Another in the continuing series of observations by our friend Terra Cognita – still not declared. And in my view, this may be his best yet. This is perhaps the single biggest glaring irrationality in scientology.
TC’s previous posts: Am I Still A Thetan?, To Be Or Not To Be, An Evaluation of Scientology, Fear: That Which Drives Scientology and Justification and Rationalization.
Communication in Scientology…Or Not
LRH wrote extensively on communication. He wrote volumes. He lectured extensively on the subject. The man was all about communication.
One of the first steps in Scientology is doing a Communications Course. One of the first levels on the Grade Chart is Grade 0, in which the end phenomenon is “the ability to communicate freely with anyone on any subject.” The ARC triangle is a cornerstone of church philosophy. Communication is BIG in the Church of Scientology.
And yet, the one thing its members can’t do is to communicate freely and honestly with others about Scientology. At one point or another, every member has his or her comm line—communication line—cut. Early on, one learns what one is allowed to talk about and that which is punishable by excommunication.
Prohibited Subjects
For a church that prides itself on its abilities to confront and communicate, there is much that is verboten.
Talking about tech and policy, other than to sing its praises, is suspect.
Talking about one’s case or what happened in session is taboo.
Talking about the OT levels is cause for severe discipline.
Talking about something LRH wrote that doesn’t make sense or seem right is not permitted.
Exposing wrongdoing or “overt products” by staff or management is natter, “counter-intention,” and guarantees a person a swift trip to Ethics. All staff are dying for your sins and all auditors are perfect.
Discussing, debating, questioning, or disputing LRH tech or policy is heresy.
Basically, mentioning anything about LRH or the church in less than glowing terms can land one in deep shit.
Watch What you Watch!
Not only is one not allowed to speak freely in Scientology, one’s not allowed to listen or watch anything that might be construed as unfavorable to the church. Reading about alternative practices is considered out-ethics and harmful to the group. Studying philosophies others than LRH’s is not just a waste of time, but is regarded as “not playing the game.” Anything not written by The Founder is unworthy of study.
The Church is forever scared of “enemy lines.” Psychiatry, the IRS, hidden world power-brokers, and ex-Sea Org members are out to crush the church and lay waste to the planet. “Going into agreement” with any of these means a trip to Ethics.
Church of Scientology members must be very careful with what they read and listen to. If they are to go free, they must remain “clean.”
Cults and Communication
Tightly controlled communication is a classic trait of cults.
If members were allowed to speak freely with the outside world and report honestly about what happens within, few would join their organization, and many would leave.
The head of Scientology, David Miscavige, fears nothing more than church members finding out about his overts, and how he’s single-handedly run the organization into the ground. If members were allowed to communicate freely, all his lies and deceptions would come to light.
The Purpose of Communication
One of the purposes of communication is to cause an effect. Humans like affecting other humans. We like to communicate. We like to chat. We like to talk with one another. We like sharing our opinions with others. We like to read. We like art. I love the movies.
Free speech is imperative in a free society. Not allowing free speech is suppressive. The founding fathers of America appended this principle as an amendment to the Constitution.
It’s been well documented that LRH didn’t always practice what he preached, but this doesn’t diminish the significance of open communication. Whether you believe a word of his or not, he was right to stress the importance of being able to freely confront and communicate with anything. Quashing this inherent right is not only hypocritical but cruel.
Justify, Justify
LRH is always right and everything he wrote or lectured about is sacred doctrine. Thus all his tech and policy is perfect and inviolate. Only a suppressive would question him or his work.
And since LRH is always right, it stands to reason that those following his dictates are always right, too. Which means having an honest discussion with a Scientologist is, more often than not, a practice in futility. They’re always right and you’re sadly deluded. Church members are indoctrinated to come down hard on anyone who says anything the least bit unflattering to Scientology, and risk knowledge reports and lower conditions for violating these rules. Those with family members within the church must be especially wary of what they say for fear of disconnection.
Cutting Comm Sucks
I imagine many of you reading this have had to deal with friends cutting you out of their lives. I have. Two couples with whom I’d been best friends for decades turned their backs on me once I began to question the tech and stopped supporting DM and his crazy programs. Lucky for me, I have a great family and lots of other true friends. And with whom I can freely communicate. I’m truly sorry for those of you not so fortunate.
