Church of Spiritual Technology (CST) has reached a monumental, epic milestone of ideal fail.
For some reason they purchased a property in Sweetwater County Wyoming — presumably to build yet another vault (probably a better idea than in the earthquake zones of Southern and Northern California). Why they need another one in the US when they already have 3 of them is a mystery. I guess the rest of the world doesn’t deserve to be saved when the big meltdown occurs? Or there will only be survivors in the western half of the US? Or something….
In any event, they bought this property but it was zoned for agricultural use. They were ordered to stop work by the county in 2009 and the signs are still prominently posted. There are a few cars on the property, but otherwise it is deserted. The county in fact forced them to restore the scars they had created and return the land to its original condition.
They reportedly spent millions on this project.
It’s always good to see the “donations” of scientology parishioners being put to such good work.
And now it appears the final chapter has been written, the Secretary of State has revoked their Certificate of Authority.
No indication what they are going to do with this property. Maybe it became an ideal “Advanced Org” for the Upper Midwest. They won’t need any buildings because there are no orgs in that part of the country (in spite of the massive, unprecedented international expansion there is zilch in Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, North and South Dakota, Nebraska…
Love <3 it!
Is it too much to ask that hte creators of Z Nation have an episode where the heroes stumble across a post-zombie-apocolyptic vault with LRH nonsense locked in vaults on titanium plates, with large stores of calmag and barley water.
The piss-takes just write themselves.
Or Longmire – the Sheriff of Absaroka County frees the incarcerated wife of a cult leader…
Come on Hollywood writers…this stuff is almost unbelievable (but not quite)
Or in the next Fallout game!
Mike I’m a long time lurker, this is my first comment. I just wanted to say that I respect and admire you a great deal…you and all the other heroes who speak out at great personal risk to themselves. I’ve watched you be vilified by the evil ones and yet you’ve kept your head up and refused to go quietly. I’m sure the healing process continues but I pray that the darker moments are behind you. Thank you for all you do.
Hear, hear, Karmareaper! Touche!
Glad to have you here, karmakeeper.
I mean, karmareaper, sorry.
Wising Mike, your family and our family of posters, a very blessed Thanksgiving! I remember the first time when I was on staff that normal American holidays were working days for us. On New Year’s Day, I was out body routing on empty sidewalks.
I’m out, Mike is out and you posters are out too! So, let’s give thanks that we’re no longer in the cult!
Ditto Dude…
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
“Free at last, free at last. Thank God almighty, we’re free at last!”
I was just a kid when Dr. King gave that speech at the reflecting pond in D.C. Would have loved to have been there.
Me too, on both.
God Bless us, everyone!
The question nobody is asking is who the church envisions as the beneficiaries of TIME CAPSULE SCIENTOLOGY. It obviously postulates a future Earth without scientologists but with some kind of intelligent life. Scientology may well succeed this time around should the future inhabitants be inclined toward feverish industry minus the distractions of compassion and love. That is to say, should this future race be evolved from insects, ants for instance.
I’m sure little dave knows that the whole scientology deal is all fake. At least LRH seem to begin to buy into his own sci-fi towards the end, but tiny dictator? What kind of personality would a person have to to have to feel no remorse to take advantage of all the trust and the money the sheeple place in hiim? He knows the truth, so what could he be up to?
Nuclear bunkers for the paranoid. “We are the super special thetans and WE NEED TO SURVIVE WORLD WAR III!!”
If you have a look at the bunker in Las Vegas, New Mexico, it’s only 100 miles away from underground government tunnels and bunkers. Has Miscavige bought his ticket for the Holocaust – the one that allows him to get in when others can’t. There really are tickets for sale. Amazing.
15 years ago, someone asked me about the Church owning property in either Wyoming or Montana. They told me that they were digging huge holes to build the buildings into. I didn’t know about it at all back in that day, but I sure kept my ear to the ground, hoping to hear the answer. Your post today, Mike, is part of that answer. Thanks.
Quite the Hill Ten. Looks like the CST has no one capable of effective PR what-so-ever. Their rude arrogant we know we are smarter and better than you attitude just doesn’t work at all when you are not paying your fees.The State of Wyoming will not take this provable Bull Shit any more.
At the New Year’s Eve event — and each of you are expected to attend — COB is set to announce the creation of the vital new Upper Midwest US Continent (UMW US).
