The Cult Shopping Network (aka ScientologyTV) seems to be in desperate straits.
The Flag OT Committee is begging for help to try to bolster the failure.
They need to know right now if all members have “gotten others to watch,” “downloaded the App,” “forwarded links to non-scientologists,” and “invited people to attend showings.”
Apparently their advertising on TV, all over the internet and on billboards isn’t having the desired impact. So they will use the people that they know they can get to comply (those damn wogs are dictated by their reactive minds and are anti-survival so they don’t listen and comply to watch the CSN) — their own people.
It’s a top priority for the Flag OT Committee to get people watching it. In truth, they should spend their time worrying about how many OT VII’s have blown the level and that they still aren’t close to reaching 10,000 EVER started. Or the fact that the “Mecca” is empty. Or that they cannot round up any VM’s for a hurricane that devastated a region just down the road.
All in all, things are not looking good for the most powerful team of OT’s on the planet (according to them).
They are decidedly “at effect” of the world around them. Not very OT at all…
I enjoy watching KCNA for the same reason: just how batshit crazy it really is. North Korean Captain Kangaroo included (no joke). CSN is about the same, except nowhere near as entertaining as watching the North Koreans hurl insults at various and sundry while screaming from the rooftops about how lucky they are to have Jong-Un as their Marshal.
I haven’t noticed anyone pointing out that every one of the questions is a yes or no question. No asking for actual numbers, nothing like that, just yes or no. It’s really, really easy to answer yes; it appears that the recipients of this e-mail are being given a Get Out Of Jail Free card.
Maybe that fact alone means something?
I know JUST how to get the ratings up on Cult Shopping Network!
“Ana” !!!!
Dwarf needs to put ANA on TV
Yo Ana –
Your um services are urgently required.
Scientology TV’s stats are in the toilet.
Give the OSA guys a rest for a minute, and listen up!
No longer will you have to give it away for free!
Your postulate has stuck!
You are to have YOUR OWN SHOW on Scientology TV
Invaluable training and experience for your chosen profession of Paid Escort!.
Report immediately to COB for your audition.
Don’t forget to thank COB, both afterwards AND before.
Publish your Success Story on all the Anti-Scientology Blogs.
Don’t blow it, Ana!
The Time Is Now.
Yes, Ana! You need to star in a documentary on the Scientology Network that introduces viewers to the newly discovered Erotica Rundown!
Dave, here’s the handling: Haul out Marty to produce a dozen slick videos, acting as an “objective commentator” promoting the wonders of Scientology TV in his inimitable style, while showing that Aftermath Season 3 is nothing but a continuation of the same tired narrative of Seasons 1 & 2, with even less credibility. Then to conclude, have him tell his viewers how Remini and Rinder are using over-emotional scripted puff pieces delivered by paid mouthpieces trying to discredit the church in order to secure their fifteen minutes of fame. This could go viral, even surpassing the YouTube views of the Jenny Linson Show at LAX!
Sure wish I could post.
I’ve got some gardening for you if that helps.
Given the aging Scientology membership, Miscavige (who is now pushing 60) should consider shows on improving digestion, denture cream comparisons, etc. “Fiber for OT’s” and “Touch Assists for Arthritis” are two ideas.
Scientology TV should also have a show called “Come Back Into That Body!” where the technique of ordering a thetan back into their body after a heart attack, stroke, etc. is demonstrated.
Very funny J. Swift!
Also Cult Shopping Network needs sponsors with products and services catering to the average age of public Scientologists is probably 62.. Fox News has this down:by the way. And just look at how the following services will enhance the ability of an aging cultie to donate to donate!
* Slip & Fall attorneys
* Malpractice attorneys
* Reverse mortgages
I’m ashamed to admit that I enjoy watching Scientology TV but then I read a lot of books about tyrants/fraudsters; I suppose I have a morbid curiosity about how they managed to gull so many people into believing their nonsense. The “Inside Scientology” programmes are particularly crazy; they are more like episodes of “How it’s made” than a religion.
