This is a desperate email sent out at 5:15pm on Friday evening.
As the Special Correspondent who sent this to me noted, recently AOSHUK was crowing over the fact their “courserooms are full” of people on the Student Hat and “GAG II line-up”. If so, where did they all go?
I wonder if this song is going to be in the fine tradition of other infamous songs — from AOSHEU to Birmingham to Valley. Shudder at the thought. Probably the only truth in here is “being able to sing is not a requirement.”
What out ethics Craig Mathieson has been up to? Everyone from UK will all have the same answer — I have known him since the 70’s and he has had more out 2D than any person I have ever come across in the Sea Org. He is involved in a new brown-nosing scheme to try to get in someone’s good books. And of course, there is only one thing that counts these days and that’s money and if you want to align yourself with the money, the only place to go is the IAS.
Date: | Fri, 11 Apr 2014 17:15:48 +0100 |
From: | rhoda zeffertt <[email protected]> |
To: | Peta Grafton <[email protected]>, Craig Mathieson <[email protected]> |
We need your help tonight !
There will be filming at Graduation tonight, and Craig needs a lot of people there. There is a new song they are doing for the IAS 30th Anniversary and the audience will be singing to the chorus and will be videoed doing that. Being able to sing is not a requirement 🙂 It is a short cycle.
It needs to be atmospheric and that is done by having lots of people there and joining in.
Please can you attend, get others to attend? Graduation starts at 9pm tonight, so a bit before then would be great.
D/Chairman SHUK OTC
Mike, your comment about Craig made me smile….Indeed he is such a flirt as often Scottish guys are but mainly out-2D has always been the trade in stock at Saint-Hill. I always wondered why? Maybe the fact that they work in the country then take a bus back into another one without ever going to towns or cities trigger something deep inside them :o)
I found out what they will be singing:
From the song “Glamorous”
“If you ain’t got no money take your broke ass home!”
Dear Leader has instilled guilt and wrongness into Scientology to receive adoration.
I worked with him and know this is a joke to him to get others questioning themselves.
That’s the only power he has. He’s useing your power against you, which he is expert.
Mike, Thanks for the reply and for understanding. I definitely understand your outrage of someone you were on staff with prostituting himself to the IAS. Prostitution may be out-2D, but prostituting yourself to the IAS is out-ALL-D. Pretty much anyone who has been in Scientology has learned things that are “unbecoming of a Scientologist” about others in the church through either gossip, goldenrods or all that comes with being on staff/SO. Unless it involves actual crimes, fraud, abuse, etc with church management (e.g. everything that you, Marty and several other people with integrity have helped expose and bring awareness to), then it might be best to keep it to ourselves. Otherwise we are no better than church management who spread data from PC folders of those who have woken up. We could actually apply TWTH and set a good example for the church haha.
Roy, I was in no way attempting to censor Mike (as if he could be). I read this blog daily and don’t want Mike to ever bite his tongue about atrocities in the church. I have read the articles you refer to from “Sensationalized Mudslinger Mag” (I mean Freedom Mag). I don’t want Mike to ever stop exposing injustices committed in/by the church or stop covering the day to day dwindling spiral the church is in. My point only has to do with personal information about people with no real power in the church. I don’t know you, but maybe you have some PC folders and at least one ethics file somewhere. And if I had been your C/S or EO/MAA and then left the church, I’m sure you wouldn’t want me mentioning anything I had read or heard about in an attempted comeback to your response to my previous comment. Not saying Mike was that guy’s C/S or EO/MAA, it’s just an example. And wow I can’t believe you would think I’m OSA. You should know that there is only one micro-managing megalomaniac who could approve the posting of a comment on an “anti-Scientology site.” That’s right, I’m COB!!! Oh wait no I’m not, he could never be so self-aware and humorous about his and his church’s shortcomings 😉
You took a stand for decency Deattested and Mike concurred. Well done all. To me, there is a big difference between harmful joking and degrading and real satire and cheeky humor. Somehow that policy on joking and degrading got interpreted, by the dull, to mean no jokes ever. That’s so ridiculous. I love satire and think of it as intelligent, word humor. Mike is quite expert at this and that is why his blog offers so much comic relief. It is really needed, in the face of all the horror of disconnection, abuse, fraud, extortion, shitty auditing, etc, etc, etc. I know I needed the comic relief badly and I hope I’ve added to it. Your viewpoint of not descending into the degraded and degrading actions of the current RCS, just shows your decency and compassion. Let’s not give that up for anyone, especially assholes.
