This is bizarre on so many levels…
For anyone who doesnt know, Madrid is like Buffalo. One of the very first “Ideal Orgs” (and a very high priority for Miscavige at the time as Tom Cruise was dating Penelope Cruz and her family were being coaxed into the church — Penelope’s sister is a very well known TV presenter in Spain), they have had a second “Grand Opening” and now they doing their “Non E Campaign” (10 years later).
And apparently the “hey-you” isnt just across the US for Portland, Europe was in on it too because they say “after having finished the funding for Portland” we are now “all on fire” to get “Madrid completed this week.”
Seems the “Ideal Org” pitch is spreading. Now its not just the org, it is their subsequent “Non E Campaign” that is part of the “all-hands for everyone everywhere for everything Ideal”.
Forget doing anything normal. The new motto of the RCS is “All for one, one for all.” Sums it up well. No hats. No org board. Collapsed dynamics.
From: David Hostettler <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 11:24 PM
Subject: International Target Achievement
Hi Xxxxx,I am in Spain right now and we are preparing the Madrid Ideal Org Scientology Dissemination Campaign. We are meeting with the advertising companies and making the contracts to start the promotion. We are ready to go!After having finished the funding of the new Ideal Org of Orange County and Portland in the US last week we are now all on fire to get Madrid completed THIS WEEK.See the latest Czech Scientologists who contributed to getting Madrid done!It is International Help! International Teamwork! 🙂If you can manage to buy one book yourself that would be great. One book costs 425 Euro.As an example with that value we can print and distribute 100,000 handouts around the org!You will receive a special commendation, a certificate and for sure your own limited numbered collector’s edition of Dianetics in leather and gold.On top of that you will be included on the Honor Roll that will be sent to the Church of Scientology International once the campaign is done and this donation will be credited on your personal Planetary Dissemination account for achieving your next status.There are 141 books left out of 500 and we want to get it done THIS WEEK.All for one, one for all.If we work together as a team we will clear the planet faster!Best Regards,David HostettlerVice President DistributionNew Era Publications InternationalMy Spanish Number: 0034-603614522p.s. You can make your donation for the book via credit card, PayPal or bankwire.Bankwire data:Re: Madrid LeatherboundNew Era Publications International ApSSmedeland 20A2600 GlostrupDENMARKBank: NordeaNummer: 2191 0030 172 450,PO Box 850 0900 KopenhagenSwift: NDEADKKK XXXIBAN: DK80 2000 0030 172 450VAT No. 30426428Reg. No. ApS 21.205
It is just unbelievable what these guys will do in order to get a dollar. They are completely gone as Scientologists.
Wow. They have cancelled the Organization Executive Course. No more admin tech being used. Their stats are about to fall again in a dramatic plunge. After reading this story I can see that the once mighty church of scientology is finished.
I Remember back in the late 80’s I bought 2 prints from either the Battlefield Earth collection (might have been the other series, little confused on which is which) as a future investment when their value was supposed to skyrocket. I ended up chucking them … all BS … con job after con job … such a shame that the most valuable mental/spiritual technology is associated with these shenanigans. If I want to own a piece of the future, then it’s within myself through the on-source auditing delivered by the very finest in the FZ/Indies
How fake is that photo,Cob has no substance ,gutless and a lie,just like his ideas that monstrosity ideal org ,that’s turning out to be just one big lie,I do hope my family members that are in the sea org wake up!
What a monstrously of an idea the ideal orgs turning out too be! Pure madness ,I just hope my family members in the sea org wake up,they got in the early 90s,surely by now they could see!
In the end Craig Jensen will sit with a wall full of certificates, commendations
and plaques and no more churches to go to.