Even though I’m happy and life is good, I still feel the frustration at not being able to freely communicate with those still inside the church—people I’ve known for decades. If only I could sit down with them and explain myself; show them what was really happening in Scientology; point out the hypocrisy; lay out the stats; lend em a couple of revealing books to read. If only I could wipe the sanctimony and sympathy off their faces! I know, I know. They’re brainwashed and I should be thankful I finally saw the light. But still… Getting my comm cut sucks!
I like good, healthy debate! An exchange of ideas and beliefs clears the mind of cobwebs and fixed opinions, and opens the door to new points of view. I admire Judaism’s long history of debating the meaning of the Torah. I attended a morning temple group once in which the rabbi passed out copies of a passage from the Old Testament. For the next hour and a half, we discussed and debated the meaning. Can you imagine doing that in Scientology? The horror!
I relish reading banned books, watching treasonous movies, visiting subversive websites (thank you, Mike), and saying whatever-the-fuck I like. My days of withholding communication are history.
Still not Declared,
Terra Cognita
TC, Your write ups are fantastic. You are a good writer and have a great ability to articulate some very important aspects of life in and out of Sci. Keep ’em coming.
Thanks Neddleman.
Terrific article, Terra Cognita, and I’m so glad you to way you and your spouse just happened to find yourselves on the same page as regards the cult. That’s terrific too!
Yes, actually if I look at sec check the biggest overt is to speak. My Withold were always that I said something I shouldn’t have. The biggest crime being a negative opinion about a PGM of RTC or DM. Next being a revelation about yourself classifying you as a “non eligible”.
For exemple feeling depressed may classify you as a suicide case, thus security risk, as having had even a mere meeting with a psych even 20 or 30 years ago.
Critcizing Hubbard is a lesser problem showing you have MUs.
But the over the top crime is to accuse Miscavige to be an SP.
This tendency to secret was started with the GO before Miscavige era.
Then since 1982 it was a rule. In 1982 Eligibility was introduced, the church has become totlitarian.
In “An essay of management” in 1951 Hubbard explain the whole thing and pledge that no autoritarian personnality shall rule scientology. And say the communication between member is sacred.
Let say Miscavige read as an item on grade 0. Then you get the question : “If you could communicate with Miscavige what would you say? Answer : You are a small mother fucker! ThanYou! “If you could communicate with Miscavige what would you say? answer : where did you hide Shelly ah ah !!!!
Thank you. Your needle is floating.
This would be some standard grade 0 if Miscavige is a reading item. Then comm would be more free.
Hi Terra Cognita, I have read all your great pieces and really enjoyed this one.Yes, those trips to Ethics.Took a few tours in my SO days.From my heart thank you for sharing some of your amazing journey here.XO
I love all of your essays, Terra Cognita. You hit a bullseye with this one. Thank you. Can’t wait to read your next one !
Even though I’m happy and life is good, I still feel the frustration at not being able to freely communicate with those still inside the church—people I’ve known for decades. If only I could sit down with them and explain myself; show them what was really happening in Scientology; point out the hypocrisy; lay out the stats; lend em a couple of revealing books to read. If only I could wipe the sanctimony and sympathy off their faces! I know, I know. They’re brainwashed and I should be thankful I finally saw the light. But still… Getting my comm cut sucks
I would argue that the majority of scientologists “wake up” on their own – typically something bad/unjust happens to them or a seed of doubt is planted (crappy service, crush regging, having to disconnect, rude staff, poor management, etc.) that eventually sprouts into “disaffection”. Who is to say that those who disconnected from you don’t already share your views in some capacity but simply toe the line out of fear of expulsion? There is clearly a reason why you don’t just come out and post under your own name. Are you “more free” than the “brainwashed” you dismiss simply because you post here anonymously and they don’t? Well perhaps they do. Or perhaps they lurk. Be patient. No one likes being awoken abruptly from a deep slumber. But awaken they will. It is inevitable.
Something I’ve struggled to come to grips with is the Scientology bait-and-switch.
I’m a never-in. It seems that most people in Scientology (unless they’re born into it) get in from a desire to improve themselves in some way. And Scientology seems a good way to boost their self esteem, get on with their fellow man better, etc etc.
All well and good. I suspect many in fact HAVE found benefits in the early stages.
But then Scientology pulls the bait-and-switch and suddenly you find, no, you’re not here for your useless goddamn self. You’re now part of planetary salvation whether you like it or not, and if you don’t pitch in and do your part, you’re a bad person who will be punished.