If you’re a whale and you know it, give us your money.
If you’re a whale and you know it, give us your money.
If you’re a whale and you know it, and you really want to show it.
If you’re a whale and you know it, give us your money.
GAT 3, a new 1 st dynamic theme song ?
Just so pathetic. As usual I’m torn between pity and contempt, so instead I’m chuckling at “Dunk The COB”. What a picture I have of that 🙂
I should not do this, but I cannot resist: TRANSLATION OF EMAIL
“Help! Gold is filming a bullshit scene that is supposed to show a big bunch of UK scientologists singing the IAS song at the big UK graduation, but graduation usually only has 5 or 6 people.
The singing IAS thing is to rape more money from bankrupt riff-raff scientologists so it’s really f#$%ing important.
This is a huge flap and I will get dunked in the lake over and over if I don’t handle it.
Good news is that the entire thing is being overdubbed, so you don’t have to actually sing, you just just have to show up and mouth the words.
This is a notice. I did not know where to put it so i am putting it here after checking with Mike:
An old friend of mine, who lives in Palm Harbor, Florida (near Clearwater) is now moving back to Czech Republic. He has lot of books that he would like to give away. The list contains Dictionaries, Books on Math, Philosophy and Scientology. A sample is as follows:
1) The compact Edition of Oxford English Dictionary ( 2 Volumes, over 4000 pg)
2) Schur : 2000 Most Challenging and Obscure Words
3) (7) Zacharia Sitchin books
4) (10) basic Scn books printed before 1973,
and many more.
If anybody is interested in having these books, please contact me at [email protected] and I shall get you in touch with him.
Pathetic really, any way you look at it.
Do you think people will turn up knowing it’s for the IAS and Vultures (I mean Reges) will be there?
I don’t think so
That far off sound you hear are the termites eating away at the rotten foundation of DM’s decaying structure.
“COME AND HAVE FUN TONITE AT GRADUATION AND BE FILMED.”…:”Please can you attend, get others to attend?”
Contrary fact, much, Peta?
Does it ever occur to staff that if public believed that one of these things could actually be FUN for them they wouldn’t need to be begged, confirmed, re-re-re-confirmed, and otherwise cajoled, nagged, badgered and hounded to attend?
What is the PURPOSE of RTC? All the tech in on the net. People would prefer to have groups and friends but the atmosphere of the cult has driven them into the closets and shadows to try to practice Scientology.
Yet here is David, Keeping RTC breathing so he can obtain a pay check and get the Church to pay for his living and legal expenses.
Interesting question Oracle. According to Miscavige/RTC lawyers in Texas they don’t perform the function of protecting the tech from squirreling, they turned that job over to CSI shortly before they began their campaign against the Rathbun’s (I think they had a bit of a typo on the document memorializing the agreement between Allan Cartwright and Warren McShane it said it was signed in 2009, but its a common mistake to confuse 2013 for 2009, happens all the time…)
They also assert RTC does not concern itself with the day to day affairs of the church.
Yet Mr. Miscavige is way too busy doing nothing to be able to be bothered with a nuisance of a lawsuit.
Hmmm…I know in the RC$ that no one is supposed to follow what LRH said anymore, but..uh…I just wanna say that wasn’t it LRH who gave that job to RTC? To secure the tech forever and see that it stays pure?
So we have the head of RTC squirrelling it to no end, and he hands over the enforcement of keeping the tech pure to a LOWER organization so they are cowed and backed off and can’t/don’t come after the alterations. I guess I should’ve expected that–it’s part of the whole deal Misc runs on the remaining minions.
He’s either lying to the court in that 2009/2013 document or he really did that! This guy is just nuts nuts nuts and anyone thinking that he has the slightest respect for LRH (induced by KoolAid) should go detoxify themselves.
Well, it’s a bit of both.
RTC DOESN’T perform any valuable function of protecting the tech because they are the primary source of squirreling.