Craig doesn’t go into the Orgs. Sally is the one that coughs up the payola. She doesn’t go into the Orgs either. She is a nice lady. They gave 550K to have a boat refurbished “for Sea Org Training”. Nobody has seen that lovely little sailboat for decades that I know about. I heard some of the Freewinds staff went out in it a few times. I wonder what ever happened to it. Reno’s could not have been more than
“You will receive a special commendation, a certificate and for sure your own limited numbered collector’s edition of Dianetics in leather and gold.”
…because the one thing a member of the Church of Scientology *really wants* is yet ANOTHER copy of Dianetics. These people probably already have 5 extra sets in their basement from other campaigns. And what the hell do they mean by “limited edition?”
With the enormous number of reprints members are coerced into buying, how could anything be a limited edition?
„and this donation will be credited on your personal Planetary Dissemination account for achieving your next status.“
New status ladder? „Planetary Dissemination Account“
Miscavige Holy Office Policy Letter
“Planetary Dissemination Account”
Every 1000 bucks on your Planetary Dissemination Account entitles you to remove one sheet of paper from your ethics file.
“Miscavige Holy Office Policy Letter”
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Albert Einstein
I agree, it is insane to think that fundraising is what will solve the the condition of failing ideal Orgs. I remember a time when getting auditing, training and wins were the focus. I can hear the wins now, “I drilled to ask my mother to take a 2nd mortgage out so can borrow the money to donate to the ideal org in Timbuktu – and by using command intention she did it! Woo hoo, I’m such a powerful being.”
There is a line on the e mail of this Vice President of Pubs that caught my attention, it says: ” this donation will be credited on your personal Planetary Dissemination account for achieving your next status.”
I guess there are also “status” not only on IAS, but also on Planetary Diseem?????
Give me your money and you will “have status”… No further comments.
I believe all of the fundraising efforts involve some type of “status” structure. This is now “standard tech” for the church. Training and auditing is just too darn complicated to sell and deliver. Whereas status is easy-peasy, just a piece of paper and a handshake. When this is what you are selling, what does that say about the buyer?
The way they talk about getting your donations credited towards your next status level is just like how airlines tell you they will post mileage to your frequent flier account so that you can earn your next status level — gold, silver, platinum, executive platinum. The only difference is that when I get credit towards my next status level with an airline, it results in free trips, upgrades to first class, and other good things that make me happy. It doesn’t result in a ruined credit rating, depleted savings, bankruptcy or foreclosure.
And the dead horse thought it would be finished once Portland was “done.” Nope. That was last Thursday at 2. What are ya gonna do by *this* Thursday at 2? If you don’t take out another mortgage, the world will end!!! Then of course, once the world has been saved, well, it’s right back at ya for the Thursday after that.
These ideal org pushes aren’t “driving new public in,” they are driving current public OUT.
comédie noir
Once upon a time (perhaps as late as the 1970’s) there was a scene where most folks had not heard of Scientology. This is no longer the case. Now the church exists in an environment where most folks, even the gullible young, have heard about SCN and its “church.” And what they have heard is not good and in the age of the internet those who have somehow have no familiarity or knowledge of the church have instantaneous access to a vast body of communication regarding the subject.
When i fist came accross SCN, there was very little access to info on SCN. There was some vague negative backround noise, but for the most part, the only source for specific information that was easily accessible was the church and its current members one might meet at the org.
This is no longer the case. These days, one of the first actions just about anyone who comes accross the subject will preform is a google search on the subject. With all of DM’s nonsense laid bare in all its glory, not to mention the entire history of LRH and the church easily found, the typical person with any common sense is going to be well forwarned regarding all the mind control and financial duress they have to look forward to and they WILL STAY AWAY.
At this point, the Cof$ has so damaged its own brand, that even if the orgs and missions began to actually deliver training and auditing standardly and sincerely, and even if they operated their public dissemination divisions in close conformity to LRH policy, they would have a VERY difficult time getting enouph folks in the door to be viable. With the current state of delivery, it simply is an impossibilty.
As the “standard” option is now closed to them, the only thing can have, is a constant series of unusual solutions and “off-policy” actions.
