Someone sent me a link to this new “book” about how wonderful scientology is for their brilliant handling of the COVID-19 situation. But of course, nobody gives them credit for the amazing job they have done.
This lady seems to be trying to make a case for the enormous aid that scientology has provided. I doubt she has seen any such thing herself, but has just glanced at some photos and videos of Defcon7 spraying in some outpost in Africa, and just “knows” this “sort of thing” is happening all over the world, because after all, the VMs ARE the largest private relief force on earth (if you listen to their propaganda)…
I will give her a pass on her english and grammar as she is apparently Lithuanian, and her english is certainly better than my Lithuanian — but I will say that if I was going to publish something in Lithuanian, I would have a native speaker check my work beforehand. She apparently didn’t think that was necessary.
New religious movements are rarely given credit for their humanitarian work. A case in point is the Church of Scientology during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Opponents used the epidemic as an opportunity to accuse Scientology of spreading conspiracy theories and not respecting anti-virus precautions.
What a surprise she starts out with this. Scientology LOVES portraying itself as a victim. These poor, good people are not recognized for the wonderful things they do that are deeply rooted… in L. Ron Hubbard’s theology…. Unfortunately for Rosita, scientology IS recognized for the terrible things they do that are deeply rooted in Hubbard’s theology.
Judging from the table of contents on, a large part of this 63 page “book” is devoted to “anti-cultists” and the unfounded “suspicion” about scientology. This, unsurprisingly, is merely a piece of propaganda, no doubt orchestrated by OSA somewhere. It’s made to look like some sort of official pronouncement from an expert. It will be touted as “experts all over the world who study these things say…” Not sure if Rosita is a scientologist, or just one of the willing dupes who have been suckered into believing the propaganda scientology dishes up.
Just the usual hollow CO$ PR puff. If its specious, gaudy and over-the-top, it’s the Church of Scientology.
Oh boy! Scientologists all over over the world are probable being called to BUY this BOOK and GIVE it away for promotion… in order to put it on a best seller’s list somewhere… how SAD! I am LOLing here though… We can LIFT this world while quarantined?!?
I find a couple of the chapter titles highly amusing for their pretentiousness.
A “Paradigm of Suspicion” and “The Aesthetic of the Quarantine.”
The scholarly pretense goes well with the whole “New Religious Movements” cover story. Not so well with tenuous grasp on the English language, however.
Here’s a link to the publishers of the rubbish –
Gosh, what a great big surprise that all their books by “renowned scholars and activists” are all about $camology. Could they be, gasp, shock, horror, another sad front for Giveusallyourmoneyology?
Thanks for adding this info Kmex
Their barely literate mission statement does a great job hinting at the quality of the merchandise they’re hawking. I get it if you’re weighing in on a discussion from a foreign country or composing a less than perfect eBay listing. But these folks are claiming to be publishers of English-language books. By “renowned scholars,” no less…
It’s clear that since their big ideal orgs are empty and often staffed by more people then they actually service, that keeping them closed due to Covid hides the fact they are empty. This keeps the staff and SO members in the dark about how useless these giant empty building are for promoting and expanding Scientology. I’ve often wondered in crisis situations, such as natural disasters, Covid and the awful heatwave now afflicting the West Coast, why those beautiful buildings aren’t used to house at risk people, or folks needing to be quarantined. There is no worry they will be infected by all the Scientologists using the buildings since nobody actually does. Hundreds of millions of dollars of restored properties which could potentially be offered to serve the public. Heck, they might even be able to recruit some grateful people if they wanted. Such a pity. It just reinforces that Scientology is about making more money for Scientology and not trying to make the world a better place.
Kronomex, “Giveusallyourmoneyology?” Very lovely and entirely accurate. Well done Sir or Madam!
It is unbelievable how many months orgs have been shut down due to Covid. Even the powers that be, don’t believe in their own pts/sp tech!
In the past, staff members would never be given a day off during Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Years, being told it was a suppressive act to close the org for one day and block progress up the bridge.
Duped, it appears that many if not all of the orgs carried on some stealth operations, with a few staff and some people coming and going. We’ve seen Tampa boast of making clears, and an org in Italy was busted for violating quarantine restrictions.
I’m guessing that staff who stayed home were expected to do the same amount of work and keep their “stats” up. But they’re probably much less productive as far as their typical efforts to control members’ lives and get maximum amounts of money out of them, and suffering from some people drifting away.