UMW US will serve the massive and staggering demand for Scientology in Idaho, Montana, the Dakota’s, Nebraska, and Kansas. Your donations are needed to save Idahoans and others in this continent from perishing.
COB has graciously spent $25,000,000 in IAS funds to purchase a defunct grain storage facility consisting of six grain silos situated at a rail siding in Wyoming. The renos should cost no more than $18,000,000 to make this grain storage facility fully Ideal.
Served by railroad and Greyhound, the UMW US new Org will have ten course rooms and 185 auditing rooms. Silo Six will have a circular running track ascending from the bottom to the top and will be used for the SRD running program by day and the RPF running program by night.
UMW US Ideal Org will be expected to repay the IAS all funds by using COB 100% Standard Costume Fundraising Tech.
On a final note, the CST property in Wyoming will become Golden Era Farm Productions, a bucolic retreat where RPF’ers will toil for decades with thoroughbred horses, bison and other exotic animals as their form of spiritual rehabilitation. If all goes as planned, we in RTC will set COB up in his own Bluebird luxury motor-coach when he reaches his dotage, a state which he seems to be descending into these days with alarming speed of particle flow.
Is Russ Bellin (CST booss) going to drive the Ideal Bulldozer and plow Ideal CST Logos into the nearby plains or hillsides so that LRH can spot the CST Golden Era Farm Productions from outer space? (Like at the other CST sites which have their own Russ Bellin bulldozed CST interlocking circles Logos.)
Russ Bellin was busted as the CST boss in 2006. Miscavige put him in the Hole. His wife Sara became the “CST boss.” Bellin eventually became the nominal “Int Finance Director.” Ha ha ha. Corporate integrity scientology style. And they try to claim that the Sea Org isn’t the controlling entity of scientology — then how did someone in RTC, which is controlled by CST through the intellectual property rights, remove the head of CST?
Will love to hear you elaborate more on the CST someday, Mike. Did you already talk about it and I missed the post? Perhaps before I clicked my heels three times and got the hell out of there?
Tell Dave to stick it up his silo.
“Tell Dave to stick it up his silo.” Once again, this is an instant Classic! Well done, TFB! Bravo!
Hysterical!!! Laughter! On the floor!!!
Oh 8 pass on this message to DM.. ” Bummer Batman..” Pretty soon the number 40 in Scientology will not be referencing a tone level. It will be the number of people in all Orgs combined.
I’ve always wondered about the legendary “vaults” of the Church of Scientology. Do they really exist? What are they made of? And have any outsiders ever examined it really?
To me it seems so fantastic a concept that I can only see it as a way for the CoS to get donations, and just as importantly to be seen to be spending it.
Couldn’t this whole mirage be nothing more than a way to launder money?
The vaults are VERY real. At least the one in Trementina Base, New Mexico. Back in the 1990’s a police officer (non-Scientologist) was given a rare tour of it. You can read about it here:
Thanks for the link! I read through it, but even here the visitor didn’t actually see the vaults but instead was “told about them.” He apparently saw “machines to make plates,” but again this doesn’t mean much. I have no idea what machines that make plates look like,
If this is all Miscavige’s idea, it’s possible that this is just another Potemkin Village for Scientology. It’s there, it contains nothing and nobody, and only exists to satisfy the whales, the still-ins and others that the Church is spending money on important stuff.
After all, this would be something the IAS/RTC/CST/another-acronym-that-means-Scientology would have to pay for out of their OWN pocket rather than from the Trementina Parishioners.
I reserve the right to be extremely sceptical of anything the Church does. They lie. Basically all the time.
One thing must be certain, they are definitely up to something at these vaults. And it’s something that they are even keeping quiet from 99% of everyone else. These vault locations usually have less than 20 people working at them and they have MEGA security. Maybe DM has invested some of his billions into buying gold and these vaults are his own personal Fort Knox locations. I don’t know for sure but it is definitely like something straight out of “Battlefield Earth”! LOL
Here’s the video of the officer talking about what he saw when he was there.
I flew over Las Vegas, NM a few years ago and saw the base (road/symbol) from the plane. The officer said that there were farm animals kept there, some stockpiles of food, etc. I wonder if they are building Noah’s ark again so as to save the elite thetans.
Mike, wishing you and Christie and the children a Happy Thanksgiving, and to all of you here as well.