I first became aware of Scientology when my school bus driver told me he was part of it and spent most of his money getting audited (this was circa 1985 in Scotland). Most people in Edinburgh are aware of Scientology (especially students as their offices are close to the University) as they are normally out in the street offering “free” personality tests. With the recent upsurge in MSM programmes about CS I have read lots of the excellent critical books and read this blog. Having listened to some of LRH lectures on youtube I struggle to understand how he managed to establish such a strong grip on his followers; to me it just sounds like stream of consciousness ramblings or am I missing something? Even the Scientology TV travelogue series consists of seemingly unrelated anecdotes devoid of any meaning.
Some key phrases: hypnotism, milieu control, undue influence, bounded choice, confusion technique, social pressure…Check out Robert Jay Lifton’s Eight Criteria For Thought Control; it’s an excellent summary of how cults work. Margaret Singer was a pioneer in the
field of scholarly study of cults; check her out, if you haven’t already. There are many others who have written books about scientology specifically and cults in general that will enhance your contextual understanding of the bigger package of mind-fuck that Hubbard’s written ass-spew is a part of.
Happy Hunting!
I just now watched some of that Scientology Network on my tablet and all I can say is:
They actually expect people to come flooding into their orgs after watching this drivel? I watched a program on that new place they built where they will print booklets and make all the signage for the various orgs and missions.
Mike, This is a strong point that you are making. What a shame. Did they loose their mind or what??? This is so off base. So messed up, the right don’t know what the left is doing. Lol. And everybody staff & public say amen. Yay. You are doing amazing job. Also Hitler thought he was doing amazing job. That’s the big problem. No self criticism and self thought with all the new staff like SRD in place, cause resurgence, super duper no power etc. I am just refusing to believe this. Supposedly fricking most elite sane religious group in the world compared to others. Ha
After the defeat at Stalingrad, Hitler actually took responsibility for it and told his inner circle “The fault (of the disaster) is mine.” I’m certainly not trying to defend Hitler, but you’ll never hear His Viciousness ever utter the words: “The fault is mine.”
It’s our collective WOG and SP Super Powers. Just with the powerz of my mind I’m preventing people from watching it! Ma we he ha ha ha! We’re so powerful! Ha ha!
Oh wait, no, that’s not it. The channel is useless and tone deaf like all the other Scientology propaganda. I still have the tweet from 2016 where one of our favorite internet cult apologists was threatening everyone with CSN! He was sure it was going to wipe WOGs and SPs off the planet and shut us all up once and for all!
Poor thing! And he probably won’t ever admit he couldn’t have been more wrong.
No one wants to be a slave to the cult anymore! No one wants to lose their family, security, happiness, freedom, all for some vague promises of a better life here and in the beyond. People know too much about the cult and how it destroys people’s lives and families.
Who is “curious” about joining that horror!?
To Dave and his minions: May The Force Bewitch You.
To: The Scribe
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: the force.
For your information, I AM THE FORCE! No one can bewitch me, not even you! As for me and my minions as you call us, my all new Scientology Network will bewitch YOU and compel you to see the truths contained in the Golden Age Of Tech!
Now to take down that Alcoboy for calling my network lame!
I watched around 10 minutes the other day. It was a show about a water polo player. She slowly described the rules of water polo in very rehearsed, heavily accented English between scenes of women in the pool playing the game. My eyes started to glaze over. What a waste of 10 minutes of my life. Possibly the channel might be good for getting people to fall asleep.
I can’t remember what I was watching this past week, but I was surprised that LRH was mentioned, and not in a complimentary way, as in a “that’s what L Ron Hubbard did to brainwash control?)” it was something like that. It was just a quick comparison, then back to their main topic. It may have even been something discussed on the news. I thought that was great that more are becoming aware of this cult and not afraid of getting sued, or stalked.
Those of us who were old-timers have a great fear of speaking out because we were personal witnesses to what happened to Paulette Cooper and those few brave souls who dared speak the truth back then. Even thinking thoughts against scientology hurt my stomach for years before I could get past that hurdle.
HowEVER, I think that the more people speak out, the less likely they are to be stalked because of the sheer volume of those speaking out, by now the whack-a-mole numbers have got to be overwhelming.
