Miscavige and his corporate Scientology vultures have apparently taken lessons from Slumdog Millionaire on how to use children to raise money.
This may be hard to believe, but I assure you this is 100% true.
First, here is an excerpt of a Hat Write sent in by one of our Swiss correspondents. It explains how to raise funds using children.
On page 11 it says:
CHILDREN’S DONATIONS These are so theta and are an energizing part of every event. Encourage attendees to bring their children 8 years and above, as long as the kids are in-ethics, can sit through the event, and aren’t disruptive. Some of the most theta moments in an evening’s fundraising can come when a child walks up on stage and writes his/her name and a donation on the board (any amount). The child’s family is proud and the audience flows tremendous admiration to the child. It’s a group key-out.
The full write write up is here,
Our correspondent reports:
I have myself witnessed this at an Idle Orgs fundraing around 2009. It was announced that a little child emptied his piggy bank and donated something like 17.50. It created the effect as described in the hat write-up.
And attaches a promotional piece recently sent out from Zurich Org with his comments and translation below.
On the attached flyer, the little boy didn’t donate directly, he was asked to do push ups. For every push up he did on stage, a certain agreed upon amount of money was then donated.
The highlighted section translates as follows:
But also the youngest gave everything. There was Aris (4 years old). He performed no less than 18 push ups on stage on therefore goes down in history of the Ideal Org Zurich. This was an impressive demonstration of the reference «Intention is Cause».
What next? I have run out of things I can imagine that are more bizarre than what these idiots are capable of coming up with and actually carrying out….
4 year olds doing push ups on stage to raise money for a building as a demonstration of “intention is cause”??? These morons can literally invent an “LRH quote” to justify anything.
This is sick. It must be stopped.
I have what I believe to be a great fund raiser.
A dunk tank, also known as a dunking booth or dunking machine, is an attraction mainly used in funfairs, fundraisers, and personal parties. A dunk tank consists of a large tank of water, over which a seat is suspended. By striking a target, the seat will tip or fall into the tank of water, thus “dunking” whoever is sitting on the seat. David Miscavige will be the one on the seat and we will each pay a nominal fee to try and dunk him.
I can’t even read it, I just skimmed over it. If I could find my old 8 page writeup with all the LRH refs going over no fundraising I’d post it.
So Sad. I have “ex” friends that are still in Scientology and they are good people. I just wish I could shake them and wake them up! DM is crazy.
Just in case its not 100% clear, my post about using Reverse Vector and Admiration to handle the abuse of children for fundraising, was serious; the next post about taxi dancers, was not.
How about a rendition of “Big Spender” from the Broadway musical and then the 1966 film, “Sweet Charity”? Bob Fosse directed the film with Shirley MacLaine as the taxi dancer with a heart of gold. In the Spender number, she, Chita Rivera and the chorus do a show-stopper where they each want this very well-heeled guy, who has just “walked into the joint”, to choose one of them. Now, for the fundraiser, the dancers can wear very revealing costumes with the letters of “Ideal Org” strategically covering various body parts. This would probably work best if it were men only 🙂 Hey, OSA, feel free to pass this idea along to the Dwarf, OK? There’s no shame in this, after all. Greatest good and all that.
For a handling I’m going to ride on Blown SP’s bandwagon and suggest that the tipping point will be reached even FASTER if the RCSers are encouraged – yes! strongly encouraged to use their children for fundraising and that they should do lots more of it!!!
This would be applying the principle of reverse vector (reference is Wavelenghs of ARC on the PDC Tapes, I believe) as well as the principle of how anything not admired persists (not sure what LRH this comes from but I know I’ve read it somewhere ). I’d say the handling would be to just make these DBs so damned RIGHT for doing this you know? Send the orgs comm encouraging more of this, praising them, admiring the hell out of them for this cleverness in using their children and babies this way…”VERY, VERY WELL DONE, etc. etc. And NO SARCASM either, by the way!!! I’m talking straightforward unequivocal approval, in volume!
My 2 cents Any thoughts on this welcome..