But they are lying to the court of course, trying to cover Dear Leader’s ass. Because what they DID do, to “protect the tech” is harass Monique Rathbun. There isn’t anyone who has ever been anywhere near the day to day activities of Miscavige that does not know without a shadow of a doubt that nobody would DARE take any action regarding Marty Rathbun unless it came from “COB.” They would be terrified of the potential ramifications if it blew up somehow. Does anyone really believe there is a single action taken in “handling” Shelly that he isnt minutely overseeing? Or any other person who has been intimately involved in his world?
So, as I said, its both. They are lying to the court AND they have abandoned the LRH purpose for RTC existing.
He’s about to make the LA Complex into a hospital again as was its original purpose. There’ll be plenty of sick staff and public to care for too. Maybe we can actually help them.
I guess they forgot to fully scub their own webpage, as of today, DM still claims utimately responsibility for the purity of the tech and KSW, which presumably still means preventing it from being misused/misapplied by “squirrels.”
If memory serves, he used to claim some more detailed responsibilites in this vein later on in his bio, but that has apparently been edited/scrubbed.
In any event, and so they don’t get any clicks, here is the start of his bio:
David Miscavige is the ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion. From his position as Chairman of the Board of Religious Technology Center (RTC), Mr. Miscavige bears the ultimate responsibility for ensuring the standard and pure application of L. Ron Hubbard’s technologies of Dianetics and Scientology and for Keeping Scientology Working.”
*** (fraudulent statements and exaggerations follow this text in his bio–like “11,000 Churches, Missions and affiliated groups across 167 nations” and since DM rewrote and issued the basics, “more than 70 million copies of the Basics books and lectures read and listened to since 2007, this achievement alone has created a renaissance in the religion.”) GAG.
Propaganda by redefinition of words whereby Regression comes to mean Renaissance.
Pretty much everything they say in Miscavige’s “bio” is fraudulent with the exception of his name.
Personally if I wanted to actually find out about Scientology I’d avoid the Orwellian Church of Scientology site like the plague.
RTC only ever had one purpose- protecting the trademarks, which includes preventing people from using them illegally. They shed that purpose at some point when it became legally expeditent to do so. Right now, RTC has only one purpose- protecting DM’s ownership over the entire scientology religion and all its monetary assets.
RTC: Rip off the clubbed seals.
Which is why I dais, the only purpose of RTC at this point in time, is so David can obtain a pay check and get the Church to pay for his living and legal expenses.
My dyslexia as a thetan is getting worse. Ha! I meant, “Which is why I said.”…….
UUUH,Yahaaaa, A New Song, that will fix everything.
No more problems of NO People.
Mike, I love your blog and it’s been a great source of help, so please don’t take the following as an attack or insult. I don’t understand taking someone’s personal issue and publishing it for anyone in the world to see. Don’t we condemn the church for that? Unlike the church though, I’m sure you didn’t get this information in a priest-penitent capacity. But by publishing this knowledge, I feel you are perpetuating the church’s cesspool of one-sided, broad public issued gossip where nothing is private and all of your mistakes are known to everyone and used against you. I’m sure most people here have had the joy of generalized, out of context, one-sided and flat out false information spread about them inside the church. My hope is that any past members learn from this and become more civilized and more empathetic than the church of fear, intimidation and control, who callously ruin reputations on a daily basis.
Hmmm, well you make a good point. I certainly didnt get the information about Craig from any inappropriate place. His out 2D history is legendary. But I agree with you, I should probably not have included that information. I just get a little hot under the collar with someone like him who I did the OEC with in 1976 prostituting himself to the IAS. But point well taken, I shall try to curb my enthusiasm for take-downs.
Mike, one of the qualities I admire about you is your ability to look from other viewpoints and grant beingness to others who disagree with you. Very refreshing, thank you.
No, no, no- please do not curb your enthusiasm for take-downs. Your takedowns are awesome! DM slings mud like some kind of landfill emptying dredge. You make one comment about someone’s history and right away some nobody who has never posted before objects strongly. It smacks of OSA. OK, maybe actually OSA is to stupid for this kind of sophisticated put-down. But I call BS on this one. The deattested thetan above should read some of the freedom mag articles and websites that the CofS has put up about you, Marty and other detractors. They are not stating simple truths. They are lying, lying and lying some more. This a night and day example.