One person speaks out and David Miscavige sends his dwindling army to whack that person. Six people sent to whack, 5 whack away, 1 blows. The 5 who return are then sent with another 3 to whack the one who blew.
Out of those 8 sent, only 7 return. Miscavige beefs up those 7 with 2 more, but whoops! now he loses 2, and he has to send two groups of 5, and there are only 4 left in total darkness, time to pull a few people out of the *harrumph* non-existent hole and feed them up to the point where they can function in society so they too can go get the ones who blew.
But wait! Isn’t that how Mike Rinder blew?
Hmm…must suck to be Miscavige these days.
People are still being stalked and harrassed, don’t get me wrong, but it has to be more scattershot and less targeted, because due to the increasing paranoia of Miscavige’s teeny brain and the alcohol-induced psychosis, the sheer volume of those to harrass has become so great.
The biggest problem with this is: David Miscavige, like LRH before him, will always hold a grudge against you – even if you have no clue you have wronged him, so if he’s angry with you, until he’s gone, you will always have a target on your back. That’s the ecclesiastical way, you see.
Oh my Valerie, what you have gone through is just something no one should have to endure, and especially those who meant no harm, only sincerely wanted to improve their own life and the life of others.
Just my own view but I do think this policy of harassing and seeking to destroy the reputation and livelihood of people who want nothing more than to get out of this cult is one of the things that are going to erode away at the power that Miscavige holds. It exposes him for the power hungry thing he is since all this happens as a direct order from him. He can’t hide from that. Hubbard is dead, Miscavige stepped into the head abuser role. It’s all on him no matter how he tries to hide behind whatever disclaimer his slimy legal team writes. Nothing happens without his ok.
I wish all of you the peace you deserve, you’ve earned it.
@Peggy, thanks for caring, but I’m actually quite lucky, I’m not a high profile target like Mike Rinder or even his makeup artist. I get some small blowback and some months-long harrasment at times, but I’m mostly left alone because there are people creating larger targets out there for Miscavige.
My greatest enemy after leaving scientology has been my mind. It took longer than I dare admit to win the battle I fought with myself to admit that I was not this all-knowing wonderful powerful being and to humble myself to enjoy the beauty of life, and I still run into mind shrapnel after all these years.
Scientology the kick in the nuts that keeps on kicking.
Well I have to confess I at one time had that Wonder Woman thing goin’ on too. Then reality set in. It was a nice dream though 🙂 Very happy that you have found a beautiful place to continue to heal and enjoy life.
I sincerely believe that everyone here who has their own success story of how and why they broke broke out, ( I guess the word is blew, some barely escaping with the shirt on their back) will help anyone still in to maybe find the inner strength to do the same.
As for any harassment you received Valerie, none of it was ok. That’s never ok. I can’t imagine that anyone who did get out not having some form of PTSD. That’s a whole other mountain to climb.
Here’s hoping that The Aftermath will be the one to award David Miscavige the “kick in the nuts that keeps on kicking”. That’s an award he so richly deserves.
No one wants to watch the Scientology Network.
Maybe if they started broadcasting reruns of ‘ Scientology-The Aftermath”, people MIGHT tune in and watch.
Here’s an idea for a lineup:
Love Scientology Style
The Beverly Degradedbillies
Gilligan’s 1.1 Island
The Andy Wog Show
Leave it To COB
The Many Loves Of Tom Cruise
There. Now tune in!
Maybe Tom Cruise can have his own version of The Bachelor.
But instead of a rose, the contestants get one of those prized leatherbound versions of Dianetics when they make it to the next round.
And that’s after she hands him $500.00 for it.
LOLOL, Alcoboy! Especially “Leave It To COB”!!!
More must watch Scientology TV:
My Three Whales
McHubbard’s Navy
Cult Boat
COB Knows Best
My Favorite Platinum Meritorious
Caligula’s Cuckold( ” Remember I have the right to do anything to anybody ” an actual quote from Caligula )
Thursday Afternoon Live
One Flew Over The Int Base
The Devil In The Elevator Shoes
The Botox Redemption
Whore-fest Hump
Dark Side Story
Journey To The RPF
The Shermanator
Mr. Misravage Goes To Hell
Starting my day off right with more LOL, Mark!
