Well, isn’t that strange?
How many events (and Impact mags) have you seen that have crowed about the “success” of Criminon and how it is all attributable to “your support of the IAS.”
Who has not been “pitched” by an IAS Vulture to “support our 4th dynamic activities, we are salvaging criminals from a life of crime.”
They have even presented IAS “Freedom Medals” to Criminon people like Greg Capazorio and promoted the fact that THIS is what the IAS does.
Ladies and gentlemen — the unvarnished truth. The Church and the IAS GIVE NOTHING to support the efforts of these people. They are literally begging for money to buy WTH and postage.
Once again, you have to ask the question:
If Miscavige and his clubbed seals really believe they can salvage criminals and save the world — and certainly the rehabilitation of criminals would go a LONG way towards “A world without criminals…” which the IAS claims is its purpose — then why won’t they spend a few thousand dollars a MONTH out of their BILLIONS to support this activity?
I am not even talking about REALLY doing this program which might cost a million dollars a year, or 10% of the interest on a billion dollars if it was only earning 1% per annum.
One can only conclude that Miscavige and Co. do NOT believe in their programs to save the world. Hell, they refuse to spend their money on them. Of course, “their money” was others’ money until they turned it over, theoretically to fund promised programs, but as soon as the check clears, all bets are off.
If they were serious about what they tell everyone it is SOOOOOOO important to hand over their money for, they would be spending some of the billions they already collected on such things as:
1. Completing all Ideal Orgs so planetary clearing would become a reality (instead they drag this on for decades as “planetary clearing” slips further and further into unreality). Or maybe they don’t really want to clear the planet? Or maybe they are just telling people that this is what will clear the planet though they know its a scam.
2. Distributing WTH to “bring peace to the Middle East”, “end the troubles in Ukraine”, “prevent violence at the World Cup in Brazil,” “civilize Iran,” “handle the drug problem in Colombia,” etc etc The booklets cost them nothing to print. But rather than print and distribute them, they instead sell them at a profit so they can then be “distributed.”
3. Salvage the education system everywhere – why not FUND education programs and tutoring or whatever? You know, the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” — illiteracy being the first and most prevalent problem on earth according to Dear Leader and only Scientologists have the answer.
4. Providing FREE drug rehabilitation to anyone who wants it. After all, Miscavige keeps talking about the “scourge” of drugs and how it blocks people getting onto the Bridge….
5. Putting LRH books into all libraries (oh wait, that is already “done” though you cannot find them anywhere).
There are plenty of others. “Non Existence” campaigns. Planetary Dissemination. Human Rights. Auditoriums. etc etc etc
This is nothing but a massive scam being perpetrated on the sheeple.
For what reason do they need to keep collecting MORE? Somehow they are convincing the sheeple they don’t already have the money to do these things and they have to get it from them. But there is NO EVIDENCE any of the money they collect that is so desperately needed NOW NOW NOW is ever spent on anything. And there is plenty of evidence that these organizations have PLENTY OF MONEY, and obscene amount of money.
There is only one logical conclusion based on the FACTS. These “campaigns” and “strategies” are nothing but fundraising scams.
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014
From: Barbara Kalergis <[email protected]>
Subject: donations
Dearest Supervisors and Volunteers.
As you know we have been expanding fast. We are now 232 volunteers strong. We are getting more and more starts each week.
With expansion comes funding for packs and postage.
I know I sound like a broken record. However I just want to give you some data.
-we get no funding from the Church
-we get no funding from the Gov.
-we are a nonprofit (so we as volunteers take no money)
-we are a charity for the inmates, of which 99% cannot contribute funds
-we have to pay for all the printing and postage costs. Rent and phone.
-I solely am responsible to get the money in the door to cover our basic expenses.
Out of the 232 volunteers we have:
-36 that contribute monthly deductions from PayPal(auto deduct from CC)
-10 who send in checks each month
-2 (who are not volunteers that send in a check each month)
The rest is hit or miss. The fundraiser (garage sale) helps a little.
What I need is more HELP. Suggestions are great and I have had a few. However I need some of you to come to the plate and help raise some money. It is a hat. It takes time and attention to do this. It is not hard, just needs doing. (we pay 10% comm.. to anyone who helps raise funds, privately or otherwise)
The first and easiest way to get money is the monthly donation via PayPal. If all the supes gave $10 a month we would have our basic FP covered.
