This just in. A new begging email from Sheryle Festa trying to pitch the “L. Ron Hubbard Hall” as something urgent for planetary clearing. Or something.
I am going to compile a posting about the L. Ron Hubbard Hall boondoggle at some point, but I just wanted quickly get this one out as it contains a remarkable bit of honesty.
Chairman of the Board is over this project — there are no vias — there is no via between the Staff of CSRT and Chairman of the Board. He is overseeing every detail. Each day CSRT Staff report directly to Chairman of the Board. They are Commodore Messengers of the highest order as they execute all FUTURE EXPANSION for LRH as directed by Chairman of the Board.
Now, if you follow the legal cases, David Miscavige is constantly asserting he has NOTHING TO DO WITH DAY TO DAY OPERATIONS OF THE CHURCH (let alone “CSRT” which is just a bank account). He even has minions that appear in court and lie like flatfish that he “isn’t involved” in anything.
Yet here is a PUBLIC person, a stalwart of the Flag OT Committee, someone who Miscavige personally declared Kha Kahn (who knows what for, perhaps she gave him a good haircut when his Beverly Hills personal hairstylist was unavailable) saying what every scientologist at Flag and e very OT Committee member anywhere knows. Miscavige is running the show. And not just running it, micromanaging it on a daily basis. Just like all those who used to work around him have said numerous times, and Miscavige and his minions indignantly deny.
Sheryle Festa will no doubt be forced to send out a mea culpa saying she had no idea what she was talking about, or that she mis-typed her email or something. I just want to make sure that it’s recorded for posterity.
How’s that Kha Kahn status looking today Sheryle?
Good Morning
I just wanted to stay in comm regarding Ron.
Due to his work we know how come the world is a mixture of individuals looking to do their best to hold their lives together and to keep their families safe — we also know those who would rather see the world blow into ashes without regard for themselves as they live in pasts long gone…
When you look at your fellow man you realize the extent of help he needs to make his life easier and for him to succeed in providing for his loved ones.
Chairman of the Board is over this project — there are no vias — there is no via between the Staff of CSRT and Chairman of the Board. He is overseeing every detail. Each day CSRT Staff report directly to Chairman of the Board. They are Commodore Messengers of the highest order as they execute all FUTURE EXPANSION for LRH as directed by Chairman of the Board.
Here speed of particle flow takes on a whole new depth and breath of meaning!!!!
We all need to somehow in this time where all systems go — where every action we do in this group of dedicated Scientologists, staff and public alike perform their duties like it is the most vital key to safeguard Scientology — each and everyone is doing their job, all of which are vital and ongoing.
Since the opening of the New Flag Building Scientology has expanded (approximately) 5Xs worldwide by people on their Golden Age of Tech Services — without the Flag Building, which brought into existence Ideal Orgs none of this expansion could have happened.
The Flag Building is a completed cycle of action. Chairman of the Board executes all targets RON laid out, L Ron Hubbard needs to be on the roles AS DONE SIR!!!!
With your dedication we push the one project that is the sole reason we exist WE PUSH DIRECTLY TO RON — directly to Chairman of the Board!
Sheryle Festa
BTW — this is a pretty good gauge of how deluded the KoolAid drinkers are: Since the opening of the New Flag Building Scientology has expanded (approximately) 5Xs worldwide by people on their Golden Age of Tech Services. Amazing, she just accepts this “fact” and repeats it without a single shred of evidence — but TONS of evidence to the contrary if she ever looks at the parking lot of the Sandcastle or drives over to Tampa Org (let alone dropping on Orlando).
Mike, your brilliance is absolutely humbling.
“We all need to somehow in this time where all systems go — where every action we do in this group of dedicated Scientologists, staff and public alike perform their duties like it is the most vital key to safeguard Scientology — each and everyone is doing their job, all of which are vital and ongoing.”
