For some reason, scientology is proud of the fact they recruit children for staff.
It seems like that is virtually all they can get these days. I suspect these are children of scientologists – Brennecke is definitely a familiar name to me. There was a Jan Brennecke at Int.
Pasadena doesn’t really have the ability to reach out to Venezuela and the former Soviet bloc countries for staff (though somehow Cincinnati has managed to do so). These are the two most fertile areas for Sea Org recruits for Flag and LA. Apparently there are two general categories of people that join staff or the SO today:
1. People who have been in scientology for many, many years – or the children of such
2. Those who are in countries where the promise of a roof over your head and food 3 times a day is too good to turn down, especially if it comes with the promise of being brought to the US.
The category of people that does NOT join staff is pretty simple. Anyone with unfettered access to Google.
Seriously creepy. Oh yes, and seriously increasing desperation from a seriously deteriorating “religion”. Seriously sad and seriously (blast, one of the cats decided to deposit a few bits of fur on the monitor screen as she walked past) serious.
so sad., they are just kids….80 work weeks instead of playing sports and sleepovers with
their peers
At 14, I signed my So contract but didn’t want to go in. So I did LSD specifically so I was not eligible for the SO. Problem solved lol
Trevor is a recent Delphi grad. 3rd gen Scn. Crap education, no college or job prospects, only place to go is staff or SO
First, new countries where the english language is not much used, like Russia, balkans, Poland and Hungary are “good” targets for resellers.
Second, people where finding an european husband or wife, like Russia again, are good for those wanting to leave such countries.
Third, the cult wants preferably pretty faces, and Young people, minors etc, who have not enough critical mind to see how much they are lying to.
And fourth, when indeed kids are with active scientology parents, they are often led to try and be forced to adore and obey LRH inanities.
Happily enough, most people leave anyway, and the criminal cult has such a reputation than even the points do not make aeternal scientologists!
I know two girls, each upwards of 30 years old. One joined staff when she was 14 and the other when she was 18 after going to an expensive private Scientology high school. The first girl who joined staff at age 14 also dropped out of high school and hasn’t gotten her GED. She’s bright and pretty but In the real world she couldn’t even be hired at McDonalds. I suppose she figured that out because a few years ago she joined the SO. The other girl is still on staff at a Class V org going on 12 years now. She’s 30 years old and still totally supported by her parents and still living with them too, like a child. She’s never earned any money and couldn’t earn any even if she were inclined to do so.
With no training in any field to make their way in the world and with no experience in dealing with individuals or groups outside of Scientology these young people are ripe fruit for the SO recruiters and I also believe they are thoroughly inculcated with the notion that if they would leave staff they would be “letting down the group”.
You’re right, Aqua. And also right that the staff members and Ethics Officers and MAA’s drum it into your head that if you leave staff you are letting down the group and are thus a traitor to the group. Back in the 80’s a SO friend of mine was trying to route out of the SO. As you know it takes a long time because no one cooperates with you on the Sec Check, routing form etc. CI all the way to leaving. Her unit that she worked with even go to the point of when she got her food in the mess hall and sat down to eat it, the whole table of people sitting there would take their food and plates and utensils, get up, and relocate to another table, leaving her alone at that table.
She’s the daughter of Sean Brennecke and Kimberly Quigley.
I honestly don’t get how you can spend so much time with all this, amongst your family, friends. I dono. I’ve loved it, no question, but your kids, your wonderful family, I don’t see how you do it. Just my .02.
I’ve said similar to my own son, baseball coach, bass fisherman, boy scouts leader… never a moment (so maybe thats it). 🙂
Hey, it’s a rite of passage. Probably do these young people some good in the long run. Just another life experience that’ll teach them some lessons. I’ve been to Moscow in January … LA and Florida maybe being better options for these kids. Anyway, they’ll either come to their senses and leave … or they won’t … the options we all have in life on all dynamics.
Are you joking?
No, he’s not. Joe is still DEEP into the El Con kool aid.
