As a follow up to the OT Ambassador stats of yesterday, here is the current (as of 23 January 2014) list all OT Ambassadors and OT VIIIs in WUS.Β
The percentage next to the name is the percentage of weeks since “Maiden Voyage” 2013 (the one that was canceled) that each of these people have been “active”. And apparently if someone has been “active” one week in the previous year they are “counted” as “Active OT Ambassadors/OT Committee members.”
I am sure there will be a lot of readers who know far more details about their own areas than I do.
I only noted a few oddities just from glancing at this.
Under Austin, Joe Feshbach is listed. Not sure how many other deceased people are on this list.
I see under CC Int there are “luminaries” who are often lauded for their “contributions” who are listed as NEVER being “active” (they just give money?) — Izzy and MaryAnn Chait, Grant Cardone (his wife doesnt even make the list), Denice and Michael Duff, Liz Bayback, Michael Doven, Jeff Pomerantz, David and Bonita Wilson. Β All of them 0% “active” though they are all on this list…. I guess they are all OT VIIIs and thus are “automatically” “OT Ambassadors” or something.
The Las Vegas “Ideal Org” has ONE OTA/OT VIII. Houston, where there is no org has 8. (You may recall the recent stat report grid of OTAs in the last post that listed 20 Active OTAs for Las Vegas — I have included it again at the bottom of this list for comparatives to be done between these lists and the stats they report — it is clear that even the pathetic stats that ARE reported have little resemblance to reality).
Looking forward to some observations from those who have intimate knowledge of some of these areas.
I need to say one more thing about raw public and dissemination: It’s not what it used to be.
Ten to fifteen years ago, it was still fairly easy. People would perk up when you said “Scientology” and ask what it was with interest. About eight years ago we noticed a big difference and now well, forget it! People instantly know something about Scientology and it’s rarely good. They immediately associate it with Tom Cruise (in a couch jumping, Matt Lauer/Brooke Shields bad way)and say Tom Cruise is a wacko, or have read all about it on the internet.
My husband and I used to do a lot of dissemination to other professionals we worked with, family members, friends or raw public. We never cared if someone donated or even enrolled on a course. Our purpose was to introduce Scientology/LRH and if they were or weren’t interested, then fine. We enjoyed doing it when we did. We took people on tours here and there, CC, etc. We no longer do it now and haven’t for a long time.
I will say that one of the reasons we stopped disseminating was because of the Vulture Culture Fundraising and canabalizing of public that became the norm. We didn’t want to expose other people to that.
I’m surprised that the list doesn’t include every single OTVIII known to man living in the WUS. I saw a few names listed twice and know some OTVIII’s who are actively doing the bottom of the Bridge again, not on this list at all. I guess they never did OT Committee, ever. The ones not on the list I’m referring to are either whales or celebs.
True that new, young people are not coming in and the list is all the usual suspects.
The only young people I see at the orgs today are the second gens of OT parents. Their Bridge has been paid for by Mom and Dad. This is NOT a good indicator for the future public of Scientology.
The OT Committees are a big waste of time. People sitting around shooting the breeze and talking about who they can get to donate to the IAS, or get to Flag. They just pick off and feed on each other. Canabalization of the existing public.
My husband and I both got out of OT Com as fast as we could. I only went once, he went maybe five times. Such a waste of time for us. We found other ways to contribute by working with raw public and not having to pay money for donations. It worked out great and we felt like we were helping people too.
An excellent recent done piece posted by – Sammy Jenkins on Youtube (Uni-Student)
Scientology: The Cost of the Cult
“Short documentary filmed by Bournemouth University Students into the Scientology religion.”
At least Joe Feshbach has an excuse for not being active. I bet he’s helping Ron with his research and that’s why he took off.
And what is up with John Allender at 21%. Maybe he knows he can make up for his low production when Dave wants to crank out another documentary film that He is not involved with!