Watch out Sherman… Looks like your repacement has just about finished her golden age of word salad phase two training…
The immediate reaction I get to such communications is to cringe at the low “IQness” and false enthusiasm of the so-called message. It is almost as if now that all Scientologists remaining in the Church have had a lobotomy as well as being stung for all their dough! Their grasp of basic English is also out the bottom which means that they have not attended LRH courses as that forces eventually better vocabularies and grammar etc. I don’t suppose though that one could be honestly enthusiastic about being stung for all of one’s life savings and still not get up the Bridge, so the enthusiasm has to be drummed up.Thing is no one now would criticize such a communication in the Church as it would be thought as “poor form” and showing “C.I.” and also because some if not most see nothing wrong with the message or the way it is put together. But come on, this type of message is really for the birds, and they are all cuckoos living in cloud cuckoo land. Again ironically it is almost as if Scientologists now take LSD regularly, or they have the mental age of a 12 year old, or both. The message and the tone levels imparted are a sort of psychiatric disassociated mish-mash, ironically. Thing is idiots like this have risen up the Org Board and no one says “no” anymore. I could never be a part of this manufactured and dumbed-down group anymore. I am afraid now it must be like either living in North Korea or a lunatic asylum. Thing is the “rah-rah” people are usually low IQ types with R/Sers in the background prodding them on and it is both of these types that have risen up the Org Board. It must be a nightmare now to be an on-lines Scientologist and to have to submit to the ethos of a group run by such persons.Yuk!
Double yuk!! It reminds me of some of the old descriptions of people that lie, have no integrity or are out of valence. In the 1800’s someone weird or creepy would be “not true” or other expressions like, speaking with a forked tongue, being two faced or a wanna be. The unsafe, suppressive environment of the rcs has forced people out of comm, out of present time and out of their own valence. It’s really, really obvious.
I think I know why she said that the CSRT staff report directly to Mi$cavige. She’s all gaga googoo-eyed over them (and him…ugh…) and if you read between the lines she’s telling the public who read it “you’ll be THAT CLOSE to this wonderful man if you cooperate and do what these wonderful Commodore’s Messengers want you to do.”
She’s also name dropping and showing how much SHE knows about the inner sanctum that the others don’t know.
It’s status all the way. Also, if you read between the lines it suggests that it will be known “at the top” that you donated, or worked all that time for nothing getting others to give their money. Just the thought that he might read your name on a list is sooooo important for this misled public.
There are others like her–they don’t know what they say is wrong or out-security or not one of the acceptable “truths.” Not quite sure how they are all going to be taught what to say or not say without creating more questions and more things for them to tell their friends about. Funny!
GR — spot on analysis. See answer to Aqua that I just wrote. Your point and mine go hand in glove.
Great intel, Mike! So many Moles, so little time. Poor COB 🙂
This Koolaid-drinker’s communication is a Swiss cheese of outpoints, each of which has already been spotted and well-detailed. Her email will go viral in the legal world and ironically she will be crucified by her church for the only accurate, coherent thing she said in it.
I’m just curious. Has critical mass been reached yet? Is the number of fundraising requests issued by RCS per day larger than the number of people who truly believe they’re doing something worthwhile helping Scientology? I’m sure it has to be close by now.
It’s over, Valerie. Just a few staff and public going through a few rituals.
Valerie, you just need your End of endless Fundraising Rundown! (5 Intensives at L’s rates) After that you’ll be ready to donate to ANY psycho cause DM dreams ups.
“Chairman of the Board is over this project — there are no vias — there is no via between the Staff of CSRT and Chairman of the Board. He is overseeing every detail. Each day CSRT Staff report directly to Chairman of the Board. They are Commodore Messengers of the highest order as they execute all FUTURE EXPANSION for LRH as directed by Chairman of the Board.”
Well, he IS the boss after all. Every Scientologist is all too well aware of this; and every staff member knows this only too well.
Only his lawyers do everything to assert that he is not managing the cult. Except Elliot Abelson – he called a spade a spade or … David Miscavige ‘the boss’.
At 8:35 – here at the staged and slimy gag agreement signing with Debbie Cook.
I can’t even make out her sentences. It is like something written by a person who is being simultaneously given a flogging and they lose track mid sentence. Weird.
Or drunk.
I believe she was Kha Kahned by DM because of her tireless, relentless, resolute work she did in helping raise the funds for the Tampa Ideal Org. That was DM’s baby at the time and she “made it happen” to a “DONE SIR!”
My question is what the hell is this LRH Hall all about? Is this just a rouse to show the judge in the Garcia case how legit all that fundraising for Super Power Bldg was? Cuz now look! We need a Hall to accommodate the hoards of people that come to events? There’s another big lie regarding the necessity of that Hall. I mean they can’t fill Ruth Eckerd. The FH has an auditorium and ballroom that I’m sure will suffice.