No choice. They just lock the door behind you and tell you the real deal.
At this stage, why do people stay in? Rhetorical question. I know others have answered this. But I still find it hard to understand.
Even long term members. Don’t they think back to when they joined and what they expected, and compare it to their reality?
I do understand this: everything you need to know about the most ethical group in the world is summed up in this deceit.
Another great post by Terra (who by the way I pictured as a WOMAN … I guess it was the name Terra … actually knew someone in the CoS by that name.
Nope, he’s a man. Ha, ha!
Terra Congnita is Latin and “terra” is a feminine noun but it’s word form only. For instance, a large table is masculine and a small one is feminine. The adjectives must match so “cognita” is also feminine. If it was describing a masculine noun, it would take on the masculine form.
I hope I’m not patronising anyone, telling you what you already know. Duh! Joe, you especially.
For those who DON’T know, “terra” means land. “Terra cognita” is a known or explored region.
I wish I could remember my Latin. I did it in high school and for matric. It still makes words for me very easy to understand knowing the Latin source, though.
Really? A woman?
Not going to lie, for some reason, on all of these posts, I pictured a woman, it probably was the name. Although, whether I thought a woman or a man wrote these, it wouldn’t matter. The writing and thoughts are top notch.
Yes! Yes! Yes! I love it !! Being free to speak ones mind is true freedom.
This country did not want the suppression of the church ANY CHURCH!
Kudos to FREEDOM!
What is very shocking is how similar the church of scientology is to North Korea. This is not hyperbole. Yeonmi Park escaped North Korea when she was 13. Eventually, she and her mother managed to get to South Korea. She began to speak out globally against the Kim dynasty, and write a book called, “In Order to Live.” What did the hermit kingdom do? It dead agented her. It made videos of her relatives and neighbors in North Korea defaming her and broadcast them globally and on youtube, it denounced her as a fraud, it publicized the rapes she and her mother had been subjected to by human traffickers in China, and it sent agents to South Korea to try to harm her- which she found out about from law enforcement. In short, it followed Hubbard’s and Miscavige’s playbook. To be more precise, Hubbard followed the playbook of Stalin, the same playbook used by the Kim triumvirate. Miscavige is just imitating his masters: Kim Jong Un, Stalin and Hubbard.
Great post, Still on your side.
+1. The cult and North Korea are two peas from the same pod….
Yes, interesting topic. This is what stopped me from wasting time on “the bridge”. While staff at Flag I noticed that NONE of the staff, not even the highly processed and trained by El Con, had even achieved the “E.P.” promised by Grade 0. Much less anything higher. In fact they were LESS able to communicate rationally than any “wog” I grew up with.
Really good article. And certainly Karen has done a good video on communication.
The interesting thing is that Sciebots can never tell the whole truth about Scientology to non-members. They have to be very careful that they don’t reveal what goes on, on a daily basis with how the organizations operate.
Good example: Is how many people call, text and email for any event coming up. That would scare anyone off. It’s beyond manic. And then of course there are your “friends” who want to make sure you show up. That’s just one tiny bit of the insanity that cannot be communicated to “WOGS”.
At this point for me, I’m fed up with the absurdness of where Scientology is.
It’s a very bad joke. Unfortunately there a some nice people who take the brunt of it.
I think LRH never saw beyond his original insight that living consists of playing games, and so he became a compulsive game player. The emphasis was always on winning games, then playing bigger and better games; never on how to resolve games or devalue their importance. He couldn’t allow free communication because that might lead to a no-game condition. So he had to find or invent barriers to communication to ensure his favorite games kept going.
Another astute observation, David Cooke. He certainly didn’t want to be found out to be a fraud, too, that’s for sure. If anyone was “allowed” to do a little investigation and prodding around, he risked that. So he forbade it!
In my young and formative years, the friends I valued most were the ones who weren’t afraid to tell me when they thought I was full of crap. Such conversations were stimulating and good humored. Honest uninhibited dialogue made us intellectually stronger and more certain of our views and perspectives. And it taught us the value of abandoning idiotic notions.
One of the few scios I knew who had this honesty was my auditor Karen de la Carriere. Once out of session, she no longer wore her auditor hat but was now a friend. On a couple of occasions she ribbed me a little bit about my often conservative and reserved demeanor. She said that she thought I was covering up a genuine, more outgoing and extroverted personality. We both laughed because we knew it was true.
