Well, I had to apologize on my post earlier when it turned out it was not Heber on the poster promoting the opening of Corporate Scientology’s latest Ideal Org in the “first Scientology City.”
I just had the wrong poster. A kind reader, trying to repair my tarnished reputation, sent me this one. And there is no doubt THIS IS HEBER.
I do remember Heber. Very well.
And nobody should tarnish his memory by celebrating the opening of another squirrel center.
And just by the by — this “start of our winning tradition” and all the other bloviating about Portland omits the facts with a glossed over PR story. The church LOST a multi-million dollar judgment. The Judge vacated the decision after being improperly influenced by one of the church’s lawyers and then a quiet settlement with Julie Chrstofferson put an end to it. Miscavige and the Corporate Scientology PR machine never make mention that the “continuation” of the “Crusade” in Los Angeles right after Portland resulted in another multi-million dollar verdict (reduced on appeal). Larry Wollersheim ended up collecting $8 million. I guess the winning tradition had a short life. Though it lives in PR eternity….
I had a thought. Isn’t putting a picture of Heber attracting attention to the fact that he’s no longer the official spokesman of Scientology? Heber has been encarcerated for over a decade now. Won’t this image of him snap something in certain Scientologists minds to start questioning, ‘Where is Heber?’ and ‘Why hasn’t he made any public appearances at events in over a decade?’
Yor Bor said, “I had a thought. Isn’t putting a picture of Heber attracting attention to the fact that he’s no longer the official spokesman of Scientology? Heber has been incarcerated for over a decade now. Won’t this image of him snap something in certain Scientologists’ minds to start questioning, ‘Where is Heber?’ and ‘Why hasn’t he made any public appearances at events in over a decade”
I believe that if long-time Scientologists have forgotten about Heber to the extent that they require a photo to jog their memories, then sadly the photo won’t be enough. Don’t forget that these are the same folks who can glibly refer to DM as Chairman of the Board without asking themselves, What Board? Who are the members of this so-called “board” that he is supposed to be Chairman of? Doesn’t a board and a chairman of the board answer to the stockholders, etc.? I’ve concluded that folks are fooled because they choose to be fooled. It’s somehow easier than thinking for oneself.
If there’s a way to help free Heber I am all for it. Meanwhile Mike’s blog is doing a world of good.
Between Mike’s blog and Marty’s, and Marty’s upcoming book, it is just a matter of time before this house of cards goes down. I can’t wait.
I remember Heber coming to an event at the New York org sometime in 1989 or 1990. This was just after he was released from Spanish prison. There was a trail against the cult for fraud in Spain and he and other Spanish Scientologists were arrested. He seemed to play the part of a reverend from what I remembered. Compared to other sea org members, he seemed much more pleasant to be around.
Miscavige is such a little punk and is so jealous of anyone that’s popular. This is a trademark of many dictators. They get rid of people who become popular with the people. Fidel Castro sent Che Guevara away to South America to spread the ‘gospel’ of communism. Che was very popular with the Cuban people and Castro couldn’t have that. So there you go.
For god sake, does it get any more repulsive than this?
Yes, your Holiness Pope Slappy the First, I do remember, and I won’t be fooled again.
The only celebrating I’ll be doing is when you release Mr. Heber Jentzsch from your Scientology GULAG.
I think the poster pretty well sums up the situation, in an ironic way. The top half, the part we remember, shows people in it, and a Declaration of Religious Freedom. There is life there, and theta. Something important happening. The bottom half, the Scientology of today that we are supposed to celebrate, shows an empty room. Clean and orderly, nice MEST, but no life, no theta. And perhaps most ironic of all, No Heber!
Interesting. I did not know that Portland was a loss, and that there had been improper influence over the judicial officer. Wow. I recall also a post on Marty’s blog on 28 November 2012 where Judge Schaeffer’s registrar / assistant deposed to an affidavit that Miscavige had attempted to approach the Judge ex parte during the McPherson trial (affidavit was used in the Dandar case). That’s going to be the legacy of the church’s behaviour in the courts: Brazen impropriety. So glad I am not associated with that – I would “lose my eternity” if I didn’t distance myself ! Karma will be the judge.
And I just thought of something else: what if the Dwarf’s trotting out of Heber is because of advice from attorneys (or somebody) as to there being too much internet hue and cry about the President of Scientology being out of public view these past 7 years with no publicly announced reason, coupled with numerous statements on the net about Heber being in The Hole Which Of Course Does Not Exist. Maybe a some Whales or Celebs are finally asking embarrassing questions and beginning to connect some dots, or (Gasp) maybe TOM has some kind of problem about it!!!! (Hey, I can dream.)
I remember, it was all about friends.
Your analysis really clarifies this, Mike.
The Portland crusade seemed such a gas at the time and it seemed a real big win. Now it looks more like a false flag operation to give an opening for management by unusual solution. Of course, things were already way off the rails, which is why the Christopherson case happened in the first place.
I’d like to take this albeit cynical and disgustingly dishonest usage of Heber as tacit admittance by the Dwarf that he alone is not enough of a draw for this event.
Really, maybe something or someone has managed to impinge on the Dwarf so that he is entertaining suspicions as to how boring his one-man show really is.
Pleeeeease! The only thing that would impinge on Der Midget is a good case of Leprosy!
I remember Heber from as far back as 1972 when he would come to my org and perform at events. Heber fronted for the IAS and DM for decades and now lives with what he has done in his own prison.