With all this WUS info in the last few days, I know there are “lurkers” and “under the radar” types out there from the Salt Lake City org. I have one question:Where’s Heber Jentzsch?
You guys have great kids and wonderful families.The Mormon religion has strong influence on your org.
Heber is one of us, Utah born and bred.
So ask again, where is Heber Jentzsch?
Does going exterior and saving Earth from an alien invasion count as being “active in the field?” π
This made me cringe. Is she just this insane shell of a woman, all alone in her delusion, or does her husband, long-time lawyer for the church, also believe he went to Venus and thwarted an alien missile launch?
When MY wife and I happen to see Venus in the early evening hours, I make up lyrics and sing them to her to the tune of Frankie Avalon’s song, Venus. Maybe not as amazing as destroying Venusian spacecraft with their own weapons, but a lot less work, and more fun. Sheesh!
Cringe indeed. This is hard on eyes and ears…..
No point in rewatching to possibly clarify.
Quick question that I’d love to have a little piece of insight- I cant really believe that DM is completely oblivious as to the collapse of the church. Does he have an exit strategy or is his blindly flopping about in his private little world thinking he has unlimited funds to get away when flight is necessary? Does he have a Plan B?
What blows me away is how short the list is.
For all intents and purposes, this is pretty much a list of active public for all of WUS. I mean, if you are aren’t contributing to an OTC, you’re a puny being, right? These are essentially the church’s members in half of the US, not counting poor staff, of course.
This is all Miscavige can show for the entire Western United States? 500 people?
I live on a street that has six churches with at least 500-1000 members apiece- a couple of Baptist churches, a Catholic Church, a Pentecostal church, and a Presbyterian church, and they’re all walking distance from my house. Hell, I’m even near a synagogue with at least a few hundred members.
You could gather up all of these poor souls and they still wouldn’t fill just one of those auditoriums in my neighborhood.
I suppose this is cause for celebration. The numbers are in the toilet.
And one more thought- I’m sure some of these people are good folks who are just misled. But I have an increasingly hard time feeling bad for anyone on this list. How could you not notice the many massive outpoints on this list alone, much less all of the other glaring outpoints in each org and in each hype video? You’d have to be willfully ignorant to look past it.
Again, these “some decent people” on the list, really aren’t decent as they need to keep lying, to get people in, keep taking their money with empty promises, enforcing scientology laws of disconnecting, abusing, and breaking the hearts, minds, and checkbooks of the ignorant, but well intended public. Policies that were created by a lunatic, misogynist, drug addicted, money grubbing criminal and liar and plagiarist named L.Ron Hubbard.
Turns out there are more girl scouts than OTVlll’s:
Somewhat interesting, but I feel like its a bit wrong to post it. I know some of these people and while there are a few douchbags most of them are decent people who would probably be upset by it.
Heilo Chris.First time I’ve see you here.
Yeah, we are a bunch of irreverent son of a bitches, aren’t we. There are no decent people who frequent this blog so nothing to worry about.
I think that If they were truly proud of what they were doing they wouldn’t get upset
Mike – excellent information to “as is” the truth about the actual facts of Scientology stats!! Thank you and thank your source – it will help those lurkers see the truth that COB is lying about expansion!! The OT Committee is the most frustrating, waste-of-time activity reported by OT’s to ever be a part of!!
Talk about banging a head against a wall over and over and over!!
The poor OT Committee members can’t get much done because Scientology Organization can’t finish “cycles of action”!! Think about it! As soon as someone thinks they are done – they have to redo it!! And what does LRH say about not completing cycles of action?
Looking at that Salt Lake City list I can’t stop laughing. I read too much Bernard Cornwell and JRRMartin.
“King David and his Royal Court. May we present the Duke and and Duchess Alan and Carol Farr”
Carol, I’m sure you’re a very nice lady but I could never turn the the off the pictures of purple robes and crowns long to talk you.
And Phil, the Ned Stark of the of the Salt City Org I have message for you (If you’re under the radar): I found my faith. It’s really, really nice outside the bubble. I know an ex Flag Sea Org Class XII if you need any auditing.