“One Flew Over The Int Base” – can you imagine a young Jack Nicholson type doing THAT movie?
Miscavige keeps making the Sheeple see the 1993 “War is Over” thing with the IRS again and again. so how about a fresh take on His Proudest Hour, with COB as a Jimmy Stewart type with an ecclesiastical flair starring in “Mr. Miscavige Goes To Washington” ?
So much to J & D, so little time.
“Thursday Afternoon Live”…what a “high energy” show THAT would be.
The theme song could start out with a Sea Org member shouting into the camera:
Then the camera pans to a nearby wall showing a clock set at 2pm. The music comes up and the caption appears:
🙂 🙂 And here is yet ANOTHER treasure trove of material.
Yo Dave!
We’re gonna get your Cult Network stats up, Sir!
They are gonna go thru the roof!
No worries, we’re on it, Sir!
Much love, ( Covert Hostility)
or, Sir, if you’d prefer a complimentary close in a higher tone level:
No love at all (Expressed Resentment)
Hilarious! ?
You’ve really done it, you’ve got me going now 🙂
The Lone Regger
The Gold Base Bunch
Buttman (starring guess who)
You forgot the most important one, Aqua! The one about us!
That’s right! How could I?
Help I’m out of control I can’t stop don’t blame me its your fault Alco
Slappy Days
Welcome Back, Potter
Three Was Company (Narrated by Tom; clips from his 3 marriages)
Today on “Freewinds”
CPT NAPIER: Aah, dammit! This ship is sinking again! Man the bilge pumps!
Today on “In Session”
PRECLEAR: I’ve had enough! This auditing hoopla is nothing but garbage! I want my money back!
AUDITOR: (smiling): Thank you. Your needle floated.
Today on ” Inside The Org”
(Cue shot of empty corridor)
All this and more coming at you today on
Oh, if only, if onlY, Alco 🙂 🙂
The Real Housewives of Gold Base
(Mike’s Ex, Jenny Linson and other Inch Wives and seasoned Sea Orgre hags face-ripping, giving one another SRAs and abusing one another in accordance with Command Intention.
Davy’s Angels
Bubbles Champagne, the Cardone Gargoyle and the Feshbach Bitch in feathered 70s wigs, briefed and activated by an invisible COB as to who he wants shaken down for the big bucks that week.
Davy’s Angels? Yeah, right, Aqua!
(Cue ‘ Charlie’s Angels’ theme music)
Once upon a time there were three women who came into Scientology. They worked very hard and progressed up the Bridge. But I took them away from all that and now they work for me.
My name is Davy.
Now I would tune in to the Cult Shopping Network to watch that!
Me too! Would I ever! Alco, its amazing, you got the show’s prelude wording 100% correct. How I loved this show back in the day. Never missed an episode. After God knows how many years, reading your post I heard John Forsythe’s voice like it was yesterday 🙂
Tommy Davis as Bosley – yes, perfect, perfect!
Question: what happens if you just ignore the “help” request? Nothing? Or does your name go on some kind of ‘suspicious’ list for further ‘handling’? Curious? I definitely am.
Excuse my ignorance and/or stupidity, (those sort of things seem to blend pretty easily when Scientology is thought of), but I don’t get their billboard graphics. A guy sitting on the wing of a propped aircraft with a jet fighter directly behind. Crop dusting with lazer guided missiles… is that their message? Well, OK… that’s a little bit surprising. Expensive way to kill bugs I should think.
Scientology, hard at work destroying people’s lives since the 50s.
I just checked in Google Play, and they show “Installs 100,000+” but only 2,241 reviews (indicating the installs/downloads may have been boosted by paid click farms) – and most of those are 5-star, a typical pattern for Scientology. Apple iTunes shows just 889 ratings, again mostly 5-star. Those are the two most common device platforms, so the total of around 3 thousand responses probably gives us an idea of the number of authentic downloads, mostly by members – likely under 10 thousand.
I’m guessing that at least part of what Scientology is doing here, is trying to keep up the stats for downloads of the app, which management would receive, and which would affect its positioning and popularity ranking in the app stores. Stats of app downloads, and ScnTV viewership, almost certainly tanked after the initial debut, and likely haven’t gone up much if at all with the new “season” and all the expensive advertising promoting it.