Mike, this happens because the church is growing so fast that it can’t keep track of all the paperwork it needs to fill out. I mean, 10 million people joined just in the last month! The word “Miscavige” was used 20 million times last week. Its growing faster than ever!
You’re out of the loop, jgg2012. Twelve million joined last month.
I checked your figures, OSD. The total was only 12. 10 of those were old timer’s kids doing the Children’s Comm Course.
The capsules are redone each time Creep Extraordinaire has new piles of excess cash he needs stored. He’s not going to put HIS money into banks which we all know are all run by psychiatrists and their ilk.
For a doctrine which is able to maintain itself not in clear light but only in the dark, will of necessity lose its effect on mankind, with incalculable harm to human progress.
-Albert Einstein, 1941
You can see that these fucking insane criminals just up and decided to fuck us and our “wog laws.” These Scientology bastards don’t give a damn about the laws of any country they commit their crimes in.
[he takes just a moment to clear his throat, says:]
That is correct.
“Why they need another one in the US when they already have 3 of them is a mystery”
To store their stolen money. Duh.
Gold storage.
Wow, those special CST directors Lenske, Lenske and the former IRS guy sure do not seem to be doing their jobs. While they are at it, why don’t they just vote out DM and be done with it, I wonder.
What a wonderful birthday present as my birthday is 9 October. This couldn’t have happened to a ‘nicer’ group!
I took some video there a few years ago…
Oh man. Talk about full circle. My grandfather was raised there at the turn of the 20th century. “Hey! Get off my Grandpa’s land!!”
Looking at the Wyoming records:
International Ground Support Systems, who bought the property for CST filed in 2009, revoked in 2013.
CST’s initial filing was in 2013.
It’s possible that they have some other entity to carry it from here. (YSYSYSYSYS Inc?)
According to Dave’s lawyer, he is raising cattle out there.
Laughter! I told you he was a cowboy!
After that, OT DCCCC missycabbage is ready to put some evidence that LRH and OTs are sooperpowerful and incredibly intelligent.
Don’t even forget that guru putin’s land has forbidden guru davey’s cult to keep on its activities of money stealing in Moscow!
Why go through all this Dev T when there are
Old ICBM Missile Silos for sale that are nuclear bomb proof
and some already renovated as homes with massive doors
that are A bomb blast proof. They have security beyond description
including launch centers with space craft like chairs with seat belts.
Talk about a real Man Cave ” It’s fit for a COB”
Dave loves to bury the tech. He spends billions repeating the process over and over. This is therapy for him.
People with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) feel the need to check things repeatedly, or have certain thoughts or perform routines and rituals over and over. Like these three to four times a day musters to count the staff, over and over again throughout the day. And digging holes to bury the tech, over and over.
For example, if people are obsessed with germs or dirt, they may develop a compulsion to wash their hands over and over again. If they develop an obsession with intruders, they may lock and relock their doors many times before going to bed. Being afraid of social embarrassment may prompt people with OCD to comb their hair compulsively in front of a mirror-sometimes they get “caught” in the mirror and can’t move away from it.(Becomes Narcissistic Personality Disorder) .
Other common rituals are a need to repeatedly check things, touch things (especially in a particular sequence), or count things. Here you seen the staff being rounded up over and over and over throughout the day and counted and recounted at muster? Even though nobody can get out the front gate.
Some common obsessions include having frequent thoughts of violence and harming loved ones, persistently thinking about performing sexual acts the person dislikes, or having thoughts that are prohibited by religious beliefs. Like sleeping with your secretary, or most valuable player.
People with OCD perform their rituals even though doing so interferes with daily life and they find the repetition distressing. Like digging holes to bury books and tapes, over and over and over again.
They do the same rituals over and over such as washing hands, locking and unlocking doors, counting, keeping unneeded items (hoarding), or repeating the same steps again and again. Like obsessively spying on people, counting staff, digging holes to bury things.
P.S. Personally, running around a pole over and over and over again seems a bit OCD to me.
That’s called, “Hypno Tech”. Running in circles is like someone spinning something in front of your eyes. It puts the CICS (Counter Intentioned Cock Sucker) into a trance-like state and leaves them open to suggestion. 😉
Hi The Oracle, Thank you for your post. Love, Ann
OCD? Occupational Criminal Dept? Hey…I took a shot.
