There is plenty of reason to worry about defending anyone accused of sexual assault in today’s climate. But the fear of consequences for speaking our truth has not held us back in the past and isn’t about to start now.
We have supported victims of sexual abuse who have reached out to us and have worked with them and law enforcement to ensure justice is done for both victims and the accused. We have avoided trial by media.
In this time of heightened awareness of sexual predators, it is easy to remain quiet when an injustice is being perpetrated for fear of being tarred as politically incorrect. But more important to us than being politically correct is standing up for what we believe is right.
Paul Haggis is a good man who has been a friend to us and so many others. He has championed the rights of women, the LGBT community and has fought for and devoted himself to the underprivileged in the world. These are not “PR stunts” — he has devoted his time, skill and money to worthy causes without fanfare for decades.
Like all of us, Paul Haggis is not perfect. Unlike a lot of us, he is truly a gentleman. A gentle man, with impeccable manners and a generous heart.
Like those of us who were scientologists, we trusted and confided in our church to seek resolution for our shortcomings. What is different about scientology is the detailed records they maintain of everything you tell them. And beyond that, they conduct intense interrogations based on the idea that only when all specifics and details are disclosed can one find relief. The names, dates, and minute details of any indiscretions, and even thoughts, are all recorded.
It is not a crime to be attracted to women (or men). It’s not a crime to flirt. Or to have sexual relations with someone. It might not be acceptable to your significant other (if you have one), but it certainly isn’t criminal nor worthy of newspaper headlines.
Only a scientologist can understand the pressure one feels to offer up even the slightest thing that the scientology organization might consider a transgression of THEIR mores. This information is used against anyone who departs scientology and dares speak their mind. This is not imaginary. There is a documented history of such things. When someone is declared an “enemy” by scientology, they are fair game.
With the name of everyone one might have thought of, flirted with or taken on a date, it takes little imagination to conjure a string of accusers being contacted and suddenly appearing out of the woodwork.
We expect the next “revelations” about Paul Haggis in this campaign to destroy him to be based on information culled from his scientology files in the form of more “anonymous” accusers, hiding behind a lawyer who will never have to disclose who is paying their bill.
Those who accuse without going to law enforcement, those who seek hush money to keep their stories secret, those who make accusations to the media anonymously – they are suspect. And when the target of these tactics is someone who is a prominent critic of scientology, it is very suspect.
Paul Haggis deserves, based on his record as a gentleman and humanitarian, to be judged when all the evidence has been taken under penalty of perjury in a court of law. Because claims of anonymous accusers who have NOT gone to law enforcement are not credible.
Leah Remini
Mike Rinder
See also this earlier post: Framing Whistleblowers — The Scientology Playbook
UPDATE: The Scientology “Debunked Conspiracy Theory” Response
Sorry this is an older story and I’m just now watching the series on Hulu. I applaud Ms Remini and yourself for trying to right a whole lot of wrongs you feel strongly about.
Now to Paul Haggis.
The ability to accuse someone of a crime is well within our rights as Americans. Its not always easy and takes a lot of moxy to do so. Nobody chooses to be a victim.
It’s also a right that we should be allowed to face our accusers. The first to accuse Haggis, Ms. Breest, has had her story refuted by a number of people but she at least put her name out there. Now I’ve been searching high and low to see what has come of this to no avail. Was this resolved?
Knowledge is power and thank you for being strong enough to show your own misgivings during your time with the Church of Scientology. That’s especially important so others can identify and heal.
Thank you
I just HAVE to comment on this letter Leah and Mike! The second season is airing in the Netherlands right now and I just finished the episode with Paul Haggis. I was very impressed the way he decided to leave Scientology (I can’t call it a church because it isn’t!!) and the way he spoke about it. All credit to him the way he decided he couldn’t live with the lies and misbehaviors any more. So I decided to Google Paul Haggis and I was amazed the first thing I saw (Dutch Google) where these sexual accusations. I expected to find some dirt now he has left this organization but this is really sick to use the ‘me too’ discussion to abuse PH. Let’s make sure I don’t know Paul at all (that’s why I Googled him) but this can’t be taken seriously! And even so you still start to doubt because this is a really serious accusation and ‘what if’. But let’s be honest, Mr. Haggis expected allegations from Scientology of course so don’t you think he would be extra careful in his behavior?? Which makes this very unlikely to have happened in the first place. If Scientology is behind this whole witch hunt how serious can they take themselves? And how ‘convenient’ Mr. Haggis ‘abused’ these anonymous women in 2013 FOUR YEARS after he has left and not during his 35 years of being a Scientologist! Well all credit to you people who stand out to this organization. Don’t forget Scientology is by far not so great (as in number of members) as they claim they are. We are just ‘down-to-earth’ Dutch people and Scientology has hardly any members in Europe at all! Keep up the good work and I will continue to follow it closely. Slowly the truth will come to all people I’m sure, thank you for that!
I’m a big proponent of victims advocacy and rights but that also applies to those accused falsely.
The hardest thing to do in life is proving your innocence when you are innocent. Counter intuitive but it’s an absolute truth. Especially in situations where it was “you” and the “alleged victim”.
I’m always curious to know why it is only years after the alleged rape that it is leaked. Why not say so straight after it occurred? Having spoken to adult rape victims myself, none of them would come out years later simply because to relive the rape would cause it to reopen the wound and the return of nightmares.
In scientology if Mr Haggis had raped someone it may not have gone reported, it would depend on how much money he was making for the “church”.
It seems convenient that the thetans are looking for more ways to discredit a former member when there are allegations of other high profile people in the news and that Mr Haggis has left scientology.
My feeling is that Paul Haggis did not commit these offences, but I don’t know him personally. (Wish I did, I LOVED Due South and Million Dollar Baby!)
Amen! The accusations were and remains suspect. It has CoS written all over it.
Do I believe that Scientologists have tried to set up Haggis?
Do I believe that Haggis didnt do because you say he is a gentlemen?
Because you can not be sure for what he does when you are not together.
Saying ‘he is not that kind of guy’ is meaningless.
Catholic Priests shouldnt diddle little boys but they do.
Eugene Robinson was one of “those guys that would never do that”, the perfect model citizen yet on the eve of Super Bowl got arrested with a hooker.