The youngest FUNDRAISER is 1.5 years old:
Some of the most theta moments in an evening’s fundraising can come when a child walks up on stage and writes his/her name and a donation on the board (any amount). The child’s family is proud and the audience flows tremendous admiration to the child. It’s a group key-out.
Excuse me, I have to go throw-up.
The cult is expert at using manipulative devices to gather thier filthy bloodmoney.
That Hat Write-up is unbelievable. So gross. And I know Dennis. I used to be at SFOF/D.
Keep in mind too that these fundraisers are organized with and pulled off by the OT Ambassadors working with the PESes if there is one posted or the EDs. The OT VIIIs in every Class V org have their own command channel to INT. It’s a report line that’s strung between the org’s OT committee chairman and a post called Ambassador I/C INT. It is mandatory in class V orgs for the OTC chairman to be an “OT VIII ambassador” and not just ANY OT VIII. An OT VIII ambassador is a designation given at the ship when an VIII has properly demonstrated loyalty to cob through donations to the ias, idle org programs, superpower and library campaigns AND who have “taken responsibility” for or agree to “take responsibility for other VIIs and VIIIs in their fields. This “responsibility” is reflected by either getting other OTs in their org’s field ON a post ON their OTC org board or else. The or else is to then KR any and all such “disaffection” up their command channel line via email to OT Ambassador I/C INT. Then pressure is put on these “disaffected, non-contributing and or disagreable OTs to reign them in or be “recalled” which means they are ordered to the ship and will receive for sec checking to the point where they take a post and write an appropriate amount of KRs on other OTs they know who aren’t involved “enough” and harbor “disaffections of their own”. So the OTCs are who get put under the gun to dream this shit up for the call-in for these fund raisers to help the org fill the room, for the donation targets to be met etc. Any OT member who doesn’t show up themselves to these events will be reported and that will be filed in that persons file and used when the time is right to “handle them”.
That’s part of the mind **$$ that is set up in cob’s machine that produces nothing but slavish obedience “OR ELSE” which pumps out these outrageous, off-beat, vaudeville-on-crack type of events.
Part of the reason the effort to crush me occurred while Snr C/S was because I wouldn’t participate in these events and wrote KRs on them if lying to our public was on the agenda which it was on many occassions.
You are so right on this…and no way contradicting you. As an OTA and HAS of my org’s OTC I am quite aware of what was “expected” and the so-called “or else” but in practice it was a lot of lip service. On the one hand was exactly what you describe, while on the other hand even the D/OT Amb I/C was telling me/us that the OTC is only a PR activity and use of ethics was to be avoided. We even dumbed down the “mandatory” meeting emails lest someone get the wrong idea of the OTC.
You’re right about the OTC I/C being somewhat handpicked – as I’ve observed they seem to be the ones most blinded by the darkness of having their noses up the asshole of DM so far that the light of day is beyond their reach! I could go on and on, such as the off-policy OTC stats which were such a sham and full of false data, but only a mirror of the bigger sham. – Bruce
This cross-KRing of OTs is Nazi insanity and brainwashing. Screechworthy!
I want to thank you (as a former public of an org) for protecting the public from lies. Not all staff did that – hats off to you! I was lied to by a SO member so he could get another book and lecture pack sold, in the most horrendous way. I KR’ed him all the way up to RTC and got a ‘we really understand” letter from the Reports IC and then nothing further happened. It was a flat out fraud. And RTC did nothing to prevent this sort of thing going on. Well, of course, now I know who RTC really is…..I am not surprised!
Thank you agan for what you did to stop the lies.
Should have mentioned my message is for Gayle…
Excellent post Gayle, thanks for the clarification.
Many thanks for this detailed explanation. I didn’t fully understand that each OTC I/C has a direct line to the Dwarf via the OTC I/C INT. What a horror show for the OTA s and OTCs. No wonder they’re all so cowed and downtone in general.
Even without using children to push buttons this is the most degraded thing I have ever seen. I just fail to see how anyone in the current church can stomach this crap. All I can say is that they have attracted the dregs of the earth to carry out command intention.