The story has yet to be told – it’s going to take a UTR with good connections or a recent defector to illuminate what’s really being going on.
This is part of CESNUR’s recent efforts — led by Scientology cheerleader Massimo Introvigne — to talk about how good Scientology is.
Rep. Karen Bass lost her opportunity to be seriously considered for the US VP nom due to her appearance at a Scientology event 10 years ago with Miscavige. It was career suicide.
Tucker Carlson just attacked Michelle Obama as being the Democrat’s L. Ron Hubbard. To be sure, this was an absurd and partisan attack on Michelle Obama whose reputation and stature are enormous. However, it shows that Scientology is now so universally viewed as awful by all sides that it is used in an attempt to slime others.
Memo to Massimo and Dave Miscavige: Scientology is now the cultural go-to reference for everything deemed malicious, disgusting, and cultish. Scientology has succeeded in being talked about, but not in the way it wanted.
BTW, Dave: Scientology TV failed and is now a destination of last resort for desperate filmmakers who can’t get anyone else to broadcast their work. $100 million down the drain. BTW, I saw the piece on the married Scientologist couple who are potato farmers in Russia. It was amusing to watch how they how claimed to use LRH Tech to improve statistics on their potato farm. That’s really stretching it thin.
I wondered if they had any cleared tomatoes on that farm?
And if you think that is a bigoted attack, just look up how LRH could get tomatoes to scream on an eMeter. Come on, first it’s a good joke, and second it’s also serious science. Couldn’t get those spud stats up without it.
The only thing I can see coming from the potato farmer cult infomercial is that the organic, non-GMO, fair trade crowd will demand another sticker indicating that their produce was not e-metered and not produced by farmers associated with organizations conducting decidedly unfair trade in human lives.
Nice going, “captain”!
Definitely going to be an amazon best seller. ;-D
So after almost 30 years as a “diplomat” this lady can’t tell the difference between a “mayor” and a “major.” Understandable, I suppose, as those quoted as praising the cult usually are a bit effusive. Or wait, that was elusive. Ah heck, what I’m meaning to say is you can’t find ’em. And in those rare cases that you do, you’ll typically find that their credentials (say, as civil engineer, “diplomat” or major, or is that “mayor”) hold up to scrutiny about as long as Ron’s war medals.
Her concern for “new religious movements”–which other NLMs is she worried about?–receiving enough credit for their charitable work is touching. But perhaps she could have relieved it by taking a quick look online. The cult’s humanitarian works are widely publicized. They receive more coverage than the works of worldwide churches that have been at it for millenia. Then again, on second glance this coverage usually turns out to be self-promotion disguised as “news” and posted on sites that will gladly publish any kind of fake news for a fee. If nothing else, they’re still a far more economical source of mis-information than paying $23 for a 60 page tract.
If it weren’t for this price of admission, I’d be pouring over how to find “charity” in the “theology” created by a man best known for his saying: “You can’t make money writing. You have to start a religion to make a million bucks.” I’d be looking for how charity squares with his concept of “exchange” (“I’ll give you nothing until you give me something first–at which point I may run off with yours and leave you with bupkis”). Or how charity enters into discovering the only “technology” that will save humanity and withholding it from anyone unwilling or unable to pay huge advance fees. (Or in more recent times, following the “church” suggestion of skipping the “technology” and buying a “status” instead). I’d be pondering the “charity” of fair game and disconnection. But, alas, at $23 I will give myself the charity of passing on her semi-literate musings. Ron’s “theology” taught me at least one thing: Beware of grifters!
I went to Amazon and posted a review. will see…….
Here is what I posted:
With Scientology what they say and what I’ve seen them do are not related.
Let’s not forget the bottom line here. No one is going to buy the book, much less read it. $22.67 for 60 cruddy pages of lame content? Forget it. I think I’ll pass.
Watch Scn VMs “Lifting the world!”
Pure Gold.
FYI: Rosita Sorytė is the chairperson of the International Observatory of Religious Liberty of Refugees (ORLIR), and is connected to CESNUR founder/MD, Massimo Introvigne, via a magazine called Bitter Winter (they both serve on the magazine’s editorial board). Rosita also seems to have had a few papers published in CESNUR’s journal over the years.