Mary — yeah, it’s just an excuse for the bottomless pit of fundraising. I am going to do a posting about this if I can find the time to get it put together.
Nobody is going to do anything to Sheryle. They can’t as that
would force OSA to explain why her comm was out of line.
Also, she is Khan Kahn. :o)
Sheryle put both of her feet in her mouth and for that, will need to do lower condition over this statement. OSA will find an “acceptable reason” why she needs to do Treason without disclosing the rest reason. Her “Khan Kahn” status will be ignored. That’s how they operate at Flag.
Talk about mumbo-jumbo, Miscavige probably has some RPF RPFers digging a new hole just for her.
This reminds me of the way my family all survived around my alcoholic and rage-a-holic father. You never knew when he would blow up. It wasn’t until I was in my 20s til I noticed that none of us (mother or 2 brothers) could finish a sane sentence. We would start the sentence and then kind of feel around in the middle of the sentence to make sure that whatever we were saying wasn’t going to make “daddy” blow into a rage… and then try to finish the sentence with the least amount of impact or opinion. Just say anything to NOT say anything. Once I saw it, it took some conscious awareness and great courage to finally start saying the truth flat out. What a relief. Looking back, it was literally insane and frustrating to be around.
It looks like all these Kool Aid drinkers are emulating a dysfunctional family. They are not allowed to communicate with the outside world and only “daddy” is right. And, above all, we must keep “daddy” from blowing into a rage. These people are all cowed and acting like Co-Dependents or Adult Children of Alcoholics. There is no reality but “daddy’s” reality and the outside world is worse than the inside world… so just stay here and do what I tell you. It’s a phenomenon.
OT gets you to blithering idiot.
NAILED IT, Zana! I lived in a similar childhood situation and your comparison is exactly the way you stated. It’s a mental prison.
Zana, it’s like when the dwarf beats the shit out of some unlucky SO member right in front of everyone and he then leaves and they tell the person who he beat up, “Get up!!! You don’t want to make COB wrong!”
🙂 I have heard that enough times to make me want to vomit
Perfect, Zana!
Am pretty sure the Kool-Aid must be laced with something given the writing style and content.
A Scientologist is someone who pretends to be what they aren’t, do what they don’t and have what they haven’t. It’s like a mental institution where everyone can pretend and make up whatever they want and pass it between themselves. All the patients agree to go along with everyone else’s pretense and it’s one big happy party. Dave leads the way as the biggest pretender of them all. Hip, hip, hurrah!!!!! Please pass your money forward.
Brilliant Mat. Haven’t not looked at it this way before, but you nailed it.
Good one, Matt.
With friends like L. Ron Hubbard, who needs enemas?
Apparently, David Miscavige does.
A week long colonic, non-stop more like it!:)
Wow. This is damning evidence, albeit unintended and nearly incomprehensible except for the damning evidence part. If I’ve understood how DM operates, he now needs to get rid of Sheryl as a potential witness. She’s public, so getting rid of her will or could involve a felony. I can’t help but feel sorry for her.
Maybe Sheryle will be shipped off to Holland to live with Jasja Barendsen for a while?
I think Sheryl cut my hair once. Don’t think I’d let her try to do that now. 🙂
I’m quite sure that Sheryl makes her living getting people to donate to this project. Last time I spoke to her (few years ago) she was fund raising for super power. Quite sure she is in for 10% of whatever this blather snags.
I wonder if she read it back to herself before sending it. The grammar and the logic of the email is embarrassing. Her main point seemed to be that since dm named the target of this new incredibly important, the world can hardly exist without, building – it is everyone’s duty to make it happen: the faster the better. It’s the only way to ensure expansion and that she can eat next week.
You can really fault her: everyone has to eat.
She writes, looks and sounds as if she’s eaten her own young…
Her word are “eager totalitarian style”. Like Korea or Mao’s time. A word full of her hero of the great planetary clearing : Chairman of the Board.
Sometime I wonder what the hell this world has to do with scientology as a subject. You know, comm cycle, auditor code… basic scientology. But that’s human, alteration. Christianity degraded also into a totalitarian religion.