You could have replaced Haggis name by Harvey Weinsten in your description:
“He has championed the rights of women, the LGBT community.” He and all those social justice heroes that have been exposed from Charlie Rose to Matt Lauer and so on were all people who said the right things about women. And guess what? It was a lie.
Almost 20yrs of reading Operation Clambake, I am more than willing to believe to what lenghts some people will do to. This feels like a setup. Just like the Assange accussations felt like a setup (Sweden dropped those accusations last month after 6-7yrs).
But a friend defending a friend is not something Im will to believe.
Fair enough. Though you have chosen to focus on what is not knowable rather than what is.
The first accuser did not go to law enforcement but instead made a demand for money to keep silent. Paul took this to law enforcement.
The 3 subsequent supporters also did not go to law enforcement but instead made anonymous allegations.
Of course we both agree on the knowable facts of the pattern and practice of scientology.
I choose to believe the man I know, not the accusers in this case. But that’s just me. Having experienced my share of efforts to smear me with lies which they continue to trot out that I abuse women, torture animals, mistreat children etc I appreciate it when my friends choose to disbelieve these things even though they are not with me 24 hours a day. They know me and know these things are lies.
Some choose to give the benefit of the doubt otherwise. I understand. It also doesn’t mean all accusations are false.
The facts in the Haggis matter should all be brought out under cross examination.
Dear Mike and Leah,
Thank you for your statement and for always standing for truth. I am very grateful for the point you made about working with law enforcement toward justice for the both the victim AND the accused. The “trial by media” phenomenon of today is troubling and I agree that the claims of anonymous accusers who have not brought them to law enforcement (but only to the media) are not credible. There is a reason that we have a Sixth Amendment in this country.
I have no relation to Scientology, but I have a deep appreciation for the truth. In every episode of your series, the two of you, with the other brave men and women who have broken free from Scientology, revealed the truth about the inner workings of an organization that can only be described as evil. Your sincerity, care and commitment to helping others is remarkable. This may sound odd, but I include you both and your families in my daily prayers. I pray that you will be safe, that you will be blessed, and that your work to spread the truth continues to be successful. I will be adding Mr. Haggis to my prayers as well.
Thank you for everything that you do. Keep up the fight for truth and justice!
The Daily Mail in the United Kingdom s now the most visited English-language newspaper website in the world,with over 14. 34m visitors daily .
They published this blog in its entirety
$camology at their slimiest, sleaziest, and scabbiest worst (best?)
It’s not that often that a news story about the COS reaches the Dutch media. This letter did.
Thankyou Mike and Leah. Paul – WE stand behind you. Please know that and stand strong.
Keep the reminders coming, Mike & Leah. I stand with you. I find it curious, as of yesterday, the cult’s smear site for Mr. haggis does not mention this latest accusations. Wouldn’t they jump at the chance to blast this across the Internet via smear site? Hmmmm…Just connecting the dots out loud….
This is a very interesting point and a good reason for this could be that COS don’t want people to come to the conclusion that they are behind it. Like you say they would normally jump on something like this. Strange that they didn’t.
I’m not sure why people think “scientology” is behind this? Members of scientology. or should I say customers of scientology, since they have to pay to go, LOL, I guess they are members like the gym you pay membership for, for working out, even running around a pole, or a exercise bike, LOL.
Most members of the pay as you go so called religion, don’t know anything about this. You know, scientologists are the last one’s to know as HH would say on ESMB.
This is the same MO as that of your wife Mike Rinder, in your recent past post, and it’s DM alone who makes the decisions, not scientology, so it is not the scientology, let’s separate the two out.
DM hires a PI firm to hire some 4 women who are each paid handsomely to tell a story along with the PI firm getting paid handsomely. Afterall, DM gets to use OPM, others peoples money, as he see’s fit all hidden under religious freedom. Some ambulance chaser lawyer gets contacted. Story leaks.
Good for Paul for suing, smart move.
BTW, no “clears” or “OT’s”
I might add, the PI firm, the lawyer, the 4 anonymous women accusing PH of rape, are all “useful idiots”.
Just like the friend that befriended your wife.
She came clean, I hope the same for PH.
Oh, and meanwhile, in case anybody has forgotten… WHERE’S SHELLY?
In this current climate of exposing the men who abuse women, wouldn’t this be a perfect time for the world to get answers on what has become of Shelly Miscavige?
I immediately thought of a scientology setup when I read news about Paul Haggis.
Maybe a bit of a “theta” break? (A little girl plays for a street musician and gets a big surprise)
These allegations against Paul Haggis are REALLY starting to create a nice little wave of blowback to the cult of scientology, whether they had anything to do with these accusers or not.
It has the feeling of an immense foot bullet, and might just be the hair that broke the camel’s back for scientology, at least in the court of public opinion. (Well the scientology camel has been a stinking corpse for quite some time, but whatever. The fleas still dance on its back, oblivious and unaware.)
And if scientology is behind it all, one must be staggered by the stunning degree of ineptitude coming out of the leadership of that outfit. I hope that anyone who has ever been put up to making false accusations would speak up and confess all before it is too late. Throw it back in the face of the “masterminds” and get a little fame while you save your reputation.
” ….. whether they had anything to do with these accusers or not.”
Yo Dave,
What are the chances good buddy that you didn’t dream up this caper and put Your Pee Eyes up to offering some blood money? Maybe not but someone close to You also dreamed up the idea of sending Monique Rathbun a dildo at her workplace. What’s up with this wierd stuff dude?
I vote guilty Mr. scotch on the rocks!
I have watched every single episode of Leah’s program exposing Scientology. I lost a sister years ago to the cult. When I tried to visit her in Long Beach I could only do so with her two “handlers” present. They made her sell all that she owned to too finance her being in the cult. She has not had contact with our family for over 11 years. When I heard the accusations about Paul I knew immediately that the cult had jumped onto the sudden popularity of the “me too” movement to smear him. They will stop at nothing to ruin former followers. It is so obvious. I pray for Paul that this smear will backfire on the cult and the accusers. When will this illegal cult be stopped? We need to fight them by exposing the truth. Mike, Leah and Paul thank you for your courage.