This past weekend I met a thirty-something woman at an Indie party who is getting auditing from a local Indie auditor. When I asked how she got connected to him she told me that she received a Scientology pamphlet a year or so ago and jumped on the internet to research it. The information she got was so negative that she decided not to go the local org, found the Freezone and the auditor. And that, folks, is how it’s done these days.
And the other interesting thing is that she had no doubt from her research on the net that DM killed LRH!
Good for her! Yes, in the Age of the Internet, all that outflow from Cof$ simply drives the public to google and the critics of the church. Thankfully, there are sinciere indies out there for the true seekers to connect with for spiritual help. Sadly, the vast majority will simply avoid the whole mess, but at least they get the info needed to avoid getting mauled by the church. Minus the facism, Scientology is a wonderful thing to do, and its the hard working and sincere independent scientologists who will preserve the subject for future generations.
Good for her!
Yes, in the Age of the Internet, all that robotic outflow of the church only drives the public to goodle and the critics of the church. Thankfully, there are sincere indies out there for the true seekers to connect with for spiritual help, but the vast majority will simply see all the drama and choose to avoid the whole mess–but at least they won’t get mauled by the church.
This being true, and given its nature, the Cof$ has no choice but to practise extrmeme financial vampirism upon its remaining membership. Of course, this is a game of ever diminishing returns and is ultimately unsustanable from a membership standpoint. The church is the crawling dead. It is the sincere and hard working indpedent scientologist that will preserve the subject for future genterations.
Agreed. The church PR is so bad and so far gone it can never be repaired. Once I got out I realized that the church is universally hated, even by my friends and family who I thought were “okay” with it. Truth is, they were just playing nice so I wouldn’t disconnect from them. What a fool I was.
Good points Moonshot. It’s almost gotten to the point where they only way for Scn to succeed is to call it something else. How ironic is that? The group entrusted to keep Scn working are responsible for its demise. In less than half the time it took to develop the technology, RTC has managed to destroy it by religiously and forcefully applying KSW. 180 degrees
Until recently I had a glimmer of hope that RCS could reform itself, get its act together, and right the ship. I no longer think this is the case. It’s too broken. The only way forward I can see is for real Scnists to pick up the torch and practice Scn as they see fit; while the “official” corporate church dies a hasty death. I am not concerned that the tech will be lost. I think there is enough of it in the right hands to survive. But organizationally, Scn in the future will have to be very different. I suspect the underlying “why” for the failure of RCS will be found in the culture of policy and with KSW itself. Best not repeat the same mistake.
i agree completely. On marty’s blog i have written many times of my beleif that the “admin tech” is a very flawed body of work, unlike the spiritual tech which really works well and helps people. There are some really great nuggets of “tech” in the admin vols, like the Data Series and parts of the Conditions tech, and others. But most of the Ethics policy is simply dangerous when also backed up by fanatical robotic central authority.
“No hats. No org boards. Collapsed dynamics.”
Yes, that is the RCS’s interesting problem: how do you have hats and an org board without people?
True Answer: You don’t. Its not possible.
RCS’s PR Answer: The Alliance Project, silly.
Tick Tock.
Whoa, talk about mixing metaphors! But you get the concept 🙂
Let me get this straight: Czechs need to help Spaniards, Tampa needs to help Harlem, people over there need to help people of here, people here are needed to help people over there…
What this communicates to me is: Pick an area, any area, and in that area, that org’s field is – sparse. Therefore, everyone, everywhere, has to help some other area. This way, all the sparse publics dotting the globe can remain camouflaged holes. I get it. Creating these “Alliances” projects power, solidarity, and large numbers of Scientologists, when in fact the actual scene is weakness, dissent, and large numbers of inactive, uncooperative public. Gotta hand it to the RCS for this latest wool-over-the-eyes PR maneuver, but this is DM as little Dutch boy with his finger in the dike. This is one desperate and dying cult.