“Commodore Messengers of the highest order”
sounds like
wizard of the first order
Lords of the Black Stone
Black Knights of the Thule Society
I am sure I bow and give them all I have.
COB has certainly convinced this lady that he is the new “source” – “With your dedication we push the one project that is the sole reason we exist WE PUSH DIRECTLY TO RON — directly to Chairman of the Board!”
Ron and COB are one and the same in her mind. What I see in this email is someone who has been thoroughly worked over by those children of the corn of the highest order. She has been broken and is no longer even vaguely capable of having a single original thought. 5X the number of scientologists? According to their numbers that means there are now over 50 million scnists worldwide… expansion indeed. We should be tripping over them at every street corner.
Well, I kid you not, an SO member told me that he thought DM channeled LRH.
I told him that was mixing practices. 🙂
Well Mary, that was the perfect response.
Unfortunately, in their eyes, this is ideal scene. He is the vessel of LRH on earth.
It’s a “thing” that a lot of believers want to believe and it crops up across a broad spectrum of cults and religions.
Karen Dela Carriere has an interesting video on this very subject at Tony’s site today. And Jeffrey Augustine made an astute comment following up from it.
That explains a lot Mary. I couldn’t understand the blind adoration of dm and that’s probably it. They actually think he’s channeling LRH. I’ll bet dm himself started that rumor at one of his confidential little hidden data line meetings.
I have the big why!!!!!!!! Dm is accidentally channeling LRH and Frank Sinatra AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!!!!! BUAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!
She lost me at “We all need to somehow in this time where all systems go”. Nothing really made any sense after that. I must have an MU…
Here, have a few semicolons. I hear they’re great at making sense of this sort of thing
I hate to say this, but I hope she is in the hole right now after watching the first few seconds of her on the video asking Mark Bunker what his crimes are.
Corn On the BBQ, Real Tough and Chewy, Ideal Orgs are the way forward! Charge!!!!
We all need to somehow in this time where all systems go
— where every action we do in this group of dedicated Scientologists, staff and public alike perform their duties like it is the most vital key to safeguard Scientology
— each and everyone is doing their job, all of which are vital and ongoing.
I’m sorry. What the fuck are you trying to say? “We all need to somehow in this time where all systems go “?
If you can read the above and not wince in pain, that Kool Aid must really be tasty.
I whole heartedly agree to everything the COB values as sacred,
however gentlemen , this outhouse is a bit over funded and undermanned.
Pass mean other BEER and I vote we adjourn the meeting to HOOTERS
to go look at the girls BOOBs. All in favor of saving the Planet say aye!
Something very similar was distributed about two or three weeks ago in Europe and the person signed under it was Massimo Sgolastra. The claims in the e-mail were like “we have completed the SP building which is a milestone for Scientology and its future expansion and clearing if the planet” and “about 700 pcs have completed the SP Rundown since its opening” while claiming that as the next phase of expansion “LRH Hall is absolutely vital” because we will have “thousands of Scientologists coming for seminars and conferences” and blah blah blah. All bullshit. Of course begging for 1 000 dollars. I don’t know who is behind these e-mails besides the fact you can perceive a low IQ and religious enthusiasm (a murderous combination). I would put it here in full wording but it was already translated and it is not worth retranslating, not even as a good joke because a good joke it is not. Rather a part of RZFM – religious zealot field manual. Common sense really is a derogatory term among current scilons :).
“When you look at your fellow man you realize the extent of help he needs to make his life easier and for him to succeed in providing for his loved ones.”
Should read:
When you look at your fellow scientologist you realize the extent of help he needs to make his life easier and for him to succeed in providing for his loved ones.
Same as it ever was…
True that…
Sheryle Festa? Hmmm…. If we in RTC recall correctly, she was your basic NCG Flag public in the 1990’s who was trying to handle protesters — and she failed. This singularly unpleasant woman is now, apparently, making all sorts of wild-eyed and wholly unfounded claims about Captain Miscavige. This is why sec checks were created and we will find her crimes. Sheryle makes an appearance at :18 into this video:
She looks exactly like the person that wrote this mumbo, jumbo! God, I just want to dump a bottle of conditioner on her hair. She also looks out of sorts.