Wow I used to think old timers were from the 1950’s, gee times have changed.
Yep. Me too.
I see John Allender is on the list. Are any other Squirrel Busters present? I wonder how the other 700+ OTC members would feel about their antics. Or are the Squirrel Busters legend in the bubble? (Forgive me for asking, I live a long way from anywhere.)
Many of these people have been around for at least 30 years. Many, longer. Almost all are old timers. Went by AOLA recently. Walked in. Traffic is about 5% of what it was in the mid-80’s. Scientology is WAY done. Stick a pitch fork in it.
“Scientology is WAY done. Stick a pitch fork in it.”
Agreed. But I expect that so long as there’s someone to grind out the PR and someone left to listen to it we’ll be hearing about all the miraculous, unprecedented expansion.
Agreed. Not dissimilar to ObamaCare. The Dead Parrot skit also comes to mind. DM will continue until all whale blubber has been melted down into lamp oil.
Aha–so these are the most extreme ass-kissin’ kool-aid drinkin’ money payin’ integrity forfeitin’ criminal supportin’ smile-in-yr-face fools/dupes/clowns….. good to know. π Smilin’ right back atcha guys! WAKE THE F__ UP!!!!!
Lots of familiar names, and some of the are ex pc’s of mine. I used to feel sorry for these people, but they really are fools. Hope the Kool Aid gets better for you all.
I didn’t peruse the with intensity … (and I’m not really interested in the celeb CoS angle) … But where are the movie stars? A quick search for Kirsti, Cruise and Travolta came up negatory. I guess they’re out now. HAHA. C’mon, those beings are for sure OT committee and/or OT VIII, right?
Their stats are so stellar they are in a completely different league. Cruise alone brings in so many new public to CC alone that he would need to have his own special graph. I mean the ladies on the street that pass out just hearing his name have to be scooped up and brought into CC for an assist just to get them up to being able to complete the personality test ……. and their are so many daily that He says a new hall needs to be constructed near Big Blue to handle the volume of new public.
I just fainted, just reading the name of ***CRUISE*** here.
Can I please get scooped up for an assist?
That last chart hits the nail on the head of my amazement that anyone anywhere ever thought this was a religion. What religion only does stats of money raised, people dragged in to convert, books studied. NOT ONE MENTION OF ANY CONTRIBUTION TO SOCIETY. NOT ONE!! No list of money going to homeless organizations, or how many people volunteered for the food bank or who is working with underprivileged children or how many coats were donated to a local non-profit.
And then, to spout off about how much $cientology is doing for this world, for this planet. So nauseating. Just makes me want to scream and yell and punch The Man Who Would Be King in his smarmy lying narcissistic psychopathic face.
Outraged, your name is appropriate and you are correct to be outraged. Why isn’t every adult in the church outraged? They are being degraded day after day. Is Miscavige carrying out some kind of insane practical joke to see how much humiliation and insanity an individual will take? Here are the steps Miscavige has taken that have lead to his only success, the mass exodus of members and the mass degradation of those that remained: Step 1, withdraw nutrition; Step 2, withdraw decent housing; Step 3, break up families through forced disconnection; Step 4, prevent new families from being formed by forbidding new marriages and by ordering forced abortions; Step 5, sell GAT I; Step 6, throw out GAT I, sell GAT II; Step 7, drive new members running out the door by crush regging visitors and newcomers who show any interest; Step 8, get rid of hundreds of members by issuing mass SP Declares; Step 9, build dozens of garish new buildings; Step 10, insure the buildings are empty because of Steps 3, 4, 7, 8, and 9; Step 11?