I’ve always tried to call it as I see it, and I respect those that do the same. Agreement isn’t always a necessary component. Honesty is. The bubble-world reality of the COS inhibits growth on so many levels that I wonder how any sort of case gain could have been possible. I just hope that whoever is in charge of irony is reading this.
Another aspect to Scientology communication is the acceptance of lying for the greater good. Since Scientology is the “greatest good” anywhere in the history of forever, and since Scientologists agree that it is the “only way out of the trap”, lying is accepted as a religious injunction. They take it as seriously as someone lying to a killer who asks “which way did they go so I can kill him”. The person misleads with a lie to protect innocence.
This is evil when it comes to “only way” cults. Justified violence is rampant. Just like the Cultural Revolution in China had students turning in their parents for the “greater good” of world happiness through Communism.
And the biggest lie of them all:
How many people got hooked on this one idea?
An idea that has been discussed, studied and rarely attained thought the ages. But people have attained it in other practices. I have met them. They are surely rare. But they are there.
Yet, in the delusion of Scientology there has never been one of these beings. Scientologists still believe that Ron has mapped out the road to total freedom. Even though there has never been a demonstration of this anywhere in Scientology. The man who said he built the one true bridge was a raving loon at the end of his incarnation. Hardly an example of liberation.
I dare say that many a betrayed promise has occurred with this. And that to me is Ron’s greatest crime; falsely announcing that the bridge is 100% standard and all of these states of being can be attained in Scientology.
Ron sold and stimulated in us a real and true human desire; the quest for wisdom, permanent happiness, liberation from suffering and the realization of the immortality of the soul.
He stole the Vedic goal of Total Liberation, assigned to the sages and rishis, who attained these states, the lie of being “keyed out” “inverted 8th dynamic” “dramatizing implants”.
To me this is the real spiritual crime of Scientology; the betrayal of the spiritual hopes of thousands who once had hope and now see the spiritual path as opium for the gullible. Truly a sad tragedy; the result of a lie.
All because of a lie! A lie possibly kept alive to maximize cash flow.
The goal of total freedom is real. The messenger L Ron Hubbard was not. He betrayed you for his own personal power and gain.
I hope that all of my sister and brother x Scientologists can keep the bright light of spirituality alive and well in their life’s purpose.
I pray that all of you find your path that suits your own individual nature. And that all broken families heal and come together.
But first L Ron Hubbard should be deconstructed and knocked off that dangerous delusional pedestal that he created through his expert use of Altitude Instruction.
The process called auditing cannot bring about the state of spiritual freedom. Why? because Ron was stuck in his head. It’s always about chains of associated events in the mind.
Scientology is mind, mind, mind mind. Time track, time track, time track time track.
An attempt at understanding present conditions by trying to find causal relations in the past. Ron was always looking for a more basic, more basic-basic basic to unravel suffering.
This attempt at understanding the root cause of suffering can only bring about temporary relief. Sure we can have realizations and go exterior. That is a real experience; when it is real and not just a Scientology delusional imagination.
Sure we can find a basic on a chain and blow negative energy and have a floating TA with cognitions and miraculous things.
But these temporary experiences that take place in the mind can go on forever. That is because our memories, conscious or subconscious, can go on forever.
What Ron did not know:
1) he did not know the law of karma and thus understand spiritual standards of behavior that do not create further binding experiences the shackles of the soul to the body; Dharma, wog morality
2) he did not know how to dissolve the mind back to it’s essential nature of pure consciousness
3) he did not know (actually he preached against it) the kinship of all life. The oneness of us all.
“our separation from each other is an optical illusion of consciousness” Albert Einstein
4) he did not know the process of the involution of the soul into matter
5) he did not know the process of evolution of the soul out of matter
Ron was a dilettante regarding the spiritual. Liberation is fucking hard work. Self transformation into self liberation is a constant activity.
Constantly looking down the time track is not the way to freedom, wisdom and permanent happiness. It has never been. That……………….Is…………………The………………..Trap……………..He……………….Warned………..Us……………
^^^^^ this
Too true, Brian.
I always enjoy your insights Brian. I’m a kindred spirit of yours.