Whether experience on staff at a Scientology organization provides some perceivable benefits or not is besides the main point that the Scn culture overall does not value education and skill building that has currency in the larger world context. It’s all based on the assumption that once you are in the Scn bubble all of your relationships will have cult indoctrination at it’s core. I have known people who valued their time on staff at an early age but not 14, over 18. They said it taught them to be more organized better discipline and more productive. I don’t support people going to war for oil but for some people Army boot camp taught them valuable lessons. The Church of Scientology needs to be held accountable for drawing young people in under false pretenses and making false promises, and then declaring them enemies when they leave and tearing apart their families in the process.
A lot of them believe that a stint on staff is more rewarding than a ‘wog’ education because they learn admin tech which comes from LRH and is therefore of more benefit than learning admin the ‘wog’ way.
Yes this is a terrible part of Scn and especially when it comes to the Sea Org. Circa 1973 – I am 13 years old and arrive at the Apollo in Lisbon BY MYSELF, no family whatsoever……….spent the next 9 years as a Messenger………quite sick. I look back on that and I just cannot believe it.
I was there when you were there. One of the messengers on duty Xmas eve was crying while sitting in a char outside LRH’s office .. was that on A deck? Been so long can’t recall. And I felt so sad for her.. missing her family, (I didn’t have any either, but I was all grown up at 20). I recall trying to cheer her up but I don’t think it helped much. I wonder if that was you
Possibly, did she have red hair?
She did. :0)
That was me then. I missed my family so badly when on the Apollo, but got used to things without them by the time we got off the ship. Fortunately once I was out from 1982, I spent years with them. Thanks for helping!
It is heartbreaking how they actively go after kids. My kids went to a Scn school, and the Flag recruiters flew out to LA to spend weeks at their school stalking the kids. They followed me home with my kids and when we got out of the car, there they were. And you can’t say, “F off” because then you’ll get KR’ed and kicked off OT VII. The recruiters even showed up to 14 year old kids’ parties, and they sent the young recruiters who in civvies could pass for an older brother or something. When I saw them infiltrating at a party, I heard the Jaws music playing in my mind. The music that plays when the sharks smell blood and are circling. And here’s the worst of it: When my son and daughter joined staff, my ex husband told me not to worry and say, “They’re safe in the SO” or “They’re in the safest place they could be.” OMG. Are you kidding me?!!!! This is what the church teaches: that it is a dangerous environment out there and it is not safe, and therefore give your babies up to the “most ethical group on the planet” because they’ll be “safe” there. I wouldn’t wish that existence on my worst enemy. But the KA drinkers believe this completely. It’s like believing Hitler when he says to give me your Jewish children and I”ll take care of them.
Sorry Cindy, really terrible. Yes, the recruiters told my told Dad that I would have education……no way….only Scn education!
Let’s look at the record of $cientology:
Child labor recruited under false pretenses.
Talking the passports of their staff to prevent them from leaving
Forced abortions
Verbal & physical abuse of staff and sea org.
Pay so low (or nonexistent) that it qualifies as slavery
Training attack dogs, presumably to prevent staff from escaping
Destroying families by disconnection and bankruptcy
Demanding that parents give their money to the church instead of using it to benefit their children
$cientology is an EVIL CULT.
“It doesn’t feel like a job at all,” says young Trevor Lalisan.
Maybe that’s because being paid a salary or wages is included in what we normally think of as “a job.”
Time to make fake ads for Sea Org: “Ask about 401k matching, paid leave, maternity leave, medical plan, retirement and so much more! Ask your local org about these new and amazing benefits!”
Point out all that is lacking, now you just need a mailing list :>
In the 1970’s, COSMOD, a successful mission network, required that employee become a trained auditor before being hired. They were required then to do a Communications Course, the Student Hat (or PRD) and then the HSDC (the first auditor training course at the time). This took time and allowed people to really work through their questions and commit to being full time staff member. Staff had a personal understanding of the subject and tended to be able to act independently, using their own judgement. Staff tended to be have some college education and were adults. Recruiting children who have merely been indoctrinated and have little formal secular education is a disservice to these recruits.