If the rest of the email made any sense at all, the fact that she lays it out in black and white that David Miscavige is micromanaging the entire thing would be more damning. BUT she keeps on saying Chairman of the Board so many times that I can’t imagine she isn’t already in the hole. Poor Sheryle. Lack of sleep finally caught up to her.
This communication is dangerous. It basically says that Miscavige is the only link to LRH (So much for the no hidden data line) It insinuates that because Miscavige is directly involved, then things will go smoothly. At the same time it insinuates that if he’s not directly involved that things won’t go as well. Instead of “what would Ron do?” it’s now “what would Dave do”. He has raised himself to a level above all others. Even if you’re a class 12 c/s, FEBC, L’s auditor etc etc. You’re nothing compared to Miscavige. Talk about delusions of grandeur. He thinks he’s Ron. As a Scientologist you have to ask yourself. How dangerous is that?
“He thinks he’s Ron. As a Scientologist you have to ask yourself. How dangerous is that?”
We can only hope overrunincalif . Then maybe he’ll get someone in Estates to try and electrocute him rather than just holding onto copper ground rods and he’ll be history.
OMG that was unintelligible. “LRH needs to be on the roles” ?? “Look from the viewpoint of CSRT” ??
Ohhhhh! and she wants to be sure the common man can provide for his loved ones….that’s really sweet but perhaps if people didn’t give any more money for empty buildings, they would be able to buy shoes for their children. The over the top glee of being close to dm is very, very sad. This woman seems in a very strange state of mind, maybe she needs a Prozac.
It sounds like she has already popped a tab of LSD.
That’s what I was thinking, Coop. And not half a tab, but the entire tab.
She seems to be in a manic state not a depressed one, so prozac would be a bad idea.
Lithium would be more appropriate at this point.
Ah the “speed of particle flow” that is so so seventies. Great reporting Mike Rinder.
Two thoughts, Mike.
Firstly, there’s been a lot of scuttlebutt regarding the fortunes D’bag Miscavige has amassed, all figures thrown about have been impressive. So what’s even more telling regarding the overall fiscal situation is just how insanely he keeps ramping up the financial collections. There’s some other yet-to-be-seen thing at work here- his overhead must be super cray-cray for him to keep this up, at this level, guaranteeing the sheer destruction of the overall enterprise. Very interesting to watch.
The second thing is just the giggle of knowing that the insane insistence that none of the loyals look at the media or internet virtually makes this misstep of documentation of his ongoing, long-term perjury in multiple courts impossible for one of these knuckleheads to avoid.
Hey Davey! You got rid of all the smart guys! How does it feel to be the biggest doofus in a barrelful of idiots? Don’t forget, you have a date with Jim Baker’s destiny!
Sammy, auditors are no longer made. Happy PCs? Well, you’d have to have auditors for that. At this point it’s all about buildings that the dwarf holds the mortgages on. He’s knows it’s all a crock. At some point he’ll walk away with, what, half a billion? With GAG II, you don’t need auditors anymore. Besides, Sammy, auditing is so last century!
On the bright side…because Miscarriage has not/cannot/will not reproduce, he’s got no one to whom to give all that $$$$…and you can’t take u-haul to heaven!
It makes me giggle just thinking about how hard he’ll try.
I agree and have wondered the same thing. If DM has so much money, a billion plus, why is he basically destroying his cult by the never ending reg-fest for every last dollar? He’s managed to chase away so many members by the never ending push for more money. I would think only a very desperate man, very hard up for funds would do this – not a guy with a billion in the bank. So what gives? You don’t act this desperate for money unless you are. I wonder if he didn’t take a major bath in the housing / stock market meltdown 6 years ago — and that billion is long gone. (We know Feshbach wasn’t giving him the best stock market advice and given DM’s know-it-all attitude I could see him doing some really stupid shit if he played around and “invested” reserve funds.)
It’s control and domination. If you can get people to give you money against their best interests, it is a “win” for a sociopath.
Bernie Madoff could have lived his life in supreme comfort without pushing it over the top.
Very true Mike. I guess trying to make sense of a sociopath’s behavior is a futile endeavor. If it continues at this pace they will have sucked dry or made flee almost every whale in the cult.
The daily pressure on the clubbed org seals must be extremely intense. They are starting to crack.