The Church of Scientology has openly invalidated it’s own courses, the “ability gained” that people lay down hard earned cash to attain, and has invalidated Scientologists in general. The ability gained from the Professional TR’s Course is the ability to handle any situation, no matter how rough, with communication alone. The Church of Scientology does not trust it’s own Pro Tr’s Grads or its PTS Sp or Ethics specialist graduates to handle ex-members originations or their utterances regardless of the topic being discussed. Disconnection and SP Declares nullify the opportunity for a Scientologist to “handle” anyone who has a “problem” with the church, the tech or it’s management. Disconnection is an enforced cut comm on it’s members based on arbitraries rumor or personal slander. These are the activities of the Church of Scientology and they are causing society at large to despise them for it. The Church of Scientology has created a situation whereby the “universal solvent” is banned and that is enforced with threats and less ARC, not more ARC. Know them by their results, not their PR utterances.
Great post Doug. No people on Earth invalidate the attested abilities of training and processing more than Scientologists themselves. A Clear who says to a reg “Not survival right now for me to upgrade status ” having that comm accepted? We know the answer to that. A Clear is certainly not really Clear … says THE CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY.
Excellent points, DP. The church “grants” one the ability to “communicate freely with anyone on any subject” and then tells you what you’re allowed to communicate with, and what you’re not. Very suppressive.
Great write up. Thank you for that.
I was trying to straighten myself out after getting into ethics trouble when my husband showed me the stories of some of the so members abused by dm. I was in total disbelief.
In trying to come to some kind of terms with this new reality of scientology I realized that I had a fixed idea that ron was god (ot, always right etc.) If you had said that I thought that prior to that point in time I would have given you a look & said “no I don’t”.
But realizing I had honestly operated with this concept I saw that ron was insidious by giving you wisdom (like the com cycle or fixed ideas) & then screwing you with it by inhibiting your comm or creating fixed ideas making it impossible to think logically in an area.
I never dreamed he’d pull the same stunt he was supposedly wising me up to.
Thank you Pocketa. Thank you for seeing so clearly. Now maybe you can help others.
Great Essay.
I made a video on this exact topic
Karen, since communication is such a big thing in the Church of Scientology, they ought to try it sometime. 🙂
Excellent video, Karen. True points.
Karen, thank you for giving us this link. I liked your video. Your video and this post got together like bread and butter.
Maybe this is relevant to this post. It suits all Scientology observations really.
Been busy lately with a “Scientology” infected situation which quite frankly tested my patience to maximum.
I had to fork out an international airfare and put my daughter-in-law (whom I love to bits) up for a couple of weeks just so I could get her out of her scene and force her to see a regular medical doctor. As most of you know I have two card carrying top of the Bridge OTs in the family, who by the way, never answer calls from the Orgs or attend any events but preach from a great height about the glories of Scientology. Yet in their self professed magnificence failed to follow even the most basic of their own technology or apply common sense. For years now they insisted no one in the family to see “medical doctors” that prescribe drugs as treatment but only use “natural therapies” sanctioned by their belief that “the spirit fixes all”. They spent thousands on those pseudo MDs who deal only in natural therapies and put an early menopause girl (duh!) through hell with “herbs and spices” all the while driving her to alcohol to handle her misery. And then have the audacity to call her a Scientologist, who was nowhere on the Bridge and has done zero services after 30 plus years! Oh, but she donated tens of thousands to the church with unused training accounts and had their processing account’s money funnelled into things like WTH programs etc.
Cut a long story short the poor girl has some serious issues with organ failure and clinical neurological issues associated with excessive alcohol and stress. A simple standard blood test revealed a horror story and all the while she lives with these masters of life who know best how to handle her ‘physical & mental issues’. Geezers… they couldn’t even spot a developing alcoholic in their midst and thought her regular throwing up was just a food/protein problem. And yes, they de-PTSed her. But Wow! they couldn’t find an item so it has to be a physical issue – a bunch of herbs will fix all. They have no idea of just how blanketedly suppressive they are with their think, plus it’s always someone else’s fault if things go awry.
I really do hate to generalise as individuals are responsible for what they do but there’s something extremely whacky and very dangerous about the hard core (and even fringe) bubble dwellers. I’m still resented that I bypassed them, but they are now in a state of silence and shock with the medical analysis. In short, they really are just a bunch of mindless idiots!
I’m pretty much done posting online now about Scientology now. The term itself gives me the creeps but I resent the hard core haters nearly as much as hard core Scios. My family has set up a wall around them expecting to be attacked about their religion, yet when a little compassion and decent caring are introduced their amour is weakened considerably. IMO the one thing a Scientologist cannot handle is someone who knows just as much (or more) than they do about their own technology but doesn’t wield a big generality stick at every opportunity to smash them. That’s why I like Mike Rinder’s site.