Laughter! The Freewinds would be on the ocean traveling from one island to the next, and they would still have muster three times a day and count bodies! I would be like, WTF? Do they think someone is going to jump over board? Seriously???
I feel you, Oracle. Three times a day is giving more credit to the public than they know. Hey, their passports are CONFISCATED! WTF! Are some public such championship swimmers that they those pose a risk of jumping overboard and swimming back to one of the islands? I’ll be the staff doesn’t trust ANY of the public.
Oracle…say it with now: Paranoia the Destroyer…
Hey Oracle. Thanks for posting this. VERY educational on many levels. I know someone like that. SOOOO exasperating! I think you hit the nail on the head. Jack Nicholson did a great OCD guy in that film with Helen Hunt – “As Good as it Gets”. Here’s a little demo –
Yeah, Dave reminds me of a dog who just keeps burying and re-burying his bone, paranoid that someone might find it and take it. “It’s MINE! It’s MINE!!”
Maybe David Miscaviges OCD is what gives him purpose in life.
I mean take that away an his last thread to Life snaps.
Hummm could be but what if the vaults are full of kinky stuff
like spiked heels, black lace bras,edible panties, he really does
not have a clue about money, right ?
Oops…another flap? Tsk..tsk..maybe miscavige is operating on a wrong why; not very 100% KSW we may add.
Sounds like that bastard is trying to dig a new hole in which to hide my girl Shelly. Whats’s next? An Ideal Org in Antarctica??
As a matter of fact, funds are now being collected for the final continent to go ideal…Antarctica. Reach deep and give generously…Thursday at 2:00 PM is almost here.
It would be interesting to see how the researchers stationed there would react to an arrival of a Scientology mission. Those folks are heavy drinkers and the isolation can make them go stir crazy. They would either join them and be the craziest Scientologists to date, OR, they would hack them up and eat them. LoL
Antarctica requires no reports or taxes.
Well, they DO need one in Antarctica.
In many of the International Events Mr. “Little” (aka Fearful Leader) gushes forth all manner of blathering Sherman-Speak about how there is “unbridled, unprecedented, unstoppable (unbelievable!) expansion across the globe, covering all Seven Continents, expansion reminiscent of the last great Ice-Age, when the entirety of Earth was enveloped in a cocoon of solid ice, reminding us of the Greatness of He (of tiny stature) Who Has Saved Us All, with its coolness seeping into our every pore, ridding us of our Mis-understood words (and symbols) which were evilly inserted in to the Words of Our Founder by the Suppressive Transcribers. These new materials, available for purchase after the event, are alone proof enough of our Manifest Destiny to Free (The cost of the new Book Package: Golden of Age 17 is a mere $6,999.00) Mankind of All Internet Access forever!”
Andy, I do feel for the residents of Antarctica! Poor souls, They’re deprived of the TECH. Is there anything sadder than not knowing about the TECH??? BTW, aren’t the residents of Antarctica all penguins? Just wondering.
But, what’s REALLY killing me is knowing that Nebraska has been ignored by the Church. The farmers in overalls. Teens chewing tobacco. Cruising Main Street on Friday and Saturday nights. WE’RE TALKIN’ THE HEART LAND OF AMERICAN HERE, FOLKS!
It just boggles my mind knowing they may NEVER know the wisdom of some fat guy with very bad teeth. Can’t we get John Travolta’s plane to drop boxes of TWTH booklets? I mean that’s the least we can do.
Nebraska, I feel your pain! Without the TECH, you’ll just stay fucked up your entire life. What damn shame….
You’re in rare form Surfer Dude. Capitol form, if i may say. In fact, i had to raise myself back from the dead to say so. Do carry on, agent mm back under cover…
o.. and fruitful happy holidays full of love an laughter to everyone. I mean it, excluding no one (note), the best of your lives yet to come… Mark.
(no one that posts here, anyway. The stupid leader and his best-est friends, well, would not be welcome at my beach party. I once heard it said, in a movie, that when we vanquish our enemies, we love them. On that happy note i say, Love All and not just for sake of happy holidays.
I’m talkin the big gig. -mm
Capitol form? Woo Hoo! Thanks, Mark!
Capital, indeed. 🙂 Yes, those poor souls. I heard them crying and thought I’d share with you OSD. Their hearts would break in two…
Poor normal people. They won’t ever get told about how they are so ruined and unhappy. They don’t even know, do they? 50 years married, 30 years in business, stable jobs and kids going through college. The horror. The horror.
