We have all seen some crazy “Letter Reg” letters emanating from the bowels of scientology over the years, but I think this one has to take the cake.
The foolish letters are based on Hubbard’s brilliant administrative “technology” which is laid out in stone. Every executive in scientology knows this quote — published in ALL CAPS:
And then there are many other pieces of “standard tech” — like this:
The quantity of outflow of personal letters on a national basis determines the number of people who come in for training and processing. The quality of the letter so long as it’s personal, has only some bearing on it. The quantity of personal letters determines the inflow.
Hubbard tells the executives and staff that they can be “cause” over their income because they can ALWAYS get their “letters out” stat up.
And is the basis for letters like this one. (Though a bit out of date, pre-empted by pandemic news, nothing in scientology ever changes, so there will be many, many more of these).
Understand, this is NOT a response to something the person sent in. They have not communicated to AOSHUK at all.
This is an originated communication from Regine Kreisel to a declared SP living in the United States. Hardly a hot prospect to head to AOSHUK…
And this message is just so weird. Imagine starting out a letter “I am aware that Ron is not among is anymore”???
Wonder how long it took her to become aware of that fact? And why she feels compelled to tell someone that she has had such a realization? Is it supposed to entice them into jumping on a plane and flying to the England to participate in some “no longer with us” tech?
The world of scientology just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
Hi Mike
I simply had to comment on this article.
I know you hate LRH and wish to destroy everything he said or did but I was in CF one day I pulled a file at random.
I unlike most staff read the file. This guy had so many arc break communications it was unreal.
I went through the file and found he had at some time raised a question he had never had an answer to.
I simply wrote a short letter to him regarding this question and the fact he had poor comm over the years and would he like the question answered and invited him to reply.
He never did.
3 weeks later this fellow walked inot the Org and asked to speak to me not the Reg.
I was so surprised, met up with him went for coffee had a long chat about letter Reg quotas and poor comm etc etc.
He eventually went on to train as an auditor (as this was his goal) and did well in life.
I know this is not the sort of reply you need for this blog but I had to highlight this.
At the end of the day it is really simple you only have to answer people’s questions honestly.
The problem is and always will be is untrained idiots being put on post (mostly SO of course, they have all the lunatics in their untrained non technical ranks) they are not ready for.
The HAS is of course the WHY always as they fail to recruit, train and Hat people!
I realise that psychiatry probably has more workable technology than LRH ever had and will salvage the planet with their wonderful drug programs but I felt I had to highlight something nice for a change.
I know this is not the sort of reply you need for this blog but I had to highlight this.
In fact, I love to hear from people like you. You give excellent perspective on things, so please, I encourage you to keep on commenting.
Out of curiosity, is this the only success you had from writing a CF letter?
Actually Mike I had a few .
I know the cureent COS model is shit for brains burt LRH did have some wondeful ideas and Cf was one of them.
It is common sense really, and today we lack that at all Governmental levels.
See trump again bailing out the creditors not the debtors, its NUTS with a capital N!!!
I see no change unitl Wall street is gone.
My very first staff position was in CF when I was doing EPF. I HATED it! You couldn’t stuff one more piece of paper into a file cabinet it was so jammed up with 99% of it being what WE wrote to the public! They rarely ever answered! Rarely! But we just kept writing and writing and writing and writing filling those cabinets with boxes on top of the cabinets overflowing and spilling sometimes so some out ethics person had to come and clean it up and alphabetize that one box that had spilled. There was literally no more room in the building for more file cabinets. AND that was supposed to determine our income? That org was making a few hundred bucks a week to at most a couple grand. Early 70’s it was. I knew that was crapola then even though I was a kid and brand new. Even so I knew then that the money was made only from pressure on the public and heavy pressure on the registrars with threats of lower conditions etc. But my cognitive dissonance was suppressed out of me by showing me more data about how thinking like that was downtone! And the letter she wrote above? That violates the whole purpose of even writing it. She’s supposed to find a reality with her public? NOT! He’s declared. After I was OT 5 I would receive letters saying are you interested in doing your bridge yet? Hahahahaha. Yeah…that really was sharing a reality. LOL
I believe that this data about the quantity of outflow to be insane. Even when I was IN, I resented getting letters that showed the writer didn’t know anything about me and was just meeting a quota. It is very bad PR, not to mention expensive.
Recently, I have been sent large promo packs. On the envelope it makes the dubious claim “Here is the information you requested.” Most certainly, I did not request anything from them.
Another related insanity is the idea that every name in CF is valuable and nothing ever gets thrown away. So some dude walks into an org in 1960 and is reluctantly persuaded to buy a copy of DMSMH, which he promptly throws away. He then receives mailings for the next 60 years even though he died 20 years ago and moved house long before that.
All of this insanity long predates Miscavige and comes straight from Hubbard. It is one of the reasons that the orgs are insolvent.