“I know I sound like a broken record. However I just want to give you some data.”
How pathetic is this eh?
I don’t think “clubbed Seals” really goes far enough in describing these charactors. SP’s is the correct definition
Poor Barbara …
Powerful, hard hitting post Mike, I loved it! More begging……Oi fucking vey! And who are these volunteers and what are they doing exactly, fund raising also? Why is she bugging the supervisors, they are probably already working for nothing. The hoarding of all this money, while staff struggle and neglect their children, and while Mismanage lives like a king is absolutely criminal and disgusting.
So – again, Scn depends on donations instead of creating its own normal business exchange. I now officially change the name of Church of Scientology to Church of Donations – COD instead of COS.
I actually had to look up Criminon because I left Scn before it was established and didn’t know it existed. Here’s a fairly short Wiki on it if anyone else might be interested or curious. It does have a few interesting pieces of info:
Poor us, great leader will not sponsor us, we can’t function but want to, please donate, we are poor poor people, just wanna do good and save the world from themselves, time is running out, jada jada jada … in short summary.
How lame, and how optimistic …
Regarding LRH books, there are plenty of ebooks just waiting to be downloaded for free from several torrents. Just checked, at least 60 torrents available … Hmmm…
Also checked our library, there is 32 different books available (SF and workbooks, basics etc), some translated, some not. Available also: Scientology 0-8 : the book of basics (2007 edition). Annual library membership is 12,5€.
The IAS is an aberrated group.
As we know they take $ in the
guise of help.
The true intentions of the IAS do
include help but it is inverted. Their
idea of help is not to help others but
to help themselves.
LRH said below 2.0 help is betrayal.
He also said a betrayal is help turned to destruction.
Sounds like the IAS to me. And yes of course
I should include Miscavige as having this
point of view as well.
Help inverted can be a very aberrated
Thank you Mike for this great post. It could not br more relevant. It goes straight to the point.
Criminon and Narconon is an income source for the Church of Scientology. A.B.L.E. staff rake in millions of dollars of donations for both and never forward it. They pimp the criminals and drug addicts. Convince public to donate and put the money straight into their C of S bank accounts. Deliberate fraud. The CHURCH STEALS from the Narconon network! And makes them buy paper back books set for 2500.00 to get a student through Narconon! A.B.L.E. had the E.D. of Narconon Int traveling from one Narconon to another and bleeding their bank accounts to donate the money to the C of S! Literally BANKRUPT several Narconons in the U.S. went under!
David Miscavige BELONGS in the Criminon program!
Why else do you think they are pulling law suits from all over the United States. Because they have clean hands? Happy customers?
Yes, David Miscavige belongs in the Criminon program. But he would be one of its failures and would most certainly refuse to do it.
And you know why they are pulling in lawsuits from all over the US? Because their unprecedented expansion is driving us SP’s crazy, seeing them helping so many millions of people!
When has Criminon ever been transparent and opened the books to their supporters? Or an exact accounting of what precisely they have done and achieved?
232 volunteers? Exactly who are they, and why can’t we talk to them to verify their stats and achievements?
Both IAS and CRIMINON are scams as far as I’m concerned, and neither qualifies as a bona-fide charity, just as every other Scientology front end doesn’t. One scam whining about another one not sharing their fraudulently acquired booties hardly causes me a tear to run.
As far as I’m concerned, anyone asking me to donate for anything other than a course or auditing I have not yet paid for is a SCAM of one sort or another.
I used to be a Sup for Criminon many years ago and we paid for our own postage to send them their corrected lessons and letters. So for the IAS to crow and bray and brag about how they did this and that for Criminon (and Narconon too), is just criminal. Criminon is volunteer only. And same goes for our Volunteer Ministers. They pay their own way or reg their friends to donate to cover their air fare over to the disaster locations. And the only thing the IAS or church pays for is to send Gold over there to do Photo Ops to put in the Impact Mag or show at an upcoming event when they take full credit for it all. It’s just more out exchange, more lies, more unclean hands for the church, and the motivators they are pulling in are big and continuing. They will be their own undoing with DM the biggest foot nuker of them all.