And OSA is now on a roll investigating how in the hell this message fell on the hands of the apostates in the fringes of Internet.
Yes, he gets ‘named’ as the ONE and only, his vanity goes straight up and vertical while, at the same time, he is worried with all the legal expenses and may feel his billion dollars are shrinking at a fast rate thus, he has to have much more money.
So, lets push for another delusional target for expansion; he well knows that those who still follow him will do anything for him. His vanity soars again, his terror too.
“speed of particle flow” in this case means
speed of money flow!!!!!!!
In this case? It always has…
Applies to “in”, never “out”.
Important Note For Lawyers: Sheryle Festa worked for some years as Sea Org Staff at the Flag Service Organization where the CSRT fundraisers are based. She worked in a public relations capacity. In fact, her daughter also worked as FSO staff in a public relations capacity. There is no question that she knows what she is taliking about. This is not an un-informed public speaking, but rather a fully informed person who worked side by side with the CSRT fundraisers, ate in the same dining halls, slept in the same apartment complex. No question that this is a fully informed statement.
I really really hope that any lawyer litigating against Co$ really gets to see this comment.
It sure does make it easier for them to prove that Slappy and co’s distancing themselves from any “misconception” of their role in the organisation of and responsibility for ANY actions carried out by ANY $Scientoligist or $scientology the religion
As it cannot be claimed she doesn’t have the awareness of how things work as opposed to how it is claimed they work
She is one of the creme de la creme of the religion. Fully trained and up to date! And aware of the PR aspects too
Thank you for those delicious tidbits of her history EXESSO
(I recently discovered that the email addy I use here actually belongs to someone other than me- oops)
“When you look at your fellow man you realize the extent of help he needs to make his life easier and for him to succeed in providing for his loved ones.”
If only this was really true. Instead the message is all about tasks, performances, bridges, buildings, systems, expansions, speed of particle flow (wtf does that mean anyway?)
NO ONE in this cult ever looks at their fellow man. NO ONE cares about their loved ones unless they are also doing the ‘systems’.
Gobbledygook, doublespeak nonsense. The koolaiders are now trying to convince themselves that there is a little itty bit of something left in their quickly disappearing ‘religion’.
This is really unfortunate. Sheryl has publically stated that DM is micromanaging Scientology. Thats actually the good part. The unfortunate part is that DM’s lawyers will be able to plead that she is totally incorehent and was drunk at the time.
Exhibit A:
“We all need to somehow in this time where all systems go — where every action we do in this group of dedicated Scientologists, staff and public alike perform their duties like it is the most vital key to safeguard Scientology — each and everyone is doing their job, all of which are vital and ongoing.”
OK, either I have totally lost my grasp of the English language or this woman is completely unable to string together a coherent sentance.
Or perhaps we are in a time where all systems go? Go down the toilet perhaps?
Sheryl is actually a big opinion leader in Scientology. People look up to her. Reading this makes it easy to understand why! Scientologists could not help but admire that insouciant, insolent and devil-may-care attitude towards traditional values of intelligence, communication and sentance structure.
Mike, my bet is that Sheryl is right at this moment signing an affidavit that states she was inebriated & does not even recall what she wrote. She will then joyously announce her new appointment as OT Ambassador Plenipotentiary to Siberia!!! Wohoo! And Outer Mongolia as well!
Wish her luck people. RTC is about to make this the worst day of her entire life. She could well end up far from civilization as we know currently know it. Distributing TWTH in Iraq? Actually most likely we will see her photo at the next IAS event – giving touch assists to Ebola victims.
Yea, but who told HER that “there are no vias — there is no via between the Staff of CSRT and Chairman of the Board. He is overseeing every detail. Each day CSRT Staff report directly to Chairman of the Board.”? What’s going to happen to that person?
Ummmm, the RPFs, RPFs, RPFs, RPFs? I’m just taking a shot here, Dave.
Good point, davefagen. Who told her, and in turn, who told the person who told her, and so on. I’d love to know who, behind the scenes, will end up as the designated Sherman Tank in this string-pulling.
There is only one Shermanspeak tank in this scene.