I have been regged to buy one of these lether bounds from Flag (I live in Johannesburg) for Tel Aviv. I also don’t know whatever happened to the book I bought for US$ 500,00. I asked that the book be donated to the Org and was told that I would receive notification of where it ended up. Never heard about it again. For all I know they could have sold it to someone else again. Or …. more likely … it is simply sitting in a store room somewhere gathering dust. They are not even interested in their own product.
I also purchased a special edition e-meter on a fundraising drive for Joburg Org. I never received the e-meter and the funds (less some or other sales taxliability – no sale, no tax you would think, but I could never get to the bottom of it) were transferred to the IAS. (My guess is that there was a “fee” payable to the fundraiser who was regging for Joburg Org , and a second “fee” payable to the fundraiser for the IAS.
I was also once regged to help a SO member buy an e-meter so he could train at Flag. He said he was able to get it at a special discount from Pubs if I could just help him with that amount. I did pay the amount. Later CO CLO AF seemed to indicate that it was a dodgy deal and suggested that the amount be transferred to the IAS, which I agreed to.
IAS – Idiots And Suckers – I once was an IAS, but now I see! . My gripe with the IAS escalated with not being able to get a receipt for donations which I asked for because of all the suspicious things and odd comments made to me. It took about 8 or 9 months to get a full accounting from them.
I am sure that a disclosure of the books of account of the RCS and all affiliates will reveal a lot of off policy transactions, not to mention probable fraud. To get those books of account………… is the first challenge.
Do you think that these “alliances” may end up backfiring? As these members from different orgs get together, I am sure they will be comparing notes and seeing that it isn’t just THEIR org that is in a sad, sorry state. These forced alliances may cause some of the still-in folks to start connecting the dots and have some unintended consequences for the CoS.
PATHETIC. Thanks for all the diligent reporting Mike. What you are doing is priceless.
A few years ago I visited the Ideal Org in Madrid. It was a very nice space. One of the few staff members proudly gave me a tour. The thing I found odd was there was only one student in the course room and no signs of any other activity in the Org. The tour guide was particularly proud of the Purif area with a juice bar etc. Again, there was nobody on that service either that day.
I was in several Class 5 Morgues – before the Idle Morgue push! That was all they ever had in the course room – 1 person at best.
Madrid was “IDEAL” – Its’ condition: Normal! LOL
The last days of Pompeii – footnote 17b during the final days of a once proud and productive culture.
Future forensic archeologists are going to be grateful to you, Mike.
I was sick of the constant selling in Scientology when I was in several years ago – I just can’t imagine what it is like today….just unbearable. The church of Scientology does not use actual members anymore for their promo – they hire and pay actors and actresses – too expensive for them to change the promo due to the fact that people are leaving in droves!
Anyone know this young couple? They look so happy…give them a year and then get a photo of them!
Thanks Mike – good post!
Mike says: “Forget doing anything normal.”
I was shocked to see the photo of two people hugging. I think that is an R.P.F. offense now in the Sea Org.
Those two people will not be recruited, an ethics and O.S.A. folder has probably already been prepared on them and labeled “pornography”.
I think they are actors. Look at her hands, she has her arms around the guy’s waist but she is not touching him with her hands. She is holding them away from him, and to me her smile is forced. She is only holding on to him because she was told to. That is my opinion anyways.
Sounds like things are really ramping up, maybe DM is finally really feeling the heat of everything that is happening right now. But I can only hope that people still in will also finally feel something too. I hope they feel awakened, to the truth that is corporate Scientology. And then, I hope they also feel brave enough to look and see what is really true for them and they leave and never look back.
Yeah, same here. The pressure must be insane these days. Glad I left when I did a few years back.
More fancy terminology is needed here – some kind of International Idle Org World Alliance which translates to “hey you”.
How about: International Flag Liaison for Org Promotions, or I-FLOP for short?