Cavalier. I complete agree. One day would be nice to have talk on orgs solvency. This is a kind of orgs management that has a long history and one could also call it “locust management”. I was on that lines and this kind of insanity just stats oriented made me open the eyes. Do well.
In the central files of the orgs, a good part are people who arrived via body routing or some FSM and who bought a book or started something.
Many years ago.
It’s a bit like someone bought a car in the 80s. And every ten years he received a letter from the dealer to find out if he is satisfied.
We landed on the moon!
So, size really does matter?!
I’ve been living a lie all these years …..
Your magnifying glass broke?
Interesting and surprising intel, Mike.
Letter Reg from an Advanced Org ORIGINATING comm to a declared SP.
Comm that is effectively an INVITATION for this SP to get back on services.
And UNSOLICITED invitation.
SPs’ are NOT communicated to by staff (and only communicated to when necessary by OSA )and any communication from an SP coming into an org is not even READ by the org staff – possibly it is forwarded, unopened, to the local OSA to be read – but certainly ordinary org staff never read anything coming in from a known SP.
So this Letter Reg got PERMISSION from her Seniors, or possibly was furnished BY her Seniors this declared SP’s contact info FROM the Dead File AND told to write a letter to this SP, to get him/her back on lines.
This HAD to have been an ORDER or at the very least, express permission from Seniors high up.
NO Letter Reg would DARE to write such a letter to an SP without express permission or a specific order from the a Senior Exec.
Aqua this is exactly the point. That folder wasn’t supposed to be available to anyone in the first place.
They have a mess in their CF. Who knows what is there. Should be called XF.
Possibly a mess-up in CF, yes.
I didn’t think of that.
Possibly just a simple admin error.
My mind jumped right to it being deliberate due to lack of public in the orgs.
Maybe I just read too much detective fiction.
Aqua. They simply have a central file not updated (as it has always been for almost all orgs). When one really updates a CF he must absolutely remove from the official list all folders of who passed away, who said “no more comms” who got SPed etc, to dont send them letters.
There is a detective story here:
How is it possible that after 70 years these archives still remain “untamed” ?
Although all of them know that they are one of the main source of income. So what did they do in the meantime to make money, took shortcuts?
Aqua, as a former CF officer, I wonder where you got this info, that SPs’ letters are routed to OSA (unread) and that they’re DEADfiled. I only heard of DEADfiling recently; not while I was at Flog, so I may by ‘WAY out of the loop there.
SO…. What’s it TAKE to get declared and DEADfiled? Is it possible that I’ve been given those distinctions even though I’ve never seen anything from “ethics” to that effect? Who KNOWS what other alterations Davey-Boy has wrought that I’ve missed? SPs evidently don’t ever find out about their declaration orders directly, and Tubby’s original dictates IIRC, didn’t EVER allow for removing a name & contact info from CF.
jere, you’re right, right, right; letters from people who have been dead filed (SPs, PTSs who won’t handle, critical letters) do NOT get AUTOMATICALLY routed to OSA. (That was a sort of dub in on my part.)
And I also didn’t point out that there are TWO types of Dead Files – the Ethics type whose comm is stamped “Entheta” on the envelope and not even read, and the Central Files “dead files” of people who are literally dead. And you’re also right, that Addresso in CF NEVER lets go of an address. What I wrote was from a policy I read as part of the Vol O course I did. The policy was “Entheta Letters and the Dead File” and my memory didn’t serve me fully at first because I did the course over 20 years ago. But your correction jogged it and I remember now that people get Dead Filed in Ethics for 3 reasons: 1) Critical letters received from them, 2) if they’re declared SPs and 3) if they’re PTSs who refuse to handle. So, what Hubbard said in this PL is that once someone is dead filed this way (in Ethics) their letters are no longer read, they are merely stamped “entheta” and forwarded unopened, to CF, where they are filed. And its true that SPs are no longer officially declared now so I’m assuming the orgs must have some way of siphoning off without opening it and just shunting it off to CF. But then, policy-shmolicy, who knows how they handle this now? I’m only recalling that PL I got checked out on back in the day – I think it was on the Vol O course – “Entheta Letters and the Dead File”.
Remember, most admin in orgs is terrible. Witness all the endless CF projects we read about. My instant read was that this was an admin mistake. If, however, it’s a knowing communication to a declared SP, that’s pretty treasonous on their part., and would surprise me.
I’m a declared SP and get no communications. It’s the only thing that’s good about being declared.
If this recipient were to mail back, indicating they are a vile, despicable, fiendish, actually declared SP, it might stop the mail. I’d do that.
Looks like a naked attempt to get the letters stat up. Write a letter with the least amount of effort possible. Nothing personal, not even a cogent thought, just a letter out. Doesn’t matter how bizarre or meaningless the 1-3 sentences is, Ron said so. Letters out = cash in.
