Listen to the new voicemail being left by Flag on people’s answering machines twice a day.
They must be pretty concerned about the turnout for this event as 1100 outer org trainees left Flag. And judging by the dismal turnout for last week’s Most. Important. Event. In. All. Universes. Ever. they are going to have to spread out the chairs in the circus tent to make sure there aren’t too many empty ones visible.
Just in case this audio download doesn’t work for some, here is the substance of the message:
We are 7 days away til the first time ever celebration of the live IAS anniversary event.
I thought there was something strangely creepy about those previous IAS Anniversary events. His Eminence looked sort of like one of those Disney animatronic Presidents. I wonder if it was that or CGI. But that’s quite a gimmick now, it is actually going to be presented “live” (via teleprompter). Impressive. I do note that GAG II might have included some sort of grammar course….
Late breaking news of how we, as the IAS, are eradicating suppression and barriers to clearing the planet.
Looking forward to hearing them. Things seem to be moving along oh so well in the world of Scientology Suppression handling….
Then on Sunday we are having Sunday Service with the Reverend Alfreddie Johnson.
Presumably because there is no staff member in all of International Management, the IAS or the FSO that can do this at our “mecca” so we are going to use a Baptist Minister and NOI liaison. (Where is Heber? Surely if there is ONE function he should be performing at the inaugural “Sunday Service” of the most important building on earth, it would be this).
You can get yourself a personal tour of the new Flag building….
I guess the most important building in the history of Scientology at the “friendliest place in the world” isn’t really “open”. It has been “opened” but in order to enter it you must be part of an official “guided tour”. It just gets more and more like North Korea as every day goes by.
Oh, and almost forgot: …there will be free crush regging Case Checks.
Has Luis Garcia had his tour?
Craig Jensen knows the church has all his sec check folders and he wants to make sure they stay sealed. This email may or may not help. Since I am sure that email was not sent out without the DM seal of approval.
I just called 1-866-536-3059 and it says all operators are busy.
Besides that, the email from Craig Jensen above is a perfect illustration of the “End Phenomena” of the new case state achieved on the StupidPower Rundown – “Closed-loop Mutually Delusional Permanent Hypnotic Trance”.
from Craig Jensen – PS: I have 2 daughters in the Sea Org and I don’t want them to end up in the Hole, so please, please take my bullsh#t seriously.
Craig Jensen: “Attending graduation each week and seeing Clears who went from ARC Straightwire completion to Clear in SIX WEEKS is mind-blowing”
That’s cool. So Craig along with FSO are setting the new standard of “ARC SW to Clear in six weeks” With that as a benchmark, I’m certain that every single one of the trainees at Flag for the last many months are all now clear as well as Grad V auditors. And that these auditors will have their fellow org staff members all clear within the next year since it’s now so amazingly easy to do with GAT II. It is so great that the hard-working staff who don’t have a couple million bucks to donate will finally get exchange for their efforts.
Can’t wait to see the success stories rolling out.
It’s also such a treat to hear Craig praise the mighty dave for such a magnificant accomplishment. Ron’s release of NOTs tech was such a bore in comparison to dave’s utterly amazing feat of shuffling around a couple of HCOBs.
Unbelievable continuation of the technical degrades. Of course everyone is the same, has the same case and track, no individuality necessary. Why not just install an assembly line?
If Craig Jensen has his attention on the meter and the auditor’s TRs he is simply ‘out of session’ therefore, is a flunk.
This glee from Craig and others is what allows the Devil Moron to continue lying and, their response, is what fills the straight up and vertical ego of Miscavige.
If you no longer wish to receive calls like this please call———-, yeah right, try calling that number and see where it gets you…right in the chair with chains to hold you there while you pay for more sec checks on your Counter Intention!!!!!!! more of the same!!!!!!
Damn! All those times I “saw” Miscavige at IAS events in England I wasn’t seeing Him at all – it was just an illusion – a clever special effect. I feel so cheated.
” I feel so cheated.”
That is the true nature of the beast!
And what in the name of reason is the “tours ” thing all about. One would expect completely unfettered access any time one wanted having donated $X thousand. All I can think is that He doesn’t trust even His biggest contributors. Come to think of it since the SP team at Flag have made it abundantly clear to me that I won’t be getting my SP donations back – I did ask – I might just demand my right to a full tour myself.
Most memorable answering machine message from the C of $
True story
Craig Jensen is insane: “The HGC waiting area is stuffed with [high powered OTs], and it’s about … oh, 100 yards long! And then there are the three additional lounges that make up about that much space again. And then there are the HGCs which stretch off into the distance.”
Two football field lengths of people on Super Power.
If you say so.
The couches are spaced widely apart so the crush regging can occur without upset to the adjoining sheeple and allow room for 10 or 15 regges (I mean staff) around each fleecee.
They want to get their hands on parishioner dollars before Black Friday does.
Craig: The auditor’s presence and TRs are beyond anything I have ever experienced,
Me: Yah, it just keeps getting worse
And is it upstat civies or formal wear. I have to get ready.
I think we should all call and ‘opt out’. I selected option 1 but you have a choice.