He Who Shall Not Be Named, the Chairman of the Board, Leader of Leaders, Man Among Men, Big Thetan Amidst The Peanut Thetans — he makes it clear to everyone he comes in contact with that HE does everything. If you have ever attended one of his Super Sekrit briefings to the OT Ambassadors on board the Freewinds, he informs his loyal OTAsses in no uncertain terms that he is personally doing it all. It would be no surprise to me that if he held one of his non-video’d OT Ass briefings during this 25 year Anniversary Cruise that he explained that he is PERSONALLY running the program to build the LRH Hall himself, because after all, he IS the most on Source person in this sector of the galaxy. I would BET that if Sheryle Festa was not in attendance that Kaye Champagne spread the word to the OTAsses the minute she got back. That’s the sort of hot inside scoop he tells them. Like in 2004 showing them the new “Basics” books and the Warehouse VIII meter…
There is only one “source” and that is Dear Leader himself.
This is what he WANTS everyone to think. He just doesn’t want any litigant to know.
It amuses me to contemplate how her email will be D/A’d to the KA drinkers who’ve received it – whether there will be a flat out denial that COB is personally handling this or if the writer herself will be covertly dissed, characterized as a clueless but well-meaning ninny with instructions to ignore her comm as “not on-Source”. I would think that this would be their best shot, because she is a public Scientologist, and if they turn her into a full-blown, head-on-a-pike SP for this she could turn on them, and oh, how popcorny it will be to read about her testimonies Chez Mosey, Hambo, et al.
Well the truth is that He Who Shall not be named has reached OMNIPRESENCE and so he is everywhere, simple enough. Don’t you see?
Curioser and curiouser, Mike. I hear you. So He’s the ole’ in-your-face Sherman. Wow, I get goosebumps thinking of her getting savvy to how much power she really has over Him right now. Oh, if she only knew!
Can somebody please explain this to me?
I don’t speak Gibberish.
I am fluent in Gibberish. This is not Gibberish. Gibberish is much more comprehensible than this.
It would be my L RON HUBBARD pleasure to explain this to you with immense clarity and a big IDEAL ORG. It says short DAVID MISCAVIGE is personally overseeing the doing of each and every public and wants to do them in a big HALL. Is there anyone you could borrow DONATION from?
Ewwwwwwwww, I don’t want to do “pequeño Pepe.”:):):)
This just gets so hard to even read. “Since the opening of the New Flag Building Scientology has expanded (approximately) 5Xs worldwide by people on their Golden Age of Tech Services — without the Flag Building, which brought into existence Ideal Orgs none of this expansion could have happened.”
I don’t think Sheryle has any idea what she is actually saying. She is making a claim here that in the past few months since the SP building opened, for every one person on service the day of the opening, there are now four more in addition to that one still being there. That is so patently, obviously, glaringly not true. It’s frankly delusional. I mean that in the clinical sense. This woman is suffering from a serious delusion in her perception of reality. No one is paying her to say this, no one is giving her free services to say this, no one is twisting her arm or threatening her to say these things. She has no reason to utter such a stark lie except that her perception of reality is so twisted, that she really thinks this is true.
And then there is this line: “Completion of their TARGETS, ONCE DONE ARE DONE!!! AND ARE VISIBLE TO ALL, IN THE DIRECT EXPANSION ONLY THEIR COMPLETED TARGETS CAN ATTAIN.” What does this even mean? I’m really good at deciphering these jumbled, minced messes that Scientologists think are statements of goodness, but this one is beyond me.
I think these guys have taken the idea of “reality = agreement” a little too far within the bubble world of RCS.
Lack of sleep, combined with the perpetual panic mode perhaps? I don’t get it either.
OK hold it Chris – you missed the best part!
After saying that “the opening of the Flag building blah blah – she says this:
without the Flag Building, which brought into existence Ideal Orgs none of this expansion could have happened.
Is she saying that the Flag Building brought Ideal Orgs into existence?
Are they now into the belief that buildings reproduce, or cause other buildings to come into existence?
Is this the end result of immersing yourself into the logic of the Ideal Org program? You start seeing buildings begetting other buildings, and from this perception of building-causation we will finally clear the planet?
Are buildings the new OTs in Scientology?
Sea Org Members are not allowed to have children, but buildings can. So the Ideal Orgs are actually offspring of the SP building. But sadly, the little baby SP buildings have moved off on their own. That is why the SP building is empty nested
Why did Ideal mOrgs start popping up long before the SP building opened? Was it procreating before it was an adult? Bad bad building. I hope it snuck around and procreated with wog buildings and those bastard ideal mOrgs are actually off source.
