Just a bit of light heartedness in preparation for the possible sighting of Heber as Miscavige’s dancing bear tomorrow in Portland. If Heber does appear, he will not be talking to anyone unaccompanied and he owes a lot of people on the internet a thankyou for being allowed out of the Hole for a couple of days and getting a soda on the plane.
Check out the SPECIAL INVITATION below.
All you lucky Austinites can now pay $25,000 via Paypal to the Austin Ideal Org as part of celebrating taking Portland and the World by storm!
And best news of all, there is even an LRH quote to support it 😀
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Austin Ideal Org <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, May 6, 2013 at 5:39 PM
Subject: Special Invitation
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Here’s an idea. All these people who are flinging cash around need to get a copy of DMSMH, sit the f** down, read it and start auditing anybody who’ll hold still long enough. Then we’ll start seeing some taking the world by storm.
Tony, above, was comparing DM to J Edgar Hoover…well, I think there is no comparison of DM with anybody at all. Why? Well, DM=Demented Moron- just simply can not be compared with Edgar Hoovers or others.
As far as the delusion of insanity of: The event is at Portland, but those is Texas have to raise whatever million dollars.. At Least Alexander the Great had his targets set and met, ie, attack this town and he conquered it; whereas the Church members are all buttered in the universe of insanity of wrong purposes, no delivery of services and whatever else they care to dub in as -command intention-…unreal really.
I pray that Heber stands up on the stage and says – “please, get me out of here…David Miscavige has held me as a prisoner for years – beating me and forcing me to confess things I did not do – I am being tortured – please – help me leave right now – David Miscavige is lying to all of you”!
Now that would be the Ideal Org event!!
At least they used Alexander the Great instead of Napoleon. Shouldn’t Calvary be ahead of Soldier? Well maybe not since they come up from behind, either way it’s all rather confusing, so I’ll pass.
It makes me sad to think about Heber and the hole and cob. Heber is still there out of some loyalty to LRH while betraying his efforts at the same time. It’s my belief that it’s so wrong for a man in his advanced years to be treated like this and for Heber to take it…heart wrenching.
“Invitation to take the Town: Portland” – ??
Besides that it sounds like megalomania it doesn’t sound like good PR to me; as doesn’t “CRUSADE”.
I don’t know what is positive about a “religious crusade” – except for religious fanatics: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusades
I thought it was an unfortunate choice of headline THEN – and is still today in the light of religious-political tensions. And to refer to yesterday’s “glory” is always risky when the time and circumstances changed; it easily can sound incredible or ludicrous.
– Looking forward to Heber’s apparition and the reports about it .-
And this is just sick – but shows clearly the real purpose: money and status:
Donate: Alexander the Great, $25,000 or more
Donate: Soldier, $10,000 or more
Donate: Cavalry, Your Next Status
I love the stories LRH told, and I have heard many of them. He always got his point across to me.
[Again, forgive me if this is not wanted. I’ll again leave it to the judgment of Mike or his appointed moderator whether to approve and post it.]
As to the iDianetics.org issued I raised above, it appears the registrant of the site has been identified: John Christen
He apparently claims to be an Independent Scientologist:
The info is too voluminous to post here. The following link is to an ESMB post showing the trial, so be warned:
A gross exaggeration of history here. Most historians believe that the Persian army was no bigger than 100,000 men at the very most. Even ancient historians such as Arrian put the number at less than 600,000–much fewer than a million and a half. And the Macedonians were thought to have had around forty thousand or so. Also, the Indian siege I believe he is talking about was against Aornos, and that went off a bit differently than Hubbard’s account. Very briefly: the fort was up on a mountain and difficult to reach. They had to build a causeway over a ravine to get their seige engines close to the walls, and it took some three days. Then Alexander tricked the remaining defenders, laying an ambush for them and slaughtering them when they tried to escape. The only scaling that was done was by Alexander, who scaled the summit of the mountain with a rope to construct altars to Athena.
Thanks for the post…you has to be really insane….in order to create something like that in order to make money….I meet people around the world, meet other members from other religious and only Scientology International can create this money sucking motivation.
I think people will start to look now ….that scientology become just MONEY SUCKING.
[Off-topic, but I believe of interest. I hope the following does not come off as paranoid. It is sincerely intended to be protective. I posted this elsewhere, but believe if it is communicated to anyone, it should be to this community. I’ll trust Mike or other moderator to pass judgment on whether this should be posted.]
There is a new supposedly “independent” Dianetics group, The Independent Dianetics Foundation – iDianetics [dot] org.