Wow. I listened to the song. I gotta say, that song was a crying shame. But, I did get to hear two kinds of music: Country AND Western…Now, where’s my damn chewin’ tobacco…
Down home, baby. Down home.
Now that you have burned off some excess cash to show the IRS that you don’t stash all of it, maybe you can find an ‘agricultural use’ for your latest White Elephant. Can you meet the methane emissions regulations if you use it as a depository for your ‘provable bullshit’?
What about growing pot on that land?
They are growing pot on their land with the vault at Petrolia, California. Humboldt County is the weed capital of California!
California is close being a Legal Marijuana State in 2016.
D.M. sells Pot and Narconon Services with every joint
maybe funny now but soon a reality.
I’m a joker, but not a smoker and I”m a midnight toker. I get my lovin’ on the run…
When I think of DM I hear the song, ♪♫♪♫ Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, here I am, Stuck in the middle with you ♫♫♪♫ LOL
OMG, OSD. My old theme song!! Bwahahaha!
I like it because, hey, anyone who can have sex while running has my vote! I mean, gettin’ your lovin’ on the run? Man, you gotta be in tip top shape to do that!
Probably done best on a treadmill, OSD.
I think there are four sites in West US. The North coast of Calif below Eureka, the Lady Washington Mine property in Tuolumne CA, the So Cal site which is a holding cell for Shelly and the Trementina base in New Mexico.
The Trementina site is where there are the large symbols carved out of the brush so El Con can navigate his way back to safety. I wonder if they have any fresh bodies in waiting for His KSWness to acquire?
The Tuolumne site was recently added to with the purchase of a 50 acre adjoining parcel to the South which gives the cult more of a buffer from the wog and Ess Pee riff-raff living nearby (that would be me). Jane McNarin used to stop by when she was in town but for some reason I haven’t heard from her lately. They employ several local contractors in the area who they think are on the verge of signing up for a course because they are so supportive of the CST. In fact, these contractors are very happy to have the work and they know how deep the cults pockets are.
I suppose the cult must be very busy now remaking those Titanium Plates to reflect the good works of Der Furher and His great pole dancing fiasco at Flag.
Thanks Coop. For some reason I was thinking there was no vault at Tuolumne, perhaps because it was not newly excavated.
According to the planning documents “filed with the county at the time called for a 15-foot-wide, 250-foot-long-tunnel. The first 98 feet from the entrance were improved, with a 10.5-foot domed ceiling. At the end of the 98 feet, documents showed a 10-foot-long storage room, with the rest of the tunnel unimproved.”
So who knows what’s really down there, but I’ll bet that it’s not rows of titanium cases. They’ve only managed to photograph no more than ten of those things in a row, and had to shoop any more than that.
If they really had any vault with rows of those cases, there’s no way that Miscavige wouldn’t show it in one of his Sherman-Point presentations.
Scientology vaults
The vault is filled with Advanced Ideal Cases
Yep! They’re “cases” alright.
…a lifetime supply of copper piping, since DM has been blowing them out every time he sees a new book or Rinder posts a new blog post.
Poor poor DM.
I live in Wyoming and operate a nonprofit here. The only fees associated with keeping your filing current with the Secretary of state is a $25 annual filing and a $15 annual report. So if they’ve been dissolved, it’s because no one bothered to fill out a form (5 minutes work) and pay $40.
They, as a group, are stuck in “must be contributed to”, the beggars have them tripping with donations. They probably assumed someone was going to donate the filing to them and someone would do the paper work pro bono.
If El Wrong were to come back, Dwarfe Malignante would shove Him into a well-guarded underground room with the door welded shut, and put food in through a slot. El Wrong’s well-known tendency to to roll heads would be on his mind. The real El Wrong would not only roll DM’s head, He’d use it for a soccer ball….
There is also a HUGE vault in Petrolia, CA (Humboldt County) with a similar symbol cut into the landscape. Here is a write-up:
Petrolia – A few miles outside of this coastal community, a massive 400-foot subterranean vault constructed of steel and concrete lies beneath a peaceful knoll overlooking the Pacific.
The breadth and dimension of the vault stagger the imagination: 100 feet longer than a football field and 20 feet in diameter, the two-story sarcophagus is almost complete. It is designed to withstand the ravages of nature as well as man-made destruction.