Volunteer or not, when donations are requested, accountability automatically comes into play. And that should also include the out-of-pocket expenses of it’s contributors so as to get an overall scene of what’s really going on, transparent to all its supporters. I’m not questioning well-meaning intentions getting LRH tech tech into the prison system which could improve conditions and lives, but the manner in which CRIMINON and other SCN front ends operate … all bait, ambiguities, button-pushing, exagerated & hyped data to “get you to” … you’re told unverified stories of results. Too many “Hiddens”, openess lacking. Give us your money, but don’t look under the hood. Before I finance any activities I need to evaluate for myself whether I consider the proposed actions effective, but NO, that’s contrary to “Command Intention” and nanny-state-like Sea Org mentality, which appears to regulate and control everything including what information I can and cannot have …. for the common good of course.
It’s all in how they operate; it’s not above board, hence deemed a scam until proven otherwise.
If the IAS in fact claims it supports CRIMINON, then transparency would reveal these lies, and thus CRMIMINON has been drawn into and is a ‘mutually out-ruds part’ of the very same fraudulent operations to deceive its supporters.
How does it feel attending an event being told of IAS support when you know you had to pay for it all yourself? It takes quite the mental gymnastic leap to justify the con.
Any charity which wants your money but won’t let you see the back of the store is dishonest to some extent or other.
If they get no funding from the Church, then why is there is dedicated Public Video Display on this activity in all the new Div 6 areas? Why is there a dedicated Criminon display area showing all their good works in Div6C? Why does Criminon even feature on the Div6C Org Board???
I have attended numerous IAS events where Criminon was very definitely one of the activities claiming to be supported by the IAS.
And for the record, there were 2 Freedom Medal award winners from South Africa for their Criminon work- Greg Capazario being one (now ED Criminon Int) and the other was Kevin Jones who is on Joburg Foundation staff, and living on the bones. I was told by the current JBG DSA that Kevin was so desperate for money, he had tried to pawn his IAS medal – only to find out it wasn’t real gold, and thus useless.
Criminon – seems the perfect place for Dave to intern before he moves into The Big House.
Weird. Screaming to the world that one of the social betterment orgs established by the Church, receives no funding from the Church, is really bizarre.
Another day, another Foot nuke for the CoS…
Precisely, Old School: (small print: our social betterment programs aren’t actually funded by us, we just organise others to do them, and take a cut, naturally).
Narconon gets no funding from them either.
Wow, appalling. All along we have known that Black Hear doesn’t care at all about anybody’s well being. His only concern is, and always has been, to destroy organizations, technology, staff and so on. Needless to say that his greed surpasses that one of other past well known criminals.
In addition to the mest aspect of greed, fraud, scam, abuse there is the betrayal to each individual that could have had a chance of change if the honest help offered by others -such as auditors, volunteers, etc- could have been made available to him and her.
With terror and hiding from others he may try to enjoy the billions he already has, but what he won’t be able to handle ever is the agony of knowing he is basically a worthless soul.
Here are the IRS forms for Criminon. New Jersey, Minnesota and Connecticut appear to be closed. Florida and California are probably still open. It’s a tiny operation, not even 5% as large as Narconon.
Why spend anything when you can keep conning the sheeple that they need to give and you don’t.
All the IAS generated PR is swallowed hook, line and sinker by the Koolid drinkers even though anyone who has a brain knows it’s pure lies and B.S.
It really is a toxic bubble they inhabit.
“There is only one logical conclusion based on the FACTS. These “campaigns” and “strategies” are nothing but fundraising scams.” Yes, Mike, they have no intention to actually handle the drug addicts or criminals. They just use the idea of cleaning it up to reg money. All the money goes to DM, whether directly or through a maze of corporate entities.
The reason I became a patron was to support all these worthy causes. My ias reg and I became good “friends” He even came all the way out from New York to Seattle and slept on my couch and drank beer with me. I really liked this guy and he totally ripped me off. Now I understand what a scam this is and was. Thank you Steve Edelstein for that lesson in trust.
I can well imagine the need for money.
99 % cannot contribute, this could be all of Scientology
sooner more than later.