Still on your Side, this is my issueβ¦ Why on EARTH would DM have the policies he has unless he actually WANTED Co$ to crash and burn? Methinks he wants to retire. Disappear – only not into the ‘Hole’ as the people before and around him did – but to a plush residence with Lou and/or her replacements? I’m fairly convinced that DM wants to crash the ‘religion’. He’s obviously not a believer, anyway. He’s Madoff, but with a different platform, from which he can enrich himself. The burning of that platform means that he gets away with itβ¦
Think ye all?
Wow. This looks like a customer list for some kid’s lemonade stand. Not the entire west US for the “fastest growing religion”…that’s been around for half a century.
I think the most appropriate comment about these people is – PTS. Totally and absolutely PTS. They are fiancially screwed and flinch every time they see a reg. They are ethically warped and flinch every time they see an ethics officer. They are technically screwed up and they flinch every time they see a cramming officer who wants to know if they are counting their FN swings properly. Every single one of them has a close friend or family member they have had to disconnect from and tney flinch every time someone says “hows your sister?” or “what ever happened to Fred” or something that reminds them of their crime. These are some of the most screwed up people in the world. I feel like they should be pitied but then I remember that they are busy busy busy, lying to defend DM, lying to defend the Int Base, lying to defend disconnection, lying, lying and lying some more. Yuk.
Excellent comment, Roy. PTS is what they are, in spades. They would have to come UP to being “blind”, because these people THINK that they see – they don’t even know they’re blind. They also think they are confronting. I’ve seen some OTC members swagger around emanating a kind of smugness, alluding subtly or not so subtly to their increased perceptions, their much heightened ability to confront. I’ve heard them refer to themselves as “kick-ass OTs” What they are is delusional. Blindness and non-confront should be goals of theirs. Its sad, but also contemptible.
“They are fiancially screwed and flinch every time they see a reg. They are ethically warped and flinch every time they see an ethics officer.”
There are no pistols in California? Not even any baseball bats? Doesn’t anybody at an OPrg even have a pack of matches? Never seen such passivity.
What a guargantuan waste of time. If every single one of those people were word clearing, auditing or helping in some real way, actually applying Scn, the orgs might actually have some people in them.
” If every single one of those people were word clearing, auditing or helping in some real way…”
Why, then you would get the same number of psychotic breakdowns, and descent into unreality that Scientology has always engendered. They can’t let anybody in the Orgs! Say, I know, let’s take a delegation of science reporters and technical writers through the Super-Power building!!!!
Don’t you get it? The more people exposed to Sci, the quicker it folds. They don’t want anybody in those orgs.
Talk about monitoring your members. This looks like a “chore” chart some Mom would have on her refrigerator to keep track of who is up on their chores. If I did one of these for my kids they would rip it off the wall! How introverting and evaluative!
Who even creates these spread sheets and monitors these people?
One thing I’ve observed is how often the church does things to juvenilize its parishioners.
If you’re want time off from course, you have to ask permission via CSW.
To do OT levels, even after you have fully paid the donation, you have to go through Eligibility, to make sure you’ve been behaving.
If you blow staff, the church feels it has the right to energetically pursue you and retrieve you like you are a runaway child.
Your “chore chart” observation is another good example of this.
John Doe – very true on the infantilization of public. Something I couldn’t stand when I was in the church. I always hated the way I was treated, as though I had no idea how to conduct myself, handle my personal affairs, or my money for that matter.