Bullshithologists are truly really awful people they say “A world without criminality”, yet L. Ron was found guilty and spent the rest of his days in hiding, “a world without insanity” the story about XENU sounds very insane doesn’t it? “a world without war” well they are willing to attack and destroy anybody that leaves this cereal box religion, they do not practice what they preach therefore they are awful people period.
This is why I think it is so important to keep talking and writing about this. My current fiction piece may be of a fictional cult, but the ideologies are familiar, just as the resulting torment is. We should all keep telling our stories in the hope words can heal.
I’m glad people are standing up for Paul Haggis. He has definitely earned the benefit of our doubt, especially given the well-known and well-documented tactics of the Church of Scientology against critics.
I don’t feel comfortable with equating not going to law enforcement with being suspect, however. I think it’s time for a dialogue on what the standards for this kind of thing should be. As much as I respect and honor Haggis, I do not think we should unequivocally take his word against any and all claims. If credible evidence came to my attention that he HAD abused women, I would have to 1. look at that evidence, 2. fairly consider it, and 3. if it seemed credible, deal with my disappointment in him and all those complexities of emotion that happen when one discovers one’s heroes are not what one thought (e.g., Gandhi’s letter to his teenage grand-niece about needing to sleep with him naked). I am very far from that point with Haggis, however. And in general, I think we need to start mapping out appropriate responses, given how inappropriate responses have been, historically.
For example, many people knew about Harvey Weinstein for decades before it became public. A great deal had to come out through the media, due to the mechanisms of power that hampered, sometimes even corrupted, law enforcement. However, as Leah and Mike are pointing out, these media claims were not purely anonymous. I imagine a kind of checklist or chart. One claim or many? (Only one claim does not necessarily mean false, but it is not as strong as multiple claims.) Anonymous or verifiable? (Anonymous does not necessarily mean false, but it is not as strong as claims that are made openly.) Through law enforcement? (Stronger) If not, why? (May be a reason, but it should be known.) Has the character of the accused been demonstrated outside of these claims? (In particular, other known abuses of power strengthen the claim of the accuser. Other known instances of the accused standing up to abuse of power strengthen doubt of the claim.) How does the accused respond? Etc. None of this PROVES one thing or another. Not being at the scene means we can’t prove one way or another. But we can evaluate the relative strength of the claim. We can measure our level of doubt.
Based on that, what should our response be? I’ve been disturbed by the level of condemnation of people who did not go to the media over having heard rumors of sexual abuse prior to the claims being made public. We’re learning about this. We’ve learned that it’s not appropriate to be complicit in ignoring suspicions we consider credible. We’re still trying to figure out how to draw these lines. I think it would be good if we could tone down some of the condemnation and focus on what constitutes a fair response. Some doubt should be acceptable — neither automatic condemnation of the accused nor automatic condemnation of someone who makes a claim that is less strong nor automatic condemnation of someone who didn’t know how to respond to a suspicion that was not a certainty. In general, condemnation should be very well-considered and carefully applied; it shouldn’t be an automatic response, a join-the-bandwagon join-the-latest-hashtag thing.
In Haggis’ case, as I said, I think he’s earned the benefit of our doubt. Certainly he’s earned my faith in him and his honesty, unless and until stronger evidence is given against him. The back surgery contradiction and the accuser’s attempt to extort millions of dollars from him are hard evidence for his side of the story. I am confident that I am justified in standing with him.
I am just not confident that blanket condemnation of any who air anonymous claims in the media is warranted at this point. What is warranted is more discussion of the specifics of how to evaluate the strength of claims and what constitutes appropriate response to them.
” , I do not think we should unequivocally take his word against any and all claims. If credible evidence came to my attention that he HAD abused women, …”
Cat, How about we start by having those claiming abuses step forward, state their name and file a complaint with law enforcement who can then do something about it. Failing that, it is just an anonymous voice in the night that says someone did something to me ………please send money! I call BS on that.
Cat W. Not SINGLE person has made a LEGAL accusation against Haggis. The first person committed a felony (black mail) and hasn’t made a legal complaint. The “others” are NOT complaints either as they refuse to follow the law.
Under the US Constitution a person CANNOT make a legal accusation anonymously as it violates the rights of the accused. What exactly don’t you understand about that?
They can’t be “anonymous”. It is a rule in American courts that a person has the right to confront their accuser! Good luck Paul. I’m behind you.
1) A blackmail attempt is NOT a legal accusation. 2) Autonomous communication is NOT a legal accusation per the U.S. Constitution.
Amendment VI “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to … be confronted with the witnesses against him;”
Thus, there is in reality, not a single legal accusation against the Mr. Haggis. Only attacks against him by a cowardly, criminal enemy.
Thank you, Wynski. Very well said.
And Cat W, God help you if one day YOU are accused of a crime from someone who believes that you’ll cower and cave and fork over all your money rather than confront your accuser in a court of law.
No one has the right to destroy another person via anonymous accusations in the media, for any reason.
If YOU were the accused, accused in this despicable way, we could all have a good laugh as you throw everything you’ve opined above out the window while at the same time wrapping yourself in the flag and insisting upon EVERY legal protection to which a citizen of this country accused of a crime is entitled.
Aquamarine – did you actually read Cat W’s comment? Because it’s a lot more nuanced than you’re making it out to be.
Kristin, yes I did read it, thoroughly, and my response addressed the fundamental flaws in what Cat W said. However, I see that I neglected to acknowledge him/her for a number of remarks which were correct, which were workable and made sense. Rape is a hugely emotional subject, the discussion of which can provoke a visceral response from women who were victims of it, or who know women who were victims of it.
Unfortunately, it is a crime, as murder in cold blood is a crime, as arson or robbery are crimes, and crimes can’t be prosecuted unless the victim comes forward and presses charges. I’m not saying its easy. And I’m certainly not saying that any woman’s refusal to come forward and make a legal accusation translates into her motives being suspect. No one is saying that, Kristin.