LOL Alanzo! Very funny!!
Valerie, they appeared BEFORE because OT’s are cause over mesT. They simply reversed time Silly you, how could you NOT see that? 😉
Swamp, lets just call a spade a spade, OK? These buildings are out-2D 🙂
Right Aquamarine. Now DM has a problem. How do ya Beach a building?
Hilarious comment, Alanzo!
“I think these guys have taken the idea of “reality = agreement” a little too far within the bubble world of RCS.”
Chris, there is more to it than meets the eye. In George Orwell’s “1984” history is constantly being rewritten. The argument is that the facts don’t matter. You write history and it becomes a fact. Indeed, if everybody agrees, then it does not really matter, what the facts are/were.
It is the outside world causing the cult problems, not the inside propaganda … somehow !?!
Haha, I just typed “acceptable truth” in Google. The word “Scientology” pops up immediately while typing. Telling acceptable truths makes your life easier. You “withhold” important data that would result in a huge disadvantage.
BUT when you become the one being told an acceptable truth and you find out, then it turns into a lie. And this in turn results in a terrible ARC break, which most likely fires back! As you say “It is in the DNA” to destroy itself.
“Completion of their TARGETS, ONCE DONE ARE DONE!!! AND ARE VISIBLE TO ALL, IN THE DIRECT EXPANSION ONLY THEIR COMPLETED TARGETS CAN ATTAIN.” – She is saying completed target = new building = expansion.
Scientology is expanding because they said it would if the target was met. cars is parking lots and people on course is just natter. Church says 2+2=5 so it does and if you disagree you are a CICS who needs to be ripped from your family and/or thrown in the RPF until you KNOW with 100% certainty that 2+2=5.
Cars IN parking lots, is what I meant btw
5X, you say? Wow, if the membership was at 8 million last year, then it must be around 40 million now. At those orders of magnitude it will include everyone on Earth in about 5 years. No wonder they’re exited!
Sheryle is getting the COB’s Pet Rundown. All downhill from here.
This reminds me of the Asiana crash at SFO. The KTVU newscaster gives out the names of the pilots as “Sum Ting Wong”, “Ho Lee Fuk” and “Wi tu low”.
I think Sheryle would make a great newscaster. All attention on how important you are, how you look, your status as compared to COB. Zero comprehension on what you are actually saying. Zero observation.
I think the the brighter ones have realized that it is not survival to use observation or analysis. That could get you into big trouble. Better to be the most prominent brown noser so as not to get investigated yourself.
Sum Ting Wong might be an appropriate speaker at the next Flag event.
Ho Lee Shit. We hava leek.
Make that micro mis-manages everything.
Lot’s of Door knobs to sell, now get busy!!!.
Who’s got Nancy Cartwright’s private mobile number, now,now,now!!!
Well all I can say is I HOPE that as many lawyers as possible are following your blog. This stuff can’t be made up. It is like a long, slow, infinity car wreck that no one can look away from. Who knew that Pride would be the sin that would drag DM down. I thought for sure it would be greed, but looks like pride is going for the win!
I know it is wrong to root for anyone to lose but I can’t help but smile and laugh a little as this tiny mans world comes crumbling down around his little feet.
Yes, I have always said that Miscavige’s Achilles heel is his vanity.
Don’t worry, there are plenty of lawyers who will see this.
I certainly hope so.
Given her status in the organization, it would follow that COB would have previewed and approved her email for release….
If COB had not reviewed and had not approved — it demonstrates that he is not paying attention to details.
If COB did review and approve, then he’s doubly screwed, as it connects him further as the micromanager he is, and also shows a lack of judgment, since this email implicates him so much
He’s damned either way—time to start taking measurements for his orange jumpsuit…..
He would not have seen this email. I assure you, it would not have gone out had he seen it. There is no way he can see every email from public people before they send them out. Imagine how much time he has to take reading the DAILY reports from CSRT and IAS and Ideal Org fundraising and Int Landlord Office and OSA and, and, and….
This is not going to put him behind bars, I doubt there is anything that will.
looks like someones going to the RPF 🙁