I am one of the DL/Install.
Just to check it out and leave my glowing review. 😉
The Cult Shopping Network is Miscavige’s baby; an enormous gilded turd that requires constant polishing.
Thanks to the Tilden Turd!
And his homunculus, Tiny Tyrant Turd!
Hip, hip, hooray!
I wonder if dm ever feels responsible for the decline? It must be obvious to him by now? Compare the 70’s stats to now?
I think he’s incapable of looking inward without going completely certifiably bonkers.
He’s ego is to large to admit any wrong. He’s an abusive malignant narcissist. It’s always going to be someone else’s fault.
I will say I’m sure he’s definitely feeling the stress. All the more reason why he is pushing others to fix his problems.
MIscavige has blood on his hands and doesn’t care past the point of being caught. It presents as part of his job description. He’s a gangster playing a weird sort of Pope game.
“blood on his hands” especially the blood of Lisa McPherson.
Scientology can’t even threaten their public enough to get them to attend their 4 main events each year to listen to Miscavige ramble on about generalized bullshit for 3 hours. How do they expect the poor saps to voluntarily tune into more of the same in the privacy of their own homes? It just isn’t going to happen. As far as the non Scientology general public, they aren’t interested in having Scientology blow smoke up their butts.
To: Mat Pesch
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: Scientology TV
You are so wrong! Wog public are VERY interested in having my fabulous tech, as you like to put it, blown up their butts! There is nothing more refreshing than a good dose of the Golden Age Of Tech!
Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go stop Alcoboy before he gets those signs up depicting me as Miss Coppertone!
Tom Cruise pulling down my panties? Never!
Yeah, miscavige is likely very angry; imagine all his efforts of 24-7 dedication and the millions subtracted from his funds and he is getting no income from this cult network…poor minuscule leader, things going from bad to worse.
If I were a clam, I’d be very careful answering those questions. They sound like excellent sec checking opportunities. Like WHY haven’t you been watching or even downloaded the app? You must have bad intentions toward our dear leader.
Oh, BTW, why hasn’t he used his superpowers to throw a few inches onto his height?
This whole Dave TV desperation outreach reminds me of a quote by John McEnroe: YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!
If we build a big pretty org, people will flood in to see it and want to find out all about Scientology!! They’ll know we’re the coolest new religion by our shiny big building!!
And look how big and powerful we are, look at our TV! People are dying to know about our fascinating and mysterious religion! They’ll watch it and flood our pretty new building!
People wouldn’t do scientology EVEN IF IT WAS FREE.
Thanks to Mike and all those speaking out, thanks to the internet and the good good people of earth, the truth will continue to spread….
Dummy Mudface can’t force an awake populous into his morgues built on the corpses of the ravaged (then declared) disillusioned field.
He can’t coerce or purchase the TV ratings he’s gnashing his tiny teeth over…
….. Vampire boy can’t hide from the daylight much longer
Ya won’t be able to Give it Away, Davy-boy.
Not even for free………
3: Have you forwarded links of specific shows to non-Scientologists?
Well I keep trying but every time I send a link to a wog they send one right back. I’ve got a whole collection of them now; Mike Rinder, some place called the Underground Bunker, Leah Remini, some woman called Magoo. They seem to think it’s only fair that if they look at mine I’ve got to look at theirs. Something to do with ‘looking at both sides’ apparently. Damn wogs!
I also have a few links. Free to send to anyone interested!
I’m SO GLAD I’m not at Flag!!!!!!!!
Squeeze squeeze squeeze! Crack the whip! Crack the whip!!
I’m so glad to be away and free from the nasty smiley threats and control.
Huh! ….. you know, scn really has 1.1 down cold. Just a whisper below the surface of the Rah Rah Go Team inquiring emails…
“We are tracking, reporting and keeping detailed notes on your participation, your tone, your response time and if you have in fact answered up”
” all of this will be used in determining the TE for your next Sec Check. ”
Coffee and homemade cake for breakfast, another pretty and relaxing day …. all my own .