Hey, figured this was a good time to tell everyone here about a cool way to keep kids out of cults and off drugs. I know some of you have relatives with kids in the cult. kids 11-17 get introduced to the cult of aviation! And at around $100 dollars a year! Young kids get rides in small airplanes and older kids will get opportunities to fly. And compete for aviation training scholarships. But more importantly they will met eveyrday kids and adults who are nice and good people while hopefully finding an interest that cult can’t pretend to be able to satisfy.
Some people voluntarily join things like the SS or ISIS. But with all the stupid things that go on on earth to see the faces of children doing something that you just KNOW will ruin their lives and the lives of those around them is the hardest thing of all.
The children soldiers of Africa falls into one of the worst of categories of human trafficking/manipulation ever.
Scientology, especially the SO recruitment is a disgrace for one of the more developed countries on earth, milking the ignorance of the not so developed. If our government’s judicial system can’t see the injustice and criminality with the way organisations like Scientology manipulates the law with religious immunity I guess the term ‘vigilante’ does has its proper place in history. Every now and again the ‘mob’ gets it right!
Nothing good for anyone comes from investing in Scientology – and it’s quite prove-able. As I’ve said to few Scientologists, please compare the present day SHSBC stats with 30 years ago and tell me what condition is Miscavige actually in? It’s a simple question using their own thinking procedures and it doesn’t initially make any of them wrong, but boy, doesn’t it act like a lead balloon. If they respond at all you won’t get an answer that will make sense and they’ll ignore you after that like the plague but it’s a good seed to sow.
In my experience the hard core Scientologists must be approached on the most gentle of gradients, in anything! They are so damn serious!
You’re absolutely right that if you’re genuine and sincere in sparking a dialogue with cherch members, you have to be very careful where you go and tread lightly. It seems that their already high level of cognitive dissonance is barely suppressed and right beneath their level of consciousness at all times.
You’d thing that by asking questions and seeking information that is exactly in alignment with group’s own very clearly articulated goals (e.g., clearing the planet) and explicitly LRH-designated success stats measuring progress in attaining them (e.g., number of well done auditing hours and trained auditors) that you couldn’t go wrong. But you’d be completely wrong about that.
And here’s the head-exploding discrepancy there: If the goal is still to clear all these poor earth people, and auditing is the only way to do it, then, umm, shouldn’t someone be following Elron’s very clear directions to keep close track of the key stats measuring progress toward achieving it!? Seems pretty A to B to me.
And how in the world would something this logically simple and completely Elron-approved have become an off-limits topic of discussion? It really just boggles the mind! If you’re lucky enough to actually get that far in a discussion with a $cilon friend or family member, then it’s probably best to just leave it there without even trying to insert your own take on what that might mean. Better to leave them with it just as a question for them to mull over in some back corner of their mind.
Obviously, if Elron is infallible, then there can only be two possible explanation for what turns out to be a years-long, multi-level disappearance of two of the most importan success stats in all of $cn: Either lots of folks inadvertently screwed up or, much more likely, those stats have been purposefully not reported.
Not only have those statistics not been reported, but as with any scam created by a prevaricating, I DIDN’T HAVE A SECOND WIFE, shyster, the reported statistics see cherry picked, and very difficult for mind controlled, and other in ways distracted followers to rise above the terror imbedded emotional and reactive framework . They are preoccupied with how and when they can accomplish their dispicable Leader’s unattainable carrots on a bundle of sticks.
The very refined practices of gaining confidence of the public and increasingly politicians and other opinion leaders to turn them into ‘useful idiots’ is however apparently on the rise. This too will be a canon shot to the feet when the more aware and ethical public increase by 47x the schooling of the useful idiots.
At that time the shifting powder snow will end in this odious activity submerged in an avalanche of utter demise
Off topic, but I received a letter from Atlanta the other day asking me if I would like to schedule a tour of the new ideal org building. They apparently are desperate to get anyone to walk through the door, I have had no contact with the Atlanta org since 1990. I have received a couple of letters from them and they continue to spell my last name Pringle. Judging from the poor English from voice mails received from Atlanta it is obvious the majority of their staff are from other countries.
Oh! My bad! I’ve been referring to you as Doug Pringle to my friends…. Sorry….
Just call me Pringle the SP.