Many years ago I got attacked – not raped, just attacked, in broad daylight, in a park, in front of a crowd of people all hanging out on blankets, enjoying the sunshine. Walking along I felt breath on my neck and turned and there was this total stranger with a broken bottle in his hand and he started stabbing at me with it, robotically. I was so shocked that I just stood there and caught the jagged edge of the bottle on my hand. He wasn’t trying to rob me. I had a couple hundred dollars on me and he could have lifted my purse off my shoulder and run away. No, he was just nuts, psychotic. I couldn’t believe it was happening! Long story short, he was apprehended and I went to the emergency room and was given forty stitches in my right hand.
The police contacted me and explained I had to identify him in a line up. I told them I couldn’t.- couldn’t do it, couldn’t face it. They were kind but very disappointed, told me they’d have to let him go because they couldn’t keep him there without charging him, told me to contact them right away if I changed my mind.
I thought about it. I was letting the police down. I was preventing them from not doing their job and I was enabling this strange crazy man to go out and do this to someone else.. I changed my mind, called them, told them I’d do it but that I was dreading to face him, look at him. The police were VERY kind, very understanding, and VERY happy when I identified him in a line up!
He went to jail Of course, he belonged in a mental institution. He was one of those psychotics released from mental institutions. Off his meds, apparently.
This wasn’t rape, far from it, but I have a reality, an inkling, at least, of what it takes to have to face an attacker. I did it for the police, actually, because they were so supportive and decent to me.
Left to myself I probably wouldn’t have done it because I shrank from seeing that face. But afterwards, after I went thru with it, I DID feel better. Much better. I stopped seeing his face, in my thoughts. But even today, if someone comes up suddenly behind my left shoulder, I can get a thrill of fear.
Aqua, I cannot imagine being a woman and facing what you did. Very brave.
Which is why I get upset when false accusations are made. It belittles those who really have been attacked.
Thanks, Wynski. I hate false accusations too. Injustice is a button for me too insofar as they relate to anyone.
But I’ll make you laugh now: the emergency room doctor who stitched up my hand? Asked me out. We dated for about 6 months. Rom Com stuff, but it happened.
Now, you’ve gotta get this: when I was taken in there, I was a MESS.. Not only my hand and my clothes smeared with blood, but my face and body beet red from a bad sunburn I’d gotten the day before puffy eyes that kept leaking tears, nose running, no handkerchief, hiccupping,…needless to say completely out of PT and a complete mess in every way, and what happens? a handsome doctor asks me out for dinner “when I’m free”.
Honestly, right thent I decided I would never understand men
To this day, your gender remains a mystery to me 
This is brilliant and the letter Leah and Mike have written is getting picked up by more and more news outlets. Thank you Leah and Mike.
I for one was on the Aftermath myself and 20/20 and have spoken out and have been “fair gamed” by scientology via hate websites and videos by my son & siblings who have disconnected from me, my husband and 2 other sons & now 2 grandchildren. The “church” take a little bit of truth which may have come up in “auditing” and then elaborate and make lies and blow things out of proportion. But the funny thing is that in our “auditing” my husband and myself “made up” a bunch of lies ourselves to get through our intensive sec checking whereby the church was trying to get our “crimes”. We did this because we were hiding the fact that we had gone on the internet and also been in contact with ex-scientologists who had been declared suppressive persons. We were desperately trying to save our family as we were about to lose 2 sons (but saved one thank God).
This is the perfect time to accuse Paul Haggis in this current climate we are in, BUT when people are anonymous and are making such accusations you have to think twice, and who is really behind it. I am a nobody but Paul is a big fish in the world and other than Leah herself, he is a big celebrity. They think that by doing this, it will bring down our movement of exposing the church. But they are very wrong and are idiots for doing this because we all know the truth of what they do and will expose it even more. They have also underestimated the power Leah Remini has in this world of the media.
Their crimes will be exposed.
I stand by you Paul Haggis, keep your head up and stay strong, you have many friends. Sending you lots of love and support. We will not be silent.
Good for you!! When I read about the accusations against Paul my immediate first thought was the oS (refuse to call or even imply they are any kind of real “church”!)
I really want to see David MisCarriage ( not a typo) someday making the “perp walk” from his building to a Police car… Handcuffed!! <3 <3 <3
You, Mike, and Lea continue to KICK ASS and take names later!!
Cyndi- My thoughts exactly when I heard about the accusations. I am a “never-in” but support everyone’s efforts to expose this criminal syndicate. My continued prayers go out to all who have suffered from this cult. Stay strong. Ms. Remini, Mr. Rinder and Mr. Haggis- keep up the good work!
“…claims of anonymous accusers who have NOT gone to law enforcement are not credible.”
Thanks for putting the feelings I have into a clear statement.
As soon as I read about the annonymous accusers and extortion attempt, I immedately thought Scientology somehow had to be involved. Thank you and Ms. Remini for your well thoughtout and written statement of support for Mr. Haggis.
It seems to me that this standard should be applied to everyone, not just our friends.
Well, of course it should, and does, Chris.
The Hollywood Reporter weighs in:
We are at the tipping point. Scientology’s evil is being revealed to the Broad public. The more they reveal themselves, the more they dig their own hole.
I want this evil shit off this planet….. period!
I hate asking this. But if they do this to Paul, I ask every auditor who audited Cruise, Travolta and all of their major celebrities to reveal their past as well.
There is no intergrity in allowing this evil cult to continue. Bring them all down.
They want to ruin Paul! Then take down Cruise and all of the other sainted promoters of this evil malignancy.
That will bring media from all around the world.
That…….. will be a coup!
There’s an assumption that what the church says about its defectors are true because the church records everything and has been known to use ones past against them.
I’d like to state again that not only does the church twist the truth, the church also just plain lies.
Very true Mary. Plus, they will add in, embellish, falsify anything said to meet the needs of their current smear campaign. Something like “I thought she was a nice person” would be translated to ” I wanted to have wild sex with blah de blah” and so on. No matter what is put forth by the cult, you can count on it being falsified!
There’s also a possibility of simple mis-transcribing. In session once I said my brother in a fit of temper had picked up a chair to brain me. This came out in worksheets (I later found out when I went to an AO) as me murdering my brother. They were curious about this.
“No matter what is put forth by the cult, you can count on it being falsified.”
Yes, its important to stay On Source.
Then reveal the truth about their celebrities. I know there are x members out there who audited these people.