Someone who generally cares for another and insists on helping rather than continually criticizing gives a Scientologist a headache!
Good luck with your ventures into righting the wrong that Scientology turned out to be, but I do ask, please pick your targets carefully. My daughter-in-law is basically a lovely but quiet girl who has been at the receiving end of both Scientology bubblism and the myriad of media opposed to it. Family is everything to her and it all confused her into bad health. Most Scientologists are just being stupid but they do deserve compassion and a helping hand when the time comes for them to face the truth about their organisation and then how they assisted in forwarding a dangerous cult. It’s quite a mind fuck and not everyone can cope with it.
What a sad situation! It is great that you’ve intervened. I wish her and you all the best, truly. So much for her to process!
Well said I Yawn. You set a good example of how to take the claws out of this dangerous cult. Keep on keepin on!
And I have the exact opposite have had happen. My ex-mother in law (OT8) encouraged my being shunned and having her son divorce me. I had two brain tumors growing; but did not have it diagnosed until years later (Obviously I am alive) and all of my “symptoms” were discarded as PTS, etc.
Divorced now since 2006; and am still crying about it. Sucky evil Cult.
Lovely people, these “OT “8s
Cult-induced pharmaphobia. Regrettably, I have personal experience with this. As a scientologist you are generally primed to fear and/or despire the medical profession. Of course, those pushing the message, who ‘want the best for you’ also seem to earn a tidy sum selling alternatives. The more I look, the more I wonder if humanity functions as predator/prey. The cruel and cunning gorging on the naive and hapless.
Typo: despire = despise the medical profession.
Who Knew Dept: The Ideal Portland Org is actually a mission! They might call it an org, but what they say to the IRS is that it falls under Scientology Missions International, group exemption 4167.
My bad, I had the wrong EIN.
The day that you decide to only tell the truth about Scientology is the day that you become an Ex-Scientologist.
Wise post, Al. And I’ve witnessed you advance to that point yourself.
So true
DM messes with people’s communication on all flows.
Correction, Dankoon; SCIENTOLOGY as a “philosophy” messes with people’s communication on all flows. DM is mosly (though in a much, much crazier way) FOLLOWING LRH’s writings as EXACTLY written. Let’s not begin to blame it all on DM as if he had a mind of his own; he DON’T.
I have been practicing Buddhism for the last 15 years or so and have found the freedom to communicate incredibly refreshing. In fact, questioning, debate and doubt are not only encouraged but are actually required if one is to move beyond a mere blind faith in the subject. This reminds me of Hubbard’s claim to be an incarnation of the Buddha. That’s not even worth considering it’s so rediculous.
Good work once again Terra, keep ’em coming.
“I like good, healthy debate! An exchange of ideas and beliefs clears the mind of cobwebs and fixed opinions, and opens the door to new points of view. I admire Judaism’s long history of debating the meaning of the Torah.”
Very good…it’s what it means to be human… We can question, it’s our right, should never be taken away…phil
I love the Scientology building sign.
The word “Scientology” says so much about Hubbard’s wordage, his labeling of his subject.
Hubbard’s words just boldly reek of con man’s made up subject.
“Scientology” is a warning alert that the subject one’s talking about is a made up subject.
“Dianetics” was the first warning!
I mean Hubbard’s wordology book titles and subject titles were “con alert” warnings to overwhelm us undereducated hopeful dupables from the getgo.
He could have said:
The sign on the complex out to say that instead, and that would be some genuine truthful communication.
“YourWildestDreamsYouNinnieDupesOlogy” – hysterical, Chuck! On the more serious side, you’re so right! But we didn’t see any of it, did we? We all just thought he was the wisest, cleverest bloke we ever did come across.
I thought I was both so clever to have found scn, simultaneously one of the privileged few!
Thank you. Nicely stated. And I feel the same way about Torah discussion.
“We of the church believe that all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others.”
The epitome of duplicity.
Well written comments Terra. Looking forward to discovering your true identity (just for the fun of it)
Duplicity to the max!