In SPs, we trust…
I received a letter like that also. I do live in the Atlanta area but I’ve never had anything to do with scientology. In the letter it says “We have a brand new Ideal building, it’s absolutely stunning. I would love to see you in here… blah blah”.
I have no words other than scientology makes me sick.
That sounds like the exact same wording I received
Weird. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw that envelope. I wanted to ask the neighbors if they had gotten one, but I was too embarrassed.
“I come to the Church and play games all day”
For me this statement means there are computers with a high end video cards and high resolution screens, a high speed internet access, a comfy chair, a choice of snacks and plenty of Red Bull.
I have a feeling that this is not what this poor kid means. Get out of that moldy UFO cult kid ! We have way better games outside.
And as Central Files Officer Days, I can guarantee that young Trevor is NOT having the time of his life, tucked away in some windowless room, surrounded my walls of folders containing the names and contact info of folks who bought a book way back in the Jurassic Period and haven’t been heard of since.
It’s such a boring, thankless and completely ineffectual job that the last poor schlub who held that post thinks she died and went to heaven after finally being promoted outdoor body router or what have you.
We should reach out to Trevor…offer him a job, introduce him to earth girls, talk to him about college, even get him high on some dank medicinal herb, ANYTHING to reboot that cult-crazed, Kool-Aid guzzling, mind frame!
Actually, they have him shackled in the basement so that rest of the staff can’t hear his crying….
That really happened to me minus the shackles except they were mental not physical.❤️
I thought exactly the same as you Kemist about the playing games comment.I thought how odd to say that,does not speak very well about the Org.The only game I saw played a Asho F was killer loading dock volleyball and then off to post!❤️
I can see Harpoona you know CF well too.And a great post.Thank you.❤️
Well, you have to remember that children are immortal thetans in small bodies. I was fifteen years old the first time I was recruited for the Sea Org. The very first thing the (incredibly sexy) recruiter said:
“Welcome back.”
It was the Delphian School who browbeated me into signing a five-year staff contract at age seventeen. The children of Scientology really don’t have a chance in the face of the guilt trip laid across their fragile psyches. High pressure does not begin to describe the harrowing intensity of a recruiting session. They lay it thick on both sides of your yin and yang:
“You are a very special and capable individual who was smart enough to be reborn into a Scientology family. You are the only hope in endless quadrillions of years of misery to help mankind break out of this trap of which he is unaware, which is why you must ignore anything they say; they are blind and suppressed and only you and we can save them. And if you don’t sign this here contract, you are a worthless piece of shit who is agreeing with all the evil in the world and you will be denied your eternal freedom.”
And endless permutations thereof. It is brutal. It is, in my opinion, child abuse. Even if Scientology was all it claimed to be, its treatment of children would still be the one thing that negated its validity.
I agree with you that the recruiting process is a form of child abuse. I have witnessed and personally experienced it even worse than what you described. I also agree with the last sentence. Somewhere, the line must be drawn, and for me it’s kids. The recruitment of minors into the SO, especially the tactics used on them (along with those used on the parents), was the thing that has always turned me off the most about the Scientology religion.
“They believe it” is the religious thing. Anyone who has taken the time to actually think it over realizes, or should realize, knows, or should know, that Scientology is all about self-determinism. It is help – an enormous help – but the individual himself is the only one capable of using that help. Only an individual himself can perceive and put together the pieces.
And it is not “help to the Church of Scientology”. It is “help to further one’s already existing life and determinism.”
That realization about Scientology should make it abundantly clear to parents – if it were not abundantly clear already – that their primary interest is their children’s establishment of their own abilities to reason things out for themselves: and make their own decisions. Scientology and Scientologists should be leaders in setting that example, and in improving individuals’ abilities to arrive at their own reason and decision, their own certainty.