You tell the other side the truth about the big celebs getting revealed; if this goes any further with Paul. These guys only respect power. Tyrants always do. Something tells me they will respect that possibility of their sainted celebrities getting their pc info out to the world wide public.
I’m tired of this cult harming people.
Thank you FINALLY for your statement (and I say that KNOWING how much guts it takes to do that esp. after Lena Dunham’s implosion). I have not read your post yet or any of the comments so just writing this from joy to have just seen your statement of support. The day this was announced I thought something was not right BECAUSE of the anonymous 4 accusers. I am a HUGE supporter of the #metoo movement and am overjoyed at the historical change that is happening right before our eyes but am keen enough to know that not every accusation is credible and what we have seen from the CoS? Well, it wouldn’t take a genius to understand that CoB would see this as an opportunity to harm their “enemies”. Easily. I tweeted Paul Haggis the day the accusations/attacks came out (I do not know him, never met him but just admire him as a person, his work and really how he defended his girls and being such a great dad by raising hell for them when it was needed). I offered support and told him I could see through this and keep his head up and then thought to myself ” Wonder if Leah and Mike will say something?” And OF COURSE! Here y’all are. Love you guys for this and I’m sure PH & his girls appreciate the hell out of it!!

Keep up the great work cause WE ARE ALL ON THE EDGE OF OUR SEATS!!?
I have subscribed to Mike’s blog but am not getting any sent to my email address. Should I re-subscribe. I was receiving no emails to my old email address so i re-subscribed to my other enail account.
Thank you, Mike and Leah.
As Mike has clearly referenced and demonstrated, the genesis of these truly evil tactics were crafted and laid down in stone by hubbard himself.
I have no patience for those who want to cling to any shred of deluded self-conceived benefit from scientology.
This is just pure evil and diametrically opposed to the glorious ethical super thetan save the world fairy tale that lured me in and kept me trapped for decades. I knew of and condoned the writings of hubbard about handling enemies.
This is the truth of the man and the group I gave my life and heart to.
I am ashamed.
Thank you all for standing up.
I say you should be very proud of yourself. Considering all of the things you chose to believe in and that you likely gave 110% of your efforts to make this world a better place,
In the end you were able to recognize the truth of the situation and state it so others might not fall into the same trap. Very well done to you!
Yo Dave,
We are comin’ for your hummingbird ass and we trust your alligator mouth will continue to spew until your last breath ………..
Excellent joint statement for the record from two people who’ve been Fair Gamed and know it when they see it. Thank you for standing up to scientology!
“Those who accuse without going to law enforcement, those who seek hush money to keep their stories secret, those who make accusations to the media anonymously – they are suspect. And when the target of these tactics is someone who is a prominent critic of scientology, it is very suspect.” So true! This is how Scn works.
And if Danny Masterson should ever wise up and leave Scn, they will have plenty of fodder in his pc folders with which to Fair Game him! The church thinks that to make up for the bad PR they now have with Danny Masterson’s rapes, and to make up for the damage Paul Haggis has done by exposing the church, they’ll just pay women to say he had sexual relations with them. But they never provide his accusers’ names, never have a police report to go with it, hide behind the lawyer/client confidentiality clauses, and try to ruin a good man. This is what a “church” does to its members. At least with the Catholics you get true confidentiality when you confess and you can walk away from that church any time without horrible Fair Game repercussions. Thank you for speaking out, Mike and Leah!
Regardless of how any of us “feel” about this issue, looking at the facts makes it pretty obvious to me. He was recovering from back surgery at the time the woman claimed this happened. My mom had back surgery – she was in a lot of pain initially and the discomfort lasted for months. The timing makes this so transparent to me.
Agreed, miche. There is no proof yet that Co$ is behind this, meaning, funding Paul Haggis’s accusers. And even if Co$ IS funding them, IS behind this, WILL be paying their attorney fees, even if this is 100% TRUE, its still not illegal. Co$ can’t FORCE these women to trump up charges against Paul Haggis. The decisions to do this are THEIRS. Personal responsibility – hello? If Co$ approached them with these offers, they COULD have said “No”.
Unfortunately, some women can be just as greedy and unscrupulous and dishonest as can some men.
Gawker Magazine “outed” Peter Thiel as gay. Thiel was furious with Gawker. Did he sue them? No. He got even by funding Hulk Hogan’s invasion of privacy lawsuit against this magazine – naked pix of the Hulk and his wife published without permission, something like that. . Hogan sued successfully and received many millions in damages. Gawker went out of business.
Welcome to justice, 21st century style. Get used to kangaroo courts, courts of public opinion, and being presumed guilty. Get used to money being used by rich jpeople and groups legally, lavishly, vindictively and underhandedly to destroy perceived enemies or to even a personal score. Why? Because they CAN. There’s no particular ethic about it. They can do it, so they will.
And in this “climate” give a prayer of thanks that YOU are not famous and accused of a crime. Because that’s all it takes; an accusation, backed up by money – somebody’s money. Anybody’s money.
i love Paul haggis, his courage and spirit are so inspiring, and I’m sure he’s being smeared. But please do not try to reduce all the sexual misconduct being talked about these days to being attempts at destroying people. Many of the accusers are now-famous women harassed when they had no power. It’s not about money for the accusers. On the contrary, the money is going to lawyers to harass victims into silence so they are afraid to speak out. It is the victims who have found their careers evaporate because they reported sexual assault. I hear some people calling it the ‘new mccarthyism’. McCarthyism was about silencing people with fear by using power. This moment is about exposing people in power who are using fear to silence victims. How can you wonder why Scientologists won’t open their eyes when all the rest of society covers their own?
I had back surgery recently, and despite all the best intentions in the world I couldn’t have sex for two months afterwards. When I finally did, it was with immense caution – the idea of forcing some unwilling woman who was probably stronger than me is unthinkable.
You might want to consider suing her for rape, dr mac.
Thanks so much for speaking up Leah and Mike. These accusations are so sketchy and are very transparent to informed non-Scientologists! Keep up the hard work Leah, Mike and Paul!!
These are just dirty Tatcs by scientology. No-one who understands their mo would believe their lying crap. If so they would go to the police instead of making empty accusations. Paul Haggis is a good man. Many scientologists who says this ought to be ashamed of themselves.