Excellent point John Doe. It is so awkward to have someone 40 years your junior doing this also. Wrong indications on so many levels. I’ve actually said a few times that I wasn’t willing to do something because I was a grown up and could think for myself. That got me declared of course. π
These numbers woke up the realist in me. Yes, the production is tiny. But these people are still holding on. Still showing up for meetings, still saying the word “dianetics” under their breath so they can be “counted on the list”. Yet someone VERY in the know told me that since the 2009 St Pete Times truth rundown and the explosion of information that came to light directly after, it has been impossible to body route people into orgs. What I was told was the where previously you could get a little trickle of people coming in for seminars and OCAs it is now impossible. This was California, but I would be willing to bet its the same everywhere else in the US and it was already pretty terrible in most other countries in the West. Eastern countries have not caught on yet, but the west sure has. Someone commented earlier that the 11 people the OTs did get in were probably employees or family members that they had managed to drag in. The OTs know how messed up it is. They knew it was FUBAR before the 2009 PR catastrophe. They know it is totally gone now. The waggle their mouths and talk about the new Ad campaign but they know its a totally dead horse. But still they don’t speak up, step out, try to make a change, cry wolf or any other damned thing. Its all “head down, duck and cover” the whole way. So what this tells me is that there will be no catastrophic event big enough that these people would even flick one eye out of the sand. Let’s face facts. DM has enough money to pay the utilities and property taxes for every ortg in the world for decades to come. I heard that was already being done in one ideal org. He has enough money that he can hire one security guard for each building and he has enough SO members that he can put one or two in each org in the world. Shoot that would only be 300 SO members. The local Scientologists will never see their “ideal org for grand pooh bahs” shut down or closed. The lights will always be on, there will always be a janitor going around cleaning out the cobwebs. For those who hate Scientology and it’s nasty abuses this would be good enough. Just a skeleton lying on the ground. For those who would like to see Scientology undertake a massive reform and re-invent itself this would be a shame. But I think these figures that someone risked so much to bring to light are saying something. They are saying, for gods sake Indy’s, keep it together because you are the only hope there is. These smucks are going to let it ride, all the way to bitter end perhaps 20 or 30 years from now. They will be still staggering into OT Committe meetings on their walkers and canes, still giving the same bullshit stats, still talking about how great the last event was and how much better things will be later. Meantime auditing will be a thing of the past. So I would say Indy’s have the ball. It will be up to them to reinvent the Scientology religion for the 21st century.
βBut still they donβt speak up, step out, try to make a change, cry wolf or any other damned thing. Itβs all βhead down, duck and coverβ the whole wayβ
And Exesso, this is not likely to change for a good many of these folks.
LRH pointed out that bravery did not come naturally to a being; he had to rise up to meet it. So these folks would really have to step way out of their comfort zone do anything about the scene. I am quite sure there are many who visit here and would like to say something but even the thought of banging out an opinion on the keyboard would cause their hand to tremble. Their good people but going against the flow is just not for everybody.
As you pointed out, the Independent movement is best possible choice going forward.
As a side note Exessoβ¦. I am sitting in a cafΓ© and have time to respond to you because Iβm out of session this afternoon on a win. I went in after lunch to continue with NOTS but I realized there was just no way. My auditor was surprised I was able to go into session at all today because the needle was already so loose and floating around when I arrived in the morning. This is what is available out here in the Independent movement. The cost?…. a bargain with no one waiting to make you feel selfish because you didnβt donate to every last branch of the church…or more accurately to the, “David Miscavige Have Fun Fund”
Congrats on your session and wins. I can see the F/N from here (well, “feel” it, actually).
“Letβs face facts. DM has enough money to pay the utilities and property taxes for every ortg in the world for decades to come. I heard that was already being done in one ideal org.”
He is loaning them money. Loaning! After all, the money has got to do something besides be his private legal fund.
Interesting information,
most of these names are Old timers
So, if you know someone that did OT Vlll in the early nineties and they’re not on this list. Does that mean they got their Thetan repossessed?
At least some of the names on this list have never been close to the OT Levels. Is that a requirement?
No, was told to me as a public clear 3 years ago. It was Emphatically stated that anyone who wants to go up the bridge has to belong to one of the committees. Of course one had a choice, LoL!
Massaging the Stats.
What can we learn from this?
How about this:
35% of the listed folks are apparently married couples (same last name pairs).
36% are females listed singly
29% are males listed singly
Of apparently married couples, by a factor of greater than 2:1, the majority have similar activity levels, normally either gung-ho or no-show – but virtually the same.
Of the family names that show three people (I assume a set of parents and an adult child) almost all of them show two people with the same activity level (all or none) and the third name the extreme polar opposite of the pair (none or all).