The CoS consistently purports that Scientology is a religion, not a self-help group, endeavor or business model. There is no special scripture stating that kids at age X should be recruited for the SO that I know of. However, the recruiting of minors – especially children of Scientologists, is definitely and widely practiced and has been since the inception of the SO. This demonstrates that some people “believe” that this practice aligns with the scriptures and purposes of Scientology, which therefore ends up treating some kids as adults without regard for their personal growth, development and safety. Children of Scientologists are easy and convenient prey for the recruiters, who work to get them alone, separated from the watchful eye of parents, and hammer away on them. That is the modus operandi of the Sea Org recruiter: divide and conquer. They will always set out to get kids alone with them, which should be a big red flag but unfortunately it isn’t always, amongst the faithful (or the fearful) of the almighty COS.
Well stated, Hennessy. That is exactly what the Sea Org does.
Thanks, Infinitely More Trouble. We are on the same page.
They like kids because 1) They’re malleable. 2) They have short life histories (much lower chance of sex and drugs).
SO recruiters are the scum of the Earth.
I so agree with your post Infinitely.Adult abuse is horrible but what happened to you is poison.Verbal chemo is how I feel about it.Your fourth paragraph gave me chills and those words came to mind.Thank you for your comment.❤️
Oh and to add to my last post, when they were recruiting my daughter to SO, they brought footage of the World Trade Center Twin Towers being blown up and they said that it was not Middle Eastern religious fanatics flying planes into it, but was instead a US government planned caper and coverup and that this is why they HAVE TO join the SO because look how horrible things are. They scared the shit out of my kids with that, which is what they intended to do. And of course, they said the only way out was for them to join the SO and put a stop to this stuff.
Wow Cindy but I’m not surprised.
Cindy, I’m not surprised either. This is typical ‘Merchant of Chaos’ fodder that the SO uses to recruit and to get donations from people. There are lots of Scientologists and people in general who believe that 9/11 was an inside job; done to curtail civil liberties and to eventually bring about a police state in America. Leave it to the Sea Org to fine tune conspiracy theory and conjecture with patter and video as a recruiting tool for the young and inexperienced.
Cindy, why do I have a vision of the character from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang that offers sweets to kidnap children. These big beings must feel so super super proud conning young children who have no intellectual self defence. How much do you think these people believe what they are saying (or are they saying anything to get that week’s stats up)?
There is always a photo when they are coming.Never when they are leaving.
Curious on the stas.
First is it second generation.or third?In Australia and America must be 70% third generation.
Wonder what the retention rate is.
A guess:first year retention rate is 35%.?
5th year retention rate is like 20%?
Third World Wonders for the Sea Org:
First year 60%?
year 5 30%?
Anyone with more recent experience want to make a guess?
Moscow org is full of “Join the Sea Org” ads. They are literally on every wall.
Bathroom too?
Checked today))) on the 1-st floor immediately on the left from bathroom, and opposite to the bathroom door on the 2 floor
As Tony Ortega revealed the majority of folks recruited into the sea org have come from Russia over the last 6 years. See the whole story here. This is natural since economic conditions in Russia are terrible. Cost of living is so high 3 and 4 individuals have to live in a studio apartment just so there is enough money left over for food. Rents are astronomically high as is food and utilities. Easily, anyone in that boat would eagerly jump ship at the chance to get all that the sea org provides. The cult smells a good prospect a mile away. Mike, it saddens me that ICE hasn’t found the balls to do anything effective to challenge what is certainly a fraudulent operation.
I got ya! We spend our resources chasing down Hispanics who illegally come into the country yet do nothing about the illegals from the Baltic regions who are smuggled in by the Sea Org. Here’s campaign fodder for Donald Trump!
Scientology and foreign “lost in translation” youth seeking a career hopeful path up the Scientology staff blue sky bureaucracy.
Scientology’s staff organizations with their orderly staff perches along the way to someday maybe getting to work for COB and witness some David Miscavige fits of rage, , where the draw I think to young people is just that camaraderie
Watch adults pretend they are “OT” and have attained great spiritual abilities.
Put the orgs there that let people pretend they are obtaining Scientology’s blue sky soul abilities.
What more could a youth want in life?
The fact that other humans are even at the Scientology watering hole bureaucracy locations, fakes out the youth into believing there is something there.
All that is there are other faked out and deceived youth and those aging and upholding the fantasy of “OT” making.
What more could a youth want in life?
After several months, their old life back?
I just want to scream.
There, did it for you.