Thank you, Leah and Mike, so much for this statement! I trust your instincts and knowledge of human nature.
All Scientology is trying to do is get the focus off a TRUE ABUSER, “Daniel Masterson”. To accuse Paul of such crimes when we all know in our hearts he would NEVER do such a thing, to me is criminal in itself.
It’s what they do since it is the only play in the $cientology playbook. I agree that it is criminal.
Bravo, Leah and Mike. I’ve known Paul a long time. Im hoping all this goes away quickly.
I view this as another Scientology footbullet.
Thank you: Leah Remini and Mike Rinder
I have even heard that Scientology has a training drill that teaches lying. What is a church doing , training its parishioners to lie? Is lying now a core belief in Scientology? Doesn’t that cause a dissonance in the soul of each parishioner? Doesn’t that also put doubts into the minds of their parishioners as to whether or not they are being lied to when they attend Scientology events? How deep do their lies go? When are they NOT lying? Did their most reverend Ron Hubbard lie, and teach lying as a way to succeed? If the truth shall make you free, and Scientology teaches and trains lying, doesn’t that make them unfree?
This whole business reeks of Miscavige’s peculiar mindset: prurience mixed with petulant spite.
Thank you Leah and Mike.
You are both great champions for people who are victims and people who are victimized by the church of scientology. Yours and others who have many people who listen and who understand how the church of scientology works to destroy lives, will awaken many to take note of the possible true source of the allegations in this case. I hope the truth for all in this case and in the Masterson case comes out and that the church of scientology and its tactics are exposed, rendering it and its followers voiceless. It is about time for this wealthy but vile behemoth of a “religion” to go down. It’s time for it to no longer be able to destroy lives.
Thank you Leah and Mike for disseminating so broadly the true intentions and actions of the church of scientology.
I’d also like to point out that in addition to the church culling transgressions down to the minor details and using those against one if they speak out, the church just flat out lies. Everything on their hate site about me is a lie – I never had an affair with a married man, not in 1978 or ever. I did allow a child I had in 1970 to be adopted but I never abandoned this child. I never abandoned nor disconnected from my first husband, my child, my current husband nor my son Sammy. (I actually never disconnected from anyone not even at the directions of the church.) I never had a “friend” sit in on the filming of my episode and I never told this fictitious person I was getting paid for doing the episode(s) (I wasn’t paid.); Leah never stopped filming to ask anyone there to dramatize more nor was anything scripted. In fact, the only time Leah asked the cameras to stop was when I broke down crying.
I guess I’ve had a pretty boring life because the church actually did not find one thing in my pc folders worth exposing and demeaning me about; so they just flat out lied.
Good that you got to set the record straight, Mary. None of us believe the lies told about you anyway. But this shows how desperate the church is to shut up their accusers. They make up huge big whopper lies. They did the same to me. What hurts is that my kids were shown lies about me and probably believed it. It had the desired effect. They both disconnected from me without even asking for my side of things.
Yes. I know the pain of that as well. One day our children will know the truth and we will hug them and welcome them home.
I believe you 100% Mary, as would any other rational-thinking person. The fact that they lied (or I would assume they got someone else to make the claims so as to prevent putting themselves in jeopardy of being held liable for slander/libel/defamation…I don’t read those things anyway) is one thing.
However, even if those things were true, hypothetically, what does that have to do with the allegations of mistreatment and the devastation of your family? The fact that they focus almost exclusively on trying to assassinate someone’s character without ever disputing the actual allegations, beyond their lame-ass blanket statements of denial, tells me all I need to know about the validity of anything they have to say about you or anyone else.
“However, even if those things were true, hypothetically, what does that have to do with the allegations of mistreatment and the devastation of your family? The fact that they focus almost exclusively on trying to assassinate someone’s character without ever disputing the actual allegations, …..”
Here, here Mike!
It’s infuriating that they continue to get away with this!! ?
Nicole, they couldn’t get away with this if, despite the insistence of the cult, those making the decisions to disconnect from their families, friends and loved ones had ANY analytical thinking abilities in their skill sets. People who don’t know how to observe, reason and think are pretty easy to control. They may not be innately stupid but they sure became that way after years in the cult! Yet it didn’t work on everyone, so I always wonder,under the same circumstances and given the same environment, why did it work on some and not others? I don’t have the answer to that yet.
Awwh Mary.
I don’t think their lies are even believable – heck, they are all ‘entheta’ anyway which per their own warnings should not be read or pasted on. That chuch is starting to look funny.
Would be truly funny if they didn’t have our loved ones. That part is a tragedy. But in a way it is a price for freedom as warped as that sounds in this day and age.
I just love that you have kept your infectous smile Mary. Thank you for speaking out on all our behafs.
Mary –
OF COURSE making up lies was the chosen tactic…you can tell that by WHAT was made up – it has to be something known to the liar – a similar of one’s own so to speak.
Let’s see…having an affair while married. Well, Tiny Fists is married and he’s sleeping with Lou and most likely several others who are in fear of not keeping their mouths shut regarding their acquiescence (Yuck, just the thought of him in that way makes my stomach lurch).
Abandoning a child…I wonder if demanding scores of young women being sent to a clinic to have unwanted abortions would fit into that. Yes, yes, it would.
AppleBox Boy is the lowest of the pond scum low and is a textbook psychotic sociopath. Just a bad dude all the way around. I’m so sorry you, your life and your wonderful family have been touched by such a reptile – and yes, Surfer Dude, I apologize to snakes for the likeness.
You will prevail, Mary. I know it.
Hugs, Mary…. We have always believed you and believe in you!!
Cult motto: always attack..never defend. The only truth the cult spews is the truth to their cause.
Thank you for your kind responses.
My main intention in bringing up the lies is that I dont want anyone to believe that the accusers of Paul Haggis are going by any information that the church had on Paul as coming from Paul’s honest confessions. I don’t believe anything the church or its representatives say about its defectors. And in Paul’s case, I know what the church is willing to do to destroy lives. Therefore, until proven facts come forward in a court of law, I dont believe one word of the accusations against Paul Haggis.
“Therefore, until proven facts come forward in a court of law, I don’t believe one word of the accusations against Paul Haggis.”