Come on Deattested Thetan – tell us your name!
Mike you are blowing the whistle, throwing the spotlight on the bullshit. DM lies and lies and lies and some of these lies are the most disgusting things you ever have the misfortune to read. You are truthful, DM is disgusting.
Gee Roy, what are you trying to day? 😉
Nice comment De-attested. We should try to keep it decent and classy and not ridicule too much. And since we’re all at home masturbating to porn, we really shouldn’t cast stones. 🙂
Mike is a very decent and classy guy, He very rarely makes comments like this, and I think he’s allowed one once in a while.
From what I have seen of Mike Rinder on this blog, he would be the only person I can think of who could put the church back together and run it sanely, except that I am 99% sure he doesn’t want the job.
Since coming out of the church I make a point of letting people know all my ‘out-ethics’ shit. Firstly, I’ve woken up to the fact I’m proud of most of it; secondly, it reminds me I’m living – unlike the deathliness of being onlines; and thirdly, if everyone knows it no-one can shame me for it.
it’s a fine line between exposing or pointing out hypocrisy and gratuitous gossip and one has to always be mindful of that line. but lets not forget this person holds himself out to be someone of high moral fiber and in service to the church.
pointing out that he has a history of not living by his own values while exhorting others to do so, is valid.
it’s like pointing out one of benny hinn’s minions is an adulterer. that should be made known to the congregation. where if it were exposed that a member of the congregation were an adulterer, that would be gratuitous.
in short. if you do work for the church, you should expect to be held up to the light. if not, then your business is your own.
@De attested
sorry but have you ever met Craig? Let me tell you something, had you met him you would know that he would probably be delighted that Mike has promoted his out-2D! Craig would take this as a compliment, do you understand? You should know the man….he does not think like you do.
Everything in Scientology is propaganda. Nothing is real. No actual facts – just smoke and mirrors. Give the clubbed seals the illusion that people are in the Church makes them feel good – even if they participate in the props knowingly.
Scientology is the science of pretending there is a church by having people take photos of each other – taking pictures of each other and then convincing each other it is all so real.
I have never seen so much use of photos to convince people there is something there. It is all props!
Reminds me of an old song – Hooray for Hollywood.
IM, I remember seeing a gathering of people, I believe in CW, that attended the Church of Science Fiction. In this “Church,” you can be anything you want! Personally, I’m a Jedi Knight. May the Force be with you!
Oh, one last thing. Can you imagine Jabba the Hut eating little Davey Boy? He’s probably get the runs from it.
“I have known him since the 70′s and he has had more out 2D than any person I have ever come across in the Sea Org.”
The 2D thing with the Sea Org and the phrase out 2d is still confusing to me. Although I get your point.
But out 2D, would mean the person is out of the second dynamic. Or, no 2D. His 2D is out. No mate, no family, no family time. No children.
I think the majority if not all of the Sea Org qualifies as out 2D now. Their 2D is totally out.
When someone goes IN 2d, in the Sea Org. Begins to create something on the second dynamic, they are called “out 2D”.
“In 2D” in the Sea Org is when you are totally out of the second dynamic, when you have none at all. If you are doing nothing on the second dynamic you are considered “in 2D”.
I know it is a petty matter. But it is just one of those things the culture alter ised until it is all assed backwards.
Yes, you are right about the topsy turvy world. In the Sea Org, out 2D is defined as having sexual relations with someone other than your spouse. ANd the definition of “sexual relations” ranges from kissing to sexual intercourse, depending on where you are, who it is that is accusing you and how much money you make for the organization.
Didn’t Basketball Jane get RPFed for kissing a girl? Wow, that’s right up there with prostitution and pornography.
Yeah, Katy Perry would not do well….
No Mike, I beg to differ. She’s got the bucks and I’m positive Captain Davey would make an exception. Plus, she’s probably bigger than Tom Cruise now.
Of course you are right. See upcoming article on Tony Ortega’s blog about this very subject.
And she IS bigger than Tom Cruise. Not even in the same league at this point.
What else is new?