Won’t these people realize that letters aren’t the way to communicate anymore and datum is outdated and doesn’t work?
And by extension, if he was wrong about this datum then he’s not infallible, and maybe he’s wrong about others?
How many other points do you see in a day or a week where the tech doesn’t work every time?
Look, don’t listen!
In this case the “Tech” is often not applied. LRH said that ” letters” were generated by reading the CF file and then writing a letter which has reality; your reality to the person. But stat pushers had to get the LO stat up and CF wàs never in PT anyway. The engineers on the Freewinds were once given a list of hundreds of names and ordered to write letters to people on the list. I broke out a copy of OEC vol 2 and read the relevant LRH issues to my juniors.
When the execs found out it was if I was trying to foment Mutiny by trying to get my juniors to follow LRH instead of the illegal orders we were given.
So you take off your clothes and then you try to get the stats up? Hey! Whatever floats your boat.
Just a fun little piece of random data.
Scientology app on google has a grand total of 3420 reviews.
There are a few critical ones (cough), but the vast majority are the clapping seals.
But still, less than 4k reviews.
The Wikkan calendar has 2440 reviews.
LDS has 11,300 reviews. When the Mormons are beating you 3x, maybe you need to re-evaluate “fastest growing”….
Kyle, “reevaluating” ANYthing is not in scientology’s nature. The dictates are to follow orders, not “think”…. Can’t have reasonableness (reasoning about any topic) now, can we?
OH!!! I love random data!!! It’s… so random.
OSD … Naked random data is even better …
Well, my mother has been gone 3 years and I still get her mail here with organizations wanting money. Old mailing lists never die I guess. Sometimes there is even money in them or some stamps to cover postage if she will just use the enclosed envelope to send them a check. I keep the stamps and coins. I don’t think mom would mind at all. I’m saving up a candy bar.
And you deserve that candy bar, Peggy L!
Unless you get litigious, they won’t dead-file a Central Files folder. They hang on like glue.
Just saw on Facebook someone in Clearwater selling 5 E-meters ,complete with hard case etc. All 5 ,for $1,000. She bid and won on an abandoned storage unit.
Double WOW!
Aren’t those worth a lot more, even the old ones? But one might weigh wanting money against helping a broke Scientologist and taking away a sale from the church.
About $3,500 new. Scientology auditors are required to use the new meters,so a Scn will not buy these. I sold 2 brand new meters in the box on ebay for $75 a piece.
Yeah, I should have known the church would require new E-meters. Who buys these then? Independent Scientologists, or collectors? There could be a collector’s market for these especially if the main Scientology church folds. From what I remember reading E-meters aren’t worth that much in parts.
Indy Scn auditors can buy them,but many use their laptops as a meter.
Moose. If the meter is taken by an independent but is old, then they must update it. And who gets there? Do they have technicians? Or take him to a car electrician?
Did the E-meters come with the bonus variable speed vibrating cans for that extra bit of under the sheets excitement?
OMG!!! Are you sure??? Because I think I saw him eating a PBJ! I’m so confused. Someone, please tell what’s going on!
I saw him walking out of a Walmart the other day with Elvis.
I knew he never died! I just knew it! Elvis lives!!!
Shit no. He was spotted yesterday sun tanning on the beach at Surfers Paradise. It was on the TV news. Fifteen lifesavers were trying to push him back into the water, thinking he was a whale that had beached itself.
I get letters in the mail once a year or so from Scientology even tough I’ve been expelled since New Year’s Eve. The sender never signs the letter. It’s just plain harassment.
Generalissimo Francisco Franco and L. Ron Hubbard are still dead.
Robert. LOL. Let’s leave them as they are. Dead.
That makes me feel so much better. That means that Hitler must still be alive.
Seig heil!
Hitler is alive and well? Makes sense to me.
Since the Weekly World News went out of business, journalism in Earth has been a desert … (I miss the interviews with JFK, Elvis and Jimmy Hoffa) …
Damn! I was hoping Francisco Franco was still alive.
These letters often smack to me of being the work of someone hurried and sleep deprived, and perhaps in a passive-aggressive mood about their assigment, just trying to get some “stats” knocked out.
The policy is also a classic example of how Scientology is stuck doing things that might have seemed if they worked in decades past or the last century, even though back then they were probably confusing cause and effect. Perhaps sending out letters did once have some marginal effect – though it may have just been an indicator of an organization very focused on recruiting in general, including through more once-effective means like “body routing” – but it’s certainly all but useless in the 21st century.
Much of the “science” of Scientology revolves around assigning false cause to things, as exemplified by the use of forced “success stories” that require individuals to say – and guides them towards believing – that positive things that occur in their lives are necessarily the effect of courses or auditing.