Someone should show her the quotes or video clip of DM in the beginning saying it was just PTSness and it was no big deal. In the beginning the church was telling its people it was a conspiracy theory. Mike had a story about it on this very blog.
O/T. A quick update on the partnership between the Church of Scientology and the Nation Islam.
Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad aka Tony Muhammad to speak at Marriage Keepers Retreat featuring Scientology Tech, including Overts and Withholds, and Scientology Communication Drills. See ESMB Redux at:
The individuals who operate Marriage Keepers, NOI Brother Marcus and Sister Cecelia Muhammad:, are both NOI Hubbard Dianetics Auditors. In addition, Brother Marcus is a Supervisor.
And in other Tony Muhammad news, yesterday, 8/18/20, he reposted his seventy (70) anti-Semitic graphics to Facebook and said, “Hurry and share this before it is removed.” See ESMB Redux at:
I get worried when I see that shite written by someone with some creds as she seems to have. Their whole schtick is PR and it sucks people in with that facade of peace love and spiritual enlightenment. Then they get brainwashed into supporting a cult. Repeating shite they hear but never experiencing any of it. The lie to each other until they believe it. Cults!
Anyone else for a trip to Lithuania to interview this author for a documentary on Scientology’s spread in Eastern Europe?
I know when the Moscow Org was shut down by Court order, they found the building wired for microphones and surveillance cameras everywhere. This was considered illegal and installed for spying on Russian citizens gullible enough to walk into a Church of Scientology. Isn’t this an abuse against Human rights?
We called it a “look-listen” system back when it was being developed in the 90s. The new meter, the MK VIII, has a special connector on the back to allow meter reactions to be included. Sound, video (two cameras) and meter reactions are available from all the auditing booths in an “Ideal Org”. They use local area network (Ethernet) cable and infrastructure. The system can record any and all of the data, put it online, display it at various workstations around the organization. Mostly the idea is to make it possible for the Case Supervisor to monitor all the sessions, and talk to the auditor if needed to correct errors.
Of course, before that in the 60s Hubbard was bragging about using closed-circuit television to peek in on sessions. Taped sessions go all the way back to the beginning of Dianetics. Even when no taping is involved, extensive notes are taken in any Scientology counseling activity.
Are recorded counseling sessions an abuse of Human Rights? Possibly not if the recordings are destroyed soon after and access is limited to those who need access for medical or quality control reasons.
With the HIPAA laws in the US and new privacy laws in the EU, they should keep very good track of these session recordings and notes. They should be accessible to the “patient” and kept strictly private. In the EU the “patient” is supposed to be able to request the destruction of any and all such records.
Of course, Scientology being Scientology all these patient’s rights issues are utterly ignored. Even in normal times, it is common for session recordings to be sent to other organizations for quality control. Called the “electronic attest”, this has been going on since the 60s. An auditor in training makes recordings of sessions, training routines or meter drills that get sent all the way up to the Int Base for critique. No attempt to edit out names, personal information and so on.
If some special or important recordings are made, they may be distributed widely. We’ve all heard the story of Dave Miscavige having a roaring good time laughing at Tom Cruise sessions. Anything you tell a Scientologist in the organization may become the butt of jokes in thousands of locations if it’s a good one.
Of course they also don’t think twice about using this information to destroy reputations, support legal attacks, and harass anyone they don’t like. Often the information is distorted when this is done. Often people will confess to horrific crimes they did not commit just to get out of some endless security check or interrogation. So what ends up on the final attack site is twisted and exaggerated to make the worst possible impression on the reader.
I would say that the way Scientology uses private information is definitely a violation of basic human rights. Possibly this will be the issue that finally draws official attention to the abuses and finally results in some justice for the victims of Scientology.
One thing for sure, they will never change their tactics, shut down the data stream, start enforcing privacy laws. They’d be throwing away what they think of as their most potent weapon against a hostile world. Essentially it amounts to a huge blackmail scheme that would have J. Edgar Hoover in complete awe.