Bingo. And Paul Haggis WANTS these facts to come to light. He is INSISTING that they come to lighjt. Which of itself is a VERY good indicator that there AREN’T any such facts!
I love it, and him.
Effectively, he’s telling his accuser AND very possibly her cult enablers, “Go ahead. Make my day.”.
Love it, love it love it, I tell you. You go, Paul Haggis!
Thanks to all of you who have bravely come forward, people like me who were never in, know the pattern of lies. Everyone is saying they immeditately questioned the accusations. Your authenticity and honesty on the Aftermath was so moving, Mary. Compare that footage to the POW movies and the hate sites and it is obvious which one is truth. Because of Mike and Leah and you and everyone else putting themselves out there, the general public is aware and much wiser. I pray you all get your kids, brothers, sisters, parents and spouses back. I can’t wait for that!
I’d started a comment on the other post with the letter from his ex-wife, but got sidetracked by kids & such… for me (also… #metoo over here) it spoke volumes to your character & courage to stand for what’s right. Believe me, I understand how hard it can be in the new era of “politically correct” everything, the challenge and risk involved. A subject like this with the past few months making way for long-silenced victims to be able to finally speak out, yet being a public figure, male, TV show pending, etc… that’s a lot to risk and yet it’s so important (& why you have the support you do) to always rest in the truth & speak out for what’s right.
Paul Haggis has done SO much for people without a voice but unlike many, he’s not used ANY of it for PR. The letter from his ex-wife also speaks so much to his character and how he cares for people. I pray that the truth will come out in such a fashion that there can be no doubt about his innocence. When reading allegations about many others, my reaction (& their responses) evoked a range of, “ugh that’s really disappointing” to “no surprise, those poor women/men…” but the moment I saw the headlines regarding PH my immediate gut-level response was, “there’s NO way, Scientology is behind this!” Thankfully that seems to be the sentiment among most of the comments on those articles as well. Once I learned the details of how the accusers conducted themselves (lawyer only, no investigative reporter vetting accusations, no contact w/law enforcement, request for hush $…) it solidified that feeling for me.
My heart breaks for he and his loved ones because this must feel crushingly hard. I will pray for he and his family while looking forward to the REAL story behind these actions to come out so the weight of this is lifted from Mr. Haggis & those close to him.
Mike – thank you for your character, courage & willingness to stick up for someone very deserving. You’re a great friend to do so!
There is no doubt in my mind that this is payback for Danny Masterson. These anonymous accusers hurt every woman or man who has actually been sexually abused and harassed.
You, Leah, and Paul Haggis, (as well as many others) have opened our eyes to true abuse. Scientology is an evil cult whose purpose is to rob and destroy families.
Well put, Faith! “…hurt every woman or man who has actually been sexually abused and harassed” is so true!
This movement was started then carried by those willing to put themselves out there for scrutiny. They’ve provided proof, spoken to authorities and allowed their claims to be investigated and, as the “lovely” CO$ likes to constantly whine about, VETTED! Many turned down settlements, those who took them to keep their jobs didn’t ask for them, yet this started with a private demand for money to which PH responded by going to authorities himself. That speaks volumes in itself!
I initially thought Paul Haggis should ignore all the lies Miscavige and his minions, covertly spread. But then I understood that, with the protest these lies generates, one can not just ignore it all.
One may ignore the lies, but not the injustice the Church keeps inflicting on others, thus, one has to do something about it.
Paul’s wife words published yesterday and these ones today contain truth and, specially, something we do know is right to do: expose the criminal acts of Miscavige and his blind followers.
How do you handle a criminal liar knowing he is afraid and hides behind others to carry on his criminal intent?
I would keep producing and creating what I know is good, while working with friends and the proper legal institutions to get this exposed and handle, as per the law and common decent agreements most of decent people do share.
If there is anything we can do to back up Paul, please let us know. He counts on me and, I am sure, on many others.
Amen and Amen
Well said.
I would believe Mr. Higgins over Scientology any day.
We used to call it “common sense in how to treat people.” If you have to call it “politically correct” it’s just manners for fascists.
Thanks for standing with Paul Haggis. I don’t know Paul personally, but you do. I stand with you until a police report that contains an accuser’s name leads to a trial and conviction. This is not easy for me, since well, #metoo. But I also know from experience Scientology’s dirty gaslight tricks, and this smells exactly like that.
Chuki —“If you have to call it “politically correct” it’s just manners for fascists.”
?? this! May I have your permission to quote?
Not mine, although I wish it were. It’s paraphrasing a well-known quote from George Carlin – “Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be manners.”
Thank you .
“Those who accuse without going to law enforcement, those who seek hush money to keep their stories secret, those who make accusations to the media anonymously – THEY are suspect.”
Thank you, Leah and Mike.
The simple fact that the word Scientology is associated with these attacks utterly absolves Paul of any wrongdoing, even if true. However, based on what his ex-wife wrote recently Paul was physically incapable even if not morally incapable of even attempting what he is being blackmailed for. This kind of stuff washes off easily for people who are as good-hearted as Paul.
I don’t agree, Dan. As much as I believe and want and instinctively or whatever “feel” that Paul Haggis is innocent, as much as I’d be willing to bet money that he is innocent, what you said is not correct, and is actually harmful.
A crime has either been committed or it hasn’t.
Paul Haggis is responding 100% in the way a person innocent of the accused crime would and should.
The plaintiff, on the other hand has to date behaved in a highly suspicious manner, one in which she does not seem to be that concerned with “justice” but rather with getting a huge, quick and easy financial settlement. But what is really there that needs to be “settled”? If there’s no crime, why should Mr. Haggis have to settle anything?
Thanks to the ACCUSED (Paul Haggis) and NOT the accusER, this matter is in the hands of the criminal justice system which will determine if rape has been committed.
That Scientology is behind what is likely a false accusation is interesting, certainly – I mean, I’m fascinated by the distinct possibility of this – but the simplicity of the matter and the beauty of our justice system is that a crime has either been committed or it hasn’t, and if it has, it has to be proven.
And all these @metoo people who say that any woman should automatically be believed simply because she accuses a man of rape, this presumption of the woman’s veracity and the man’s guilt is dangerous. This is fascism.