Barbara Kalergis has worked on Criminon project for decades. She loves this program. And she deserves props for not using a single exclamation point in an email request for donations. But otherwise, Barbara, wake the heck up! Look around you. See what a mess your church has turned into. Go raise some ruckus, fer crissakes! And no, “it hasn’t always been that way.” It hasn’t.
Her, Barbara, why don’t you ask your church to help? My Episcopal church publishes their budget every month to show where our donations go. Much of it goes for helping the poor and hungry, for disaster aid (which they send out people to on a regular basis), and for other community based programs that help people. Never occurred to you? Or you just don’t want the sec check ? Don’t want to be on the decks? I get it. Wake up Barbara. I’m commenting on a blog. Think I will send this to her email also.
I was the Executive Director of Criminon Denmark back in 2005/2006. We got no funding from anyone but our own pockets. I met with Greg Capazorio at a Criminon convention at Saint Hill, England in 2006. Fee, hotel and travel expenses paid by ourselves, of course!
IAS didn’t pay my tickets to Sri Lanka either when I went there to do volunteer work after the tsunami in 2004. But they sure sent a film crew from Gold to document us so they could extort money from people back home showing off our efforts. It was shortly after that filmed interview reached Gold that I somehow got on the radar of the secret Tom Cruise girlfriend audition project. Connecting the dots… I was called in for the strange “sexual questioning” audition at my local org when I returned from my Sri Lanka journey.
“IAS didn’t pay my tickets to Sri Lanka either when I went there to do volunteer work after the tsunami in 2004. But they sure sent a film crew from Gold to document us so they could extort money from people back home showing off our efforts. ”
You were just another person getting pimped by David Miscavige.
Hi Anette,
Well there it is from someone who
really knows. I’m sure it cost many
thousands of dollars to send that film
I read on one of the blogs that it was
the same for the earthquake/tsunami in
Japan. Volunteers paid for their airfare
and lodgings. IAS gave them a breakfast
and water.
You have the willingness to help those
in need.
The IAS help button is inverted.
I love it every time you post here and give us this information as a person who did these activities with first hand knowledge and experience. The CoS= Cult is ONE BIG SCAM.
Thank you for doing that and keep it up!
Hi Annette. Thanks for the update. Its great to see you held that post in Denmark. And for a little de je vous, here is our little story, with which you are probably all too familiar.
My wife, Dorothy, a class V, and I had been off lines for many years, when she was approached around 8 years ago, to be a Criminon counselor. She agreed, and in no time was flat out doing the correspondence courses, and counseling with the inmates.
She had a sponsor, now declared Indie, Harold Van Den Berg, who had been a long time scientologist friend, since the early 70’s, when we first started out. But the workload, was intense, especially by ‘volunteer’ standards, and eventually, she had worked through some 700 inmates, many of whom, had some of the most life changing wins. We still have copies of some of the more memorable success stories.
But eventually, like most of us here, the blinkers came off, and with it the blindness dissipated, leaving us aghast at how the CO$ had become a cleverly concealed money gobbling, fraudulent Ponzi operation.
Dorothy, by now struggling with several health problems, found herself on the receiving end of the disconnection policy ramifications, by virtue of the fact that I had been spotted posting on Marty’s, as well as Steve Hall’s blog, and blah, blah, blah. Well I resigned, by making my declaration on Marty’s blog, and shortly thereafter, Dorothy was given the ‘ultimatum’, by Criminon. She left behind a stat that had her right up there as one of the highest, (sometimes HIGHEST) producing counselor/auditors on the planet!!
Yes, Annette, I can confirm, from the South African prison perspective, that the results of the various rehab programs, were indeed highly successful. Thanks entirely to the sheer hard work and dedication, of a small handful of committed individuals who, (along with the brilliant concepts of LRH) made it possible!
In closing, I’m sure you will agree, Annette, that if these programs were continued under the auspices and control of a genuine and resourceful benefactor, the outcome in criminal rehabilitation, would continue to inspire more to change their ways.
Thanks for all you and Geir are doing too!…. You guys rock (around the clock!!) 🙂
Thanks dear! Sorry to hear about your wife sufferings.
Is Harold related to Nico van der Berg? Nico was our contact at Criminon Int. He was our personal “stat pusher”! Felt like we were part of the Sea Org. At least that was what they expected from us. It was just crazy. When we had worked our asses off and were really proud of our results, it was NEVER good enough for them. We had to do more and more. We literary burned out.