I’m just saying because. I had a “long history of out 2D” when I came in the Sea Org. I thought I was wallowing in “in 2D”. They could not have recruited me if I was not in a situation of “out 2D”. Seriously a recruiter walked into C.C. and asked me what was ruining my life. I was living with a married man. It was so complicated. His wife had him loaded with pills and narcotics. She was wealthy and he was a rock star. He moved in with me and calmed down. Got off drugs. The people at CC decided this would be a huge monumental PR flap.
This was a very IN 2D. Whatever he had going on with this bitch was very abberated. But they told me because he was very famous and his wife’s family was so powerful, I needed to relocate to Flag to do the pts rundown, the pts sp detection course, the Hubbard Personal Ethics and Integrity Course, and sec checks. In other words, throw the guy under the bus. I followed that advice and the guy parked himself in a car and set it on fire trying to burn himself to death.
By then his wife had had twins. He almost left those kids with no father because he had gotten involved with a Scientologist!
Meanwhile parked at the base as a “habitual out 2d case” staff member all of these new recruits were bought in before me graduated into higher positions simply because they were “squeaky clean” on the second dynamic.
I spent six years in the Sea Org never having any history of out 2D, Watching them all fall from grace because they wanted to kiss some one.
The only regret I have is that I should have fucked people I did not.
The Church will only stand by you as long as you can float through the cog wheels. They can not think “out of the box”. That guy just emailed me to tell me he had been sober for a month. I wrote back. “I will drink for both of us”.
HIS GOALS were insignificant.
The Church has goals. Anyone who does not subscribe is an S.P..
How very narrow mined.
That is not Hubbard.
A friend of mine from the UK told me what song will be being sung…
Is the new song called “desolate devious and doubtful”?
No. It’s an old Olivia Newton John number – ‘Hopelessly Devoted to You.’
So true about Craig. His conquests as a swordsman would put Russell Brand to shame. Peta Grafton would have woken up long ago if her mother Hazel wasn’t chief reg at AOSH.
Wow, Hazel is still there? She must be the single longest tenured SO member on earth. Same post since almost the dawn of the SO….
Takes her billion years seriously!
Last time I was there they were letting blood from everyone who still had a pulse. Now all they want is extras who can’t sing?
Craig sounds like he has been
a busy lad. Did he write the song?
If so can we surmise it to be naughty?
Makes one wonder what the priority is: the smoke, or the mirrors?
The warlock.
Nice, POT! Wish I had thought of that.
The priority now is fund raising barbecues.
Another photo op like DM belting out WE STAND TALL in the choir?
He’s into lead vocals these days.
‘We Stand Short’ by Derilictous Maximus ……. that should draw a crowd.
I BEAT STAFF, no turning back, I’ve found the way. Hey Marty, Mike, Hey Ray and Mark bow down, etc. ad infinitum.
Right Barb,
Who can forget that geeky college preppy look they all had back then?
Actually truth be told it wasn’t a bad video compared to the ones that came later.
It’s really kind of sad isn’t it? I almost feel sorry for them.
I too, feel sorry for the poor buggers. Really, really sorry. A sorrow that knows no end. I feel…Bwahahahahahhahahahaha! Sorry, that’s as far as I could get. For all of their crimes, I’m really enjoying this, MJ. I’m just an SP…
To paraphrase the song from Oklahoma re cash to COB from off policy IAS regging: “I’m just a guy who can’t say no.”
Next they will have a band playing at graduation named “Free Beer and Chicken Wings” …and an IAS cover charge.
Wonderful! Another Glitzy shiny music video with attractive and apparently dedicated steadfast defiant and resolute Scientology Warriors (mouthing) singing along to a groovy and fairly hip track that just affirms and re-affirms and re-re-re affirms how just totally bitchen it all is inside the bubble. Oh Barf.
I guess they don’t have quick access to hollywood extras like down in Los Angeles.
Maybe Sam Domingo and some of her friends could go give them a hand. They didn’t mention that photo ID badges would be required to join in the festivities.
Well, well, well, if it is going to be ‘atmospheric’ I am sure they can reach the stratosphere of the glee of insanity; lots and lots of glee.
Imagine that, being filmed which means they are running out of ‘ideal’ ideas to get public in.