I’m feeling like a potential trouble source today 🙂
Wow… wonder how many stayed through all that just to get to the un-subscribe number. I would bet about 96.5% (Shit sorry – my math is bad)
Craig Jensen:… “beyond anything I have ever experienced … something that has never been approached in any earlier auditing……….”
Well, whoop-te-doo, Mister Jensen!
It seems that you are saying that doing part of Super Power far surpasses all of the wins and gains you had in attaining the state of Clear, all the OT Levels, and the Ls. Did I hear that right, Mr. Jensen?
Do you understand what you are inferring about the “rest” of the Mi$cavige Bridge which you have done?
I do.
“Late breaking news of how we, as the IAS, are eradicating suppression and barriers to clearing the planet.”
Isn’t at least one of the barriers to clearing the planet the fact that the new meters cost over 5k with tax? Seriously, how can you clear a planet where the majority of the population can’t afford a meter let alone the new costs for intensives and courses to go clear?
In case you had any doubts, Craig Jensen wants you to know how great everything is –
From: “Scientology [OT8@]”
Date: November 23, 2013 at 4:54:45 PM PST
To: “[email protected]”
Subject: [OTC-Mail] Flag
Dear Pasadena OT Committee members,
By now you will have seen the Golden Age of Tech II and Super Power release Events. I assume the video of the new Flag Building opening will be over by the time you read this.
I am compelled to write to you because what is happening here at Flag is unprecedented. The Golden Age of Tech II is surely the most important thing to happen in the world since the release of Dianetics in 1950. Attending graduation each week and seeing Clears who went from ARC Straightwire completion to Clear in SIX WEEKS is mind-blowing. And that is just one small part of a very, very big deal. The Mark Ultra VIII E-Meter is another. I have used one and I have been being audited with one since Monday. It is phenomenal. And then there is Super Power. I was briefed on Super Power in 1979 and have wanted to do it ever since. Now I am about a third of the way through it and the wins are astounding. The auditor’s presence and TRs are beyond anything I have ever experienced, and the tech of Super Power – what it handles – is something that has never been approached in any earlier auditing, all the way through New OT VIII. I have been routing myself to Success to write success stories in the middle of each Rundown.
But the best news is the throngs of high-powered Scientologists filling this gigantic new building. I have seen them before at events such as the International IAS Event in England, but I have never before seen them all on services at the same time. Wow! The HGC waiting area is stuffed with them, and it’s about … oh, 100 yards long! And then there are the three additional lounges that make up about that much space again. And then there are the HGCs which stretch off into the distance. See the snapshot enclosed to get a glimmer of what I am talking about. This place is HUGE! And it is bustling. Everybody is VVVGIs, including the crew in their beautiful new uniforms. The whole place is alive and in action.
1. You will have to see it to believe it. Next weekend is the International IAS Event right here in Clearwater. It’s in the same marquee (British: a large tent used for social or commercial functions) that is used for the annual event in England. It holds 6,000 people and was shipped over here from England for the event. If you have ever wanted to participate in this triumphal event, but could not make it all the way to the UK, now is your chance. Come to the IAS event and see the new Flag Building at the same time. It’s better than Mount Rushmore, the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Park all rolled into one.
3. I hope to see you here. We can ooh and ahh and share a laugh. Look for me in HGC #12 on the 4th floor. I’ll be the guy with the gigantic grin plastered across his face. J
5. Much love,
6. Craig Jensen
Do you have the snapshots he said he attached?
Craig Jensen never lets an opportunity to brown-nose slip by.
GAG II is the most important thing to happen to the world since the release of Dianetics.
If this is the sort of hallucination that Super Power brings about, then look out for people launching themselves out of the 5th floor windows of the SP building thinking they can fly….
If it’s not the Sooper Power, then you probably need to complete your Purif redo as you are definitely tripping.
For God’s sake Jensen – don’t you realize there is NOTHING NEW. Even Miscavige hasnt been bold enough yet to claim He is directly inventing tech. Just setting it all straight like the ultimate proofreader. Proofreading and the resultant tweaks and typo corrections, changing prices and foisting off a Warehouse VIII (hate to tell you this Craig, the guts of all meters at Flag have been “warehouse VIIIs” for years — it was where they were “piloted”) is hardly the greatest breakthrough since the invention of fire.
Get a grip man.
Craig Jensen … or Uriah Heep … (Charles Dickens character who oozes unctuous pronouncements) …
I’ve always had trouble keeping the two men separated in my mind – no longer.
They’ve become one and the same.
Obviously a product of Super Power — to merge with the most unsavory fictional character. Who will be next? Step right up.
Well, he follows in the illustrious footsteps of He Who Shall Not Be Named.
I am sure there are plenty of english lit majors out there who will come up with some other candidates for the mind-meld.
I always considered Craig Jensen to be a mindless sycophant but never could find any documented proof of it until now.
What an unbridled torrent of horse manure!
Yeah that “gigantic grin plastered across his face” probably has nothing to do with Super Power but is more likely due to the fact that he’s a village idiot.
Is Craig Jensen smiling because he makes money off of the GAG II gullibles? There is no such thing as honest disclaimers in this “charity,” and it seems the more people are taken in by this scam, the more money shysters like Jensen will make.