In fascistic countries a person can be walking down the street and picked up by the police and taken to jail merely on an accusation from the right quarter. This person may not even be charged with a crime but can be held in jail indefinitely and not even charged. Guilty until proven innocent; fascism.
In our attempt to right the wrongs done to vulnerable women seeking work in Hollywood, women who were NOT operating in agreement with the casting couch mentality, women who were NOT having sex with anyone from the producer to the gaffer in order to get a part in a film – in exposing and righting these wrongs done to these women, do we really want to go fascistic? Its a terribly slippery slope!
Sorry for the rant that this turned out to be.
Not sure what I said that set you off, but I’m not disagreeing with anything you say here. My main source that helped form my opinion is the article I read a few days ago from his ex-wife.
I think Aquamarine takes issue with your first sentence: “The simple fact that the word Scientology is associated with these attacks utterly absolves Paul of any wrongdoing, even if true.”
I, like you, find that Deborah Rennard’s statement was powerful. She not only laid out a clear portrait of the type of person he is but she also unequivocally disputed some of the “facts” of the case. It had the ring of truth. I believe her and him and will humbly apologize is I am shown wrong.
However, if an actual crime had been committed, no one is granted absolution just because $ci is associated with it. Again, it does make it highly suspect if $ci is involved in any way but the phrasing in your initial comment implies that anyone who has ever been attacked by $ci can only be innocent.
Yeah, probably I should have phrased my comment a little bit better. Rennard’s defense rang utterly true and Scn’s “take no prisoners” mentality is what set me off.
I totally believe in Paul Haggis’s innocence but his being absolved from wrongdoing should be fact based and not because of the likelihood that Co$ is funding his accusers.
From his response its obvious that he’s not relying on the “CO$ hates me and will say anything about me” excuse to clear his name.
And you did use the word “any” as in “any” wrongdoing and then, “even if true”, which to me muddled the point even further. In other words, Co$ involvement in the accusation of a crime automatically absolves the accused, even if guilty? I think that statement does Mr. Haggis a disservice!
No offense, Dan, please. You asked, sort of
I just wanted to clear it up. I always read your comments and learn from them.
Thanks, Aqua. I’m probably a little less precise in some of my comments than I ought to be.
Hi Dan. Understood and thanks to you as well. And I’m probably a little too much of a grammar Nazi than I ought to be
In these days of the Textapacolypse we can’t have too many grammar nazis.
Aqua, under law Mr. Haggis hasn’t been accused of any crime.
That’s true! There hasn’t even been a formal accusation from this purported “victim” yet! Only the threat that there could be one…unless, um…he agrees to bankrupt himself to keep it quiet! Blows the mind.
Wynski, I’m coming back to admit to you that I’m embarrassed as all hell..
Somehow, because he went to the police and insisted that he be questioned by them and make his own statement, I dubbed in that the matter was actually being investigated, when, in fact, there IS no investigation, for the simple reason that he has yet to be charged or even accused of any crime!
I’m feeling so dumb right now for having ASSUMED somehow, simply by virtue of his having pre-emptively taken the matter to the police, that the matter is under their jurisdiction when, as thing stand now, there’s no issue, no crime. OMG!
So, as I murmur, “Duh” to myself in embarrassment, thans, Wynski, for pointing out this pertinent little fact.
By the way, how is the kid? Better I hope..
No prob Aqua. We seen “questioned by police” and 99% of the time that means an active investigation is happening.
Thanks for asking. The child just got temp to normal yesterday and is much better. This was a vicious flu where becoming dehydrated could mean death from organ failure from septic shock. As happened to the healthy young man in Pittsburgh last week. I didn’t sleep for a few days making sure she was hydrated and didn’t get worse overnight.
Got it on all. So glad she’s better! Mother Hen Alert: Now I hope you’re taking care of you.
The internet as written communication with a communication lag has its limitations, but what a nice exchange above. It’s nice to see a meeting of the minds. Thank you Dan, Aqua and others above.
What a great commentary and exchange of points of view. It’s why I love this blog. You are all invited to my house for some pot roast, wine, and a continuation of this conversation.
What a great commentary and exchange ofoints of view. It’s why I love this blog. You are all invited to my house for some pot roast, wine, and a continuation of this conversation.
Both invitations accepted, OB!
Well said.
Well said!
“Those who accuse without going to law enforcement, those who seek hush money to keep their stories secret, those who make accusations to the media anonymously – they are suspect. And when the target of these tactics is someone who is a prominent critic of scientology, it is very suspect.”
I agree that this is fishy because scn does use False Flag operations as part of it’s standard operating procedure (I’m also Ex-SO, Div2, etc.) and because my experiences (limited as they are) with Haggis mirror Mike & Leah’s …
That said as someone who was raped (before scn) and didn’t report to law enforcement I disagree with the sentiment that that’s what makes it fishy.
Overview here:
But if you want more details: D. Kilpatrick et al., “Drug-facilitated, Incapacitated, and Forcible Rape: A National Study,” 2007; U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, M. Planty and L.Langton, “Female Victims of Sexual Violence, 1994-2010,” 2013; Wolitzky-Taylor et al, “Is Reporting of Rape on the Rise? A Comparison of Women with Reported Versus Unreported Rape Experiences in the National Women’s Study-Replication”, 2010
Honestly, The movement of #metoo and #timesup really was/is a good intension, but actually there are all going crazy and using the social media attention, the bad thing is, it can become unimportant, which is really sad. Nothernless, men are being accused and judged without having the chance of being heard, they are doomed the moment someone posts something about them on twitter, Fb whatever account. This is really sad. And the women get angry if they don’t get the right attention and the media just jumps on everything to boost their reaches. I just think we should not judged, just because someone just jumps on the media hype of the #metoo movement…for me this makes it harder for victims like the ones shown and telling their story, like the ones of the show. Sure it’s media attention as well, but a real one, a truth one, a believable one – not like this full of hatred statements, spreading day after day how bad men are and accusing and ridiculing people, when they don’t feel supported. It’s sad as somehow it’s an abuse of the good movement and for me respectless for the ones fighting inner battles and trying to achieve changes. We should be carefull who to believe.