literally just a bunch of words put on a screen.
If this is an indicator of the state of the “global universe of scientology” it appears to be on a ventilator, soon to expire completely.
I can Not-Is this crap and see that these unfortunate fools are victims of the same low productivity as the rest of the stay at home workforce. The same reason this isn’t finished yet, the stay at home blues. Unsurprisingly, this seems to be the subject of the upcoming mystery (unfinished) video: what we’ve not been doing during the past five months. The only surprising thing in this whole failed announcement is that they are going to setup personal implant stations to come in and get a Battlefield Earth type download on when your personally scheduled time comes up. I think the reason they haven’t finished releasing this drivle is that they haven’t finished installing the locks on the personally confining implant stations.
As a side note, I found that academics studying Scientology in Europe have a book called the Handbook of Scientology for 200 euros. This is a full blown academic book that a professor could teach a semester on. This is insane in context because I used to be a part of a group that is studied by mainstream society in much the same way that Feral Children are studied. Holy Nikes.
Perhaps they are a bit desperate. They are trying to give the idea:
“while the world was dramatizing, look at what we did. Be proud to be here!”.
Sorry but the overall hysteria is still there. The pandemic in Europe is rising. People haven’t respected social distancing and the new cases are growing. Fall will have a boom of new contagions.
Additionally until a real vaccine isn’t found we must live with this virus.
Could be years. Do they know it?
The Sydney city org is open now.
Who did they hire to produce that video? Prestige Worldwide?
Tubbard created his fake Sea Org to make up for his failures as a Naval officer. He showed that he didn’t give a damn about his followers considering the terrible living conditions they had to endure on the ships. It is a miracle that none of them sank not to mention him having people locked up or thrown overboard. To top it off he had young kids as his messengers. To think that people are still believing in his nonsense is astounding. I’ll say it again. It is amazing what people can make themselves believe when they are looking for an answer.
Gods below! That presentation is looking very like an implant series I got in a visit to the underworld. When you enter the auditorium look to your left and right for megawatt speakers and the corona arc needles. You will never be the same!
Their campaigns have dwindled down into utter nonsense — a message that isn’t any message at all.
AAAwww geee “thanks” OSD….when I asked about your Billabong longboard I did NOT mean that 40 year old wreck with the broken off shark tooth still in it…you know…the one still tied to your car….I meant the newer one…….
Laughing loud!
When you say “newer one” do you mean the one that has Tom Cruise teeth marks on it when OSD got too close to the little prince while he was running on water?
The only thing the org staff is “excited” and “eager” about is bamboozling and selling you on a bunch of other cult stuff you don’t need or want or can afford. This is a cult that’s now it’s own laughable punchline with the cats firmly out of the bag. Remarkable though how many gullible and weak people still remain in the world that prop up cults and corrupt mainstream politics.
Call immediately and reserve your space!!! … but we won’t tell you when it will be? They are so pathetic. Another epic fail.
O/T. A quick update on the Church of Scientology’s partner, the Nation of Islam.
Yesterday, “Highly Commended” Scientology Field Staff Member Nation of Islam Sister Renata Muhammad again tweeted about “#ImposterJews.”
Today, Scientology Youth For Human Rights Award Winner Nation of Islam Brother Rizza Islam tweeted:
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
White people should be lucky that Black people don’t think like White people. Or else there would be no White people physically left on the earth. Read this 3x’s. #Realtalk
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Brother Rizza Islam is not without impact. As of this writing, his tweet has been retweeted 495 times and has received 1,400 “Likes.”
I saw this TV News video a few weeks back….Korea or S Korea I think.
Elementary Students going to school…first outside of school temperature check…then outside the school sink washing hands up to the elbow…….then also outside in the open area…the finality blast of a SPRAY disinfectant FROM HEAD TO TOE FRONT & BACK of EACH student BEFORE entering the building. All students wore masks too.
I would imagine COS thinks Xenu is going to do “all that” for them……………
In Hubbard’s 1952 Universes Tape with Mary Sue, he could not hold back the BS any longer. He admitted that he followed King Solomon with his theory of Targs, demons, entities and Body Thetans. Today Scientology produces total BS trying to cover up the insanity of the “religion”. They pull you in thinking that no one figured out Hubbard. In fact, the entire internet got to the bottom of his BS. The most basic truth about Scientology is that it is fascist. Hubbard admitted on that tape that his intent in removing Body Thetans on OT III-OTVII was to expose the fascist being who is the real thetan. Then on OT VIII he tried to get rid of all Christians. Well that was obvious because Christians are not normally fascists. In reality, Hubbard violated natural law when he eliminated love and substituted survival. Well, that was his choice. Scientology should not lie anymore. The intent is not to clear the planet. Hubbard’s intent was to establish fascism on earth.
Thank you. I am so glad I never did the OT levels.
You are very welcome. After I completed OT VIII, I knew he was wrong.
You know Hubbard wished for sure to have a captive audience.