Dare I say that was a very “clear” assessment to the communication paradox that is LRH’s teachings and the expression of those teachings. It is a cloistered, crazy-making “shush here he comes” world. Terra Cognita, your journey is awesome and you, like Mike R., are spot-on in your clarity with regards to practicing Scientologists. It’s tragic that the brainwashed abide in their fascist vanity … “Everybody is stupid and deluded accept for us! If you joined our church you’d get that.” Thank you for taking your time to report.
Brilliant! It is all so true. I too wish I could get hold of my disconnected son and just get him to hear me out and understand what he is involved in, and have a good debate. I just don’t know how people in just cannot see…………they are brainwashed, that’s why.
Brainwashing means…no debate…Sorry for your loss.
I didn’t know you had a family member still in, LMS. I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but, hope springs eternal. I’m sure it’s the wish of all us here that your son is able to discern for himself and realize the tragedy that is occurring.
Peace & Blessings….
Thanks OSD, my hubby is Clearly Pissed Off and I believe you two are in contact with each other. Anyway, it has been a nightmare and just wish he can come to his senses.
Ah, yes, you hubby and I are very good friends! Didn’t know you were you until this post.
I suspect the popularity of ex-Scn blogs, such as this, is due to this very factor. For those of us who spent decades under the thumb of Hubbard’s oppressive philosophy, suddenly being able to speak freely – well, we have a lot to say.
If you subscribe to “a being is as alive as he can communicate”, then the church is on its deathbed.
@Terra – STILL not declared?? The church can’t even do that right anymore 🙂
If they continue to drop the ball we’ll have to publish an honorary declare. You deserve it.
An honorary declare is better than nothing!
Statpush: “a being is as alive as he can communicate.” Thanks for reminding me of this quote. If it’s true, most everyone still in Scientology is half dead.
“All staff are dying for your sins and all auditors are perfect.” And the Sturmabtilung (Sec Checkers) will enforce that mindset. A few expensive sec checks and you’ll toe the line or get out. Either way, they clampire got some of your money and if you can’t be in perfect fealty to LRon, you don’t belong.
Terra’s posit on the lack of communication within the CO$ is one of its red flags. Too bad so many can’t see that.
Consider any hierarchy to which you have belonged where you are at a bottom or at best mid-level position. I have found that any effort made in “team-building” or improving communications between me and management was not for my benefit, but to try to make me buy into whatever management wanted.
Amazingly, perfectly, and truly stated.
I fully agree with you, Mike, that this subject of cut communication is the “biggest glaring irrationality in Scientology”, and in fact, is the BASIC point that differentiate a cult from a real group. I also share your viewpoint about this being the best yet of Terra Cognita’s posts/essays; very well articulated and communicated, TC. I admire all your posts.
One little typo at the beginning to correct; it isn’t Grade 1, but Grade 0. And about this :
“And since LRH is always right, it stands to reason that those following his dictates are always right, too. Which means having an honest discussion with a Scientologist is, more often than not, a practice in futility. They’re always right and you’re sadly deluded.”
This isn’t only true about Still-ins, but about MOST KSW-type of Scientologists that I know, like those from MS2. It is a disease INHERENT to being a Scientologist. Scientologists are perhaps among the MOST stubborn and difficult to change their minds individuals that one has ever known; TOTALLY delusional to the point of ridicule, while they all believe that they are “smart”, “advance”, and “above” anyone who doesn’t believe/practice Scientology. Believe me, I have had EXTENSIVE experience with most of them out here at the field, and the craziness that most of them frequently manifest, merits a study of its own. Not only that, but they dramatize the EXACT “preventing others from freely communicating” bullshit ALL the time. VERY few of them (like the guys at DROR Israel and the guys at Coeur D’Alene, Idaho- the Warrens and the Freemans) fall outside of this insidious dramatization.
Scientology is TOTALLY and UTTERLY worthless as a “philosophy” of life. It is not only totally worthless, but it is, from my perspective, among the most destructive practices for the capacity for critical thinkingness and power of choice over data. “The greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics”, to paraphrase the delusional bastard LRH, is to erradicate EVERYTHING from Scientology from its very roots. But the way to do that isn’t through the use of force; it is through the use of REAL understanding about what a TRUE philosophy ought to look like, and through training/educating others about the elements of logical reasoning, critical thinking, and real unbiased – free from irrational skepticism – scientific methodology.
Outstanding post, Terra Cognita! The word I choose to describe the cult is, Insidious. AKA fucked up…
bravo mike !
Thanks Ralph. Hope to see you soon!