I believe the courses are valuable to the inmates. TWTH alone can make a huge difference in a person’s life.
We couldn’t take the pressure from CN Int anymore as we had lots of other work to do as well. Criminon Denmark died just as it started to flourish…
Much appreciate your response, Annette. (BTW, i’m a regular poster on Geir’s blog, where I love baiting the;’serious ones’. hahaha :). To answer your question; No relation of Nico to Harold.
And you’re so right about crazy stat pushing. (It was NEVER good enough for them.) In fact I had to step in and put a halt to that cyborg style staff destruction being assailed against my wife.
Of course, now that the ‘must-cave-age’ subjugation by ‘command intention’, is beginning to age -must-cavage, we can move on to better prospects for our valuable time and resources! What say? 🙂
Calvin B. Duffield, Durban.
“I know I sound like a broken record.”
What an admission!
The HEADLINE is Halarious! SUPRISE.. SUPRISE…. SUPRISE!! 😉 It’s funny how the “light” of truth is shined on this “Organization” and the cockroaches scatter. Feeding on the dung left by their illustrious ” le turd” (LRH). And little Captain Slappy McSavage their leader. HA HA HA HA HA HA!! I don’t give a f… how much money you have Slappy. YOU are a f…..ing moron… It’s all an illusion “little man”. It isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. It’s all an illusion…… you sold your immortal soul for it….. The joke is on you… you little piece of sh…… Remember the clock is ticking…. tick tock… tick tock….tick tock. Think you’re so smart don’t you? We’ll see just how very smart you are.
Screw you Barb. Go get your money from Miscavige since he likes to use your Criminon to get more money for his coffers.
Thank you for tying all these details together. Giving all of us this broad view of how relentlessly we have been scammed and how the scam is still being perpetuated. You are a hero. Guiding us out of the maze. Whew! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your blog saved me from destroying my life with all this.
I don’t know Barbara Kalergis, but reading her email makes me want to help her. However misguided she may be, I get the idea she’s rolled up her sleeves and is really trying to help society. No wonder she’s not getting any help from the cheerch!
Yes, she sounds like a good person, who really wants to help.
But continuous overts on self, via continuous violations of the Code of Honor, has undoubtedly reduced her level of awareness and her ability to perceive (as it has done with most Kool Aid drinkers) to the point where she can’t see the most obvious things. Must be something like walking around in a bulky space suit with the face plate all frosted over..
My letter to Barbara this morning:
Dear Barbara,
I read your email today appealing for help and funds to assist you with Criminon. I am sure you are quite sincere in your effort to help but my question to you is why the IAS doesn’t fund your effort so you can get on with actually helping criminals? Many of us Scientologists have given to the IAS for years, providing money to fund the church’s crime, drugs and education programs. Where is this money going?
Possible you are not aware David Miscavige lives a very comfortable life and has amassed a fortune estimated to be worth about 1.5 billion dollars. That is not a misprint-1.5 billion dollars yet this money sits in accounts unused while fundraising goes on and on at a mad rate within the church. Ideal Orgs, Super Power, Planetary Dissemination, IAS and even more I have not listed continue to suck the financial life out of Scientologists.
Barbara you should not have to be spending your time fundraising, the fundraising effort by the chuch has been unimaginably successful over the last 30 years since the IAS was born. You should be able to get a grant from the IAS for your program. The money is there and only needs to be put to work!
If the church won’t help you help criminals then please begin to ask yourself why? All is not right within the church under the guidance of David Miscavige although I am sure you have already had your own concerns about this though you may have not voiced them.
If you would like to talk I am available to you at anytime.
Nice letter KF
A very, very rational, factual, informative and touching letter, KFrancis,
Unfortunately, for KA drinkers, none of these things seem to make any difference in getting them to change their minds, or even to LOOK. (I’m sure you know this already, but I had to say it anyway.)
When Criminon first formed, did
they require income? If so was there
some Criminon policy to create income?
I may be wrong but didn’t the man who
formed Criminon just go to prisons and
do TR’s, objectives and stuff like that?