Website: www [dot] idianetics [dot] org/
Twitter: twitter [dot] com/iDianetics
Tumblr: www [dot] idianetics [dot] tumblr.com/
Facebook: www [dot] facebook [dot] com/iDianetics
( [dot] structure used to hopefully defeat automatic link parsing, inadvertent clicking without thought, and resulting IP harvesting)
The website proclaims: “Dianetics outside the Church of Scientology”
Under “Who We Are” the website states:
“Dianetics outside the Church of Scientology
Our Mission
First, let’s begin with a clear differentiation. The Independent Dianetics Foundation is not related to, associated with or endorsed by The Church of Scientology, The Hubbard Dianetics Foundation or any other parent or subsidiary corporations of The Church of Scientology, its affiliates, management, organizations or groups.
We are a self-betterment and reform group, using and teaching the spiritually-based mental healing technology of L. Ron Hubbard.
The Independent Dianetics Foundation exists to serve a number of purposes.
Among those purposes are:
• To serve as a proprietor of Dianetics independent of and distinct from The Church of Scientology and its subsidiary Hubbard Dianetics Foundations.
• To support the creation and operation of Dianetics Book Auditors.
• To act as a dissemination channel for those interested in pursuing the study and practice of Dianetics and Scientology independent of Church corporate organizations.”
However, questions have been raised about whether The Independent Dianetics Foundation is an OSA front group created to collect names, mailing lists and other intel.
One thing that is suspicious is that there are no individual names associated with The Independent Dianetics Foundation. Scientology is a small community. Most Independent Scientologists, Freezoners, etc. are known to somebody. Leaders, or at least people one would expect to lead an organization such as The Independent Dianetics Foundation, are well known. Such knowledge is quite frankly used for marketing purposes and to build trust. Individual names are an asset. Thus, a purported “independent” site that is not associated with any individuals or identifiable persons is highly suspicious. The lack of any real, identifiable person associated with The Independent Dianetics Foundation is weird at best, and suspicious at worst.
One is advised to proceed with caution.
This is laughable on many different levels.
First of all just because LRH said it doesn’t make it true. I seriously doubt that many troops could defeat another army of that size.
But to even equate RCS with something great is just wrong. I guess this little example would make dm Alexander the Great?? Please!!
I would compare dm to not even a Napolean but more of a J. Edgar Hoover at best. A weasley little sneek who hangs out with sycophants.
Go on people save the world! You might try saving yourself first. W-A-K-E U-P!
and what about the comparison to Hitler?
Well, Alexander the Great was only 5’4, had delusions of grandeur (he claimed that his father was actually Zeus), and committed a number of heinous atrocities. Although his legacy is far greater and long-lasting than anything DM will ever do.
Stay sharp and alert lads. Bring home lots of swag for us stay-at-homes to watch and read.
Do they dare let Heber speak? I would give anything for him to walk up to the mic and say “My name is Heber and I’ve been held in a Church prison for nine years and I want out!” Think of the chaos that would ensue.
The lecture title is a propos…Illusion. That’s what they’re looking at if they think they can “take this town”. Thanks for the chuckle Mike. Rock on Portland!
Hey Shelly 🙂 Should be a festive day for you all tomorrow! Maybe there will even be a Heber sighting — first time in the wild (ie not in captivity) since the death of his son. Memories fade prior to then….
I attended the New Year’s event a year or two ago put on by the IAS. You have to pay $100 or 200 dollars a plate to attend, and the food was bad, cheap food, mostly carbs (not like the earlier days when the food was really good). And I was at a table near the front and was withing very easy signt of the VIP SO table and there was Heber with his handlers at that table. Heber was going to give a token small speech that night. I watched him a lot and was sad to see he looked uneasy, ill at ease, very anxious and he kept reading his speak and lips moving trying to get it down before he had to get up. I could palpably feel his anxiety and nervousness. I remember thinking what an outpoint that was because I had heard Heber speak many times in the early years and he was always at ease and comfortable and uptone. This time he looked very miserable. I now see that he was being trotted out for PR purposes and was probably given his speach to read a half hr before his time to perform. How sad.
Mike, did you know that the Dalai Lama and Stevie Wonder are also in Portland this weekend? The difference in the projects each visitor is here for, is staggering. His Holiness is here for an environmental summit. He promotes peace, tolerance, cooperation and love at every turn. Stevie is doing a benefit for a non-profit that works to give people a second chance in life. Then there’s this (the subject of your post). Wow.
So, first of all, really??? What a joke! This status thing and names is exactly along the lines of your Starbucks idea. How more ridiculous can it get?
And second, is it just me, or does that guy’s face look like Tom Cruise?
I think that was photo shopped. 🙂
It looks like Charlston Heston
That was my first thought, it’s Tom!