Yo Peggy,
You note that “responses are needed and much appreciated.”
Tell us what yer gonna do with a response that has a ‘no’ on it. Now you wouldn’t consider sharing this info with yer favorite pubescent ethics officer now would you? It’s kinda like ‘help me to help you get yer ethics in’ by telling me something I can use to make yer life a miserable living hell …………. all in the name of saving this sector of the universe.
Or is it not really like that Peggy? And at no time would it involve the transfer of funds that you don’t have to the cult of ultimate need and greed. You ought to offer a ‘get out of jail free card’ for participation in yer circle jerk called Oh Tea Committee.
“Cult of ultimate need and greed.” I like that one!
But if they have the contact information of non-scientologists, isn’t that something that would get them in ethics trouble?
This one sounds like a trick question to me.
mmmm…getting caught sleeping with the enemy hey? Yep, Scio think will nail the poor bastards to the wall who go anywhere near responding to that question.
And so the weapons of mass mind fuck has an OT Committee now relying on the telly to get the job done? – ohhh my, give me a VC minefield to clear any-day. At least they were upfront with the fact they wanted to destroy you, not like the smiling assassins that slither around in the hallways of Scientology.
Wowza Valerie. That’s a good point.
There is no other type of question in the cult!
Staff member: “How ya doin?”
Cult member in training: “GREAT!”
Staff member: “Excellent! Go see the reg and start yer next action.”
OR …………
Staff member: “How ya doin?”
Cult member in training: “Not too good.”
Staff member: “Excellent! Go see the reg and start yer auditing to handle it”
Google Play has just over 2000 positive reviews for the CSN app.
Almost the same as the Wikkan Calendar app.
🙂 Kyle.
Woah the desperation is palpable. And this letter – sounds like another ‘sec check by email’. Answer ‘no’ to any of these questions and you can be sure you’ll find yourself in ethics or better still, holding the cans at the end of yet another sec check…. So, does the harrassed ot committee member answer? Or not answer? Not answering will probably get the same result. You’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t. Either way, you’re damned.
“Damned if you do it and happy if you don’t ” is the truth about scientology.
Oh, I’m sorry but the cult TV infomercials interferes with my other infomercials, so I am unable to divert my attention from “an exciting career in electronics” to watch the cult ones. (Or whatever else is that being peddled on late night these days). Again, I’m so sorry. Too many infomercials and not enough “boredom” hours in the day ?
The only thing that could get someone to watch that channel is a Review of the Cult of Scientology by Myles Barlow on the Comedy Channel.
They should play “Battlefield Earth” on SciTV 24/7/365. With a 3% score on Rotten Tomatoes it’s the highest scoring Scientology movie ever!
OT Ambassadors get these awful “Blue on Blues” (meaning they come from miscavige) at the Maiden Voyage every year. (Not that I would have ever gone but I made it a point to never go as I would have been made an OT Ambassador, a “privilege” that OT’s would seemingly hold with pride.) I’m sure these Ambassadors all fawned over miscavige as they met on the Ship, got their pictures taken with him and were handed these Blue on Blues – a LONG list of shit they had to do before the next Maiden Voyage. They include things like selling Basics when they were in vogue, holding events to make money in order to renovate and get opened an Ideal Org, and a myriad of other enforcements, which include orders like the above, the latest flavor of the week, getting their areas to watch the CSN snorefest.
A non-scientologist relative recently asked my why the church pounds on people to give massive amounts of money or makes people do things that they don’t want to do when it gets to the point it turns them off and they leave. I said because these quotas and orders and programs trickles down from david miscavige to Sea Org members, Staff, OT Committee and OT Ambassadors and they are punished with sleep deprivation, shit or no food, no pay or punitive sec checking if they don’t meet their quotas or comply with “orders” or fulfill programs. They get to the point that it’s all about meeting the demands of “RIGHT NOW” with no regards for people that they cause to leave or blow off as a result of their actions and with no regard for the future consequences of the church.
Mary, as a follow-up to your comment, I give you and all the happy campers at Rinderland this cheerful little missive. Feel free to copy and paste and send it anonymously to any email lists of Scientologists you might have.