Inferences and wild extrapolations:
1. Folk in and and around LA are headed for divorce. Those areas have the largest percentage of apparent couples with wildly disparate levels of commitment to the program.
2. The adult kids who got sucked into the OT world did it to make mom and dad happy and most stopped playing.
3. A WUS OT cruise on the Brokenwinds would make for a target rich environment for males, between the abundance of single females and potentially disaffected spouses. But as they say, “The odds are good, but the goods are odd”. Good luck, guys!
After now 28 years of COB leading them to straight up and vertical expansion shouldn’t there be like eleventy billion OT8s in WUS alone? Of course that is after all the decades of groundwork laid before he took the reins.
well no surprise there!!! Los Gatos, Stevens Creek and Mountain View area same names a few missing who may have dropped out but for the most part same names, over and over. What I want to know is how do they even keep these places alive!!! I assume those OT’s not listed have not given enough!!
Why is it that Chicago doesn’t show up in this list?
It’s WUS which in Scientology terms is defined as West of the Mississippi. Thus St Louis and Minneapolis are WUS (even though the org is now in St Paul…)
Thanks…would love to see the EUS! Gotta love the all abbreviations that COS uses!
“Not sure how many other deceased people are on this list.” (Subtle. Are you channeling Eric Idle or something?)
It is very sad reading the names on this list. So many people I know who are blind and going down the tubes. It’s like reading a list of people killed in action in a war, where you know many of them.
Amazed at how many names are not here.
Exactly what I was thinking. Between the “blows”, the under-the-radar indies, and the outright Declares, the OT VIIIs and OTAsshats are in short supply these days.
Situation: Hundreds of “OTs” from dozens of orgs got a total of 11 new people in for an intro service last week.
Datum: “Intention is cause.”
Datum: The majority of “OTs” are NOT bringing new people in for service.
Question: Why aren’t “OTs” bringing new people in for service?
String pull #1: Because we don’t want to.
Why? Because we secretly have zero intention to bring them in.
Why? Because we are secretly embarrassed to.
Why? Because we will be more than embarrassed, we will be mortified when the vulture registrars descend on these new people and gang bang reg them for every penny they have and cause the new person to think we are nothing but a money grubbing cult.
YOu got that right, LDW! On the Product Debug Checklist, one of the questions is “do you want the product”? And no they don’t for all the reasons you listed out.
My first step on the road out of the church. I stopped all FSM activities. Didn’t feel comfortable any more.
String pull #2: “Because we can’t confront people who aren’t already Scientologists.”
Why? Because we didn’t do or falsely attested to completing the Professional TRs course.
Why? Because Miscavige should be able to confront without using us as a via.
Why? Because society is so filled with drugged degraded beings…like Miscavige assures us…that those scum aren’t worth confronting.
String pull #3: “Because we can’t communicate with people who aren’t already Scientologists.”
Why? Because we aren’t trained as auditors.
Why? Because we didn’t do enough TR-9 to get people to do things who aren’t acting as a coach.
Why? Because we don’t have enough certainty about Scientology or the tech to speak with confidence about Scientology.
String pull #3: Because after being disseminated to about Scientology or Dianetics, raw public go home get onto the Internet and, uh…see ‘ya.
I personally have no data on them, but after glancing through the columns I noticed the first batch has an average of 3-6% active, which is low indeed.
The overall stats are very low despite the 17 meetings they have had. This is a poor show and reflects what is really going on.
Looking at a PL of ’66 on OT Committee it states: “No law or regulations may be passed to curtail or suppress the creative actions of an OT”. In some time past, a comment on a blog mentioned how Black Heart was directly calling some OT Committee member to direct their functions. Regardless of the validity of this, the point of creativeness is also non-existent amongst these members. They follow orders on what should or not do rather than be creative, which is more fun anyway.
Getting creative is probably just asking for punishment. Padding the stats is likely as creative as it gets.