Humboldt County is now home to one of the most impregnable storage repositories known to man, Its prime purpose is to hold the teaching, philosophy and enlightenment of a single man: L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, one of the most contentious, controversial religions ever founded.
I knew there was an intuitive reason for leaving this Wyoming CST site off the index of CST sites here: < with maps, "and 8×10 pictures with a paragraph on the back"
Add it to the list of albatross properties like the four Ideal Narconons blocked by zoning laws.
Failure to file report(s) and non payment of taxes.
RCo$ SOP, wog laws don’t apply to them (unless they can use them to their benefit)
The hits just keep on coming, 2015 will go down as historic expansion (of footbullets, negative press, and the shrinkage) of RCo$.
May it ramp up even more next year
Happy Thaksgiving
What are they REALLY doing with these vaults? Surely Miscavige doesn’t believe the BS story they are presenting, so why waste the money?
I understand that the Ideal Orgs are an inward display of expansion and success, but why bother with more than one underground vault that no one will ever see?
Those vaults really do exist and are really filled with stainless steel plates in titanium capsules filled with argon gas in racks covered in teflon and material used to protect the space shuttle from burning up on re-entry to the atmosphere. And they have been redone each time Miscavige has “redone” the materials. But CST has a lot more money than even this extravaganza of excess has cost, so no big deal….
“Those vaults really do exist and are really filled with stainless steel plates in titanium capsules filled with argon gas in racks covered in teflon and material used to protect the space shuttle from burning up on re-entry to the atmosphere”.
Miscavige is something for sure. He knows how to do it “big” (with other people’s money). I’m sure one of those places is all set up for Miscavige to survive a catastrophe of some sort. Plus a few SO members so he has someone to boss around and beat up on. And I would not be surprised if a majority of those titanium capsules filled with argon gas are full of dollar bills. He will need the money once he does his re-entry. And of course he will have stainless steel plates with data on how to build Ideal Orgs front and center to get the ball rolling once again. That Miscavige is a genius.
I keep telling myself, you must be joking… but you’re not, are you? They actually do this and spend that much preserving dm’s drivel – a truly ridiculous amount every time miscavige changes his mind with the “standard, never to be altered materials” and all the while his staff live in condensed squaller and never getting enough sleep.
I need to readjust my realities – perhaps a retake on the Easter Bunny is in order.
The unreality concerning scientology is staggering, truly staggering!
He is not joking! Read about one here:
“they have been redone each time” So that’s what is taking Shelly so long! Do you have any idea how hard it is to erase semicolons from stainless steel plates? You have to drip just the right amount of molten metal, and then buff it smooth… and she has to do that for all eleventy thousand forty-seven jillion semicolons.
Sounds like something right out of “Battlefield Earth”!! LOL
He is trying to take number of times over to infinity. I wonder when he’s going to do everyone a favour and become a laid down 8 himself, all nice and snug in a titanium capsule.
They actually go to that much trouble to save works of science fiction? I mean, Hubbard was a pretty good science fiction writer, but, putting his science fiction into underground vaults seems a bit silly.
I am putting my copy of the Mission Earth series in underground vaults. I thought everyone was doing this.
I’m doing the same with the leatherbound first edition of Battlefield Earth that I won in a contest from Galaxy Press! LOL
I can throw in my non-GAG 1 and GAG II books. They don’t count anymore…
Around 2002 and later the Tuolumne CST site was doing a lot of work to secure the old mine shaft and improve the buildings. At the time several new buildings were being proposed as well. Jane McNarrin worked very hard with local officials to safepoint $cientology by inviting the department heads on a full guided tour of the vaults and explaining what they were doing.
At the time, since I was actively consuming copious quantities of the good drink myself, I was not invited. To be sure, now that I am NOT, I still doubt if I could get an invite! But it was curious to have to explain to the local officials who I work with regularly in my business why someone as involved in the cherch as myself would not also be attending the ‘open house’ tour. There is a good cognitive dissonant explanation there somewhere! These days I just refer them to the internet and Leah’s new book!
The vaults are in fact filled with all of the Miscavige altered tech along with special reading devices and so on so that the survivors of Xenu Two will be able to avail themselves of the ……….. well you get the idea.
My take on this is that it acts to keep what is left of the cult real to those still in.