I think what *needs to be done* about this is what Mike Rinder (and others yet to come) are doing here by exposing the desperation of the *Church* of Scientology Inc . Exposure and the light of day will eventually inform more and more people as they visit this site over the coming years. As has been pointed out before, Scn Inc. membership numbers are ever dwindling and the desperate antics and gyrations show the fence sitters who and what they are really supporting. What is being revealed gets more and more obscene, and resembles less and less every day what Scientology used to be about which was people making spiritual progress. When the emphasis from *church* management focuses on donations vs. Training and auditing then the movement has lost it’s way and people will leave on their own accord.
The Bridge to (nowhere) Degradation (status).
Seems like DM will stoop to the lowest levels to rake in money.
Hey here’s an idea…this will only work if the cultural/ethic points are in, say Las Vegas – The Birthday Game Baseball Brothel™ !
New statuses:
First Base $1,000
Second Base $5,000
Third Base $10,000
HOME RUN $20,000
Here, the fine ladies of Las Vegas are asked to give it their all, and the gents are asked to step up to the plate, to make LRH’s dream a reality. You can’t WIN if you don’t PLAY!
I read the whole fund raising “hat write-up”. Using children is the tip of the iceberg. It speaks volumes about how this trash regards their fellow Scientologists…..as pawns to be covertly manipulated by any means possible. This too evil. I can’t confront it. Please Mike, if you are going to make up stuff like this, could you please also make available downloadable barf bags?
Unfortunately, there is nothing about this that is being made up, it is actually happening, and I too am having trouble confronting it.
I should have reread my post for context before sending it up. What I was trying to say (badly) was each post of Mike’s on the subject of ideal morgues and what they were doing to rape us financially was just getting more and more unreal and degraded and had reached a point where I screeched “enough is enough”. Like how far south could these creatures go. I got that Mike is and has been reporting the facts. In short, my credibility had been stretched to the limit from his last post and I just kinda flipped out. Ok, I think I’m ready for the next installment.
It was easy to understand what you meant.
Agree, there are no words to express the disgust of this nonsense…to say it mildly.
It really brings new meaning to the reference where LRH said the percentage of DBs (who will work only for an SP) was a lot higher than he had originally figured. These people are DBs of colossal proportions. Next they’ll have someone juggling infants or taking a crap on stage while balancing on a tea cup. I mean, really. WTF happened to Scientology? It was fucked up in 2004 when I left, but now it’s not even vaguely about going up the Bridge anymore.
Mike, It’s so true. These church people will find an LRH quote or invent one and attach it to their insane activities in an attempt to give validity to their crap. What a degrade this is to LRH.
Mike, do not leave this very urgent event alone. We must band together and handle this. We can do it!!
There are enough of us now.what can we do as a group to expose this’s?
I think this blog is doing just that.
Believe me when I tell you this – they are going to push people to the tipping point – everyone…I mean…everyone is tapped out! I was sick of the fund raisers after the first – and now if they bring children into it – more people will leave!
Most Morgue’s don’t have many children around – because no one has children in scientology – they are too busy clearing people’s bank accounts and their own!
Thanks for posting – I will spread the word!
Great Blog Mike!
“Some of the most theta moments in an evening’s fundraising can come when a child walks up on stage and writes his/her name and a donation on the board (any amount). The child’s family is proud and the audience flows tremendous admiration to the child. It’s a group key-out.”
How can anyone in this day and age still buy into this dumbed-down indoctrinated nonsense? Unbelievable!!!
Enough, Mike. That’s enough! This has reached the same depths as child pornography. To J&D about this is to trivialize a sick, degraded being. There’s no humor in this shit. I am so ashamed to have ever been a part of this fascistic, demented cult.
Isando, Mike is not joking about this at all. Suggest you take a walk and come back and re-read what he wrote.
Calm down, it was David Miscavige in disguise silly.
You need to get down on your knees and pray that there is no such thing as justice, Karma, right
and wrong, good and evil, . . .
I’m speechless. All I can think of is how embarrassed I am to have been associated with Church of Scientology. Yes, it must be stopped, this can’t go on.
“This is sick. It must be stopped”. Okay, what’s the plan? I am in!!
Fecking idiots sing and dance while the child does push ups. And the band played on.