Right on TC great post!! As far as your SP declare goes I hope you get one so you can frame it and admire its accomplishment.
The church has now completely moved on the know to mystery scale to the lower rungs of Symbols and entering head first into inverted sex awareness.
IE: Ideal Orgs, Trophy’s, status levels, marble walls, videos to indoctrinate, uniforms, arms crossed, certs, forced abortions, disconnection, and heavy ethics for any form, no matter how light, of “Out 2D”,and oh yes
$$$ the bestest symbol of all.
When the Church finally reaches EATINGNESS it will devour its self by “take the
money and run.”
Thanks again TC.
“This isn’t only true about Still-ins, but about MOST KSW-type of Scientologists that I know…. Scientologists are perhaps among the MOST stubborn and difficult to change their minds …. ”
So true!
“When the Church finally reaches EATINGNESS it will devour its self by “take the money and run.”
Brilliantly put, Willie AKA! I hope it’s soon.
Nice post!
Grade 0 (zero) is Communications Release. Grade 1 (one) is Problems Release.
Typo corrected
Well OK but I thought Communication was covered on Grade 0?
Or just making jokes.
(Cue the We Are All Individuals scene in Life Of Brian.)
TC that is brilliant and so true.
Once Scientologists get out, they find out and then they communicate like mad. They are so starved of information, they read everything and then become very, very vocal about it… they are why the Co$ is doomed.
Terra Cognita = TC = TOM CRUISE?? IS THAT YOUUUU??!!!!!
Chris: Don’t we wish!
LOL, that would have been epic, but i’m sure you’re much more fun to be around 🙂
I hope the upcoming new Dictionary Scientology puts out simple definitions for:
body thetans
OT I (1)
OT II (2)
OT III (3)
OT IV (4)
OT V (5)
OT VI (6)
OT VII (7)
If Scientology merely admitted that “body thetan” freeing is akin to exorcism, that’d more factually boost their religious like legitimacy argument for being like other more traditional religions who still do exorcism.
Hubbard’s writings need really a simplifying editing like past freezone person(s) have done over the decades and try to publicly smoothly communicate what all Hubbard’s ideas all factually mean in terms understood more easily..
They need to do a simpler layout of their ideas, and explain more simply their concept of the soul, “body thetans” the Xenu engram causing the “body thetans” problem, and then OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 being exorcism procedure steps to free a person’s “body thetans.”
Then the whole long Bridge to Total Freedom whole Hubbard cannon of technical writings about soul improvement, could be more easily digested by the public.
The amount of Hubbard’s writings dodging off into side issues, blaming society, blaming psychologists/psychiatrists delay the outside world’s understanding of what the whole subject is simply all long range engaged in.
Scientology’s a soul talk therapy, a soul past-ives therapy, a soul exorcism therapy, and a soul exorcise therapy practice.
Explaining Scientology has been left up to ex members who are freer to communicate freely since they aren’t shackled and penalized by Hubbard’s muzzling rules and regulations.
I meant to say that Scientology at the top highest level is ” …..and a soul exercise therapy practice…..”
Good post! Glad you ‘woke up’ and had these realizations. I understand how it must be frustrating not to be able to talk freely to those still inside. I was wondering: what was it that caused you to become aware of what was actually going on in today’s Church of Scientology and start questioning things and seeing it more clearly? How did you manage to overcome the programming that makes one self-censor your critical thoughts? I hope others can follow your path.
I’d been aware of what was going on in Scientology for quite some years but justified “the good out weighted the bad.” I’d also gone into agreement with “not looking at things I wasn’t supposed to,” so I didn’t explore blogs like this or Google topics like “The Hole.” The straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back was when my spouse agreed (and was outraged) at my mistreatment in Ethics. I was actually relieved that my spouse had been reading some things unflattering to the church, too. I embraced the change in attitude whole-heartedly. Felt great!
Thanks for the reply. I was really curious what would make someone change and become disillusioned. It sounds like their own ethics actions caused your change. I’m glad you are adapting well and speaking out. This is a good blog where you can explore issues and your feelings about the group now that you are no longer active (or at least under the radar, as I believe many members are). Thanks for the thoughtful essays. 🙂
To Be or Not to Be,that’s a very good question.
David Miscavige moves the Goal Posts when he fears he cannot control
something then change the rules of the game with secret rules so nobody win’s except him
D.M. always has to win and everybody better like that or else.
If you really want to be more able,Join the Marines.