Joe, I only hope there is a hell for Mike Roberts and Pomerantz too. When I saw Heber in portland he had a look of fear when he spotted me. To this day I don’t understand why. I knew him as well from Flag days. I liked him very much. There are a few others that should be sharing that cell with him.
True enough.
And that applies to all those in ‘the Hole’ as well and to those still in the mental prison that Scientology has become.
It always amazes me that those still “in” can’t have the cognition that what surrounds them is not what is written in the policies and is not what they signed up for. What lack of integrity!
I recall Portland very well. Call to arms! I was one of the poor slobs of the Portland 42 who stayed behind to finish the protest. I still weep over how gullible I was.
SRL, Don’t beat yourself up. You weren’t the only one who was so gullible and so used as a puppet at that time. I was there too and now I see how we all were just puppets and so lied to and manipulated. It makes me sick to think of it. And to add to this, I talked to two young SO members recently and asked them if we won the case that we went to Portland to protest? They proudly beamed and said, “Of course we did!” with enthusiasm. But we did NOT win that case. So the young are being told a history of the church which is untrue. Our church’s history is being rewritten by an SP and the gullible young eat it up like baby birds with their beaks wide open for it.
Interesting Mike, I had the impression the Church had won those legal challenges also. Rather a surprise to learn the Church lost those cases.
Well they are actually telling the truth for once. Their winning tradition is to screw up and then pay up with the condition that the recipeint of the cash…shut up.
Sounds like standard admin to me. But then, I only did the OEC, not all the super secret, confidential issues that we’ve all been assured were written by LRH.
It seemed like Heber to me too… his body posture, not just his white hair… it all says it is Heber.
In any case, David Miscavige does not deliver Scientology to staff. He tortures staff like Heber with the promise of future delivery. It is a complete lie. That is the issue… even the poor OSA agents that read these websites make no progress on the Bridge to the advanced courses.
When I was HAS of AOSHEU 40 yers ago, all but 2 staff were auditing on the Clearing course or OT levels. We delivered Scientology to staff AND public.
Money and MEST are the goals of the Church of Scientology today… not disseminating the technology of LRH.
Wake up and smell the coffee.
Dear Robert,
is this really true? All but 2 staff were auditing on the Clearing Course or OT levels?!? I´d like to get more information about this time you were there. Want to contact me via E-Mail? (Get it from Mike, if so.)
I called Vikki and asked her if Heber was going to be at the Portland event.
She was somewhat evasive and then in a very up tone way said she didn’t know but would check.
I told her I had not spoken to Heber since 2005 and asked what he’s been doing. Her answer was that he’s been on a “special project”.
I’ve been hearing this “special project” story for several years now.
Well done. These people need to have some contact with the outside world that may get them to look.
Of course, the “Special Project” is writing up crimes and A to E steps over and over to see if he can convince Miscavige that he should be allowed to live like a normal person…
Of course, no Special Project could be more special than Ideal Orgs — after all, the exalted one will be gracing the “First Scientology City” (where DO they get this shit from?) with his presence so surely the President should attend such an occasion to alternately bow down and stand in rousing applause for Dear Leader?
The hypocrisy of this makes my skin crawl. Miscavige is using the goodwill and popularity of Heber to get people to come and turn out for HIM, while HE has Heber locked up. How fucking brazen. He knows he can do ANYTHING with the clubbed seals. They would not notice an outpoint if it kicked them in the ass then poked them in the eye with a sharp stick and stomped on their face with golf shoes on….
“The First Scientology City” came from the same deluded inane hubristic think tank that made New Orleans Mayor use the phraseology “chocolate city” after Katrina.
It makes my skin crawl too. To brazenly use Heber to get people to do things while locking him up. Heber is a great man, loved by so many of us. DM will never let Heber out because (A) he knows too much and (B) he is more loved that DM. “Mirror Mirror on the wall, who’s the most loved of them all?” HEBER!!! I think we should picket as was suggested with “Free Heber signs.
MR: It really is disgusting for Miscavige to do this. I am not usually at a loss for words about what this guy does, but exploiting Heber’s positive image and good will for his own personal aggrandizement while at the same time torturing Heber really is beyond the pale.
“They would not notice an outpoint if it kicked them in the ass then poked them in the eye with a sharp stick and stomped on their faces with golf shoes on”.
You do indeed have a way with words, Mr. Rinder 🙂
I remember Herber very well too. After being in the field for 4 years and dropping into my first event in ’84 at Flag. Many lights blaring in your eyes and he Loudly said ” all of you who are on the fence, get off now.” Never forgot that and shortly made my way out, not even knowing what the fence was for sure or what changes had occurred during those 4 years. The tone 40 sure worked. Reminded me of a Nazi rally I must have been familiar with from the past. Sorry, I’m sure he was a nice guy, but that’s only what I know or remember him for and didn’t want any part of that suppression. Thanks for letting me tell this past tidbit.
The “winning tradition” of Kim Jong-un is now into it’s second year; may the best diminutive figure win.
Maybe we should all start calling or emailing the Portland Org, very excited about seeing Heber in the poster and ask if he will be speaking. Just a thought!
Found an invite in my email and suggested that Heber speak!
Yes, what a great idea! But the sad thing is that the young receptionist answering the phone will say, “Heber who?” Because the young ones were never around when Heber was and don’t know anything about him since history gets re-written in our church just like in the book “1984”.