And yet the CofS is also underhandedly supporting anti-mask agitator Leigh Dundas, who’s also spreading conspiracy theories and other fake pseudo-science:
Scientology’s antivaxx warrior Leigh Dundas unleashes another amazing Two Minutes Hate
also, more recentlyl: “Despite rogue Scientologist attorney Leigh Dundas fighting mandatory masks and other scientifically-based COVID-19 mandates, David Miscavige’s diktat is in line with protocols and orders disinfection, handwashing, and social distancing. ”
You’d think playing both sides would be a problem when it comes down to how they expect members to act at the orgs. And indeed, over at ESMB a recent defector or disaffected UTR wrote that one of the things that really bothered them was the disconnect between Miscavige’s official emphasis on pandemic safety, and the disregard of many members not taking it seriously and even ignoring precautions such as wearing masks. I suspect they’re so used to hypocrisy that sort of rolls off their bubble-dwellers like water on a duck’s back, that they don’t realize that for Scientology’s current alt-right leaning membership this is a hot button issue imagined to be about things like “freedom,” and so they’ve got a real tar baby on their hands.
ISNNOInews has also been following Dundas, a very strange character who is apparently active in Orange County, where she and a confederate got themselves arrested the other day for going into a business premise without masks and refusing to leave when asked, though it turns out her attorney registration gives an address in Thailand that I think has connections to some culty group.
This Dundas woman is as crazy as what my mother used to call ‘a shit-house rat’. I’ve read some of her Facebook & Twitter postings that she claims to have spent the last 20 years helping rescue girls from the child sex trade in Thailand. Don’t know the level of truth to this. Her attorney registration shows the Thailand address and an organization called ‘The River Asia’ with the word ‘Klar’ in parenthesis. Here is a posting I wrote over at The Bunker on what I found doing a little research on it.
“I did a little research and The River Asia is some sort of conference/resort/religious thingy that has its paws in all kinds of things. The address is theriver dot asia. It is run by a couple named Erik and Mariaana Klar. They have 3 campuses in Thailand. One in Chiang Mai, one in Bangkok and one in Sungai Kolok. I have no idea if they are Scilons. They mention that “We want to be Christ to this generation” on the very first page. So they’re a little stuck on themselves. Don’t know how Dundas is related to this but this is what I believe she is referencing. The campus in Chiang Mai has an address of Hang Dong as well though not a PO Box but a street address.”
What’s odd is that at their website it’s hard to tell exactly what the hell it is that they actually do.
What is it with these nutters and wearing a mask? I just don’t get it. They act like it’s a ball and chain or a muzzle which I have actually heard one of them use that term. If everyone would wear the masks for a couple months then we could slow COVID to a crawl. She’s another example with what’s wrong with this world today. Like I said in a long rant the other day, people like her don’t give others the right to believe anything different than her…all the while proclaiming that she’s a champion of people’s ‘rights’! I’m so sick of this.
People buy into the frosting cover on Scientology. I know I did almost fifty years ago. Best to see what Hubbard was hiding. In his Universes tape with Mary Sue in 1952, he got carried away with his Targs, Jennie, entities, demons and body thetans. You do not need to know Lithuanian to figure it all out. Hubbard seriously believed that in the process of removing Body Thetans, he was in reality creating the natural state of the thetan which was the fascist being. Those who declared themselves to be clear should have immediately followed with “Heil Hitler!.” I looked for Christianity in Hubbard’s entity Targs but did find it. On OT VIII Hubbard says that in the end it is the Christians who make society fail. Well Hubbard’s Targs are no bargain either and I can see how it took King Solomon to actually talk to them.
Oh. I think I know why you are having a problem here. She said, “We can lift this world while quarantined”.
You see, in Lithuanian, the word “lift” means “scam”. Does that clear things up for you?
She’s talking about their plans to scam the whole world and wind up with ever single dollar, nickel and dime on the planet – all the Scotch Whiskey too. But I don’t get that part of it.
Aš kvepiuosi šykštuoliu -> I smell bullshit.
My Great Grandpa would be proud of you Zee Moo! He was born in Lithuania & married a 100% Polish woman once he immigrated to the USA. He spoke fluently….but once they had children (11 of them) he said “Now that YOU BORN IN USA…NO MORE …..ONLY ENGLISH….
I heard that from his daughter…My Grandma…who recalled “a few choice words spoken in Lithuanian”….when her father would get angry & she figured out soon enough as a child what “those words in Lithuanian meant” lol!
My Great Grandma’s papers say she was born in “Russia”….same with Great Grandpa… Great Grandma was 11 years old when she came to the USA.