Part of the problem is that also want to write the sequels. For example:
[Les – please just email this to OSD. Too long and off topic here.]
Hana has that stoic-Scientology look where she knows, in the back of her head what’s going on. Trevor might just have the knowingness.
Boy Hana looks thrilled.
She’s thinking ‘5 years……I just have to give them 5 years……then I can say I’ve done my part and I can begin to live my real life……5 years. Time flies, right?’
Time flies in an Idle Morgue? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Time crawls in any Morgue! Poor kids…
By the time they wake up, it’s generally too late. Time flies for those chasing the carrot. It’s all those urges they continually put on the back burner, like having kids, a home, nice car, friends that care about you etc that eventually do them in. One day they will notice someone else with those things and they’ll have a personal little moment, they look around and see they have nothing. It’s devastatingly heartbreaking!
Powerful post, I yawn. I do feel for them. And, like me, I hope they get their old life back. When I got my old life back, I was deliriously happy! It was one of the greatest days of my life. I was back in control of my life!
The older ones will have very little SS as far as I can see – unless they get a lawyer and get disability or some other care. In the SO 77-96 my Taxed SS Earnings were:
1977 1,462
1978 741
1979 1,088
1980 1,084
1981 0
1982 2,524
1983 1,781
1984-1993 9 years of Zero
1994 7,230
1995 5,911
1996 3,053
1997 5,857
My May 2000 report estimates I’d live on $188.00 a month if I retired at age 62! I’m 64 and thank goodness that is now what happened but I left in ’96.
That worries me most.
I like Trevor Lalisan’s comment. “It doesn’t seem like a job at all!”
Yes, Trevor that is because JOBS come with PAY!
Hey, Trevor, give it some time and it will feel like you’re constantly overwhelmed! But, no worries! Your wog jobs will help you get through it!
Ah,yes. Trevor the teenage moonlighter!
It’s a good time to get some announcements from guys leaving the church. Keeps a balance there in this universe 🙂
Like an apostate newsletter?
An apostate newsletter, printed on a mimeo and advertised via telex. You have to address them at their level of technology. YouTube, Facebook, and even e-mail are pearls before swine.
That’s exactly what we need! An apostate newsletter! I yawn, you’re a genius!
Trevor Lalisan – Central Files Officer Day.
Poor guy!
Yeah, but, what’s more exciting than going through massive amounts of paper with names of people who don’t want to be found? I think it’s thrilling!!!
Even better is calling them and getting cussed out!
Hi. I am helping my family, my community, my city and this world by activating this video display for your viewing pleasure. You could do it yourself probably, but if I don’t do it, then I’ll end up as Central Files Officer or in some other Xenu-forsaken pointless, mind-numbing shit basket of a job. Hey, did you notice that my tie and tie knot are two different colors? That’s friggin’ awesome!!!
Hmmmmm…he’s in the first stages of dementia. I’ve seen this in orgs before.
Sad that any child is taken in by the clampire. No more dating, no more hanging out at the mall, just Lron and filing.
I just don’t understand the Central Files thing. Lron may have made it a sacrament, but every medium to large company uses document management software and scans and electronically attaches mail to a master client record. You can do so much simple software that the clams could spend much more time selling their ‘services’. Ok, that means that folders keep them off the streets and telephones. All praise Lron!!! Remember the Shakers? $cientology is the Shakers of today. At last count, there were 3 Shakers left.
You know zemoo having spent much time in old Asho’s CF for my posts and later for other transgressions I think Ron skipped a beat with CF.Actually it is The Condition of Filing start by being surrounded by clouds of paper dust that makes one aware how great all Ron’s commands are such as his musings about CF. Multiply that by combing through files going back to the 50s because Thursday at 2:00 I had better have a big fish on my line with money to burn.Otherwise I will be using a toothbrush on the bananna boxes! Lol.Ron/dm love living in the past.Love your posts.❤️
I think we went out in a field somewhere and burned our Central Files. What fun.
So sad….I often worry about those in the 2nd category and wish we had more protections against human trafficking in the US like what they have in Australia (at least what I’m seeing so far in Steve Cannane’s Fair Game.)