To: All Scientologists
How to finally make the Dissemination drill work for you!
1. CONTACT: Say hello to a person you haven’t met before and introduce yourself. This is pretty simple and mainly consists of just being friendly.
2. HANDLE: This gets tricky as the majority of people you will contact have a negative view of Scientology. After you see that it’s hopeless to get them roped in, go to Step 3.
3. FIND THE RUIN: Realize that what’s really screwing up your life is Scientology.
4. BRING TO UNDERSTANDING: Google Scientology and read all about it from multiple sources and watch videos. Then GET THE FUCK OUT!
Now this is tech that needs to be disseminated!
Watch an infomercial station? What degenerated being thought that up? Oh…Never mind.
I’d watch a hundred Shake Weight or ShamWow infomercials before I’d watch a minute of Scientology TV.
I’m going bald, so if Ron Popeil will be on selling his spray on hair, I might tune in.
Lol, my friend tried that once, it looked great like he had hair, but he stopped using it. It got all over his pillows and he said it felt terrible. I asked how and he said douse your arm with hairspray and let it dry…that’s how it feels. It was hilarious!
I’ll just put a p!attic sheet over my pillows … It is better to look good than to feel good …
Dear Peggy,
I’ve been too busy with I Love Lucy reruns and cleaning out the hall closet, so NO to 1 – 5. This evening is Ladies Bowling Night so I won’t be able to watch it right away, but I’m pretty sure I can get some of the gals to come over for popcorn and beer and we’ll take a look at it then. I heard it’s REALLY funny. Are Tom and Dave in it?
PS – give my love to your disconnected husband and kids. Come to think of it, I’ll invite them over to watch it too!
Mike, these are such good signs:
“…In truth, they should spend their time worrying about how many OT VII’s have blown the level and that they still aren’t close to reaching 10,000 EVER started. Or the fact that the “Mecca” is empty. Or that they cannot round up any VM’s for a hurricane that devastated a region just down the road.,,,,”
thanks for everyone making public noise about the downsides.
I wish the publishers of “Going Clear…” would allow the Sarge interview video clips to be replayed on Leah’s show somehow appropriately.
What Sarge said is devastating vital info for Scientologists to hear.
I wish they’d play the Sarge interview on Scientology TV for the followers.
Speed up the decline. Sober them up.
Is it just me or is the implosion accelerating?
Maybe the Cult Shopping Network should put on reruns of “Leave It to Beaver” or “The Andy Griffith Show.” Or they could revive the Hollywood Squares and have Tom Cruise and John Travolta rotating in the center square. That would bring in viewers.
Yes, the traditional gay gentleman in the center square!
With all the oodles of Super Scion Star Power, you would think they’d float out one of these people. Or give Joy Villa a show where she does what she calls singing, wearing her MAGA getup!
It’s hard to imagine miscavige or anyone not predicting utter failure of advertising a direct TV channel with just more advertising about scientology. It’s like they were born yesterday, but on the moon.
From a hindsight view, it’s always Hubbard to me, who is driving them to run themselves ragged worrying every micro turn they make or fail to make in response to everything.
And then who to blame for when the stats go down, and then what program to rush into action to bolster the stats.
Keeps them always so busy ragging on themselves for their failures, and then in turn gives them ample opportunities to rack up transgressions for which their paid for interrogation faux counseling pseudo-therapy they make themselves pay for that, to rid themselves of the burden of their transgressions for not making stats always go up.
Good old Hubbard run themselves ragged system and blame always themselves and extract money out of themselves to pay their charade church and IAS for fixing the world’s failures.
Then they go to Flag to pay to run in circles, too.
Quit fast.
Stop blaming yourselves for failing to make lousy pseudo-science Hubbard quackery not work. It’s quackery already, and Hubbard was a mentally ill healthed charlatan who only admitted in private in the end of his life that he’d failed.
Not you Scientologists! Quit the place already.
So bottom line, garbage in, garbage out chuckbeattyx75to03. I think you summed it up perfectly.
Ultimately, Black Magik is still Black Magik by any other name. “Can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.”
Totally nailed it, Chuck. That’s exactly what the Dwarf does, always. Wow.