It’s amazing that you get these actual stats. Thank you for letting us see the inside like this.
How in the world do the people on the inside justify these stats with DM’s claims of straight up and vertical? I know that most of the peons probably don’t see these… However some people in management must see them. Are they just criminals? And yet, why would someone working 18 hours a day 7 days a week for $50 a week defend Dave’s out and out lies? Rather than choose to get out of there.
Yes, I guess disconnection from family and friends might be one fear. Or being incarcerated. Or RPF brainwashed. ??? It’s so disjointed that it’s hard to conceive the severance from reality that people are choosing.
Interesting. There are several people that I noticed that are on the list twice, like Connie Case and Judy Willardson. Flunk for out Admin.
David & Bonita Wilson are listed twice – at CCInt and Valley. So the double listings may skew the total number of OTAs counted, making it a false statistic.
I noticed Deborah Schrock was listed twice also.
The Seattle people listed as helpers I know quite well. When I was on the OTC it was a meeting where people would just blabber on and try to look important or “OT”. It got to be so frustrating that at one point I just decided to volunteer for the Org directly so I wouldn’t have to go the meetings anymore. Dan Sorensen was the biggest dev-t merchant I have ever seen. They had to sort of “black mail” him when he was on the ship to do OT8 to become the OTC chairman or they wouldn’t let him onto 8. He came back and did it and was a total flop.
David and Bonita Wilson also are like humanitarian super people extraordinaire supercalifragilisticexpialidocious people that are OT8’s and DID EVERYTHING and MORE and are counted as Middling to zero on this weeks stats!
Yep, David has a way to make it all into NOTHING with a “new idea”.
Anyway, his days are numbered and he is starting to come across as Liberace.
He had his audition on the stage of life as a person who could make a difference, a better day, a better world, a new world. A person who could make a difference with every fine thing laid upon his table. He trashed it out. At least he got his chance.
Shirley Temple handled power better than he did.
Yeah, in the Valley OTC stats Diane Winterlong-Temps (3% active) and Diane Temps (97% active) are the same person. Not even addressing the WIDE disparity in reported activity level, does anyone even check this list before making up the stats that go on it?
“Shirley Temple handled power better than he did.”
The only “power” Miscavige was ever offered is the power of taking advantage of other people’s credulity or deficiencies. How could he possibly make anything good out of that?.
If this is the kind of stuff you come up with after a week off, I imagine if you took a month off, you’d post Miscavige’s browser history π
I was in charge of these statics and reports for Austin so I have considerable experience, though there has been some time passed and I may not recall all the details.
If an individual was making a significant “contribution” thru some other line, they could get a pass on being active on OTC; i.e,, they were on staff, they were a field auditor, they were employed full time with CCHR, etc. We didn’t have celebrities, but I certain that would apply to celebrities like Cardone and Pomeranz. I always knew when someone was working on eligibility for OT levels or trying to finish OT VII because I would get a phone call wanting to know how they could become active with OTC.
If you look at the Austin list, it includes the Crosley’s who moved to Dallas several years ago. I think they are listed there also. I notice some names missing in Austin, Houston, and Dallas that surprise me aren’t there. Maybe they have gone on staff or maybe they have gone under the radar and are just not participating anymore. I won’t name names here and cause them any grief in case it is the latter.
It’s funny to see those names. I can tell you that the ones from my area, with the largest %, are the ones recently or currently active on OT7, and they are most likely there because they HAVE to be or they will suffer the sec check$$.
I am proud to say my name is not up there. π
Exactly, Bela! The ones active are the ones on OT VII who HAVE to be there. The OT VIII’s participation is dismal. But if DM ever announced “OT IX coming soon!” then those OT VIIIs would hie themselves to OTC and start being active right away so as to get eligility. And I noticed the rich whales are not active. They probably pay their way out of that one.
Me too Bela, congratulations. You are no longer a stat.
π cheers to te Reppen family.
that should read “the Reppen family”β¦ π