Say, Newcomer,
Regarding the special reading devices you referenced to: do they plug into a wall outlet to power them up? Or are there portable electrical generators stocked with regularly refreshed fuel? Solar power? Hand cranks? OT superpower? I can’t recall having heard this in prior descriptions (and too lazy to google it)
Seeing as FFT micromanages EVERYTHING, it would give me lulz if he forgot to address this point!
Hand cranks and solar panels
Thank you, Mike.
And I shall toast you at my Thanksgiving, because having you doing what you do in the face of a malicious and wealthy organization, with your history, and prices paid you are a singular individual and thousands need your help.
I know I certainly couldn’t do this.
Ditto Marty, Tony, Leah, Amy, Tory, Mockingbird, and all the rest I haven’t named–I’m poor at recalling names. Sorry!
Anyway, here’s to you all: Thank You!
David Miscaviges Comic Book collection, porn, prize scotch,
sexy underwear, survival food rations for 100 years, guns and ammo,
heart shaped bed for Big Beings,exercise bicycle, Tom Cruise movies.
Wonder if the IRS would be interested in the fact that the Secretary of State for Wyoming considers the Church of Spiritual Technology a business entity?
Well, it is a business, isn’t it? The entirety of scientology is a business.
Nope. The IRS doesn’t care.
Every little precedent helps. The more that are put out, the more chance we have of the cherch missing the opportunity of plugging a chink in their armor (and shooting foot bullets into, as well).
Then, someday, in the eyes of some court, the Co$ will be known as a business because they unintentionally acknowledged it as such in the record and will be unable to go back on their word–such as it is.
Wow! This sounds like basic corporation admin (e.g. filing annual reports, maintaining licenses, etc.) Looks like they just let it lapse.
Very interesting the State’s letter clearly identifies CST as a “business” entity.
It seems to function along the lines of a private detention center. The CST must be trying to follow the model of the State of Calif. by privatizing the prison system. I suppose if you can get the ‘residents’ to want to stay there it should help with the number of security personel needed. Throw in some fencing topped with razor wire pointing inward, some cameras and motion sensors and you are pretty much there.
That’s standard. Any corporation is a business entity.
Well Minnesota is right out as it was mostly covered by a glacier during the last ice age. But then our winters are basically a dress rehearsal for the next ice age.
There’s no CofS here in Montana because we don’t stand for nonsense.
Chef, would you happen to know where a Scientologist in Montana WOULD go to get services? (I have a particular reason for asking this and it isn’t because I would want anyone support the Co$ anywhere.)
Les and Anita Warren and Frankie and Mary Freeman are in Coeur D’Alene, just across the border.
Thank you, Chef!
We are following your lead way out West and here in California,
and to that I add my personal promise, for the sake of reason. Let there be light.
-Pursuit of Truth despite the darkness and secrets of the cult,
which would also be the thoughts of their silent leader,
In the name of Lisa McPherson and so many others, (sincerely, we should post the entire list of the departed) their families and the members of whom would all surely stand united and cheer:
do you ever behave?
no need to treat the newcomer like a pedophyle-priest just cuz he’s some kind of religion-hater, Mr. Dude.
It’s ok, Marco. Religion has its place, my cripe is this particular organization pretending to be a church and getting rich off the fraud, not to mention the harm they inflict on every solitary soul they get to “believe”
– the self-righteous scam-artists.
Meanwhile, I’m seriously considering joining up with the OSD Church of the Infinate Curl, check it out, its a surfing-oriented religion… and everyone is pretty groovy.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I wonder if there is any correlation between the 3 CST centers in the West U.S. and the large amount of whales and celebrities on that continent. We here in the East U.S. are feeling kind of left out. :'(
Nezquik, I’d say it was because land is is more plentiful and mostly cheaper in the west and southwest. I also think a consistently warm, arid climate is necessary for CST’s ostensible purposes.
Hey, we in EUS have something that none of the orgs and bases in WUS have: the King and Queen of the Douchebags, Grant and Elena Cardone.
Once again, I must point out, Espi, that that’s an insult to all Douchebags everywhere…I can’t even start to say ‘Cardone’ without the gag reflex.
Somehow the psychs are pulling the strings in this affair. It’s shocking to know they have reach all the way into the Wyoming Secretary of State’s office.
Oh man! You didn’t know that, hgc? However, the wear western clothing and cowboy boots to fit in. But, the thousand yard stare always give them away…
Shhh, it’s a secret…
Crap! My bad, I Yawn!