I wonder if they email some of these now. If email were a thing in Hubbard’s day, can you imagine how much he would have loved the idea of spamming the masses?
PeaceMaker. I agree in full. Times are changed, but they are forced by their policy to operate that way.
Now they are hitting this situation so all hands letters after production time. With a CF not updated and missing from new info. So there is a missing “reality”. And what hits the other side are weird letters.
This generates in their words “an arc broken field”. Good luck to your X-Files.
The SO management orgs survive from weekly income coming from orgs missions and field activities.
Since everything is practically stopped and they will no longer have cash flows, what they can now do is to push SO orgs and orgs to outflow to tons and bomb the whole CF.
After all, the data is “quantity not quality”.
Who knows what other oddities will mail out to make enough volume.
It’s interesting that it’s very easy to write nothing letters like this, yet none of us found it easy to find the time to do it.
To us, it was a machine, and if we just stood there and cranked the machine, money would come out. That’s simple, yet none of us wanted to do it. No results was behind the unwillingness, and nobody dared question Hubbard’s statement.
Laughing. Quite weird I would say.
They sent platoons of projects and missions decade after decade trying to “conquer” the central files (CF) and bring it to the present but they never won.
The letter reg here shows all its skill.
She does what hubbard says: Take the person’s file, take a look at “see what the folder says to you” and write what comes to mind.
Who knows what the hell she saw ….?
This letter perfectly illustrates the principal of garbage in, garbage out.
I routinely wrote one-line letters asking, simply, “Are you there?”. It was someone’s idea of impinging on the person’s bank, jolting them into a response. Imagine getting that. You’d reject it. It’s pretty rude.
Dear Uninterested stranger,
I am aware that I am a bat-shit crazy cult member living with other crazy people.
My purpose is to get you to be a crazy cult member and give us all of your money so I don’t get sent to a dark place for 5 years doing hard labor for a mouthful of gruel everyday.
It is your choice if you want to ruin your life and join us.
Őrült Guanó
Cult Slave
Wynski. Laughing! But you did it! You enlighten me. I want be back in the cult! But first, wait a second, I just need to ask my family. They grown all cult free and are ‘wogs’, you know…
Just laughing. These letter regges write empty boring letters to make bulk quantities without having real interest for the individual except for his money.
One Dir Comm I knew about 40 years ago had a computer program that would take the first name of the person and write a random letter to them about coming in for service. He’s press print and get his weekly stat up.
Wynski this what I call taking care for the person. Random letters from a computer. Maybe the guy was at flag but being asked to buy a basic course. I have seen many oddities but this was still missing to me. Laughing.
Dear Mr. Guano,
I don’t want to join your cult but once you get sent away could I write to you?
I have this thing for men in jail.
Much love,
Aqua, If you write send food!
Of course, Wyn. I never visit a jailbird empty-handed.
That’s the kind of project I was working on it when I got declared! They never let me back in to retrieve my computer, my private property. Good thing for them, too: I was logging PC folders on it. Don’t want any org data in the hands of an evil SP!
Inspired. SURE to get responses.
Wynski: how DO you pronounce that signed name: “Őrült Guanó”? I’m blanking out.
Jere, go to google translate and run detect language on both and translate into English for a treat.
Don’t know how to pronounce exactly
Very good point, Mike. I have noticed the same trend. It is as if the reality of Hubbard’s death has finally sunk in. Some Scientologists then have no choice but to accept the reality in a very strange way. They talk about legacy and helping. Deep inside they know the thetan is no a valid concept so they talk about the “soul healing the body”. The same think happened to Christian Science after Mary Baker Edy’s death. The reading rooms were the only strategy left. I know because I read her books and all they really say is that science and modern medicine are totally wrong. “All is infinite mind” is her famous saying.
Personally, I like Blavatsky the most out of these Occult people. In fact, I think she would have come up with a weird explanation for the 19 virus. In physical appearance it really is Occult and she would have had a field day. But for some reason I do not mind her. Hubbard just gets under my skin because he copied her without understanding her or authentic Occult. Hubbard should have been born a Catholic. It would have helped his development.
“All is infinite mind” is a great slogan. Presumably there is more to it.
On the other hand Hubbard all over the practical doing – say this incantation, lift that ashtray, hold these cans, have that cognition.
George, I’m sure that the clams secretly believe that Tubby didn’t die and it’s all a conspiracy to TRY to shake their belief in his divinity, and that he’ll “soon” be making his way back to gold ol’ Teegeeack to finish up his work; like actually creating a real “clear” and releasing OT levels IX, X and XI. You know, DELIVERING on any of those promises he made to us.
Of COURSE he won’t be doing that as his REAL evil purposes in it all were to enslave all women, and men; without their realizing it, of course. His “tech(techniques) DID work; only as it was designed, not as advertised.