Why do they need an office if they
have 232 volunteers? Unless I’m missing
something this operation can easily be run
out of a house. Don’t they go to prisons?
The prisoners don’t come to them.
And yes the IAS could easily afford $
for the packs and books etc. That to
me is the big scam here. Postage
and phone bills are not a large nut to
crack. What postage are they talking
about? Do they send promo to each
and every person in prison?
Phone bills?….Have they heard of
cell phones with unlimited talk for
a small amount of $ per month?
I don’t mean smart phones….just a
low cost cell phone to use for calls
Really how can they be expanding
fast with all of these basic things
out. What is the successful action
that is making them expand fast?
She really didn’t talk about that.
I agree Mike…it appears this person
is using Criminon to make money
by using the good old 10% commission
trick….this way everyone wins. Except
the prisoners.
Many “releases” ago (LOL), the Cult of Scientology did have volunteer’s go to prisons…but that is not done anymore. It is only about the money and if you think for one minute it is not – LOOK at the IRS tax returns released for the Church of Scientology and its various front groups!
When I talked to Barbara a few years back the prisoners were doing extension courses like on TWTH and
other Div 6 Intro courses so grading these and returning the lessons would take quite a bit of postage.
Ahhh okay that makes sense.
Thank you Greta.
Scientology helping criminal? The only help scientology gives criminals is in the black ops tech developed by Hubbard to harras and destroy regular folks who don’t see eye to eye with the “master.”
You could call that criminal training. That is very helpful to criminals
“Criminals helping Criminals” by LRH
Hey Barbara, fixed it for you: “If all the dupes gave $10 a month”
Well, that’s probably not entirely true. I’m quite sure the IAS funded the crew who did the photo op for Criminon.
I’ve been wondering lately if it might not be successful for people who have been defrauded by IAS regges to sue the reg himself for fraud. Howard Becker and Michael Roberts got five grand out of me back in 2004. I am now aware that they lied to me. I’m probably outside the statute of limitations on fraud. But I would think that if several hundred people were to institute small claims suits against the regges themselves it might at least get these people to start to wonder where the hell the money does actually go.
Show me the books, show me the proof that the money went where you “promised” it was going to go, or give it back.
Just a thought.
Great Post Mike.
If scientology and company is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization per the IRS, then where is the charity? Where is the benefit to the community?
The IRS should take notice that scientology’s only benefit is to it’s bank accounts and its Chairperson Of the Board. And that the money flow is always from the groups like criminon or narconon up to the scientology corporations through license fees. Never from scientology accounts or the IAS down to them.
These front groups MAKE money for scientology, not the other way around. It’s criminal.
a pyramid plan? From the start…including the early days of “missions” and “selectees.” lets call it what it is. Something that gave LRH Big money, and continues to do so today to Mscavage and his minions.
If only people used their own minds and resources now available…internet, etc……IF , the sad word.
Hey Barbara, Where can I send my old clothes for your garage sale? And all of my recycling which has got to be worth something? Come and get it!
And Mike, there is plenty of evidence that the money the church collects is spent on lawyers, court fees, private investigators, surveillance equipment, and many other similar humanitarian purposes.
Truer words have never been written, Mike. The Church is one big scam. It’s not about to give even a penny for any of the “vital program” it says will bring about a new civilization. Which tells you exactly how serious Miscavige AND ALL THE REST OF THEM are about actually doing something effective on this planet. It’s all about the money. It always has been. Money only goes UP in the Church of Scientology, never back DOWN for anything – except lawyers and stalker PIs and to send OSA goons around the world to harass people. They spare no expense for that.
So true Chris and thanks Mike for revealing this crazy thinking for members still inside – trapped! Everyone feels this way inside but are AFRAID to say anything. When will they leave and stop contributing? I guess it depends on how much abuse a person can stand – and according to Hubbard and reality – A LOT!
The operative phrase in that email is “(we pay 10% comm.. to anyone who helps raise funds, privately or otherwise)” Barbara want you to send her money and to raise that money and she’ll take 10% and you’ll get 10%. Just another step to the pyramid scheme. How many are above her in the pyramid and are there enough steps to 10% any ‘donation’ into nothing?
Bang on the button, zemoo. It’s pyramid selling: “Make money and exploit an underclass”