Craig says the BEST news is the throngs of high powered scientologists in the HGC. Sounds like its the place to see and be seen. Be there or be square. They just feed off the existing members. A meaningful statistic, such as new public starting services, or Well done auditing hours, never seems to get mentioned. Its like watching a fishbowl where no new fish are ever added. The existing ones die off and sink to the bottom or become flying fish and escape. Eventually just the bowl remains.
“high-powered Scientologists” eh? I guess that means rich whales.
The extreme wattage of over-restimulation.
Sorry, mike, I don’t have the photos – I’ll see if I can get them
I got it. Unfortunately I cannot paste it into a comment. It is hilarious.
It is a shot of the sign above the door the leads to one of the hallways of auditing rooms.
It says above the door in silver lettering: AUDITING ROOMS 140 – 265
But above that, and the most prominent thing in his snapshot is an illuminated red “EXIT” sign….
As the old saying goes — the way out is the way out.
Great e-mail – I’m sold. I’m heading down now to get in line!
“Golden Age of Wins” or more accurately: Hype.
Yes, dreadful future with the outer org trainees now being back home…plus, being Thanksgiving, a main tradition for family reunions in America, makes the matters worse.
Staff is hoping Friday arrives soon so they can have a little break from calling, selling, cleaning and what not; some of them sure deserve it.
“Late breaking news of how we, as the IAS, are eradicating suppression and barriers to clearing the planet.”
What are they going to shut down that Squirrel group they call the Church of Scientology and leave us alone so we can apply Standard Tech?
Now that would be a big step toward “eradicating suppression and barriers to clearing the planet”!
But somehow I don’t think so.
If you thought is was vitally important to come to the opening of Super Power you were right. Then again, it is even more vitally important that you COME TO FLAG for the IAS GALA.
There has never been a gala like this in any universe ever.
COB promises confetti at the correct orders of magnitude, which is to say 500,000 tons of confetti shot from ten confetti canons, thus setting a world record for the most confetti launched at a single event.
Planned at 4 hours in duration, the IAS Confetti Festival will include music and food but mostly it will be regging and lots of it. Please bring whatever remaining assets, livestock, cars, deeds, stocks. etc. you have remaining. Do not hold back!
The IAS Gala will culminate in COB personally leading a Seance.
A secret piece of COB Tech normally reserved only for the highest Sea Org execs, the Seance is now being exported into the ranks of public Scientologists, this to ensure the success of GAT II.
Flag: Come for the Theta, Stay for the Seance!
Flag: Come for the Theta, Stay for the Seance!
Though I thought it might be, Stay for the Seance and the Fleecing.
uhhhh I used to love the seances…..
I wish we could have some out here too. I don’t think I will ever forget that for the rest of my life. 🙁
It is actually, as you say, “Come for the Seance and the Fleecing” but we in RTC do not approve of giving parishioners a correct datum of that magnitude as it is violates COB’s successful action of the good ol’ ecclesiastical bait and switch!
How many individual pieces of confetti? Now THAT’S a stat.
There are 1,403,954,0165 individual pieces of confetti.
This great big pile of confetti will form a pile three feet deep in the ballroom. Moreover, all exit doors will be blocked by piles of confetti. There will be no escape from the Flag regges when they descend into the ballroom at midnight from secret panels in the ceiling.
If the confetti is stacked up it will reach from here to the moon and back 1.34278 times.
This is correct…. Record breaking event. And brilliant on David. To save money on the cost of confetti, and valuable space DM had all the PC folders shredded from the Flag folder tank…
Not true! They are just shredding the ones they held back from Laura D. But it will be more than enough!
Be frivolous, do things that are just you
Spend Thanksgiving at Flag! If all your family are Scientologists, they’ll want to be there! And if some of your family are not Scientologists, screw ’em!
And when you call the 1 800 number to get off the list, does it go directly to the registrar? 🙂
No. You reach a voice mail message asking you to leave your name and number so someone can call you back. 🙂
No, that would be the MAA.
Nice catch. “get yourself a personal tour”. According to this, they aren’t really OPEN, as you say, even to members yet. A few people must wonder why they can’t just easily walk in and around?
Having Alfreddie Johnson means they need to get some of his followers, eh?
“Activities” huh? I assume that’s a euphemism for reg events?
But hey, Alfraudie will be there for Sunday service, yay!
And it’s a freaking robocall? How appropriate.
TWICE A DAY?! They make creepy stalkerish exes seem benign! No way those people who just escaped after WEEKS are going to return!!
Yep, where’s Heber? Shelly? Diana Hubbard (I only mention her as she’s LRH’s daughter, she should have a place of honor!)?
Wonder if anyone from the NOI will attend this event since they didn’t attend the last one.
Wonder if anyone from the NOI will attend this event since they didn’t attend the last one.
Could be the reason they are promoting Rev AJ….
Yep, I think that’s why that have the token Black Minister up there… to attract back the NOI congregation.
I like the way they pretend at the end of the message that you could drop your name from their list if you no longer want to receive such messages. lol As if!