How better to secure you audience but to dribble out the “levels” of quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism to sell them. Disguise it under the convenient label of religion, that works.
Set up demanding practice regulations and membership regulations with dire scary penalty rules about not veering away to other practices.
It’s like Hubbard was tired of not always having a willing audience, from his pulp writer years.
So he got his captive audience selling them pseudo-therapy levels, and then exorcism levels, all fits with his having his nice little captive audience empire.
Scientology seems like a natural progression to a writer who wished to have his captive audience.
I wonder how many other authors did that in their careers. Used their subject and built into that fascistic little world.
I know why they do this! Someone is getting stats out of this! They don’t care if it makes sense. Someone got a stat for making the video, someone else got a stat for sending out a video, some one else gets a stat for number of confirms etc. This way they get to go home and sleep tonight. If they don’t get that stat…they will be up all night! Sigh.
With ‘limited audiences’, each attendee will get excellent attention from the Regs. Sounds like to me.
Those screen shots make TOTAL sense … ok, not really …
So people want to know … Is there anything that one day might prompt me to come in disguise to a live Scientology event?
Yes … If the promo was COB performs James Brown’s greatest hits LIVE! featuring his smash hit Get Up Offa That Cash …
Okay, so, maybe I just didn’t read it correctly, misunderstood words etc. How can you call and reserve a time when they don’t even know the dates, yet?
Why Miss Dutch, I am surprised at you. Surely you must know that with Scamology, all things are possible. One of the first things I was told when I went to my first Scamology session was that adept Scamologists could use the power of their minds to move physical objects.
Right after that, the youngster who told me that asked me to loan him a quarter for a cup of coffee (this happened in 1977). That was my first clue that this scam was chock full of shit. After all, if someone could move objects with the power of their mind, they could just walk up to a coffee machine and move a quarter out of the machine and into their pocket.
These scamologists really do not pay any attention to details. They just keep slinging their shit far and wide. Why not call them up and tell them to make a reservation for you and if they ask you when, just tell them to have Tubby call you when he returns and he will set the time for you.
Skyler, here’s another STAAD for you; Sheepbots Talking Absolutely Appalling Drivel.
You call and make a reservation to make a reservation. Or don’t. Either way you’ll be hounded to confirm by the desperate staff.
Does that mean I can call and reserve 15 November 1979 and 6 December 1979 and see Apocalypse Now and Alien on their opening days in the theatres again?
Sadly no, but if you move up in status perhaps you can see. “The war is over “ AGAiN: Or maybe you can get a showing of “Battlefield earth.”
I would suggest you call and reserve Sunday March 12, 1911. After all, these Scamologists claim they can use their minds to do all things. So time travel into the past should be no problem. If they cannot really do that, it doesn’t matter. They can always just lie about it and they frequently do lie.
What is the significance of that Sunday? Why, it is the day before Little Tubby was born and with any luck, you could sneak into his birthing chamber and do this world a fabulous service by …. (the rest of this post has been censored to prevent Skyler from going to prison).
They all are OTs and are at cause over time don’tcha know! 😵
Miss Dutch. They first don’t know. They sell the item before it is produced. As usual.
Stunningly nothing.
When I saw the screen captures I thought how could the stretch garbage to fit 1hour and 6 minutes or was it possible only 1 minute and 6 seconds.
I laughed out loud at this wonderful true piece of snark –
Hubbard was a proponent of the “mystery sandwich” and “come-on” where you don’t actually tell people what you have, but you make them want to come in to find out based on the hype. It seems the SuMP people got mixed up, thinking a shit sandwich was the same thing as a mystery sandwich. And that “come-on” was the same as “come-again?”
Everyone knows this is just another reg cycle. Another locked door session of ‘gimme, gimme, gimme it’s almost Thursday’…and don’t forget to move on up to that next ‘Status’ we’ve got a deal this week where you only have to give HALF the amount to make your next status! This is a religion? A church? What church does crap like this (besides Sci inc. that is)?
The video looks like someone was tasked to get out a video about a future event that no one seems to be able to explain. So the poor person just made a generic promo vid. I took a class one time on PowerPoint and video presentations and this video looks like something we would come up with in about 15 minutes in class as a quickie demo of how the software works.
Upper manager (UM): I need you to make a video ASAP about our upcoming event that will make people exciting about coming back to .org.
Worker: When is the event?
UM: I can’t tell you!
worker: Ok, what is it about?
UM: I can’t tell you!
Worker: Any special theme or content?
UM: I can’t tell you!
Worker: Ok, I’ll get right on it!
Laughing. In the SO was often like this.
This is what we’ve been doing during the last few months.
These are some of the ppl who have been “making it go right.”
Listen to their predictably dull and generic wins.
See? We are prospering. We are effective.
Wtf are you doing?
Why aren’t you doing more?
We need your money now.
Just give me your damn credit card, bitch.
OK! OK! I’ll give you what you want! THERE!